Curiosity Enslaved the Wolf

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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Alex finds the adventurer like boring. The wolf is stuck doing menial task after menial task. Well, when in a delivery job Alex crosses a line he shouldn't cross, he might find his adventurer life taking a very different turn as a consequence to his actions.

This was a really fun to write commission for Alex Saren featuring his wolf and a lot of roughness! Big thanks to Alex Saren for commissioning me and having so many nice ideas for me to work with, too. >:)

Usual disclaimer: This story not only contains non-consensual elements but it also gets a bit rough, so check the tags before reading and read it at your own risk! Comments and thoughts, however, are always greatly appreciated.

As Alex made his way through the city, he grumbled under his breath in complaint. The castle's keep could be seen in the distance, growing closer and closer, but out in the streets, even if he was in the nicer, richer part of town, the smells and sounds of the capital still bothered him. The black and white wolf checked the piece of paper containing the name and address of the destination of the package he carried under his arm, but the lupine was having trouble finding it.

What an adventure.

When Alex set out of his home a year ago to chase after the adventurer's life, he thought it would be exciting. The wolf thought he'd fight bad guys, rescue people, make a name for himself! The adventurer's guild, however, insisted on sticking useless, menial tasks such as item deliveries upon the young wolf instead of giving him anything worth his time. Sure, it didn't help that Alex was only half-proficient with a shortsword when it came to fighting, but he had been training! He had gotten better. They just couldn't see it.

With his ears folded back in frustration, the average-sized and rather lean wolf made good use of his lithe form to make his way through the crowd of people of different sizes and species while clutching to his package. Alex was surprised to find himself trailing through the noble district soon enough. It was there that he found his mark.

'The Apex of Pleasure'. The large building was an inn of some sort. Or maybe a tavern? Alex only had to stare at it for two minutes before a large tiger left the place looking half-drunk and with his obviously noble clothing in complete disarray. Yep. It was a brothel alright. Some kind of high-grade brothel or something.

The wolf rolled his eyes and went in. When he did, the first thing that hit him was the scent. Alex's sensitive nose instinctively sniffed the air again and that alone made him wince. The smell of perfume was a nice change from the city's smells outside, but it was still a little too strong. It was indeed a tavern, at least on the bottom floor, because the large building had dozens and dozens of tables scattered around, all of them full of people talking, drinking and eating. Busy day, apparently.

"May I help you... sir?"

The wolf turned to look at the approaching bull. The bovine was taller than Alex too and considerably more muscular despite the fact that he was obviously a waiter of some sort. The bull looked at him with a raised eyebrow and Alex noticed how the bovine was focused on his not-so-clean set of simple clothing that didn't quite belong in a place like that. The wolf, however, couldn't help but blush. The bull was shirtless, wearing only a blue silken band around his neck and purple, expensive-looking pants. He also carried a tray with wine and glasses that he balanced on a single hand with impressive precision.

Alex cleared his throat. "Uhh, yeah. I'm from the city's adventurer's guild? I came with a package for one, uhh..." The wolf had to stop to look at his piece of paper again. "Lord Sy...riw... Allen?"

The bull rolled his eyes. "Lord Syriw Allen, yes. He owns this place and ten others just like it. I'm not sure if he's here today."

Someone raised a hand near them and just outright shouted for a waiter. It was so loud that it made Alex wince. The bull gave the patron a forced smile and signaled back, but from up close Alex could see the annoyed look underneath it.

"Look, 'adventurer'. Just go up that set of stairs in the back then down the hallway on the fourth floor. Last door on the left is lord Allen's office. Leave the package there and he'll find it."

Alex's ears twitched as he tried to retain the information. He gave the bull a confused look.

"But I was supposed to deliver to the contact direc-" the wolf started, but the bull downright ignored him and started weaving his way through the busy tables. The wolf sighed. He contemplated asking someone else, but the zebra guy tending to the bar looked just as busy as the myriad of other waiters and waitresses running around, so the wolf just shrugged and made his way past everyone towards the stairs.

Following the bull's instructions was easy. Alex still knocked on the last door to the left, but getting no response, the wolf opened it and let himself into the single fanciest looking office he had ever seen.

"Wow..." the wolf muttered to himself. He left the door half-open and stepped inside. 'Grand' didn't even begin to describe the place. The large wooden desk at the center alone was larger than his bunk bed back at the guild. In fact, he was sure he could fit his room three times in that office alone. A red, cushioned chair sat behind the office. Adorning the walls were a myriad of cabinets, all full of papers, scrolls, ornaments and all sorts of things. A large window with a balcony overlooking the city made for a striking view from behind the desk.

Sheepishly, Alex stepped further inside and set the package over the desk. The wolf sniffed around curiously. The place had a delicate, pleasing scent that was definitely artificial, but it was nice. Lord Allen was probably a canine or something else with a good nose. Alex took another look around and then he spotted something that made his eyes shine.

Inside one of the glass cabinets off to the side was a single vial. The cabinet itself was large, but the vial was the only thing sitting inside, which made it look all the more special. It was made of glass, too, and contained a pink liquid of the likes Alex had never seen before. Upon sniffing again, the wolf could swear that the pleasant scent enveloping the room was coming from it alone. Alex got closer.

The wolf sniffed again. It was soft and tickled his nose in a way he hadn't felt in such a long time. Alex spent a few moments there in front of the cabinet simply sniffing and taking in the scent. It was so good.

"It must be magical or something," the wolf thought to himself.

Finally, he decided he wanted more. The wolf's ears shot up listening for any sounds and he looked back at the door, but there was nothing but the dull sound of chatter coming from way below.

"What's the harm of sniffing it from up close? When am I gonna get a chance to see something like this again?"

Reaching up, the wolf turned the delicate lock that kept the cabinet close and, as soon as he did, the bright lights of a glyph shattering surrounded his fingers. Some kind of magic seal? Before the wolf could ponder further over the meaning of that, the cabinet's glass door slid open and the potion's smell hit him in full force.

The wolf felt an unwilling smile creep up upon his muzzle. His tail started wagging back and forth from the sheer pleasure he felt from the smell. Throwing the cabinet's door open, the smell grew more and more intense. It was as if the wolf had his nose pressed against the most beautiful of all flowers.

Without even thinking, Alex reached up to take the vial. He brought it up to his nose and sniffed again. So delicate, so perfect in every way... The wolf trailed his fingers through the glass, saw the liquid inside shifting. The source of that smell...

Alex licked his lips. He realized that he simply had to find out what something that smelled so incredibly wonderful tasted like. The wolf still had the awareness to look back at the door before he opened the delicate cap of the glass vial and pressed his nose against it. Alex let out a moan out loud from the sheer pleasure of sniffing it.

Just a little taste. He was going to get just a tiny little taste and put it back. Who would notice a few drops of liquid missing? The wolf brought the vial up to his muzzle and turned it over.

What he felt was a bliss he would never be able to describe to anyone. The moment that heavenly liquid touched the wolf's tongue Alex moaned again. He had been careful to let only a little bit fill his muzzle, but without even thinking, he brought the glass up to get more. More of that taste invaded his muzzle, swirled around his tongue, filling his maw with pleasure in its liquid form.

As it went down his throat, Alex felt his whole body tremble and heat up. Every single strand of his fur felt like it was tingling. The wolf swallowed it down, drowning in how amazing the thing felt, and the seconds of pure bliss became lost to him as he dwelled further and further in it.

