Feels like Sunday Morning.

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#4 of Love not Lost

Aidan flopped down into bed, "Good God Leo, six times." He pulled himself onto the side of the lion's body, his paw sliding down his lover's body. "Geez, you're hard again!"

Leo panted, turning to face his mate, "Yeah, I told ya I recovered quickly."

Aidan rolled his head to the side, catching the glaring red of the clock on his nightstand in his peripheral. "Damn, it's 3... We've been yiffing for..." he tapped his pads together, "for 5 or so hours! Geez... I'm not gonna be able to stay awake for church." He muttered, nestling into Leo's mane. Then he shot back up, "Ah! Church! Damn... I wonder if Dad'll let me skip and just take Sarah.. Besides, I dunno if I can walk..."

Leo's arms wrapped around Aidan's midsection and head, patting him gently. "Well, it's still morning..." his paw slid down to the sticky, wet, white rear, then between the cheeks, "Besides, it seems like we've had a lot of fun.." His fingers found no resistance sliding into the pucker with two fingers, toying around with the cat's loosened ring.

"Uhng!" Aidan moaned, thrusting into Leo's side, "Gawd, Leo, do you still want more?" His rock hard cock betrayed his own desire to the lion.

Leo began to kiss Aidan deeply and lovingly, pulling his body up so that his lion cock is between his mate's legs, pressing against his sack, "Only if my kitty wants it."

Aidan grinned slyly, "Oh but you haven't had your turn, yet." He said playfully, his tail reaching down to stroke between the lion's buttocks.

Leo purred, shifting his wait and sliding Aidan down his body slowly, watching his eyes the whole time, Aidan smiling back and purring, tracing his paw along the lion's body. He stopped when the cat was just past his crotch. Aidan couldn't resist a quick lick of the lion pride before him. Leo moaned softly, then turned over onto his stomach, raising his tail as high as he could, stretching his tailhole.

Aidan licked his lips at the sight of the lighter spot, and leaned his head in, breathing over the hole before giving it a quick lick.

Leo gasped and his pucker tightened reflexively in response to the Aidan's lick.

"O, does the lion like that?" Aidan asked with a grin on his face.

Leo blushed as he turned his head to look at the cat, "Ugh, heh...ya, that felt kind of ni..." but his sentence was cut short by another lick from the feline's rough tongue, much longer this time. Penetrating slightly into the lion's tight pucker.

Leo griped the sheets and snarled as one of his legs kicked to the side, Aidan laughed at the sight.

"Now what will you do when I actually go in?" He asked, rubbing the lion's ring with his fingers.

Leo grabbed a pillow and bit it as the finger loomed over his hole. He released and whimpered a little, "I don't know...I rarely ever played with my tail hole."

Aidan removed his finger, "Well, I have never done this before." He pressed his cock at Leo's entrance, pressing gently, slowly adding pressure until his head slid past the tight pink ring of flesh. "Mm Gawd Leo..., You're so tight, uhn."

Aidan hears a long rip down his sheets. "Oh gawd, it's so good!" Leo moaned, squeezing his sphincter tightly over the invading kitty cock.

Aidan groaned, and pressed his member in another inch or two, struggling into the tight flesh.

Leo relaxes, pushing all the way down to the cat's pelvis, panting. His musk filling the room as pre dripped onto Aidan's abused sheets.

Aidan moaned loudly, digging his claws into Leo's sides as his foreskin rolled back inside his lover. "Mmmm, Leeoooo." He sighed before pulling back out slowly.

The sheets and mattress complained as lion's claws ripped through them, joining with Leo's loud, unrestrained moans, almost making Aidan want to shush him as his cock slid almost all the way out, his barbs getting mostly covered by his foreskin.

He watched, fascinated, as Leo's muscles flexed, his back arching so much that his chest was pressing hard into the mattress. The excitement of Leo's reactions beneath him finally hit Aidan, and he began to pump faster into the tight tailhole, mrowling a bit as he devirginized his lover increasingly roughly.

