Help Me... part 2

Story by KMontale on SoFurry

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Hi Folks! Part two is ready to go. Um... naughty stuff towards the end of the story. Graphic naughty stuff. So, don't read if you don't like boy on boy action. Or if you're a minor. *Ahem* Anyways, enjoy the show!

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"Then why don't you tell me?" he asked in quiet simplicity,, his expression making it evident that he really did want to know. That he wasn't assuming anything.

I trembled slightly as I stood near the edge of the bed, hoping that the quiver in my fingertips wasn't noticeable as I brought my paws up to my face to rub my eyes. He swallowed hard, trying to fight back the clenching tightness in my throat. How many times had I imagined a moment like this? How many times had I fantasized about the fox still lying on my bed? In that moment, I was terrified. I was scared that I'd say the wrong thing, that I'd do the wrong thing; that I'd come across as a sex obsessed lecher or, even worse, that I'd come across as brainless and shallow. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't force the tightness in my chest to relax and through a nearly Herculean effort, I finally forced myself to speak.

"B-because... because I'm scared." I said, voice barely audible as my tail curled between my legs and I looked away. I could feel something quivering inside my throat, threatening to make its way up to my muzzle and eyes, so I swallowed hard and let out a shaky sigh. I've never been good at idling, so I wandered the short distance over to my kitchenette and began to mindlessly clean. I didn't want to clean but I didn't want to stand there locked inside my head. I had to do something with my paws before I rattled apart at the seams.

Why was I so scared? Why couldn't I be confident in who I was like Adrian always seemed to be? -I- was the wolf here, I was the one that was supposed to be strong and confident and dominant and all of those other things that I just didn't seem to be psychologically capable of being. I opened a cabinet and reached up to put the spices away when I heard a slight rustling behind me.

I'd gotten so absorbed with myself, so lost inside my own head that I'd very nearly forgotten about Adrian. I looked over my shoulder as I saw him slide gracefully off the bed and take a few small steps toward me. He had a concerned, ponderous look on his face as he looked at me, those icy blue eyes seeming to cut to the quick of me. I swallowed softly; paw's motion faltering as I nearly dropped the powdered garlic.

There was something magnetic in his eyes and I felt the world around me grind to a halt, my heart catching in my chest as he continued to move closer to me. Closer and closer he moved until he was standing not six inches away from my tail directly behind me.

"It's okay, Kielan," he said in a soft, gentle tone, taking another step toward me as his paws raised to touch my hips, "I understand how you feel. Truly, I do."

Absent mindedly, I slid the powdered garlic into the cabinet and shut it, fighting against the urge to pant from sheer panic as I felt that light touch of his fingers on either side of my hips. "N-no..." I whispered, my voice trailing off as I leaned against the cabinet with a paw, eyes closing as I couldn't keep the tremble out of my voice, "it's not okay."

It felt as if several dozen strings of piano wire had twined themselves around my heart and had all begun to tighten at once. It felt as if something inside me had ruptured and was hemorrhaging something into the well of my soul faster than I could bail it out. It was such a simple thing, that touch. Such a simple gesture that that had so unassumingly destroyed the wrought iron bands I'd wrapped around the scared, vulnerable inner core of who I was. The tension of nervousness was very quickly replaced by the tension of trying to fight to stay in control of my emotions and I was losing the battle. I clenched my jaw as I felt the well inside my overflow, salty heat building at the back of my throat and close to my eyes.

Without warning, I felt him close the short distance between us. His chest pressed against my back as his arms slid around my chest, paws resting atop of each other over my solar plexus. His heat and strength bled into me through the connection of our bodies and it only served to melt what little resolve I had left as if it were ore in a smelter. I let out a quivering breath, muzzle trembling open as I couldn't hold it back anymore. All those months of pain, all the thoughts and worries, all of the pent up emotion wouldn't be denied, wouldn't wait another moment.

My paws fell to the edge of the sink and clutched them tightly enough that I'm sure the knuckles under my fur were white. My head lowered of its own volition and a choked noise made its way out of my muzzle. Adrian pressed himself closer to me, using his paws to pull me tightly to him in an embrace. My tail pressed against his legs as his chin came to rest on my shoulder. His larger body encompassed mine completely as silent sobs wracked my body causing my chest to shake. The tears started to fall, leaving trails of moisture from my eyes. My vision went blurry as I tried to blink them away, tried to regain some semblance of composure to no avail.

"Shhh," I heard over my left shoulder, his paws delicately, comfortingly petting up and down the center of my chest, "It's okay, Kielan... it's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay to let it out."

I'd tortured myself for so long that to finally hear someone say those words felt like a blazing poker being shoved into my chest, dichotomous emotions roiling inside my head at light speed. Finally, and maybe even for the first time in my life, I let my guard down. I felt my knees start to shake and I let my body slump forward a little, I leaned on the counter to support my weight and keep my body upright as I opened my muzzle and let out a strangled cry. This was the second time I'd lost control of myself in front of the fox, the second time I just couldn't hold it in.

