A (fourth) cup of coffee with the therapist

Story by Xyln on SoFurry

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#4 of A cup of coffee with the therapist

Hey there again!

It's been more than a year since the last part of this story I posted. Sorry for the long wait, folks! For some reason, I found this particular cup of coffee more difficult to write and I got a huge writer's block that I've been trying to break ever since. In order to do that, I tried going back to other ideas and stories I had in mind (some of them are the ones I've been posting ever since I posted the third cup). Then again, writing other stories left me with less time to work in this one, so the process to complete it has been... complicated.

Anyway, it's here at last! Hope you'll enjoy it!

~Fun Fact: At first I was planning to title this part "A (back and fourth) cup of coffee with the therapist", but it was a terrible pun even for my standards.

"So what now?"

Fosk was sitting on the blue couch, as usual. His paws were tapping on his knees softly but rhythmically. Even though he was getting used to those sessions, he still felt a bit nervous whenever he was around the handsome white tiger. Kenneth, on the contrary, looked as relaxed as usual and was just sitting on his spot by the corner of the table. His bare footpaws dangled back and forth idly.

"What now? You tell me," he answered, with a grin. "You're the one who wrote that list, after all."

Fosk opened his mouth to reply, then closed it for a few seconds.

"Well, as you said, there are a lot of things there," he reminded the tiger. "I'm not sure how exactly you plan to tackle all of those..."

"We'll do it little by little." Kenneth shrugged. "I mean, unless you don't want to keep paying for a loooong list of sessions, of course, which would be perfectly understandable."

"No, no! I didn't mean that," the wolf answered quickly. "It's just that... Huh, I guess I still feel a bit anxious about this whole thing. There are too many... desires I hadn't shared with anyone before you in that list, and it makes me feel a bit..."

"... vulnerable?" Kenneth completed, with a smile.

"Yeah, exactly! So forgive me if I still don't get used to it."

"No worries, silly wolf. As I said, that's perfectly normal," Kenneth reassured him, holding the crumpled list on one of his paws and giving it a long read for a few seconds.

He'd read it before, many times, but he was just as lost regarding what they were going to do in that session as his client. He'd thought about a few things, of course, but he still hadn't decided yet. And even though he loved teasing the black wolf, he hadn't been lying when he'd said that he'd written a long list.

Hypnosis was still the main thing, underlined several times at the beginning, but there were some other kinks that the white tiger wouldn't have expected from Fosk, especially knowing he was such a shy and reserved client.

"There are a lot of fantasies here," he commented, casually.

"Yeah," Fosk admitted, glancing away. "Is that too bad?"

"Heh, I asked you to put everything down on this list, Fosk. You just... exceeded my expectations."

Both remained silent for a few seconds. Kenneth was still thinking about the kind of session they could have. He'd tried to solve Fosk's problem in a strictly therapeutic way the last time and it hadn't worked that well, so he really didn't feel like trying that again. He raised his gaze briefly from the piece of paper to look at his client. The black wolf was waiting patiently for him to come up with an idea. He glanced down to the list again, with a sigh.

Oh well, he finally thought, as his eyes met with one of the fantasies he'd found particularly funny the first time he'd read the list. Let's just improvise.

"So, I see here that you like... pocketwatches," he said, with a playful grin. "You're a sucker for the classics, aren't you?"

"U-uh... yeah, I guess in a way I am," Fosk answered, giving him a faint smile. Kenneth noticed that he seemed to be more comfortable when talking about those subjects now than a few weeks ago, even though the wolf still looked like he was fighting his own blush. "I've always liked the whole... hypnosis aesthetic, all the clichés, if you know what I mean. Pocketwatches, spirals... even that silly thing about staring into someone's eyes. I... love that stuff."

"Yeah, I see where you're coming from," the white tiger said, still grinning as he let his dangling footpaw swing right and left. "And I agree. Hypnosis can be quite aesthetically pleasing when you see it happen on TV. The real thing isn't usually that impressive."

"You mean, pocketwatches and the sort doesn't work in real life?" Fosk asked, interested.

"Heh, no. They can work, of course, if you use them properly. It's just simply not as visual as when you see it on TV. No spirals are going to appear on your glowing eyes, I'm afraid."

"Well, I kinda expected that," Fosk admitted, chuckling a bit.

