Path of the Python

Story by SnubbyNotSorry on SoFurry

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(Imported from my FA)

Final word count : 2605.

This is a gift for scalesandspirals, because their OC Tori is just way too cute. That mouse is deserving of squ- I mean snake hugs, and luckily Miraya is there to provide ! I had a lot of fun writing this, and am very happy with the result.

Spoiler : the sentence on the bra in particular has a wonderful flow to it, I think. I hope you enjoy reading this, and I am looking forward to more encounters !

-- Hmmm, is this the sidepath ? No, I don't recall the vines being so dense. Aw shucks...

The fact she had lost the sidepath was only the lesser of Tori's worries : much more concerning was that she was not sure how to get to the main road it led to, with the hot jungle sun suddenly very low in the sky.

All things considered, maybe the mouse's ballad in the rainforest had turned out to go a little too well, as opposed to her prior expectations. She had taken time on her holidays to stay in a city nearby, and thought of a day of sightseeing into the jungle as a perfect opportunity to reconcile with traditional art, a medium she was feeling guilty for neglecting. Of course, she would never had dared adventuring into the merciless depths of the wilderness, but touristic services offered an arranged path that weaved through safe parts of the dense woods. She left in the early afternoon, lightly clad in hazel shorts and a sleeveless black top, taking only some art supplies and a canteen of water with her ; she would not stay for much of the evening. Having been coaxed into feeling confident about this trip was in fact what had gotten the rodent in peril, starting when she allowed herself to explore beyond the recommended route, following an abandoned path of dirt to get a closer look at some gorgeous flowers. She broke the promise she made to herself of turning back just after once, then twice, again and again until the mental notes she made of her route became confused and started dissipating. There was no line on the ground to guide her anymore, just flourishing grasses and roots under sparse rays of sun, the celestial heat blocked off by the thick canopy. A lighting that had begun to dwindle, the mouse having overstayed her welcome...

The prospect of spending the night in uncharted and hostile territory was starting to take its toll on Tori's nerves. Walking faster, not even stopping when she put the flask to her lips, she hurried towards what she remembered being the way home. If they had not manifested themselves during the day, predators were sure to come out by night, and she was not going to stick around for th-

Her train of thoughts was abruptly interrupted when her leg got stuck on a root and her face was propelled towards the ground. Her arms sprung forth to stop the fall at the last moment, chest unfortunately participating in dampening the impact. The mouse tried to push herself back up, finding the last of her water spilled on the soil in front of her, and behind her, her leg still stuck on the root...

It was not a root. It was teal, scaly, and more importantly, alive. In a panic, Tori span around, sitting back on her rump to face the threat. She let out a squeak of terror when faced with an appendage menacingly reaching out to her...

-- Are you all right ?

This... was weirdly anticlimactic. Where the mouse expected a lot of hurting, or at least some being pulled from the ground, there was nothing but this concerned question. Her arms were shielding her face from this harm that never came, so she brought them down, finding the ominous appendage in the exact same place as she first saw it. Now taking the time to inspect it, she recognised a tail, looking much like the strange root she had tripped over. But these could only belong to a snake !

-- Can you hear me, little mous~se ?

Indeed, this hiss was very serpentine. But where did it come from ? The tail was there still, but the head nowhere in view. It seemed the snake was trying to help her up, though... Timidly, Tori held her hand out to the tail, which slid into her palm and around her wrist. She gasped at the grab, but the hold broke as soon as the mouse was put back on her feet. She watched the tail trail back towards the branches above, and once again gave a frightened squeak, this time at the sight of two slitted eyes watching her from above.

-- Oh no, I am terribly s~s~sorry to cause you this much scare, hissed the tongue under the eyes. And I am s~sorry to have tripped you, too ; with how long my body is, I tend to leave parts of it in unfortunate places~s... I hope you are not hurt ?

The tail descended again to curl its tip around the bridge of Tori's glasses, a slow approach that did not scare the mouse this time, only making her a little anxious and confused. The snake brought the glasses to itself, and blew a short stream of air on the lenses. It then returned the glasses to the rodent's nose, the glass now squeaky clean, just like that. This impressed Tori, who was very unsure how just breathing on a pair of glasses could perfectly clean the lenses ; although still intimidated, she was starting to think the snake really was friendly.