I couldn't tell you how long we stood there, him holding me and murmuring soft reassurances as I lost myself. Silence gave way to small, pathetic whines that would make their way out of my nose and, after a few minutes, I sniffled loudly. With a shaky sigh, I sniffed again and brought a paw up to my eyes to wipe away some of the tears. Adrian's paws still held me, his larger body still pressed in to mine as I stood on my own again. I didn't know if I could turn around and face him, I didn't know if I could look him in the eyes so soon after losing control like that, so I brought my paws up to his. They hovered just above his fingers for a few quiet seconds before I felt the last vestige of something crumble away inside me. The pads of my paws finally touched the fur on the back of his, a feathery light touch for half a second before I let my paws cover his.

It was a simple act, really, but for me, it was one of the most liberating things I'd experienced. My paws rested on his and I could feel the fur and muscle and bone of his paws. There was a strength and warmth in his gentle grip, a tenderness that both startled and made me feel comfortable. My thoughts drifted to Kayla for a moment and I closed my eyes, silently hoping that I wasn't making a mistake, silently hoping that I knew what I was doing. I gave one final sniff and licked my lips, shifting my weight to move to the side.

I felt his arms move to pull away from me, my paws leaving his with reluctance as I turned around to face him. I'd thought that he would move back a few inches but he didn't, so when I finished turning around, our muzzles were barely two inches apart. I could feel his breath on my muzzle and I knew he could feel mine, my heart stopping like a block of ice in my chest. His muzzle hovered in place for a small eternity, the flow of time having either all but ceased or, at the very least, slowed to a crawl.

"It's okay," he whispered, looking me right in the eyes in an unflinching expression of understanding and acceptance. It was a look that would stay with me for the rest of my life.

Even through all the warmth and acceptance, even with his body so close to mind and his paws resting on my hips, I felt the inner fears inside me stir and try to take possession again. I felt uncomfortable and squirmed slightly in place, feeling awful about it as I turned my face away and started to shift to the side. He didn't try to stop me, letting his paws return to his sides as he took half a step back, that same look in his eyes.

After I moved further away from him, I sighed softly as I felt the uncomfortability and pressure start to fade. I wiped my eyes again, my tail uncurling from between my legs to simply droop and I hugged my arms to my chest facing away from him. I trembled in place, too many emotions and too many thoughts running berserk through my head. I tried to believe him, I tried to believe that it was okay but everything inside me fought against it.

"I'm a wolf," I finally said, more whine to my voice than I wanted, "It's not supposed to be like this..."

My voice trailed off into nothing as I turned around to look at him, having moved about three feet away from the handsome, accepting fox. His head tilted slightly to the side as he looked at me expectantly without interrupting, curiosity and compassion in his eyes.

My brow furrowed upward as I felt something inside my chest lurch forward, my face contorting in a way that only the wounded can truly perform. "You're younger than I am," I said, paws moving as I talked, "I... I'm the one that's supposed to be in control of themselves. I'm the one that's supposed to be confident." As I spoke, I tried to right the creeping bitterness that had begun to infect my words but I'd lanced the boil and it was going to bleed.

"I'm... I'm supposed to be better than this!" I spat, self hatred dripping off of the statement as I grew angry with myself. I began pacing the small area between the kitchenette and bed, my paws making a sharp sweeping motion, "I... I shouldn't have broken down like that. I shouldn't have been so..."

"Kielan, stop." He said quietly but with an authority that did, indeed, make me stop in my tracks. I looked over at him as everything stopped, the gentle command interrupting the quickly spiraling maelstrom of thoughts and emotion that was threatening to leave my control again.

"You're..." he began, his brow furrowed slightly and his arms folded in front of him as he searched for the right words or perhaps the right wording, "You are older than I am... but that means you've been hurt worse, hurt more than I have. It's okay to cry, h-" Whatever word he was about to say was cut off as he continued, "It's okay to laugh, too. I can't imagine what you went through with Kayla and I know it's left you vulnerable and confused and upset. I know it's left you hurting in ways that you don't know how to deal with. I know it's left you with questions you don't know how to answer... and that's O. K."

I stood still as a statue as he spoke, his words seeming to drift over me like a warm, summer breeze. Everything he said was true. Every word he spoke led him closer to the truth of what I was experiencing and in that moment, I realized that he understood. He may not have known the specific root of the mind gripping, soul clenching urges that led to me asking him to come over but he understood. I needed someone to help me. I needed to reach out and feel another person reaching back. I needed to know that it was okay.

His words hung in the air like effervescent bubbles, their meaning popping in slow motion explosions in my brain and I felt that same thing lurch forward in my chest. This time, though, I recognized it for what it was. Hope. The realization scared me and I recoiled from it, mentally dropping it as if it were on fire before cautiously, carefully allowing the thought to happen again. Hope.

The thought and emotion filled my solar plexus with radiant warmth and the sensation scared me. How often had I hoped in the past only to have the hope turn to ash? How often had I opened myself only to receive the barbed hooks that other people all too often seem to offer? Would I be a fool and waste this precious feeling? Did I have the courage to act on the hope?

"I'm not a mind reader, hon," he said with a soft grin on his muzzle and a slightly playful look in his eyes.

