One Bad Day

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokè-Treat

The female Charizard stirred, Clair had woken before her trainer and their traveling guests. The sun was still about an hour away. She sighed then turned to her trainer, she stealthily reached down to grab a Pokèball from his belt. One would think she would be putting herself back into her own ball, but she was actually bringing one out. The Espeon member of their team came out and stretched then turned to Clair. Moon cocked her head quizzically as she noticed that Clair had a hold on her ball, the two females left the sleeping members so they could talk.

Once away from them, Moon finally asked: "Why?"

"I need your abilities..." Clair sighed.

"Again, why? Your mind is closed off from me for a change; you are usually spilling your thoughts out."

"I don't even know what I am thinking. O-oh... I'll just be blunt, check to see if I am pregnant."

"You can't tell yourself?"

"If I am... it would be my first. I'm having... odd dreams and wanting to hunt like crazy. I can stop myself but..."

"Hold still..." Moon fell silent as she closed her eyes and tried to look for life signs around her. She gasped suddenly. "Twins..."

"Excuse me?"

"We need to get you to a doctor, and watched you are not made to have multiple offspring during the same pregnancy, not like me and Shadow. We need to wake Jason."

"No... if he realizes the dangers, then he'll just coddle me. Let's just tell him I just don't feel well and need to stop by the Center."

"He needs to know, you cannot go into battle like this."

"I know... but... still."

Moon growled then walked back to camp, or rather the 'crash' site, to wake Jason. She placed a paw on his chest and sent a psychic pulse into him that made him wake with a fright. He gasped as he came to reality and saw Moon right in his face. He crawled backwards a little as his scare calmed.

"Geez, what do you want?"

"We need to move, Clair is not feeling well and I cannot find a 'problem' myself." Moon bit her lip.

"Uh-huh. And does this unfound 'problem' have any symptoms?"

"Emotional swings and the occasional upset stomach."

"How long do you think this will last?"

"Depends on how the 'problem' progresses."

"Right, well I guess we'll head off early so we can get to a Center. We should not be far away. Can you sense any other humans?"

"No, not right off."

"Well, as soon as you do, think you can teleport us to the Center?"

"Sure, it will be difficult, though, I don't think I have ever seen this area before."

"I have faith in you, my dear. Excuse me." Jason forced himself up then went to the sulking Charizard.

He placed a hand on her side and asked her if she felt well. She bluntly lied; he saw through it as she went a few paces away and vomited a milky white substance. He cringed then told her she was to relax in her ball until they got to a center. She grumbled then vomited again. Once she was done, Jason returned her to her ball and brought out Champ.

He stretched then sniffed the air. He was about to protest the scent he caught when Jason told him to get the others on his back while he prepped Rex. Champ complied but when he asked about Clair, Jason shrugged away the question. He released Rex then jumped onto the male's back without a word to him. Finally, after five minutes of waiting for Lisa and Grace to get settled with Moon, they were soon flying off. The city came into sight rather quickly; all that they waited for was for them to get into Moon's teleport range.

"Here we go!" She shouted after an hour's flight. Suddenly they were on the ground five feet in front of the Center's door. Moon shook like she nearly scared herself to death. "Never again, you here me? I almost put us underground. I need to see the place for now on."

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to do that again unless it is an emergency. Life or death only."

"Thank you." She looked at Jason as she started to probe the area, something felt off to her. She shrugged it off then got up beside Jason. "You may want to hold back Champ and Rex; they may make the place a little tight."

He nodded then called back the two Charizards while releasing Shadow and Adrian to give them some stretching time. Adrian immediately ran up to Lisa and link arms with her. The group went inside and to the counter and let Jason do the talking. Joy looked down and held her attention on the twins. She leaned forward with a plastic smile.

"How can I help you today?"

"Can we have a pregnancy test done and a check up on the same female? My Espeon told me that I needed to find a Center quickly because of a possible problem."


Jason pulled Clair's ball from his belt and was about to release her when an officer busted in and ordered him to freeze.

"Hold it right there, you abusive trainer!" It was some guy, a possible rookie; he held a pistol pointed at Jason while a Growlithe snarled behind him.

"Excuse me?"

"Hand over your card and belt, now!"