That is until he felt no more liquid coming to bless his tongue with its touch. The wolf opened his eyes not having even realized he had closed them and saw that the vial he held against his muzzle was completely empty. The feeling of urgency that overtook the wolf at first wasn't that he had drunk the whole thing. It was because there was no more of that amazing liquid for him to taste. No more pleasure to feel!

But his body still felt it. He still felt hot and tingly. Alex put the empty vial down on the desk and brought his paw up to touch his stomach under his shirt. The touch of his own hand on his fur and skin felt like the caress of silk. It was as if he could feel his touch, but ten times better and a hundred times more pleasantly. Without him thinking, his own hand went down... and he realized that his pants felt tight. Very tight. Alex's hand trailed down over the bulge his own member made on his simple trousers and he moaned out loud again. He was rock hard, his canine dick completely out of his sheath with the knot and everything, but he hadn't noticed. The pleasure was all over. Touching his member, even through his pants, made his legs tremble in such a way that Alex had to hold onto the desk to avoid falling down. The wolf smiled and moaned again. His hand couldn't stop. He rubbed himself through his pants and felt the warmth of his own precum staining his own loincloth. But there was so much pleasure...

Alex closed his eyes and lost himself in it. His paw reached into his pants and the touch of his fingers across his member was almost too much to bear. It was so sensitive! Though it had been mere seconds, the wolf felt close to cumming already and he craved how something as beautiful as an orgasm would feel in that heavenly state he was in. He started stroking himself, pants or not. He would feel it! Alex smiled. He felt closer and closer...

"What- WHAT is the meaning of this?!"

The sound startled the wolf. Even in his state, Alex quickly pulled his hand out of his pants, much to his throbbing cock's disappointment, and turned around. It took him a few seconds staring at the well-dressed white wolf standing at the door for his hazy mind to work out what was happening.

"Who are you? What are you doing in here?!" the white wolf asked. He was taller than Alex and, though he wasn't exactly muscular, the wolf's white fur had a glow to it that screamed nobility. The way he dressed, with a fine brown vest and a belt with a golden buckle surrounding his waist, made his high status clear if everything else didn't.

"I'm- uh. I was just..." Alex started, but he stammered. What would he say? What could he say? With his mind racing, he was just becoming aware of what he had done. Alex looked at the empty vial sitting over the desk and the white wolf seemed to follow his eyes, for he spotted that too. Alex looked at the other canine again in time to see the sheer shock appearing over his face, which quickly turned into what could only be described as a deep, deep expression of fury. Their eyes met, then the white wolf showed his fangs and growled. Alex's ears shot back in instinctual fear and submission.

"GUARDS!" the wolf shouted as he stepped into the room. Alex took a few steps back, but other than the high balcony he had nowhere to run.

"GUARDS!" the wolf shouted again, louder. Then he looked at Alex. "Did you drink it?"

Alex's ears pinned themselves down against his head. "W-what?"

"Did. You. Drink it?" the wolf repeated, seething every word through his growling teeth.

"I- I didn't mean to! I swear, I didn't mean t-"

The wolf, however, cut him off with a loud slam of his fist against his desk. It shook the whole thing and caused the delicate vial to fall down on the ground and shatter. The white wolf didn't seem to care about it, though.

"Of COURSE you didn't mean to! You... you simpleton! You FOOL! You have NO idea of WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" The wolf was pretty much shouting at that point. Alex continued to retreat until his back hit a wall behind him.

At that moment, two guards arrived at the door. Both were horses wearing armor and swords at their belts, but they didn't wear the city guard's colors. The wolf simply pointed at Alex.

"Take him. He's going to pay every coin for the damage he's caused."

The guards looked at each other, then at him. They seemed to know better than to question the wolf because they both advanced upon Alex right away.

"Wait! W-wait! I can explain!" Alex tried to say, but the horses didn't seem willing to listen. The wolf hadn't even brought his weapon to such a simple task! Having nowhere to run, Alex still tried to wrench away and dodge the first horse's hand. If he could slip past them, then perhaps he could...

The second horse grabbed his arm. His fur and skin still felt as sensitive as when he had touched himself before, so the way that strong hand held him down surprised Alex so much that he faltered. Another set of hands grabbed his shoulder. He used his elbow to hit the guard's stomach, but the impact sent such ripples of sheer feeling through the wolf's body that he felt weak. What was happening to him? Before Alex could find an answer for that he turned his head to see the other horse's frown for a split second just before the hilt of his sword came to strike the wolf straight on his forehead. The world spun for a brief moment, then everything went dark as consciousness left him.


Alex was drowning. The wolf's eyes flew open and he gasped. There was water in his muzzle, up his nose! It was wet and cold. So cold!

"Hit him again."

"My pleasure."

The wolf's eyes were only just starting to focus when a new splash of cold water came straight to his face. The wolf turned his muzzle away and coughed some more with water dripping from his fur. He tried to move, but when he did he felt disoriented as if he was falling and gasped again. As his vision returned, the wolf took in his surroundings.

It was dark. The only light around the room came from torches on two opposite walls. There were a great many strange things around the room, but what caught Alex's attention was the two big males standing there and looking at him.

The first one was a dragon. Alex hadn't seen too many dragons around, but he understood what they meant when they said 'you will never mistake a true dragon for a lizard'. With dark red scales covering his body and some of his sharp teeth showing as he smirked, the dragon made for quite a sight. He was tall, as Alex had heard the species was, but also lean. That could be seen even through the fine set of robes he wore draped over his shoulders and going all the way down his legs. They were of a lighter tone of red that complemented his scales well enough.

The other occupant, however, had a completely different feel. The horse was even taller than the dragon, but unlike his companion, he was a wall of muscles. His arms were as thick as his chest was with a defined abdomen that shone through the equine's naturally short fur. All of that was bare, for the horse wore nothing other than a simple set of brown pants that didn't even look like they were in the best of conditions. The horse was also holding a glass and a jug of water. Even in Alex's confused state, he managed to puzzle out where the water that hit him in the face had come from.

"W-what's going on?" the wolf said, stammering through his coughing. He tried to move again and the sense of falling returned. It was only then that Alex noticed he wasn't standing. Or sitting. If anything, he was lying, but up in the air. The wolf looked back and up to see a myriad of straps and rope circling his body and keeping him suspended up in the air in the middle of the room with his belly down towards the ground. The wolf's ears shot down and he tried to move once more, but all he managed to do was swing back and forth a little bit in the air, which gave him the impression he was going to fall down face-first.

Alex quickly realized that his hands, heck, even his arms, had been tied together against his back. He could barely move them at all. Underneath him, his legs were also tied, but those were kept spread with several leather belts going over his thighs, knees, and even ankles in order to help keep him suspended up above. The wolf's third realization made his face grow red. He had also been stripped naked.

"He wants to know what's goin' on," the horse said. His voice was brimming with mockery. The dragon snorted and shook his head by the horse's side. The horse, however, approached the wolf by the side. "You don't even know what's happenin' and you're already hard as a rock? Or is this some kind of mornin' wood? I think you were born to be a slut, wolf."

Alex looked at the horse with a puzzled look at first, but when the equine nonchalantly reached down and squeezed Alex's hard cock jutting from between his legs, the wolf's eyes went wide and he whined.