-- Oh, he-hey... Um, I'm fine, don't worry about it. I'll need to pay more attention next time, haha...

-- I am happy to hear that... Oh ! I am s~simply inexcusable : I never asked for you name. I am Miraya, humble inhabitant of these grounds, and you would be ?

-- Tori. Uh, really I am just passing by, I thought I would take a moment in my vacations to draw some ?

-- Ah, an artist, nodded Miraya. I am thankful for the work those like y-

Before she could finish her sentence, Miraya's eyes stopped on the canteen left in the soil.

-- Ah, pity ! lamented the snake. I even spilt the last of your water. Are you going to be all right on your own, little mouse ?

Being called "little mouse" made Tori shudder for a moment, although she was not so scared of the snake getting any predatory ideas. What was it, then ? Certainly not embarrassment, it couldn't be...

-- Oh yeah, that's no problem at all, replied the mouse. I was on my way home, and if I leave now I will be able to make it before it's too dark, and there's plenty of water there.

Tori tried to sound as confident as she could saying this, but she hardly sounded convincing to herself. When the snake Miraya tilted her head in visible perplexity, she felt like her knees would give in under the weight of stress.

-- Do you live in the city nearby ? inquired the snake.

-- Uh... Yeah, I mean, it's only a trip but I stay at a place there, yeah.

-- Then why are you headed towards the depths of the jungle ?

The mouse froze, trying to think of an answer, but it quickly became obvious to her that she had none.

-- Wa-wait, what d-do you mean...

-- The city is in the opposite direction from where you were headed. Oh, dear, do not tell me you are lost now...

The serpent shook her head, not in disdain but rather in compassion for Tori, seemingly affected by the rodent's troubles. The mouse had to admit it, she was in quite a bit of distress, and at a time like this, an ear to confess her worries to was a relief.

-- Oh, I just don't know anymore ! whined Tori. I was on the trail, and then I-I, I just took a turn and I thought I would get b-back, but the path was not really there and, and...

-- Shhhhh, shhhhhhh, hissed the serpent to comfort the rodent. Calm down little mouse, you do not have to worry. It is true that it is getting a little late to s~safely go back to the town, but I know somewhere else you may s~s~stay the night safely.

Miraya laid her tail around the tourist's shoulders, pressing the starry motif into her vision, showing she was there to help. Hearing this proposition spoken in such a soothing tone, Tori calmed down, and looked up at her, intrigued. After all, she was running out of options.

-- I-is that true ? But we are in the middle of the rainforest, where would a place like that be ?

-- Oh, hospitality can be found in all places, my dear, hmhmhm...

The reptile raised her tail and playfully left it circled over the mouse's eyes, who found this seemingly playful gesture to be somewhat concerning, gasping when the world around her went dark.

-- In fact, you have to look no farther than... right... here.

-- M-Miraya ? What are you...

But before she could conclude her question, the last words that composed it were sweeped away from Tori's mind. When she lifted the crown of scales blocking her vision, she found herself in front of the serpent's eyes, two glimmering orbs attracting her gaze. The snake's stare had such a peculiar feeling to it, Tori felt that she should take a better look. After all, a little curiosity could not hurt... Miraya could never hurt her.

The mouse leaned closer to the reptile's face, filling her eyes with the colourful phenomenon. Miraya's eyes had gone from an emerald green to a cycle of colourful outward circles : deep green, light green, silver ; deep green, light green, silver. Tori giggled to herself after observing this pattern, satisfied to have unveiled the consistency of it. It was nice, looking at the eyes, and being able to rely on the satisfactory repetitions... Suddenly, she noticed rustling in the bushes somewhere around her, indicating movement, most likely from the snake. How long had she been staring at the eyes ? She tried to find what was making the sound. That is when she realised, she could not, for her gaze was stuck on Miraya's. Even as the snake's head began swaying in front of her, the mouse's gaze remained tightly focused on it. The tail pulling away, her arms slowly fell to her sides as she let out a coy squeak of distress.

-- Aaaww, what is the matter, my little friend ? cooed the serpent. Oh, I think I know the iss~s~sue...

