Reprogrammed for Fun

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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In the doll-based world that the commissioner has put together, there's a certain point where all dolls have to go in for repairs. Disassembled and vulnerable, they have to hope that their repair people aren't going to screw with them. In this case, unfortunately, they are most definitely getting screwed with...

Commissioned by Technophile34

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Reprogrammed for Fun For Technophile34 By Draconicon

When you were down for repair was when you were most vulnerable as a doll. Haven was usually pretty good about keeping the thieves and the scavengers away from the repair belts, but it wasn't a guarantee, so most dolls kept at least one of their sensors running at all times. It wouldn't do to wake up without a hand, after all, and worse to lose one of your inner components, particularly a processor or something like that.

For couples, it was a bit easier. One of them could remain active and online, while the other could rest their power reserves. It meant that they could take it in shifts, using more of your senses to make sure that everything was okay without burning through your battery. For Lia and Bianca, it was the perfect thing, and they made sure to both go for maintenance and repairs at the same time, every time.

Just wish that we weren't disassembled for this each time, every time, the Lucario doll, Lia, thought to herself. Looking down at my boobs isn't so fun when I can't touch them.

Her various parts - arms, torso, hips, legs, and head - were all apart from each other, carefully laid down so that nothing could be damaged in transit. They were on a conveyor belt that was moving, stopping, moving, stopping, and each time they moved, they got a bit closer to the repair dolls at the far end of the line.

Eyes glowing faintly, Lia looked this way and that, her ears clicking slightly as they flexed on their hinges. There was no sound of someone coming closer, no sight of someone in the shadows ahead.

"All clear."

Bianca didn't answer. The Blaziken doll at her side, also disassembled, was in sleep mode, preserving her power levels. She was due to wake up in about ten minutes, and then she'd take over for lookout if they still needed it.

Lia was pretty sure they wouldn't, though. They were already pretty close to the repair station. Another five minutes should take them up to it.

She glanced out of the corner of her eye at some of the dolls being worked on, and some of the dolls doing work. They were almost exclusively females, each one curvy, busty, and with a great deal of padding in their hips, buttocks, and chest. They imitated the curves of living women, but moved on ball-bearings, hinged joints, and obvious artificial features in many cases, always working to get their subjects back to full 'health.'

The belt moved, and they were sliding forward again. They slid past the first open station, brought back to one that was operated by a Lopunny doll. The doll in question leaned over, one of her eyes darkened, but the other quite bright and interested in the world around her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the Lopunny asked. "Looks like a Blaziken model. One of the older ones, too, a bit aggressive."

The Lopunny tech squeezed the unconscious Bianca's boobs, patting them and then groping the chestplate. Lia growled.

"Hey! Leave my girlfriend alone there. You're here to fix us, not - hey, hey, get your hand out of - zzzzzzzzz."

Lia's mouth was shut down in less than a second as the Lopunny pulled at a wire at the bottom of her neck. She couldn't open her mouth, couldn't use her voicebox, couldn't even buzz after the first few seconds. The Lopunny giggled, covering her mouth.

"Shhhh. No need to spoil my fun."


"That's good. Silence is consent, after all."

Silence is consent. Not in any world where the Lucario doll came from, but being both bound up and stuck without being able to speak, there was no way for her to contest that.

They were pulled off the conveyor belt, their parts laid out. Unsurprisingly, the Lopunny was quick to reassemble the Blaziken, putting the shut down Bianca against the wall and keeping her facing it as she worked on something in the back.

All Lia could do was watch. Watch, and rock her head from side to side, until her head started bumping against a steel plate. Bong, bong, bong, bong.

Finally, the tech turned around, the Lopunny doll glaring back at the Lucario head. She stood up, walking over and squatting down.

"What is your problem?"

That's my girlfriend! was what she wanted to say. All she could do, though, was glare at the Lopunny, then at the Blaziken, and then back at the Lopunny again.

It seemed to do the job, however, and the Lopunny chuckled.