He was hard. He hadn't felt it, but now that the horse touched him, he realized he was feeling incredibly horny. Why was he feeling horny? He should be panicking! Alex was panicking deep inside, but the droplet of precum that fell from the tip of his dick didn't go unnoticed either. The horse squeezed his cock playfully again and Alex gasped. He felt as if the touch burned against his skin. The simple squeeze against his member felt... enhanced. Better. It was as if he could feel every inch, every muscle of the horse's powerful hand against his hypersensitive cock. Alex almost moaned.

But the overwhelming sensation felt familiar. The memories started flooding back to the wolf's head. The potion, the wolf, the guards...

The dragon approached him next. Alex tried to recoil from the intimidating stranger, but the dragon simply put a paw over the wet fur of his neck and caressed it. That touch too felt enhanced. Alex felt himself relaxing without meaning to as the dragon's claws scratched his neck through his fur. The sheer pleasure he felt...

"You've taken something from Lord Allen," the dragon said with a soft voice. "Something very important for him and, most of all, something very expensive. You drank it all, didn't you?" The dragon's claws against his skin started pressing a little harder. It was a slight shift in pressure, but it was enough for Alex to grunt. He could feel the sharp tips against his skin in ways he never thought he would.

The dragon chuckled. "It was a very special potion. It was meant to be consumed by someone else, hence why it was cursed to be irresistible, but you, little wolf... you just had to find your way there and screw everything up, didn't you? You were... an adventurer, they said?"

Alex glanced towards the dragon.

"...Were? I'm from the adventurer's guild! I'm an intermediate member, working my way to advanced, and- and I demand to know what's going on here. Why am I bound? I can't ev-OOW!"

The dragon interrupted the wolf by plucking a strand of fur from his neck off. The dragon held the single line of black long, thick fur and played with it between his clawed fingers. It had hurt! Alex still felt the lingering ache of it in his hypersensitive skin.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," the dragon said with a smirk. It looked... malicious. "You don't know what that potion did, do you?"

Alex's ears folded back further. The wolf decided to pull against the bindings keeping his arms behind his back, liking this strange situation less and less.

"No..." he muttered. "Look, I didn't mean to drink it! It was an accident! You said it was... cursed? Then it wasn't my fault that I did! You have to let m-!"

This time, what interrupted him wasn't something as simple as a plucked strand of fur. Alex's words ceased coming from his throat as he let out all of his air in a sudden gasp when he felt his furry balls getting grabbed fair below. Pain shot through his body as they were squeezed. Hard. The wolf tried to open his muzzle to beg for it to stop, but all that came from his throat was a half-cut whine as his eyes watered from sheer pain. He had felt his balls kicked before, but this? His nuts felt so sensitive that he could feel how one of the fingers that grabbed it squeezed harder than the others, putting pressure in their midsts and spouting more pain for the poor bound wolf.

"HNNGH! Pl-..." Alex gasped, doing his best to glance back. It was the horse. He had the wolf's nuts in a vice grip between his hand... and he laughed.

"Look at that! Stopped his bitchin' right away. I keep telling you that you're far too soft on them, Versh." The horse's eyes fell upon Alex's watery, desperate ones with a look of amusement. He snickered, then Alex felt and whined again when the horse gave his nuts an even tighter squeeze for a moment just to be playful but didn't relent.

The dragon, however, rolled his eyes and frowned. "My name is Vershak. I told you not to call me that, Hardrin." The dragon looked at Alex as well. The wolf tried to mumble a plead again, but words kept failing him. "You're going to make him pass out again, then we'll lose more time."

The horse seemed to consider that. He looked at the wolf still squeezing his nuts, then at the dragon, then at the wolf again... and finally, let go. Alex gasped with relief but felt little tears finally running down his eyes as the lingering, aching pain continued to radiate from his balls. To top it off, the horse still gave the back of the wolf's sack a very unexpected little slap that made him let out a brand new loud whimper.

"This one will be a piece of cake. I don't know why the fuck lord Allen wants both of us workin' on 'im." The horse, whose name was apparently Hardrin, came closer to stand with the dragon. Alex, still struggling to recover from the pain, felt a wave of relief to know the horse was farther away from his vulnerable balls.

"Because of what he did. I was getting to that," Vershak, the dragon, said with obvious annoyance. "The potion he drank, I've heard of it. It enhances the senses. Makes them more... vulnerable. It's meant to enhance pleasure, but unfortunately for this pup, pain can also come from the same source. That's why it's so easy. I can only imagine how hard he felt your little joke with his balls just now."

Alex wanted to speak up, but he still couldn't. The wolf was panting and had to close his eyes shut for a moment. It was getting better, but his balls still hurt so much...

"From what I've seen, though, the mix he drank also had something else. Something to induce some level of arousal. A mix of potent aphrodisiacs magically enhanced, perhaps. It's intriguing, really. No wonder it cost lord Allen so much to have it made. Observe."

As the dragon spoke it was his turn to approach Alex. When he saw with the corner of his eye the dragon reaching up for him the wolf grew fearful that more punishment to his balls was coming, but instead what he felt was a new grip on his cock. The pain had made it flag a little, but the dragon's fingers caressed his length with such a delicate touch that Alex soon had new waves of pleasure coming to soothe the lingering pain he felt. His member was rock hard again in a matter of seconds.

The dragon's fingers were surprisingly skilled. He teased the tapered tip of the wolf's canine member, then those fingers glided up through Alex's incredibly sensitive flesh to the thicker part in the middle until they reached the wolf's knot. The dragon obviously had some knowledge of canine anatomy because the way he rubbed and squeezed the wolf's knot had Alex shivering in a matter of minutes. The aching pain in his balls was diminished by the overwhelming pleasure he felt. Never before had a single set of fingers stroking and teasing his cock felt so good.

Alex wondered about what the dragon had just said. Was that the effect of the potion he drank? Every touch on his fur and skin had felt enhanced ten times over, but his cock and knot that were naturally more sensitive? It was just as when the wolf had stroked himself off in the wolf's office. Even in his compromising, strange and vulnerable situation, Alex couldn't help but smile and moan.

"Oh, gods... please, I-" the wolf muttered when he was able to speak again. Without meaning to, Alex found himself humping against the dragon's hand. He looked at both of them. The dragon seemed focused on his cock, stroking and jerking him off to provide levels of pleasure Alex had seldom ever felt. The horse, on the other hand, had his arms crossed over his chest behind him just watching with a look of impatience.

Not even five minutes of the blissful stroking had passed and Alex's cock started pulsing. He was going to-!

And then the dragon took his hand away. All of the overwhelmingly pleasurable stimulation stopped and the wolf's cock was left to throb alone in the air, still pulsing with his knot fully inflated mere seconds away from cumming. Alex looked at the dragon with a desperate expression and lowered ears, but the dragon, Vershak, just smirked.

"See? Even bound in a dungeon facing the inevitable prospect of a lifetime of slavery he still reaches his peak in a few short minutes. I suspect the potion increases his productivity. I've heard that such concoctions allow one to orgasm five times in a row and still feel immense pleasure in each of them."

The dragon still spoke to the horse as if he wasn't even there. Alex was still panting, his cock still desperately longed for just a little more touch, but the dragon's words worried him more.