"However, it's not so far-fetched to believe that you can hypnotize someone through a pocketwatch, or any other swinging thing, for that matter," Kenneth explained with a smile. "If you remember how I first hypnotized you, I made you focus your attention on your arm so that I could put you more easily into trance. In hypnosis, most of the time things are about finding something to focus your attention on, and things that rotate slowly, like a spiral, or move back and forth, like a pocketwatch, are prone to catch your attention more easily. I'm sure you've experienced it sometimes: finding yourself staring intently into something even though you can't quite remember when or why you decided to look at it. It just caught your attention, like a ball of wool to a kitty. Are you following me?"

"Yeah... I am," Fosk answered, softly. His voice sounded a bit distracted; distant, as if he hadn't been following the white tiger at all.

Kenneth's smile grew wider and he kept speaking.

"Just like hypnosis sometimes takes place in a subliminal level, speaking to your subconscious rather than your conscious mind, it's harder to stop these things from happening. One moment you're just listening to my words, and the next you're following something back and forth as it swings, left and right. And the thing is, it just gets so easy to focus your entire attention on that even though you're not fully aware of what's going on. Right?"


"And as you focus more and more on that repetitive movement, it becomes easier and easier for my words to get to your mind. In fact, it's only natural to remember the times when you've been completely under and following my words, because that's how you're starting to feel right now. Completely fascinated by a swinging motion, only to let my words slip through your lowered guard and slowly take control of your vulnerable mind. Isn't that right, Fosk?"

"Y-yeah..." The black wolf's voice was barely a whisper at that point.

"Goooooood. Just keep following that motion, left and right. Back and forth. Knowing that you're going back into that blank state where you simply follow my words. Knowing that you're sinking deeper and deeper with every swing. Knowing that when I count down from three to zero, you'll simply fall back into that wonderful place where you can let go and allow me to do the thinking. It'll happen so easily that you'll simply slip down into trance, like a feather falling to the ground, pulled by gravity. Do you understand, Fosk?"


"Thaaaat's right. Three... left and right, back and forth. Sinking so easily... Two, deeper and deeper, more and more focused... One... almost there, letting all your tension and resistance melt away as you get ready to drop down for me... Zero. Sleep, Fosk."

Kenneth didn't snap his fingers this time. Instead, he watched intently as the black wolf's body slackened right in front of him, like a puppet whose strings had suddenly been cut. As all his muscles loosened, Fosk fell forward, bending over with an arm dangling by his side and the other resting on his lap, paws completely limp and relaxed. The wolf's eyes had closed just a few milliseconds before the countdown hit zero and now he was surely drifting deeper and deeper, no need for the white tiger to keep pulling him down with his induction.

It was only then that Kenneth stopped moving his footpaw left and right, letting a soft sigh of relief and shaking it gently to relax his muscles a bit. It had been an interesting induction, but the effort of keeping his leg swinging back and forth for so long had definitely been more bothering than he'd anticipated. I'll use a pocketwatch next time, he told himself. Less surprising, much more comfortable.

Of course, he was well aware that his induction would not have worked hadn't Fosk been so receptive to his words and kept that fantasy of his in mind. At some level, the black wolf had wanted to drop deep into trance just by following his footpaw left and right; otherwise, Kenneth had probably had one of the most embarrassing induction attempts of his whole career.

"Good boy," he said, as he smiled thinking about that possibility. "Just going back into that mindless state. Letting go of all your worries, and tension, and resistance, and will. Following my words as you simply drop for me."

The black wolf let out a soft sigh, his muscles loosening more and more on the couch. The only movement left on his body was that of his slow, steady breathing. Kenneth's smile grew wider.

"I want you to think about why you fell down into this trance. You fell down because you were focusing on my footpaw. You dropped deep because you simply couldn't look away. But this wasn't the first time I've caught you glancing at my feet, Fosk. Do you like my paws?"

"Yeah..." came the soft response of the black wolf.

He's so suggestible and pliable, this is actually like playing a videogame in Easy mode, Kenneth thought.

"Good. I'd like you to keep thinking about that, Fosk. About how much you like my paws. About how much you'd like to sniff my paws, lick my paws, stay under my paws. Be a good boy and do that for me, alright? Just think about my footpaws and how much you love them."

The black wolf let out a soft sigh again. Kenneth couldn't see his whole body clearly since Fosk was bent forwards, but he knew his subject was starting to feel more and more aroused with every passing second.

