May Kings Be Queens

Story by SuperTaster on SoFurry

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It has been almost a year since the young King Kaiden of Lovria has taken the throne, and things... they could be better. The blusterous young monarch has little interest in his subjects beyond them doing things Correctly, and he certainly isn't pleased when a strange, naked red lizard lady comes to court, offering to reshape his kingdom for the better.

Sometimes it's best to take whatever change is necessary, even if it's decorated in lizards.

A commission for skiesofsilver, as you might have guessed from the Lurid Red Thumbnail Text! Includes lizards of all kinds, boobs, gradual changes, reality warping, and a general scaly makeover of the entire kingdom. Chapters!

  • When Lizards Come Calling

  • Get Rid of That Ridiculous Snout!

  • Letters From The Little Folk

  • Spare Me Your Sympathy, My Butt Is Long!

  • How To (Un)Dress For Success

  • As Long As We're Changing, Can I Have It In Purple?

  • I Want To Be The Best Lizard

  • Not If You Were The... Oh I Guess You Are

  • Can't Make Lizards Without Laying Some Eggs

  • It's Not The Treasure That's Cursed

  • But Which One's The Real Danger Noodle

  • Change Is For The Better

It was a sunny day in the Kingdom of Lorvia, or what passed for it. The people were not so sunny though, and they cursed the sky for trying to cheer them up. How dare it be so smug!

Events had not progressed smoothly since King Kaiden took the throne. His parents, may they rest in pizza, were steady guides to the land. Even, fair, perhaps a bit out of touch but goodness knows they Tried.

Kaiden did not Try. He did not Want to try, for he was the King. Ruling was about will and power and might, not about entertaining the silly notions and fancies of the tiny little people! If they would stop bitching for one minute everything would be perfect. Yes. It was their fault that they had faults, and could not be as wonderful as he.

The room of the King's Court was long, ostentatious, mildly phallic. It had the little red rug leading up to the singular stone throne, raised up so that he could be above anyone who came along, and the lights off to the side were angled such that they lead inwards towards the monarch. He liked his throne room. What he DIDN'T like was actually holding Court. Peasants, merchants, crazy people all coming with one request or another it was maddening. Insulting! He'd just finished sending forth a merchant's guild member in tears because he had the audacity to ask for the crown to invest in fixing the broken road outside. Fix it yourself! We don't need to bother with that kind of nonsense. You have money, you're merchants, fix it! Next! He liked saying Next in that authoritative tone that implied he was Better than the last person who came in.

"Greetings, your highness."

"What. Abernord, what... am I looking at?" "A lizard lady, sir. Very rich and in many socal circles."

The king's expression resembled someone who had deeply hoped for a nice juicy blueberry muffin, only to find a millipede crawling out of it. The millipede meant no harm, but it was utterly unacceptable, and so to the King was this lizard. She held herself with poise and grace, but also with absolutely minimal clothing. A silken scarf adorned her bosom, mostly along the top, trailing behind her in an invisible wind. Aaaaaaand... that was it. Boobies! Cameltoe. Red scales for miles, with a long swishing tail that seemed to invite the gaze inward and upward and... well, there weren't any kids watching but if there was they'd be scandalized.

"I am Red-" "Clearly." "-a mage of some renown who has been researching the... unique properties of your kingdom." "Get on with it." She harrumphed, but skipped ahead. Buttface. "Your kingdom is coming of age, that it might be magically defined in the history of the world. I have found a way to subtly alter what your kingdom is known for, shaping it for all eternity." The court mage, Abernord, popped his monocle out, but otherwise remained silent.

"And we should care."

"I can bestow great boons upon your kingdom, if you would only declare what you wish to be known for." "Well I certainly don't wish to be known for YOU. Guards, who let this... naked charlatan in before us?!"

Abernord leaned over, whispered something in the king's ear. He did that a lot, and it earned the same sort of response: Kaiden put his hand in Abernord's face and shoved. Not now, the king is talking.

"So be it then. Your rudeness and contempt shall ensure that your kingdom is... colored throughout eternity in a far different manner. I shall return when you are more agreeable."

"Get her out of here! Filthy lizard." Abernord was all but hyperventilating at this point, but the lizard let herself be escorted out, even blowing a kiss to one of the younger recruits. He blushed, but it was hard to tell in all that armor. They appreciated the show, in any case!

"Now then. Let's have someone half-decent, or I'm ending court right now. I don't care if you have to shuffle the line. Someone. DECENT."

Red stuck out her tongue as she exited. Later, oh king. Indeed, later shall come sooner than you think.

It was not that King Kaiden did not appreciate the concept of BOOBS. Rather, he had very Particular notions of how respect was to be shown to him, and demanded that this be so. Thus, it should be of little surprise that the castle was a... stiff place as of late. There was quite a notable shift in attitude between "Is the King here?" and "Thank god". The staff found themselves pining for days of yore, the advisors found their words unheeded, and the kingdom's glory resembled that of someone who had won a trophy long ago and not bothered to do anything since, as they had already Won. Kaiden was King! He did not need to do anything else.

The kingdom of Lorvia still kept a reasonable amount of repute, as the King could not quite spoil everything. There was definitely a sense of malaise and rudderless listing in the state, however, and whispers began to reach realms even beyond the human territories. Did you hear what Ol' Mister Tightpants said today? You'll never believe it.

Thus we should not be surprised to find that when the Dinner Feast concluded, the heads of state were as thus:

  • King Kaiden had a bit of gravy on his lip, saw nothing wrong with this, or indeed with anything. If something was wrong, it was the fault of the one who spoke up!
  • Court Mage Abernord was rocking back and forth in his chair, calmly telling himself that this was fine. Everything was fine. He imagined fire wreathing about him as he thought this, and somehow it made the scene more complete.
  • Chief Advisor Bartlesby nodded gently at the king's demands to put in a NO LIZARDS sign next to the NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO SERVICE sign. He hadn't actually told the king that neither of the signs existed, nor would they exist, but if he nodded hard enough the king would forget eventually.
  • Fizzle the slave kobold, who was shoving the food cart, hastily exiled himself from the room lest the king realize that Lizards were closer than he thought.
  • Johnson of the Royal Guard stood still, stiff, and catatonic. The armor helped him do so. He was Not asleep, for he had perfected the art of SleepWorking, which let him wake up immediately whenever someone asked him a question. He wanted to guard a Real King, but alas this was not to be.
  • A small mouse scurried under the table happily, as Kaiden had ordered the mousetraps removed some months past because "They were an eyesore".

"Remember, my liege, this weekend is the Anniversary of both your Coronation and our Kingdom's Founding. One after the other." "Yes, you've told me. I expect everything to be Proper and Delightful." "I dare say it shall! Your highness will be most pleased." "I'd better be. Off with you now!"

Bartlesby headed off, slowing to a wandering pace once he was out of eyesight, and then veering in a direction that would get him a bit more drunk. The king proceeded to do his own thing, heading towards bed with a cart of snacks and sweets. He did not push the cart himself, of course, but it came along regardless.

"You've got a Thing there, Abernord." "Hmm?" "On your shoulder. Purple thing."

Abernord scratched idly at the scaly spot. He was currently thinking Happy Thoughts while pushing the food cart because darn it the King wanted the cart pushed and the kobold wasn't here. "Better?" "It's still there." "Well I shall examine it After delivering your morsels." "Excellent. Make it so."

Empty flattery, but sometimes you needed that to keep people from whining. Kaiden hated whining most of all, he mused, as he ate a donut right off the cart.