"Wait, a lifetime of slavery?" the wolf asked with worry.

Both of them looked at him. The horse snickered in the back, but it was the dragon who spoke up again.

"How else did you think you were going to pay back lord Allen for the potion you decided to drink?" Vershak asked.

Alex shook his head. He started pulling on the ropes keeping him bound again. "W-what? But I can't- I'm an adventurer! You can't do this! I'm not a slave!"

Both of them chuckled while the wolf desperately struggled to get out. There was no way in hell he was going to get himself free from those thick pieces of rope and leather, he quickly saw. At least not with brute force.

Unexpectedly, the dragon's fingers returned to his cock. That alone sapped Alex of all his strength. Whatever was in that potion made the simple slow stroking the dragon started giving his helpless, rock hard length be enough to weaken his whole body. It took but a few strokes and a little bit of knot squeezing for the wolf to be moaning and at the very edge of orgasm again. Just as before, however, the dragon stopped as soon as he felt his balls pulling up for a powerful climax to hit him.

"Please...!" Alex begged. Not even he was sure if he was begging for them to let him go or just to stroke his cock just a little further. When he looked at the dragon, however, the other male just shook his head.

"No no. You were right in what you said. You're not a slave." The dragon looked at the horse, then nodded towards a table farther in the back. Hardrin followed the dragon's eyes, then grinned and moved to pick up whatever it was the dragon had pointed towards.

"You're not a slave... yet."

The horse returned with something small and made of metal, which he handed to the dragon. Alex tried to see what it was but bound and suspended he had to turn his neck just to look at them by his side, so he didn't have a good vantage point to be able to identify the small thing.

"You see, it's really a pity you chose to drink that potion. I've heard that the effects can be quite... permanent. Or close to that, at least. It works wonders to enhance one's sexual life, I'm sure." Verhak's tone was casual. Amused, really.

Alex's ears folded back. Permanent?

"Oh, I've heard that the orgasms you can get while under its effects are a thousand times what a regular one is. That one can't even imagine what it feels like. Are you starting to see why that potion might be so expensive, pup?"

Alex frowned with worry. The dragon was doing something with the metal thing inside his hands. Alex could see a kind of... glow? Magic?

"Please! I really didn't mean to drink it! You said it yourself that it was cursed! I couldn't help myself! When you think about it was really this lord Allen's fault for just leaving the potion there where I could drink it!"

Alex's plea brought a bellow of laughter from the horse.

"HAH! Please, pup, please use that argument with lord Allen when he comes here to see you. Please do. I want to see how he reacts and what he does to you when he hears it!" Hardrin continued to laugh out loud. Alex lowered his ears while the dragon, on the other hand, just gave the horse a frown of annoyance.

"Lord Allen would probably just scold us for failing to train him properly," Vershak said. He cleared his throat and redirected his attention back to the wolf. "Anyway, as I was saying, it is really a pity."

Alex blinked. He looked at the dragon with his ears still low, but confused. The potion didn't sound all that bad. "Incredible orgasms are a... pity?"

The dragon's smirk returned. "Yes, it is. Because slaves don't get to cum."

Before Alex could say anything in response, the wolf suddenly felt the dragon grab his cock. It wasn't to stroke it this time, though. This time, the dragon just held the canine's hard length so that he could press something icy right against the middle of Alex's cock.

"AAAAHHH!" The wolf's yelling brought more laughter from the horse watching from the back. The dragon, however, was merciless. He rolled whatever ice cold thing he had over Alex's hot length. The wolf had never felt ice pressed against his erection before, but with the potion enhancing his senses? The sensitivity of his cock? The ice felt like he had just stuck his whole cock into a hole in the snow. Into a frozen lake. Into a freaking blizzard.

"STOP! PLEASE! AAH! STOP!" the wolf yelled struggling against his bonds. As always, it was hopeless. He struggled and struggled but wasn't able to even bother the dragon as he handled his cock beneath him. Vershak rubbed the ice against his erection mercilessly. Against his length, against his knot, even hard-pressing it against his balls so he'd feel the touch of ice there as well. Soon enough there was no arousal or heat that could persist through that. Alex's erection shriveled and faded away, escaping to the confines of his furry sheath but still feeling deeply uncomfortable and ice cold. Even when his member was back to his sheath the dragon still pressed the ice against it, against its entrance and his balls.

What followed was even worse. The wolf continued to struggle out of sheer reflex as he felt the icy thing enveloping his sheath. He looked down as best as he could and, craning his neck, he could see his sheath enveloped by a piece of metal. Judging by what he felt, it was the metal itself that was cold as ice. Had the dragon made it cold somehow? Attached to it was a ring of metal which was just as freezing as the cage itself. The dragon pulled the wolf's balls through the ring, which was an effort in itself, but when his furry nuts finally went through the icy metal ring sat around the base of his balls, pulling them taut to the front and leaving them looking even more vulnerable while the metal case around his sheath, also cold as ice against his fur, sat tight and snug well-secured over it. Alex could only see a tiny hole at the very tip of the metal cage. The wolf had heard of such devices before, but he had never seen one from up close. What kind of perverted blacksmith would create something like that?!

"What is that?! Take it out! Please, it's cold!" The wolf tried to shake his hips as best as he could in his bondage. Anything to dislodge the thing from his sheath, but it didn't even budge.

Instead of taking the thing off, the dragon did the opposite. Alex saw him bringing a tiny but crude metal padlock close and whimpered.

"No!" the wolf pleaded, but it was for naught. The dragon inserted the padlock through a little ring right beneath the cage and closed it with a click, locking the chastity cage over the wolf's sheath.

In constant contact with his fur, the metal from the cage was slowly warming back up. It went up to the point where it was just an uncomfortable cold rather than an icy sensation, but it kept Alex's member at bay and uncomfortable within its sheath. The wolf could still feel the constant heat the potion had brought up in his loins, though.

"There we go. The matter of his attire is now done," Vershak said, cleaning his hand on his long robes.

"Attire?" Alex asked. "As in, clothes? I'm not even wearing anything! Please, you have to take this... this cage thing off! This is all a big misunderstanding! I'm sure that the adventurer's guild will b-"

This time it was Hardrin who stepped forward to cut Alex off by giving his balls a hard slap. With them pulled forward as they were it was even easier for the horse to flatten them with his hand and, therefore, make the wolf let out a silent scream as pain coursed through his oversensitive nuts once again.

"You're pretty fuckin' slow, aren't you? You still don't understand that this pathetic beggin' ain't gonna free you? You're our responsibility now and, as your trainers, we'll shape you into the perfect little slave." The horse's tone was harsh. Alex was, again, busy choking and holding back tears from the slap on his balls.

"He's right. For once," Vershak agreed. "You'll earn lord Allen his money back by entertaining his clients every morning, afternoon and evening. But don't worry. By then, we will have taught you how to enjoy being the slave you were born to be."

The horse stepped forward between Alex's spread legs. "Bah! You're too slow, Versh. I would have him reciting the slavery code ten times over already. Can we just get on with breakin' him in?"

The dragon sighed. "I swear I don't know what lord Allen was thinking when he assigned me to work with you..." Vershak rubbed his temple. "Fine, fine. You can break him in. I'll take the other end, though."

The dragon circled him. The horse put his hands on the wolf's vulnerable inner thighs with his legs spread like that. Alex grew more and more worried.

