Walk of Cold Life

Story by Mosesj on SoFurry

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#19 of Transformation: Gender shifting

Travis is a little lost but he didn't realize just how lost he is! The world around him is changing and him with it! Does he have a chance to find his camp before he's turned into a busty female bear?

Travis sighed to himself as he held his jacket closer. The fall wind was so much harsher now than the weather forecasted. What was going on? He was walking down a different path than he was used to. A 'bear's path it was called. He never remembered seeing it... but surely it had to come to town? At least his friends knew where he was roughly. They had gone ahead of him on the path while he drank some water.

He scratched his stubble. The man hadn't even seen sight of them in oh so long. Where had they gone he wondered. The man sighed to himself and kept going.

He saw something that made him frown as he walked along. Snow started to fall from the sky, flakes falling near him. It was worrying to him. He had to get to the cabin. Travis cursed the weather news. They said it wouldn't happen for another month. The air was taking a chill to it

Damn it, at this rate he might freeze to death! Travis picked up the pace, he had to get to the retreat before the weather got the best of him.

As he was walking, Travis' jacket was heavier. The man's clothes were changing, his survival gear disappearing to the wave of pelts. His breathing calmed down as he walked. The snow was picking up, but he felt warmer than ever, even if his walking was hampered.

He reached down and felt a heavy soft texture instead of the rough fabric he was expecting. His hands felt thicker than he expected as well, his nails pushing out. He looked down and was greeted with a thick black smudge on his hand, white turfs of hairs clinging to his body. What the hell is this?

The man's breathing sped up. He reached down to rub off the mark, instead feeling a heavy smidge against his thumb. Crap, no this couldn't be happening. Travis cursed. The human had no idea what it was but it was looking serious. Could it be an allergic reaction? He never heard of one like this. Whatever it was, it was terrifying.

The snow was getting worse now. The trees bent with the heavy winds.. He didn't recognize any of the landmarks. Travis didn't know how far the cabin was. He had to backtrack now, maybe retracing his steps back will save him.The man turned around... and was shocked at what he saw.

The path was gone! All he saw was snow as far as his eyes could see. There was nothing at all familiar, the terrain totally different.. If he didn't know better, he'd say he was far more north than he was.

The furs around his body were growing thicker. He couldn't see a single bit of the camping gear he had. A thick waterskin and what could only be described as meat strips were close to his body.

Travis couldn't comprehend it. He looked down at his clothes and fur. He was dressed like some fantasy artic goer. Travis was getting hotter. He could feel fur spreading over his body. Travis was watching in horror as thick white fur covered his body. Snow was pushing against his fur, he could feel just how thick it was. His thickening hand pushed against it, he couldn't pull it off! Pain shot through him at the attempt. This fur was part of his body!

Was it just him or was his arms bigger as well? He flexed his forearm and felt cords of muscle through it. It was spreading up his arm. He could see pure muscle and thick veins before they disappeared underneath the encroaching fur.

He was getting so strong now. Travis breathed out in alarm, the frigid air turning his breath visible. He shivered, visions of a warm campfire and a tent sprang to his mind. The home on the hill, overlooking a vast valley flashed into his mind. It felt so welcoming... like he always belonged there.

As he brought the furs in, the man realized he was clutching a spear in his hands. It perfectly fit into the thick paws he sported. What the?! Travis looked at the thing, twirling it around with expert skill. When did he get this weapon? It was hard to describe it as a weapon... a primitive one at least. A sharped fearsome looking stone at the end of a long spear. It felt just right in his hands. She never left the hut without it.

Her hut? He must have thought wrong. Travis shivered. A hut sounded really good, or any kind of shelter at all! The fur was spreading as he started to walk through the thick snow. His clothes were dissapearing to it. Travis felt a strange bump as he walked.

The man looked down in time to see a growing pair of heavy boobs on his chest. Alarm filled him. He squished against them, the sensitive things responded to his touch! He couldn't help but let out a moan as he saw thick ebony nipples poking out of the thick fur. They were huge and soft, filled with fat he needed for the winter.

What the? He was a guy... he didn't have boobs. But as he touched and stroked them... he knew exactly where to knead them, the right sensitivity. He blushed in his face, Travis felt his cock getting erect as he played with himself. He could have brought himself to orgasm if the danger of a blizzard didn't distract him.

It was overcoming him. He shivered. That's when he saw footprints. Were they there before? He didn't spot them before. But now they were clear as day. And they were leading up a hill...

Back to where home is. Was her final thought. A thrill of excitement washed over her! The busty bear hurried up the path, her body used to traversing through the snow with ease.

She felt a warmth in the air as the bear climbed up the hill. Travis heard a crackle in the air of a fire, the light shining overheard as the sky darkened. She was getting close to home! And that's when she was in for a surprise.

Travis looked up to see four other bears, all like her. Travis blinked, what the? Wasn't that her friends?

"Welcome home Jhotil" One of them spoke out.

She blinked. Right, right, she was looking for them. Jholti sighed as she got close to the fire with the others. She let the warmth of the fire wash over.

"I was looking all over for you four." Jholti spoke to her friends. One by one they looked around.

"Guess we were all lost." Slivika spoke out, she was always the predominant leader of their little tribe. "But we found our way home at least."

Jholti sighed as she leaned back, clutching her spear close to her. Yeah... she found her way home. Strange, she remembered green grasses and full trees that morning. No... the bear must be thinking of summer again. It was the hard part of winter, their time of year.


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