Kaiden floated in the void. The void said hi, but not respectfully so it could bugger off. Bugger off, Kaiden said. But the void did not respond, for it was a void.

A kazoo played in the distance, and confetti fell. Congratulations! You did it! What did he win?

Lizards! Oh. That... that wasn't on the menu.

Of course it is, take a look.

Kaiden looked at the menu, and indeed, his kingdom was listed as being LIZARDS with LIZARD-LIKE APPENDAGES.

Could... could he have diet lizard then?

Now now. It wouldn't do for a king to just have a little tiny portion. That is true! A king must be bold, and powerful! Good thing you're not a king then.

Mmphh. The sheets tasted like sheets, and Kaiden sat up with them still in his mouth. Peculiar dreams half-vanished in his brain, leaking through holes that did not quite line up in his psyche.

Today was to be a good day. He demanded it to be so! There was no court today, no need to do much of anything. He was FREE from the needs of the little people, and so he would spend his day nitpicking. Kaiden liked to nitpick, and it soothed his soul.

"Guard!" "Sir!" "What is that on your face!" "It's my snout sir!" "Why?" "Because... I've always had one, sir?"

Kaiden scowled. He'd seen this guard before, he recognized him... not enough to remember the name, of course. But he was very certain that the guard was human. Not one of these... half-breeds that seemed to frolic in the halls of adventuring guilds. There was a reason he tried to keep the staff all nice and human! It was... he forgot. But it was a very important reason, since he came up with it.

"Well do something about it." "I'll try, sir!"

Johnson the guard stared after the king, shaking his head in confusion. The king... told him to get rid of his snout? Sheesh. Utterly ridiculous. He wasn't quite sure if he was a guard or a babysitter, and probably was both. Yet another thing he could Never Tell his family back home.

The main hall was a wonderful, open concept place with arching stairways and (what was soon to be) giant statues proudly proclaiming the kingdom's might. Alas, they had to settle for tapestries and ferns at the moment, since the statues weren't done yet. There was an odd sort, a gangly fellow with goggles and a harness dangling from the marble block front and center in the hall. He seemed to be sketching out the statuary and making final preparations, though all Kaiden really noticed was the annoying noises he made.

"I do hope it will be grand." "Indeed it will! Keep in mind, this is just the Knight statue." "Why not one of ME?" "I told you last time, Your statue is out front, where Everyone can see it." "We can have more than one." "Yes, but it looks tacky. Trust me, variety will make Your statue look far better in everyone's eyes." "Hmmmph. It better."

The sculptor rolled his eyes as the King left, pondering the best way to set it up to have a shield in front. But really... did it need all that ornamentation? Perhaps just something to show off the form, make it nice and smooth with a bit of... Scales. Yes, that would do.

Kaiden headed towards his Nursemaid Adora. To be truthful, she had long since stopped being a proper maid, once he learned that she was the best masseuse in the castle. It was good to relax, and relax often, and even if her hands were starting to get a little crickly from overwork she would cope.

"Good to see you today, sire." "Likewise. The usual, I think." "Of course. I like your scales." "My what?" "Your scales. They're very shiny and regal."

He followed her gaze down to his open robe, seeing... huh. There was indeed a patch of red scales on his chest. Shiny, reflective, smooth to the touch... much like Abernord's little patch last night. Still, it was definitely Not something that should be there.

"Well I don't like them. Get rid of them." "I beg your pardon?" "Get. Rid of them. Take them off. I can't have... Scales in front of people."

Adora looked at him like he had asked her to take off his skin, or bones, or head. Bizarre. Odd. Queer even, but... the king asked.

" you wish, milord." "Yes. As I wish."

The massage was divine, as usual, nicely deep. Perhaps a bit too deep, but the KING does not tell the masseuse to lighten up. That wouldn't be manly, you see. Twas a bit annoying that others were in the clinic as well, but he'd learned to Deal with the inane prattle of the other maids. Twas a small price to pay for heaven.

"So her third egg is coming later this week." "I thought she was human?" "No no, she's as slinky as you or I." "Ah. Makes sense." "Tis a shame we don't have a proper clutch or creche in the castle." "Yes well, what can you do. Human-centric buildings are like that." "Alas."

Kaiden opened his eyes, stared at the maids talking... but they were the same human maids as always. What... what was that, then? Very odd.

"In any case, we should be due for some more sun later." "Excellent. It's been far too cold a spring." "Everyone needs to warm up a bit now and then." "I saw Karnas just lounging in the sun yesterday." "Mmm... so He can get away with it, but when We do it..." "It's slacking, yes. Very rude." "Very rude indeed."

"Alright, your majesty, I think we're done for now."

"Er, wha? Oh, right." He was always a bit disoriented after these sorts of things, not quite falling asleep but not staying entirely awake either.

Kaiden shuffled into his clothes, which seemed... a bit big? Perhaps all this running about nitpicking really was doing wonders for his weight. He would have to do more of it, but not right now. Now was the silly time when he wrote back all sorts of letters to people who had mailed him!

Marching happily forward past the tower guard(who had NOT gotten rid of his snout, as ordered), the King settled in to deal with his pre-sorted mail. The advisors made sure the most Boorish of the missives were filtered out, and when he asked why they showed him one and oh oh yes he didn't need to read THOSE. Ewww.

Running his tongue along his fangs, he pondered... ah yes. He knew how to respond to This ingrate.

Dear Mr. Langois

I am impressed that you have managed to put your absurd thoughts into writing.

But only a little.

We will NOT be funding your ridiculous [Town Renovation] project.

Were you merely wishing to fix damages to the town, that would be good.

As it is a thing I have thought of too.

We do not need accessibility added to non-human races.

We do not need Outreach to the Lizards that have been migrating eastward.

We do not need your... what even is this.

[Freight Elevator Pulley System]

Use carts like a normal person.

In finality

King Kaiden Almacia, Long May He Reign.

There. Perfect. Sometimes Bartlesby suggested Editing the letters, but it was better to write them in the spur of the moment, when the EMOTION could be felt. Specifically the emotion of laughing at the silly dumb person it was to be addressed to.

Next one... what.

This was not a letter at all. Indeed, it seemed to be a... lurid representation of a lizard woman. Highly attractive, artistically stunning, but... WHY. Why was this thing here, with its tail and its beady little eyes and its scales and its... he was fixating. Fixations would not do. Who was this... THE SCULPTOR? Why did he want permission to make a NAKED LIZARD STATUE in the castle? This... this demanded a letter!

Dear Sculptor Person

Have you hit your head with that hammer? What even is this.

I do not.

Please do not send anything of its like to my desk ever again.

Get back to work, or you're fired.

King Kaiden Almacia, Long May He Reign.

Kaiden stretched, waggling his toes on the stone floor. They needed a rug in here. Not everyone wore shoes, you know. Why wasn't he wearing shoes? He forgot. Anyway, one more for posterity...

To Whom It May Concern

This weekend is King Kaiden Almacia's Coronation Anniversary

Also the Anniversary of Lovria's Founding

Festivities will be held this Friday Evening

Followed by the Royal Address Saturday Morning

Those of reasonable repute are invited

Scallywags can suck it

King Kaiden Almacia, Long May He Reign.

Excellence. Copy up several of those, put them around the castle town, and then everyone would be informed of the party. He was doing a good service!

Johnson stood at attention in the tower, yawning when he thought he could get away with it. They made him work a double-double again, and this really wasn't the time. He... he needed something to help keep him going, but what?

