Don't Kid Yourself

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#3 of Proper Kinky

1957 words

A girl makes fun of a petting zoo goat in heat and discovers what it's like to be on the other end of those urges.

Sticking with the Halloween theme here, wanted to do something fun and witchy. And because I love the pun when it comes to goats...

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Deborah stuck out her tongue, laughing at the goats in the petting zoo as they went at it, their frantic, lusty bleating making the children curious and their parents annoyed and outraged. She nudged Stella with an elbow, pointing to one of the goats. "Look at the stupid animal. It can't even hold itself back. Doesn't it know it's just going to get pregnant again?" She blew a raspberry at it. "They're just going to take your milk, mama goat. Quit while you're ahead."

Deborah's friend looked at her with sharp eyes, stars seeming to swirl behind them for a moment, before she grinned. "So, you think it's easy, hmm? Being an animal tied to your instincts? Well, let's test that." She snapped her fingers, and for a moment Stella seemed to be... different, looking like a doe in human form, before she reverted to her normal self. When she did, Deborah immediately felt a burning heat between her legs, feeling herself dripping and needy.

She looked at her friend. "What did you do to me? Why am I so..." she lowered her voice, not wanting to let any of the children hear her. "So horny?"

Stella shrugged, then smirked. "Just testing your theory. It's a little game, really. You're going to be in heat for a few days. Every time you give in to your instincts, you're going to end up a little more like the goat you're making fun of. If you make it through without doing anything too silly, or just giving up and submitting to a billy, I'll grant you a wish. Deal?"

A ton of questions ran through her head, but Deborah was too focused on the fire in her legs, and the chance to get a free wish out of her suddenly magical friend. She nodded, shaking hands with Stella. "Deal. You better be ready with that wish, though, you crazy witch you."

Stella just smirked. "Don't kid yourself, or you're going to have a lot more to worry about."

Deborah sat at home, trying very hard not to think about the fire in her loins. It had been one thing walking back from the fair, with the memory of the bet in her mind, but even then she found herself eyeing anyone looking her way. More than once she'd had to block out entire fantasies of taking people behind buildings or into cars and simply blowing their minds.

She groaned, removing yet another layer of clothes, so she was sitting in just her panties, fans on to keep the heat inside her cool. A cold shower had done nothing, and no matter what she put on TV, she found herself fantasizing about the men in it, about getting under them, moaning, having them fill her up... She ended up on an animal show, and it was talking about mountain goats. For some reason the curl of those horns had her just quivering in her chair, and as it got to the inevitable mating scene, she couldn't hold back any more. Panties flew across the room, fingers delving down... only to find her normally well-trimmed folds covered in hair and shaped... wrong. She looked at the thick lips for a moment, stretching them with her fingers, peering inside... and seeing the drool of constant arousal from them.

She groaned, fingers plunging in, focusing on her clit with her thumb while her fingers dove into her hungry lips, trying to feed them something to calm them down. No matter what she did, though, her fingers were just not enough, the pleasure maddening as she worked and swirled, pressing against her sweet spots, even going to her sure-fire fantasies... It didn't help. She just couldn't cum. She went into her bedroom, bringing out the big guns, and found her favorite vibrator, setting it to max as she aimed herself over it.

She bucked back and down, taking the whole thing in one go, and let out a loud, needy bleat of a moan as her pussy clamped, finally feeling filled with the vibrating toy inside her. She held it down, bouncing her hips on the bed and crying out, feeling the heat spreading over her legs, but also slowly getting sated, at least for now. Her stance shifted as she pressed down and back, slowly finding the motion easier, the angle just that much nicer on her legs.

Finally she filled herself up, letting the vibrator tease her g spot, and cried out, thick, musky arousal splashing over her bed and coating it in her need. She groaned, flopping back, and found herself looking at a pair of goat legs, a little tail wiggling between them. She gasped, bleating again, before her hands clamped over her mouth... she seemed good from the waist up, but now she was more satyr than human. She reached up, fearing for the worst, and felt small horns poking through her hair, her ears a bit heavier, drooping with sadness. It had been hours... she wasn't going to get her wish. Worst of all, she felt good... She shook her head. She could do this.

The next day, clad in a sweater and sweat pants, looking a bit like she was training for a boxing match, were it not for the gentle clopping of her hooves on the ground, Deborah walked back through the fair. Her eyes were dark, ringed with a lack of sleep after hours or tossing and turning, always waking with her hand in her crotch. She'd killed the batteries in her toy, and even that wasn't enough anymore, and whenever she closed her eyes...