"Will you let--?"

"Shut it, do as I say and you won't get shot."

Jason gulped then slowly started to undo his belt. Moon and Shadow hissed and positioned themselves between the two humans. Moon and Shadow growled viciously, their eyes began to glow with power as they tapped into their abilities. To Jason's surprise, they did something he had never seen before. Shadow let out a black, misty ball towards the officer while Moon let out a brilliant blue ball in unison. Jason heard the man scream with fear but no thud of flesh. The power balls vanished, there behind them standing tall was an elderly Alakazam. It took a deep breath then looked behind him.

Stand down. It was clearly male after hearing it's rather shouted telepathy. Forgive the youngen's actions, I came as fast as my old body could.

"Thanks," Jason bowed.

No need for that, trainer. Nurse, tend to his Charizard, these are my guests.

"Yes, mayor." The Nurse took the ball as the Alakazam took Clair's ball from Jason's belt and sent it to her.

These people do not like the idea of humans beating on... Pokèmon. Those two are strong, keep them with you always. The Alakazam turned and started to walk for the door. Please meet with me at the courthouse. I shall explain more after you are done here.

With that, he left. Nurse Joy moved quickly and silently. She eventually confirmed that Clair was pregnant and all was fine save for the fact that she was carrying two eggs. She held no promises that both would survive the carrying term of four weeks. Jason frowned on that but that was nature. She tossed the ball at him rather roughly then vanished to the back.

"Well... Anyway, Moon, Shadow, that back there was awesome. You pretty much saved all our hides."

Shadow blushed, Jason was sure of it. "Thank you, it was just the natural thing to do."

"Yeah, I agree... I don't know what came over me, but I had to protect... my family." Moon smiled as she realized what she was saying. "Family... That sounds so... right."

"That it does, come on, we have a meeting with the mayor."

Jason and his team made their way to the courthouse and easily found the Alakazam sitting at a desk doing paperwork, this puzzled Jason to no end. Though the mayor part did as much confusion as the writing did.

He walked up and sat down in front of the desk on an empty chair. Without looking up, the Alakazam greeted them properly.

Welcome to Parzaa, young one, I am called Jovah, the mayor of this quaint town.

"There is no need for telepathy, Jovah; I can understand your birth tongue quite well."

"That so?" The Pokèmon spoke.

"Yes, thanks to Moon. Anyway, I am Jason. Can you please tell me why they tried to arrest me for nothing?"

"It is because the all too obvious scaring on those two. They look as fresh as any newborn."

"Most likely because I came to their aid just after their previous trainer sliced open Shadow's back somehow. Shadow quickly recovered and enjoys the freedom, Moon is a working progress."

"Hey!" Moon shouted at Jason from behind.

"It is the truth, Moon, and remember to use your indoor voice, please."


"You truly act like a family as though you were blood, quite refreshing to see that. I am sure you are curious about me being in charge, no?"

"I was not going to bring it up, but yes."

"Pokèmon here are seen as equals, those who can speak the tongue of Man are eligible for any position in town, which is how I was voted in. Others, such as the Growlithe from the Center, hold power yet do not speak simply because of their self trained abilities to communicate otherwise. That Growlithe is actually a captain and simply by growling in a certain tone, the officer obeyed the order to apprehend you in anyway possible." Jovah looked behind Jason and noticed the Lucarios playing with the Plusle. "The little one is deaf and her guardian shows great care to make sure no one finds out that neither of them are captured. If I may ask, what do you plan on doing with those two?"

"Nothing, I asked them to join us since their mixed clan was destroyed by some unknown maddened Pokèmon. They both agreed to stay with us for protection until we find a suitable clan for them to join."

"From reading her outer thoughts, she does not want to leave him nor the little one. I do have the ability to make it on a National level that those two are part of your family. If you wish it. You will be given a new card with their pictures on the back with the names and your clan name, which for humans, I believe, is the last name. You still keep the Trainers Card but this will allow you to legally fight for their freedom if they become captured against their will."


"Talk to them first. I shall be here with the papers if they agree, I will not influence them."

Jason smiled then rose from the chair and went to Grace and Lisa then knelt to their level. Which was not far, he rubbed Grace's head lightly before speaking to Lisa.