Oh! He'd started leaning back, but his tail had caught him. That was good. He wasn't entirely sure he'd always had a tail, but it felt very nice. Long and smooth and slinky, the way it just *plapped* on the floor and you could push off it from every angle. He leaned on his tail, and was pleased to note that this was much like sitting down at work. No one would ever know.

"Guard!" "Sir!" He saluted instinctively, but screamed internally. When the king spoke, bad things happened.

"What is THAT?" "You'll have to be more specific sir!" "Coming out of your butt!" "It's my tail sir!" "Why do you have one?" "Because... I've always had one?" He still wasn't entirely sure, but it was better to pick a story and stick with it.

"You didn't have one when I walked in!" "Did I? I think I would have noticed that." "Well get rid of it! Imagine if someone saw you like that." "I think they would be envious sir!" The other guards wished they could sit down while standing. Obviously. It was a serious perk. "Well I'm not! Get rid of it!" "Sir!"

Johnson saluted at attention, hoping this would make the King go away. How... how do you just... get rid of a tail? That's ridiculous. Surely he wouldn't try to chop it off, would he? The thought of a severed tail stuck deeply and primally in his mind, and he shivered. Still, there was some reassurance to be had in the fact that the king didn't actually DO any physical labor. It was unlikely that Kaiden would change his ways just to chop off a tail, even one he had a deranged hatred of.

The king stalked off in a huff, muttering something about LIZARDS, and Johnson breathed a sigh of relief. Seriously, what was wrong with the guy? So what if he had a tail? It was a nice tail. Sure that no one was looking, he slid down and started to stroke it gently, pleased with the giddy feelings this caused inside of him. There there. The mean king won't hurt you. You're safe now, with the greatest guard lizard ever! Me. That's right. All is well, and scaly, and good.

Kaiden had gone to his Happy Room, but he was not in his Happy Place. The reptiles were Everywhere all of a sudden! The red scales from earlier had NOT abated, but instead spread further and further across his chest. He placed a hand tentatively on them and... they did feel... kinda nice... but no! This could not stand. Already he felt tense, wriggled, like after a bad meal but worse. It wasn't cramping, no... more like pushing out from inside. Something... something wanted to come out, come forth, and he wouldn't let it! This... he needed someone...

"BARTLESBY!" "Heavens, what is the matter now, sire?" "THESE."

Advisor Bartlesby craned his long neck over to look at the king's scales. His goatee floated and tickled a bit, but he resisted the urge to stroke it. He stared, calculated, pondered from every angle! He circled the king, looking and sizing him up. He returned, did an about face, and stood before the king properly.

"...well?" "They are very beautiful, sire." "WHAT." "Is... that not what you wanted to hear?" "They shouldn't BE there!" "...are you sure?" "Yes! They weren't there earlier, and now they are!" "Well, sometimes when a man grows older he undergoes certain changes that-" "The tower guard had a tail!" "Shouldn't he?" "This... I... the lizard!" He got it! That's when this started: go back to the source, and yell at it.

"Well then." "The lizard from yesterday, in court! Talking magic and nonsense!" "I see... do you wish to set up an appointment with her again?" Bartlesby didn't really get it, but he'd humour the strange monarch.

"I want her in IRONS. I want her chained, brought before me to FIX THIS." "I... see. I'll see what I can do sire. Have you asked Razor?" "Razor! He... you ask him." "Yes, of course."

Bartlesby understood this part! Razor was the king's spymaster, and... he was scary. No one wanted to speak with him if they could help it, and that was probably for the best. Maybe... maybe he'd speak with Razor tomorrow! See if... see if the king wouldn't get over this weird hatred of his perfectly lovely scales.

Kaiden rode a moose through town, because that is what you do sometimes. His mother spoke from the heavens, very cross and crosseyed to boot.

You're a disgrace! An irascible bore! I don't know what those last words mean! You're supposed to be in school! Butbutbut... I already defeated school...

You defeated one school. Now it is time... for LIZARD SCHOOL!

And thus Kaiden's moose took him into the lizard school, where there were all sorts of lizards! Big ones, small ones, wrinkly ones, ridged ones, and a random dragon floating around without a care.

They demanded that he put on the lizard tail, and the lizard snoot, and the lizard hat? The lizard hat was just a bald cap, and this wrankled him something awful. No! I don't want to go to lizard school!

And then everyone started laughing because he was wearing clothes. It was true: all the other lizards weren't wearing anything at all! Why was that?

Because it's important to show off all our lizard attributes! The children started to chant the Scales, Tails, Curves and Claws song, as they were taught the important parts of the lizards. That's what lizard school teaches you!

Butbutbut... I don't want to learn those...

Then we'll have to administer the most terrible punishment of all.

No. Nooooo!

Yes. You are ordered... to wake up.

Kaiden did not rise with the sun, but rather a good time after the sun because screw you that's too early. His mind was addled with aggression towards lizards, and he really wasn't in the mood okay? Stand up, stretch...!

Something was WRONG. He stretched, but there seemed to be So Much hiding in the stretch, waiting to be pushed out. The king grasped at the windowsill, fingers clenching into the stone as his hips worked their way out. Pushing, shoving, like a bad fart but deeper still. They cracked and creaked and it felt so GOOD, but why was it still... going...?

His butt felt Long, and the crotch tried its darndest to push its way out. Longer, longer, and longer still, a thick meaty warm thing that shoved his hips aside and demanded equal time amidst the two legs that had long since dominated the lower half of his body. His jaw clenched, and as he yawned the face escaped! Outward and further, powerful and bold, he liked the feeling but was afraid of why it was happening. What even was this? This... strange elongation that left him so limber and loose and... lizardine.

"Noooo... please..."

But the changes did not care. Indeed, they took his words as a challenge, tweaking and turning and pulling all along. Imagine, just imagine how long and sensual you can be! He didn't want to, but already he Could. Smooth and slick and sleek and supple and... ohhhh.

The changes abated, at long last, and he was afraid to look. Yet he had to look, how could he not? The strange red blob in his vision, vision that seemed to be wider and further up than before. The smooth scales permeating his everything, all the way down. Red without and red within, he couldn't be said to have fleshy Skin anymore. That was Underneath, hidden under the carpet of reptilian madness that took root Everywhere. His dick stood at attention, awake with the presence of morning, but it was a deep crimson as well, and strangely shaped. The balls, the shaft, the head all seemed to be of one accord, long and thick and spadelike at the tip. It was strange, and it was his, and he did not want it any more than he wanted the long, slinky tail stretching down from his butt.

Kaiden tried to get his pants on, but it was new and different. There was a... a third sleeve there. The fleece stuck on his limbs, and he wasn't entirely sure he should even bother, but no. Standards were required, and he would figure this out. Just... just give him a moment.

There did not seem to be any shirts in the room, however. Someone must have STOLEN them, as a prank. Haha, very funny. He put on a short robe, loosely, leaving his chest open and bare to the morning wind. It felt... nice. Freeing and drafty, but in a good way. That said... SOMEONE would have to answer for these reptilian crimes. Someone, and someone soon. He would make a lot of noise, and huff about, and make sure that everyone knew how angry he was. Stomp. Stomp. Stoaaaaaaaaahhhh!

He fell, splat on his face, tail in the air and dangling over his back. The tail, the snout, the everything throwing off his balance. It worked fine, so long as he didn't think about it. But he WANTED to think about it. He wanted to think, and be angry, and huff and puff and grr! Up he got, Stomping away to Stomp some more Stomp Stomp Stomp door shove find the first person to yell at...

