From Slave to Queen - Chapter 2 - Lunars Embrace

Story by Sareturu on SoFurry

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#2 of From Slave to Queen

Woho, thanks for the watchers and stars on the intro, encouraged me to chuck out another part this night. I could have made it longer, but i felt that moment was perfect to stop for this chapter.

All of these charactes except Scars belong to me, Scars is the property of Scarskitsune. I still try to get the hang of writing so please hint out any mistakes you might encounter :) Besides that, i hope Maya grows to you like she did to me.

Immediately after the auction, she found herself being dragged over to the departure room, mainly a part where the slaves are chained up and waiting for their new owners to finish the needed paperwork and payment. Maya groans as the armored and hooded guard chains her tight collar against the wall behind her, leaving her only a bit of room on the hard floor to sit down inbetween the other slaves.

"Hey.. You are the one who was sold right after me, right?" She looks to her left, greeted by the sight of the fox from earlier, nervous as hell from what she could gather from his expression.

The husky doesn't really intend to answer, lost in thought about her new owner. Kitsunes are damn rare from what she knows, it was certainly her first kitsune owner. However, there was something in those eyes of his which made her curious about him, not that it really matters, there was no chance in hell that he would be any different than the hundreds of others she had.

"Uhm.. M-Maya, wasn't it?" The fox once more begins. "I am Aaron. Just.. well.. got here last week." She blinks a bit confused, now looking onto the nervous fox, tilting her head slightly. "How do you know my name? The auctioneer doesn't tell them."

"Oh.." He began to stutter a bit, biting his lower lip. "Well.. The others tell stories about you.. Like.. That you never stay with an buyer for long.. And how they always take two guards for you instead of one.. I guess.. Words just spread fast when so many people are crammed into such a small space.."

She shakes her head and looks down again onto her nude body, the bleeding out of her sex and the wound on her breast finally has stopped, the pain however hasn't, making her shift her legs into an awkward position.

"Say.. Do.. Do you know the bull who bought me?.. It.. was my first auction, im just glad I finally get away from this place, a week was more than enough!"

That made her chuckle a bit, remembering the days when she has thought the same thing. "No, I don't." Was her short answer, making him understand that she isn't interested anymore in talking, just waiting.

A minutes passed until she heard another voice from above. "Hello there, little girl, time to get you out of here." She looks up to the kitsune in front of her, seeing again those same nearly hypnotically eyes. His voice was deep, but friendly.. Kitsunes are famous for having an enormous lifespan, and that voice just reflects the experience which may come with a long life.

She keeps her muzzle shut and stays seated as the kitsune grabs the chain from the wall and gives it a light tug. "Up with you, the carriage is waiting for us." Maya looks for a few more moments into those eyes, before giving a soft nod. While she tries to force herself to stand up, the recently caused wounds started hurting again. She suppresses the groans the best she could, not wanting to admit a weakness the first instant she was sold again. She learned lots of things those eight years, but the most important lessons were how to manipulate her owners into punishing her less and making her life a bit less painfull.

The kitsune frowns a bit, though, his empathic skills not ever failing him.

"Follow me, girl. We got a long ride in front of us, lots of time to talk."

'Talk.. Yea, sure. I know your kind, kitsune. Nearly half of you are like that, acting like the good guy to give me a false sense of security, just so you can break my spirit and will with one single blow. Not with me.. I've experienced it enough.'

Just a few minutes later he has lead her into the carriage, the horse driver greeted her friendly, but the shock of seeing her blood and dirt covered fur was obviously written along his face.

As the carriage takes off, she stares out of the window, admiring the green around her. Soon she notices that their path leads through a forest. 'I love the forest.. I want to stay here forever' She thinks to herself with a sigh. However, her train of thought got interrupted by her owner right next to her.

"My name is Scars, though you will call me Master.. What is yours, little one?" She turns her head around to look at him, staring into his face to make out any trap he might prepare for her, she was careful with every word she was forced to say, knowing that one wrong word could be reason enough for punishment.. "My name is Maya, Master." His ears twitch faintly as he finally hears her voice for the first time, causing him to grin lightly.

"She has a voice, oh god am I glad." He remarks sarcastically. "Nearly feared I had bought a mute."

"No, Master.. I can speak just fine.." These kind of remarks are the tool she uses for gauging on how far she can go without pissing her owner off. It is vital to know where they draw the line, nearly got herself killed a few times because of that reason.

He raises a brow at his naked slave, but leaves it without any further comment. "We are going to live at a closed inn for now, a friend of mine owns it but is on vacation.. And I have some business to handle in that area. I think you will like it, it is right in the middle of this forest. A lot of people are passing these woods, spending their night at that place. However, for now, it is just for us." She blinks confused, how does he know that she loves the forest? Well.. At least she would wake up every morning to her favorite smell, those are the small things which made her life a bit more worth living.

He sighs as she remained silent, though. She will be a though nut to crack he fears.. His eyes wander over her exposed body while she was again staring out of the window, with her mind completely somewhere else. She truly is a special creature, some secret hidden deep within.. He remembers what he had read in her papers, she needs some weird extra care which doesn't make any sense, maybe he will be able to find out more soon.. After he gained some trust.. He knows he has to advance slow, knowing how she was on her toes, trying to be prepared for whatever he might throw at her. But he didn't buy her for a struggle and demonstration of raw dominance, this wasn't a battle.

