No-Nut Narrator: Oct. 31 (Empty)

Story by kiwiBB on SoFurry

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#1 of No-Nut Narrator

For the whole month of November, I'm planning to do a little something I'm calling "No-Nut Narrator". Every day, I'll post a short orgasm denial blurb, following the story of one poor dragon guy as he gradually gets edged out of his mind :P It's very strongly inspired by Inktober, with each day having a specific theme to write about.

(If you're interested in doing #nonutnarrator yourself, check out my post about it on Twitter ( There's a weekly option too, if making something every day sounds like too much of a commitment. The more the merrier!)

This month I'm going to be writing about T'lak and Ajani, a pair of red dragons that are also the main characters of my denial + ballbusting series "Popping the Question". This month's blurbs all take place BEFORE T'lak and Ajani got engaged -- a prequel, of sorts :)

Without any further ado...

October 31: Empty

"Come on." Ajani gave her boyfriend's nutsac an encouraging squeeze. "I know you've still got one more load in here."

"Nnghuhhhh." T'lak sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his arms, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. " many is that?"

"Nine." The red dragoness wiped the back of her hand across her muzzle, cleaning off a few strings of spunk that had lingered there after her boyfriend's latest explosion. "You're almost at double-digits!"


T'lak looked down at the naked female. Ajani had spent the last several hours kneeling between his legs, coaxing cumshot after cumshot out of his heavy orbs, making sure that they were as thoroughly drained as possible before the long month to follow. Her claws were wrapped tightly around the neck of his ballbag, gently but firmly pulling his nuts down to the bottom of his sac, as though that might help her to wring a few final drops out of the aching orbs. His exhausted cock, thick but only half-hard, slumped just below her muzzle, pointing downwards at her semen-soaked tits.

"Last call before November~" the female teased, swiping her tongue across the tip of his dick.


Red dragons were an interesting breed: a culture of nudists who were extremely casual about sex. When walking through a red dragon village, it wasn't unusual to see a dragoness idly toying with her partner's cock, or casually rolling his balls between her fingers. For a red dragon male, it was rare to make it through the day without multiple females getting their claws all over your junk.

And yet, for all that sex and nudity were constant, orgasms were not. There were many times in a male's life where he was expected to go for weeks or even months without cumming. For the red dragons, a male's ability to hold back his pent-up spunk was a testament to his character. It demonstrated dedication and focus, and the ability to persevere through any ordeal, no matter how difficult or distracting.

This culminated each year with the month of November: an entire month where male ejaculation was forbidden (or at least, heavily discouraged). For those 30 days, every dragon's dick was hard and dripping, and every dragoness did her best to help keep it that way, with teasing gropes, friendly strokes, and the occasional unfinished blowjob. By the end of the month, every pair of testicles in town was impossibly, achingly stuffed with unspent seed, and every cock looked ready to explode.

Thankfully, it was not yet November. It was the night of October 31st. And that meant T'lak needed to drain his balls as thoroughly as possible, in order to prepare for the long, hard weeks to come.

Ajani bobbed up and down on her lover's dick for a few moments, suckling on the first few inches of his length. He wasn't nearly as hard as he had been an hour ago, but that was only to be expected, given that she had made him blow 4 times since then. She ran her tongue around his cocktip and gave his scaly balls another gentle squeeze, earning an exhausted moan from her beleaguered boyfriend.

"Do we-..." T'lak panted. "Do we even have time for another load before midnight?"

Ajani let his dick slip from her muzzle with a quiet pop. "I think so! It's 11:50 -- you've got 10 minutes." She pressed her nose to the underside of his length, nuzzling his flagging erection. "I'll bet I can make you blow again before then."

"And what if I'm already dry?" asked the male -- half-joking and half-serious. As he looked down at the cum-drenched dragoness, it was hard to imagine that he had any spunk left to give. Ajani had done her best to guzzle down his first few loads, but there were only so many cumshots that a girl could swallow. Stalactites of cum dripped from her chin, and rivers of sticky white covered her breasts, dripping down onto her thick thighs and ultimately pooling on the bedroom floor. He had splattered her with at least a gallon of seed over the last two hours. His balls throbbed at the thought of trying to pump out yet ANOTHER blast of cum.

The dragoness rolled her eyes. "You're not 'dry' -- and in two weeks, you'll be BEGGING me for a blowjob." She looked up, tightening her grip around her boyfriend's nearly-empty nuts. "Now shut up and cum down my throat."

"Yes ma'AAAaam," T'lak warbled, his voice cracking as she swallowed him to the hilt in one smooth motion and resumed sucking.

Overload, pt. 2

**Wednesday, November 3rd, 8:14am** GOD, the fucking ACHE. Once again, Sil had managed to stay up past midnight, his balls churning as he ever-so-slowly pumped his twitching, drooling cock. The feline had only hit the edge a few times -- once...

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Extra Cream

"And if you could just sign your receipt right here..." "Mm-hmm!" The vixen scribbled down her name, then passed the pen and the receipt back across the counter. Aedric smiled, trying not to fidget or show any discomfort. "Awesome, thank you....

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Overload, pt. 1

**Sunday, October 31st, 11:37pm** "Oh fuck...f-...f-fuck!" SPLURT. Sil grit his teeth and shivered as the first thick blast of semen exploded from the tip of his cock, splattering across the tile of the shower wall. He groaned in throaty...

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