Chapter 4 "From past to a new day"

Story by ThaRedPanda on SoFurry

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#5 of Book 1: The Dark Sound Of Steel

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 "From past to a new day"

Chapter Text

Chapter 4

"From past to a new day"

There is one thing that I've learned about conflict... Conflict never ends. We keep it going with our last breath like it's the only thing that makes us feel alive. No matter how much we try to guide towards peace... Conflict will win.

Like they say... War.

War never changes.


(MW2 soundtrack "Enemy of my enemy is my friend")

I am about to tell you a story about a lifetime... And that story reveals all that it should... Maybe even more.

Once upon a time, the Texas wasteland was controlled by a mighty military force that went by the name of "Febris army".

The history of the Febris army and their purpose went by the name of "Operation Control" by the US government.

The government is always prepared. President's come and go... But they don't make orders. No. It's always the men in the darkroom from harm, controlling everything like an orchestra.

Operation: control, was one of the highly classified projects that were means to an end when it came to the United States.

It was put to action around the year of 2053, as the tension of the natural resources were destined to lead into a conflict. A television documentary ended up revealing the state of Texas and it's oil fields. The situation was dire. The energy crisis ran now deeper than ever, and the smaller nations started to go bankrupt. Europe started military actions against the middle east, which lead to an all-out war. United Nations didn't have it any better.

The last remaining oil in Texas was now more valuable than ever and would war find it's way to the US over the rich resource, it was the first priority for America to protect it on the land it existed.

The vaults... The vaults were the answer to anything.

The most highly organized and built vault would serve as the military base as well for the United States army.

This enormous vault that was built into the highest mountains on the Texas ground, its original name being "The Guadalupe mountains", far from the Houston city. This base had everything from the highest maintained military technology into huge amounts of natural resources, weapons... And things that even some couldn't even imagine.

The objective was simple. This place worked as salvation for the possible doomsday, which would surprisingly come just mere twenty-four years later. The place was built within fifteen years and it was more than critical for the survival of mankind because it didn't consist of civilians. No. The population was nothing but United States soldiers from the army, trained in combat.

The ambitious number of people were planned for this project.

Five thousand soldiers were to be put into an indefinite cryogenic suspension in a hall that was the deepest part of the military base.

These cryogenic pods would maintain human life for over three hundred years if needed to be without harming the person. One of the highest parts of the technology that Us had developed. Only one vault besides this one was built with these pods. That was vault 111, located in Boston.

These inventions were time framed, meaning that a built-in calculator would wake up the people when the date and time were right.

The thing was... They didn't have much time to test them.

The day of recognin came. Year of 2077.

The atomic bombs from china tore America to the ground. New York and Pennsylvania became dust.

Only three thousand soldiers managed to make it into the military base out the five thousand before the blasts came, killing the remaining two thousand instantly. A sacrifice that they had no choice in.

But then something drastic happened. A malfunction error in the cryo timers went to utter hell.

And that changed the fate of the mission completely.

The soldiers were destined to wake up after a year to save everything outside as quickly as they could, dressed up in hazmat suits. Rescuing people, treating them. Contacting everywhere around Us to possible coordinated military bases or vaults with personnel...

They had a solid plan. A solid purpose.

This country needed it.

Years went by. And people still slept.

Then... Nothing but darkness.

Finally, ... The timer reached its final point.

Year 2235

The pods open, releasing three thousand people at once. Five hundred female soldiers and two thousand and five hundred male soldiers, people all the way from the age of 20 to 50, opening their eyes at once.

Once they saw the timers and realized what date it actually was... The whole base was filled with panic and questions for the General that he didn't have answers to.

They were fucked.

The first week was... Not easy to handle. The actual realization of knowing that everything outside had most likely died... Made the emotions fight over the commands they had been destined into.

Secure the base. Secure the Texas ground. Start civilization all over from scratch. Shoot anything hostile. Find out of anything is left from the Us government to proceed with new orders from the high ups.

Those would have been the orders over a hundred years ago... But now?