"The mayor has the power to make you and Grace a part of my family. I did not bring it up, he did, but he will need your agreement to it. Think of it as an adoption, if you want it."

"That will make it possible for us to stay with you even in areas where Pokèmon are not allowed, wouldn't it?"

"I don't know, but I am sure you can ask Jovah about that."

Lisa loop one arm around Jason's neck while the other held onto Grace, she drew in and kissed his brow. "Thank you, but if you want me to call you dad, you're asking for trouble."

"Wouldn't dare. I am sure your paw prints or something is needed for legality, so come on."

Lisa rushed by him and went to the desk, he heard Jovah chuckle as he explained in more detail of what they were able to do. He heard that in most cases, they would be treated as a human child would outside the town. She giggled and hugged the confused Grace. Jovah pulled a large inkpad out of the desk and a roller. He filled out the forms then asked for Grace's name and paw, Lisa answered then took Grace's arm and stretched it out so the Alakazam could ink her paw pads then press it against the paper. Then Lisa did the same. Jason then patted her shoulder before doing his part, signing his full name, adding his palm print, then dating it.

"There, all that is needed now is your pictures taken and placed on cards of which all three of you will hold." Jovah rose and held the paper flat.

"This means we will have to go shopping for you two, at least one pack for now."

"Yes indeed, that would be wise." Jovah added. "Come, things must be dealt with carefully now." He winked then turned to lead the way to white sheet hanging in closed off portion of the courthouse. "Wait here for a moment, please."

Jovah left them in the room so he could get a woman in there to take the pictures. Adrian held Grace as Lisa took her picture, Grace was all too curious about the camera and wanted to go after it. She jumped as the flash went off. Adrian chuckled. Moon and Shadow both yawned as they were starting to grow bored though they both refused to ask to return to their balls.

Adrian went to place Grace on a chair in front of the sheet while Lisa signed an explanation to the toddler as best as she could then went to stand beside the camera so Grace would continue to look towards it. The camera went off again, this time the flash made her cry out because it hurt her eyes. Lisa went and cradled her while Jason went to have his taken. Within a few minutes after, the woman had the cards printed out and handed over to Jason. The owner of each card had their mug shot on the front while the family was on the back with their information under the picture. Jason thanked her as she left them then he placed his card in his wallet with his Trainers Card.

That afternoon, Jason, Lisa, and Grace found themselves shopping in an accessory shop. Lisa picked out a small bag that Grace would grow into with the coloring of the average Plusle then she found a pink trainer's bag that suited her just fine. Jason didn't judge her choice, he paid for them then handed Lisa their cards which she quickly placed in her new bag. Then they wandered over to a berry shop where they stocked Lisa's bag full of dried berries for later use.

When evening came, they found a small hotel and rented a room. Unfortunately, it was a one bed room. Lisa sighed but when it came to a night's rest, no one bothered with formality. Jason stripped down to his shirt and boxers then went to shower while Lisa sat on the bed and flipped through the channels on the TV. She found the weather channel and watched it. The weather was to remain clear all week.

Grace grabbed Lisa's fur when she could not catch her attention otherwise then signed that she had to potty. Lisa sighed then picked her up and went into the bathroom asking Jason to remain behind the curtain. Grace complained slightly but she could not hold her bowls any longer and let loose. Once she was done, Lisa wiped her clean then nudged her out the door. Lisa bit her lip as she looked back at the curtain.

She drew a deep, quiet breath then crept towards the curtain. She lifted a shaky paw, fighting herself, she wanted to see his naked body yet she wanted to respect his privacy. She lowered the paw just before the curtain flew open. She scanned his body hungrily even as he moved out to grab the towel.

"What you see is all that I am. The shower is yours if you wish. I suppose Grace is out there alone."

"Yes... I-I..."

"No, you cannot. Get washed up, I'm heading to bed."

"That wasn't on my mind."

"Your eyes were. Good night."

"But I-" She sighed as he walked out and closed the door behind him. "I wanted to apologize."

She climbed into the shower and turned it on. With the cooling water hitting her, she leaned back against the wall and silently begged forgiveness.

