Scientific Inquiry

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#7 of Breeding

1907 words

A studious young scientist discovers a whole new species! But their discovery might have some wants of their own.

Please do consider throwing some pennies my way. Every little bit helps, and I'd love to hear what people have to say in real time on my fan discord, but there's just one way to get there

Francis grinned as he hurried his way back to his tent, his latest discovery sitting in his bag. Sure, people always said going out to the marshes was dangerous, and that you never knew what you'd find out there, but he didn't think that was such a bad thing. The curious little hedgehog was bristling with excitement, moving so fast his quills almost pierced his bag from all the jostling that joined his running.

He skid to a stop inside his tend, dropping the bag and looking around suspiciously before he shut it behind him. He lit his lamp, illuminating the tent's inside, before he slowly unsheathed what he'd found from the contents of his bag. Inside was a glass cylinder, nearly as large as the bag, looking like it would normally contain a liquid of some sort. The current liquid was light pink and entirely transparent apart from one spot near the center: a red 'core' in the shape of a heart.

Francis moved around the outside of the containment vial, taking notes and looking quite curiously at what he'd found. There were a few types of ooze out in the world, but most of them were corrosive or deadly, or at the very least sticky and unintelligent. This one, though, was following him with intention, and it felt anything but corrosive to the touch when he patted it with a bare hand. Still, he was happy he'd tricked it into the container. "You're a curious little fella, aren't you?"

No matter what direction he went, the little heart turned to face him. And he knew it was moving, because if he moved fast enough it lagged behind, but... how did it know about him outside the container? The whole reason these were used was because slimes had no eyes, and if they were removed from contact with the ground or air, they had no senses. So... Could this slime see? It had Francis thrilling, eager to show his new discovery to the world. He took all the notes he could on it, adding them to the ones he'd taken in the cave, before he yawned, settling down for bed. He flipped his poncho off of him, normal clothing fairly hard to wear when your body was half covered in spikes, then lay down in his bedroll.

He looked at the heart floating in the slime and smiled warmly. "I can't wait to show you to the world... Goodnight, my fascinating friend." He then blew out the lamp and went to bed.

A few hours after he fell asleep, the containment unit started to move. It was small, gentle motions, but enough to rock it to the edge of the table. Inside, the core twitched eagerly, thrumming with activity as it watched Francis sleep. It had plans for the hedgehog... all it needed was one big jump. It slammed up, shoving the container to the edge of the table and tipping it over. The glass was hard enough not to crack or shatter, and the thump of it landing on the ground was actually fairly muffled by the grass and general wetness of the marshland. But the seal was broken, and that was all the little heart needed.

In the dark of the night Francis awoke to the sound of something at his bed, and he turned to see... himself. Well, very clearly not himself, considering the pink ooze the being was made out of and the little red heart floating about where his heart would be, but still, it was enough for him to scream loudly and hop up awake. "W-w-wh-who are you?"

The slime form of him leaned in, and from it came some gentle words, almost in his voice. "You're a curious little fella, aren't you?" Francis rolled out of bed and sat up, shocked at what he was seeing.

"This... this can't be real, can it?" The hedgehog tried to clear the sleep from his eyes, straining them in the dark to see the illusion.

"This.... is real." The slime answered back, and then it lit his lamp for him. The tent was immediately illuminated, showing the open container on the grass, completely devoid of ooze, which was instead gleaming gently in the firelight, seeming warm and soft. And smiling a bright, happy smile. Even the heart at its core seemed to radiate warmth. It reached out a hand to its counterpart.

Francis grabbed the slimy hand offered to him, sitting up with its help. For a moment it tingled, much like the tingle he'd felt down when he'd found it, but it wasn't the acidic burning tingle, it was something much more. He shook his head, still stunned. "What is it you want? What can I do for you?"

The slime smiled softly, its 'eyes' lidding a little as it leaned in seductively, kissing his cheek. "I... want you." It was repeating the words back to him in his voice, but it was intelligent if it could change them. And at the kiss, Francis stiffened, all his bristles poking out, and he rolled up into a ball.

"Nope! Impossible! This is not at all real. It must be a a joke or a dream. Nobody cares about the scientific hedgehog. Just leave, I won't search for you again." He stayed in this defensive stance, but the slime reached for him anyway, its gooey body able to slide past the quills and gently pat his body, making him shudder at the sensitive, tingly sensation. Even other hedgehogs couldn't get this close...

