Maia's on Edge

Story by Furry Tales on SoFurry

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Maia, the overachieving, academically successful snow leopardess can't stand being bested, especially not by her bitch of a roommate. It puts her on edge, shall we say ...

No ...

Maia's sinewy, curvy handpaw undulated like a swan stretching in the morning as two of her finger pads massaged her clitoris with ample pressure. The snow leopardess's other hand clutched the pillow beneath her clammy noggin, the sweat-stained, formerly white fabric yielding and wrinkling to might that only the wild cousins of domestic felines could muster.

Seven edges ... Wh--Who the fuck does she think she is?

Maia had the dorm room to herself on the weekends since her cunt of a roommate would go back to her hometown. Perfect opportunity to flick the bean--classes, seminars, labs, lab reports, homework and training sessions as one of the university's new volleyball players all meant that she barely had any free time, so the cat with shapely curves, ideal bust size and stunningly symmetric facial features would spend a significant proportion of her Saturday nights having a bunch of back-arching, toe-scrunching orgasms. Of course, this would only be after spending the previous part of the day cooped up behind her desk with the smuttiest anthropomorphic erotica scrolling down her laptop's screen, the aroma of her lube-soaked panties wafting through the bedroom.

At around 10 p.m., with vibrant, rippling images conceived by her brain of hunky wolves ejaculating copiously on exposed vixen bellies and raccoon backsides, her back would slam into the mattress of her queen-size bed with a pitch-shifting thud as the creaking springs adjusted to her weight. With a devilish, sultry grin, closed eyes and the sole of a hind paw rubbing against the fur of her other ankle, two fingertips would be working the cat's nub with zeal as her cunny's pink opening leaked her splendid grool down her perineum to coat her asshole with the liquid premonition of her pleasure. She'd uncurl and extend her lengthy, spotted, bushy tail, her whiskers twitching in coarse delight every time a claw tip from one of her bobbing fingers accidentally unsheathed and grazed the glans of her clit.

It would typically take four or five minutes for the smile-inducing searing to start in her loins. In her mind, this would be when the strapping young lad of a wolf pulled out of the raccoon girl's buxom asshole and would start pounding away at his dick, a thick line of precum connecting his glans and the procyonid's gaping hole. The real leopardess and the imaginary wolf were both on the cusp, seconds away from nature's ultimate reward for attempting to reproduce--but she knew better. Most girls would give in to the desire to go over the edge and have their few seconds of pleasure, their rather average climax that would yank out a couple of moans and make their pussies throb at most four or five times. But Maia, the overachiever, the straight-A student, the future pre-med, the varsity scholarship holder wouldn't content herself with a few puny bursts of pleasure. No. The weeklong hustle and bustle of a new college student was way too hectic for it to end in the childish sizzle of firecrackers. Fireworks was what she wanted. Celestial fireworks that could put New York city to shame. And she'd stumbled across two ways to help.

The first was Kegels.

She'd clench her cunt muscles day in and day out--with her legs crossed in class; while pouring corrosive chemicals into beakers in general chemistry lab; as sand kicked off the bottoms of her feet during a victorious volley into the opponents' side. After discovering the technique online, she was borderline obsessed with it. That first week was brutal, though ... She could barely clench down there to keep her piss in without her pussy complaining as if it had just completed twelve marathons. But after a few days, the pain became an ache, the ache then progressed to mild discomfort, and then it was gone; she'd finally trained her pubococcygeus muscles--a name she'd known even before discovering Kegels--to put up with her obsession for more ecstasy.

Everything she had read online checked out. That first Saturday after she'd started her rigorous pussy clenching regimen was, in a way, the first time she'd experienced a real orgasm--the scorching, melting feeling in her lower tummy just before she tipped over the edge was blistering, whereas before it was merely pleasant and balmy. Even though two of her fingertips were practically jackhammering her clit, she could barely feel the fleshy nub anymore, the feeling eclipsed by the blazing inferno in her abdomen. And when she finally climaxed?

Before, her orgasms felt roughly continuous with only mild troughs and peaks of pleasure. Now she could feel her pussy muscles clamping down with conviction, and the ecstasy was overwhelming--it was the first time she felt compelled to moan out load while she came.


