The Princess' Dragon

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#16 of Commissions

A commission for a friend of mine. tabris9909 Very happy to make this for him!

Emet took a long drink of his spiked punch. The sugary liquor went down his throat and he rumbled in appreciation. It was sweet and strong enough that he might actually feel something. Part of the trouble with the dark gray dragon being close to 7 feet tall and 300 pounds of muscle was it was very difficult for him to get drunk. His metabolism seemed to work against him. But, the dragon was still enjoying himself.

He'd been at the party for a while, mingling and talking with friends, but he wanted to sit down for a bit, relax and enjoy people-watching. The Halloween party was always a treat to watch. His friend loved to put it on, going all-out and making some very detailed costumes. The dragon chuckled when he saw the panther surrounded by some friends, talking with them and walking them through a tale of building one piece of the complicated outfit.

That wasn't for Emet. He shook his head and went to a table, sitting down carefully to not upset the chair before he knew it would support him. Emet wasn't about the costumes. He'd been pestered about it so many times, but when it came right down to it, they weren't for him. So he showed up, had some fun with the guests and seeing friends, but didn't bother dressing up. It wasn't a chore to come to these things, after all, he still enjoyed his friend's company. But he wanted to sit down for a moment and enjoy a quiet moment away from the busier part of the party. His tail was curled into his lap, the crystals at its end resting in his lap so no one would trip over it.

His solitude was interrupted a few minutes later when three men joined him at the other end of the table. There was a lion dressed as a very generic-looking vampire, the coyote in the group had a bit more of an elaborate steampunk outfit, and the fox was dressed in a jumpsuit from some sort of movie or show that Emet wasn't familiar with. The group nodded to Emet and got lost in their conversation for a bit. The dragon rumbled to himself, closing his eyes, blinking all four of them.

"Man, look at that fox," said the coyote, his tongue raking over a fang as he looked over a woman not too far away. Emet opened his eyes to see who they were referring to.

The kitsune was dressed in a princess outfit which was, to put it mildly, revealing.

Her back was largely exposed in a green dress that stopped just above her tails. She wore no bra and when she turned around her stomach was clearly exposed to their leering eyes; the deep neckline dropping down to just above her belly button. A green crystalline crown lay atop her head, moving when she flicked her ears. She smiled at the table full of boys and sauntered away. Her movements catching the eyes of more than those at the table.

Sauntering away, the kitsune took a sip of her drink, talking to someone in as she walked into the next room.

The three new occupants of the table looked at each other, confirming their own thoughts of her in the eyes of the others.

"Did you see her ass?" the lion called Tim asked. "She was so fuckin' sexy."

"Or her tits," the fox named Peter smiled, looking at each of his friends in turn. "Fuck, they weren't exactly huge but they were perky as hell."

"Hell," the coyote said. "I was too busy noticing that outfit. She's clearly asking for it from someone. You don't wear that for nothing."

"And you're gonna be the one to do it, Jake?" the lion asked.

"Well," the coyote shrugged. "Yeah. Why, you think it's gonna be you?"

"It might be," he shrugged.

"I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate you saying that," the fox chimed in.

"Yeah, and yours has you so whipped you'll probably ask for her to forgive you even checking another girl out!"

The fox's ears drooped low. "Bite me."

"You'd like it too much if I did," Jake smirked.

"Did you notice her eyes?" Emet spoke. His voice low and carried the power of someone of his considerable stature. "She looked right at me."

The three men at the table with him all laughed.

"Yeah, whatever you say, big guy. You're way too big for a girl like her. You'd probably scare her off if you even said hello to her."

Emet shrugged, his large shoulders rising up to his head. He took a sip of his drink and leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. The wood creaked under the weight of the large dragon.

"And you? Would you do any better?" he said.

"Yeah," Tim grinned. "I know I would."

"Please," Emet said, hands raised in conciliation. "Enlighten me how you would do it then."

The lion chuckled and took a long sip of his beer. He set it down and looked at the much larger male, not daring to look away.

"I'd take her back to my place and start pulling her clothes off. Just get that gorgeous babe naked so I can start feeling her up. I'd get her to her knees and make her choke down every last bit of my cock. Doesn't matter if she wants to swallow or not, she'll do what I say if she wants anything more from me.

"Once I gave her stomach a fill, I'd start out on her cunt. But I'd have to wear a rubber. No telling what kinds of stuff she's got when she dresses like that. Once I'd had my fun, I'd let her sleep with me before she gets the boot in the morning. Can't have my girl finding out about that nice piece of strange."

