Love of my Second World Life Chapter 13

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#15 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

For those who have read from the beginning I am still less than half way through what I have to upload and then I have 4 pages of notes to continue the story. I am a slow typist as well as having a ton of things to keep me busy. I will add to this as i can get to it.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 13

Afterwards we headed back to the house where as soon as we entered the house she turned to me and said, "GOD!!! I thought my heat was fading but I need you to mate me and I mean NOW!!!"

To my surprise she picked me up and carried me to the bedroom where she practically raped me, you can't rape the willing and god was I willing.

When she was satisfied she said, "I'm sorry, I just needed that so bad my lover."

"Don't be sorry my sweets. I am glad to be able to satisfy your needs."

With that she wrapped herself around me and said, "You have satisfied me like no one else has ever been close to doing. I want no one else to give me the needed pleasure of my body."

She then rolled over and smiled as I looked at her womanhood as some of my juice drained out. She then said, "I think I know someone who wanted to have a snack of my body this morning, are you still up to the task lover."

Before she even finished her sentence I was moving between her lovely legs to the center of her womanhood. I began to lick up our lovemaking from where it had started to soak into her fur and worked myself to the center of her love. I then proceeded to lap up our love juices from the source making sure to give her as much pleasure as I possibly could. She couldn't stand the onslaught of my tongue on her sensitive love flesh and she screamed out as she reached her peak several times in a row from my tongue lashing.

She pushed my head away begging, "Please stop, you're going to make me die from pleasure."

I pulled back and said, "But what a way to go my love."

She pulled me back up to face her and said, "But I want to stay here with you and make you as happy as you do me my love."

"I don't want you going anywhere either my lovely panthress, you mean too much to me to lose."

She pulled herself to me and hugged me tightly and after awhile our passion died down and she said, "We need to get something to eat."

"I just did my love."

She looked at me, lost for a second and then said, "No you silly, I mean food."

"You mean you're not? You sure taste wonderful to me my sweet."

"Oh you," she said as she stood up and padded out to the kitchen. I followed her and sat at the table as she served us some preserved meats, cheeses, bread and ale. When we finished she again looked sad.

"What is wrong my darling kitty?"

She replied, "I just realized, this is the day of my creation. It took me till last month to find someone who has changed my world."

"Even though I am sorry that it took so long to happen my dear, I am not upset by the fact that it is me that caused you to have your world change. You sure changed mine as well."

She came around the table and sat on my lap and said while wrapping her arms around me, "before you, I didn't think I would ever find true love. Now however I feel so wonderful because of your love for me. I will never want to be with anyone but you. You are truly my life mate my darling."

With that she got up and again let me to the bedroom with her tail up so I couldn't help but see her rump. When in the bedroom she suddenly backed up causing my manhood to brush against her tail hole. She shivered when my shaft touched her there.

She then asked, "Does my pleasure only come from my vagina or can you make me feel good back here? I have heard of gay creatures doing each other and they only have a tail hole."

"My love, it is true that your tail hole can be mounted, for the most part that I have heard it hurts, and badly from the people I have heard try it. I said before I do not wish to cause you any pain just to see if you like it."

She looked at me and said, "But what if I want to find out if I like it?"

"If we do this and you get hurt from it, how will I ever forgive myself for hurting you my pretty kitty?"

She then rubbed her butt against me and softly said, "With the size of the feces I take, I can't imagine you hurting anything back here. I really want to try it my love."

I stood there flustered and confused by her request. On one hand I would love to fill her tail hole with my seed, on the other however, I don't want to make her hurt. She however made the decision for me before we even made it to the bed. Her behind rubbing me was causing me to grow stiff and before I knew it she had rubbed the head of my shaft to the center of her nest of puckers. She shoved herself back quite suddenly and I felt the pop as my manhood passed her sphincter, and entered her bowels. She let out a soft moan as she stood there impaled on my cock. I tried to pull myself back out of her.

"Please stay in me love!" she pleaded.

Slowly she began to move and to my total shock she was purring. She slowly eased herself down my shaft until I hilted inside her anus. She leaned her head back and tilted her head to kiss me. I turned to kiss her and I felt the most wonderful thing. When she purred and I was in her womanhood it felt soft and gentle on me. Here however I could feel the vibrations passing from her sphincter directly to my dick and it was incredible.

Navaja then smiled and said, "I see that I have changed your mind about mating my tail hole, my love."

"God Navaja, you are full of wonders that I never expect. Your sweet body is going to make me shoot into your behind without even stroking into you. Your purring is tingling my shaft and my god, is it pleasurable."

She then said, "Then walk with me to the bed and mate my tail properly."

I walked in step with her and turned us around so I would be down first as we sat with my shaft still wedged up her butt. I gently lay us back and rolled us over so we were side by side and gently started sliding in and out of her tail hole. As I stroked into her she meowed like a cat wanting something and when I pulled back her sphincter grabbed my manhood trying to keep me inside of it. In short order we both were pushing against each other trying to get my maleness deeper into her and both panting like a freight train going up a long grade.