"Good morning sir!" "It is a TERRIBLE morning." "I'm sorry to hear that sir! Is there anything I can do to help sir!?"

The guard, Johnson, was out here again. He too seemed to be very lizardlike, and wearing... very little. A scale mail vest, a loose plated kilt, and a halberd of poking. Everything was open and on display, and his chest seemed the strangest bit feminine and rounded? Kaiden did not understand lizards, nor did he want to, and the stupid helpful smile on his face only made the king grumpier.

"Where is Bartlesby? And Abernord?" "They are most likely in the dining room, sir! It is still breakfast time sir!" "...thank you. Dismissed."


Johnson could hardly believe himself, but he kept his expression as neutral as he could. Did the king just... thank him? Happy days! Perhaps he wouldn't be getting a pay cut after all. Hopefully. Maybe. The king was stalking off in an awful huff though, so maybe it wasn't the best time to talk about financial woes. He was a stingy little poozer, after all.

Bartlesby was Not in the dining hall. He had a meeting today with the strange red lizard that the king wanted arrested for some reason? That seemed odd, but he'd get to the bottom of this eventually. For now though, he needed to look his Sunday Best, even though it was Friday.

His scales were a lovely turquoise, with a white underbelly that pleased him so. He ran his hands over them, but... something was missing. Something not quite right, not quite full and finished and... mmm. Yes, the chest, that was the problem at hand, and his hands gently curled around the... pectorals? Such an ugly word, the designation of things that weren't yet kneaded and worked and teased... yesss. Already the nipples were forming once more. Once more? When had he had them before? But that was not as important as having them NOW.

It felt nice, but another mass of flesh needed his attention. The shaft, the penis, an unfortunate thing. It felt so good, but he knew that it needed to be put away. It wouldn't do to have something like that for a meeting of lizards. And as he stroked, he was pleased to feel it gently give way under his grasp. Softer, squishier, less a hard thing and more a gelatinous tube that became hollow and open. The head opened up, and now a gentle feminine finger could begin to probe INSIDE. But inside once was not enough, the opening itself needed to go inside the hips, the crotch, the pleasing pussy BETWEEN. The tail underneath, the legs to the side, and her tender touch in the middle. Something leaked from deeper still, and a quiver unleashed that told her yes. Yes, this was right and good.

Her breasts were pulling at her chest now, extending forth past the threshold, left and right with the crevasse in the middle. She ran her fingers underneath, and around, and further still! The weight could no longer be held by flesh alone, and it started to hang downwards. Still she wanted more, rounded and full and filling past what her hands could bear. Pushing and shoving and feeling how the breasts still forced their way outwards around the fingers, then forcing the hands out themselves as tension demanded they rise forth. Large, heavy, and undeniably HERS. Yessss. Good.

She briefly thought to get dressed, but that seemed like a silly notion. It was summertime, and there was no need for such things. Adornment would be nice though, and she found a lovely maroon scarf to drape around her neck and across her breasts. Still showing off the nipples, and the everything really, but the contrast added a nice touch of color to show she cared. Wrap a few shiny beads around her wrists for accent, and mmmwah. Perfect.

Bartessia grabbed her old... human? clothes, and cast them aside. A novelty, strange and confining, and definitely not needed. She did not even care as they vanished into nothingness behind her, and the lady of state gracefully sauntered out the doorway towards today's diplomatic meetings. Today was to be a good day.

"Where is she?" "I beg your pardon?" "Where. Is. The lizard. Woman." "I believe our dear advisor was looking into that. Would you-" "Speed them up! I need this fixed, NOW." "...right you are."

Abernord wandered off towards the receiving wing, looking very purple. This was more because his scales had come in nice and purple, and he could be seen stroking and fidgeting with his fingers as he went. Up the stairs, past the ostentatious artwork designed to impress foreigners but really only looking gaudy, through the overly large double doors and... aha! Lizards. Two lizards, one turquoise one red. Both naked.

"Abernord! I did not expect you. This is Red, the one who Kaiden asked for." "Yes, I recognize her from before."


Red did a little curtsy, more for show than anything. She found that this helped a lot where other people were concerned, mainly because it made her breasts do the little boing that got people's attention. The scarlet lizard was staggeringly naked, even more so than Bartessia, who seemed to be preferring the au naturale approach towards diplomacy. Abernord blushed, but no one could see under his scales. A small perk, though not really a great one.

"Could I have you entertain our King for a bit, Bartessia?" "...why me?" "I need to speak with our guest for a moment before the king arrives."

"Understood, but you owe me for running interference." "They're making those nice lemon eclairs in the kitchen." "Two please, thank you."

So dealt, she sauntered off to go Entertain the king.

"Well then, what can I do for you, sir mage?"

Red sized the wizard up. He was nicely scaled, though he lacked important things like a tail or a snout, and really could do for some... improvements. She somewhat liked the Open Jacket look he was going with, though the bare chest was unfortunately flat. Just a little bit there and there, with a bit of lift and tuck and... what? Oh yes, paying attention.

"I would like to apologize on behalf of our King for his treatment of you a few days ago." "Well! If he wants to apologize, he can do it in person." "Yes, well... our king is a bit... you know..." "Don't worry! I'm just making a few improvements." "Yes. That was the issue. He's very cross about it." "And you?" She ran a finger under his chin, teasing and playing a bit.

"...well, since you're not really in the mood to FIX this..." "The change is an improvement!" "...right. As long as we're... stuck with this, I'd like to make some requests."

Red grinned, stepping back and bouncing a bit on her feet. "Ooooh! I like how you think. Very well, since you've asked So Politely, I suppose I can... indulge."

"I do seem to notice that people are becoming... female." "Yes! Far more beautiful, more to offer!" "Could I have the breasts be... unobtrusive?" She frowned, but leaned in and pondered. "Why?" "I do a lot of writing. My back would complain if I had the... grand reservoirs that Bartessia has." "Yes, yes, that makes sense. Close your eyes...!"

Abernord frowned, but did so. Fine, temptress, work your... something.

"Feel that nice heat, that warmth in your chest." "Mmm." "Spreading, splitting, left and right. Pushing, breaching, flowing outwards." "Mmmmhhh..." That did feel nice, indeed. Loose and freeing.

"Feel them starting to grow, rising and forming. Let them develop and mature, even as they remain close and nestled near and dear to you."

"Ohh!" "Yess... just like that. Open your eyes, and see for yourself."

He did, and wasn't entirely displeased with what he saw. Mages had a reputation for being rather chaste, but that didn't mean he couldn't appreciate the finer people in life. Twas strange to see them on HIM, though. Small, rounded, light, but definitely There. The nipples were poking outwards, asking for attention and receiving quite a lot of it from the far more busty red lizard in the room.

"Welcome to the itty bitty titty committee!"

"Yaaaaay." "What next, my dear wizard?" "The purple is nice, but can we make it... shimmer." "That's a bit fruity, isn't it?" "It's a mage thing." "Ahhh, yes. Of course. A bit iridescent, a bit colorful, refracting light into a myriad of colors."

Abernord spun around slowly, admiring the little rainbow sheen of his scales. They were Very Pretty, if a bit fabulous. Still, it would make sure that everyone knew he was of the Magical Variety. Normally he did that through clothing, but with the way fashion trends were going... best to make it official.

