The Cannibal's Execution
It had been a nice warm morning, leading to a hot, irritatingly dry day. THe gritty sand wat hot under her bare feet, leathery soles grinding the dust with each step. Karia made her way across this searing road, so used to it that the her soles were more or less immune to it, tough and hard. She took a swig of water from a bottle, and crossed the busy roadway, the valka making her way to a butcher shop on the corner for some fresh meat for supper.
The cool, smooth tile floor was wet in a place. She looked down, having stepped in someones blood, a blue streamer of still draining blood leading to a room in the back, where someone had been cut and dragged into. "Ah yes....execution day, means I can get the house special then haha!" she licked her lips and peered through the glass window into the kill room. Her people were a harsh culture, unrefined and politically unstable. Treason, as well as a number of FAR more minor crimes, was punishable by death, usually as they were predators and cannabalistic by nature...even those to die were not wasted, taken to butcher shops for their death and turned into delicious food for the whole family.
She chuckled a bit as she watched the condemned one struggle against her restraints, while her to be executor, a red haired valka named Squall, had stripped her naked and was raping her before finishing her off. Karia knew him, the two of them had fucked more than enough times in these very halls, in her bed, in his, in the sand dunes at night outside of town....she knew his cock as well as he knew her cunt.
A hint of jealousy rose in her as she watched him take her, his eyes sliding closed slowly, moans from him and finally, an almost twitching rasp and soft exhalation as he came, fillingn the condemned's genitals to the brim before he began to play with her, toying his knife along her belly, before cutting down from between her breasts to her groin, and peeling her skin back, exposing meat and bone and organs. Her cobalt colored blood spilled out onto the floor below at his feet, thick juice pouring out. Their kind were strange compared to most bipeds...they had a semiopen circulatory system. Their organs were supported by more or less a large pair of sacs of blood which ran through their torso. this was because of how thick it was, it was hard to pump through narrow vessels. A strange heart that was bound directly to her lungs could be seen, as he peeled her sacs open, more blue spilling, the heart trying to force the blood past now exposed to air lungs that couldnt work properly anymore. She was gasping for breath, her body turning pale. THe digestive organs always had the best flavor when harvested from a still living body, and he cut at them at two places, the base of her rectum, and her throat, reaching up into her neck to slit the tube leading from her mouth to her stomach.
Muscles that were triggered by her gag reflex, instead of expelling her contents from her mouth the way it normally worked, caused her stomach to jump, squeezing in his bare hands as her body attempted to vomit, until he clenched it off, gripping the tubing in a vice hold until this eased. He loved working bare handed, he loved the slippery feel of organs, the warm blood, the tender meat. Most butchers would have worn at least shoes, but not valka, they were perpetually in their bare feet and he was no exception, rather enjoying the feel of her thick blood as it filled the Pit in the middle of the room around the death table, a bowl that had a drain switch, but was left closed by him until he was done. He liked how it squelshed between his toes once he got ankle deep in it, like a warm and thick stew.
The way he had opened her left her plenty of blood after the first bit left, and with the secondary muscles to pump through her limbs, it kept her alive through this torment. He carried her intestines, liver, stomach and pancreas to a table to be handled by an aide, who worked on handling these properly. He wasnt a preparer of the guts, he handled the bodies and the meat. He turned his attention now to her again, padding back over, and tilting the table at an angle that put her head below her feet in elevation. "and now my dear, hot will finally see your release."
Karia leaned closer, nose to the glass, hot breath fogging it ever so slightly. She loved this part, when he finally finished them. It was almost a requirement to use a ceremonial dagger for this part, a ragged, rough and rusted blade, not quite sharp enough. Death for the condemned was not to be pleasent, afterall.....but torturous and horrific, painful to the last breath and beyond.
he scraped it against her neck, eliciting a fearful wimper, before he pressed the blades edge to the front of her neck, and began to saw hard, back and forth, grunting a bit as his free hand pushed her head down and back by her jaw and muzzle to expose her neck fully. She let off a scream, howling in agony before her thick blood began to seep, and then pour, and then gush, scream turning to a wet gurgle, blood bubbling as her breaths became clogged in the torrent. Blue spilled from her mouth, her nose with each aborted breath. it spurted now as the two large tubes that ran from her bloodsacs into her skull were fully severed. As the knife finally reached her thick spine, predatory race with thick, reinforced bones......this would require much more force, and he leaned into the blade hard, sawing with a grinding sound through it until at last any voluntary movement came to an end, her body twitching on its own as her spinal cord was fully severed. He cut through the remaining bone, around the back to remove the last connections of muscle and skin tissue, and then pulled her still barely living head free, slamming it hard onto a table upside down, her weaking face wincing, her vision slowly fading....was was the most horrible fact, was that they were incapable of going unconcious and their nervous system was protected from going into shock so they would be able to escape from even the worst of injuries, trouble with that was they would be alive, until aware until litterally their brain died. he cut the cartilage that connected the base of her spinal column and the first vertibrae, and pulled, a wet shlink as her spinal cord was left behind, slurping out from the bones in his hand. He took these in two fingers, and cut them with his thumb claw, taking the bundle and shoving it into his mouth to taste it. "Good, this one is good." He always got dibs on the heads.
he cut into her skull with a much more effective knife, her eyes wide with panic and suffering as she felt something sharp scrape against her brain. If she had a body left to move, it would be paralyzed now. He scrapped his claws softly along her grey matter, stained with dark blue from the blood sac around her brain that was now opened. he pelled her skull open and she suddenly was no more, as he plunged four claws, three fingers one thumb, into the center front lobe. He got a spoon out and began eating this, devouring it while her body hung upside down by her ankles to bleed out in full.