"W-wait! Please! Breaking? Trainers? Enslaving? You can't be serious! I didn't mean to drink the potion but when I got here some bull directed me to the of-ghk!"

As always, the trainers showed no interest in hearing what Alex had to say. This time the dragon cut him off by shoving something into his muzzle as he talked. Alex shook his head, but the dragon was already casually bringing straps over Alex's muzzle to tie it off behind his head. The wolf tried to bite down but found that the metal ring that had been shoved past his canines was as unyielding as the metal cage between his legs.

"Hnnghk!" the wolf tried to say in complaint. He felt Vershak tightening the strap hard behind his head and just like that, it wouldn't come off anymore either.

"We'll have to do something about all the whining," the dragon just mentioned. He started undoing his robes right in front of the bound, suspended and by all means terrified wolf. "I'm thinking perhaps an enchanted collar. I can magically link it with his chastity cage to have his cock and balls itch as if a thousand fleas were assaulting them every time he utters a word."

Behind him, the horse was still between his legs with a hand on his thighs. He laughed.

"Hah! Bullshit! Give me an hour with him, his balls and the vice. By the time I'm done his voice will be gone for a week after all the screamin'!" Hadrin gave the wolf's balls a flick with his fingers when he said that. That alone was enough for Alex to let out a whine through his muzzle given how sensitive his whole body still felt.

"Tsc. How crude..." the dragon muttered in front of him in a low voice. Much to Alex's dismay, the dragon let his long robe fall down to the floor to reveal that he was entirely naked beneath them. The trainer's body was even more impressive when laid bare. The dragon's red scales glistened with a clean look. Despite his already extremely harrowing situation, Alex still blushed at the sight. The wolf's eyes couldn't help but trail down to between the dragon's legs where he saw a set of impressive leathery balls hanging beneath an equally hefty sheath. It wasn't furred like his own and, judging by the tip already appearing, the dragon's tapered member was ebony black. Without an ounce of shame, Vershak pulled his sheath back right in front of Alex's face and started stroking the strange-looking member.

The wolf had never seen a dragon from up close like that. Heck, he had hardly ever seen any naked males from up close save from the communal shower of the adventurer's guild. It was something that Alex always avoided looking at too much, for it awakened feelings inside the wolf that he wasn't supposed to have. Love was to be between men and women and anything between two men was, at the very least, frowned upon. Yet, the heat the wolf always felt when he saw such things couldn't be denied. With the potion's effect still coursing through him, or at least that's what Alex told himself right there and then, it was even harder to ignore. Even in great peril as he was, the wolf felt his previous arousal returning in full force now that the cage had heated up for the most part.

That arousal was, of course, completely and utterly denied. Alex huffed and groaned with discomfort as his cock tried to grow again, but even as his sheath grew swollen, the metal would not let anything more than a tiny hint of his red member's tip appear from it. The result was a constant feeling of discomfort for the lupine.

"This is my favorite part," the horse said from behind. It was only then that Alex noticed that the horse's hand was still on his inner thigh, but there was something else, big and hard, grinding against the back of his balls. The wolf's eyes widened with realization. His tail darted down as his only mean of protection, but the horse promptly grabbed it and yanked it up so hard that the wolf teared up when it was pulled. The hard... thing started grinding against his rear.

"Now the question is... lube it up or go natural?" The chuckle the horse let out indicated that the question was mostly rhetorical.

"You're using lube. I'm gonna take that side later and I want it to be comfortable too." Vershak said. Alex wasn't sure if he should thank the dragon or not.

"Psh! Fine."

All Alex could hear was the horse making a loud sound as he pulled it up, then spat down so hard on what must've been his cock that it splattered some droplets around Alex's rear.

"There you go. All lubed up and ready to go. Hah!"

The dragon in front of him let out a groan of disgust but didn't say anything against it. Alex's ears shot down in worry looking at Vershak. Why wasn't he saying anything against that?

"Hnnghf!" Alex pleaded, especially when he felt something pressing right against his entrance. The wolf had never had more than a single curious little digit in there! Yet, what he felt pressing against his entrance was an impossibly thick tip. He had seen naked horses before. He knew how their... things worked.

Then the pressure came. Alex started struggling. He looked up at the dragon, but all Vershak was doing was staring at him and stroking himself. The dragon's member was actually hardening while watching him grow more and more desperate. The horse behind him grabbed both of the suspended wolf's hips to hold him steady, then the pressure increased. Alex yelped again, and then...


The wide tip of the horse's flared cock beat his resistance, popping inside. For Alex, it felt incredibly invasive to have something up there, but the sheer thickness of it made it hard to handle. His muscles clenched against it in a natural reflex to repel the invader, but instead of doing that, the horse just shoved himself in with strength to add another inch to the wolf's worries.

"Damn! This one's tight as fuck!" the horse said with a grunt. Alex tried to struggle more, but the ropework was solid. He could barely even move at all, especially with the horse holding on to him.

"Maybe you won't fit," Vershak suggested. It made Alex pay attention to the dragon and noticed that the dragon's cock was just as scary as the horse's. It was large, much larger than his own when he was hard. The member was indeed black as coal, but on the upper side of the length, several small ridges made the thing look like a freaking weapon.

"HAH! Trust me, I always make it fit," the horse said from behind.

It was as if Hardrin had taken it as a challenge. When the horse pressed himself forward again it was with such brutality that several more inches of horse cock sank into the smaller wolf. Alex howled through his gag as his insides were spread open to give way to the horse's cock, but that wasn't even all of it.

To Alex, it was as if his body was on fire. He had dabbled with light fingering before when he jerked off dreaming about men he shouldn't be dreaming about. Yet, none of that had ever felt even remotely close to what he was feeling then. It wasn't just the horse's gigantic member. The wolf was sure that the potion's hypersensitivity did more than just enhance what he felt on his cock. When the horse thrust forward again, Alex felt his ass hurt with how hard it was speared, but he also felt such an incredibly intense jolt of pleasure coming from it pretty much drowned all the pain. It made the wolf feel as if he was about to cum right there and then from that single harsh thrust alone, but his cock wasn't free to do so. No, instead he felt his member fighting incredibly hard to grow aroused against the cruel chastity cage keeping it from doing so, but that was a battle his arousal could not win. Frustrating didn't even begin to cover the cruelty of denying his member the incredible amount of pleasure the potion was trying to provide him.

The wolf tried to signal them that. He needed the chastity cage off! Alex wiggled and struggled in his bounds while trying his best to speak, but only managing some moans and groans while drool fell down the sides of his muzzle. The dragon finally stepped forward, then brought a hand up to caress his muzzle in what was almost a loving way.

"Look at you. Already drooling with hunger. Don't worry, I have a treat for you, too." Vershak smirked down at him. Alex looked up at the dragon with pleading eyes, but then he saw how he held his cock up. The dragon's hold went down to his chin to hold the wolf's muzzle steady. When Alex saw Vershak bringing his cock up to his muzzle, the wolf did try to turn away, but the dragon's hold suddenly tightened and didn't allow him. There was nothing he could do to keep that black member with precum glistening from its tip to come into his muzzle. The dragon let the tip rest right against the wolf's muzzle, wiping the precum off his tip with it, then slowly sank himself further in with a hum of pleasure.