As brave as each of these soldiers were... The hope wasn't there. The monitors showed nothing but dust and rocks in front of the base doors. The people they once knew were long gone dead. And the hesitation to even step outside was argued. Most thought that just like other possible people in other vaults... Maybe what they should do was just to stay put... And live with what they had.

To General of this army... That was not a choice.

His name was General Allen. A tiger by his species, and most gold-hearted and brave General there was.

The arguments of the most highest-ranking officers continued in the base for another week. After all, they were not emotionless robots. These were people. And right now, thousands of soldiers counted on their orders on how to proceed. They were scared and clueless.

The general of the army had no idea how to proceed... But he sure as hell wasn't going to live and die the rest of his life in this base, wondering his whole life what's outside. He wanted to believe in a miracle.

There was no answer from com's as they tried to contact other military bases.

There was no answer from vaults.

There was no answer anywhere.

They were living in a dead world...

And slowly... Even the general felt like hope was lost.

Until something happened after two weeks.

Their answer came to them. They didn't have to make it themselves.

An echoing knock went through the Entrance of the huge metal doors of the military base... And the life signaling sensors on their monitors told something incredible.

There was someone outside.

As the most ranking generals of the army rushed to the monitor room, they ended up staring something they couldn't believe.

A young brown-furred husky in the age of mere twenty was armed with a power fist and pistol in his other hand, looking at the camera with a very puzzled expression, seeing as the object moved and followed him.

That man... Was the father of Charlie Winchester... His name was Ethan Winchester.

He gave another knock, knowing it was most likely for nothing. There was no way that someone would live here. He was just on his casual routine to scavenge things in the Texas wasteland until he had discovered a path leading to these huge, intimidating metal doors, built into this enormous mountain.

Something about the door and its size just interested the newcomer, and he was throwing rocks at the moving camera out of the fun of it.

Before the amused and interested husky managed to knock the drum the door again in order to hear the loud, echoing sound, a roar of rusty metal screeched in his ears...

And the door opened right in front of him.

This young man was greeted with at least fifty men at the door, assault rifles with grenade launchers aimed at him, everyone looking at him like he couldn't be real.

How would this person be real?

The scared pup could do nothing but drop his weapons on the ground along with his shoulder bag full of useless junk, putting paws in the air and begging for his life, telling how he was just searching for things to salvage for his family in a nearby village.

The rows of guns lowered quickly by the current Generals orders as he rushed into the lobby, everyone looking at each other and realizing that the words that this person just said, pulled them out of the dark and given up mind. He spoke English. He was an actual, civilized human being. Not a monster.

And the words made everyone even more confused.

"Nearby village." "Family."

People were alive out here.

After three days of sort of an "interrogation" for Ethan in this base... The remains of the united states army got more information than they could have hoped for. Sure, the world had gone to hell, there was no avoiding that fact. It was not surprising to anyone... But the things Ethan told the generals were more than little to cause a stir of mixed emotions. The things he told sounded insane.

No, go radiation zones. Ghouls. Super mutants. Raiders. Deathclaws. Mercenaries. The brotherhood of steel. And most of all...

Two cities still fully populated with people of multiple species. The main capital in the middle of Houston's ruins called Baxton city... And another almost as big community located few miles east from the formerly known "Baytown" ... Called Hamilton city.

Countless villages and fortresses and ruins still occupied by people.

General Allen didn't know what to think.

They couldn't know if the boy was lying and making all this up... But in the end, why would he? What was there to gain? Especially under all these guns?

Ethan had his questions as well, as he sat on the table with General and his lieutenant's.

"Who are you, people? What are you all doing? How is there so many of you? How did you acquire all this weaponry? What is this place? What are you going to do to me?"

Ethan was given a choice. His questions would be answered... And his life spared.

In exchange for help that they needed. Ethan was now the greatest asset they would have. They needed everything he could give. He would have to be their guide. A pointing finger. A man who knew the land they were about to tremble and explore.

Ethan was resistant at first, telling him that it would be an injustice to threaten him with death. The choice they gave was no choice at all.