Emet's jaw tightened, his grasp on his plastic cup tight. He nodded his head slowly, taking the words in. "Inspiring. I had never thought to use a woman with such disregard for her enjoyment before."

Tim snickered. "Oh, don't you worry about that. She'll enjoy it plenty, trust me."

"I believe you, my good man. After all, you do have your own girl to keep around."

The lion's ears dropped a little but he kept on speaking. "She don't complain. Why should that fox bitch?"

"Maybe she is not interested in cats. Maybe she wants something a little different. Maybe she is after a shrewd face. I see two of them here. Peter, was it? How would you handle a woman such as that?"

The fox's ears dropped for a moment. He stopped, fingers laced around his glass and he looked at the table for a long moment.

"I'd take her home, push her to the bed and start to kiss over her neck. I'd get her clothes off slowly, and make my way between her legs to eat her out. She looks like the type that's not used to attention down there so I figure that's my way in. Make her moan for a good long while and then she'll be begging for me to take her.

"But I've seen the way she moves. Girl like that seems a bit more interested in the back door. So I'd get her nicely lubed up and fuck that kitsune's ass for a good long while. Give that fur of hers a nice cumbath."

Jake smirked at his fox friend and gave his fist a bump.

"Didn't know you had it in you, honestly. You never talk about your sex life."

The fox shrugged. "Doesn't come up much. You two are always blathering about yours. What about you, Jake?"

"Hell, I'll drag her around the back of the house. Hike her outfit up and just ram right in. She's clearly wanting it from someone, so why bother waiting around to take her home? I'll fuck her for a good long while then give those great tits of hers a fucking and cum all over that pretty face. Let her try and get back into the party without people seeing what I did to her."

"Hell yeah," Tim said. "That's what I'm talking about. Why waste time when you can just have what you want from her and be done with it?"

Emet nodded his head in thought. He scratched at his chin with his large hand, the size of the lion's face.

"Well, this has been very fascinating to hear, gentlemen. Would you be interested to hear in how I would handle a woman like that?"

"By all means," Peter said. "Show us what you got."

"I will go up to her, does not matter if I interrupt her speaking with her friends or not. I will place my hand on hers and tell her that she is the most divine woman I have ever met. That her eyes bring light to a room and her smile melts my heart. I will tell her that I would like nothing more than to wake up next to her for the rest of my days.

"She will kiss me, of course. And put her hands around me and hold me because she knows she is safe with me, knowing that I will always put her safety and well-being first. I will take her waist and lead her to my car, drive her home and hold her hand the whole way home.

"Once we are there, I will help her out of her dress and pin her to the wall. I will kiss her, pulling her close so I can smell her better. My face will go between her breasts, kissing and sucking at them. When my teeth tug on a nipple, she will whisper my name and say she needs me.

"But before that, I will take her the bed and get her on all fours. I will eat her out until all nine of her tails are wagging for me. She will be putty in my hands and soaking my sheets but I will get her ready one finger at a time until I stuff her.

"I will fuck her to the bed, letting her moan and scream to test the boundaries of the soundproofing in my home but at the end, she will pant and kiss me and tell me how much she loves me. That I am her dragon and she is my princess. She is always safe with me. And she will fall asleep, her cheek on my chest, listening the rumble of my chest.

"And that, is what I would do with a woman like her," Emet finished. His eyes were closed, picturing the events so clearly, a solemn statement of fact.

The moment held like that for a beat before each of the three men with him started to laugh. They smacked each other on the back, laughing hard at the dragon's soliloquy. The lion spoke first.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Some sappy shit like that against a woman dressed like that? Please, she wouldn't care about that even if you didn't scare her off. That's way too strong, man. All that muscle is blocking any thoughts."

"Come on, man!" Peter laughed. "You're huge. She probably couldn't even wrap her hands around your cock. Go find a nice elephant or something you can fit into."

"Yeah, there's not enough good bitches around her for us as it is. You'll just embarrass yourself if you try something like that."

Emet shrugged, not sure what else to say. "You are welcome to think that way. However, I am not often wrong when it comes to women."

"If you're so confident of that, then prove it." Jake smirked. "Here's your chance. She's coming back for another drink. If you're so confident you can woo the pants off of her, I'd love to see you try."

Sure enough, there was the Kitsune, moving back to the table with the drinks and pouring herself some water from the iced pitcher surrounded by liquor. She smiled again when she saw Emet. The large dragon stood up and walked towards her while the men behind him all snickered behind his back.

