A Chosen Path --Chapter 3-- A Bump On The Path

Story by Moonblood on SoFurry

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#3 of A Chosen Path

Ok, I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter and I hope you enjoy this one even more! Sorry if it seemed like a long time for this to be done, but I had lots of stuff going on. As usual all comments, opinions, constructive criticism and advice are greatly appreciated, just try to keep them from being crazy hurtful and such. Also, I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, spelling errors, or any errors of any kind, I hope it doesn't ruin the story for you or something like that! Now, I present A Chosen Path, Chapter 3. A Bump On The Path.

Chapter 3. A Bump On The Path

Eagerly waiting, Jake was sitting in his last class of the day, only thinking about running to Trygan after the bell rang. Jake hated his school's set up of how the classes worked. 8 classes in all but they were set up on an A/B day schedule so there are 4 classes every other day and Jake had Trygan in two of his classes. Math and Art are the two classes, one is second period A day the other is fourth B day. " Uuugh, these last classes of the day always seems to take forever!" Jake groaned to James who was sitting next to him. "Yeah, the last class does suck, but the ride home, in my opinion, is just awful Be glad you have a ride home other than the bus, it's like an oven on wheels. I swear some kid almost had a heat stroke yesterday " James moaned with a sigh and drooping of the ears. Jake couldn't help but giggle at his sulking German shepherd friend. "The bus takes 45 minutes to get to my house with all of it's stops and you James are usually the last to get off, hehehehe you must get burned alive every day " Jake half said half laughed out loud. James just beamed and evil glare and slumped more into his chair.

With another giggles, Jake thought about how hot it was and was glad he didn't have to ride the bus, since it was so close to Summer. "I'm sure Trygan wouldn't mind giving you a ride. If you want, I can ask him for you?" Jake said with sympathy for his friend. "Heh, as much as I would love to, I'm good. You two lover boys might make it more hot in the car than the bus " James said with the laugh that was not suppressed in anyway. Mr. Henry the teacher, an average size Rottweiler, beamed a glare at James and he sunk down into his seat with his ears pressed against his head. Jake cracked a smile at James, who in turn, also with a smile, stuck his tongue out at Jake. The two sat quietly through the rest of the class.

Thirty minutes later, the bell rang and the two friends said their goodbyes and walked their own ways. While walking, Jake saw Trygan and he ran into him with a fierce hug. "My day always gets better when I see you Trygan " Jake exclaimed as the two broke the hug and started walking towards the parking lot. "Oh come on Jake, you're just saying that. There is no way that this..." Trygan flexed his muscles in the usual sexy fashion that made Jake's husky member want to rip off the clothing that covered it. "...could make your day better. That's just crazy talk " Trygan finished saying after his display and he burst out laughing as the two reached the car. Jake couldn't help but be taken in by the heavenly and joyous laugh and he started laughing too.

After driving through the tears of laughter from each others jokes that were told on the way home, they finally managed to get it down to giggles about halfway to their neighborhood. "So Jake," Trygan began while reaching over and taking hold of Jake's paw. "are you excited about tomorrow? We can postpone our little date if you are too nervous or shy or something." He gently squeezed Jake's paw. "Haha, you can't get away from me that easily. I am very excited for our date and very nervous too. This is the first I have ever gone out with a guy if you hadn't noticed. I wouldn't miss this for anything " Jake said with a chuckle. He squeezed Trygan's paw back and as usual, his stress and nervousness subsided. The two talked about the soon to come date the remainder of the ride home.

Trygan pulled up to Jake's house to find the driveway empty. "Huh, I guess my mom is still at work or something." Jake said as he got out of the car while pulling his cell out. He saw he had one missed call and an unheard voice message. He played the message and put the phone up to his ear. "Hi honey, I tried to call you during lunch, but I clearly missed you on that one. I just wanted you to know that my boss wants me to get him a project done ASAP. So I won't be home till most likely past midnight. There is a pizza in the freezer and some leftovers in the fridge. Don't stay up too late, or eat just junk food please. Call me if you need anything, I love you, bye." The message ended and Jake sighed as he slid the cell back into his pocket. He looked at Trygan who had also gotten out of the car. "Well, my mom has to work late again. Um... you want to come inside? I have pizza and soda." Jake said, hoping Trygan would say yes.