"Uh, uh uh." Leo gasped as he began thrusting back to meet each thrust, causing Aidan's balls to smack the lion's cheeks. "Unh, Aidan, harder, uh!" He cried, to which Aidan quickly responded, pumping faster and harder into Leo, almost painfully, as the pucker tightened and loosened rhythmically around his cock.

Aidan began to piston even harder, digging his claws into Leo's flesh to give him more leverage as his scrotum practically spanked Leo, his barbs catching all over inside the lion and his foreskin going crazy as his yowls crescendoed, "Leo, leo, Leo, LEO!!!" He cried, shooting his load into his mate's hole, continuing to pump as shot after hot sticky shot filled Leo's rectum, squishing in and out with his cock.

Leo roars, cumming all over the sheets. His body shook all over, pulled away from Aidan's cock, then collapsed into the large puddle of his own seed, squelching it out by his sides, panting and moaning on the mattress beneath Aidan.

Aidan lay himself down on top of the used lion, nuzzling him and kissing his cheek, "You okay dear?"

Leo shivers, purrs, an moans at once in response. Aidan just nuzzles him, stroking up and down his spine, "I'm glad to hear it, I think. Thanks, dear."

Leo, still purring, whispered, "Now I'm wide awake hunny."

Aidan yawned, "And I'm all spent." Then playfully, he added, "Why don't you go paw off in the restroom, that'll tire you down."

Leo put both paws on the bed, pushing up so that Aidan slipped off, his face sliding over the cum-coated rear. He stood up quickly by the bed, then grabbed Aidan's footpaws, pulling him to the edge of the bed, kicking and struggling, "What are you doing?" Leo said nothing, but instead lifted the cat up and pressed him up against the wall. Aidan pretended to struggle, but his raised tail was looped over Leo's shoulder.

Leo took Aidan's neck in his maw, sliding his hardening cock between the white cheeks, the cum over everything causing it to slide easily.

Aidan moaned and bucked back against the penis he knew was about to be inside him once again.

Leo reached full arousal, biting harder on Aidan's neck, before suddenly letting go and turning the kitty to face him.

Aidan looked perplexed, and watched in confusion as Leo bent down, then suddenly grabbed him behind the knees, lifting him up so that his back fell against the wall where he was pinned. Leo's pride quickly found the hole, and slid halfway in, aided by the remains of the earlier yiffs.

"Oh Leo..." Aidan half gasped, half moaned, surprised as he was taken. Leo just smiled and slid the last five inches all the way in, causing Aidan to moan and squeeze the lion cock.

Leo growls and begins to immediately begin thrusting hard into Aidan, ignoring the added tightness as he slams the smaller male's body into the wall with his thrusts, knocking pictures crooked as he claimed Aidan's rear with his huge pride, raising cries and moans from the cat as claws dug in behind his knees.

Aidan leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Leo's neck, moaning directly into the lion's face as he continues to feel his rear bumped against the wall, each beat of his lover's heart flaring the barbs on his massive cock, feeling like they were ripping his insides out. "Oh leeeooo leeoo, uh uh, Leeooo, Gawd, fuckme.. fuckme..." Aidan moaned low as pre dribbled down his cock onto his jostling sack.

Aidan watched as Leo's face contorted, as if to roar again, and he was excited to see. But instead, he was surprised when Leo's lips locked with his, just as he slammed hard into his ass one last time, filling him with hot, sticky lion seed as they kissed wildly.

Aidan's vision becomes blurred in his exhaustion, and he groggily sees Leo break the kiss and nuzzle him on the forehead, before pulling him off the lion cock, and carrying him over to set on the bed. The last thing he remembered that night was Leo looking over at him, petting his chest as Aidan slowly drifted into slumber..

About two hours later, twenty three minutes later, a knock came at the door, "Aidan, Leo, Chris is on the phone, he says he's taking you to church."

Aidan moaned and shifted, "tell him next week."

There is the muffled sounds of someone talking on the phone through the door. "He says no, that you need to come along. Leo can come too, if he likes."

Aidan turned to Leo, who was looking down at him, smiling, "What are you smiling at?" he pushed Leo's cheek with his paw playfully.