"Can I keep my hair?" "Ewwwww..." Red stuck out her tongue, which was nothing to sneeze at, lolling and reaching outwards in a display of disgust.

"It's mine and I like it." He ran a purple finger through his silver hair, miffed as a bit of it fluttered away under his grasp.

She stepped aside him, running her hand over his hair. A strange, human thing, and definitely out of place in a land of lizards. "Mmm... but do you even remember that? Do you know what it was, what it meant to you? Or is it gone, like so many little bits of chaff?"

Abernord wobbled a bit, confused. He... he had been talking about something. "What were we talking about?" "How much you love that smooth, shiny head of yours." "Ahh, yes." He ran his hands over it, smiling. He could feel his jaw start to lengthen, stretching between his shimmering arms, and everything about his head just felt... perfect. Sleek, slippery, none of those silly EARS to worry about, and definitely no dandruff ever again.

"And it wouldn't be bad to be a touch younger." "Ahh yes. As long as you're asking." "I was a good boy for Kissmoose." Kissmoose being a winter holiday where you couldn't get your presents until you showed a display of affection to someone around you that you normally wouldn't, meant to foster community. It also involved trees, for reasons that escaped Abernord. Cultural traditions were weird. "Well I dare say you'll be a good girl come next winter."

She slid behind him, quickly, rapidly. Sliding the jacket off, letting his bare breasts show properly rather than hiding behind the curtains. Running her hands down his sides, letting them slide just that little bit inward to shape the torso in a curved, clever shape. Slide them INTO his pants, to cushion the tush and help it to round out more, more, more!

The mage felt... small. Light, petite, but perhaps that was good. All that weight was falling out of his waist, sliding longer and thicker and more wiggly until he had the proper muscles to waggle his tail back and forth of his own accord. It felt so freeing, to help it grow just that little bit longer, a stretch in an entirely new part of her body that was oh so sensual. Her... indeed, her pants felt very empty and loose, tucked under her tail awkwardly, and when they fell free onto the floor there was no complaint.

"There we go. Had to get all that out." "Mmm... yes. Much better."

Twas strange to see nothing in front of her when she looked down, though she had enough presence of mind to avoid exploring the new pleasures until she was... back in her tower. Mages needed their privacy, after all. She could feel it though, something inside, leaking out not physically, but spiritually. Age, years, decay and wear and corrosion, sliding forth and seeping down into a muck at her bare feet. She felt shorter, slighter, less defined, but perhaps that was a good thing. Indeed, she still felt... adult, but a New adult rather than a Used one.

Nora looked UP at Red, just that little bit, and it made her giddy inside. A nice feeling that she hadn't felt in the longest time. The door opened, and an angry red scaled Kaiden huffed in, only for his jaw to drop.

"Oh goodness, not you too!" "Now now, Kaiden. I dare say..." She patted the little king on the head. "The change is an improvement."

And so Nora the lizard wizard slunk out of the room wearing nothing more than a smile, as her king gaped in confusion.

"Now, what can I do for you, your highness?" "FIX THIS! You've turned my kingdom into... into... LIZARDS!" "They seem to be happy with it."

"I don't care!" "That's your problem."

He stopped, stared. This... this WOMAN. How dare she do this to him, to... everyone.

"You don't care about the kingdom, you care about the king. You don't care about how they feel, or what they want. Well don't worry, little king." "I'm not little!" "You're not a lot of things, but we can help with that." "I don't want your help! I want to be human! To be-" "Shhhhh..."

She put a finger to her lips, papping him gently. "Mmm... but WHY do you want that? I think the answers are a little closer than you think." "W...wha?" "You want things to be familiar. To be right and proper and as you control. I dare say you have issues with things you cannot control, much like now." "That... I... how dare..."

She was circling him now, running a finger or two along choice parts of him as she went. It was concerning, and he tried to keep her in his vision, but already he was getting dizzy. "You want to be king, but more importantly you want to be in charge of Everything. For the world to cater to you, for everything to be as it should, and most importantly... for nothing to go wrong."

"!" "Do you miss them?" "I... what right have you to-" "I don't. But you do, don't you?" "I... I..." "They left you alone, left you King, long before your time or your readiness." "I am ready!" "You say that, because otherwise it would be a waste." "..." He... he wouldn't cry. He was the king, dammit! This temptress running her fingers along his breasts, shrinking him and shaping him and stop that! It... it did feel nice, but he couldn't want it, didn't want to want it...

"It's alright." "?" She... she had stopped, was hugging him gently. He... hugs were beneath him, but... he really did want one. Just once. No one had after... after his parents left. He really had been alone, blustering and forceful and trying to make his way even when, especially when he had no clue how to proceed. Better to go forward than stay where he was.

"You can be so much more. Free and confident and loved. But you have to give those things to others. They have to be free to do as they wish, confident that they have your support, and sure that you love them as you love yourself." "I... but that..." "Don't let old times stand in the way of that. Aren't those things what you've wanted all along?" "...of course they are." "Then ask." "I... please. I want... I want to be a good ruler. To be free, and confident, and... and loved. I see how they look at me, sneering and mocking, and I... how they looked at father and gave him respect, respect he earned. I want that." "And you want to know you earned it." "Y...yes." "Mmm. See? That wasn't so hard."

Kaiden felt... warm. Like a thick blocking darkness had been swept away, letting everything within flow and revitalize. Like the things he needed were always there, but had been blocked until now. Until now...

He looked down, marveling as his shaft seemed to jitter and wobble. Red pulled his pants open for him, and he gasped a bit as he saw it so... small. Puny.

"Small isn't necessarily bad. It's what you Do with it. It's how it feels, not how it looks." "It... it does feel nice." "And it's still going. Just enjoy it."

The feelings concentrated, started to seep inwards, even as the shaft sank further towards the meridian. He put a scaled finger to it, and the twinge of pleasure made him feel light and woozy. He was afraid to speed it up, that it might stop in some way. He... she wanted it to keep going, even as the little bit of cum leaked forth, turning clear and gooey and dripping forth. There was no sack anymore, no container of manly seed, but he'd never really liked that part anyway. Too easy to sit on, too easy for the hairs to get angrily tangled. Now he was holding it with his palm, pushing gently inward until it was stopped by the flesh and bone. All save the middle finger, that one perfectly aligned to keep... on... going... oooooooh. "Ohhhhhh. That... that's..." "Yours. Don't you like it?" "It... it's new, and strange." "You've known it all your life, just now it's in a different shape." "I guess."

The shape was definitely different, but... she could get used to it. Long, she felt, her butt was long, her legs and arms were so long compared to the mass they held. Smooth, nicely red, a regal crimson. Something was missing though, the front, and as Red took the queen in her arms, she realized. Breasts were pushing on her chest... but she had none of her own, not yet. That needed fixing, didn't it?

It was strange, a bit silly to be wanting it. Of course she would want them, they were hers and she got to play with them! Even a man could appreciate That. And yes, yes yessss, her chest pushed gently outwards once it had the lady's to compare to. Small, gentle, but then thick and powerful. Pushing and shoving and demanding equal space! It felt so nice, the nipples fencing and sparring as the breasts shoved and squeezed and fought until, at long last... it was a draw. Kaida stood even with Red, breasts touching, tails intertwined oh gosh when had they done That?!

"Teehee. Sorry, milady. I can be a bit of a tease." "Well stop it! You promised to help." "I did, I did. How do you feel?"