Ethan wanted to know who they were and what their purpose was. He wasn't going to guide these people out there without knowing their intentions. So far Ethan had seen at least a hundred heavily armed people, and that number of soldiers would do a lot of damage out there, where most of their enemies were raised and built into a world where its kill or be killed. By Ethan's words.

General Allen had no choice. Ethan was their only asset and torturing him and forcing him to cooperate was not going to lead anywhere. They were soldiers of the army but they were not as ruthless as some people the wasteland had shaped as their image. Yet.

Besides, Ethan was no threat. He was just a clueless and scared twenty-year-old boy... But if they would let him go, their location would be compromised. Not that they believed that anything could go through the metal doors of their base anyway, but unwanted attention was not needed.

General Allen placed his trust in Ethan after a few days of back and forth talking and getting to know him personally.

The relationship even proceeded to the point where Ethan and Allen considered each other a friend, despite very different natures and situations. Allen was a tall and strong tiger, somewhat intimidating presence. But slowly, Ethan found himself liking the tiger more and more.

Allen told Ethan only half about "Operation Control", despite the other officers and high-ranking soldiers in the room doubting this decision. But Allen was in charge and he made his call. The less Ethan knew the better, but they had to give him something.

Ethan listened as the plan was revealed to him. The Febris army, as they were called, had multiple tasks.

Securing the lives of possible survived civilians and arming and supplying them exchange of resources and possible recruiting into the army. It was more than a fair deal.

Second, covering as much ground as possible slowly, putting up outposts and medical centers for the needing. Eventually conquering the whole Texas state under Us military control. The possibility of continuing with their task to save the rest of the American soil would take its first step from there. Ambitious plan, if not doomed to fail... But it was all they had.

Third... Kill every single hostile lifeforce and settlement that opposes to Febris army. No questions asked. Shoot to kill.

Ethan was speechless. To know all this time that his ancestors had prepared for something like this secretly in order to restore humankind and bring back prosperity... It sounded unbelievable. Like a fairytale. Suffering was all the Texas wasteland and wastelands beyond knew. There was nothing but chaos.

The question came from Ethan. Would General Allen really save and arm his parent's village to the teeth and protect them, if he just showed the way?

Allen promised with his honor... And they shook paws.

Ethan first thought that General Allen was joking about the base having three thousand soldiers. That couldn't have been possible. But the whole mountain was a base. Ethan didn't understand the work that had gone into the most expensive and important vault of the state's future... And before long, he witnessed it all.

Ethan was escorted into the main hall, down at the deepest level.... Where the General had alerted one thousand people out of their military force, everyone standing in formations.

The twenty your old husky felt himself tremble just by the sight of what he was seeing.

He witnessed the most powerful force in the history of man. What was left of it.

Each of the soldiers were armed with FN SCAR's, HK416's, M240's, Barret 50 cal's... They had everything. Clean, unused and in perfect condition. He had seen only a few people during his life possessing such fine guns. He had to ask if this was everything they possessed. It was a lot... But Ethan still wondered if it was enough to restore the order that they wanted.

Until Allen put his paw on his shoulder and smiled.

"Ethan, my boy... You have only seen a blink."

And just the tone Allen said it in made Ethan realize... That things were going to change for the wastelands he once knew forever.

Allen kept his word to Ethan, as one friend to another.

The very next day was marked in history for the future of the US. Because just like Allen said... They had everything to fulfill a new dynasty for the wastes.

Five hundred chosen Us soldiers shook the ground with such tools of war that no one of this time had ever witnessed with their eyes. Once those huge metal doors opened, it released a flood of warriors, some more scared than others to face what was out there, after they had gone through the list of hostiles Ethan had made for the General.

But they had something far deadlier.

They had tanks. They had Humvees with stationary weapons. They had vertibirds. They had rocket launchers.

The clueless boy who had known nothing but suffering, starvation, struggle and needs to fend things for himself and protect his family in this cruel new world... He was now sweating from adrenaline, his heart pumping as he was sitting in the front seat of a Humvee, armed to the teeth. General Allen was driving, opening the window and feeling the sand and dust brush his face, seeing as they were arriving out of the small valley surrounding their base.