Jason lay on the bed after changing shorts and putting Grace under the covers. With a sigh of his own, he went let out Shadow, Moon, and Adrian leaving the bigger members in their balls while they remained in their room. Moon placed her sister and herself on the foot of the bed with her powers then watched as Adrian began to pace the room.

"Will you stop that!" Moon growled lightly at him.

"Sorry, I just cannot worry about Lisa. We... mated." He seemed to relax after saying the word. "I just feel like I need to be- I don't know- more responsible? I'll help take care of Grace, but what of her? I don't know how I should act around her."

"Be yourself." Jason said quietly. "Keep her satisfied and happy. With her previous mate being her trainer, I have a feeling she would try to come to me for her bodily needs. So make her want you and not me..."

A pounding on the door made Jason grumble, he rushed to get his pants on and rush to the door. He answered it and met a fist to his nose he back away holding his face as a little bit of blood poured from between his fingers. Adrian immediately came up and attacked the attacker, the small male made contact with a burly human male. The Lucario had more power, the man slid back as he doubled over. He looked the Lucario in the eyes in time to see a furred fist coming at him and make contact with his nose. Bone and cartilage crushed, blood started pouring out before the paw and returned.

"Don't mess with my boy! Ever!" Adrian shouted, he went back to the room to see Lisa tending to Jason. "Shadow, watch over Lisa and Grace. Moon, let's get him to the Center and see if the Nurse will help out."

"What if-?"

"Those two can handle it. We need to move." He wrapped Jason's free arm around his neck and then wrapped his own arm around Jason's waist.

Moon sighed then the three teleported to the Center right at the desk, Jason's knees gave out as they came back to the plane. The night shift nurse came out and looked over at the commotion, one look at Moon made her huff. Moon growled then sent her powers at the nurse.

Leave your emotions to yourself, human! This is my true trainer, not the bastard that tortured me and my sister. Tend to his broken nose before I break every bone in your body one molecule at a time! Moon sent to the nurse's mind.

The nurse gulped loudly then went to help. She pulled him up to the chairs and quickly grabbed a first aid kit then started patching him up. When she finished him up, the burly man came stumbling in with the Growlithe captain forcing him into the building. He growled making the man sit.

"I take it you caused this mess?" The captain asked Adrian.

"I did."

"You could have killed him... but you didn't, why not?"

"He didn't give me a reason to. He swung once at my trainer, so did I after separating them. I just made sure the damage would be more visible after it healed. Should I have finished him off?"

"Of course not, though most go into a rage when the ones they claim are attacked like that. I am proud of you; keep your head... always." The captain turned to go tend to the man he brought in.

Adrian went to Jason and sat quietly as he watched the man bleed slowly in the corner, he felt no pity in what he done. He protected his trainer; his duty was filled for the day. The nurse packed his nose and then taped it up, he looked odd but at least it would not be deformed as the other man's would be. Adrian held onto him tightly as he stood, without a word spoken Moon took the three of them back to the room. Jason was no longer tired, though he let the others sleep. His nose ached to no end, and had nothing to kill the pain. Moaning quietly, he rose and went to the bathroom and sat on the icy porcelain seat. With the mirror directly across from him, he saw the swelled injury and the growing bruise.

"I'll let them sleep a little longer, and then we'll follow the road to the next town and pray that I don't get beaten for no reason again." He spoke quietly to the mirror. "Maybe I'll find a clue there where I can find these guardians. I know that Mew will do something if it thinks I'm all that special."

He sighed then leaned back, he wanted to call for that Mew somehow. He needed more information to continue this ill-brained task. He also needed rest, a moan escaped as he absently rubbed his nose. Adrian walked in silently and stared at his trainer. When he finally got the boy's attention, he clicked his tongue at him.

"What?" Jason asked nonchalantly.


"Not really."

"Then what about finding the Charizard realms?"

"You heard?"

Adrian nodded.

"I guess it would do me some good to talk..." Jason sighed as Adrian walked by him to sit on the edge of the tub. "When we stopped at the lake, where you and Lisa got to know each other. A Mew came to me that next morning and told me that I had a new quest: to seek out the guardians, those of the land and those of the sky. Show them my strength and they will give me what I need for the Ones who have no name."

"Sounds like a bunch of Tauros dung to me."

"Mew rarely show themselves to humans, you know that."