"So, I guess I'm going to church, you wanna come?" yawned and stretched, sitting up over the edge of the bed and placing his footpaws on the carpet.

Leo stretched and yawned, straightening his body across the bed, "Sure, as long as I get to spend time with you. But shouldn't we take a shower first?" He asked with a dopey lion smile.

Aidan giggled, "What, you don't think they'll appreciate the cummed on look?" He asked, trying to cover his inner anxiety, 'I'm gay, going to church? With my boyfriend? What does it mean? What would they think if they found out....? Would they tell Dad!?'

Aidan is surprised when Leo's arms wrap around him from behind, the lion kissing his cheek and holding him tight. "What's the matter dear, I can tell you're upset about something."

"Nothing. Just, well... we're two guys. Who just had a wild night of sex. Together. And we're going to church. It's just..."

Aidan is silenced by a kiss, and a lick on the jowl. "Honey, to me, I don't care what punishment I receive, even in death, because as long as I've had you, as long as I've loved you, it's all that matters to me." Leo said, softly rubbing Aidan's chest.

Aidan sighed. "Yeah.... Thanks hon." He kissed his love's cheek. "Let's get a shower." He said as he grabbed a pawful of clothes.

Aidan heard footfalls as Leo's arms left him, and turned as the door whined, in time to see Leo's bare rump again walking out the door into the hall. "Leo!" he called through his teeth. Then muttered to himself, "He's gotta stop that before Mom catches him." And chased after him, closing the door behind him.

Leo glanced behind him, smirked, and lifted his tail, his quiet purs creeping up to Aidan as he ogled the lion's rear. After giving Aidan a quick glance, just enough to tease, he ran ahead into he shower, starting the water., kitty trailing behind.

"Darn you and your teasing!" Aidan complained to the wet lion as he climbed in with him.

Leo chuckled, running his paws through Aidan's chest fur, massaging in the water and soap and using his rough tongue to clean and groom the kitty's neck.

Aidan purred, "Mm, Leo, you're so good to me..." He lightly drug his claws through the golden back fur on the other side of the lion, "I think that's why... I love you, Leo."

Leo's paws stop rubbing for a second, and Aidan finds himself looking back into smiling, golden eyes, before his mate leaned in for a kiss. They purred, and Leo broke the kiss, walking behind Aidan to lather over his back, "Well honey, you're my mate, I have to be good to you." He coos, pulling soap along the long black and white tail swishing between his legs.

"Well still, no one has ever been this good to me, even my mother, and I've never wanted to be so good back." Leaning into the lion's working paws.

Leo's paws worked lower, rubbing between soft white cheeks to clean out the mess between, making Aidan wince and groan. The lion moves his paws out a bit so that they are over the cheeks instead, "I'm sorry about last night dear, I think I just like it a little.. rough." He said, blushing.

Aidan swung his head lower, toeing the tub floor, "Well, the thing is... I kinda.. liked it... I may even want you to, uh... well......" he whispered, "rapeme?" Then suddenly raised his voice back up, talking quickly, "Well, you don't have to of course and I think maybe it'd be best to just pretend or something, uhh, heh.."

Leo's head bumped against Aidan's, "C'mon Aidan, Rape you? We're mates, it wouldn't be rape." He cupped and cleaned Aidan's balls, then squatted down to clean the legs, finally finishing cleaning his cat, then turned, stepping away from the other male, "Okay, now it's your turn to wash me."

Several thoughts occurred to Aidan in rapid succession, 'I get to rub all over his body.' 'Damn even his backside is hot', and, I hope I can resist the temptation..' All before his paw reached out and, gathering soap, began to massage Leo's shoulder blades.

Leo lowered his head, "Ahhh, that's my sweet spot, I like that."

Aidan smirked, rubbing a little more insistently, "Oh, really, you like that?"

Leo arched his back around Aidan's paws, "Mm, yeah!"

Aidan began working his paws a little further down the strong golden back slowly, running the suds through the fur as he descended, massaging the muscles.

