Love of my Second World Life Chapter 12

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#14 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

For those who have read from the beginning I am still less than half way through what I have to upload and then I have 4 pages of notes to continue the story. I am a slow typist as well as having a ton of things to keep me busy. I will add to this as i can get to it.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 12

After the water began to cool down again she awoke and said, "We need to get out, we both are beginning to shrivel from the water." With that she stood and began the process of letting the water drain from her fur. She bent down to open the drain again exposing her sex to my eyes and I noticed that it indeed was nowhere as bad looking as before. She stood back up knowing that I was looking at her vagina and smiled at me and said, "it seems to hurt way less now my love."

"It looks quite a bit better as well my love, but it is still quite red."

I stood and grabbed the first of many towels and gently dried her off. When I finished drying her, being extremely careful around her womanhood this time she took a towel and dried me off as well. I followed her back to the bedroom where she changed the covering on the bed and then lay back on it and said do you wish to join me in snoozing some more today."

I climbed back into the bed with her and said, "After last night we both need quite a bit of rest my lovely panthress."

She chuckled as we got into the spoon position and slept for quite awhile.

When we awoke the sun was fully up and she seemed much more relaxed. She didn't seem near as stiff as when we went to take the bath and as she slipped the suit on she said, "Your idea to soak in the tub was just the ticket to help me feel better. I feel way better and the soreness is almost gone for now."

"I am happy to hear you are better my love, but let's let you heal before we take on a night like last night again. We can both be ready for it better if we rest between those nights."

She giggled and said, "So if I asked you to mate me right now, you'd refuse me?"

"OH HELL NO!!! I would try to please you if I was rubbed raw and bleeding if you wanted me to mate you that badly. I just don't believe you are going to ask me to do that."

Again she giggled and through a smiling face she said, "You indeed know me. I am still too sore to enjoy a mating but I do wish to be near you to draw comfort from your closeness."

"I am able to give that in mass quantities without causing either of us any pain my sweet."

With that I put on my spandex suit and followed her to the kitchen to have a meal. After the meal she asked, "Can we just spend the day relaxing my love?"

"We can do whatever you wish my love with the exception of going for a long walk or a run. I'm still way too weak for that."

We went out to the porch and resumed the position of her on my lap as we sat in the rocking chair. Awhile later I saw a wagon approaching and saw it was Herod and Doreen.

They stopped a short distance from the porch and Herod asked, "We are going into town for some shopping, do you two feel up joining us for a bit."

I looked at Navaja's face and saw that she wanted to go and before she could say anything I replied, "Sure, we can do with some fresh supplies and she would love to go shopping with Doreen as well I think."

Navaja jumped up and climbed onto the wagon beside of Doreen and I said, "I'll be right back." As I went to grab some credits for the shopping trip.

When I had returned Herod had jumped down and was waiting to help me get in. I took about one hundred credits and handed Navaja the other nine hundred, saying there is nothing that she could buy in town that costs shat much and smiled as she took the credits. Herod boosted me to the seat of the wagon and climbed beside of me and headed us towards town.

There was way less staring at us when we arrived in town today. Apparently the word had spread of our becoming a member of the pride and being accepted by the whole family of the pride had quieted a lot of the rumors and I was quite pleased by this. I turned to see Navaja was as happy about it as I was and when Herod stopped the wagon the girls climbed down.

Herod said to them both, "we will meet you two at the restaurant across from the general store in about four hours.

We will have dinner there and then head back home."

The ladies agreed and walked to the first, of many I figured, shops.

When out of earshot Herod looked at me and said, "the two of you must really be trying for a child, my friend, both of you have the same silly look on your faces that said you mated for most of the night and both of you are walking a bit stiffer than normally."

I had to be beet red because my face felt as if I were on fire as I explained to him, "If she was not pregnant before, I would lay odds that she is after last night my friend. I have never had a partner keep my pleasure up as much as Navaja can. I lost count after five for me and who knows who many for her."

He then laughed out loud and said, "it is a wonder either of you can move today then."

