Experiments, Chapter Two

Story by RandomManOfDOOM on SoFurry

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#3 of Experiments

Chapter Two! Anyway...let's jump right in.

This story contains a wolf nearly yiffing a "dead" fox. Nearly. As in, there's no actual yiff.

I'll get to the yiff, I promise. ;D























//SYS--MESSAGE: NNI was started successfully for user {{ID NOT SET}} //

//SYS--MESSAGE: Bringing main consciousness online... //


I awoke to searing pain and wished that the NNI had kept me unaware. The backup interface of the NNI automatically stores the user's current "mindset" into its own internal storage system on regular intervals. These backups are used in the military to gather intel and to keep valuable soldiers alive after being killed sometimes hundreds of times. For others, the backup can be used to prevent brain death as a result of asphyxiation or other events, like being stabbed or badly wounded. There have been reports of some people using this feature to gain immortality, but those are just myths.

//BIONET--MESSAGE: Morphine administered //

The pain began to fade as I attempted to sit up, only to return with a vengeance as the Hunter's antennae sliced something else open. I didn't notice the message about what had been lacerated, nor did I see the five pairs of eyes watching me. My only concern was getting this damn thing off of me. I pushed and pulled at dead weight as I shredded more and more of my torso. Stupid thing, I raged silently, it HAD to fall on me and pin me to the ground. It couldn't have just fallen, oh no. It just HAD to do this (ow) and (OW) hurt me this much (OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!). Finally, the antennae slid free of my body...out my side. I had enough presence of mind to move out from under it before I started feeling dizzy. I wondered why I felt dizzy, and the still-conscious part of my brain informed me that it could probably be a result of most of my blood being on the ground.

//BIONET--CRITICAL: User death imminent! Seek immediate medical attention! //

My last conscious thought was something about donuts and crowbars. I vaguely remember seeing shapes mill around me and speak about me. The shapes looked like various other anthropomorphic animals, but I couldn't be sure. I heard them talking.

"What is he? Some sort of cyborg?"

"I don't think so, he just looks like a really heavily armored fox"

"That's a hell of a suit of armor."

"Should we leave him? I mean, what if there are more of those things?"

"Yeah, that looks sharp...OW!"

"What are you, stupid, Paul? It fucking sliced him in half! And you TOUCH it?!"

"He's not completely in half; there's still some skin holding him together."

"And his spine."

"Ah, yes. That too."

"Is he even breathing?"

"Barely. It looks like he took a hard hit."

"No shit, Darryl."

"What can we do for him?"

"I have no idea. We sure as hell can't do much."

"Hmm...wait! I have an extra room! He can stay there until he heals!"

"IF he heals. It looks like most of his chest is in that puddle."

"Yeah, there's his liver. Well, part of it, anyway. That'd make a good meal..."

"Good god, Gordon, you're REALLY weird."

"Why, thank you, Bill."

"You DO realize that...well...the elders won't like this."

"They don't have to know."

"Um, they're kinda the ELDERS, Darryl! They deserve to know!"

"Jack's right. If they find out he's in the village, they'll surely //NNI--MESSAGE: Unconsciousness detected. //


I woke up in a room. It was a pretty small room in what looked to be a hidden area of a house. I presumed I was in the village that the unknown voices had spoke of. I gathered myself and sat up for about two seconds before my field of vision was flooded with messages about pain levels and morphine quotas before I flopped back onto the bed that I had just noticed I was laying on. Someone opened the door to the room; I was too busy with the searing pain in my torso to care.

"Hey, take it easy, man. You've been through a lot."

I recognized the voice from before I fell unconscious. "Darryl?"

"Well, you know my name. Maybe you were still conscious after all. Look, buddy, I don't know you and I really don't care. I'm risking both our necks by saving you."

I regarded Darryl. He too was a fox, but instead of orange was a bright vibrant red color. There was a stripe down his tail, presumably self-made, along with a height rivaling my own. He looked very nervous, like he had just done something bad. The last part of his statement confused me, though. Did he really say necks? Could I lose my head or something?