"Anyone for that matter. Some say only the purest will be honored by their presence and seeing more than one at once means that they will make you one of them."


"It's a story Miguel once told me to put me to sleep. That's all I know."

"Odd, he just does not seem like the storytelling type to me."

"Not anymore. He used to be... when I was very young." Adrian slumped, his earliest memories returning to him. "I miss the nights when I could just cry to keep from going to sleep and forcing him to tell me stories. That was really the only nice thing he did for me. I bet he would be appalled to know that I have a mate now."

"Don't get too carried away. It may have been only once but don't consider her your mate until she agrees to it. Go get some sleep, alright?"

Adrian sighed, but nodded slowly then retreated. Jason followed him out then they both climbed into the bed and stared at the ceiling. Finally the Lucario started to breathe deeply leaving only Jason awake to think and fight off pain. Though he had to admit, his tiny cracked nose was far better than his attacker's mashed face.

He fell into the grasp of slumber by the early stages of dawn. When the Pokèmon woke, they quietly rose from the bed and grouped together. They talked as low as possible allowing Jason to sleep. Adrian told them his conversation from earlier that morning. Moon sighed while the others chuckled about wild dreams. She corrected them, then explained the details straight from their trainer's mind.

Jason woke just as the hotel room flew open, a pair of Farfetch'd came in. Adrian shouted something just as one swung, knocking him out cold; the other took out Moon with a Pursuit attack then the alternated taking out the other two stronger ones letting Grace shake with fear. A tall skinny man came in with two Machamps, he ordered one to take Jason as he fought to free Rex's ball from the belt. The other started grabbing the Pokèmon. The Machamp took the belt from Jason then grabbed him and tossed him onto its shoulder in one swift move. The trainer grabbed the Plusle gently then walked out his Pokèmon followed silently.

Jason fought his captor until he was knocked out by the Pokèmon. Moon moaned as she weakly watched Jason's struggle, she gave in to the darkness that was overwhelming her sight. Shadow simply cried silently, too weak to do anything else. Adrian and Lisa stared out blankly as they took more of a beating then the other two.

When Jason came to, he found himself tied tightly to a chair in a sanitized type white room. He struggled hopelessly trying to free his arms from the restraints on the chair. As he struggled, the man walked in with only a set of keys in his hand. He chuckled heavily as he walked around Jason's blind spot to came to his front. He tossed the keys on a small table that rose from the floor as he approached.

"Sorry about all this, but I cannot allow you to go on. Shall we begin with this?" The man snapped his fingers.

A trio of Machops came in with trays of various tools and devices. Jason went pale white as the trays went by him, many items were rusty and looked like they were meant for pain. His bladder nearly emptied as the man grabbed a pair of tongs then grabbed his hand.

"Tell me what you are after." The man said calmly.

Adrian woke with a start and instinctively sent off a ball of Aura energy. The ball struck and charred a white wall. He gasped as he looked around, everyone was with him, including the Charizards. They looked at him and sighed. Clair looked as though she had been crying.

"RAAAH!" Adrian roared, his body glowed briefly as he fought to control his anger. "I failed! I could not defend him! What if he gets killed? What will happen to us?"

"Adrian, I got two words for you... Shut UP!" Moon shouted at him.

"He's got a point. Continue trying to open that door." Champ grunted as he rubbed Clair's back with his wing. "We all failed him, Adrian, we had no choice but to give in. Three Blastoise and three Feraligators threatened us to back down, they had to soak the fighter over here. Rex fought hard, but he still fell to their combined Hydro Pumps."

"At least I fought." Rex said weakly from his corner, his tail barely alit. "I'll live, just need time."

"GOT IT!" Moon shouted happily as the door flew open.

"About time." Rex stood, his legs shook from his weight. "I want my revenge."

"Take it easy, killer." Champ stood himself and went to the door. "Can you sense him?"

Moon nodded as the Charizard went by her. "Lead the way. Everyone, our own lives may be at risk, don't do anything stupid, we stay together and fight together. If we come to any trainers, knock out the human first."

Lisa's jaw dropped as Champ gave that order, in all her short years, not once was she told to do such a thing.

"Let's go, Lisa, and tell Grace that she will have to fight as well. We'll need her paralyzing abilities."