"That's right. Just let that thought fill your mind, about how good it'd be to just do that. You've wanted to do that since you first entered this office, and the desire is getting stronger and stronger. So strong you can hardly fight it by now. You want my paws. You need my paws."

The white tiger could hear a soft moan, and he couldn't help but grin.

"In a moment, I'm going to wake you up. You'll be fully aware and awake, but the need will remain there. It will be insatiable. Unstoppable. You won't be able to fight that need. It'll be so strong it'll drive you crazy. Nod your head if you understand, Fosk."

The black wolf nodded slowly, his breathing a bit shallower and faster than usual now. Kenneth couldn't help but enjoy his subject's subtle arousal, even though he was pretty sure he'd see more direct, clear signs of it in just a few minutes.

"Alright, Fosk. And just like that, I want you to... wake."

He snapped his fingers again to reinforce the command, even though it was not necessary at that point. It took the wolf a few seconds to start moving again, opening his eyes drowsily at first, then trying to sit up as if it took a huge effort. After a while, he rubbed his eyes as he looked back at Kenneth, still sleepy.

"H-huh... Wow, I kinda saw that coming, but still... couldn't fight it..." he said with a thin voice.

"That was the plan all along, silly wolf," the tiger said, with a grin. "Now, though. Tell me how you feel."

Fosk closed his eyes as he lifted a paw to his temple, scratching his fur.

"Good, I..." He began. However, he stopped before he could finish the sentence. "H-huh... I..." He'd opened his eyes again and now they were fixed on Kenneth's paws, that dangled freely from the table.


"W-wow..." the wolf said again, gulping. "I... I want them pretty bad..."

Kenneth couldn't help but chuckle as he quickly noticed Fosk's need. He raised one of his footpaws and waved it in front of the flustered wolf.

"Is that sooo?" he asked, teasingly. "And here I was, thinking you'd written that in your list only to brag."

"In what way could I have written it only to..." Fosk started, but then stopped when the tiger raised his footpaw a bit more and put it right in front of his face. "U-uh..."

Kenneth tilted his head as he watched the black wolf in front of him. He seemed to be hypnotized by his footpaws, only in a completely different way now. He smirked as he kept teasing him playfully, drawing small circles in the air with one of his clawed fingers.

"Can you tell me what's going on in your mind now, Fosk?" he asked. In spite of being so absorbed by the sight in front of him, even the black wolf could tell the tiger had completely changed his tone. The seductive, deep utterance in his voice made him shiver a bit.

"I... I..." he managed to say.

He could not look away from that paw in front of him. It was as if his gaze was glued to the paw. He could feel his mouth salivating, his breathing getting faster and more intermittent with each passing second, his heart beating faster and faster. He unconsciously leaned closer to the paw, as he heard himself vocalize his exact thoughts:

"I... just want to sniff it, and lick it. G-gosh I... I want to have it on my face so bad, I... n-need it..."

"I see. That's a good boy," the white tiger said, smirking. He still hadn't left his seat by the corner of the desk. "Kneel."

The command floated in the room for a few seconds.

"W-what...?" Fosk asked, a bit confused.

"I said, kneel." The tiger's voice wouldn't admit another reply.

Fosk gulped a bit, feeling his face completely red. But his eyes couldn't leave for a second the paw in front of him, and if following the tiger's command allowed him to have it on his face even if it was just for a second, then it'd be worth the humiliation.

He immediately dropped to his knees right in front of Kenneth, still staring intently at the paw in front of him, which now was closer than ever.

"See? That wasn't so difficult, was it?" Kenneth asked, calmly.


"Good. What did you want again?"

Now he's teasing me, Fosk thought. However, he couldn't say he didn't like that, and he was too flustered to risk losing the chance of...

"... having your paw... on my face," he answered, with a hoarse voice.

"You don't seem very convinced, Fosk," Kenneth replied, licking one of his fangs as he gave him a long, playful glance.

"Hmmff... Kenneth, please..." The wolf felt as if just one more second of not having his needs sated would end up with him grabbing the tiger's paw with or without his consent. The desire to have that paw on him was just too strong for him to resist.

"Alright, then. Have it."