Leo went limp, just purring and letting the cat's rub freely over his back, as one of Aidan's paws brushed over the left cheek as he rubbed circles across the lion's back, then brushed it again, getting the other cheek as his second paw roamed lower.

Leo glanced at the cat behind him, still purring, "You do know that there's more of me to wash than just there?"

"But I like this part." Aidan gave the rear a playful smack, then ran his paws through the crack.

Leo flicked his tail, swatting the cat's belly, "Well, move on. Remember, you do have church in a few minutes." He paused, "Besides, I think you've seen enough of my rear in the past two nights."

Aidan smacked his forehead, nestling and rubbing his face in it, "Dammit, I forgot church." He knew that he'd actually just forced it out of his mind, but he would never admit it. "Okay, I'll move on.." He said regretfully, moving down the strong calves, over all of the lion's legs, moving more quickly and less carefully now.

Leo turned, pulling Aidan up to almost face him, licking the little pink and black splotched nose, "Okay, now the front."

Aidan blushed a little, knowing how much more the front would affect him, then began to work on his lion's arms. As he gets to work on one, Leo raised the other, brushing the back of his paw against Aidan's cheek.

Aidan purred, nuzzling it, then looked up into Leo's eyes for a second. God, those were such beautiful golden pools there...

Leo's paw dropped back to his side, and Aidan began to wash that arm too, letting his unoccupied paw roam over the firm chest, his sheath already hardening.

Leo lifted his arms as Aidan finished the tip of the last finger. "Don't forget under."

Aidan licked under Leo's chin, Leo tilting up his head and purring. Aidan then complied, tickling the pits to get a reaction from the larger male.

Leo jerked in surprise, and then lowered his arms, the cat washing the chest mane and purring as he felt the muscles beneath, his sheath getting harder.

Leo watched as Aidan worked lower, his sheath beginning to raise and the tip of his lionhood peeking out. "Dear lord, lead me not into temptation" Aidan whispered as he felt himself grow much harder, licking his lips as he stared at the lion's crotch, forgetting where his paws were for a second as they worked without him.

Leo chuckled, obviously having heard the prayer, and began to rub his thumbs over the cat's hips.

"Mmm, Geez Leo, you're not making it easier on me." Aidan pretended to nag as he began to massage the lion's hips.

Leo patted the white head, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want."

"That's what I'm afraid of, I want it. But we have to be ready when Dad gets here!" Aidan complained, skirting the cock with his paws as he went to work lower.

Leo smiled, and began to clean his privates himself, right in front of the cat's eyes. He rubbed over his sack, combing his paws through the pubic mane, squeezed and scrubbed the sheath, and worst of all, pulled it back, allowing the semi hard cock to flop out so that he could clean it, too.

"Oh you bastard," Aidan moaned, licking his lips, and moving his muzzle forward toward the lion penis swinging in front of him. "No, I have to resist!" he said, not meaning to say it out loud.

Leo placed his paw under Aidan's chin, raising him up. "Then don't." He kissed soft cat lips. "Well, I'm clean, so I'll leave you here and wait for you in your room." The lion said as he climbed out, the tuft of fur at the end of his tail giving a flick as he slinked across the tile.

"Damn he's sexy." Aidan muttered to himself, standing in the shower, toying subconsciously with his penis as he watched his lover walk out the door, still bare rumped. "He's so cocky, he's gonna get caught soon. And he's trailing water! Ah, never mind." Aidan flicked his paw dismissively, and tried to waste enough time in the shower that it could seem they bathed separately.

A few minutes later, the water trickled to a stop, and Aidan staggered blindly out of the tub, towel moving wildly over his head. The towel was draped over the curtain rod, and the cat tip toed into the hall, then his room, having forgotten his clothes when he first went in the bathroom.

Leo was lying on the bed, and blew a kiss to Aidan as he walked in, quickly closing the door. "Hey cutie, forget something?" He asked, raising his tail, the tip of which was laced through the crotch hole of the kitty's boxers.