It was a simple picture, but always repeated: that billy mounting that doe at the petting zoo, filling her up just right, bleating his enjoyment to the world... Her legs buckled just thinking about it, and as she stood up, it was hard to ignore the damp spot on the back of her sweat pants, just a little under the small goat tail that peeked out the top. She needed to see it... she wanted to witness that magnificence again. Maybe then she could figure something out... She pulled the cords tighter on her hoodie, not wanting anyone to notice her.

And yet, as she arrived at the petting zoo, she had a very familiar person walk up beside her. "Aww, only a day? I expected more from you." She turned, glaring at Stella, before her eyes went wide. Stella was wearing a wide brimmed hat, and looked, again, like a doe... Clearly something was wrong with Deborah's eyes, right? As if to answer that question, Stella held up a mirror, showing the extending muzzle and clear goat nose, but most importantly, those rectangular pupils. Stella grinned. "You know, you really shouldn't kid yourself. I'm saying it as a warning."

Deborah growled, pointing a white-furred hand at Stella. "How DARE you? You're the one who did this to me! Who made me this... this THING! All urges and desires..." She glared at the doe, then her nose flared, the scent hitting her that had her tail waggling behind her, her legs spreading a little just from the knowledge it was near.

Stella laughed. "Oh, honey, do you think you're the only doe to ever deal with a heat? You walk around, acting like you're better than everyone else... Well, you've got a chance to prove it. Walk away, right now. Don't kid yourself; you won't be able to hold back."

"You don't kid yourself, Stella! You and your weird magical whatever-you-did! Whatever happens to me is your fault, and right now... right now..." Her eyes swiveled, locking onto the male goat, standing in the middle of the petting zoo pen, the female apparently locked away due to her heat. She bleated softly, looking at the billy's form, then at Stella. "Right now, you're going to see the results of your magic!"

"No, stop, don't," Stella said in a flat, sarcastic voice as Deborah hopped the pen's fence, running to the center with the goat. The transforming girl stood right in front of him, looking at his horns, rubbing her fingers over them... She seemed to be completely oblivious as he bit onto her pants, tearing away at the stretchy fabric and revealing her lower body fully, her lust dripping into the hay. Somewhere she heard a child point and say something, and she turned, her mind snapping back to the moment.

A dozen eyes were on her as she was bumped from behind by the goat, butted in the butt and knocked off balance on her new legs. She landed on her knees, groaning a little, then felt the billy sniffing under her tail. Immediately she froze up, spreading her legs a little, bleating needily. "What's that lady doing?" asked one voice. "What is she thinking?" came another, older one. But, honestly, all of her thoughts were on needing the beast behind her, her mind a blank apart from two words, a plea: Mount me.

The goat obliged, his weight landing on her back and snapping her back to the world. His thin, long cock pressed against her thick, needy folds, and she groaned, pressing back, slipping him into her. Her head flung back, a bleat of pure desire rushing from her as she was filled perfectly, his throbbing length exactly what her body wanted. Her face shifted more, narrowing, passing the point between human and animal before everyone at the fair. She looked around, seeing the eyes of the children watching in awe and confusion, while the parents watched in disgust and horror... Somewhere, her mind realized the shame of everything she was doing, but before she could try to pull away or move, the goat thrust, pushing that thought from her mind.

It bit down, catching her sweater in its mouth, then tearing back, revealing her chest as it spilled forward, furry apart from the slightly extended nipples, almost like the teats of a goat. She cried out, first in embarrassment, then in pleasure as the goat slammed forward again, rutting into her desperately, her breasts bouncing with every connection of his hips with her narrowing ones. The heat in her loins flushed across her face, knowing she was being watched being screwed by an animal, giving into her basest urges, and loving every single moment of it.

Her eyes scanned the crowd as her mind grew foggy, filling more and more with a need for the cock in her... a pure desire to be filled, to be bred. She saw Stella, the deer doe's sharp eyes watching, a smirk on her face. The transforming goat stuck out her tongue, sticking it at the one that changed her, unlocking this feeling, instinct pushing past all restraint or shame she might have had.

Stella stuck her tongue out as well, watching Deborah shift, until she was almost entirely unrecognizable from the goat they'd been watching the day before. And then the billy slammed home, bleating out dominance as he came, filling Deborah's fertile, needy womb with hundred of thousands of swimmers for a species not her own... or, at least, that didn't use to be.

Stella hopped the fence as well, watching the people walk away, disgusted in two goats going at it, not even remembering the woman that had been there to start, and just sighed. "Deborah... I told you not to kid yourself. But don't worry, once you've pushed that one out, I'll see about letting you get another chance." She collared the well bred female goat, then walked out of the pen while leading it. Maybe some day she'd get her humanity back, but at least she'd learn her lesson, one way or another.