The tiger pressed his paw against Fosk's face with no warning, and the black wolf let out a sound that started as a muffled moan and slowly turned into a growl of pleasure. As a violent shiver went down his spine making him squirm on his knees, he raised his trembling paws and grabbed Kenneth's footpaw weakly.

"Theeeere you go."

The wolf felt a new shiver as the words of the tiger poured into his ears like honey. He had never imagined the touch of those soles would feel so good on his face, and as he trembled helplessly on the ground, he pushed them a bit harder against his face. The mere contact washed away the rest of the world, as if the only thing that existed at that moment were those big, wonderful paws. His heart was beating faster, and a growing erection was forming between his legs, but the wolf couldn't care less about that.

"Come on, sniff."

Fosk didn't need to be asked twice. Pushing the paws as hard as he could against his face, he started sniffing them, feeling Kenneth's soles with his muzzle and letting the intoxicating smell fill his lungs. It wasn't that the tiger's paws smelled that much -in fact, the wolf had never even thought about it, let alone smelled anything out of the ordinary during one of their sessions- but the weak smell he could sniff now that he had them so close was about to drive him crazy. It felt so good to smell those paws that he simply couldn't believe he had lived so long without ever having them on his face. Unable to restrain himself, he let out a new content growl that rolled on his throat for a few seconds.

He could barely hear Kenneth's chuckle, but his next command was crystal clear.


Fosk was already salivating and a thin trickle of drool was dripping from his mouth, so again he followed the white tiger's order without hesitation. He gave a long, slow lick to Kenneth's paw, trembling as soon as his wet tongue caressed the slightly rough soles. Then, the tiger pressed his paw against his face again and he kept licking. At that point, the only two things he could focus on doing were moaning softly and worshipping that big, wonderful paw with his tongue.

"Is it good?" Kenneth asked then, his voice as deep and seductive as Fosk had dreamed it to be.

"Hmmmrffff..." was all Fosk could say. He was too busy giving that big paw all the attention it needed to think about giving a proper answer.

His erection was now fully visible, even though he hadn't noticed yet. All his vision was filled by Kenneth's paw, and he soon put one of those clawed fingers into his mouth and started sucking it. He raised his eyes to find the white tiger smirking, head tilted to one side as he looked down at him from his position on the desk. Fosk couldn't tell for sure, but his therapist seemed to be having at least as much fun as he was.

"Do you know what else would be good?" Kenneth asked, with that velvet-like voice.

"Hmmmfff...?" Fosk managed to ask, still sucking on the tiger's toe.

"If you just sleep."

The black wolf was feeling so absent-minded at that point that it took a few seconds for the trigger to fall into place. But soon enough, he was floating again in that state he knew so well, his own paws slowly dropping to his sides from the tiger's footpaw as his whole body melted away into the deep, mindless relaxation.

Kenneth chuckled as he moved his footpaw away from Fosk's mouth. The black wolf just stood there on his knees, his vacant gaze just staring into the abyss, with the blank, gone expression he loved so much. He had been drooling abundantly for the last minutes and his muzzle and clothes were starting to get all wet, not to mention the huge bulge that could be seen between his legs.

The white tiger licked his lips. Of course, he had known Fosk would probably look just like that after being subject to one of those dark fantasies of his. Having him worshipping his paws in pure ecstasy had been wonderful, but he wasn't over yet.

Not by a long chalk.

"Listen to me, Fosk," he said, using his commanding tone again. Of course he's going to listen to me now, he thought. Not that there's anything else in his mind at this point. "You already saw how easy it was to love my paws as soon as I commanded him to do it. You know my words will easily become your truth now. Anything I say, you will do. You must obey. What must you do?"

"O... bey..."

"Goooood boy," Kenneth rewarded him, with a grin. He's so cute on his knees, drooling all over himself and repeating my words like that.

A part of him regretted that thought, as he knew he was supposed to stick to work as much as he possibly could. But he couldn't help himself when there was such an adorable, zonked wolf in front of him.

"In a moment, I'm going to snap my fingers and you'll wake up," he said. "And when you do, you'll forget all about yourself. Your memories, your identity, it all will be completely forgotten. Left in a safe place for when you need it back, but gone. You will get a new identity instead. Your mind will be filled with it, molded to it. You will not remember your previous identity. In fact, the new one will have been your identity forever. Do you understand?"

It took the wolf a few seconds to nod, but he did in the end, mindlessly. Kenneth's grin got wider.