She felt... young. Forceful, but in a different way. Who needed muscles when you had breasts, who needed a dick when you had an ass like this? She presented herself regally with poise and grace, even if it was in all sorts of different directions. Kaida gave a little spin, letting her long tail swirl behind her elegantly.

"Oh my. You have quite the dancer in you." "I'm supposed to be queen!" Queen. Queen. Not King, but... somehow the word held the same meaning to her. A different sound, but the same purpose. And yet it held different meanings too, a meaning of the future, of times to come. But... but why?

"Well, I can't be regent forever, milady. Come the ceremony tomorrow, you shall be Queen of these lands." "Are... are you sure I'm ready?" "Mmm... I think that's up to you. Why don't you spend the day meeting with your people? Learning their needs, understanding their wants. Let their attitudes towards you tell you how you're doing." "Will... will they like me?" "As long as you like them, and care for them, you'll find the support you need." "Th...thank you." "Of course! I'm here to help." "Yes, Bartissia tries, but her advice is all about... lewd things." "Adult advice is still advice." "It's not what I need. Not right now." "Mmm... perhaps not. Still, the queendom needs you now, so go forth! Enjoy, and be merry."

Kaida stepped forth tentatively. She... she could do this. Meet people. Care about them. A strange and bewildering task, but an important one on the road to being queen. First... she would need to get dressed. But what did a lizard even wear?

"Whatever we wish! Our bodies are our own, and we adorn them as we please. Summer is coming, little one, and it is good to have nothing in the way of the warm sun." "Perhaps... perhaps a little bit. Other races are not so libertine." "Like humans?" "Yes." She stuck out her tongue, giving a little phhhbt. "Strange bald things that have to cover up."

"Well, I'll let you figure that out on your own. I'll see you at the coronation... Queen Kaida." "I'm not queen yet!" "Not yet. Almost."

Red sauntered out of the room, smiling and humming to herself, though she paused at the feeling of dread from behind her.

"I suppossse you think that was terribly clever."

"I thought so, yes. It's all for the best."

She forced herself to turn around and look, and... she was not entirely pleased with what she saw. This must have been Razor, the spymaster of ill repute. And oh lordy did he look it.

Razor, for his part, encouraged the feeling. It was far easier to do spywork when guards were afraid to arrest you. And as far as he was concerned, the change was indeed an... improvement. Yellow eyes glinted on black sclera, twisted gnarly horns rose above a pale mottled grey scaled snout, almost like a sharks. And the teeth! Oh lord the teeth, not one but two rows just in case he wanted to bite someone twice. His arms twisted and bent in ways that suggested there was something other than bone holding them together, and every digit, finger and toe alike was sheathed in a sickening curved claw of several inches long, as if the claw WAS the finger. His tail was split, bifurcated such that two twisting tangling things with long armored plates slank forth, barbed and spined and ready to do just as much tearing as his hands or feet. This one was wearing clothes, laggard leather with little flecks of chain to pad it out, as if he were expecting a battle at any moment(or needed to protect himself from his own claws).

In short, Razor was quite monstrous, and this suited him Just Fine.

"It's more that I don't appreciate you... doing it without assssking." "Of course. But how was I to know who was the person to ask?" "Now now. You did go to the King first, I admit, but continuing afterwordsss..." "Are you going to punish me?" "I prefer a more... delicate sort of punishment. An apology, if you will." "Ha! Not if you were the last man in the castle." "That can be... arranged."

"Eww. Please no murder." "Of coursssse not. I merely noted your... preference for the female reptile." "Ah yes. Well, there might be some left in the castle. I dare say I have my eye on that serving kobold." "Him?!" Razor was... mildly insulted, but there was no accounting for taste.

"He's soooo smol. Must cuddle and protect." "You'll be amussssed with his current status." "Oh? Do tell."

Razor unfurled, letting his spines and claws relax. Jangly, like so many belts or chains. There was a certain majesty about him, though Red was not keen to get closer all the same.

"So the staff is based on ssseniority. Our dear friend Fizzle was a ssslave in the kitchens to be sssure, but he has been a lizzzard all his life."

"And thus he has been a lizard the longest." "Indeed. He has the most experience, the most understanding, and this transsslated over into him now being the head of staff." "Well good on him. I dare say he's earned it."

Kaida gently opened the door to the... creche? She was vaguely remembering this room being a stable at one point, but after seeing the very well muscled lizardtaur outside, practicing drills with her kobold archer rider... cavalry sounded a bit different in this day and age.

"Princess! I didn't expect to see you here."

The nursemaid came over, welcoming the nascent monarch inward. Kaida noted the sandy-coloured nurse being quite... rotund in the belly, as if she too was getting in on the action. Still, the room itself drew her attention more. The place was covered in cushy linens and pillows, and divided into three general sections, though Kaida couldn't quite see into the back from here. The receiving area up front was very casual, with a nursemaid to receive any entrants who might have need of the egg-hall's services. A large tapestry(woven by somelizard with far too much time) declared HAVE YOU LAID YOUR EGG TODAY?

"I'm just... here to examine your work." "Ahhh, yes, of course. Sorry, I didn't expect you to be... Needing our services quite so soon." "No!" Kaida blushed, and was thankful no one could tell. Her fluster and squeamishness was clearly evident though, and her arms tittered about in a very girly fashion. "That... hopefully not for many more years." "Mmm... better sooner than later I always say, but I digress. Come come!"

She lead Kaida past a hanging curtain towards the second zone of the creche. The room was divided into several... not really stalls, though Kaida found it hard to shake the image from the stable the room had been prior. Each one had a small reclining sofa of wicker and plush with a second simpler chair nearby, and various baskets and linens for the use of whomever had taken the room. Some had the curtains drawn, but one very eggspectant lizard was showing off to all who would see.

"Ahh, here you go Princess. As you see, it's a simple facility, but designed for the mother's comfort above all else. It's a special time in their lives, and we'd like it to be as enjoyable as possible." "I see. And the baskets are for the eggs when they're laid?" "Got it in one! Yes, I think Miss Releesha is almost there. How are you doing milady?" "I... It's coming..."

The white lizard leaned backwards, hips spread as wide as she could. Kaida blushed furiously as she saw a slight protrusion GATHER on her belly, rising forward and outward and sliding... forcefully... Down. A slight showing of greyish white breached the edge of the lips, peeking out and trying to see this brave new world that it would enter into.

"Just push dear, you have this." "It... it's so big though..." "We're here with you. Our future queen is here too, cheering you on."

She... she was, a little, but the more the egg slid outwards, the less Kaida believed it actually would make it. It was, as the lady said, Very large.

For her part, Releesha didn't believe it much herself. She could feel it shoving her innards aside, motiling down her passage in a very concerning, powerful manner. All her will was going into the pushing, the shoving, trying not to think about Where to shove, only to shove and let the brain figure it out. Her pussy felt like it was coming slightly OUT, past where it should be to accomodate this strange yet wonderful exodus. Further... further... the widest part had breached the portal, and now she could relax ever so slightly as the rest gently... slid... down... plop.

The nurse caught the egg in a basket, and brought it up to show the new mother lizard. She smiled, panting slightly, but touched the egg gently and rubbed a finger along it. This... this was hers. She made it.

"See, princess? It's not so bad. We just take care of our mothers, and they do the rest." "Yes... how do you feel, Releesha?" "Tired... but good. It's such a nice feeling, like a long stretch after a hearty nap. But, you know... down there." "Yes... yes I suppose. Thank you for your time." "Not at all, princess."