"Kosoi?" Emet said when he was finally close enough.

"Emet," the kitsune said back to him. Her rich white fur was immaculate, no stains or ambiguity in the shade. Her black hands and ears offset the whiteness of her body and she had long black eyelashes that fluttered up at the much larger man.

"I would like you to know that you are the light of my days and the smile you give me each day when you wake up fills me with immense joy. When you hold me and nestle into my chest, I feel happy and content. I would like you to know that I love you very much."

The smaller woman smiled at him, looking up for a long moment before jumping into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. Her lips met his in a long kiss, each of her nine tails wagging with excitement.

"You big, dumb romantic!" She giggled after the kiss. He was still holding her off the ground with ease. His body so much larger than hers that she dangled off the ground.

"I try. You always seem to enjoy my romantic gestures."

"I do," she beamed. "I take it the boys at that table were being unkind about me?"

"Indeed," he grunted.

"Well, why worry about them," she whispered, pressing her cheek to his to whisper into his ear. "When I'm going to be your plaything within the hour?"

The dragon rumbled low. His claws poking at her sides without even meaning to. "You are being carnal again, Kosoi. I enjoy this side of you."

She giggled, cheeks flushed hot from the alcohol she'd had. "I know you do. I ordered a ride a bit ago. We should start moving for the exit."

"I will join you in a moment. I would like to have a word with my new friends at that table."

"Don't take too long," she said, biting his lip. The dragon flushed and put his hands on her hips to ease her down once again.

When she went back towards the party, Emet took a few steps towards the table and smiled at the occupants.

"I would like you to know that I do not think unkindly of you for what you said about my fox. However, she is mine. And none of you will ever lay a finger on her. I do not believe any one of you could handle one such as her."

He didn't even wait for a reply. The dragon turned on his heel and walked back towards Kosoi, following the scent of her he was so familiar with.


The trip home was uncomfortable to say the least. Emet kept kissing over her neck and she kept pushing him away but neither wanted to stop. The driver grunted in annoyance the whole way, not liking that they were getting so rowdy in the back seat. Especially with Emet being so large!

When the finally got to their street, they got out and made their way into the building. Emet had Kosoi's much smaller frame pinned to the wall between her and him. He kissed her hard, holding her wrists to the wall and giving her no opportunity to do anything but kiss him back.

Emet's hands worked up her dress, feeling bare thigh and teasing his way to her ass. They were in the elevator and she was suddenly, with a sharp tug deprived of her panties. It was something the dragon did more often than she liked. She glared him down and smacked his hand where the torn panties still were.

"Stop ruining panties I like, dammit!"

"I will buy you more, but I will not stop tearing them from you when I want you, dear."

She glared at him again but the simple smile on his face ruined whatever anger she may have held. He was far too sweet for her to maintain any anger towards him. Relenting the point, the kitsune pushed at his chest. "Let's get into the apartment before you make a mess of me."

"Very well," he preened, his voice husky, the air from his nose striking her face and leaving her flushed.

At their door, Kosoi giggled, her hands working on the keys to their apartment. Emet's hands were still on her body, feeling her. His lips moved over her neck and cheek, applying attention to her while he grabbed and held her like his property. She wiggled her hips in his touch, a whine leaving her throat.

"I can't focus on the door when you're like this..."

"I would not stop if we were to start things in here," he said.

"I know. That's what worries me... You know I don't stop you..." she whimpered into the door. Her fingers kept working at the door until she finally got the key to turn. She opened the door and Emet practically fell in with her.

Hitting the floor, Kosoi giggled, her eyes closed tight. She rolled over onto her back and rolled to her side. Emet closed the door, latching the door and looking down at the sprawled fox beneath him.

"You big doofus," she smiled. Her eyes went up his body, the strong dragon she was so infatuated with. Her hand was on her stomach, rubbing the bit of bare fur that her outfit afforded her. "I love you."

"I know, dear," he smiled. "I love you too. Now, if you want to keep that costume, please remove it. Or I will tear it from you."

Kosoi got up to her feet. The tipsy vixen swayed where she stood for a moment before undoing the strings at the front of her dress. When the fabric was loose enough, it dropped to her feet and she stepped out of it. The nude kitsune was right up against the dragon that stood so much taller than her. She was right up against his chest and felt so much smaller. She reached up to take her crystalline crown off.

"No," he said. "I would like you to keep that on. A princess must look her best, after all."

"Oh?" she giggled. "Are you my knight?"