Vershak was the exact opposite of Hardrin. The dragon seemed to be taking his time to savor the experience as he slowly pushed his cock past Alex's forcibly open muzzle, grinding the length against the wolf's helpless tongue in soft, sweet movements and just reveling in his own pleasure with his eyes closed.

The horse, however, grunted with effort and thrust forward one more time. It made Alex let out another mix of a howl. He felt the horse's flare pressed against his entrance, but the part of the horse's cock that was already inside him felt huge already. The violent thrust was an immense surge of both pain and overwhelming pleasure.

Alex's cock pulsed hard within its cage. The wolf could feel it wet with his own precum with his cock pressing hard against the steel, desperately trying to grow. The pleasure the wolf knew he'd be feeling on his hard length, on his free knot, was dampened a thousand times by the cage, reduced to a faint feeling of sheer frustration and helplessness as his loins burned with deep, deep arousal coming from the hypersensitivity of all the buttons the horse was smashing against inside his rear.

The horse behind him gripped his hips with strength and pushed forward again, pressing what Alex knew was the thicker midsection of the horse's cock against his entrance. With a bit of relief from Alex, it didn't go past his resistance right away, but it still made the wolf yelp from the high intensity of what he felt.

"Tsc..." the dragon said from above. Alex glanced up to see Vershak looking at the horse with annoyance, then down at him. "I can't enjoy this properly if you're whining all the time," the dragon said in reprimand.

Just in cue, the horse pulled his cock back almost all the way, then threw himself against the wolf's ass in a new attempt to get the rest of his cock in. Alex had no choice. His long groan of pain and pleasure was purely reflexive. Yet, the dragon's grip on his muzzle tightened anyway.

"Such incompetence. You have a lot to learn."

The wolf wanted to argue against how unfair that statement was. If only the dragon knew what he was going through! The wolf's cock almost hurt from how much it was trying to grow. When the horse's cock shoved itself into him again, Alex felt unsatisfyingly close to cumming again.

The annoyed dragon, however, changed his ways. The wolf was surprised when the tip of that large cock just resting against his tongue was suddenly shoved down his muzzle until the ridged tip touched the back of his throat. Alex gagged at first, but Vershak's grip changed from his chin to instead grab at the fur on top of the wolf's head to hold his face steady. Alex's eyes watered all over again, this time over the cock he had poking at his throat, but the dragon seemed past caring.

On both sides, the wolf was taking way more than he could handle. The dragon ignored any gagging from him and pressed his thick ridged cock forward. He kept going until the thick base barely fit through the ring gag. Alex felt it entering his throat in a very uncomfortable manner, making it harder to breathe. He still tried to talk or at least plead against it, but if such things were hard to do before, now they were nigh impossible.

And while Alex was struggling to cope with the cock assaulting his throat, Hardrin showed that his determination was solid indeed. The horse decided to start really fucking the wolf even if only half his cock was in. Those harsh back and forth movements started becoming constant, then faster, then faster still. Each time the horse thrust in, he did it with so much strength to try to force the rest of his cock in that Alex just felt his cock throb in response given how much the horse was pounding every single pleasure spot the wolf never knew he had back there.

The dragon was merciful enough to retreat his cock from the wolf's throat so that he could breathe and gasp in response. Or at least, that's what Alex thought when he pulled air in through his free throat. The dragon's hold on his head tightened for a moment and then Vershak's large cock thrust forward with such force that it almost matched the horse's behind him. The wolf let out a muffled whine when the dragon too started fucking his maw and throat with the same vehemence the horse was displaying.

Stuck in the middle of both males, Alex had no doubt that their only intention was indeed to use him to get off.

The wolf wasn't even close to getting used to both poundings when the horse finally succeeded. He thought the fucking on his ass had been intense before, but when the horse's entire dick went past his tailhole and Hardrin was able to push his cock way deeper into his rear, then the wolf got a real notion of just how big the equine was. Without giving him a moment to rest, Hardrin laughed in triumph, shoved his cock so deep that his leathery balls slammed against Alex's bound ones, then resumed his deep fucking just as fast, or perhaps even faster, than before.

Alex thought he might faint. He could barely breathe through the small intervals of the dragon fucking his muzzle and the horse? Each thrust sent shivers of pure hypersensitive pleasure through the wolf. An overload of pleasure of the likes Alex never thought would be possible. All of that went directly to his cock trapped in a pleasureless dome of denial. The wolf wasn't even sure if he hadn't cummed into his cage once or twice already given the amount of precum he knew was dripping from it, but if he did, they were pleasureless, dry and ruined orgasms that did nothing but increase his arousal tenfold. Even through the roughness of both trainers, the wolf's weak arms still fought against the ropes. Not because he wanted to get out of his bondage and away from their cocks... He did want that, sure, deep down, but there and then every inch of the wolf's body was screaming at him to reach down to his cock, rip that cage off his sheath somehow and stroke his hard length and knot until he cummed ten times over.

None of that would happen, though. The dragon started groaning above him and speeding up his fucking. The horse, however, seemed to notice Alex's own predicament. Or maybe it was just pure coincidence that had him reaching around the wolf to feel his taut cage as the wolf's cock kept pushing against it desperately trying to grow.

"HAH! Slut's lovin' it! He was born for this!" the horse mocked. Alex felt Hardrin's hand reaching down to his balls, grabbing them and then, for a moment, panic rose within the wolf. He wasn't sure if it was good or bad that the horse, in fact, didn't squeeze them. Instead, he started rubbing them. Massaging them with rough yet skilled fingers that provided an extra bucket of pleasure to the ocean that was Alex's need. It made the wolf moan even through the cock fucking his maw, which in turn brought another laugh from the horse.

After that, the intensity only grew. Hardrin sped up his fucking as well and, at some point, he popped his flare back out only to push it back in again. Then again, and again, and again. The wolf's stretched tailhole was able to take it and thus, the horse gave it to him. With the potion enhancing him, Alex felt wave upon wave of denied pleasure crashing over him without him being able to do a thing about it.

The wolf's arousal was so high that Alex barely noticed it when Vershak tightened the hold on his fur and pressed his cock deeper in. It went into the wolf's throat right before the dragon let out a soft groan of pleasure above him. It was only when Alex felt that dick start throbbing that he realized what it meant just before the first wave of thick dragon cum came straight to his throat. Desperate to breathe again, all the wolf could do was eagerly gulp it down, jet after jet, all while the horse still went at his ass without mercy.

It wasn't until the dragon's cock had given Alex all it could have that Vershak retreated. The wolf gasped for air and moaned alongside it right away as another particularly deep thrust from the horse overwhelmed him again. He found himself coughing up cum as some of it he hadn't been able to swallow came back over his tongue. The dragon still held his head to wipe off his cock that was dirty with a mix of cum and saliva on the fur of the wolf's face.

Alex just kept his eyes closed. The horse... it was too much. The fucking was relentless. Merciless! His cock ached, begged and fought to grow hard shooting enhanced bursts of precum void of any significant pleasure. In reality, it didn't take more than a few extra minutes for the horse to grunt with his own pleasure, but for Alex it might as well have been hours.