Her cries weren't just an expression of sheer sexual pleasure, but a defiant victory chant of meeting yet another one of her goals--the overachieving snow leopardess just simply would not have it any other way.

Maia's tail banged on the mattress with each moan of fulfilled sexual desire as her clit stretched, squeezed and rolled around under her two fingertips. As she arched her back and prepared for more earth-shattering contractions, Maia brows furrowed--only a few seconds into her orgasm, the waves of pleasure were already dying out. The sexually frustrated cat's handpaw pushed into her pudenda and her fingers circled faster, her butt lifting off the bed.


Her mighty fangs clenched as her pussy's throbbing dwindled, unaffected by her desperate attempts to continue climaxing. Her hand was practically a blur as the pleasure went down with each pulsation from a soul-shattering tsunami down to a nice prickle, comparable to scratching a mosquito bite.

FUCK'S SAKE! Goddamnit ...

Maia's ass came crashing down along with her climax on the mattress as a spring jiggled beneath her. She craned her neck and looked down at the top of her feet. Shit, hope I didn't pull anything. The leopardess pointed her toes and wiggled them, sighing in relief as the cramping vanished--the frenetic sensory overload of the start of her climax had made her curl her toes harder than she'd ever curled them before.

She sat up on her ass, her leaking pussy leaving an imprint on the white linen, and pulled her knees up to her forehead. The overall pleasure was much better, but she would be goddamned if it wasn't over so soon. She had to fix this somehow. With her head still resting on her knees, her eyes focused on the laptop sitting on her desk.


The word was everywhere--forums, websites, books she'd downloaded. Maia was hoping there'd be some other way, because she already knew about edging. It would be hard to forget something that, in her experience, led to such cruelty.

Only a month ago, she was masturbating under the covers and was on the verge of climax. It would have only taken a couple more rubs of her clitoris to reach and cross the point of no return--but as Murphy's law predicts, her roommate jammed her key into the main door's keyhole at that exact moment. The felid's toes clenched under the bedsheets and her eyes went wide as her hand was wrenched off her clit. It was only after Maia heard Abigail running the shower that two furry fingers found themselves back on her love button. The tendons on the sides of her jaws stretched to capacity as the cat girl's digits worked her clit with blinding speed. She needed to cum before her roommate emerged from the bathroom.

Abigail's nails-on-chalkboard singing continued behind their shared bathroom's door as Maia's orgasm built.

Oh, shit!

This was going to be an intense one--in the few seconds before she could cross the point of no return, Maia realized that having stopped a split second before she could climax had accumulated loads of sexual tension in her loins.

Oh, my God!

Three seconds away from crossing the Rubicon, Maia's eyes opened a sliver to reveal her iridescent, green irises. She wanted to delay it one more time to have an even better climax.

Fuck, fuck, fuck ...

Only a couple of seconds away, her mind commanded her paw to stop. But sexual inertia is a bitch. Half of her mind wanted to orgasm now. The most brutal holy war of wills broke out in her head.

No, no! Yes, YES!!

In the one second that remained, by the slimmest of margins, her sexual momentum lost the battle and she yanked her soaking-wet paw off her glistening cunny--but timing was not on her side.

Instead of diving off the edge of orgasmic release with the grace of a trained athlete like she usually did, she stumbled, tripped and fell off the precipice with flailing arms and legs. Her handpaws dug into the mattress and, under the covers, her toes threatened to disappear into her footpaws.


Her naked pussy felt like it was going to die as it pulsed intensely in the agonizing throes of a ruined orgasm--Maia's first. Her eyes were slammed shut as her chest heaved with each pained, botched contraction. When the disastrous feelings finally fizzled out, Abigail emerged from the bathroom. "It smells a bit like pussy in here. Having fun, are we?" she asked as she strutted towards Maia, her wet, bare feet padding audibly against the wooden floor.