Emet's large hand grabbed her ass, enveloping it in his grasp. He squeezed it hard, and his finger teased against her warm sex. The large digit rubbing at her lips, the end of it teasing into her lips just enough to make her gasp.

"Not in the slightest. And I believe that is why you are dripping onto the floor, princess."

Kosoi shivered under the attention of the large dragon above her. Her legs shook and she leaned into his touches, instinctively pressing herself to him. She was offering her body up to him and she knew it, they both did! She was entirely at his mercy and he tugged at her cheeks, making the kitsune gasp in surprise. She was his, and anyone that saw them together would know it.

"I... let's get to the bedroom before we make a mess, Emet. I don't want to scratch the hardwood."

The dragon's face gave a crooked smile. He leaned down and pressed his muzzle to her neck, giving her neck a firm bite that made her whole body tense up.

"After you," he crooned, pulling away from her to watch the nude vixen pad to the room. She was unsteady on her feet, having a hard time focusing after the confident gropes from her partner.

In their room, amidst striped walls with artwork and photos of the two of them was their bed. Kosoi started to climb onto it when a hand on her back shoved her down. The kitsune's yelp was muffled by her face hitting the bed. She froze, her body going still while she waited for Emet's next move.

Emet had never harmed her. He'd never forced her or pressured her. He could, and they both knew it. His size was considerable and Kosoi couldn't pick a fight with him if he tried to do something she didn't want. But he'd never once asserted his will over her. He was a kind, gentle dragon. However, when he wanted her, well, she knew better than to fight the actions or to pull away even in jest.

So when his hand tugged on her tails, she raised her hips up, displaying herself to him. She could feel his breath on the back of her thighs. Her wet sex was glistening for him. She pressed her legs together and shook her hips. Her labia pressed together into a thin line, tempting him to spread them open.

The dragon's long tongue snaked out and dragged over her sex slowly. The kitsune shivered, her body going tense before she arched her back towards him. Emet's tongue moved over her lips slowly, tasting her and teasing her moans from her with one slow lick after another. She whimpered and pressed back to him, her hips rocking back and forth for her stud. Her whole body was alight and she whined when his tongue slithered deep into her! The sensation was intense, the large cluster of muscles and nerves pushed into her and spread her out.

She was used to what he would do, but it never stopped the initial shock of it from hitting her. He was a master at getting responses from her. Even as he teased and pushed his way into her, hands on her ass to squeeze and smack her cheeks, she whimpered like it was all new. Despite their time together, he treated her pleasure as a new toy to be explored, savored, and exploited. She was putty in his hands and it came as no surprise to either of them when her body started to seize up, her legs shaking, tails standing up straight and her walls clenching around his tongue while she came for him.

Her juices flooded his tongue, and his whole face was soaked by her, but Emet was hardly phased. He kept going, focusing on the moans she made with each slow motion of his tongue. Her moans only serving to push him forward. His tongue pushed to her g-spot and rubbed it so nicely that the kitsune was panting into the sheets.

"Emet... Baby... F-ooooh!" she whined. Her head was swimming with endorphins, needing him, wanting more from him. She was his plaything and they both knew it.

For his part, Emet didn't even react. He kept going, focused on his task. She was rocking her hips back to him, effectively fucking herself on his face. But he wasn't perturbed by it. The dragon pulled back slowly, depriving her of the pleasure slowly. When she started to whine, he pushed forward again, fucking her with his tongue. She was whining and seething around him, her legs threatening to give way while he ate her with such intensity.

"Baby..." she whimpered. "I want you so baa--ooh god!"

The dragon finally pulled back from that. She was close to her second orgasm and Emet licked his muzzle as he looked over at the puddle of a woman on his bed before him. Her sex drooling his spit and her pre. She was finally ready for his full attention.

Emet's hands were on her hips, his thumbs meeting in the middle of her back. He held her in such a firm grip and slowly rubbed his large cock against her ass. It was almost comical how much larger he was than her. But nowhere was it more apparent than when he saw his cock against her body. When they first started dating, they started very slow with penetration. When his cock was against her stomach, it would go all the way up to her belly button.

Kosoi had held Emet's horns the first time she'd slid down on his cock. She could only get about halfway down that first time. But they'd persisted for a long time, slow and easy until she'd finally managed to get him to the hilt.

Emet's cock moved against her ass for a slow moment before he positioned himself at her entrance. The kitsune's body went still at the sudden feeling. She closed her eyes and pressed back to him, relaxing her body for her lover's touch. His large gray cock spread her open slowly, easing its way in nice and slow until she whimpered. Emet's hands were on the small of her back to rub her, soothing the pained vixen.