Aidan's attention at first was more directed toward the lion's bare rump, but eventually caught on to the hint, and he blushed, "Heh, yeah, I guess so." He climbed on the bed and grabbed at the undergarments dangling from the golden tail.

He let out a small surprised noise as Leo's arms wrapped around him, pulling him to the mattress as the lion rolled over and over him across the mattress. "You're gonna hafta work for your underwear, Dear."

Aidan's claws plied lightly at the golden hide as he struggled against his foe, "Oh yeah? What kinda work?"

Leo rolled on top and pinned the feline, pressing his groin against him, making Aidan purr softly. "All kinds of work." He said softly, tracing a paw over the black rosy on his love's chest.

'Gawd he may be yiffier than me.' Aidan thought to himself, about to lean up and kiss the lion's muzzle, when-

"You know your dad is still coming! Get out you two!"

Aidan blushed and drew back, grabbing his boxers as he tried to sit up, "Heh, guess we need to get dressed."

Leo's eyes rolled, and he sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I am." Aidan said facetiously, sticking out his tongue as he stood up and slunk over to the dresser, trying to make his butt look sexy to Leo as he walked, bent over drawers, walked to the closet for a shirt..

Leo smiled, "I see what you're doing and it's not gonna work." He said as he slipped his boxer briefs over his crotch, his cheeks turning orange through his golden fur.

"Oh, okay then." Aidan said, dropping a shirt and bending slowly, tail raised, to pick it up.

Aidan was about to reply, when the hinges of his door whined, and his mom's voice said, "You two alive in here? What's taking so long?"

Fortunately, Leo had pulled on and was fastening his pants by then, and Aidan had jumped into the closet with his clothes in paw.

Leo smiled over at Ms. McReynolds, who seemed to notice now the lion's bare chest, and pretended to look away for modesty's sake. "Oh, Aidan's just picking something out."

Aidan shouted from the closet, "Yeah, not sure if I should do black, brown, or blue, or just whatever." He improvised.

Leo smirked, "How about white? White looks good on you."

Aidan peeked his head around the corner of the door jamb, "But I don't have white pants, silly. We're okay Mom, seriously. Be down soon."

Aidan's mom smiled, and backed out the door, "Okay, just hope that Sarah doesn't finish off all the leftover pancakes before you get downstairs.

Leo paused, his arm halfway through a sleeve, before he darted out the door, galloping down the stairs as he pulled on his shirt, shouting, "Sarah you better leave me some!"

Aidan laughed, Leo didn't know Mom was joking, and closed his door, then proceeded to dress carefully, brushing his fur in front of the mirror, choosing whichever of three pairs of earrings would go best, sliding into his shoes, then walked carefully downstairs, fully aware of how vain he was acting at just that moment.

He turned halfway down the steps, just in time to see Leo shove a whole pancake into his mouth at once. He couldn't help laughing, "Hey Leo! Was that pancake making trouble for you?"

Leo looked over at him, "Mhmhmhhhmmmm." He said, bits of pancake peeking out from between his lips.

Aidan laughed again, and walked off into the kitchen to get a plate of his own, bathed in syrup, just like he liked it, then to slink into the living room and sit in 'his' armchair.

Leo licked his plate clean of all syrup, then stood and walked into the kitchen, where he made quite a clatter putting his plate in the sink.

Aidan was on his last pancake when his father arrived. "What, still eating?" he said with a smile to his son. Then he walked over to the sofa where Leo sat, "You must be the new friend, Leo, right?"

"Yep, sure am. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Leo said, accepting the paw and shaking it.

Aidan swallowed a mouthful, "Hey dad, almost done here." And he tore through the last few bites, then stood and hugged his father. "Good morning Dad, How are ya?"

"I'm fine, I just want to get going! Hurry, put up your plate!" he exclaimed, pointing to the kitchen, as Sarah ran out the door to climb into shotgun while everyone else was wasting time.

In the car, Aidan's dad tried to make conversation, "So, how was your week? Aidan got a girl yet?"

Aidan gulped involuntarily, and responded, "No sir, no girls. Other than that my week was good."