Ethan was scared to death, witnessing as tens of other vehicles next to him along with three tanks that were accompanying them, one vertibird flying over them to scout. The young man had never even seen a working car, let alone imagined to be in one during his life. Cars around here were rusty broken remnants of the old world. Even if one was working, no one knew how to drive one. But these people sure knew how... And he had to admit, there was no way any approaching monster out there could do damage as long as the guy in their car had his paws on the stationary minigun.

He still wondered if Allen was a man of his word. Were these people really here to do good? Had he done a mistake to save his own life? Could he trust the man that was driving him back home right now?

Out here... Trust was a fickle thing. Trust either kept you alive... Or got you killed.

The war escort finally reached the hill near Ethan's village.

And once his family along with other villagers saw them... They were screaming. Horrified. All of them were too scared to move as heavy artillery was pointing right at them. The people started to run into their houses, taking defensive tactics and getting their old rusty rifles ready.

Some just froze on their place and fell on their knees, thinking that they were witnessing gods themselves.

Some knew that whatever the people in those machines wanted... They were all going to die within seconds if they opened fire. But some were going to go down fighting. There was no other choice but to try to defend their only home.

But that day... Ethan was proven whole other meaning of trust, as Allen turned to look at the nervous boy and spoke.

"I gave you my word, Ethan. You walk out there... And tell them that we do not mean harm."

"...." Ethan didn't say anything, clearly shaking and feeling the tension as he saw the others in the car waiting for him to say something. Until Allen spoke.

"Ethan. I have never murdered a civilian. I am not about to start today either. Get out of the car. I'm coming with you."

"General, these villagers are armed and possibly hostile-" Some soldiers began in the moment of hesitation.

"Stand down and stay here. I'm going with him." The tiger ordered with the voice of authority.

Their General had more bravery than common sense. By going with Ethan to that village, he would risk his own life and it would be a mess to lose their leader the very first day in the field.

Yet, the man exited the vehicle at the same time with Ethan, walking a few steps forward with him.

The moment Ethan's mother and father saw their son next to the general, they started gasping for breath and screaming in panic, tears running down their faces. Their son was going to be used as hostage in order for them to surrender. They were going to lose their only loved son, which they had already been worried about ending up being killed and raped by raiders since his disappearance of a whole week.

As the brown-furred husky was shaking, looking at the soldiers around him and then at Allen, he knew what was going on in his parent's head. He looked at Allen, his gaze asking the same thing. Was this all a setup?

Instead, General Allen was handing over an object to him. It was Ethan's handgun.

"I believe this was yours. Your berretta is in quite poor condition, Ethan. But it works. Now, you are going to take this gun and point it at me the whole time we are walking down. -"

Ethan was about to open his mouth to protest of doing so under all these eyes, thinking he would be gunned down in a moment. Allen turned around.

"EVERYONE! STAND DOWN AND LOWER THE GUNS. I am going to proceed into the village with this man to solve this situation. NOBODY opens fire unless I command so!"

The loud and clear order was taken, even if clearly made the soldiers more alerted and scared for their General's command. Everyone lowered their weapons as was told, nevertheless.

Ethan turned around again to look at Allen, the general still handing over the gun and finishing his sentence.

"You keep it pointed at me, got it? I am your guarantee of safety. They need one as well. If my soldiers shoot... You have my life in your hands as an exchange. Eye for an eye. I am a man of my word. I gave you a promise Ethan. And I am going to keep it."

The nervous boy looking at him hesitated for a second, the small wink assuring him that nobody was going to die today.

And slowly... He took the gun, swallowed nervously... And they walked together down the hill, the gun pointed at Allen's side with a shaky and sweaty paw.

Ethan got to experience what trust truly meant that day.

Allen kept his word.

Within fifteen minutes of discussion between Ethan, his parents, general Allen and the villagers... The scared men and women stood down. The army proceeded down the hill... And Ethan got to hug his parents after the most horrifying and tense moment of his life.