"Your new identity will be that of a pup. Not any kind of pup. A pet. A very obedient puppy who loves to make his owner feel proud. My pet," the tiger explained, trying to reinforce that idea. "You will have been a puppy forever. You will have been my pet forever. You will wake up and assume that identity, which has always been your identity, leaving your previous one behind until I tell you to find it back. Understood?"

Fosk nodded again, his hard member throbbing between his legs. I don't know what part of his mind is still aware and controlling that,but it's definitely enjoying this, the white tiger thought, with a wide grin.

"Goooood. Now... wake."

Again, it took the black wolf a few seconds to come back from his deep slumber and become aware of his surroundings. But instead of turning his head to the tiger and asking him what had happened as usual, he just looked around curiously, tilted his head and let out a confused growl. Mere seconds after that, his tongue lolled out his mouth as he just looked at Kenneth with the same expression of pure joy and confusion a little puppy would. He panted a bit, as if he was a very excited dog, and even looked as if he was about to let out a bark.

The white tiger's grin got even wider. That had turned out way better than he'd thought it would.

"Gooood boy," he praised the black wolf. "I want to hear a nice, loud bark coming from you."

Fosk, in case something of him remained in that excited puppy Kenneth had in front of him, barked just as commanded. The tiger noticed he didn't seem to care whether his neighbours would hear him or not, and was simply acting as requested, without any restraints. That's good, he thought.

"Niiiice. I might get used to seeing you like this. Still..." he teased, pointing to the ground. "Come on, boy. I want to see you down on all fours."

It didn't take the black wolf but a second to take a dog stance, like he was supposed to do. His tail was wagging crazily back and forth and he had begun to pant eagerly, as if the fact that he was pleasing his master was making him extremely happy.

And Kenneth could tell, by the bulge between the wolf's legs, that there was another part of him that was _extremely_happy too. However, there were too many layers of clothing that prevented the tiger from taking a real look. He licked one of his fangs as he looked at the deeply entranced wolf down at his feet.

It was time to see exactly how comfortable Fosk had become around him.

"Now, you know something good dogs don't do?" he asked, with a purr. "Go around wearing clothes. Why don't you get all comfy and naked for me, hmm?"

Again, Fosk didn't have to be asked twice. He growled softly and tried to get rid of his clothes one by one, using only his mouth and moving like a dog would in order to remove them. Kenneth watched him obey, delighted at how easy it seemed to be for him to follow commands like that without even thinking.

He was aware that if he had asked him to do that in their first session, the black wolf would have probably just woken up from their trance, finding the command too demanding for him. The fact that he had gotten used to him so fast was a proof that both were working perfectly well together and that they had made a lot of progress.

With a slightly louder growl, Fosk bent his body and tried to get rid of his underwear using only his fangs and moving his legs to make it slip. Kenneth took a few seconds to admire the black wolf in all his glorious nudity, his own arousal starting to build as well. Ah ah,_he thought. _Not doing any naughty things today. We'll save that for next session.

"Oh, boy," he said, though. "I had heard that wolves like you are always eager to become good dogs, but you've really taken that to a different level, haven't you?"

"Awoo?" was all that Fosk said in response.

"Heh, never mind." Kenneth got down from his seat at the corner of the table and looked down at the submissive, eager puppy at his feet. "Heh. Even now that you're a dog, you still want my paws, right?"

Fosk let out a soft, pleading growl. That was all the tiger needed to understand what was in his mind at that time... if there was anything at all.

"We'll get there soon. However... I'd first like to see you fully become a good pet. I want you to be the good, obedient puppy I deserve. And for that, there's something you need."

The wolf let out a confused noise as he tilted his head again, looking up at the white tiger that towered above him. Kenneth just petted his head, making him growl happily once again, and then got out the room. He came back after less than a minute, taking with him a bright red leather collar that he spun around on one of his clawed fingers.

"Say, do you like this, hmm?"

The black wolf immediately raised on his knees, taking his paws to his chest in a begging position and letting out a loud bark. Kenneth chuckled as he walked closer to his pet. That was almost too easy.

"Don't worry, boy. I'll put it on you right now. Theeere you go," he said, as he clasped the collar around the wolf's neck. He let out a new excited growl, and he couldn't help but chuckle again. "You like it, huh?"