I blinked a few times, not understanding his meaning at first until it dawned on me that I'd been standing in place for a few minutes and not saying a thing. Evidently, he could see thoughts swirling in my eyes and knew I'd been lost in thought. It was so easy for me to get lost inside myself, especially in moments like these. I paused for a moment and swallowed hard, breathing a little shakily as a thought occurred to me.

"I..." I started to say, the thought wanting to make its way out of my lips seeming very, very foolish and the words died stillbirth on my lips.

"You... ?" he answered in question, gently prodding me to continue with a gentle wave of one of his paws.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself, literally forcing the words to become verbal sounds. "I... want you to ask me questions." I said, immediately regretting it. I was nearly thirty and here I was, attempting to play a game like this with him. It was a game that had high stakes and I couldn't think of any other way that I could let myself move forward.

He blinked once or twice, his head canting to the side slightly at my question. He must have seen the look on my face because he walked over to the kitchen wall and leaned against it, looking over at me with a grin as he asked,

"Do you have a crush on me?"

I believe that, had it been physiologically possible, my brain would have opened my skull, packed a bag, and simply left when his words slammed into my ears. I'd known that the question might have come up when I said what I did but I hadn't expected it to be the first question out of his muzzle. From the heat radiating in my ears and under the fur on my cheeks, I wouldn't have been surprised if they could have seen me from orbit.

My jaw dropped and silence followed for a few seconds before I forced myself to play by the rules of my own game. "Y-yes," I squeaked out in answer, turning my gaze from him in embarrassment as I sat on the edge of the bed.

When I risked a glance up at his face, to say that the grin on his muzzle was wide and genuine would have been an understatement. The fox looked positively radiant as he smiled at me and he nudged his body off of the wall as he unfolded his arms.

"Hmm..." he said, cupping the side of his muzzle, thumb stroking over his whiskers as he looked at me contemplatively, smile still present, "Does the thought of being with another man scare you?"

I swallowed a lump the size of an orange from my throat at the question, my blush remaining at full shine. I looked down at my paws and nodded softly. "Y-yeah," I said, voice barely above a whisper, "it does."

"Why?" he asked gently not half a second after the words left my muzzle.

"B-because," I started, everything inside me squirming as I knew the words, I knew the answer but it was so hard to speak them. I whined softly through my nose and clenched my paws, "b-because I'm a wolf. Because I'm... a guy... because I'm not supposed to be weak. I'm not supposed to ... to want..." I tried to force myself to finish the sentence but something incredibly terrified and stubborn inside me wouldn't let the words go.

I couldn't see the expression on his face, my eyes still fixated on my paws, which seemed to lose their strength as they fell open again. My ears, which had been swiveling and drooping as I spoke, perked forward as I heard him moving and I looked up to see him walking toward me. I watched as he squatted down with his arms on his legs in front of me not a foot away, presence commanding me to look down at him.

"Kielan, I'm a guy, too," he said, reaching up with his right paw to gently rest it on my knee, "I may not be a wolf but I understand how you feel. I know what it's like to be gay. Just because you're a guy who likes other guys, it doesn't make you weak."

I sighed and quivered inside as I listened. I hadn't thought of it like that, which struck me as strange. I knew Adrian was gay and I knew that he was a guy but until that moment, I don't think I truly comprehended that he really was a guy who knew what it was like to love another man.

As the realization dawned on me, Adrian stood up from where he was squatting and sat on the bed next to me. He let his right side press into my left. I looked over at him with a slightly bashful glance and looked back down at my paws, occasionally drifting over to look at his paws in his lap.

"Why would you think you were weak?" he asked, his gaze turned to look at me.

I splayed my ears out to the side at the question, images and scents and sounds of the past flooding my memory and I closed my eyes to blot them out. I took in a deep breath and sighed, opening my eyes to stare at the kitchen wall. Do I tell him? Do I tell him that I felt weak after I'd taken it under the tail with random hookups off the internet? Do I tell him that, as terrified of being weak as I am, that I crave to feel weak under another man?

"Because it's something I'm ashamed of," I said out loud, my mind half a second too late at realizing what I was about to say before I said it. The moment of clarity struck me like a lightning bolt. I was ashamed of what I wanted; what my body begged for.

"You don't have to be," Adrian replied with an earnest tone to his deep voice.

I turned my head and looked at him, a pleading look in my eyes as I looked into his. My belly turned to quicksilver as I sat there not knowing what to do and wanting to do so much. The other times I'd been with guys, it had been fleeting instances with nearly nameless faces in back alleys and quickly forgotten hotel rooms. It had been instances of pure, unadulterated rutt that left me feeling hollow inside once the spasms of fulfillment subsided. This felt different... this had emotion involved. Maybe on some fundamental level, I'd always thought of emotions as a woman's thing and that's why having emotions for another guy bothered me the way it did. This felt special. It felt intimate even though the only parts of us touching were the sides of our legs and arms.

"I don't know what to do..." I murmured, fingers idly playing with themselves to alleviate some of the tension I felt inside.