I came hard enough to make me feel like my nuts went with my seed as it squirted into her bowels. Again she tensed up severely as she orgasmed and for the third time she passed out. This time however I was shocked to feel that her sphincter had slammed down on my penis and wouldn't allow me to pull out of her. While she was asleep her purring restarted and kept me from becoming soft within her. A long time she came awake and smiled at me.

She then exclaimed, "WOW! I had no idea that it would feel that good back there as well."

"Nor did I my love but I have a problem, you won't let go of me."

She giggled like a little kid and then relaxed her sphincter and I popped out of her behind. She then said, "When I go to sleep my body closes all of my excrement holes so I don't make a mess till after I wake up and have time to take care of it. You were just caught inside of me for that reason."

I looked into her eyes and pulled her to me and kissed her deeply. I then said, "Thanks for the heads up on that my love. I was afraid I was going to have to get us help to pull us apart. GOD!!! How embarrassing that would be." With that I laughed out loud.

Navaja just smiled and brought her tail in contact with my butt and gently rubbed me there. The feeling was wildly thrilling as she took the tip of her tail and gently slid it into my butt crack and slid it up and down. She had a devious look in her eye and she kept an eye on my expression as her tail gently rubbed my crack.

"Someone is in a very playful mood tonight."

Navaja just smiled as she slowly rearranged the tip of her tail to my anal entrance. She then said, "You could feel the wonder I did if I just push this into you. I won't however because I think that I would rather have you mate me as to lose you to another."

I looked at her and as my mind was slowly working over her actions and words together. I then asked, "Navaja, did you do this because you're afraid you are going to lose me? I mean allowing me to mate your tail hole."

I then saw the tears form in her eyes. "OH MY GOD!!! You did, didn't you?"

She then lowered her head and nodded saying, "even though I have never been in love before, I have heard others say that their mates lost interest in them unless they did different things with them like anal sex. There were stranger things told around me as well."

I pulled her tear stained muzzle close to my face and gently wiped the tears from her eyes. "My beautiful little panthress, if you haven't noticed, I am not quite a normal male of this world. You don't have to try to make me want to be with you, I already do. I would even mate you in front of everyone to prove my point but I feel that might make more men wanting to mate you as well and I am a jealous lover. I want you all for myself and I will never be tired of you. Every time I see you I grow fonder and as I already said this morning I fall in love with you all over again every time I see you. You will never have to worry about me not wanting to be with you just because those other women you listen to have infidelity issues with their men. I'm not their men, I'm yours and I keep trying to tell you I love you for you. The fact that we have fantastic sex is just a wonderful bonus but it's not the reason I love you."

Throwing her arms around me and hugging onto me as tightly as she could she sobbed into my ear, "I keep forgetting that I have a unique mate. My instincts keep telling me to do these things to keep you happy with me."

"My love I can't stop your instincts but I keep telling you not to do these things to please me. I am completely pleased with you just by your being here with me."

She brought her face back into my view and said, "I know that you really love me. It shows in everything we do together, but I still have my feline fears and they are very hard to overcome."

"I would be willing to die for you my dear and if you go first I feel I will be behind you shortly because I would not be able to handle the pain of another lost love. I have completely become a slave to my love for you and as a slave to it I would become insane from the loss of this love. I never want you to leave me and I never want to have to be without you."

She then sobbed and said, "You make me feel so good and I keep disappointing you by doing these things you didn't ask."

When she said that, I felt my heart sink. "Navaja, my sweet, sweet kitty, you have never disappointed me. How could you even think that you have? You brought me from the brink of death and then showed me that you cared for me as much as I did you. You have given me the greatest gift I have ever been given, when you offered yourself to me. I just want you to understand that if you do not wish to do these things such as tonight, you never will have to. I'm not that kind of person and I will never ask it of the one I love, unless you really like to do those things."

She sniffed again and then smiled at me. "You always seem to see right through me to the point. Until you had finished putting your seed into my tail hole, I wasn't sure I wanted to do that ever again. Your magical manhood however made me have a screaming orgasm without even being in my womanhood and I loved the feel after the pain subsided. There was something electric to it. I know that it hurt but I want to do it again sometime soon."

"My lovely lady, I cannot refuse you any wish you desire, but please let's discuss it before you just jump into something so we can both come to an agreement on how to go about it."

She then gave a soft shiver like she was cold and I reached to her and wrapped my arm around her. She was chill and I felt her body then shivering as I wrapped myself around her to try and warm her back up.

"What is the matter my love? Why are you so cold all of a sudden?"

She shook a bit more and said, "My emotions and now my body is going haywire. There is only one thing that causes that in a feline. I am with child, and my heat didn't stop yet." She cuddled closer to me as I held her and tried to warm her.

I didn't seem to be making any headway to warming her up so I said, "Let me go for a minute and I will get us some covers to try to warm you back up my lovely lady."

She let me go and I went to the closet and took out a couple of blankets I had in there and threw them over her on the bed and then climbed in with her under the covers and wrapped myself around her again.

"This is the best I can do for now my love."

She said through chattering teeth, "this will be good enough my love, I will be better in the morning. At least I have you to warm me; most males of my species would leave after mating not wanting to get anything on their fur they can't clean quickly.

"Shush my love let's try and go to sleep. We can discuss this in the morning."

With that she kissed me and said, "I love you my mate."