"My love for her has kept me going so far and I feel it will help me as I get healthier as well."

Herod laughed and said, "I am glad that we don't share the same house anymore. I think the two of you would wake the whole house with your mating."

"I owe you and Doreen a debt of gratitude for bringing the love of my life to me, my friend."

He stopped the wagon in front of the general store and said, "no you don't, we never even thought about you two pairing up when we asked her to help you. After she was staying by you like she had after you made it through the first week is when Doreen suggested that maybe you two could become mates. It was fate that caused you to meet and it was a desire to be loved that made you both become mates."

"If it wasn't for you and Doreen though I wouldn't even be here now. I can honestly say that without a doubt I have never had such friends as the two of you have become. I am glad that I gave you one third of the credits I brought to this world with the copper. A friend as you two have been for me can't be bought and I know that it has not changed you to have money."

He replied, "Oh but it has my friend, we no longer live in poverty, wondering if our kids will grow up healthy. You have made that a thing of the past with your gift. It is for that reason we named our next child as your godchild, because of the gift you have given us."

With that he helped me off of the wagon and into the store. There again were stares in the store but this time it was because I walked in under my own power. I got to a bench and sat explaining to the clerk/ owner that I was just able to walk a little bit before needing to rest.

The clerk said that he was impressed that I could walk at all after what he had been told about the were-skunk. With that I read off to him my list of goods I wished to have for this trip and between Herod and the owner they put all the supplies in the back of the wagon. I asked what my bill was and paid the man in full and waited as Herod got the supplies he wanted. He then told the clerk to get us a couple of mugs of ale for the storefront where we would wait for out better half's to finish their shopping. I stood and headed back out the front of the store where there was a park bench and sat with Herod beside me watching the world go by. After what seemed like three days Doreen and Navaja returned.

We greeted them, put their purchases in the wagon and headed over to the restaurant and had a fine meal. By then the sun was fading and we headed back to the home. Herod helped Navaja unload our supplies and put them into the house. He and Doreen then bid us a goodnight and rode off. When they were out of earshot Navaja came over to me and smiled.

"Doreen knew we mated. She said she could sense it in my actions." she whispered.

"Herod also knew. I don't care who knows though my love."

"Doreen thinks that I am pregnant as well. She said that the changes in my scent have already begun and she can smell the change in me. Just imagine my love, we may be parents soon." She said.

"I already told you that I will welcome any child from you as long as we love each other as we do. The child will be raised in a loving family that way. Before you ask me, I don't care if it is male or female as long as it is a healthy child."

She pulled me over to her and said, "You will the best father ever and I am blessed to have you as my mate."

We then went to the bedroom and went to sleep.

When I awoke it was just before dawn. I thought I could wake Navaja up by kissing her womanhood, and then I remembered she was sore and decided to wait till she was awake and ask her if she would like me to. Instead I propped my head up and observed her as she slept. I kept thinking that this panthress was so beautiful. I watched as her chest slowly went up and down as she breathed. I thought to myself that she had a perfect body. Sleek and perfectly proportioned, even her breasts which were just the perfect size for her chest to not become a saggy mess in later years like my species have. I thought of how wonderful it felt when her lovely body pressed against mine and how her purring made me feel wonderful.

I was as happy as I have ever been in my life that I could remember. I noticed a change in her breathing as she slowly came awake. When she opened her eyes she saw my looking at her.

"How long have you been looking at me?" she asked groggily.

"Long enough to fall in love with you all over again my sweet kitty." I then adjusted both of us to kiss her and made it a long slow kiss. "I have to admit I thought of waking you up by kissing your other lips, but decided that maybe it would be better to wait and see how you feel first my love."

She looked me in the eyes and with a passionate kiss she then said, "even though I think that would have been a wonderful feeling, I am still quite sore down there. I would have had great pleasure from it but I would then have wanted something else and that would have hurt me."

"We don't have that much time today anyway my love, remember, Kantagin will be here today to start building your office."

She looked at me and I saw the surprise in her eyes as she said, "I forgot all about that my mate. You are right we don't have much time."