Fosk fell on all fours again, answering with an enthusiastic bark. The red leather looked perfect on his black fur, almost as if the collar had been specifically picked for him. Which wasn't the case, unfortunately, since Kenneth had had many other clients who loved turning into good pups from time to time.

Still, it was good to see that Fosk loved it as much as he did.

"Good. Because I plan to keep that on you for a while, and maybe put it on you when you visit again," the tiger said, grinning. "Now. I bet even though you're my precious pet at this very moment, there's something you haven't forgotten, right? Here," he added, raising one of his footpaws and drawing a circle in the air with it, right in front of the dog's eyes.

He could hear him gulp, a thin trickle of drool falling from his lolling tongue.

"Why don't you beg for them, then?" he asked, pointing to the ground one more time. "Come on, boy. On your back. Paws on your chest. Beg. Now."

Again, it was as if any word that came from Kenneth's mouth became a chain that practically forced his black furred pet to follow his commands. The wolf simply dropped on his back, putting his paws on his chest as requested and letting out a pleading whimper, eyes focusing intently in the tiger's paw that hovered a few centimeters above his face.

Kenneth considered teasing him for a few seconds. Then again, he had already done that before, and the drooling wolf under his foot definitely couldn't become more submissive or obedient than he already was, so there was little point in doing that already. With a grin, he let his paw fall on his pet's face, who let out a pleasured growl and started licking it eagerly. He pressed it a bit against the wolf's face, whose growls only grew louder and more pleasured. He really seemed to be enjoying himself, and judging by the throbbing erection that he displayed between his legs, it seemed as if that was going to push him over the edge soon enough.

However, Kenneth had different plans. He was not going to help his obedient pet get there that easily. He let him play with his paw for a few more minutes, letting the black furred puppy bask in his smell, taste and touch; in the absolute knowledge that he was the one in the inferior position, that he was merely a pet he could control with a snap and a few words, and that he loved that.

When he thought his pet had had enough, he simply raised his paw and looked at the black wolf. He was panting, tongue lolling out and slobber all over his blushing face. His hard member was dripping some pre and Kenneth could tell he wouldn't last much longer without giving in to his impulses.

"Heh. You're such a mess." He couldn't help but feel satisfied at that sight. "Do you want to have my paw on your face for a bit more, pet?"

The 'dog' let out a loud bark that obviously meant 'yes'. Kenneth's grin got wider.

"Good. But there's something I want to do for me first. Just a little tiny favor, and then I'll let you have my paw for a few more minutes. Do you agree, boy?"

Another loud bark. Oh, I could ask him to do anything and he would, the tiger thought.

"I want you to forget how to cum. From now on, you simply won't be able to do that. Not until I specifically command you to do that. You will also forget that I told you this. You will only remember not to cum, and forget that you were given that command by me. Do you understand?"

The black furred puppy almost seemed to nod. Kenneth chuckled.

"Goooood. Then, here you are. All yours again."

The tiger could hear a new muffled growl as he let his already wet footpaw press against the wolf's face. It almost seemed as if his pet's body melted under the touch of his paw, and he felt again that rush of dominance washing over him, practically screaming that he could simply take that little wolf there and then, and that he would simply give in to his commands and do anything that he wanted to... He wanted to see and hear Fosk cum so bad.

Not yet, he told himself. Wait until next session.

The tiger slowly moved his footpaw from Fosk's face to his chest and he let his weight fall a bit on the smaller wolf. He whimpered a bit, probably wanting to feel his paw on his face again.

"No, little boy," he said out loud. "You've had enough for today. Now it's time to wake up."

Kenneth wished he had been able to record Fosk's reaction when he came back from that trance. At first, the sight of the white tiger towering above him, with one of those broad footpaws he'd been caught looking at so many times on his chest, pushing him to the ground softly. Then, the realization that he was completely naked at Kenneth's feet, and that he was displaying that embarrassing erection all over the place.

Finally, the memories of all the white tiger had made him do in his trance.

Kenneth could practically see all those phases of remembrance going through his expression as he slowly came back from his sleep, and a part of him loved it.

"Hey there," he said, with a wolfish grin and without moving his paw from Fosk's chest.

"H... hey..." was all the black canine could say. His face was redder than it'd ever been, at least in that room. And Kenneth really doubted Fosk had blushed harder than whenever he was with him in that room.

"How are you doing down there? Feeling good?" the tiger asked, winking an eye.