Trygan looked at Jake and back to his house, then to his backpack in his car, his ears went down a little. "I'm sorry Jake, I have Chemistry homework that needs to get done or my teacher threatened to fail me. She is such a bitch, I know she can't actually do it, but she'll make this year a living hell for me if I don't do it. Jake looked at him with sympathy and was sad that he couldn't come over. "Oh... ok.... um, if you get a chance or change your mind, the offer is still open. You're always welcome to come over." Jake aid as trygan slipped back into his car. "Thanks Jake, I'll see what I can get done. If I can't come over, I'm really sorry. We'll see each other soon enough though." Trygan said as that wolfish grin crept along his muzzle. He started his car and drove off to his house, with his paw out the window waving at Jake the entire way until the car pulled into it's home in Trygan's garage.

Seeing Trygan go made Jake feel just awful. With his tail hanging, no vitality in it what-so-ever, his ears down and his head hanging low, he slowly and reluctantly entered his house. Reaching his room, he let his backpack fall to the ground and he himself fell onto his bed face down. "This sucks." Jake groaned to himself as he missed the presence of Trygan being near him, or their lips pressed together. Jake felt his husky member start to poke it's head out at the thought of Jake and Trygan making out and the remembrance of last night's fun. Jake stopped himself, figuring he should save the pleasure for whatever tomorrow night had in store for him. So Jake just sat there in silence with his cell phone out, just in case Trygan called and was coming over.

Hour after hour passed as Jake watched t.v. downstairs and there was no word from Trygan. It was dark out now and Jake knew Trygan wasn't coming over and he treaded upstairs, after finishing his dinner, with a lonely cloud around him. Reaching the bathroom, he combed his head fur, brushed his teeth and flossed. He couldn't help but notice how sad he looked in the mirror and that just made him feel worse as he left the bathroom. He reached his room and with a sigh, stripped down to his boxers and plopped down onto his bed. He looked up at the ceiling, the fan making a pleasant breeze. Watching the familiar pattern of the four blades of the fan, he eventually started thinking and thought to himself why he was feeling this way towards Trygan and why were these feeling so strong? "I only just became his boyfriend a few days ago..." Jake pondered to himself while rubbing at his eyes. He couldn't help but think about Trygan, his lush brown fur, his brown eyes, that grin of his. As he thought more and more, he liked Trygan more and more and missed him even more, Jake's stomach did a somersault. Jake immediately stopped thinking and reached for his trash can, thinking he was going to puke. The feeling subsided after he had gotten hold of the trash can.

Having felt the feeling subside, he laid back in his bed and placed his paws on his stomach as he curled up. "What... the hell.... was that? " he panted due to him being startled from his stomach's behavior. As time passed, he slowly uncurled himself as he began to feel better. He stretched out onto his bed, testing to see if his stomach would react as it had before. Nothing happened and Jake relaxed in his bed, slowly covering up. Feeling tired, he let his eyes shut on their own and thought about his soon to come first date with a guy.

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BE)* Jake smacked the annoying alarm clock and luckily hit the right button to make it stop going off. With a grunt of effort, he got out of his bed and started getting ready for Friday. He slipped on his shoes, a pair of nice jeans and a nice button down shirt that Jake deemed cool, rather than his mother's description of it being "incredibly cute and handsome" on him. He left his room and hoped down the stairs in a playful way, not thinking about last night. He went into the kitchen and found the usual note and poured himself a bowl of cereal. He ate in silence, thinking about today and the date and Trygan more and more. He thought to himself about how he had actually never felt like this for a girlfriend and why was Trygan so much more different than them? Jake mused over the idea and Wednesday night popped into his head. Trygan actually had oral sex with him and liked it. Jake smiled as he thought more about it and before he even realized it, he was daydreaming about Trygan being nude and he was loving every second of it. His sensitive member was slowly emerging from it's home, eager to receive some undivided attention. Jake figured he had a few minutes before Trygan came over to pick him up for school and figured he could quickly relieve himself. He couldn't help but stay in the kitchen and muse over the idea of Trygan pounding him in here.