"Ssssh. You are okay, little one. I am here for you," he whispered into her ear.

"I know," she smiled back at him. "Just give me a second."

With a nod of his head, he started to kiss her neck, his muzzle pressed into her soft fur. She sighed and rocked her hips back after a moment. He kept that up while he pushed forward, trying to match the pleasure with the pain to keep her happy. It was never easy to enter her, but they'd both adapted to the pace of it.

"A-alright, all at once now..." she closed her eyes, ready for it.

His cock gave a firm thrust forward. His balls struck her lips, his tip struck her cervix. Her butt was against his lap and he growled into her ear. His body was over her, covering hers with its size. His fingers laced with hers, squeezing her hands on their bed.

"I never expect you to feel as tight as you are," he said through gritted teeth.

"Nnn... Oh fuck, I still can't see straight, babe." She pressed her breasts and cheek to the bed and looked up at him. "Okay, I'm all yours now."

The dragon's crooked smile spread over his face. He pulled back halfway and slammed into her with a thunderous crash of hips against hips. She whimpered against him, her legs shook and threatened to give out. Emet wouldn't allow anything like that to happen, however. He held her up, forcing her to stay at the perfect height for his hard thrusts into her waiting lips. She was fucked slowly into the bed, each thrust of the dragon's hips pushed her cheek to the bed.

Kosoi was little more than a fuck puppet for the aggressive dragon's needs. He fucked her into the bed, pounding her hips with his strong body. She was stretching wide around him, her whole body clenching around him. Her moans were muffled by the sheets, her claws flaring out. She was at his mercy, stretched and aching from his hard thrusts. She was used to the bruised ass and thighs from after his ravenous lusts. But in that moment, she was in bliss. She moaned, screaming loud as he took her.

Emet's cock was being gripped so tightly. He knew that her lips would pull and push with every thrust he gave. She was going to grip him the whole way. He'd been entranced watching it before, loving the sight of her body moving with his, grinding down onto his base. But this was different. She was just at his mercy as he fucked her in such a dominant position. She could do little but take it and ride out each bout of pleasure that came her way.

His cock pulled free of her all at once. Kosoi whimpered. She felt so empty, cold. She was missing something. Something important and needed was missing from her body all at once. She wasn't sure how to respond when she felt his cock leave her. She looked back at him when he turned her onto her back.

"I want to look my princess in her eyes," he grunted. His cock slipped into her, pushing back in until she moaned at the uncomfortable pleasure of his cock kissing her cervix.

"D-damn you... I was so close!" she grinned at him, legs hiked up to go around his hips. She was on full display, her breasts bouncing each time he slammed his cock deep into her needy cunt.

"You will be close again soon," he grunted. His mouth soon found itself on her breast. He worked his tongue over her nipple, swirling it and causing her to moan again almost immediately. Her body rocked with his, bounced by his actions since his hips wouldn't stop moving. He had to keep going, his cock throbbing deep in her as he used the moaning kitsune he was so enamored with. His hands were around her wrists and he held her down so he could fuck her hard. Her whole body was rocking with his, squeezing around him, pulsing as she went through yet another orgasm. She was cumming hard, her quim sending waves of pleasure through them both when her peak hit her. She arched her back, pressing her breast to his mouth.

There was a laugh, and Emet switched his attention to the other nipple, fucking his needy vixen into such a powerful stupor. Her moans had to be breaking through the soundproofing that his walls had. But Emet couldn't care about that. He had to cum, to fill her, breed her. She was his love, his everything, and she had to be reminded in the way that both of them loved so much.

Kosoi knew he was close when he stopped thrusting. He started to just grind hard. She struggled at his wrists, wanting to hold him, to press his face to her chest when he filled her. But she wasn't able to do anything but stare up into his eyes. He blinked, eyes looking hazy from the sure pleasure that he was feeling. His cock was against her cervix, balls snug against her taint when he started to pulse and fill her. His cum was flooding her, filling her with the power of such a virile male. She was soon leaking seed out of her well-used hole. She panted hard, moaning into the air.

But his kiss stopped her. She was at his mercy, moaning in the kiss when he finally let go of her wrists. She held onto his head, moaning in the passionate kiss, eyes closed as she rode out the pleasure he'd so thoroughly brought her. The panting kitsune moaned into his lips. Neither one of them could put their energies to the kiss, both of them so consumed with the fuckdrunk afterglow.