"What do you mean by 'necks?' "

Darryl flushed red and turned away from me, and explained in a hushed, fearful tone. "It's one of our highest laws. If any inhabitants of the village bring or expedite the bringing of an outsider into the village, they all, including the outsider, will be hanged immediately."

Oh, I thought, THAT'S what he means.

"I'm assuming I'm the first outsider."


"Where's the others?"

"You heard them too, eh? Well, Gordon, Bill, and Paul all went home. They don't care about you at all; in fact, they want to stay alive. You obviously know where I am."

"Duh," I said sarcastically.

"And," he continued, ignoring me completely, "Jack is...probably ratting us out."

"What?" I exclaimed as I sat up, then promply flattening back onto the bed as my BioNet flashed no less than 200 warnings about pain and morphine quotas.

"Can you move?"

"Uh, NO! I can't even sit up!"

"Well, this is a problem, then."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"It's Darryl."

"You've never heard that saying?"


I stared incredulously at Darryl as we heard a loud knock at the door to the room. Our stares turned to worried looks as the door was kicked in and several armed furs waltzed in and seized both of us (causing me immeasureable pain). Another fur, whom I assumed was Jack, calmly entered and secured my weapons and gear. He regarded my weapons with greedy eyes, then us with disdain.

"Darryl, my dear friend, you must understand what you've done."

"You're no friend of mine, you backstabbing--"

"Backstabbing? Oh, no, no, no! (the amount of condescending tone in his voice at this point was ridiculous) I'm not the backstabber around here. You backstabbed the whole village by bringing this (he looked at me with the utmost disgust) filth into our village. You should be ashamed."

"Oh, sure. I'm ashamed for saving this man's life. Oh, woe is me."

"Yes, woe is you. Well, we'll see how well you can dance without a floor."

Jack motioned to the men and they hauled Darryl away. Jack came to me and stood directly in front of me, blocking my entire field of vision. I tried my best to look indifferent, but I probably came across as just someone trying to look indifferent when they're scared as hell.

"Well, filth, I hope you enjoy the noose."

"No," I said, "I'm pretty sure I won't enjoy that at all."

Slap. Pain. Morphine messages.

"You DARE speak to me, you vermin? For that, you shall not only be hanged, but also be hanged naked! How does that sound, maggot?"

I decided not to speak again, though my face flushed red immediately at the thought of dangling naked in front of a bunch of furs whom I did not know. Jack motioned to the guards and I was stripped of my clothes in about two seconds, exposing my unsheathed member. I heard Jack make a quip about its "small size." I briefly considered disemboweling him right there, but more pain stopped that thought. As the men dragged me away, I was hoping that I'd get lucky and an opportunity would present itself.



"ATTENTION ALL VILLAGERS: PUBLIC HANGING IN THE SQUARE," rang from an unseen source as Darryl and I stood on the gallows, hands tied and nooses tightened, awaiting the finality of death. A crowd of villagers gathered all around the platform; some villagers looked happy, others sad, and still others shocked at my nudeness. I couldn't help myself, apparently, because I had a raging erection. A hooded fur stood behind us, yelling loudly through the thick cloth hood. I'm pretty sure he had a microphone, because his voice was way too loud. I didn't care much, though, considering the situation.

"These two furs have been accused of undermining the principles on which this village has been built. The sentence stands approved by the Elders, and is public hanging by the neck until death has occurred."

The executioner grabbed Darryl's lever. I noticed that Darryl was sweating blood. Darryl shut his eyes as the lever was pulled, and he dropped. I heard a loud CRACK and that was it. He dangled there, neck snapped, completely and utterly dead. My erection twitched slightly, and I instructed my BioNet to shut all nervous system connections to my penis, just so I didn't feel so dirty. The executioner grabbed my lever next. I regarded the crowd, most of which was chanting my death, and I noticed something odd.

There was a man.