Sliding a paw over his crotch, he gently felt his bulge, feeling the throbbing of the blood coursing into it. Jake felt the pleasure even though he still had his shorts on. He remembered that he had told himself he would wait, but the thought and image of Trygan being nude was overpowering. With a fresh image of Trygan on his mind, he slid a paw down his shorts and teased his member as it grew to it's full size. Jake took hold of his eager flesh and didn't bother to get up to the bathroom, but rather started pawing off right in the kitchen. He let his tongue hang lazily out to one side of his muzzle as he leaned back in his chair, he looked around the kitchen to see if anyone could see him. The shades to the window were down and he wasn't visible from the door. "Oh... yeah..." Jake said as he let his shorts slide down his legs and hit the floor moments later. "Trygan Heh... suck it " Jake said aloud, as he began panting, fantasizing about Trygan giving him a muzzle job. Jake smiled to himself as he made sure a pawful of napkins were at an easy accessibility. Jake murred as he rubbed up and down the length of his shaft, closing his eyes, he picked up the pace, trying to be done before he heard Trygan pull up in his car. He gave his ever growing knot a gentle squeeze. With a spike of pleasure, a rather loud moan/murr hybrid groan of ecstasy, a blob of pre cum escaped, sliding down onto his paw. He paid no attention as he kept his eyes closed, focusing intently on his imaginary image of Trygan. Jake's knot increased even more in size as he pawed off. He went and gave it a good squeeze. More pre escaped only to be soaked up in Jake's fur. The pleasure increased and Jake tilted his head back, still picturing a naked form of Trygan. He let out a lust filled semi suppressed howl, feeling his orgasm about to explode.

He didn't hear the first honk... second honk and third honk. He didn't hear the car door open and close, the pawsteps up to the kitchen door, the knocking. Jake's orgasm roared to life and with a grunt and one last tug of his cock, his husky seed shot out spurt after spurt, hitting numerous targets in front of him with noticeable splats. "Uuuhhhg.... Trygan... " Jake murred to himself as he opened his eyes to the sight of brown fur and a grin. It took Jake a few moments, through his afterglow, to register the fact that there was indeed a real brown furred wolf standing in the doorway... looking right at him.

Jake's heart stopped, his eyes widened with sudden realization, embarrassment, shock and fear. "T... T......... Tr..." Jake stuttered to say the name through his embarrassment. He looked down in front of himself, seeing his sperm splattered across the table, some even in his bowl of cereal. His husky maleness retreated rather quickly, still covered in cum. "Well, this isn't what I was expecting to see! Heh, I hope you didn't imagine me too slutty " Trygan said with a laugh. Jake quickly pulled his boxers and shorts back on and started cleaning his mess, still horribly embarrassed. "Trygan... I... I'm sorry... I didn't know you were here and...... I remembered Wednesday night. I couldn't help it.... I'm sorry " Jake exclaimed with numerous stutters. Trygan didn't hesitate for a moment more "Don't worry about it ok?" He said and started helping Jake clean up the sticky white mess with a pawful of napkins and his tongue.

Jake looked at Trygan who was swallowing some of the still warm husky sperm. "Heh... you are enjoying this way more than I am, Trygan." Jake said with an embarrassed giggle as he picked up the bowl of cereal, his cum running down the side as he did. Trygan laughed as he cleaned the rest with napkins. "What? I don't want to waste all of it. Your stuff tastes too good to just be cleaned with napkins and thrown away " Trygan said with a smirk. The two cleaned the rest of the sticky seed up, washed their paws, Trygan cleaning Jake's with his tongue and then using the sink, and the two went out to the car after a lustful kiss that tasted like cum.