The nurse led Kaida back into the third area, where there was a... quite large selection of eggs. Each was resting in blankets, and the room was cozily heated to a nice degree so that all would remain snug and warm.

"Are those... namecards?" "Yes! It's important that we keep the eggs connected to their mothers, so that when they hatch we can reconnect them." "The mothers don't look after the eggs themselves?" "Some do! It's not common though, since we make sure to provide wonderful service. We take very good care of the eggs here, and they're guarded 24/7 by your palace guards to ensure no foul play."

"Well, it looks like you have things in very good hands." "Indeed! Thank you for visiting, princess. Say hi to Tess for me!"

Kaida walked out of the creche, but paused. Who... was Tess?

Up in the royal tower, Torn grinned slyly to himself. It was the sort of grin that concerned a lot of people, and so he really only got to do it in privacy. Still, today was going to be a Good day.

He had seen it. Strange, almost absurd at first, but very clear. The people of this town, this kingdom... they were becoming lizards. Cursed in some fashion, and he knew a fair bit about curses. Mostly second-hand knowledge, but a little prying around made it very clear that almost no one really noticed what was going on. Perfect. Torn did his best work when no one noticed. It wasn't that he couldn't make a daring escape sequence happen, but he preferred a clean heist.

And so, 100 feet up with only his trusty grappling claws to work with, he'd finally made it through the window. The head of state had been around in a tizzy all this morning, and he knew that she(had she always been a she?) wouldn't have time to lounge around. Perfect for some... pilfering.

The room was strange. The massive round cushion on an ivory base was clearly the bed, though he was more used to mattresses and the like. Four-posters. This was more of a lounge setup, complete with the frilly purple and pink pillows of luxury. Well, queens could be queens, and he would make off like a king. Aha! There.

The CROWN sat on the mantle, waiting for the coronation tomorrow. Bejeweled, absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. Torn had no compunctions against stroking his goatee, and did so in a sneering manner. Yessss... the jewels probably would take some serious work to remove, but the crown itself could be easily bagged, and he'd have time to play with it at his leisure once he escaped. Once that was done, drop the empty hat off somewhere with a pithy note thanking the royals for their Generous Donation. So appraised, he slid his legs into the room and hopped off the windowsill...

...flat onto his face. WHAM. That... that was smooth, Torn. "What... what the heck was that?" He got up, dusted himself off, and noted just how... cold his feet felt. His shoes... he wasn't wearing shoes! But... but he certainly had been, when he climbed up here!

This wasn't the time to gawk. He didn't want to spend any more time up here than he had to, and sliding off the claws, he made for the crown. But every step he took, something seemed to grab at him, pulling and yanking. This... what was this? He looked down, and cried in alarm. "!"

His arms, his beautiful arms, muscled and athletic... they were shriveling! Shrinking, blossoming into a pinkish red much like the... the lizards down below. But the curse hadn't been affecting him! Not until now! Why... but every moment of hesitation meant longer in this accursed tower. He could escape out the window quick as a flash, but greed stayed his course. He NEEDED that crown, the prize, and no stupid curse was going to get in his way.

He pushed, charged across the room, noting with fear how everything seemed to grow larger and larger as he did. Something pushed out of his butt, forcefully, yanking him backwards! He cried, falling on the ground in a triple split, only to get up awkwardly. This... a tail, his tail... it was... kinda cute, but no! He... he had to...

A shrinking, suctioning feeling stole his attention again. His dick! It... it was shrinking, shriveling, smaller and smaller in a most ominous way. "No! Please, I... I need that..." But did she really? Her gaze tore between the weiner, the window, and the wealth. The prick, the prize, and the peril. The crown, the cleft... her cleft... she started to run, but tripped over her skirt, loose and ill-fitting as it was. This... this couldn't... she had to... to...

The pussy down below changed, shrinking on the inside too, becoming small and uninteresting, a tiny little opening not used for anything important. She was straight, uncurved, childish and... girly. It filled her mind, her body, her self-image, how little and fragile and exposed she was. Her little tail, her little hands, her little everything. No silly human hair, no grownup roguish muscles, and definitely no strange intruder between her legs. She... she'd come in here for something very important. The... the crown!

But already it too seemed different. More frontal, lighter and softer much like Tess was. A tiara, sister's tiara, a shiny and wonderful thing that spoke to her. Take me. Wear me. Be the big queen. She wondered why she wanted to be a big queen so soon, but she knew she wanted it, and so she tried desperately to clamber up after it.

"Tess! What are you doing in here?"

The door opened, and Princess Kaida entered. She stared down at the small, four year old lizard trying to climb on the dresser to reach the shiny jewel-encrusted tiara up on the mantle.

"I... I want..." Kaida came over, plucked her off the dressed, and hugged her gently. There there.

"Cmon, Tess. That's for a queen. I'm not even a queen yet." "But... I came in here for it..." "Tell you what. Let's go back down to Bartessia, and she'll get you all ready for the Queen Party tonight, okay? That's much more fun than wearing a stupid hat." "P...promise I can go?" "Of course!" Well, not to the main, alcohol fueled shindig, but definitely the side-party with all the COOL KIDS. Far more appropriate for a little tyke of her age.

"Alright..." Tess sniffled. She REALLY WANTED it, sis. Really! But maybe... maybe this would be okay.

"Is everything alright?"

Joanna the guard entered in. She'd filled out nicely, with boobs of steel and little more than a chain-studded jacket on, as was befitting the more nimble elite guards of the royal family. Something about today had... invigorated her, even despite the long hours. Her chest felt perkier than ever, and it was always a delight to see the little princess.

"Oh yes, Tess just managed to scamper in here." "Aww, were you trying to be the queen too?" "Ahuh." "Well, you'll have to grow up big and strong for that! Don't worry, I'll show you how." "Yay!"

And the three headed out together, leaving the tiara behind in a properly unstolen state. The grapple claws clattered apart into individual snickts, then vanished entirely, their purpose served for good.

The party was quite an event. All the best lizards showed up, and some of the worst, but they were mostly sidelined. The staff knew how to work a crowd and make sure that everyone played their part(or else). Food, drinks, merriment, all was present. The Slithy Toves were up on stage, playing a happy highland number with the little breakdancing. Lizards were very excellent breakdancers, thanks to the added tricks one could do with the tail. Various naga girls added bits of wiggle and jiggle to the corners of the room, and a little kobold in a vest wandered around with a tray of drinks on his head, asking if anyone needed refreshment. Bartessia was trying to score with one of the younger lizard lasses, while Nora was being dragged off against her will to show just how high her charisma score went.

A few dignitaries had arrived, mostly tourists, but they tried to be polite. Prince Charat the Abyssinian catfolk was here, easily recognizable by being one of the very few people in attendance who was actually dressed for the occasion. Lizards tended to dress by undressing, sticking with minor bits of adornment to show their mood, and so it was up to the feline to look all properly decked out.

"My, isn't this one a cutie." "Now now, I'm already taken back in Sarash. Got a lovely lady waiting for me, and goodness knows I'd get a walloping if I came back with someone extra in tow." "Aww... you're no fun." The lizard socialites preened and poked at his tum, marveling at the strange follicles all about him. Fur, was it? A thing most often seen on pets, not on people. Curious indeed.

"Don't worry, my sister Dasara came along. Practically begged me to, you can see her over there."

The lady catfolk had definitely dressed down for the occasion, wearing little more than a small skirt that hid Nothing at All. She was not properly drunk, but she would get there very quickly.

