Winding paths.

Story by dusty779 on SoFurry

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#2 of Prompt series

The new Prompt given this week was surprisingly conducive to the series (I suspect Nargals). I have worked almost non stop the last few days to have this chapter finished, taking great pleasure in writing it and seeing where it will go next.

This Week's Writing Prompt: It's not home, but what choice do I have?

As always Please don't forget to Comment, Fave and Vote as it helps hugely for future chapters! How can I improve without feedback?

I also now have a Ko-fi if you feel like helping me along.

Also a HUGE thankyou to ComidaComida For helping proofread my works and mentor me. You are helping me get better every time!

Warning, this is an 18+ story, anyone under that age should leave NOW. Contains Adult themes and language and is not suitable for any under that age.

Markus was unable to bring himself to leave the hatchling behind, even if he had really wanted to. The hatchling had climbed up his cloak to sit on his shoulder and gently nuzzle at his cheek lovingly. He gave a sigh and had a swig from his canteen before going to rummage through the bag again: Map, compass, preserved meats and vegetables, flint and tinder, various cooking supplies, a little bit of money and lastly a light blanket.

"Looks like he foresaw that I was going to leave one day..." He muttered to himself as he repacked the bag, even collecting up the eggshell fragments and looked to the dragon on his shoulder "You're... going to complicate things a bit..." it gave a trill and wagged its tail. He sighed and gave a soft chuckle reaching up carefully to give it a pet on the head.

"I guess I should give you a name too huh?" he asked softly getting another chirp and trill making him chuckle a little "Well... I'll think on it as we travel." he got up slowly collecting the bag. Checking the map he realised he had a long way to go to the next town although there was a spot, circled on the map just outside the next town for some unknown reason with a small note that read 'check under the sink'. He closed the map with a sigh, it would be at least a full days walk if he could keep a good pace.

He had no other choice but to keep moving, he didn't like his chances in the wild at night. He was injured, alone and in possession of at least one valuable commodity. The hatchling had bound to him yes, but that wouldn't stop bandits from killing him and locking it in a cage so they could sell it off to some rich collector.

Time and miles passed by under paw with relative ease yet, with a heaped helping of discomfort. His clothing was comfortable and the cloak he wore kept the sun off of him true, however the warm spring sun warmed up the cloth covering his burns causing them to sting. He hoped there would be a healer in the next town, someone who could help him with his injuries.

The hatchling stayed curled around his neck although it did fall asleep in the hood of his cloak around the half way point. He pondered what he was going to name it, according to everything he had heard, dragons were as smart as Beastfolk or Humans so that encouraged him to pick a decent name.

Anything cutesy was out, he knew that this thing would probably grow into a massive beast and a cute name would not fit well. At the same time he didn't want anything that was boring, something that was interesting. Then there was the other issue, was it male? Or female? Did Dragons even have split genders like that? He sighed and continued to walk, taking a swig of his water while he tried to ponder all of this.

The sun was starting to set and his stomach was starting to protest when he finally saw the next town in the distance. It was about time too, his canteen had run dry around twenty minutes earlier. Pulling out the map, he looked at it carefully, the area circled was off the road a bit in the thin woods around the town. He gave a sigh and looked off the side of the road as he walked till finally he spotted an overgrown path.

Taking it, he carefully picked his way through the underbrush, following the overgrown path into the woods. At the end he found an old house, it was a little decrepit and overgrown and looked uninhabited. As he stepped up onto the boards of the porch, he could feel that the boards were fairly sturdy which was a reassurance.

He found the door unlocked and stepped in carefully, the inside was less rundown than the outside. In fact it looked to be in good condition excluding the thick layer of dust on everything and cobwebs everywhere. The fireplace looked like it hadn't been used in a long time but from the breeze coming down the chimney it wasn't blocked.