"Ok, we might need to speed a little. Your little fun time back there made us late " Trygan exclaimed as he laughed, thinking about seeing Jake pawing off. He laughed again as he saw Jake in the light, he had a shade of pink on his face. "Jake, don't be embarrassed okay?" Trygan said as the two got into the car. Trygan started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. If it makes you feel better, it;'s kind of flattering that you would enjoy yourself while picturing me. It's pretty cool that you thought of me during it.

Jake blushed a little more and let out a laugh. "I couldn't help it, thinking about Wednesday night was so incredible!" Jake exclaimed as his paw was taken hold of by Trygan. "It's cool Jake, I liked the sight too, you shot a lot I feel kinda jealous that the table got more than I did and that you shoot more than I do, that was so hot "Trygan responded, squeezing Jake's paw. The two giggled and talked about numerous other topics as they raced down the road towards their school.

They reached the school and found a parking spot rather quickly. They both got out of the car as the school bell rang and Jake raced around the car to grasp Trygan in a hug. They met and held each other tight, Trygan placed his lips on Jake's and they kissed, each loving each others taste and presence. Trygan couldn't help but notice a group of furs walking near them. "Hey homos Get a room you fags and stop being gross in public " A fox yelled from the group, clearly the one everyone was following. The tow tried to ignore the group as best they could. "Come on now, you guys will never fell the warm lips of a pussy if you keep up this gay boyfriend crap! Ha, Trygan loves to have a dick up his ass just like that fag husky." Everyone in the group said something hurtful. Jake's eyes shut hard and his ears went down at the apparent insults. The two broke the kiss, anger in Trygan's eyes. He whipped around to look at the group with a growl. "OH, is Greg and his dumbass group of idiots jealous? I can get dates with girls and boys You guys can't even get a date with anyone, go paw off at home to some yiff on your computers with each other, everyone knows you do " Trygan snapped back at Greg and the group he was with. Greg made a fist and cracked his knuckles. "What you fag?! You think you're better than me?! I'll--" Greg was cut short by Trygan flashing his middle paw finger, followed by laughter. "Yes! In fact I do think I'm better than you! Also, for the record you idiot, it's called being bi not gay, I like both and can get both unlike you. You're such a little bit--" Trygan stopped as he felt a tug on his arm.

He looked to see Jake wide eyed and full of fear. "Trygan, please! Lets just go. I don't care about them or what they say, please don't do this! I don't want any trouble with them!" Jake pleaded with Trygan, pulling on his arm. Seeing fear in Jake, Trygan managed to calm his rage and ignore the group as they walked away due to an AP walking through the parking lot. He knew there would be trouble later with Greg, there always is with him Trygan thought to himself. "Jake, calm down, ok?" Trygan began saying, trying to make Jake feel better. "We can go right now, ok?" he finished as he looked into Jake's eyes, taken in by the color. "Greg is just a jealous pansy. I just didn't want him to call you names, I know you're sensitive about them." Trygan said as he looked at his watch and sighed. "We are sooo late, come on then, lets get you to your class.... that is, if you don't want to see me kick some fox ass." Trygan said with a smirk. Trygan didn't realize that he had walked away from his car and towards Greg until he decided to stop and get Jake to class. He quickly walked back to his car, Jake slowly following. Trygan reached in to grab his bag and had his paw on the strap.

A painful yelp reached his ears. He shot back out of the car to see Jake laying on the ground as well as a baseball rolling away from him. Jake was holding the right side of his face and was screaming in pain as Trygan ran up to him. He knelt by the husky and looked around with pure rage and hatred in his eyes. He spotted Greg's group, running into one of the school buildings. He couldn't see the AP anywhere. Trygan looked at Greg and right before Greg went in, he turned around, a smirk clearly visible on his face. He looked right at Trygan and threw up his middle paw finger at him and then vanished through the doorway.