"Begged you to?" "Indeed. She's... how do you put it? Gay as a spring picnic. The idea of an event full of you lovely ladies sparked her imagination something ferocious." "Mmm... maybe she will be some fun then." "Don't treat her too roughly, I have to bring back the pieces tomorrow!" "I make no promises, prince."

And so the lizards set off in search of more feminine prey. Rowr.

Kaida could be found examining the sculptures-to-be out in the main hall. The sculptor was still hanging off of them, but as she was a gecko now, she needed no ridiculous harness to keep her up. The sculpture was... impressive, for certain definitions of impressive. Her boobs hung proudly over the hall, and there was a keen sense of being lorded over by the strange naked lizard lady. Tink. Tink. Gotta shape them juuuuust right.

"Miss sculptor!" "Ah, princess! What can I do for you!" "I, uh... got your letter!" "Excellent! What do you think?" "Could you, maybe... make the statues a bit less scandalous?"

The sculptor hung there, confused. "...why?" "Well, the statues are impressive, but there's a limit. We want them to be something for the little ones to look Up to, not be overshadowed by." "Aww, but she's so fun to look at! I was going to call her Titania!"

Kaida snerked a bit, but composed herself. "She can still be beautiful, just not..." "Leaning over?" "Yeah. Yeah, that would work." "Gotcha. I'll see what I can do!"

Back at the party, Red was mingling with the other lizards. Which one, which one... why settle for one? She had to put on appearances tonight at least, but after that... mmm. So many to choose from.

A short way away though, one of the guests was not so interested in the boobies on display. He stuck out like a sore lizard, mainly because he was dressed so... aggressively. As if demanding that he be covered in spite of the dress code. He glanced about furtively, made to stroke his... he didn't have hair anymore, but he WANTED to. This... none of this was right. He'd gone out to serve King Kaiden, slaying a mighty dragon for the kingdom. And now... Kaiden was Kaida! The people were... lizard ladies! And this false regent posing as a ruler... she had to be dealt with. Now, before any more damage could be done. Draw the knife, slip it slowly behind the fingers, and walk forward purposefully...!

He was stopped, GRABBED. Talons, CLAWS on his shoulder, he wheeled around to find... EYES. Yellow, glowing, terrifying eyes, on a void as black as night.

"Sir Draco, I presssume."

"R...Razor? What... what happened to..." "An interesting twissst of fate. You don't seem too... pleasssed." "This... this is all wrong! The usurper, we have to-!"

But then the eyes glowed, and Draco felt everything go slack. This... he couldn't look away. Why couldn't he look away, why couldn't he move why didn't... he want to?

"You sssee, the Queen has had a... change of heart. Far more egalitarian, far more of a benefactor. The change, as I see it, isss an improvement. Oddly decorated, but an improvement." "!" He... he had to... to...

"And you... are coming into a wonderful party, seeking Violence and Dissscord. Very... unacceptable." "You... please..." "Don't worry, my dear. You just need to... get with the program."

"Nnnngh..." He...

"You've prided yourself on your... spear. Your sssword. Sheath that sword, Draco."


"This queendom has need of... athletesss like yourself. But far less sssharp. They need to be Sssmooth. Ssslinky. Sssensual."

She... she felt smooth. Her sword, far below, far below the EYES... she felt it less... and less... and then it seemed to fall out entirely. There was a soft plop from below, but that wasn't important. Even the drip... drip...of her arousal on the floor seemed more important now.

"You have ssso much more to offer, don't you?" "Y...yes."

"Feel your chessst slowly slipping out. You can just let it aaaall gooo..." "I..." "No... You are not important anymore. Not like that." "Not... important..." "What isss important is what you can... offer the queendom." "A... a good show." "Yesss... now you understand." "They deserve... the best." "Peace." "Comfort." "Happinessss." "Joy." "And your sword?" "It... is sheathed." "Forever more?" "For... forever more."

Something about those words... pleased her. The eyes let go, and she flopped down onto the ground in a heap. Everything was above her... everything, and this pleased her. Her breasts hung pleasingly, supported by the ground, by each other. Her legs... no, her tail. She didn't need legs, she didn't have legs, and her tail... she Was a tail now. Long and slinky and sensual indeed.

"Rissse up, Draga."

She did. Slowly, spiraling about, breasts and arms and hands and tail and everything trailing behind. Momentum, rotation, all distilled into a proper flow. She was naked... but in this she was free. Free from armor, free from weapons, free from anything that could possibly weigh her down. Her scales shone a brilliant blue, reflecting the light and life from all around her. This was good, and right, and now... it was hers.

"Will you... apologissse?" "Yes. I... I was scared. Afraid. Of a world that didn't need me anymore." "But they will alwaysss need you." "Yes. They need me, and I need them." "What will you do now?" "...I want to dance." "That soundsss... wonderful. I'll leave it to you."

Razor walked away, waving at Red in a knowing fashion, as the new naked naga slithered over to her sisters. Surely there would be room for one more in the cabaret?

"My fellows. Lizards, ladies, people of all races and sexes."

Kaida stood atop the castle balcony, overlooking the town square. All had gathered to see the new queen being coronated. Where once had stood humans and their strange ways, now were lizards beyond count. Scales and tails filled the plaza, as the larger lizards lifted the smaller ones up so they could see just how wonderful this day could be.

"It was not so long ago that my parents, the former rulers of Lorvia, left us most suddenly."

A kobold in the crowd dabbed a tear from her eyes, remembering the old queens fondly. Had they always been two queens? She forgot. It seemed right, though.

"This year has been long, and not without growing pains. I may not be the same as they were, and even as we move towards the future we know that the future will involve great change. We change as best we can, from our limited view, even as we seek to understand each other that we might change for the better. Sometimes change might be bad, but we correct the wrongs we may commit, and enshrine the goods that we create, so that always time marches towards the better."

"I may not be perfect, but I know that with you, and with us, and with everyone here, we can work together to change our land into a brighter tomorrow. I ask your patience, and your support, that I may also give you my patience and support. May our days be long, our blessings shared, and our queendom great."

Red and Tess stepped forward, carrying the tiara. Tess was... a little small for it, but Red picked her up such that the crowd could see her, and she them. The little tyke handed over the tiara to Kaida, which she took as Red declared "Long may you wear it." "That I be found worthy."

"Thus begins Queen Kaida Almacia, in service to you all."

The crowd cheered, hooted and hollered. The naga wiggled, the toves jiggled, and many a tail was accidentally stepped on. It was a strange change indeed, but as Red slunk into the shadows, she nodded to herself happily. Kaida made a far better Queen than she did a King, most definitely.

Red would find other lands, perhaps to show them how it might be to take on a coat of scales for their own. It was best that the Queendom not remember her few days as Regent, for really... she was just the instigator. It was Queen Kaida's show now, for lizard or worse.

You Don't NEED Those

Attis sighed, relenting his luggage. The lodge was nice, and certainly far better than being out in the whipping winds and biting snow. Still, he'd never really been fond of the idea of these FULL SERVICE lodges where they took your coats and luggage...

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Fortress of MINDs

The smoke cleared, and the lights came up. It was a tad nippy, and the wind blustered in a way that wasn't entirely kosher with an indoor environment. Yet as those gathered opened their eyes and looked around in bewilderment, they saw grey stone and...

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Witchy Bitchy

It was a nice house, Gary thought, as he was lead upstairs. Group projects were officially THE WORST in his book, but at least this time the partner fulfilled all the proper requirements: Still in the class, actually available to work, and not a moron....

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