Delayed destiny ch 12

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#14 of Delayed destiny

Chapter 12. Any and all feedback is welcome. I'm still new to writing and I know I can get better. Let me know how you guys think I can improve my work.


Hey what the fuck is going on! (Seth)

Where are we? (Farren)

Whatever this is we'll figure it out. (Carson)

How are we going to figure it out. We can't see we can't move, we are obviously fused. We can't defuse and I don't remember what happened. (Lance)

I think I remember being fused with Ajax. (Farren)

OK but what happened? Why can't we defuse? (Seth)

I don't know why we can't defuse. I think all of us passed out. Maybe Ajax hasn't woken up yet?

All I know is that I woke up first and it's been like this since I have. What about everyone else? Do you think their still asleep? (Carson)

I woke up feeling rested. But something bothered me when I did. There was a connection I felt. It feels like the same one from yesterday. Oh shit. I snapped awake and realized I was connected to reality control. I cut the connection immediately. That's when I heard their thoughts.

It's about time you woke up. (Seth)

Yeah we've been waiting for you. (Carson)

Guys? You're awake. Thank God. (Me)

What do you mean? I was the first one awake jackass.

Um no you weren't. I already woke up and defused with everyone but you three. I had to go back to sleep because you weren't waking up.

Oh shit... OK. (Lance)

I told everyone to defuse. The second they did they all got light headed and dizzy. They all but collapsed before regaining their balance. I hit the ringer on the side of the bed to call for help.

"Ugh what's going on? Oh shit, hey guys." (Kade)

"Really? 'hey guys' that's all we get after all this?" (Seth)

"You can sense my feelings, you know I'm glad to see you, OK."

"Yeah yeah whatever." (Carson)

The doctors arrived and made everyone lay down in beds. They looked over everyone for the next few hours. Morning arrived and once we were all clear we went home with our parents. The doctors said everyone was fine except for a little disorientation from being out of body for so long.

After everything that has happened we all finally got the chance to sit and exchange thoughts and feelings about the whole ordeal. I was surprised by how much everyone agreed on most of the matters. We decided that we would train more with Ms. Star, so we can control these powers and not have problems in the future. Of course we still needed to be careful because we don't know exactly what the truth is just yet. We also decided that we needed to be more careful with how we use our powers, it seems that our power doesn't drain right away because we have so much energy built up when we fuse, but the fatigue still sets in after we finish. We all needed a quiet day of rest. I ended up feeling the best out of anyone for some reason, so I gave Forest a call to see what he was up too.

"Hello?" (Forest)

"Hey Forest it's Ajax."

"Oh hey Ajax umm how are you?"

"Well that's a long story, one I would hope to tell in person. Can I come over?"

"Well uh... I Don't know."

"What does that mean?"

I could sense from his voice that he was nervous.

"I'm uh... just a little busy." (Forest)

"I won't get in the way." (Me)

"Uh OK sure. Head on over."

I got ready and ran downstairs.

"Hey Mom I'm heading over to Forest's house."

"What? Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"mom I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about with me."

"OK fine. Be good over there."

I ran out the door and took a brisk jog down to his house. By the time I got to the door I was breathing a little heavy. I took a minute to compose myself and knocked on the front door. I heard someone running down the stairs and the door flew open. It was Colin.

"You aren't Seth." (Colin)

"And you aren't Forest. Come on let me in."

I walked inside and asked where Forest was. I got a shrug as a response so I walked upstairs to Forest's room.

"Knock knock anyone home?" (Me)

After a second the door opened slowly and Forest was standing there.

"Hey Ajax."

He didn't sound thrilled to see me. But he wore a big smile. I was a little confused but I walked into his room and sat on his bed.

"Man you would not believe the kinda day I had yesterday." (Me)

As I finished talking Forest pushed my on my back and got on top of me. He started kissing me and I let him for a few seconds. Finally, I pushed him off of me.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" (Me)

"What do you mean?" (Forest)

"Well first you sound worried nervous and hesitant on the phone. Then when I get here you look like you want me gone. Then you just start kissing me when I'm trying to talk with you."

"I'm sorry I just... I Don't know."

"You do know you just don't want to tell me. What is it?"

"Can you just drop it?"

I heard a knock on the front door. To escape Forest for a second I went to the top of the stairs to see who it was. It was Seth, I pointed at him and signaled to come to me. He walked up the stairs and got my intention when he got closer. He grabbed my hand and fused with me. Colin was very confused but didn't say a word. I walked back into Forest's room and started immediately trying to read his thoughts.

"Who was it?" (Forest)

"It was Seth. He's here for Colin."

"Ah OK."

"So do you want to tell me what's happening?"

As I said that he felt intense guilt and sorrow.

Wow what's that about? (Seth)

That's what I'm trying to figure out. (Me)

"nothings happening." (Forest)

Seth caught my intention and defused. Forest bolted to his feet.

"What the hell?" (Forest)

"I had to fuse with him so I could see how you are feeling." (Me)

Seth left us to our own business and went to hangout with Colin.

"That's not cool Ajax. People have boundaries."

"I'm sorry but I need to know what's going on with you."

"No you don't. My life is my own, you can't just pry into it whenever you want."

"I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to be a part of your life, but your shutting me out and deflecting everything I ask."

"Because I can't tell you what happened."

I was getting really worked up and knew I had to calm down before we got into a heated fight.

"It's OK. I'm sorry I did that, but I need to know what happened." (Me)

Forest sat down next to me and laid in my lap. He started crying and I don't know why.

"It's OK, it's OK. I'm here for you."

I didn't know what else to say. I was shocked with what was happening.

"I'm so sorry Ajax." (Forest)

"shuuu. Calm down. What are you sorry for?" (Me)

"I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me."

"I could never hate you Forest."

I pulled him with me as I laid on the bed. He curled up on my chest and kept crying. I let him let it all out before asking any more questions.

"Now Forest, explain to me what happened and I promise I won't hate you or get mad at you."

"Really? You promise?"

"I pinky swear."

While he was still snuggled up to my chest he started explaining what happened.

"I was sad because I thought maybe you didn't like me and that's why you were going off to do this program. My thoughts kept getting worse and I was going to kill myself, but then a guy stopped me and told me to come back from the edge. When I did he hugged me and I felt so safe with him. I ended up kissing him and now I feel like I don't deserve you, and that I should have killed myself."

All this really hit me hard. I had to think it over for a minute. If only I had told him that I wasn't leaving. Now that I think back on it I said I was going to a military facility for training. And that they wanted us for a program. I never told him what it was because the whole citizens can't know thing. Wow I really messed up.

"See and now your mad at me for being so stupid." (Forest)

"No I'm not, In fact I'm sorry. I didn't even tell you the full story and I drove you to that ledge. I am so sorry I made you think I didn't like you, or that I was leaving you. I will never, Ever let you go."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course. Have I ever lied to you?"

"No... You haven't."

Me and Forest kept talking while we laid in bed. Eventually he got over what happened. When he did I started telling him about my insane day. I told him everything this time. Down to the smallest detail. Once we were both caught up in each other's lives we continued to cuddle. He kept running his hands through my fur. Saying it calmed him down. With his ability it must feel crazy to do that.

After dinner and spending some time with Colin and Seth we went to Forest's room for the night. We cuddled and were whispering everything we appreciated about each other in the others ears. We fell asleep like that.