Teaser: 101 Dalmatian Street - Fergus Folly

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#7 of Teasers

Find episodes of the cute cartoon online by using Google carefully. 101 Dalmatian Street is a new cartoon by UK Disney that has great accents and cute characters, and here is a furotic take on the aforementioned Dalmatians. Enjoy!

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all my stories, please consider pledging your support at the $3 level on Patreon! Pledge your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

"Hey, Dolly," Dylan's voice rang out from the bushes.

Perking her oversized ear, the athletic Dalmatian stopped in her tracks, staring intently at the bushes. "Dylan? I thought you were staying home with the pups!"

After all, they had 97 brothers and sisters to watch. Maybe her sometimes-absentminded brother had forgotten that their parents were taking a day off to relax at the groomer?

Dylan said, "Ummmm...okay."

"Leave Dawkins in charge again? We gotta stop doing that," Dolly groaned, taking a step toward the bushes. Dawkins was a smart kid, but was easily overwhelmed, and the pups didn't listen to him like they did their oldest siblings. "Why are you out here, anyway, and why are you hiding in that bush?"

"Oh dog, oh dog," whimpered Dylan, followed by "No, no, no."

Alarmed, Dolly jumped forward. "Oh no, did something happen!?" She leapt head-first into the bushes to rescue her inept brother, only to land in erupting leaves - next to Fergus. Fergus, the fox, had a paw up to his muzzle so that she couldn't even see his gold tooth, his tail swishing back and forth as he giggled.

His other paw held a cell phone.

"Fergus?" Dolly asked, looking around. "Where's Dylan?"

Laughing, the rambunctious fox met her eyes, grinned widely, and tapped the phone. "Oh dog, oh dog," Dylan's voice rang out from the phone, and Dolly could see on the app that there were buttons for all sorts of things Dylan says.

"You recorded him?" Dolly asked incredulously.

"I recorded'm!" Fergus announced loudly at the same time, his Irish so thick that Dolly still had trouble understanding him sometimes. "I've dis mobile fownd down the tracks now, and I got efferyfin' your boy says at all."

Dolly's eyes widened as she contemplated all the pranks she could pull with an app like that. Mostly though, she could get Dylan in trouble. "Woah, dude, that's awesome. You gotta hook me up with that!"

Shaking his head, the fox stated, "No can do, lass. I took dis phone, and I have an urge in me ta use't. Now who all like yoo is out'n'abowt what knows D dog?"

Dolly cocked her head. Calling Dylan 'D dog' never made much sense since all 101 dogs in their home had names that started with 'd'. "Oh...all the pups are with Dylan at the house, but I guess Mom and Dad are out at the groomers," she said, pausing. "But you can't prank them, Dylan would get in sooo much trouble!"

Fergus's eyes went wide, and Dolly knew she shouldn't have said that. "Seriously, Fergus. It's a big house. Come with me, we'll find plenty of pups who'll fall for that trick."

The fox paused, considering, and said, "Yoof convinced me. 'Cause we're such friends and all. But I've an appointment ta keep'n it'll be an arr or so. Meet you there so."

"This is gonna be great!" Dolly laughed, rushing back home to plan Dylan-based shenanigans. If she'd be just a little more suspicious of her red-furred friend, she might have noticed that he headed straight for the groomers.

Fergus knew how to blend in to the point that the human pets didn't even notice him, so he didn't have to wait long for the door to the groomer to open and a rotund old lady walked by a little white puffball to walk out. With a tip of his ear, the sneaky fox slid through the door just as it _clicked_closed.

"Oi, dis is dee loif," he exclaimed, gold tooth gleaming at the rows of dogs getting massages, having their nails trimmed, getting their fur cut and brushed. But he didn't see Doug or Delilah out here with the ruff raff. Delilah made that good scratch at the hospital, and they'd paid extra for the back rooms. Keeping the mobile phone tucked away, Fergus trotted past a few inquisitive glances from the dogs and pushed open the back door. It swung neatly, revealing a hallway with private rooms on either side. He worked out which of Dylan's common phrases would best cause a panic in an overprotective parent. He didn't have anything specific enough to really get them going, like 'one of the pups is trapped under a rock!' or something, so he'd have to improvise.

Propping a long, red ear to each door, he listened carefully, and propped the second door open to reveal a quite satisfied Doug on a table with two humans rubbing his belly and lathering the fur on his head with shampoo. Looked like it was going to take a long time, and the humans might not appreciate Fergus's little voice trick. To find Delilah, then.

She was two more doors down, and Fergus grinned when he saw her. She was reclined on her back in a comfy chair, some sort of cream worked into the fur on her face and those zucchinis on her eyes like on the telly. She was completely alone! The fox had always avoided Dylan's parents, because he doubted they'd approve of their kids hanging out with a scoundrel like he. But with luck, she'd never even notice him. He'd have her freaking out and running home in no time.

He stepped inside the room, looking for a good place to hide for when she took those vegetables off her face, but that was when he smelled it, and he recognized the scent immediately.

The old broad was in heat. He'd smelled it before from the foxes in town, but they all knew better than to mess around with a bloke like him. Delilah smelled a bit different, but still pretty appealing. Sniffing, he glanced back over at her with a new perspective. He hadn't even noticed before, but with her lying on her back, he could see the slender Dalmatian's soft, white belly, curves down to where her legs were splayed out, her grey spade swollen and trembling. The source of that addictive scent.

Come to think of it, she was a damn pretty sight, she was. He'd been sniffing after Dolly for a year, but the kid was almost still a pup. Delilah was a proven bitch, and broken in more than a handful of times, considering the ages of her litters. He'd never bothered to ask who the father was before Doug joined the family. Or fathers?

He made sure his nails didn't touch the floor as he followed his nose, standing right beneath the sexy Dalmatian's outstretched legs, nose just inches away from her triangular mound. He inhaled deeply. Maybe this was the real reason Doug was taking her out for the day off. Fergus couldn't imagine her heat being easy in a house full of roughly fifty boys, and besides which, the old chap probably wanted a little alone time with her...make the total 110 puppies in the house or what have you.

He was so distracted he didn't notice the mother dog shift her legs, wiggling her rump a little as she repositioned. Before he could even react, that puffy, bouncing spade popped up and tapped him on the cold, wet nose! Fergus had to bite back a gasp, staring up at the beautiful bitch to see if she'd noticed.

"Doug?" she asked. "Did you sneak back here?" she giggled and wiggled her rump again. "I knew there was more to this surprise than just a spa day."