"We still have time for a bath and getting dressed my sweet, which is something I love to help you with."

She smiled at me and said, "I know you do and I am very happy that you like to help me dry off." With that she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom again with her tail stuck straight up allowing me to fully view her wonderful behind including her tail hole.

I got up and stretched and followed her in and when I entered the room she was staring at my crotch and said, "You still like to see my behind don't you?"

"Anyone would love to see your beautiful butt my sweet. It is a very beautiful view to see. I'm just the luckiest person who gets to see it without the suit to cover the loveliest parts."

Again she blushed as I said that about her, she turned around and bent over to turn on the water and to stop the tub up. As she did this I snuck up behind her and as she stood I gently pulled her to me and hugged her to me.

"Have I told you that I love you yet today my sweet?"

She giggled and said, "You just did my love."

With that we both got into the tub and again I cleaned her body and she cleaned mine taking special care to take a little extra time on each other's private areas. Again I spent a long time drying her lovely body off making sure to rub certain places with special care. She then took her turn drying me off and she took special time to rub my manhood.

"You're going to make me have a hard-on showing when our friends arrive if you do not stop my precious panthress."

She giggled and said, "I don't want any competition for your love tool. A cat family does have quite many affairs within it and I wish to share you with no one."

"Have no worries there my sweet. There are no others anywhere who were willing to give me a chance before you and I'll be dammed if they get a chance now. I am completely and fully yours."

With that we headed into the bedroom and put our suits on and went for breakfast. When we finished eating I stood and said, "I am going to wait on the porch for our guests my love."

She came with me and again assumed a seat on my lap and we sat there for less than ten minutes when Herod arrived.

He looked at the two of us and said, "You two look well rested today."

To my surprise and mild shock Navaja said, "That is because I was too sore to mate last night."

Herod then turned a brilliant red through his face fur and said, "While I thank you for your honesty, you should keep that information to yourselves."

Navaja then said, "Herod you and Doreen are practically family and I care not that you know if we have mated. It is just a wonderfully pleasure full way to make children and we both know that we love to mate."

He smiled at us and said, "I know the two of you love to mate. I have seen it on both of your faces and I also see the love in your eyes as you look at one another. You two are truly life mates if I have ever met any and I have met a few."

"I thank you for your words Herod. I feel that you are about to get busy. Here comes a wagon of supplies it looks like with several helpers with it."

"We should have the office done in a week Navaja, and then you can put your medicines in a proper place." He said.

She replied, "Anywhere I can get to it if I need to help my friends or family is good enough for me but I feel that others will like it better in an office than my home with my love near."

With that he headed to where the office was going to be built.

"Navaja asked, "Do you wish to go over to where they are working my love?"

I said, "I think it might be a good thing, that way if any questions are needed to be answered, you and I can answer them."

She got off my lap and waited as I stood. She then asked, "Do you want to take this chair?"

I smiled at her and said "I would be willing to sit on the grass, but if you wish to bring a chair then indeed bring this one. After all it is the one that I have enjoyed many a moment of you sitting on my lap on."

She then picked up the chair and then she asked, "Are you going to be able to make it there alone or do you wish me to help you as well?"

"No my dear, I am going to make it the short trip to where your office is going to be built. I'm just going to keep an eye out for sudden changes in the ground. I don't want to fall and get reinjured now."

We both walked to the work area where several of the workers greeted us and Herod smiled as he saw me sit on the chair.

When one of the workers saw that there was only one chair he asked, "May I bring the other chair for you to sit on Navaja"

Navaja said, "there is no need for another chair my seat is already here. I sit upon my mates lap and we both enjoy each other's closeness that way."

The worker went back to work with a smile as Navaja came over and sat on my lap. I then wrapped my arms around her and we sat there and watched as they began the work on her office.

After a few minor questions about how the building was to be made they began in earnest and I was amazed that they got over a quarter of the way done in the first day. Navaja walked around the floor of her office after they finished for the day and smiled happily as she saw how it was turning out.