When Hardrin started to cum, he shoved his cock as deep as it would go. Their balls got pressed together when the horse's thick cock started pulsing deep inside the wolf's ass, then a flood of warmth came to signal that, for the first time, a male had cummed inside him. Unlike Vershak, Hardrin only rode part of his orgasm deep into the wolf. Then he pulled back, fucked him a little more to milk his cock of more spurts of cum and finally, pulled out. Alex could feel how the horse jerked himself off with his tip pressed right against the wolf's rear so that the last weakest spurts of cum came to mat his fur. Even panting and desperate as he was, Alex's canine nose could smell the musk of dragon and horse in the air that would probably be stuck to his fur.

When both trainers stepped back from him, Alex was limp. He just let himself hang from the ceiling in his bonds, exhausted. His cock was the only thing that still pulsed. The wolf wished he could just jut his hips forward, fuck something. Anything. He just wanted- no, he needed to feel pleasure on his denied member. The wolf felt a hundred times hornier than he had ever felt in his life even while dripping cum from both ends.

"Plhhss...!" Alex groaned, weakly. He needed that cage off of him!

The horse stepped around to stand next to the dragon in front of him. Hardrin's cock was spent and limp, but still hardened. Looking at the sheer size of it, Alex couldn't believe that monster had fit into his ass. The horse took hold of his cock and playfully slapped the wolf's muzzle with it while laughing.

"Look at that. First time and he's already half-broken! Fuckin' wimp!"

The dragon shook his head. "Well, he did drink that potion. I can only imagine what he's feeling. Though I admit, I'm both curious and eager to test the limits of how much he can take with that coursing through his system."

Hardrin just shrugged. "That's his problem, not ours."

Vershak nodded in agreement. Alex just looked at both of them with his eyes asking for mercy. None of them seemed to even notice it.

"Get him down from there," the dragon finally said turning away, "breaking slaves always makes me hungry. I'll go prepare his cell as per lord Allen's specifications."

Hardrin just spat on the ground towards the dragon. "Don't act like you're the boss or something, Versh."

The dragon just snorted but didn't even look back at them before getting out of Alex's vision. Despite the horse's complaint, he started loosening the bonds around Alex's wrists much to the wolf's relief.

"I'd warn you against tryin' something, but you look like such a bitch that I doubt I even need to." With a chuckle, the horse kept loosening his bonds. He seemed to know which knots to undo.

The wolf felt like he could move his legs again, then his arms, and then suddenly... he dropped down to the ground. Not expecting it, Alex hit the floor face-first, falling on his belly and groaning as the hit too felt enhanced by the sensitivity of his skin.

Hardrin laughed at him. "My bad!" The horse then reached down to grab the wolf by the scruff and force him to stand up. The myriad of ropes fell down around the wolf and he realized he was free save for the ring gag still inside his muzzle. The first thing Alex did was reach down to his chastity cage. He tugged and pulled at it, but the metal was firm against his sheath even if slimy because of the large amount of precum that drenched it.

"We usually take out the gags but I have a feeling you're gonna whine 'bout somethin' if I do, so I'm leavin' it. You look good like that anyway, bitchpup."

With impatience, Hardrin shoved Alex forward and forced him to walk. Taking in his surroundings for the first time, the wolf was now sure that he was somewhere underground for there were no windows even on the small hallway the horse led him through. Stumbling to even keep up and still tugging at his chastity cage desperately, Alex didn't pay much attention to the twists and turns they made until he found himself waking through row after row of prison cells. Small, dark rooms with iron bars keeping them shut. The horse led him until the last one where Vershak was waiting.

"We hadn't used that in a while. Lord Allen is really pissed with this one," the dragon idly commented. As the horse roughly led Alex to the door of the prison cell, the dragon pushed it open. The cell itself was already rather small, but this one had something else inside it.

"Whhh?" the wolf tried to ask. His ears were already glued to his head but his tail shot down between his legs. In the middle of the prison cell, there was a cage. A small cage that looked like it was made for ferals. And not even very large ferals. Alex looked at both of them. Hardrin grinned.

"You guessed it. Welcome to your new home, slave."

This time, Alex tried to fight it. The horse tightened his grip on his scruff and roughly shoved him forward so that fell down on his knees. It was required, for even the horse had to kneel down to force the wolf's head down so that he could be forced to crawl forward into the small cage. On all fours, the small cage's ceiling was already pressed against his head and the bars on each side were close to touching his shoulders. The horse pushed him inside again and again even as Alex fought to get back out and then when he slammed the cage's door shut, the bars pressed against the wolf's footpaws. Alex tried to turn around inside the tiny cage, but there was hardly any space to do so.

"Comfy?" the horse asked, laughing again. He poked at Alex through the small bars and, while the wolf tried to get away from it, there wasn't any space to do so. The rest of the prison cell was left empty and bare with just him locked in his small cage in the middle of it.

"Hmmfgh!" Alex pleaded. "Plhhg llhm mm uhm!"

Even the dragon chuckled at the sight.

"Sorry, didn't quite catch that! Don't worry. We're just gonna have dinner, get a good night of sleep and tomorrow mornin' we'll both be ready to come get you out and teach you again!"


"Hmmmfgh!!" Alex tried pleading one more time. Desperately to actually plea, Alex started trying to work on the straps of the damn ring gag behind his head. He couldn't see them, but the belts and knots back there felt so strong and tight that in the awful position he was in he could barely even tug at them. The horse just laughed again.

"What is it? You're hungry? Horny? Coooold? Well, that's too bad. Or, wait, hang on! I think I can help you with that last one!" The horse approached his cage again, grinning.

"What are you gonna do?" the dragon asked from behind them with a disapproving tone.

"Gonna warm 'im up!"

Vershak seemed to realize what that meant because he let a grunt of disapproval. Alex made an effort to look back at the dragon just in time to see him turning around and walking away. He hadn't understood what the horse meant yet, but when he turned in his tiny cage to look up at the horse again, he saw the equine holding his large dick. And pointing at him. The grin on his face was even larger than before.

"Fuckin' always makes me want to piss..."

The wolf's eyes widened just as it began. Alex tried to back away, but all he could do was move two inches before he was pressing himself against the bars on the other side of his small cage. The horse's stream of piss hit him square on the side when it started. It felt warm indeed and the smell... for the wolf's nose, it was too much.

Hardrin let out a happy sigh as he let his piss go. He playfully aimed his cock back and forth making sure he soaked Alex in his piss as much as he could while creating a small puddle of urine on the limited floor of his small cage when he couldn't. It seemed to go on forever! It must've been a full minute of constant pissing before the stream finally started to ebb. The horse took a few steps forward so that he could shake his cock still right over the edge of Alex's cage before he finally let go of it.

"Hnng! Hnnf!" Alex complained. His fur was drenched in piss and he was pretty much lying in it with nowhere to run away to.

"Have a good night, bitchpup!"

Without looking back and, in fact, humming to himself, the horse walked out and still closed the prison cell's door and locked it as if Alex could even get out of the small cage they had shoved him into. The wolf continued to attempt to plead while hearing the horse's casual steps getting farther and farther away down the dark hallway until he could no longer hear anything.

Fucked raw on both sides, cramped and dripping with piss, the wolf resigned to laying in it as well. His hands went back to messing with the cursed chastity cage between his legs. For some reason, even through all of that, he was still desperately horny. Yet, no matter how much he tried, that was also a craving that Alex was not able to satisfy.