"Oh yeah, how are your classes?"

"I can't really say, I've just been to 'em about three times."

"Oh. Well, Sarah, Leo, how about you two?"

Sarah spouted, "My art teacher is the most boring ass on the planet!"

"Watch your mouth young lady!"

"But he is."

"Still, you don't say that. Especially not in that language." Sarah's father sighed.

"What about you, Leo? Tell me about yourself."

"Well, I moved here from Georgia. My parents thought it might be a nice change of pace, you know, to be somewhere hot and un air conditioned." The last part sarcastically, "And so far, school is going okay, haven't met too many nice furs, except for your son."

Aidan interjected, "And Ryan."

Leo rolled his eyes, "Oh yes, and some flamboyantly gay fox named Ryan."

Chris looked back at the lion in his car, raising his brow, "Well, they are furs too, just like you and me. Just be careful around them."

Leo raised his brow back, "And why do I need to watch myself?"

Chris had turned his gaze back to the road, "Just in case they don't get the message."

"Oh, I see." Leo responded, about to say more, when he saw Aidan's look of discomfort. "So, what do you do for a living?"

Aidan's father began to answer, but it was all a garbled white noise as the silent feline sat in the back, thinking over what his father had said, allowing himself to revel in his doubts, almost as a punishment to himself, wondering if he'd taken the right course.

The sermon didn't help, either. Pastor Sal stood on the stage, the set behind him carefully arranged, and began to preach in length on "The Christian Lifestyle", his new favorite line, and enumerated the temptations that turned one to sin, away from God into eternal hell, making sure, as always to touch upon homosexuality in his ramblings.

Usually, with as little sleep as he'd had, Aidan would be sleeping, or fighting sleep, but the berating of the words of the sermon, his father's words, his own doubts, all were tearing him up inside, he couldn't think. Did he truly love this lion sitting cluelessly beside him, or was it as Pastor Sal said, just the devil deceiving the flesh? What does that say about love at all? Is it real? Of course it is, God and Jesus love, but oh, Gah!!

He leaned over, "Excuse me Dad, but I have to go to the restroom."

"Okay, just try not to disturb anyone."

Aidan worked his way through the pew, having to clamber over Leo's legs on the way.

Leo gave a concerned look at Aidan as he went by, then turned his attention back to the stage. 'Dammit, why didn't he come, too?' Aidan wondered privately.

He stumbled into the bathroom, wanting to yell. Scream, do something, but he couldn't. In this empty chamber, even his footfalls made surprisingly loud echoes that he was sure were heard in the hall. He walked over to a stall, closed the door, and checked the seat of the toilet, silently thanking God for the guilty cleanliness of men in church restrooms, before sitting on the seat. "Now what?" He asked out loud of himself, as he glanced to his side to find absolutely no graffiti on the stall walls to distract him. He sighed, then in frustration, grabbed a chunk of flesh and headfur in each paw, pulling, crying, and gnashing his teeth, before his footpaws slammed back down onto the linoleum, reverberating too much for comfort in the small space. 'Did they hear that in the worship center?'

Aidan jumped a bit when the hinges of the door loudly whined out the alarm of another intruding, and heavy footfalls walked across the floor. Aidan curled up on the toilet, locking the stall door as his footpaws hid themselves from under the door. Then a familiar voice asked, "Hey Aidan, you in here? You okay?"

Aidan sighed in relief, stood, unlatched the door, and fell into Leo's arms. "I'm not, I'm not, I'm worried, Leo, about what we are."

He felt arms wrap around his body and neck, and a great maned head rest on top of his. "It's okay, Aidan, we're okay, nothing's gonna happen to us."

Aidan buried his head into the warm mane, gulping back a few tears. "How can you know? If my own father found out, and the preacher, and God, all of it, It just makes me so... Nervous.. I don't.. know what to do.."

Leo squeezed him a little harder, "Aidan, I don't know." He lifted the cat to look into his eyes, "But I do know that I have something that I love dearly, and I'm gonna hold on to it for all of my life." He wiped a tear from a white cheek, "Besides, he already knew what you were gonna be, even before you were you."