The bedding definitely had seen better days, but there were a few blankets that were still usable and he had one in his pack, he could easily use them to make the bedding somewhat passable. Out in the overgrown backyard he found the well was capped off. It was a good sign which was confirmed when he opened it and drew some water, it was clear and clean. In the kitchen he checked under the sink like the note on the map had suggested, finding a key and another note.

"To Whom this may concern,

As I have a job now at the new town opening to the east I have no use for my old home. As such, this house I leave for travellers to use for rest after long weary days travelling. This key is for the front and back doors and you may use the house as you wish but please be considerate of others who come after you.

Sincerely, blacksmith J."

"Well... It's not home... but what choice do I have?" he muttered to himself as he pulled off his cloak. He cringed a bit when the hatchling jumped onto his burned shoulder and he hissed a bit in discomfort shooting it a pained look. In return it gave a soft apologetic chirp in response and nuzzled his cheek.

"It's ok... other shoulder next time ok?" he asked it hoping it understood but doubted it. It was still only a child after all. However it surprised him when It gave a trill and shifted to his other shoulder and nuzzled his cheek "Maybe you're smarter than I Expected you to be..." he folded up his cloak and placed it to one side.

He cleaned the room up, carefully sweeping the dust, bugs and cobwebs out the front door before he turned his attention to the fireplace. He cleaned that with care, checking the flue to make sure it was clear which thankfully, it was. When he was done he carefully stacked new wood inside of it, pulling out his flint and tinder to try and get it started.

It took a few minutes but soon he had a small fire merrily burning away which seemed to make the hatchling chirp in curiosity and entertainment. Clambering from his shoulders it wasted no time before crawling over the burning logs.

"Well.. I guess that answers if you are fireproof or not..." Markus muttered watching it. He just chuckled softly as it gave a happy trill and almost seemed to bathe itself with the hot flames like a bird in a bird bath. Deciding to get food cooking Markus looked at the pot that had been left hopeful it could be used but had to give a sigh, nope, the bottom was completely rusted through.

"Guess I will need to try to get a new cauldron... maybe a small travel one, I don't plan to stay here longer than I need to, it's still too close to... her..." he muttered to himself and started to bank the fire which caused the hatchling to chirp and playfully nip at the stick he was using bringing a smile to his face as he watched "First things first, Lets get this all secured then in to town to see the healer."

When finally it was secured enough he pulled on his cloak again and reached his hand out to the hatchling, making a motion with his fingers for it to follow. It regarded his hand for a moment before climbing out and up his arm. To rest on his shoulder again with a happy trill and nuzzle to his cheek again.

"I still need to name you don't I?" he asked softly as he headed outside, closing the doors securely behind him. He mused to himself about a name for the Hatchling as he headed into town, looking up at the greeting sign which listed the towns name as 'Tirais'. He knew a little bit about it from his father, it was a good trading city and was often busy late into the night with traders.

"Hmm, how about... Pirro?" he asked looking to the dragon on his shoulder who tilted his head and trilled a little in curiosity. After a minute it gave a soft happy cry and nuzzled at his face again making him chuckle "Pirro it is then, now, where is the... ah there we are, the healer."

Heading inside he was greeted by a female wolf who looked up him from her paperwork. She looked elderly, with some grey fur mixed into the black on her muzzle. She seemed a little surprised to see him and got up from her desk slowly.

"Greetings, greetings, come on in deary," she announced joyfully "Please tell me, How may I help a strapping young man like yourself?" He gave a soft chuckle and took off his cloak making Pirro sit on it.

"I... suffered some burns this morning" he told her and she perked a little and tilted her head.

"Oh? Some burns? Please, show me, show me." She replied and after heaving a sigh, he stripped off to his underwear showing the extensive bandaging under his clothes "Oh my, come sit, please! I need a closer look." he went to take a step forward but stopped.

"I must ask first... how much?" he enquired and she tilted her head in confusion before he clarified "For treatment."