"You don't have to," the fox said as he stood up from where he was sitting and stepped to stand in front of me. Without another word, he reached down and took both of my paws in his and tugged me gently upward, getting me to stand. I relaxed slightly as he took the lead, part of me relaxing as he did so. His arms slid around my shoulders and I lifted my arms to wrap them around his waist. He lifted a paw and gently cupped my head as I laid it on his chest. I felt his muzzle press gently against the top of my head and I felt my tail curl gently upward. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and my eyes drifted closed. His paws idly stroked from the nape to the back of my neck and upwards as he held me, my body melting into his in ways I cannot describe.

I felt it stirring inside as I stood there, the subtle, musky scent of his body driving it further. I felt it growing and spreading its way through my body, goaded on by the heat of our bodies pressing together. I felt the impulses grow and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel guilty. Embarrassing as it may be to admit, my tail wagged at the thought and wagged even harder at the sheer enjoyment of having his body close to mine.

He lifted his muzzle from my head and gently nuzzled the side of my face. I tilted my head slightly to return the affectionate gesture, our whiskers rubbing together. My eyes opened as I felt his muzzle pulling away from mine and I caught his piercing blue gaze. In a quietly graceful motion, he nosed the bottom of my chin, then lifted his muzzle slightly to brush his lips against mine.

My breath caught in my throat at the first graze of our lips and I felt my eyes grow lidded. I let out a soft breath and amazed myself as I pushed my muzzle gently forward and pressed my lips to his. I very nearly cried again for the pure joy of this simple, timid kiss. His lips were soft against mine as our muzzles pressed together, his larger body shifting above me as his paws slid to the back of my shoulders. I melted into the kiss, the embrace. I melted into the closeness. I melted into the fact that he was larger than I was; that my head was turned up to his.

He pulled back and broke the kiss, my eyes opening as he took a breath and smiled. His tail swayed behind him, the flash of red on either side of his legs catching my gaze every now and again. He had a soft smile on his muzzle as he gazed down at me, the smile transforming into a mischievous grin half a second before he licked my nose.

I snorted and laughed as I playfully pushed him away, bringing up a paw to rub my nose as I wrinkled my nosebridge. "Meanhead," I said playfully, a silly grin on my muzzle.

"Only if you want me to be," he retorted in a sing-songy voice, and then laughed.

I chuckled softly and sat back down on the edge of the bed, letting my arms rest on my knees as I looked up at him as he walked up to me. I sighed happily as I let the side of my face press against his belly and felt his paws come to rest on my ears. I wrapped my arms around the back of his legs and turned my head to nuzzle at the front of his shirt, my nose picking up on gentle whiffs of scent from his pants. I heard him let out a gentle sigh above me as he held me close like that.

Between my legs, trapped in the khaki shorts, I felt my sheath begin to stir as blood and warmth started to flow through my groin. I took in a shivering breath as I moved my paws to the backs of his legs, the smallest portion of my fingertips sliding up the sides of his shorts. With a soft groan stifled by his belly and shirt, I pulled back and looked up at him, my tail softly thumping on the bed behind me. He practically loomed over me as he took a step forward to stand between my knees, paws sliding down my neck until his thumbs could play at the sensitive juncture where my neck and collar meet.

I gasped softly as his thumbs touched me there, my eyes lidded with the tenderness of it. It was such a simple touch at such an innocuous place but it sent arcs of electricity through my body, starting in my groin. I scooted back on the bed a little, causing his paws to fall away from my neck as my own came up to his sides. Gently, I tugged him forward and he lowered his torso, our muzzles meeting in the middle. My eyes closed as our lips met for the second time and I felt a stifled groan from his muzzle.

His paws found my shoulders and started to gently lean me backwards, my own paws reaching up to grasp his sides as we descended. I shifted so that I could lay down, my paws shifting up to Adrian's back to pull him atop of me. I sighed through my nose as I felt his weight on me, his larger body pressing down into my smaller one, our groins pressing together. He traced his paws up my sides to my shoulders, then traced the lines of my arms down to my paws as he turned his muzzle in the kiss and pressed into it more urgently.

My muzzle parted for his as our fingers twined, his tongue barely slipping past my lips before our lips parted. I pressed my muzzle up to his, letting my tongue lips between his lips and he pressed himself against me. I could feel the thickness of his denim trapped sheath against my own. I could smell the warmth of his body and breath, a shiver running from the tips of my ears down to the balls of my feet. He lifted my paws up to my shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze of his fingers to mine. My arousal was growing by leaps and bounds as he had me nearly pinned and I was very happily surrendering myself to him, the tapered tip of my shaft pushing out of my sheath and against its khaki prison.

I knew he could smell my arousal just as I could smell his, the heat of our bodies rubbing together seeming to suffuse through the room. I pulled back from the kiss and panted softly through open muzzle as I looked up at him. He smiled down at me and rubbed his cheek against mine as his muzzle descended my neck. I could feel his tongue as it flicked out again and again as he made his way down the slope of my neck. I sucked in a shuddering gasp as he kissed the crook of my neck, and then lightly nipped at it. I arched my body up against his, the heels of my feet finding the backs of his legs as my paws held on to the sides of his chest. He nuzzled and bit on that area, each touch of his muzzle adding to the heat of my arousal.