His eyes wander over her wounds, making him look worried as he notices the dried up blood along her pussy and legs, the whipwound across her breast looked terrible, too. He can not believe how she was able to survive eight years of that treatment and still be so defiant. Everyone else would have been broken or killed.

Soon, they arrive at the inn, which exceeds Mayas expectations by a tenfold. It was a enormous villa, with a big lobby, a pool, and around thirty rooms for renting. How they were able to build this monstrosity in the middle of the forest she will never understand. Scars jumps out of the carriage and moves around, opening the door for his slave.. "Normally I would ask you to do this, but we need to fix you up first. Don't think I didn't notice how you suppress a yelp at each step you take.."

She gulps and looks down, biting onto her lower lip as that cover was blown, slowly she tries to exit the carriage on her own, but then is lifted up by two strong arms, holding her beneath her back and legs, keeping her steady against his chest. "There you go, can't have you collapse, you were expensive enough."

Oh god how she hates it. 'Just finally stop the charade you stupid kitsune, you wont ever trick me'

The carriage immediately took off after, leaving them alone deep inside the forest.. That was probably her only way of escape, if she had the strength to even try. She wasnt suicidal, not intenting to try to fight herself alone through the forest with god knows what wild animals live inside.

He chuckles as he easily carries her through the inn, walking right through the lobby whilst holding her like a baby. "Lets see if we can't take care of you first. You stink like a monster, and we have to get that blood out of your fur." He walks straight to the pool in the garden of the inn, gently slipping her inside the warm water.

She struggles a bit at first, fearing that he just tosses her inside icecold water for the first shock, but sighs relaxed as instead the warm water washes throughout her sticky fur.. "Ohh.." She moans, now realizing that she can stand easily.. She looks up at the kitsune who just smiled down to her, looking onto himself.. "Ah crap, look at that mess you did on me.." And indeed, his clothes and his chestfur was messed up with the dirt and blood from her fur.. He shakes his head and undresses his shirt, and also his pants.

That kind of action made her go wideeyed, her whole body beginning to shiver out of instinct.. She was already nude and vulnerable, and her owner undressing can just mean one thing.. "Shh.." Suddenly she feels a paw stroking over her head.. "Don't worry, just going to clean up myself, too. I will not hurt you. Look, I keep my pants on. They are not dirty anyways." With that said, he gently slips into the water with his jeans, not caring that they get wet if that would help his slave to calm down..

Maya keeps a safe distance, though. Watching as her master leans over the edge of the pool to get a brush and some soap. "What? Do you think you get clean with just standing there? Come here." She nodded and slowly approaches him, she knows better than to disobey a obvious order.

He immediately starts to work onto her fur, soaping his slave up and cleaning her shoulders and back. "So, tell me about you. How long have you REALLY been a slave.. I know those auctioneers like to lie a lot when it comes to sell something 'exotic'" She closes her eyes, silently enjoying the scent of soap which slowly but surely eliminates the scent of blood and dust. "Eight years, Master.. " She answered truthfully. That made him stop instantly. "You serious?!. You cant be older than seventeen, what sick person got you into that market as a pup?" Maya shivers a bit at that question, knowing full well that if he had read her papers completely he would've known. "Im sixteen, Master.. And it was my mother who had sold me.. I don't know why, Master." Her voice is free from emotions, or at least she acts like that.

Scars couldn't do much else than to shake his head, he knows better than to dig into such deep wounds, so he leaves it to rest for now and continues to clean her up, being careful with lots of bruises he discovers while doing so. He cant imagine what kind of a life that girl must have had till now, making him even more determined to help her.

It was hard to find subjects to talk about, though. Maya only knew the life of a slave, the only thing she could talk about were her prior owners and the slave market. He found out that she lacks some of the basic knowledge of the world, not even knowing in which cities she had to serve in.

He would love to tell her that she was safe now, that he wouldn't hurt her like the other ones did, and that he would find him in a loving and caring owner. But he knows, she wouldn't believe him after what all she had seen and just be more and more suspicious.

Time had passed fast, she barely struggles as he cleaned up her more intimate parts, being used to be touched at those places. He keeps himself in check from the more naughty thoughts.. for now. Soon, the moon was high up at the nights sky, shining onto the water which reflects its light all over the bodies of both furs.. Maya felt so relaxed and at peace as the light illuminates her body, the pain of her wounds seemed to vanish instantly. "Oh.. That feels so good.." She whispers to herself.

Scars has his mouth agape as he watches that by now cleaned up beauty infront of him. The moonlight makes her white fur nearly glow, reflecting her upper half onto the waters surface. However, despite the beauty, he witnesses something else.. The big wound along her chest began to heal up right infront of his eyes, not even leaving a scar. The big scar on her forehead though, remained unaffected.

"Do you like the moon?" He asks her in a low voice, seeing how oblivious she was to what was happening with her.

"Oh yes, Master.. It always feels like a safe heaven to me."

He remembers the line inside her papers. 'This slave needs regular exposing to moonlight, do NOT revoke her the access to the moon as a punishment! Denying her moonlight WILL result in death.'