Delayed destiny ch 14

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#17 of Delayed destiny

A little late posting this but I hope you all still enjoy reading it. I'm getting some art of Ajax and Forest together hopefully in the next 4 days. When I have it I will post it on here. Any and all feedback is always welcomed


And here comes monday. We were on the bus to school. Me and all my brothers took up most of the bus, and now that Forest and his brothers were here the bus was pretty much ours. We were turning the corner to our school. Something wasn't right. There was just an empty space where the school was supposed to be. As we got closer I saw that there was a crater where the school was.

"Hey Ajax wake up." (Forest)

"Oh, uh hey." (Me)

"Were you having the nightmare again?

"No this one was different."

I told him about it. He asked me if we should skip school today.

"No the principal would not be happy with me." (Me)

Forest agreed with me and we got ready for school. We met my brothers at the bus stop. Everyone seemed just as dazed and tired as me.

"It's weird going back to school after all that training shit right?" (Garrett)

"You can say that again." (Lance)

"What did you guys do over the weekend?" (Seth)

"We just rested, and got caught up on homework." (Joe)

"Oh shit I forgot about homework." (Me)

"Same here" (Seth)

"We did it before going over." (Farren and Kade)

"Well I'll start now." (Me)

"Ya might as well." (Seth)

Everyone else just talked as we rode to school. As we were getting close I paid special attention. We rounded the corner and saw the school standing the same as always. Forest was looking at me, he could tell I was worried about my dream.

He whispered over to me.

"Hey look the school is fine. Don't worry about it." (Forest)

"Yeah your right." (Me)

"What chu talkin about?" (Farren)

He said that while he was peeking over the back of his seat.

"Nothing important."

"Oh come on, don't be that way. Tell me please."

"It's nothing I just had a nightmare last night."

"A nightmare? I had one too."

"really, what was it about?" (Forest)

"Well it was weird. I was riding on the bus to that military facility, and where it used to be there was just a huge crater."

"Mine was the same except it was the school." (Me)

"Well that's really weird."

I asked in my mind if any of my brothers had the same. Everyone said no.

That's still weird. (Farren)

Ya no kidding. I don't like it but I guess we just let it go for now. (Me)

The school day went by so fast I didn't even have a chance to talk to anyone. It seemed like everyone in school was afraid of me and my brothers, probably for good reason. The bus ride home was unusually quiet. In fact the next few days went by pretty much the same. It was already getting close to December and days were just blending together at this point. There were no more nightmares and nothing interesting seemed to happen. We finally got a call from Ms. Star, she told us that the doctors were still working on making sure we were safe when fused and how to stop anymore accidents like Friday's.

So we couldn't train and nothing else was going on, that is until December 2nd. Another wild day in my life.