My shorts were very quickly becoming uncomfortably tight as my sheath thickened further, a wet spot smearing along the inside of my shorts from the leaking tip of my penis. I needed him. I needed him in ways I couldn't understand, didn't want to understand. I needed his warmth and weight on me; I needed his fur against mine. I ached for him.

My paws slid down to the tail of his shirt and started to pull it upward, the fox giving a last kiss to my neck before raising himself upright. He reached down and grabbed the hem of his shirt, tugging it off to let it flop onto the floor behind him. I was no stranger to sex but something about this made me blush slightly as I gazed up at his naked torso. He was trim but by no means an athlete or a swimmer but to my eyes and paws, he was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen in my life. My eyes drank the sight of him in, something deep inside of me yearning for more.

My fingers slid through his bellyfur as my paws made their way upward, the fox smiling warmly down at me as he watched my fingers exploring his body for the first time. My pawpads trailed against fur and skin, my brain trying to memorize every crease, every line, and every follicle of fur. My eyes followed my hands as they crested over his pectorals and I felt the hard nubbins of his bare nipples graze against my fingers, then my palms. He gasped softly through his nose at the touch and my gaze shifted up to his. I smiled timidly and he cupped the side of my muzzle in one of his palms. I pressed my face into his paw, eyes closing as I shivered softly. My fingertips played at his collarbone for a few seconds before descending.

I opened my eyes and lifted my muzzle from his paw, gaze shifting to the button of his shorts as my fingers touched the waistband just above. My heart raced as my fingers rested there, the heat of his arousal bleeding through his shorts along with his scent. I felt his paw rest on the top of my head, his fingers tenderly running through my headfur as he waited patiently for me, his actions giving me permission to do whatever I wanted.

Taking in a small breath, I fumbled with the button on his shorts for a second before it came free. My fingers found his zipper a moment latter and I tugged it downward in a steady, smooth motion. As his shorts fell open, his scent billowed up to me and I shuddered softly, nostrils flaring slightly as I breathed it in. It was musky and definitively male and everything that deep part of me had been begging and pleading for. I looked at his sheath, the poor fox swollen thickly as his own tapered cocktip stood an inch or so out of his sheath.

"C-Can I?" I asked, perhaps needlessly, as I tore my gaze away from his sheath and looked up at his face.

I think he almost tried to stifle a laugh as he smiled wider down to me and nodded his head. "Please." He said firmly, tail swaying behind him. With a slightly trembling paw, I raised my arm and let the fingertip of my index finger touch the glistening tip of his sheath-trapped erection. It gave a soft surge against my pawpad and I let my paw cup his sheath. He gasped softly as my paw wrapped around it and gently tugged downward. His red, vulpine cock slid free of his sheath and pointed proudly into the air. I let my thumb trace the line where his sheath and cock met, my heart racing in my chest as the intoxicating scent of his arousal filled my senses.

I licked my nose and panted softly through it as my excitement grew, fingers sliding up to tug his sheath past the latent swell of his knot. All in all, he looked about as big as me, about five inches from the tapered tip to where his knot began and then another inch for the unswollen bulb. It was beautiful. Before I realized what I was doing, I was lifting myself on my elbows. My head moved forward and I nuzzled at the center of his shaft, letting my slightly cold nose press against the blazing heat of his flesh. I closed my eyes and snuffled my way up his shaft, breathing him in, learning and memorizing the heated scent of his foxdick. I opened my eyes and let out a groaning sigh, turning my muzzle so I could wrap my lips around the first inch of his cock. I heard him groan above me as the warmth of my muzzle slipped over his sensitive flesh and I started to suckle on him. My tail thumped against the bed as best it could as his taste blossomed on my tongue and in my sinuses. It was fleshy and a little salty, distinctly male and everything I'd been craving.

He let out a sharp breath as my tongue flicked in broad arcs along his tip, my head descending to take more of his shaft in my muzzle. His tapered tip drug down the center of my tongue and I felt his cock give a surge as a thin arc of precum shot across the back of my tongue. I swallowed around his dick, another thin arc painting a slick line inside my muzzle. My right paw slid down from his sheath to cup his dangling balls, fingertips curling behind them. I felt their heft and weight in my palm; felt the shift of his scrotum as it moved against my paw. He let out an appreciative noise as my fingertips trailed back to rub the area just behind his balls, my tongue rewarded by another drop of precum.

With a deliberate slowness, I lifted my muzzle and withdrew his shaft completely. It glistened in the light and I could see it pulsing in time with his heartbeat. For a moment, I was awed. I had done that. I had made him this aroused. Me. Plain, simple, average me. I felt a rush surge through my body at the thought and I kisses the dripping tip of his arousal, letting the drop of precum there smear across my lips. I lifted my head and licked my lips, blushing slightly in my ears as they swiveled to the side.

"I think you're a little overdressed," he said with a soft chuckle as he gazed down at me, his deep red erection standing fiercely out between us.