Moon led, following Jason's mental signature. She also found ways of avoiding fights altogether. The moment she stopped, everyone asked her why. Her tail tips quivered, only Shadow spoke up.

"Moon... He's hurting isn't he? Please tell me I'm wrong."

"The man- the one who took us- he's torturing him. Pulling out fingernails." She spoke quietly and carefully not trusting her voice any farther.

"We need to move, hurry!" Shadow nudge her sister to get her moving again.

This time, Moon did not take the long way around. She came up to everyone in her way and sent them flying in her angered state. Her telekinesis could not be stopped as she charged. They came up to one of the Machamps that had carried them off. Moon was the last thing it ever saw, she picked it up and sent its head right into one of the ceiling lights electrocuting it. Its screams and death throes lasted mere seconds as they passed. When Moon finally let it go, the charred headed corpse fell to the floor loudly.

At last, they had found the door that separated them from their human, and it was guarded by a strange white and purple Pokèmon as tall as the man holding the lease and an electric prod. The Pokèmon had some kind of collar around its neck, which, not only held the lease, seemed to keep the Pokèmon under control. They came up to the duo and looked at them with a fire in their eyes. The Charizards growled as the man stared at them.

"How did you escape? Never mind. Mewtwo, time for some fun. Kill them." The man undid the lease, which made the collar hiss.

The Pokèmon looked at them blankly as it started to move. It hissed then sent a psychic wave at them, Moon blocked it but just.

"Get rid of that collar!" She hissed as she fought the searing pain in her head.

Shadow melted into a shadow then came up from under the Mewtwo. She jumped up and sliced at the collar, she screamed as an electric jolt shocked both her and the Mewtwo. For a brief moment, the Pokèmon looked lucid as it looked at them. The Pokèmon was able only to telepathically say one word, "Help."

"Grace, send her in, we'll distract its attacks!" Shadow shouted as she bit the ankle then dodged a tail swipe.

With only a single motion, Lisa told Grace to use Thunderbolt. Without hesitation, Grace used the attack and struck the Mewtwo right on the collar. It screamed and fell to its knees while the collar was being short circuited. Once the attack was done, smoke rolled up to the ceiling from the collar. The Pokèmon looked at the group, its eyes glowed bright blue. The man screamed then blood trailed from his nose, eyes, mouth, and ears. The lifeless body was caste aside, then the Mewtwo stood.

"Thank you." It said then threw an energy ball at the door and splintered it. The pieces hovered for a brief moment then dropped. "Go." The Pokèmon vanished.

They went in and found Jason bleeding from multiple points of his body, his undershirt was ripped and splayed open. The man held a rusty knife to his throat.

"Come any closer and I will kill him." The man growled out. Fortunately he did not expect Shadow to be able to come from behind him.

She snuck up behind him and used a Faint Attack against him. Her paw quickly and quietly appeared with blood all over it then a bloody hole where the man's heart was appeared. He dropped the knife as he looked at his chest then collapsed from the sudden blood loss. Shadow gasped loudly as she realized what she had done then looked at the blood on her paw.

"Oh, Arceus, what have I done?"

"You saved me for one." Jason coughed. "Someone get me out of this chair."

"Not wise." Mewtwo appeared beside Jason. "Hold still. May sting."

It enveloped Jason in a blue mist of its power, he moaned as he began to slowly heal. Once it was done, the restraints broke and Jason slowly stood.

"Thank you."

"We are even. Good luck." The Pokèmon turned.

"Wait, won't you join us?"

"No. I am not meant to be with humanity. I am not even supposed to be alive again. Farewell." That was it, it vanished without another word spoken.

"Hmm." Jason looked down at the man then removed the tattered remains of his shirt and used it to wipe off Shadow's paw. "It will be alright. You had to keep me alive, thank you. Well... let's find me some clothes that aren't bloody. I'm freezing with just my boxers on."

"There's another dead man out there about your size, the... Mewtwo did him in." Champ rumbled. "I think it fried his brain."

"It? From you guys?"

"No scent. I could not tell the gender nor did it want it to be known if you did not notice."