"Not a dream... Impossible? Nope!" The slime laughed, the same one he'd laughed when he'd caught it, full of mirth and wonder. "I care... about hedgehog." It continued to gently stroke his fur between the quills, touching sensitive spaces nobody else could get near.

Slowly Francis uncurled, the gentle, caring touch and the words getting to him, though his mind was a bit fuzzy and racing. The tingling sensation was spreading over him, and everything just felt so... good. Particularly when he touched the slime. He ended up leaning against it subconsciously, frowning as he did so. "But... There's no way you could be this smart. My word! I can't even get the girls in the village to love me, how could some random slime I captured do so? Even if it does have a heart."

The slime thought for a moment, then kissed him deeply with a copy of his own lips, able to talk through the kiss in a slightly odd way. "Scientific hedgehog captured my heart. Slime love you." The slime pushed into his mouth slightly, like a tongue probing over his, and he could feel the warmth of it, the tenderness... and the slight strawberry taste on it. One of his favorite flavors, leaving a tingle in his mouth. When it pulled free, he gazed at it, just... in love with the pink form of himself. But more than that, as his length started to stand out between his legs. He wasn't just loving himself, he was lusting over himself.

The slime smiled at this, and moved to turn its back to him, its slimy spines flattening in the way it would for a hedge to mate another. That simple motion clicked something in Francis's feral brain, and he was mounting the slime in moments, prodding against its warm, silky, pliable outside before his cock's tip found a hole. Warm, wet, inviting... he thrust inside, mewling out as he gave his virginity to this pink slime beneath him. He moaned, his mind lost in the fog of lust as he rutted happily at the eager, milking hole of the slime.

The pink ooze parted itself perfectly for him, shaped to bring him pleasure beyond anything he could comprehend, seeming to move with his every motion. The heart floated down from its chest, positioning itself over the cock pistoning in and out of the clear pink goop, sending little vibrations through the slime and into Francis's body.

His cock throbbed as he pounded away, moaning in bliss. Nights with his hand had never held a candle to the beautiful sensations he was feeling, and he bit down on his strawberry mate, hearing the slime moaning in return, feeling the shuddering waves that rocked through it with every slap of his hips. He didn't last long, his incredible horniness and the amazing sensations too much for his first time. He cried out as he slammed home, firing his seed in little white streaks that pierced the slime's clear surface.

The heart was struck by the first one, seeming to absorb the string of white into it while the others pulsed through the slime's body. It moved to each one, pulling it into itself, starting to glow with a soft red pulse. Francis nuzzled into the slime, but his body wanted more, his cock throbbing, his whole being needy. In return, the slime slowly morphed around him, until he felt himself being mounted by the slimy recreation of his own form, his own cock seeming to press against his backdoor. Francis froze for just a second, then nodded. "Take me~"

The ooze didn't hesitate, spearing its lance directly into Francis's tight star, making the virgin hedgehog moan and cry out, still riding his high from his orgasm. The pulsing heart moved down, from the chest of the slimy beast towards its crotch, guiding the pink slime as it pistoned into him, taking him fully from behind. He had his quills down, ready for a mating, but the slime hardly cared, holding him close and almost comfortingly as it railed into him, taking him for a proper rutting like he'd given it.

The heart's glow pulsed, and then it seemed to pull apart from itself, a second, smaller red ball pushing forward with it. The thrusting of the slime sped up, ramping towards a climax, hearing the hedgehog crying out and moaning for more. When the little red ball was positioned at the base of the slimy cock, it thrust forward one last time, popping into him and stretching him for just a moment.

Francis jumped, then moaned as his prostate was pressed against by something big, sending him over the edge as he clamped down on the pliable length inside him, crying out as his seed spilled onto the ground. But the ball wasn't alone, as goop rushed in with it, warmth blooming deep inside Francis as he was filled up, the pink slime holding him actually getting smaller, while his belly filled with the warmth. The hedgehog fell backwards, exhausted, and the slime formed a pillow underneath him, holding him close as it finally stopped, pulling free of him.

He rubbed his full, round belly, purring lovingly as he nuzzled the slime. "You're my favorite find... Just... wonderful." He passed out from the effort, falling asleep in the slime's embrace. It continued to gently rub his belly as it blew out the light of the lamp. The core of the slime was glowing slightly, but so was the bulge in Francis's belly, pulsing like a little heartbeat.

"I can't wait to show you to the world. Goodnight, my fascinating friend." The slime purred happily, its job complete. He'd wake up the next day with the slime in the container back on the desk and feeling a little heavy and sore, but... Surely, it was just a good dream, right?