I let out a soft chuckle and felt my blush deepen. "Yeah..." I said, reaching down and pulling my shirt off, letting it land wherever on the floor, "I guess you're right."

I felt exposed without my shirt on but there was something comforting in it; something right. I let out a soft sigh as his fingers traced the curve of my neck down to my exposed collarbone, the strength of his fingers gently pressing against my fur and flesh. He paused for a moment to shove his shorts down to the floor, kicking them aside haphazardly and I couldn't help but giggle just a little as the motion caused his hard dick to wiggle in the air. He looked down at me with an arched eyebrow and wide grin, wiggling his hips from side to side twice to cause his erection to slap against his thighs. I giggled again and reached up to grasp the base of his shaft, admiring the spongy firmness of it. He pushed his hips forward, sliding his cock into my paw, the base of which pushed against his groin.

"Lay down, Kielan," he said softly, paws nudging my shoulders backward.

I fell to the bed with a soft thud, elbows bent to the side as my paws rested on my chest. I watched with trembling anticipation as his fingers descended to the button of my shorts. I sucked in my belly to give him extra room to work with and in a flash, he had it undone. I relaxed my belly as his fingers found my zipper and I blushed a little as he slid it down over the aching length of my trapped erection. I panted softly as he grabbed the legs of my shorts and started to tug them down. I lifted my hips and off my shorts went, revealing my thickened sheath and evident arousal. I blushed deeper as I lay there naked under his eyes, my head shifting to the side as my gaze drifted down to the bed.

"You're very handsome," I heard him say above me, the sound of his voice growing closer as he climbed up on the bed, knees starting to part my legs. I gently bit my bottom lip as I let my legs be spread, my knees rising up as I exposed myself to him. I watched his gaze as it travelled down my belly to where the first two inches of my tapered wolfcock stood out of my sheath. Lower still his gaze went and I knew he was staring at the cleft of my rump to the barely hidden pucker of my tailhole. My inner muscles clenched at the thought and I felt the burning, aching need under my tail.

A thick line of precum slid down his shaft and glistened in the light, the slight swell of his knot starting to show at the base of his shaft. I licked my lips and let out a soft yearning noise, my paws playing with wrinkles in the sheets beneath them.

"C-condom," I said, forcing my eyes up to his, "B-bedside table... first drawer." I looked over at the bedside table as I spoke, watching as he walked over to it and opened the drawer. That red and white tail of his swayed in the air beautifully as he moved, swishing up into the air when he opened the drawer. My eyes were glued to his exposed rump, gaze travelling along the cleft between his cheeks and spying a brief glimpse of the dangling sac between his legs. There was a rustling sound as he took a condom and the KY Jelly out of the drawer. He turned to face me with an item in each paw but it was the look on his face that grabbed my attention.

"Kielan, are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

The question made me feel like I'd been run through. Was he having second thoughts? Did he realize how terribly plain I was and realize he could do so much better than me? Was I not attractive enough? My brow furrowed as I felt old guard coming back up inside my chest, uncertainty gripping at me.

"Do... D-do you want to?" I asked cautiously in return.

Adrian sighed and sat down on the bed next to me as I lifted myself on my elbows and sat up, my erection starting to flag between my legs. "That's not what I mean at all, silly wolf," he said affectionately, leaning over to kiss the side of my muzzle, "It's just that... you've been through a lot. I know you're confused about a lot of things. I just don't want you to regret this... I want you to know that I want this; I want it more than anything in the world right now. But not if you don't want to. Not if you're not ready. "

I resisted the urge to cover myself with my paws as he spoke, the insecurity making my nudity feel like vulnerability. Thankfully, the sensation disappeared as he kissed my muzzle and his words made me feel warm inside. He wasn't asking because he didn't want to, he was asking because he wanted to. What I felt was reciprocated. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Wordlessly, I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips, breaking the contact after a brief moment. I turned toward the bed, raising myself up on all fours as I crawled further onto the bed. Parting my legs, I flagged my tail submissively into the air and looked over my shoulder at him. My tail wagged invitingly in the air as I looked at him and I could see the burning, urgent lust in his eyes. There was more, though, in his gaze. There was tenderness, a compassion that I hadn't seen in any previous lover's eyes. Not even Kayla's.

A surge of emotion rushed up from my loins to my chest to my brain and I arched my hips backward at him, fully exposing myself to his gaze. I could feel his eyes travel up from my dangling sac, I watched his gaze as he stared over at my upturned rump. He set the condom and bottle of lube on the bed, shifting so he was on his knees about a foot and a half behind me. He sat on the balls of his heels and I closed my eyes and shivered as I felt his paws grasp my rumpcheeks. He pulled them slightly apart and I whined softly at the thrilling vulnerability of it. My eyes shot open as I suddenly felt something warm and wet sliding along the puckered entrance of my ass, a gasp catching in my throat as the sensation ripped through me.