The loop of her tail descended over Tori's shoulders, and followed down her arms, until it reached her plushy tummy, adding a second coil around the rodent's wrists, blocking them there with a squeeze. Tori quietly whimpered again, not seeing any of it but feeling exactly what was happening. Beyond the feeling of her mind being so slow and tired, the part of her body surrounded by coils felt hindered, smothered, heavy against her fur. She shook lightly against it, and the tail unwound itself, a lingering discomfort remaining.

-- Of cours~s~se... You will never be able to enjoy my touch with these clothes in the way, hmm ?

Tori was not sure what she was thinking, with Miraya's head making her dizzy by swaying side to side. The mouse let out something somewhere between a sigh and a whimper. She tried to focus on the eyes, but really she could not focus on much, especially with the soft colours leaking out of the serpent's eyes and occupying the edges of her vision. The mouse tried to touch and feel her belt, but her arms were so, so heavy, like her hands had become weights. She felt somewhat relieved when the scales of Miraya's tail slid under the hem of her shirt and pulled the fabric upward to expose her cream fur under. She was starting to understand what the reptile meant by "enjoying her touch". She drew her waist in slow, lazy circles to rub against the scales caressing her somewhere so nice.

-- Well, Tori ? the snake snickered as she swiftly took off the mouse's top. You could feel more of this~s if you did better, and I am s~sure you have it in you. Come on now, that belt is resis~sting me...

The rodent did not give much thought that she found herself topless, with the exception of her bra, although the piece of lingerie gave glimpses of her soft breasts through tasteful gaps in its motif. What little Tori could feel of her cottony consciousness was busy either keeping her eyes from conceding to the tempation of sleep, or imagining what it would be like to feel the caress of the coil again, to feel it more, to feel it lower. Despite her mind being so sluggish, she must have decided it would be quite enjoyable, for her numbed fingers began fiddling with her belt until the shorts slid down her legs, heaped over het feet with only panties matching the bra covering her loins. Miraya's smile broadened significantly at her friend's achievement, and she sent her neck in a lasso under the rodent's belly, finding an easy grip on the squishy skin to lift her up and away from the pesky piece of clothing.

-- Theeere is a good girl, gleefully murmured the serpent. Res~st assured I do not let efforts go unrewarded~

A warm sensation filled Tori's chest when she heard that name. She felt very happy to receive the snake's approval, and she affectionately nuzzled into the cushiony coil that lodged itself between her shoulder and chin. After having spoiled her with the endless swirls of colours, Miraya's eyes closed and opened as their normal selves again, which the mouse took as an invitation to finally let her heavy eyelids shut over her eyes, her mind now perfectly soothed and her body ready to relax as well. With darkness fading to the tranquility of slumber, all she could sense was the serpent's comforting humming spiraling around her as Miraya brought her neck around and around, draping coils around her catch to keep her tight, keep her comfy, keep her close. As more of her fur was enveloped by scales, and her body was lifted above the jungle floor and the abandoned clothes, Tori's mouth took the shape of a content grin, of which escaped quiet snores.

Miraya's tail picked up the top and shorts left in the grass, folding them neatly and bringing them up in the branches, where the heap of coils holding a sleepy Tori was sat. She took the glasses off the mouse's face, taking the chance to give her a short caress, before placing them on the clothes and putting the bundle on a convergence of large branches, where it would not risk falling off ; in time, Miraya would release the mouse perfectly unharmed, as she did with all of her visitors. Parting the coils covering the rodent's belly and exposing the bountiful skin there, Miraya gave this soft part of Tori's body a little kiss, eliciting a shameless giggle from the fast asleep prey.

-- You were s~s~simply made to be squeezed, you know that ? hissed the serpent as she closed the coils once again.

Looking at this blissful mouse grinning so innocently, Miraya almost felt bad for having lied when she told the mouse she was heading the direction opposite to the city. Yes, "almost". But now the python had a snuggle toy to keep her company, keep her warm. She placed her head between the rodent's ears, giving a gentle burrowing motion against her fur to find the most comfortable position to rest. Finally, hugging Tori lovingly in her coils, Miraya began feeling tired herself, and in peace of mind, closed her eyes to welcome pleasant dreams.

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