An honest to god man standing in the back of the crowd. He was wearing a business suit, a blue one, with a purple tie. His expression was dull and emotionless. I felt a little more nervous when he looked at me, smiled, and walked behind a small shed. He didn't come out the other side of the shed.

Before I could wonder What the fuck was that, the executioner pulled my lever. I felt myself drop before the rope twanged taut, and suddenly I didn't care about anything but oxygen. The noose constricted my airway, causing me to reflexively gasp for air, but no air came. My chest heaved in a futile attempt to catch any breath of air at all. Almost instantly after that, my BioNet spat up a complete readout of my vitals, along with multiple warnings that I was too busy to read.

//BIONET--CRITICAL: Airway constriction detected //

//BIONET--CRITICAL: SPO2 levels dropping //

//BIONET--CRITICAL: User death will occur in 3:54 //

I felt my face redden significantly and my eyes began to bulge as the noose collapsed my blood vessels. I knew this was it. I couldn't escape; I couldn't save myself; I couldn't even survive. I felt my brain begin to scream for oxygen, causing me to spin and wriggle on my noose, looking for any air at all. Through some fluke in BioNet, I felt my raging erection start spilling pre-cum everywhere. My face began to turn blue as a ringing overtook the yells of the crowd and the persistent alarms of the NNI.

//BIONET--CRITICAL: User death will occur in 1:31 //

There was no going back now. My mouth was open in a grotesque manner, tongue lolling out, swollen and tinged blue. My erection felt like it was going to explode, and my balls were clenching in apparent anticipation. I felt the pressure increase and...

//BIONET--CRITICAL: User death will occur in 0:46 //

Release. My huge amounts of cum sprayed everywhere. I tensed with each rope of cum that flew from my member and rather suddenly I felt the cold hand of death. It hurtled toward me through my tunnel vision. This is it, I thought, I'm going to die now.

But I didn't.

Somehow, time stopped completely. I saw the individual ropes of my cum suspended in midair, along with droplets of sweat falling from everywhere on my body. People were simply frozen. Then I heard a voice.

"Well, this is certainly interesting, Mr. Matt. I certainly hope you weren't planning...to...die in this manner."

It was that man, but he was somehow standing level to my field of vision, which was tilted sharply to the right. I tried to say something, but found that I still couldn't breathe. I gave the man an exasperated look.

"No no no, Mr. Matt. You are the only one who can save you. But, I can...assist you...in escape under one condition."

An expectant look.

"You must take on all our responsibilities. All our powers, all our jobs, all our...clients...will all be your responsibility."

A confused look.

"You see, we do not live forever. We require someone on the verge of death in order to...sustain...our species, and you are the only one within this...area. If you accept, then you must save yourself."

Suddenly, time rewound. My cum flew back into my erection, and my NNI messages and death clock ran backward until I was once again turning off the nervous system connections in my penis.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"We," he said, "are...well, you'll find out...soon enough."

He grinned, and suddenly time started forward again.

Before I could wonder What the fuck was that, the executioner pulled my lever. I felt myself drop before the rope twanged taut, and suddenly I didn't care about anything but oxygen. The noose constricted my airway, causing me to reflexively gasp for air, but no air came. Almost instantly after that, my BioNet spat up a complete readout of my vitals, along with multiple warnings that I was too busy to read.

//BIONET--CRITICAL: Airway constriction detected //

//BIONET--CRITICAL: SPO2 levels dropping //

//BIONET--CRITICAL: User death will occur in 3:54 //

I felt my face redden significantly and my eyes began to bulge. I knew this was it. I couldn't escape; I couldn't save myself; I couldn't even survive.

Or could I?