Trygan growled as he saw Greg get away, but he quickly turned his attention to the sobbing husky. Jake was rolling back and forth slightly as he held his head and wailed in pain. Trygan took hold of him and tried to calm him down. "Jake, we need to get you to the nurse." Trygan said as he tried to examine the wound. Jake flinched at Trygan's touch and kept weeping as his wrist was gently taken hold of. Trygan slowly moved them away from Jake's face. "Those bastards!" he growled as he saw the blood soaked fur around where the ball had clearly hit. "IT... hurts...! Trygan, Please! Make...i... it... stop!" Jake whined as his wound was examined. "Come on then, lets get you to the nurse." Trygan said as he gently picked up Jake as if he didn't weigh more than a hundred pounds. "Jake, it's going to be ok, everything will be alright." He said as he carried Jake up the stairs to the building where the nurse's office was located.

As Trygan carried Jake through the hallways, Jake was holding his face and was surprisingly able to clam himself down to a few sniffles here and there after awhile. The two rounded a corner and Jake looked up at Trygan with his one uncovered amber eye. Jake's stomach felt like it had a thousand butterflies in it as he was carried and he blushed slightly. Trygan noticed fast, as all of his attention was on Jake and a smile crept along his muzzle. "Well, a moment ago you were bawling in pain and now you're blushing? Did that ball do more damage than I thought?" Trygan said with a chuckle, hoping to be more helpful and kind to Jake as possible. "Seriously though, are you ok? I'm just joking around with what I just said, but is everything cool?" Trygan said as the nurse's office came into view. "Oh... y... yeah, aside from.... The obvious cut on my head you know. I'm good, it's just being carried by you is kinda cute... heh... sorry." Jake said with a few sniffles as they reached the nurse's office. Trygan showed that wolfish grin and let out a giggle. "Don't worry about it, compared to this one girl I dated, she wanted me to carry her everywhere, you're more cute to carry and I think lighter!" Trygan let out a small laugh and looked down at Jake. "So, do you think you can walk or do you want to make a scene when we go through the door?" He asked with a smile and a giggle.

Jake looked at him and slid his leg out of Trygan's grasp and tested it on the ground. The sudden weight on his foot paw made his increasing headache worse. He sucked up the pain with an unnoticeable whimper and stood up all the way. "Yeah, I'm good. I kind of have a headache though." Jake said as he slowly walked a little. He turned and slowly leaned in and gave Trygan a kiss on the lips as he more or less fell into a hug with him. "Woah there Jake, easy with the hugging, lets get you checked out." Trygan said as he opened the door ans carefully led Jake inside.

A decent sized cheetah was working at the desk and was the only one in the room. As the two came in, she looked up and quickly noticed the husky was in pain. "Oh my gosh! What happened?!" She asked in a shocked voice while running around her desk to help the husky. She gently took his paw and led him into one of the vacant medical rooms hastily followed by Trygan. "Some furs hit him with a baseball..." Trygan said as the nurse slowly moved Jake's paw that was covering the cut. "Hit... him with a baseball? What in the world were you doing?" she asked as she examined the wound. "I kind of almost got into a fight and they hit him when I wasn't there." Trygan said as he watched the nurse work. "What are your names?" She asked as sshe turned from Jake and started gathering medical supplies. Trygan looked at Jake with sympathy and only wanted to comfort him as much as he could. "I'm Trygan and this is Jake. I don't know if you know Greg, but he and his group are the ones who threw the ball." Trygan stated as he sat next to Jake and took hold of his paw.

The nurse seemed to recognize their names. "Oh, you must be the two that the whole school was a buzz about. The couple right?" She asked and Trygan nodded. She let out a long sigh and returned to the two with her supplies. "Believe it or not, but I know Greg and his group of thugs, I get a lot of kids in here that have been hurt because of his bullying. He has more ISS and detentions than anyone could count from what I hear. I'm sorry you guys got into a little scuff with him and that this was the outcome." The nurse said as she dabbed a cotton swap in an awful smelling opaque liquid.