"I... I... uh..." Fosk tried to say. "Y-yeah, I guess..."

"Good! I wouldn't want you to have a bad time when you're here with me, you know..."

Fosk closed his eyes, trying to calm down.

"It felt really good."

"I thought so."

"B-but... can you please let me stand up and... well, get dressed?"

"Oh? Why would I? You're so much cuter this way..."

"Kenneth, p-please!"

"Okay, okay...! Heheh."

Seconds after that, Fosk was getting dressed under the white tiger's attentive gaze, who was still smiling from the session they both had had. The black wolf however, was too embarrassed to look back at him and he was trying to hide his erection as much as he could with his clothes.

"Hmm... Kenneth?" he asked, after a few seconds.

"Yeah? What do you need?"

"Can you... Can you go make us some coffee or something?" the wolf asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

The tiger understood what he meant right away.

"Oh, alright. I'll be right back."

He got out the room, leaving the black wolf on his own and headed to the kitchen.

As he heated the coffee in the microwave, he couldn't help but wonder whether he had gone too far in that session or not. He usually didn't move so fast with his clients, but that was because most of them didn't answer half as well as Fosk was doing. He knew that was probably because the black wolf liked him, and he liked the black wolf back, but he had tried not to think about the effects that could have in their sessions too much.

After all, thinking about it was making it important, and making it important was caring about it. If Kenneth wanted to isolate his attraction towards the black wolf as much as possible so that it wouldn't interfere with his job, then...

He let out a long sigh. Maybe he was wrong after all? Maybe he had gone too far?

Well, he thought, as he poured some milk in both cups of coffee. I tranced him in our second session. I made him jerk off under hypnosis in our third session. The next step was using some of his kinks as an incentive for him to get naked. Maybe one thing per session is a bit too much?

He wanted to think that Fosk would have complained if he had felt too uncomfortable at any point, but then again, complaining about feeling uncomfortable with someone had been what had led him to that therapy in the first place.

Now that his arousal was fading and the picture of the horny, mindless wolf was but a memory in his mind, Kenneth was beginning to feel a bit guilty. As much as he'd been telling himself not to lose control in their previous sessions, it seemed it had been of no use.

The white tiger went back to the room where Fosk was waiting for him, feeling a bit low-spirited. When he walked around the couch and handed the wolf a mug of hot coffee, he definitely wasn't expecting the wolf to greet him with a warm smile.

"Thanks," he said. He looked beaming. "And... thanks about that, too."

"You're welcome," the white tiger replied, a bit surprised. He went back to his seat by the corner of his desk and looked at the wolf, taking a sip from his own cup. "So, I guess you liked it then? I was starting to think it might have been too much."

"It was, in a way. I mean... I don't think I've been more embarrassed in my whole life," Fosk admitted, smiling as he drank from his cup of coffee. "But it also felt good. Really good. When I calmed down I realized I'd always wanted to do this stuff and I probably wouldn't have been able if it weren't for you. So I have to thank you for that."

"That's good to hear. I was starting to worry," the tiger said, feeling honestly reassured. "I'm glad that you liked the kinks we went through today. All three of them made you respond perfectly well."

"Three?" the wolf asked, a bit confused.

"Oh, right. Two. My bad," the tiger said, with a smile.

It hadn't been an incidental slip, and it had given Kenneth all the information he needed.

Fosk had really forgotten about the last command he'd given him. He had wondered whether he'd be able to make the wolf forget about stuff that easily, since that was also one of the things in that crumpled list of his. It seemed he would be able to play with his amnesia during the next sessions.

He tried to ignore those thoughts for now, in case the wolf was getting suspicious about his mistake. Both of them finished their cups of coffee in silence, exchanging a few glances but without needing to talk.

"Well, if you've liked this session so much, I can guarantee the next one will be a blast," Kenneth said after a few seconds, picking the wolf's empty cup as he stood up and got ready to leave his office. "Believe me. You're not going to want to leave this room ever again."

"Oh, really?" the wolf asked, fighting his own blush one more time. "Heh. Well, what I know about you so far is that you've learned very quickly how to push all my right buttons, so I believe you. I'm looking forward to it."

Kenneth grinned as he watched him pick up his coat and walk towards the door.

"I bet you do, Fosk," he said, with a playful sparkle in his eyes. "I bet you do."