"The general cost is three gold, it then depends on what ointments I need to use on you that changes the cost after that," she answered and he nodded. That was ok, he was given roughly fifteen gold, that should get him a bit more food, the cauldron and treatment. He walked over and sat on the examination table, letting her undo his bandages.

"Hmm, hmm, Looks like whoever treated these had some idea what they were doing," She said seemingly impressed as she gently poked at the exposed burns making him flinch "Still have feeling, that's good, that's good. That means it isn't into the muscle, we will stick to the three gold, treatment for this level of burn is easy to make." she turned and walked to a cabinet and started rummaging though her supplies before walking back with an ointment and helped him apply it then re-bandage himself.

"Let sit, sit overnight, then on the morrow have a cool bath, not hot, not cold." She instructed him almost firmly "Will be some discomfort, try to bare with it, may itch, that is due to your fur sadly. No scratching, will make it worse, much worse."

He nodded listening to her, curious as to why she was repeating herself but guessed it was probably an old habit she had picked up over time. He nodded along to her instructions and paid for his treatment once he was redressed. Picking up the hatchling he headed out in search of food and a cauldron within which to cook said food.

He found the cauldron he wanted with ease in the small blacksmiths shop. It was a light weight one, big enough for meals for himself and one other which more than likely would be Pirro. It was also cheaper than he expected, only one gold. Apparently it was on sale because it was too small for anyone else to use in their homes and it was taking up space on the shelf.

As he looked for a meat and general goods stall he passed a book stall that caught his interest. Resting atop a pile of books was, surprisingly, a book about dragons. It was well detailed and after a brief flick through he thought it may contain the something helpful for him to know. It was also one gold to buy but seeing as he had Pirro, it was money well spent.

Finally a few stalls down he found what the sign hanging above called, 'Food Row'. He found a butcher's and proceeded to buy a reasonable amount of meat, preserved as well as fresh, knowing he may need some for when he next travelled. Next to it was a stall selling fresh fruits and vegetables with milk and cheeses being sold there too.

All in all he got way more than he probably needed to but if he was going to be moving on eventually, he would need the supplies. Heading back to his temporary home, he began prepping some of his fresh provisions, making a rich meaty stew with it.

As it cooked, Pirro laid on the hot coals and ashes below the pot. Surprisingly the hatchling never blocked the heat, but did seem to enjoy it greatly. Whenever Markus added another log, the small dragon played with it a little before finding just the right spot to place it so it would light up easily.

Once the food was done, he served himself some, and a small helping to Pirro who sniffed at it curiously and took a few licks before almost burying its face in the bowl to eat. Markus chuckled and had to stop the hatchling once or twice, making it eat slower. In the mean time he read the new book he had, reading up on dragons as best he could.

Most of it however seemed to be nothing more than over the top talk about how dragons were dangerous, terrifying beasts that would kill just as quickly as one could breath. Giant monsters with teeth as long as someone's arm, claws that could rend steel like paper and fire breath so hot it could melt stone. Looking between the book and Pirro, he doubted most of it as over the top blustering to make the book more interesting.

When he got to the hatchling part however it took a different turn. Hatchlings apparently bonded like birds did to their mothers and depended on them for the first few years of their lives. If raised properly by a loving owner, a hatchling would grow no larger than a horse but it didn't explain why the size disparity between the wild and tamed dragons. They would also be fiercely loyal, adept hunters and be a perfect companion to its owner.

He read up on what to expect from his little charge, what it would and could eat, how fast it would grow and even if Pirro was male or female. The book showed an easy method to determine this last one and he was careful when he checked, but did find that somehow his instinct was correct and Pirro was male.

Eventually however he began to tire, the long day weighed heavily on him calling him to slumber. He made his bed carefully in the corner after banking and shielding the fire. He then stripped down before climbing onto the soft surface bed he had made. Pirro chirped and climbed up with him, laying over his chest with a soft trill before dozing off with his head over where the felines heart was. Markus smiled and gently rubbed at Pirro's back, closing his eyes as he too slowly drifted off to blissful sleep.