Within only a few hours, the general himself was talking with Ethan's parents in the middle of it all as the soldiers were clearing the village and giving what they promised. Protection.

Every villager was now supplied with highly maintained weapons, grenades, bulletproof vests, medicine, food... All in return for a huge American flag stabbed on the ground in the middle of the settlement.

And that was the day... When Ethan found his calling, smiling as he looked around himself, realizing that this village was now going to be safe for years to come.

He started by approaching General Allen, standing in front of him in silence and the General staring back at him.

Within seconds, Ethan did the same salute he had seen the soldiers do in the base each time the General walked into the same room. And he spoke the words.

"General Allen! I... I request to be a soldier I-in your army! I p-promise to be loyal and fight for you till death!" The boy stuttered, knowing how foolish he sounded.

Yet, all he got in return from the General was wide smile and hand on his shoulder as the man spoke to him like a friend. Not a hardened soldier.

"Ethan... Only if you call me just Allen."

Just like that... The two started a journey together that was going to shape the world into something new. It was going to be forged into a place of hope. Justice. And before long... Peace.

To be continued...


(Fallout 4: Far Harbor OST - The Fog Gets To You)

"NO!" Dion screamed, rising up from his bed.

The husky was covered in sweat, breathing rapidly with wide, panicked eyes.

The very same nightmare had shaken his mind again. It was vivid in his head, the dog rubbing his face and trying not to cry.

It was getting too much for him. For all these nights... He kept seeing this same thing night after night.

Hearing these voices. Hearing his father. Hearing his mother. Hearing scary voices from the shadows that he didn't recognize. Everything was wrong.

He needed to speak to his father sooner or later. Who else would he tell? He needed something to keep the painful dreams away.

What was the weirdest thing... Was that he had not even remembered the voice of his mother from the time he was a child... He remembered her face... Her eyes. Her touch, as she held me in that flying, scary machine.

But her voice. I didn't remember it anymore.

Yet in the dream... She screamed... And it was now the only way I knew how she sounded. How was that even possible? For your subconscious to create such scary, terrified screams of your mother... Instead of hearing her voice saying calmly that she loved me. Or even my name.

All that I had as echo... Was her screaming for someone to stop hurting her. Someone was attacking her... And there was nothing I could do about it.

It was painful... And created nothing but confusion.

And his father... He had never heard his own dad's voice so heartbroken as he did in that dark place of his nightmare.

The defeat... The sorrow... And the acceptance of whatever waited for him.

Dion didn't know it... But he felt it.

Something bad happened to his father... Something... Final.

And that was the last thing he wanted to think of.

Dion hopped up from the bed with shaky legs, walking in the dark towards the bathroom.

He opened the door, the bright light almost blinding him as he had to use his paws to cover eyes.

The husky stumbled towards the sink, starting to turn the valves to release the water. He had to peak just a bit, as painful as the light was to his eyes.

"Oww.." The dog huffed, hearing the running water flow down the sink. He put his paws under the water, cupping some of it in his paws, taking a huge splash against his face.

"Haaah.." The dog exhaled, his sweaty face getting hit by the ice-cold water feeling like a blessing.

The dog reached for the towel nearby, closing the running water with his other paw.

He could visualize his surroundings a bit more as his eyes started to force themselves slowly to get used to the dark. As the dog was feeling woozy, he stared his reflection from the bathroom mirror.

"... What did I do to deserve this? I can't take this anymore... I need to tell someone..." Dion muttered quietly, feeling lost. He didn't want to have this same nightmare anymore. He wanted things to return to normal, have his usual, pleasant dreams. Simple things.

Yet all he had now, was this mess-

"Deserve what?"

Dion felt his fur spark up as he turned around, giving a small scream as the result of jumpscare.

Ryan was leaning against the open doorway in his boxers, giving confused look at his brother.

"RYAN, YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!" The husky said loudly, holding his chest with his paw and huffing, taking some support from the sink.