With his ass still sore from the hard fucking he had gotten and still tasting dragon cum in his maw, sleep in his tiny cage took a long time to reach Alex. He could only hope that the next day would be better. Maybe the adventurer's guild would come to his rescue. Maybe he'd be able to see this lord Allen see sense. Maybe he could find a way to escape the hellish place. But, most of all, the wolf just wanted that infernal chastity cage removed.


Unfortunately for Alex things did not get better the next day. Or the next week. Or the next month. The wolf quickly found out that his new 'trainers' had a messy routine for him. Awful food when they came to wake him up, 'obedience training' with Hardrin in the morning and then 'slavery training' with Vershak in the afternoon. To the wolf, however, these names were nothing short of a mockery.

It was hard to tell who was worse.

Hardrin always came to wake him up in his prison cell early in the morning. After a whole month had passed they still hadn't let him stay in the cell itself, but rather shoved him in the small cage every night so that he'd have no comfort whatsoever sleeping. The one night when Alex complained to the dragon vociferously about it before getting shoved into it had Vershak indeed changing things around. That night, the dragon had somehow found a much smaller cage where the wolf barely even fit inside. The dragon had bound the wolf up, then Alex had to be shoved into it with his canine flexibility put to the test. The wolf had been forced to sleep with his cage hard-pressed against his face crammed into a small space that he still had no idea how he had fit into. Well, sleep was an overstatement, for he got none in that deep discomfort that night.

After that event and a whole lot of others, Alex had quickly learned that complaining was the fastest way to get himself punished. Or, at least, one of them.

When the horse came to wake him up and get him his 'breakfast' it was never easy for Alex. Hardrin seemed to take great pleasure in laughing about the wolf's predicament while at the same time making fun of his condition. Every morning, Alex was hungry as hell given that it was the only real 'meal' he received every day. The horse took great advantage of that by making the wolf perform 'tricks' for his food. If the lupine refused, the horse had no reservations about taking his food away telling him that slaves don't need to eat every day anyway.

It usually began with Hardrin pressing his cock into Alex's small cage through the bars. He instructed the wolf on how to suckle on it through the bars and would not stop mocking him. The horse would also not give him his food until Alex made him cum. The wolf had quickly learned that, but it wasn't always easy. Sometimes the horse insisted that he needed more deepthroat training, which had Hardrin's large horsecock going into his throat so deep that eating right afterward became hard. Sometimes the horse would do the opposite, pulling back when Alex knew he was just about to cum so that the wolf had to press his muzzle through the bars and try hard to extend his tongue to continue stimulating the horse in order to bring his orgasm out so he could eat. If Alex failed to please him enough, his food was taken away too.

Over the last week or so, however, Hardrin had taken to doing something new. He would have the wolf suck him off for as long as he wanted, always being vocal about how much the canine was 'improving his dicksucking skills' and 'using his innate talents'. Then, when the horse was about to cum, he would instead pull away from Alex's muzzle and jerk himself off to completion... While pointing his cock down at the bowl containing the grub that was Alex's meal. The wolf's food was left soaked with the horse's copious amount of cum, giving it a salty and stringy texture that Hardrin found very funny when he watched Alex eat from the bowl without using his hands.

The obedience training with the horse wasn't any better. The horse was extremely strict on everything he told the wolf to do and anything at all that Alex did wrong, Hardrin used as an excuse to punish him. The wolf was sure that the horse thoroughly enjoyed inflicting pain. Whips, paddles and a plethora of uncommon and creative ways to punish the wolf were often used by the horse. His favorite one, however, was the very small riding crop he always had attached to his pants. Alex's balls had become quite well acquainted with that one over time.

And then there was the dragon...

Unlike Hardrin, Vershak always struck Alex as a more refined type. The dragon could be, or at least pass as being, a noble. His calm demeanor and fancy words had the wolf thinking that his sessions with the dragon would be a relief, especially when compared to what the horse put him through.

But the wolf was wrong.

What Vershak lacked in brutality he made up for in... curiosity. Alex learned that he was very well-versed in the ways of magic. How he ended up as a slave trainer in a brothel was a question that the wolf always held, but never dared to ask. It was really hard to compare, but the dragon's punishments could be said to be almost worse than the horse's. Or, at the very least, just as awful.

It was magic that the dragon employed when 'teaching' Alex. While Hardrin was more focused on enforcing absolute obedience, Vershak had different kinds of demands. He made the wolf suck his cock, but he had to suck it with 'poisé'. He made the wolf take his cock when he fucked him, but the wolf had to take it with 'grace'. He couldn't whimper but had to moan. Had to smile, say nice things, thank the dragon for making him choke on his cock for so long that he almost passed out.

All the while, Vershak also employed what he liked to call 'obstacles'. Those could range from making his whole fur itch to making his chastity cage vibrate without stopping the whole time to drive Alex mad with lust. There were days where the wolf could swear the dragon was simply using him as a guinea pig as he tested new types of magic that didn't even always go as the dragon had planned. All Vershak did, however, was take notes, ignore his pleas and try again.

When Alex complained? Then the dragon let the magic linger. The worst two days the wolf had suffered through was when the dragon had enchanted a toy to pulse within his rear in tandem with his chastity cage. It felt to Alex as if he was being actively fucked without stop. When the wolf had begged too hard for Vershak to take it out he took the wolf back to his cage without removing them. The prison dungeon echoed with the wolf's constant moaning that night.

Worse yet were the dragon's 'rings'. Vershak had a trick where he enchanted cockrings before putting them on his cock. Those could cause a myriad of effects. One of them made each thrust feel like a shock of lightning magic was going through Alex's body when he was fucked. Another could make the cock fucking him feel hot as a blaze or cold as ice. None of them really hurt him, but some of them sure felt like they did!

Alex's worst day was when Vershak forgot his rings and Hardrin found them. The horse had forced him to explain what they were. That morning, Alex had been fucked three times by the horse with the third having Hardrin wearing three of those cockrings at once.

And through all of that? There was still the potion. The hypersensitivity effect on the wolf's fur and skin did dwindle over time even if he was still sure everything was more sensitive than it should. What didn't diminish, however, was both the greatly enhanced sensitivity he felt on his cock and ass as well as the constant arousal. The fire was always burning in the wolf's loins begging him to jerk off, to release, to cum! He felt a greater need to feel that pleasure than he felt the need to eat or drink. Every time they fucked him, every time he serviced another cock and even when they whipped or spanked him? The wolf was horny. The feeling of his cock fighting the chastity cage became familiar for the wolf. It was his own version of arousal no matter how frustrating and unsatisfying it was.

When Alex got pent up enough, sometimes he would cum. His orgasms were a spasming dribble of wolf semen coming from his cage as his cock expelled it without touch. It was almost completely void of any pleasure and, every time he did, Alex swore he felt even hornier instead of less horny. The trainers quickly taught the wolf that begging for an orgasm was one of a slave's most punishable actions, so he had no choice but to keep quiet. Even as, during the first two months, he hadn't even seen a hint of the key that would unlock the chastity cage torturing him over his sheath.

It wouldn't be until the middle of his third month into slavery training that Alex would get to meet lord Allen again. When his routine was broken by the regal white wolf, he had hope. When he saw that the lord played with a tiny key amidst his claws, Alex had even more hope even if Hardrin and Vershak were there as well standing behind the wolf.

Yet, things were never as simple and straightforward as Alex hoped in that place...