Smelling the liquid, Jake rubbed at his nose and fidgeted slightly, squeezing Trygan's paw as the cheetah turned towards him. "Ok Jake, this has some alcohol in it and it is going to burn for a bit, but we need to get your cut cleaned and dressed so it won't become infected." she said as she got into position to apply the medicine. Jake gave her a weak smile along with a nod and she began applying. Jake winced at the feel of the medicine going to work on his cut. He squeezed Trygan's paw even harder as tears began welling up in his eyes. The nurse finished and went back to her supplies. "There, now that wasn't so bad was it, Jake?" She asked as she shuffled through some gauze. "Um... I'm okay, but that really did burn." Jake said as the burn faded and was replaced with a tingling sensation on his head. Trygan leaned over and kissed Jake with a smile on his face. The nurse looked at the two and smiled as she retrieved a small box.

"Ok Jake, which would you prefer, a gauze wrapping or one of these new bandages that hold cuts closed like stitches? That cut is in a bad spot, it doesn't like to heal fast and it will want to bleed a lot. If this doesn't work, you'll need stitches. So what's it going to be?" She asked him with a serious tone. Jake looked at her then at Trygan, the thought of getting stitches made him scarred, but looking at Trygan made it all the more better. "I guess the bandage thingy, I don't want to announce to the school that I was hurt with a full head of gauze." He said in a self conscious tone as he rubbed the other side of his head, trying to soothe the pain and the headache.

The nurse nodded and retrieved the bandage. "Alright, this will hurt for a bit, but better this than stitches." she said as she applied the bandage. Jake let out a small whine and his tail clung to his body as the pain started and subsided rather fast. "Ok, here are some Ibuprofen for the pain and headache. Is there anywhere else you were hurt or do you need anything?" she asked as she handed Jake a couple pills along with a glass of water. Jake shook his head as he took the medicine and he laid back in the reclinable chair. Trygan leaned in again and planted another kiss on Jake's lips as he squeezed Jake's paw. The nurse looked at the two and smiled at their feelings for one another. "Alright Jake, you're going to stay here for probably the entire school day so I can keep an eye on that cut. Trygan, you have the choice to stay here or go to your classes, it's up to you and I won't say a word. Just make sure you let Jake get some rest if you do stay. I'll be at the front desk if you two need me for anything and Jake, if you are feeling any discomfort, tell me and I'll fix it." The nurse said as she waited in the doorway. Trygan made no move to leave. "I'll stay here." He said as he looked at Jake. The nurse knew he would and with a nod, she vanished through the doorway, closing it and leaving the two alone.

With the nurse gone, the two smiled at each other and met in a passionate kiss with a giggle. "Well, this isn't what I was expecting how today would turn out, but at least you're ok, Jake." Trygan said as he broke the kiss. "Lets move our plans to another night?" Trygan was cut short from as Jake shook his head and squeezed Trygan's paw. "No! I have been waiting for our date the entire week and looking forward to it more and more each passing day. This little incident won't stop me from wanting to go out with you tonight in any way. I just want to forget this happened today and move on. So can we please keep our plans the way they are?" Jake said in a subtle but serious voice. Trygan looked at him and smiled. "That wasn't what I was expecting to hear." Trygan said. "You know I will still go out with you tonight, but only if you are sure you're up for it." He squeezed Jake's paw in a reassuring gesture. Jake didn't need anytime to think about it before he blurted out an ecstatic "Yes, I'm up for it!" Followed by a laugh. After the laughing had died down, Jake could feel the medicine working and he uncontrollably slowly drifted into a pleasant light sleep. Trygan laid his head on Jake's chest and listened to the soothing heartbeat of the husky as Jake's chest rhythmically went up with the inhalation of air and down with the exhalation. The last sight Jake saw were those passionate brown eyes and that wolfish grin. Darkness soon engulfed Jake and as Trygan watched him fall asleep, he too closed his eyes.

"No classes today and I have a date with a cute and funny husky. This day might just turn out to be a good one after this Greg crap." Trygan thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep. "We haven't even gone out on a date yet and I've never been more sure in my life." He let out a little sigh. "I wonder when I should tell him..." Trygan fell asleep with a smile on his face "This date might be more fun than I thought." Was Trygan's last thought before he was engulfed by darkness.

OK! I hope you all enjoyed reading Ch 3, I have no idea when chapter 4 will be done, but I will try to get it on soon. Thanks for reading!