The next few months were a clusterfuck. A bazillion demanding courses, training herself to edge without succumbing to the desire to climax, and worst of all, her roommate's passive-aggressive demeanor--it was all a bit too much. Maia took solace in the fact that she was much better at anything related to academics than Abigail ever would be. That all changed during the conversation some four months ago ...

"Pfft, boys. I don't need them for anything."

"Not even to fool around a lil'?"

"Girl, when you got paws or a vibrator, you don't need to fool around."

"Yeah, heh, I love getting off on my own terms. I just wish I could edge a little more before cumming--I can only do it like once or twice with my fingers and there's no way I can edge with a vibe!"

"Really? With my paw I can do, like, seven times. Vibe's a mixed bag, sometimes I can't even do two, sometimes I, like, power through and do five."

"Oh, damn, seven times with your fingers?"

"Yeah, I mean, I guess you're a wild cat--makes sense you don't have much self-control!"

The nerve of that bitch. Fuck that--Maia would rather never have an orgasm in her life ever again then let Abigail's argumentative, truculent mannerism prevail. A wild cat?

How hard could it be to edge seven times, anyway?

Her left leg was bent at the knee, her hind paw curling and squeezing an unfortunate piece of linen in the space that separated her three toes from the rest of her desert sand-colored sole. The college freshman's other paw was pointed, the usually flat bottom of her foot developing a gentle curve. What seemed like a galloon of clear, viscous and sticky lube had oozed out of her sex's pink opening and soaked the exposed area of the bed between her legs.

All right ... Fuck ... One more edge ...

Maia's facial features wrinkled as the white-hot sizzling melted away deep into her abdomen.

Oh, shiiiiiit ...

The felid paw semi-involuntarily picked up the pace of the frenzied clit massage, the mounting pleasure proving to be irresistible. The leopardess's head leaned back on her pillow, her Adam's apple--something that was only visible in males of her species--pressing against the stretched skin and fur of her neck. Another drop of lube leaked out of her now twitching pussy and mingled with the slick coat of grool that had formed on her asshole.

Oh, my God ... No, no, no, stop!

It was hilariously easy to get carried away when edging. Maia had learned--through cringeworthy, devastating experience--that if she got too close for comfort, to just climax rather than risk the heartbreak of a ruined orgasm.

And on what would have been her sixth edge, she was way too close for comfort.

Maia's tail thumped on the mattress as sweat from her palm mixed with her pussy nectar.

Ohhh ...

Her huge wild cat lungs took in a massive breath.

Oooooooohhhhhh ...

Her smooth, pink-tinged soles wrinkled up under the force of six clenching, curling toes.


Just before that first wave of divine energy laid waste to her body, her feelings for her roommate came through.

It was arguably her most intense climax ever. Bright pink and orange stars burst beneath her eyelids as the bottoms of her hind paws skidded against the bedsheets, her previously bent toes now spreading and wiggling. Long, savory moans of sexual relish echoed through the dorm room as Maia's pelvis rocked back and forth against her sore, exhausted handpaw. She could feel her entire crotch squeezing up in ecstasy and releasing again and again beneath her kneading fingers--her pink asshole was practically swallowing her sweet lube as it pulsed in tandem with her pussy.

The colossal tidal waves of extreme pleasure continued washing over her--not even her intense dislike for Abigail was a match for her climax as her mind blanked. Her tail thrashed and flailed as her Kegel-superpowered cunt spasmed, her feet not deciding whether to curl up, point, relax or twirl. The overpowering bliss kept tugging the longest moans of pleasure out of her feline voice box, each groan ending in the hallmark, growly purr of a snow leopard.

Maia's momentary victory--but ultimate failure--came to an end with her ass gently coming back down onto the buttocks-shaped indentation in the mattress. Her cunny's clenching eased up gradually, her groans waning in volume as her hind paws hugged and rubbed against each other. She opened her eyes and took her paw off her warm clitoral hood as the contractions stopped and her nub became too sensitive to touch.

Oh, my God. That was ...

She stopped herself.

Yeah. It was good. Whatever.

Her lungs drew in copious amounts air to replenish her stamina, air that was impregnated with the aroma of her sex.

Next time, I'll ruin myself as punishment if I don't do seven ...


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