Aidan just stood for a second, continuing the gaze between them, before leaning his head against the mane and nuzzling softly. "I guess you're right dear. I love you." He sighed. "Lord knows I love you."

"And I love you sweet heart...always..." Leo said as he began to lick the top of Aidan's head affectionately.

Aidan purred, and swayed in his love's arms for a while, sweet music filtering through the thin walls of the worship hall into the bathroom as pastor Sal cued a musical number.

Leo kissed Aidan softly, then kissed again, then finally locked his muzzle with his mate's, stroking the back of his head.

Aidan purred, nuzzling deeper into the mane, smelling the lion's heavy scent, then raised his head to look up at the lion, "Thank you, dear. I really needed that." He buried his hed in the thick mane again ,'You're so good to me."

Leo pat Aidan's back, "I'm only as good to you as you are to me, honey." They hugged each other for a while, uninterrupted as the church's audience sat riveted by the skits, music, and homilies thrown at them. Eventually, Leo raised his head, "Let's go back dear, it sounds like the sermon's almost over."

Aidan nodded, kissing his lion, "Okay, but we should stay in the back. So we have an alibi, just say we didn't want to disturb anyone."

The two boys walked into the inner sanctum, standing at the back of the audience, where a few older people and late arrivals were already waiting for service to end. They came in just in time to turn down the overflowing offering plate, and join in with the choir and a final prayer.

When the show was packed up, and everyone was going off, Aidan dragged Leo through the crowd to find his father.

"Hey goobers, where were you two?"

"WE both hung back to keep from disturbing anyone since it's so packed today."

"Well that was considerate of you. Well, I guess it's time to head on out. I've got work, so no Sunday School today."

"What, no lunch?" Sarah interjected.

Her father tousled her head fur, "Sure there's lunch. At Chez McReynolds. All you can eat."

Sarah made a pouty face and they strolled back to the car.

Aidan and Leo hung a little far back for awhile, holding paws.

Chris reached the Saturn and unlocked the doors, then turned back, yelling blindly in the general direction of the two boys, "Hey you two, Move it!"

Leo walked home from the McReynolds' house, and Sarah ran off to a friend's, leaving Aidan alone to walk into his house, hoping to flop into bed for a few more hours. "Hey mom." He said casually as he walked past.

"Aidan.." The cat stopped, that was a loaded naming. She was saying something in those two syllables, but what it was he couldn't yet be sure. It was risky, but..

"Yes, Mom?" Curiosity kills.

"Are you.. and Leo...?"

Aidan hid an inner tremor of nerves, "Are we what, Mom?" He suddenly found a sheet over his head. His sheet! Still a little damp in spots, smelling way too strongly of the two males and their activities. His ear peeked through a long rip in the fabric, and in shifting to get out, his head and then body slid through the slice. They had been such comfortable sheets.

"Lovers!" His mother exclaimed, not yelling, not angry, confused, bringing Aidan from his thoughts again.

"I, well, we.. uh.." Shit.

"I thought something was going on with all that roaring and creaking I'd wake up to in the middle of the night, but I guess I just never. Nissa was right!! Oh god, is it something I did?" She began to cry, and Aidan rushed to her, sitting her down on the couch and pushing her head against his shoulder, petting it affectionately.

"No Mom, no. It is nothing you did, it just is."

"But first your older sister, Nissa, then you, I can't help but wonder."

"No, Mom, no no, it's not your fault," how did he know Nissa would come up? His older, lesbian sister who had graduated college and now lived in Katy with her girl. "There was nothing you could've done. You're a great mom."

"I hope so. I just want life to be easy as it can for you. I don't want it to get complicated for you like this."

"Shh, Mom, it' okay, I can deal with it." He pushed the graying head further into his breast, nuzzling it and stroking it intermittently, softly, lovingly.

She raised her head, looking her son in the eye, "I want you to know that I still love you, okay? I love you no matter what."

He kissed her forehead, tears in his eyes. "I know mom, I know. Thank you."