"That's your worry? Don't. I'm just putting a secondary personality in there. Just a quick thing. It'll deteriorate by the time that you're both back at home."


"Hey, we repair-girls need a bit of fun too. Besides, it's not like it's not going to be a good show for you. You'll get to see what your..." The Lopunny turned around, glancing at a name chip on the back of the Blaziken's neck. "What your Bianca looks like when she's in full-on femdom mode."

That's cheating!

Not that she could say that either, particularly as the Lopunny walked back to her work. It was humiliating as all get-out, particularly seeing the tech start groping her girlfriend's breasts and butt while she was still knocked out.

A temporary personality. That was something that some of the dolls experimented with from time to time. It didn't turn off the main personality, but rather adjusted it, inserting a few variables to induce a different set of behaviors from the core. There were some that had laborer personalities fitted to them, allowing for a better sort of attitude while working hard through the day, while some of the others got slut personalities for a bit of fun in the bedroom.

From what Lia could figure out, this temporary personality would probably break down quickly, but in the meantime -


The sound of a doll reactivating caught her attention, and she saw curvy, fit Bianca turning around, looking down at the Lopunny doll. Her eyes glinted, then her slightly beaky face turned up in a grin.

"Well, hello, slut."

Femdom. Femdom and needing the first person they see. Lia had seen enough of them to know what was going on, and she shivered as she watched her girlfriend trip the Lopunny up, knocking her to the ground before sitting over her face.

"You want to get back to work, girl? You're going to get me off, first, and make sure that you do it quick if you don't want me to start putting you to work elsewhere."

Lia blushed as she watched her girlfriend go to work. It wasn't the first time that she had seen the big-hipped, big-breasted Blaziken get rough with someone, but it was the first time that she was watching it happen to someone other than her. She knew how that sort of experience went, and she...

Well, she'd never thought she'd see Bianca wanting to do it to someone else.

Seeing the Lopunny dig in, though, told her that the tech was getting exactly what she wanted. The little slut was sticking out her tongue, already digging across the joints clicking in Bianca's hips all the way to the slit, the juice production cranked up by the looks of it. The Lopunny was sucking down the juices so fast that it barely had the chance to build up, from what she could see.


And she was starting to enjoy the show, as much as she hated to say it. Seeing her girl going for someone else, seeing them get dominated, seeing Bianca basically say 'I'm in charge, you're my bitch' got her going.

She could distantly feel her slit juicing further down, feel it start to ooze into the plastic casing that held her different pieces. Lia tried to pull her thoughts away from that, but it was nearly impossible.

She blinked, and suddenly, the scene had changed. Bianca had the Lopunny pinned up against a nearby railing, holding her over it and rapidly finger-fucking her between the legs. The knees of the tech occasionally bent too far, a sign of some internal shorts that needed some maintenance of their own, but it didn't stop Bianca from teasing the living hell out of the other doll.

"You want this, huh? Are you a good little slut? You are better slut than Lia is, huh?"

"Mmmph...I'm so much better than she is."

"Heh, what's your name, then?"

"Carly. M-my name's Carl-LYYYYYYYYYYY!"

The Lopunny screamed as the Blaziken's rough handling of her nethers pushed her over the edge to orgasm. Lia shivered, her own pussy starting to drip a bit more needily as she saw it, wanting to join the tech in the same pleasure. Of course, with her girlfriend still feeling so amorous, so focused on the other woman...

Well, that wasn't going to happen.

As Bianca and Carly continued their fuck-fest, Lia reached down into her own central system and started running through options. She put herself into sleep mode, guiltily trying to get away from the show in front of her. It was not that it wasn't arousing, but rather that it was a little bit...well, a little too arousing. Too much for her to take right now, particularly with her girlfriend cheating on her.

Groaning, she let the shutdown sequence fill her eyes, the world zipping away to something blacked out. Her ears lasted a bit longer, though, and she heard the pair of them talking, still.

"Mmm, fuck me like you'd fuck Lia."

"Bitch, I'll fuck you harder."


The End

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