Conscious thought was lost to me as he rimmed my ass, broad tongue flicking in lazy arcs up the center of the tight ring. My chest lowered to the bed, my forehead on my crossed forearms as I pushed my hips back into the attention. I heard a soft growl behind me and his tongue started to push at my entrance. I bit my lip and cried out a muffled moan through my closed muzzle, his muzzle pushing firmly against my ass as his tongue flicked in feathery light lashes along the outer ring of my tailhole.

His paws gripped tighter at my rumpcheeks, massaging each cheek gently as he very nearly tonguefucked me. My muzzle parted in a whimpering moan that was a little higher than I expected it to be, the sensation of his tongue plunging against my entrance and forcing it partially each time making me quiver with delight. It seemed like an eternity as I lay there, the raw sensation and submission of the act making my cock start to leak down on to the comforter.

Finally, his muzzled pulled back and I heard him suck in a breath, letting it out in a hungry growl deep in his chest. My tail wagged and my tongue nearly lolled out of the side of my muzzle and I turned my head so I could look over my shoulder at him. I watched as he opened the condom packet, his eyes widening a little in surprise as he noticed something.

"KnotLocker?" he said in surprise and I blushed softly. KnotLocker condoms are made specifically for canines and vulpines, designed to allow for tieing while remaining protected.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, wagging my tail happily from side to side as I watched him unroll the condom onto what can only be described as a painfully hard erection. I shivered inside with the knowledge of what was about to happen, of what the act of him rolling that condom on meant. I wanted it. No, I needed it. Genuinely, to the core of my being, I -NEEDED- to be mounted. Not just mounted but rutted and bred. I wanted to be claimed... but not by just anyone, no. I wanted Adrian, no other one would do.

I watched and heard him open the tube of KY, sucking in a sharp gasp as he put a generous glob on his finger, then touched that icy lube to my asshole. I closed my eyes and groaned at the sensation of his lube slickened finger sliding in gentle circles around my tailring, eyes opening as the breath left me in a great rush as that finger slid in to the second knuckle. I felt my inner muscles squeeze around the invading digit tightly, clenching and releasing quickly for a second or two before finally relaxing. It always felt a little strange to have something under my tail for the first few seconds, the awkward feeling quickly giving way to the wonderful sensation of his finger curling within me. I gasped open muzzled as his fingertip struck against my prostate as he slid his finger deeper. I was a little looser than usual from the day's earlier activities, his finger barely meeting any resistance beyond the initial penetration.

I couldn't help but wiggle my hips a little as he curled his finger downward, finding the firm nubbin of my prostate and sliding his finger over it in gentle circles. I whimpered softly at the sensation, gasping every few seconds. All of this from a single finger, I couldn't imagine what it would be like when he finally mounted me.

My sheath finally slid itself the rest of the way back as my red, veiny cock dangled down between my legs. The idle thought that I might need a towel drifted across my brain but was immediately trumped by the following thought that I had an extra comforter in the closet. Shifting my legs slightly, I pushed my hips back against his paw, squeezing my internal muscles around his finger to make it press more firmly against my prostate. The electric sensation tore through my body, my cock giving a visibly jump between my legs as it leaked another drop of precum.

I whined softly as I felt his finger withdraw, my muscles clenching and squeezing reflexively as it left. I heard the snap of the KY bottle again and I opened my eyes, looking back at him. My tail wagged softly as I watched and heard him smear his cock with the slick lubricant with two fingers. I shivered in delight as he smeared the excess lube from his fingers around my tailstar before inching forward on his knees. I let out a muffled moan through closed muzzle as I felt his left paw rest on my side and his latex covered, tapered cocktip press against the tender entrance under my tail. I panted softly as he started to push forward, his taper easily spearing into me as it quickly thickened down the first part of his shaft. My back arched as I felt him spread me slowly, oh so very slowly, with a gentle, consistent pressure.

I could feel him shaking slightly as it must have taken a great deal of effort for him to restrain himself for so long and I whined happily as I felt the thickest part of his shaft stretch my tailhole a little wider. Panting a little harder, my muzzle opens as I finally feel his hips come flush with my ass. I tremble beneath him as he holds himself in place for a few seconds. I raise myself onto my elbows as he lowers his chest to my back, his arms wrapping around my chest as his knees nudge mine just a little further apart. He nuzzles at the back of my left ear, giving it light kisses as he pulls his hips back.

I shudder at the sensation of his length and girth moving inside me, my tail sweeping against his chest and I can't stifle the moan of pleasure that escapes my lips as he pushes himself back inside. My anal walls clench at his cock, squeezing and rippling along its latex covered length and my own cock flexes powerfully beneath me. I hear him growl softly in my ear as his hips hunch forward in a sharp jab that causes his balls to slap against mine. I swallow hard and pant open muzzled as I use my elbows to push back against his hunching hips. My back pushes up against his chest and I lower my head, baring the back of my neck to him.

I feel his paws press flat against my chest and he nuzzled against the back of my neck, giving small licks and nips to the sides of it. I experienced the delight of motion as he withdrew his cock again and I grunted softly as he thrust forward faster this time, probably testing to see if I was loose enough. I shivered against him and relaxed, surrendering myself to him as he started to rutt me.