She watched him chop up the rest of the body, finding she had been pawing at her own cunt with a finger, wetness staining her pants. He looked up at her with a playful wink, and nodded his head toward the next room, where several valka were being ushered into, their chains were removed at the door and they were given a rough kick against their back by an abnormally large member of the species, broad foot hammering them into the far wall. Karia padded over to the other observation window to watch what came next with a feral grin.
THe ones who would die first noticed how painful the floor was as well as dificult to stand on and akward, with trenches that they kept stumbling and tripping about in. When they looked down, as Karia looked up to read the sign on the window..."Grinder room, haha niiice..."
THey found themselves standing on a set of two layers, a hilly Over/Under setup of bars with sharp, meat cutting hook blades and dull grabbing hooks that would cut and tear at their living flesh, dumping the chunks into a bay below with even more of these.....and they were stained with blood, an earlier batch an hour ago had died in here.
Terrified screams erupted from the room, as Squall flipped a switch, flipping them off with a smirk. THey didnt need to look down to know, as they felt their leathrer soles begin to be cut at as the floor had been turned on. One of them tripped, tumbling over onto his belly. It was over in moments for him as his belly was torn open, the hooks pulling his spilling intestines and organs free with mechanical regularity and inhumanity. THey caught his muzzle and pulled his face down into the grinding mechanism, through between two of the rods, crushing his skull between then as his life ended, body being rended and send below.
Another managed to grip his fingers on the door frame edge, hooking his talons of his feet into the metal as well.....but his tail caught in the machine, and it began peeling the flesh away, before his bones caught in it.......and it began to pull at this now. He could feel something....wrong happening as it felt like his spine was not quire secured in his back.....and another witnessed as her husband ground below her....he had pushed her ontop of him to sheild her futily from this one's tail was yanked finally. The one holding onto the doorframe's head turned inside out, as his skull, spinal column and tail were simply yanked out of his body and into the grinding gears below. a sea of blood poured from the fully opened ass as the rest of the body followed it without a fight, limping tumbling across the floor into a corner and grindingn apart.
THe woman looked down to her mate now, his eyes were even bleeding now. "I-I love y-" his skull cracked in half, brains spilling into the machine and head with it. his chest and stomach, which she had been riding on, followed suit, and suddenly his hide was yanked from below her, her hands shreading almost immediately, stubs of arms falling between the gears. Her face caught in them and was torn apart, screams muting suddenly. Squall watched, fingers stroking his length, at her feet ,which twitched, toes clenching spastically. he watched the filthy soles disappear as he came again. THat was the last of today''s batch, though he had one more to introduce with no warning. For the moment he just chuckled, letting the bones be ground up in the machines lower section, delicious, wet pops and cracks echoing up until all was silent. He turned it off now and opened the door to the back room. "Hey Karia, wanna see something cool today?" he asked with a wink.
He led her into the basement, where the grinder emptied. THe warm blood created a coppery tang in the air that filled them both with feral excitement, and it led to him, without warning and without askingn and without permission, slamming her to the floor, tearing her skirt up over her hips and shoving his cock into her hot cunt. He took a knife, pressing it to her neck. "Scream, and you die with them." he said as he raped her. She kept silent, sobbing quietly. She knew he was brutal and probably wouldnt let her live, so she tried to face it as best as she could to no avail. As he finally came inside of her, she looked up at him with fear in her eyes, begging for her life.
"No....can't have that, now can we, not after this happened..."
he smiled, sweetly for a moment, the gentle eyes she had loved regarding her before turning evil as his knife cut into her neck from behind her spine, her suddenn scream peircing the air as he brought the blade up and through her tender flesh, one blood vessel severed....her throat and trachea, the other...all the way around, her neck was open, blue blood exploding out over them both, as he brought his knife to her spine, giving her the same rough, sawing treatment as that bitch on the butcher block.he regarded her still living head, and even raped this, coming again quickly before she finally died.
When she was gone.....he pressed her head into a vice machine and watched it be crushed, before turning his attention to the body. he took the blade to her ankles, cutting her feet off......he had a t hing for feet, being wierd as he was, and then he tossed the rest of the body into the dumbwaiter, sending it to the grinder room, where it was given the same treatment. He stashed the feet in a preservation canister, filling it with a formulae he had made to save body parts without them smelling of formaldihyde when he wanted to play with them in a sexual context.
For now though, he would rest, today had been a good haul....