"True." Jason pushed passed the Charizards then looked for the body, indeed the man looked mentally fried. Jason stripped the body of clothes then dressed. He sighed then looked at his team. "Now we need my belt then we can go back to the room and get the rest of our things."

"Got it." Moon vanished for a brief moment then returning with the belt in her maw, all the balls in place. "Wasn't hard, they just tossed it with some of their own gear. Ready to leave this place?"

Everyone gladly retreated into their respective capsules leaving the open pair to be with Jason and Moon. They were about to teleport out when a strange force enveloped them and took them. They rematerialized in a marshland area. Jason grumbled.

"Enough with the abductions today!" He turned and saw a brilliant blue Pokèmon. "Oh my..."

"You have a strong will, boy, but do you have the spirit? Fight me."

"Right. Moon, Psychic!"

And the battle was on. The attack struck, Suicune used Water Pulse. Its attack struck. Jason issued a Quick Attack followed by a another Psychic. Suicune took the beating without a flinching. It then let out a quick series of Ice Beams. Only one hit. Moon gasped and shivered.

Suicune watched patiently, Moon shook the remains of the Ice Beam off then growled. Her eyes began to glow, a blue energy ball formed in front of Moon. Jason just gasped, all he could think was: "Not this again," as Moon shot it off at Suicune. It refused to move letting the attack hit. The Suicune howled in unexpected pain, it did not think the attack would be so strong after fighting the Espeon.

The Suicune wavered on its feet as the mist dissipated once it was fully gone, it collapsed. Jason did not hesitate, he tossed a ball at it. It went in, and did not fight it. The ball pinged then he found himself sitting on the hotel bed with a bright blue Pokèball in his hand. He could not think of a nickname in time before the Pokèdex activated and took it to the Storage Boxes that were registered to him.

"That wasn't a daydream, right?"

"No, it was real." Moon said as she jumped onto the bed, Lisa and Grace was right behind her. "I'm wore out. Anyway, you might want to figure out who you are going to trade in to work with that Suicune. Though I do have a feeling that our abduction was not real, you may want to ask him."

"Him? How could you- right, never mind. I think I'll let the team decide who's to switch out. Think that's fair?"

"You're the trainer, why should it matter to us?"

"I rather have everyone happy."

Moon grinned slightly then curled up on the bed. "We are happy... well most of us anyway."

"You're going to make me suffer, right?"

"Yep. Go switch out Rex like you have been planning on doing, we all could use a break from him and his... habit."

Jason sighed slightly then grabbed his belt. "Very well, you all stay here."

Jason dressed and strapped his belt on then rushed out to the PokèCenter to use the storage system. He switched out Rex and retrieved Suicune. He sighed, for a Trainer, he was a lousy collector, but he at least had rare Pokèmon to call his own. He turned off the computer then turned to release Suicune. The ball buzzed then popped open, Suicune appeared in front of him sitting on his rump lightly breathing.

Suicune greeted him then asked him for his orders. Jason was gawking at the ball, it was unique that was certain. He finally drew a breath then looked up and told him to follow. The Pokèmon did silently, ignoring the gawking passersby, it was now a captured Pokèmon loyal to a pure hearted trainer.

"Alright," Jason said as they made it to the room. "I need to gather my things then we can move out of this town. Then we can talk."

"Indeed." Suicune went in as Jason offered the open threshold for him. "Ladies." He bowed his head slightly as he entered the room. He sat down on his rump at the foot of the bed and stared at Jason as he packed his toiletries and other small gear items. "You are nervous... why?"

"I am? Didn't notice. Anxious I would agree with. So what should I call you?"

"I have many names, my human, you may call me as you wish."

"But what name did your mother and father give you?"

Suicune stayed silent.

"Don't tell me you do not have a mother or father, I know better than that."

"True, I will not lie about that. But the knowledge will be kept from you, for their safety."

"All I want is your name, how would that reveal their location?"

"It just would..."

"Samuel, am I wrong? I do not detect a regional name there, quite common even among humans. Though I will keep them to myself, your parents are lovely through your eyes."

"Stay out of my head!" He barked out as he turned sharply and glared at Moon. Jason could feel the energy within the Pokèmon rise.

"Thank you, Moon, but I was asking him. All that we know of your... kind is that you are a pure water type, very quick on your toes, and only reveal yourselves to pure hearted people on a mission- mostly to save the world now and then."