In a steady rhythm, his hips slapped against my ass, his thick maleness slamming into me over and over. I felt the sensations inside my body beginning to well, the exquisite joy of his cock grinding against my prostate making everything below my waist tense. He panted and gasped as the tension in my rump increased, inner muscles quivering and clenching at his length. I began to whimper and whine as the sensations grew too much and I cried out as my anal walls spasmed wildly around his cock. I loved anal orgasms, they were my favorite kind and you could have as many of them as you could stand.

My cock twitched dryly as my inner walls clenched around him and he gasped in my ear, letting out a fervent grunt as he sped up. I braced myself on the bed, pushing back against him as best I could as he rutted me truly. His hips were a blur and the motion inside my rump was beyond intense. Then I felt the slight popping each time he would thrust in and I whined out a begging cry as I realized what it was. He nipped at the side of my neck a little harder as he thrust himself in to me over and over, his swelling knot stretching my asshole wider and wider with each passing moment.

Knowing he was close, I encouraged him to lose himself within me by clenching my rump tightly around him. The added bonus is that it caused his cock to press more firmly against my prostate, which only made things better. I felt the tension growing inside my rump again, knowing that just a few more strokes of his cock would send me into another miniature anal orgasm. My breath caught in my chest as the crest of the pleasure caused my ass to ripple around him again, his knot having more trouble sliding in than before.

With a slightly strangled snarl of pleasure, his hips turned to a blur as his knot banged against my tailhole, stretching it further each time until he jammed his hips forward and it suddenly slipped inside my ass. I gasped at the sharp pain of his knot quickly swelling inside me. I whimpered and pushed my hips back against his groin, panting open muzzled as I was stretched further than anything I'd known as he tied me. My paws clenched at the bedsheets beneath them as his hips continued to hunch in rapid micro-thrusts until he suddenly tensed and cried out above my head. I could feel his cock expanding even further as he came inside the condom, each pulse of his knot causing a warm pulse inside me.

He clutched at my waist with his arms as he shuddered and grunted above me, hips hunching forward as each spasm of his orgasm flowed through his body. I couldn't have imagined how it felt to be like this, rutted and tied by someone you willingly give yourself to. I'd been with other men before, I'd even tied with one of them before but this was more than just that. It was more than just flesh slapping against flesh for the pure physical release. When he tied me, it felt as if he were claiming me as his own and to feel the sensations of him twitching inside me, losing himself to the pleasure of his orgasm in my body was beyond divine.

I trembled and breathed heavily as he emptied himself inside me within the condom. Judging from the swell of his knot and the frequency of the rhythmic pulses I felt inside my ass, I knew we weren't going anywhere for a while. His head rested on my shoulder and he licked gently at the side of my muzzle. I nudged my head into the attention and gasped partially in surprise and partially in pleasure as I felt his right paw grasp the center of my neglected, achingly hard erection. He slid his paw up and down slowly the first time, my precum smearing across his pawpads and palm.

I clenched my jaw and groaned as his paw sped up and he pawed me off. The swell of his knot was pressing right against my prostate, the constant pressure heightening every spasm and twitch as his paw flew up and down my cock. My jaw hung open as I felt the sensations welling up inside me for the third time but this time, I knew I'd cum for real. I panted hard as my body tensed, Adrian's paw bumping against the rapidly swelling bulb of my knot and I cried out in a bark of pleasure as he hunched his hips forward in a sharp thrust at the same time he slid his paw over my swelling knot and gripped tightly behind it.

My blood boiled and all the world faded to grey as I cried out in a quivering moan as I felt my inner muscles spasm quickly and wildly. My cock jumped dryly a few times before thick strands of cum arced into the air from my tip, line after line of thick cum splattering against the bed beneath me. I felt his knotted cock twitch within me and I knew I'd pleasured him, too. When I could breathe again, I panted in ragged gasps, my entire body shaking with the force and aftershocks of my orgasm. I licked my lips and panted through my nose as he nuzzled the side of my neck and gently kissed the back of my ear. Trembling aftershocks of pleasure seized my body every few seconds and I relished the sensations I was experiencing. I relished being beneath him, I relished having him buried as deep as he could be inside me. I relished the tenderness with which he kissed my neck and ears and I certainly relished the tight grip he was maintaining behind my knot.

Finally, after who knows long, his grip behind my knot loosened and we both groaned a little as he started to roll onto his side. I followed him, not having much choice and not objecting even for a moment. We lay on our sides, me spooning back against him with my rump flush with his hips and groin. He wraps an arm around me and I hug it to my body, bringing his fingers up to my muzzle so I can kiss them. I close my eyes and rest my head on my arm, breathing finally coming a little easier as the peak of my pleasure begins to fade.

In that moment, I had never in my life been that content. I'd never felt that complete. I never expected anything like this to happen, I never expected to fall for another man, yet here I was... and, for the first time, I was okay with that.

Who knows what the future might bring?

Thus ends part 2. I don't know if i'll do more with these two characters, I might. As ever, feedback is beyond appreciated. Also, if you see any glaring errors or grammar mistakes, please let me know. Also, you can email me at [email protected] if you like.