"F-fuck," Kosoi whined up at Emet. The dragon gave a lazy nod of his head.

"That is definitely what I did to you."

"Oh hush," she giggled. Her hand on his chest. She moved slowly, feeling his strength, the weight of him on her familiar and so pleasant. She ran her hands over his arms to the markings on each bicep. She loved every inch of the dragons astride her. She was always happy when he smiled at her like she was the only person in the room.

He kissed her cheek, hot breath tickling her face.

"Why should I hush? You are the one that will get us another noise complaint," he smiled, his thumbs rubbing just under her breasts and the soft fur of her stomach.

"You can always get a gag for me," she smiled, rubbing his cheek in her hand.

"I like your moans too much. Besides, the neighbors should know what a full-sized dragon is capable of doing."

"You like them knowing?" she cocked her head.

"I like them knowing that this is my territory, yes."

"The apartment or me?"

"Both are equally true statements."

Despite wanting to glare at him, Kosoi could only giggle at his brash statement. It was true, after all. She was his territory in a sense. She knew that she was his, but that knowledge wasn't one of control and possession. It made her feel safe, belonging, needed. She rubbed his cheek, smiling at her partner. With closed eyes, he pressed his cheek to her hand, a sigh leaving his throat.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

"Mmm. I should clean us up and get ready for bed," the dragon sighed. He pressed his face to her neck, breathing in and letting out a low grunt of approval.

"Wait," she smiled at him. Her cheeks burned hot, but Kosoi rubbed at his shoulders slowly. "I actually wanted to help clean you up."

"Oh? Well, perhaps I should allow this."

Kosoi pushed at his chest, a smile crossing her face. "You should. You know how I get when I don't get to have something I want."

"Indeed I do." Emet pulled free from her nice and slow, large feet moving across the floor on the way to the bathroom.

The vixen shivered at the sensation of being emptied. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, looking at the mess of cum that was oozing out of her sore lips. Emet was back in a moment with a towel. He propped it under butt to soak up the cum that was leaking out of her. His large frame sat back down on the bed and Kosoi's hand found his. She brought it up to her lips to kiss it.

"I love when we do this. You make me scream so loud!"

"I know. I hope we are not causing a disturbance for our neighbors."

"I think they're used to it by now," she grinned.

Keeping the towel close by, Kosoi got onto her knees and pressed her face to the dragon's cock. She let her tongue glide over the bottom, cleaning him for both of them. Emet's cock throbbed at her touch, his cock oozing pre and cum from his tip as she worked her mouth over his length. She could hardly get all of him in her muzzle so deep throating him was out of the question! But she worked her muzzle and tongue over his cock slowly. Bit by bit, she cleaned it, her tails swaying behind her.

Her muzzle wrapped around his tip, stroking him slowly. Just the tip and her jaw felt like it was aching, surely a conditioned response to the many times she'd worked his cock over. Her muzzle turned, and she closed her eyes. The taste of his heady cum, her own sex, his cock! She was happy to clean her boyfriend's cock.

A large hand was on her head, encouraging her ministrations and trying to keep her down. She knew that he could go again if he wanted. And she wasn't sure herself what she wanted. But the vixen moved down farther, his cock in her muzzle completely now. She looked up at him, half a grin on her face. He knew she was pushing her limits. Her jaw ached from the size of him, but she couldn't help but rub her thighs together. She wanted him. She wanted him to take her again, to use her, to fill her with cum and show her what kind of a stud he was!

"Mmm," she groaned around his cock.

"I believe," he groaned. "That you are trying to solicit more from me."

The vixen didn't respond. She kept her mouth moving, her hand stroking his cock slowly, working it over slowly. She pushed as far down as she could possibly go. She forced the urge to gag down. She just wanted him to say it. It was the words she needed to hear, some deep need that he'd must have instilled in her in their time together.

Her hands grabbed the large balls beneath his cock. Kosoi squeezed them. They filled her hands, each one on its own was mouth full for her! When she squeezed again, the hand on her head flared claws out.

She went still. Freezing up and looking at the dragon holding her in a way that reminded her of just how powerful he was when he wanted to be.

"You are trying to get me riled up again, are you not?"

"Mhmm!" the kitsune grinned, her tongue swirled around the cock she was working over.

"Then I must oblige you, Princess."

The cock in her mouth throbbed in her tongue, the pre on her tongue flowing as he looked down at her. She was his, ready to be taken again and again. As many times as he wanted her.