I felt empowered, as if I could literally do anything, but I had no idea why. I looked upward at the noose, and it suddenly came untied and I plummeted to the ground, painfully impacting the dirt with a thwump. The cheers of the crowd died off as they began to boo and hiss. I looked up and saw the executioner holding my pistol and pointing it at me. I closed my eyes as he fired--and blew a hole in his face. I looked up and saw that the pistol had switched orientations; the muzzle was inexplicably pointing at his face as opposed to mine. Not caring at this point, I wanted my weapons and armor--and found them a foot in front of me. People had started screaming and running because of the now-headless executioner (who was currently flailing about without a mind), but I didn't care. I ran out of that village as fast as I could, considering sabotaging something to make their lives harder. I turned around after I was about half a click away--and watched the entire village explode. The fragments flew into the air in an odd pattern. The fragments fell, leaving smoke trails that formed what looked like a word. It took me a while to realize what it said.



I had no idea what to think anymore. I could do anything. Except get down from a tree, apparently. After the inexplicable explosion, I decided to test my "powers" on the wildlife. I looked around for a while and accidentally found a feral mother bear who, when she saw me, reared up and prepared to charge. I looked directly at her and said, "Go away."

She said, "Oh, sorry," and walked away calmly.

I accidentally nicked my hand on a branch. I watched as the nick bled for a split-second, then disappeared into my skin. Just for fun, I took a combat knife that suddenly appeared in my hand and slashed my wrist with it. The blood spurted from the gaping wound, then disappeared as the whole wound healed without a trace. The last thing I tried was a reenactment of my performance earlier in the day. I found a tree (which conveniently had a noose, stool, and cuffs all ready for a hanging), prepared myself, and kicked over the stool. And I just hung there. I felt no pain, no constriction, no angry ringing, it felt like I was just standing without having my feet touch the ground.

And now I couldn't get down from the damn tree.

I struggled with the cuffs, wishing I had the key--and it appeared, but on the ground. Someone's GOT to be doing this, I thought as I wriggled around, because they're laughing their ass off right now. The stool was also set back up--but was a foot in the wrong direction. In addition, my knife was strapped to my belt and would have been glad to cut that rope, but because of the cuffs, I couldn't reach it. And, to top it off, the noose's awkward position around my neck didn't allow me to look upward at the knot on the tree branch.

I'd bet you anything that this whole situation is a test of my newfound skills. I probably just need to concentrate and I'd be released from the noose. I was finding it very difficult to concentrate, though, when hanging from a tree.


I woke up to the sound of shuffling wolf paws. How I knew they were wolf paws I had no idea. I also had no idea as to why I could hear exactly what this wolf was thinking.

Hmm, a tasty little fox, all ripe for the eating. How nice of him to tie himself up for me--this'll be the easiest meal I've had in a long time.

I quickly tried to play dead, and I became aware that my face had suddenly tinged blue, my erection had surged and cum and other bodily fluids had spontaneously appeared underneath me, as if I had actually died. As if this couldn't get any weirder, I held my breath and found I didn't need to; my circulatory and respiratory functions had halted, and yet I was still alive (that last part didn't surprise me, seeing as how I hung myself and stayed alive). I noticed last that I was naked, without my armor, weapons or any other accutriments. The wolf walked up to my "body."

"Hello there little foxy...hehehe...I do hope you don't mind that I'm going to eat you."

Actually, I do mind a little bit.


The wolf walked circles around me, examining every square inch of my body, taking special time around my erect cock and ass. He sniffed at my hole, and teased it with one finger. It took all the power I had to resist twitching.

"Yep, good and tight."


He (I knew this because he had, sometime during his examination, removed his pants and had gotten a raging hard-on) positioned himself behind me and pressed against my tailhole.


Before that wolf knew what the hell was going on, I had whipped my head around, using my legs against his to twist and face him directly. I'm fairly sure the wolf shat himself about now. I grabbed his neck with my suddenly-freed hands.

"Now, what exactly did you plan on doing to me?" I said.

The wolf fainted. I smelled something horrible, confirming my earlier suspicions of shitting. I hopped through (yes, through) the noose and onto the ground, fully clad in my armor and fully armed. I looked up at the noose, then felt my neck. No damage.

I decided I'd better sleep on this before I continued on my destination-less journey.


That's the end of the HORRIFYINGLY LONGEST TIME TO WRITE A STORY Chapter, a.k.a. Chapter 2.