"That is all that we allow. Very few of us have forgotten the laws of the Pact we made eons ago. I, for one, will not break that Pact without a reason."

"Can you tell us about the Pact? I never heard of such a thing happening between humans and Pokèmon."

"When we are not among other humans or Psychics I will explain it."

Jason slung his pack back over his shoulder then turned to smile at Grace. "Come here, sweetie. Alright, Moon, want to go back in and rest?"

"Why not, Sammy can keep the people away just looks alone."

Samuel growled, Moon just chuckled as Jason pressed the capsule and returned her.

They quickly left, Lisa walking beside Samuel, Jason kept his gaze on the ground as they walked. Other people stared cautiously, leery of the Suicune walking close to Jason. Jason stopped in mid step, the town's mayor stood in his path with his arms behind his back. He eyed the rare Pokèmon behind the boy carefully.

"Leaving so soon?"

Jason nodded. "Yes, sir, I figured we would leave before something else happens."

"I see.... Well, take care then, I will be wishing you all good health."

"Thank you."

The Alakazam vanished with a chuckle letting the trainer go his own way, Jason tried to smile but groaned from the bandage pulling at his skin. He had forgotten he had the tape on still. Jason started walking again absently playing with Grace's paws. She squirmed as he tickled her. Jason slowed his pace once they left the city limits and let the other two come around him. They walked in silence though the road was empty of all others, even of trees for a good twenty meter away from the concrete path wide enough for two vehicles to pass on.

There they watched the western horizon as the sun began to set, Jason suggested they find a place off the road to make camp. Adrian came out at Jason's call and helped make the tent and the fire pit. That's when Jason released the rest of his team and let the Charizard's stretch while Moon and Shadow went to pick on Samuel. They were yelled at twice by the Suicune before Jason intervened, he picked then up by the scruff then sat them beside Adrian. The Lucario was ogling Lisa as he noticed his trainer scolding the two 'eons. He groaned as he heard his name and then started paying attention to the scolding.

"...Adrian, will sit on you if necessary."

"Literally or figuratively?"

"You choose." Jason walked back to Samuel and apologized.

To Adrian, it seemed that his trainer was sucking up to the rare Pokèmon, he sighed then returned his gaze on Lisa. Ever since that night by the lake, she was on his mind. He hoped that she would become heavily pregnant with his young, but he would not mind trying again. Apparently, Lisa heard his thoughts, she looked at him alluringly then rose from small pad of paper she had acquired from the hotel. She sat down beside the sisters and stared into his eyes. Something was different with her, that he could tell, but he could not find it. Then an over powering scent hit his nose, he gasped and felt like he had to hold himself up. Instincts hit him hard, he felt his sheath reacting to the scent... she was in heat.

Adrian gulped, he looked at the sisters briefly then stood as he reached for Lisa. She half moaned, half giggled as she took his offered paw. She could not think past this point, she just knew that this was the worst estrus cycle she had had since her fist time. She partly blamed Adrian's presence for it. She let him basically drag her to the tent and disappear. They were not quiet about it either, Jason turned just in time to watch them both disappear behind the folds. He sighed and followed despite Moon's warnings. He stepped in and slumped down just inside.

Adrian gasped as Lisa worked him up, his erection already protruding from his sheath. Neither noticed the audience they had when she pulled away her paw then turned to allow him access to her rump. Adrian moaned and quickly mounted her shoving his shaft deep inside her then he started to thrust vigorously. Jason just watched, he could not stop it, nor did he want to. The tent in his own pants made him want to pay attention to his own body, but he refused. He just stared at the couple mindlessly. Everything stopped around them when a mind piercing screech crossed their ears and mind.

"MOON!" Jason shouted as he scrambled to get free, he heard Champ roar and then a strong blast when his attack struck something. Finally he broke free of the flap and returned in time to see that Moon was gone, Shadow beaten, and Champ distraught. "What happened?"

Champ just stared out into the open air. "She's gone... it took her..."

"What took Moon?" He tried to stay calm as he asked. He hovered over Shadow, she bled lightly but not seriously.

"I think it was a Salamence... It came from no where and left the same with her..."