Welcome To High School Part ONE

Story by SimonSays on SoFurry

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Johnathan was your everyday wolf-human hybrid. He attended normal human school, much to the spite and hatred of his human peers. Hybrids were looked down by humanity, and were encouraged to enroll in schools set up by their own species. This did not deter him, and he kept a very tight group of friends that would shield off insults like spartan warriors. They cared not for the nasty comments of the general populace. They were hybrids, what of it?

This story deals with the first of Jonathan's sexual encounters. He lived a normal life. His mother was a wolf, and his father was a wealthy buisiness-man. One of the reasons he was allowed to enroll in a normal human school. Anyways, that besides. It was a monday. Jonathan hated mondays. He had Mathematics, Gym and Science that day. He would be spending it with his friends, Marty; a feisty lion who was notorious for fighting. Graggar, a hippopotomus who loved to read, and Kayla, a very modern and attractive cat. They formed the quadratic group, and they all supported each other.

Jonathan awoke, the buzzing noise of the alarm drudging him from the land of sleep into the world of reality. His mother was calling to him, giving a growl for him to wake up. He had a hard-on, but he had no time to relieve it. He hated that. He stretched his legs over the side of the bed and got up, groggily; giving his penis a couple of nice, relaxing jerks, slowly breathing. He picked some jeans from out of his wardrobe, and put them on, hanging them nice and low. Then he chose a vest with a bulls head on it, and an old hoody he was fond of wearing. He went into the bathroom and brushed his canines, and then returned and put his shoes on. The bus pulled up. Rushing downstairs, Jonathan grabbed a pencil and shouted goodbye to his mother before boarding.

It was a sunny day.

He arrived at the school, and was greeted by Kayla. She was always an early bird. They hugged and talked about the weekend. She spoke about her Uncle Hercules, and how strong he was and how she found that attractive in a man. Without noticing it, Jonathan flexed his muscles. He wasn't particularly strong, but he had well developed biceps. He didn't work out, he was just skinny. They hung around until it was evident the rest of the group weren't showing up. He didn't blame them. They were probably round Marty's, playing some sort of video game. Mathematics went quickly, and went without incident. A negative remark was shot his way once or twice, but he was so used to those it didn't matter anymore. What was really of interest was Gym.

It was athletics, and the running kind. The school didn't differentiate between gender, so you would get the females jogging with the males. This is exactly what happened. Jonathan and Kayla jogged together, coming midway in the sea of sprinting athletes and dying fat people. They could have easily taken their game up to fourth or third respectively, but they felt no need too. The track they were running was treacherous and filled with pot-holes though, and Kayla accidentally fell. Johnathan went over to help her up, and was pushed down on top of her by a passing punk-skinhead, who laughed like a maniac before jogging off. Kayla grunted as he tried to muffle his landing on top of her,

' Easy tiger. I'm fine, I'm fine. Just let me up is all.'

'Are you sure, Kayla?'

'Yeah, dont worry bout me. It's nothing.

They were getting up when somebody whizzed past them again, pushing them down on each other, hard. This let off grunting resounding sounds from the both of us. Jonathan noticed to his dismay he was getting hard.

'Owch, what an asshole. Lets get up, one last time; right?'


They attempted to get up again, but this time it was not stopped by a person pushing them, but Kayla had accidentally put her foot in a pot-hole, and in getting up tripped over once more, knocking Jonathan into a fat bald kid, who gave them the middle finger as he lumbered off, watching Jonathan fall with a smile on his face.

'Owch, Kayla. Seriously, this has to stop.'

Jonathan had a full blown erection now. She was inches from his face, her silky black fur and eyes daring deep into his. She moved her hands up to support her weight, and accidentally grabbed his penis. She recoiled at first, as Johnathans eyes widened. His penis hardened even more, and she didn't let go. Her tail slowly raised. The track was clearing.


'Shush. I think we'd better take this somewhere else.'

'Wha-? But coach ... Coac-'

Jonathan couldn't think straight. All the blood he'd usually use for thinking had rushed straight into his cock his friend was now slowly stroking, clutching through his jeans. He had never been this hard. It felt so good to feel her long, thin fingers around it.

'Coach hates us. He'll be happy if we're out of his site.'

'Um, okay?'

Within seconds they were crawling off of the pitch, and towards the girls toilets. He couldn't believe this was happening. He wondered what was going through Kayla's mind. They were soon at their destination. His hard-on was actually larger then before. She shoved him eagerly into a cubicle, and undid his belt. Jonathan growned and Kayla purred, licking her muzzle. She pulled his trousers down, releasing his veiny cock. She wolf-whistled and winked.

'Look at this bad boy. I'm going to have to appease it, huh?'

'K-K-Kayla, I dont know if we should be doing this. We're only sixteen! We're just friends! This is immoral!'

'Oh shush, whiner-boy. Or do you want me to make you?'

And with that, she grabbed his cock, and began to lick it like a saucer of milk. Jonathan growled in sheer pleasure. It felt so good. She began to pump it up and down, leaving Jonathan in a place of sheer pleasure. She took off her t-shirt, showing off her beautiful breasts and her curvacious body. She was gorgeous.

'Kayla, mhm'

Jonathan couldn't keep from cumming. He wasa virgin, and as virgins are wont' to do, didn't last long. He ejaculated all over the felines muzzle, the cumstains streaking and dribbling slowly down her face to her tongue, where she eagerly lapped them up.

'Well, you didn't last long, huh?'

As they all cleaned up, Jonathan blushing red in embarrassment, ready to apologise, they heard a moaning from the cubicle next to them. Kayla silenced Jonathan. They were supposed to be alone. She crept into the next cubicle, and knocked it open, revealing a human girl they hadn't known much. She had pretty red hair, and an adorable spot. Her eyes seemed to glisten as her long, thin forearms stipulated her vagina eagerly, her eyes shut with her fingers sliding in and out, wetness radiating. She moaned every two seconds, when her finger dipped in to the knuckle and out. Her breath was soft, and she had head up to the ceiling, bobbing along with her whole body as she reached orgasm, juices spraying all over her perfectly tanned thighs, seeping into her striped gym socks. She slumped onto the toilet seat, and jumped up when she saw Kayla looking at her quizically. Kayla started the fire of questions,

'Who are you?'

'Well I uh-'

'Why are you here?'

'Well, I u-'

'Did you hear anything?'

'Well I u-'

'Explain yourself!'

This had attracted Jonathans attention. He had pulled his trousers back up, after wiping the sweat from his brow. He walked out into the open cubicle.

'I came in here becau-because Gym is so boring, and I he-Heard you two going at it. And it just ..'

The human female trailed off. Kayla laughed, with a cruel glint in her eye.

'Whats your name, girl?'

'Sony-Sonya ...'

'Well then Sonya, if you tell anybody about what happened here, I'll tell them about this.'

'No! I wouldn't dream of it! Please dont!'

Jonathan butted in.

'Come on Kayla, I'm sure Sonya's a reasonable person. Theres no need to tell anybody'

'Shush, Jonathan. Let me handle this. Are you a virgin, Sonya?'


'Jonathan is also a virgin. Do you see what I'm getting at.

Jonathan growled. He didn't like the way this was going.

'Come on Kayla, this is inappropiate!'

Kayla laughed.

'So was your boner, and your willingness to get it sucked. You liked that, didn't you? You dirty wolf. Why not go all the way?'

'Kayla, not like this! Not here!'



Kayla shouted, demanding respect.

'You will fuck her, or I will fuck you. Make your choice.'

'Wi-With all due respect miss, why ca-cant we do both?'

Kayla smiled to herself.

She liked the way this girl thought.