"Yeah, I noticed. You shouldn't yell so much unless you want to wake up dad at this hour. What are you even doing up here, talking by yourself, sounding all shaky and spooked out? It's four in the morning... You going crazy or something?"

"I'm not! I'm just... Tired." Dion muttered back, avoiding eye contact. He always did that when he lied.

"... Mm." Ryan just hummed, knowing that he was being lied to without a question.

"Well, I mean... What are YOU doing here?" Dion asked right back, still collecting his breath.

"Last time I checked; I don't have a bathroom in my room. I just came to take a shower and go back to bed and sleep a bit more. You done here?" Ryan asked with a shrug of shoulders.

"... Why on earth would you shower this early?" Dion asked, Ryan, rolling his eyes to Dion's questions and sighed.

"Because I woke up horny thinking about my boyfriend, so I'm going to take a quick jerk in the shower to not make a mess."

Dion closed his eyes slowly with a total disturbed shake of a head and whispered from the bottom of his soul.


"Your fault. You the one that asks the questions. You never answered mine. Why are you up, your face soaked, looking like you have seen a ghost? And talking by yourself`? You always were a weird brother, but you got imagination friends now or something?" Ryan asked with a bored face.

"N-no! I just... Look, I just saw a bad dream. No big deal." Dion said, still trying to wipe the dirty words his brother had said.

"... You never see bad dreams." Ryan said with a lift of eyebrow in question.

"Well, this time I did, okay?"

"Uh-huh. Well, in any case, can you go in with whatever business you had here and let me get that shower?"

For a moment, Dion just stood there, Ryan wondering why the husky was looking at him with such a sad expression.

"... I want you to apologize." Dion said quietly.

"... I'm sorry, what's that?" Ryan asked.

"... I want you to apologize for your mean behavior to me." Dion said with his hands crossed now.

"... My mean behavior." Ryan repeated after his brother like it didn't make sense.

"What you told me at breakfast on Sunday. How you talked to me yesterday. How you just now scared the life out of me and tell me to get out of my own bathroom? Since when did you become this mean? Over the years you just... You haven't been yourself and-"

"What are you talking about?" Ryan asked with an annoyed face like his brother couldn't be serious right now.

"... You are meaner to me. Meaner to our father. Meaner to your friends. -"

"I'm going to stop you right there. Listen to me, big brother, and listen to me well." Ryan said, having enough of this conversation already.

"See? You are being mean again! You shouldn't interrupt someone when they are talking to-"

"My God, can you just shut the fuck up?!" Ryan let out with pure frustration.

Dion totally froze but saw that his brother now seriously regretted what he had said to him just now. He had never spoken this way to his brother... Nor was is his intention just now. The brown-furred husky indeed stopped talking. He had his mouth open slightly in disbelief.

The silence kept ongoing. Dion clearly was in a bit of shock, having no idea what to say back. He was just frozen. But it was clear that he was about to cry.

"... Look, I... Don't tell dad that I said that to you. I didn't... I didn't think. I'm sorry. Hey." Ryan said in a slight hint of panic in his tone, his body language begging Dion not to start crying. Dion did manage to hold back, Ryan continuing.

"... Ryan... Am..." Dion started to mumble, rubbing his shoulder and looking down on the ground, trying to force the question out.

"I... I didn't hear, look just... Please don't cry. Let's just hug. I apologize. I didn't mean-"

"Farin... He is right, isn't he?... Just like you. If... If you said it to me it has to... It can't just be him-"

"Dion... What are you talking about?" Ryan asked, arriving close to Dion and wondering if he should hug him or not. The brown-furred husky then just asked a question straight away.

"Ryan... Am I... A coward? A... Sissy? Like everyone keeps saying?" Dion squeezed out, looking at Ryan with tears rolling down his eyes.

"I... Dion... Why would you ask that from-?"

"Answer me!" Dion said loudly.

Ryan was quiet, relaxing his shoulders and just looking at his brother. He needed the truth from him. He wanted to hear it from his brother.

The fox stared at his older brother awkwardly, opening his mouth to talk and closing it again in hesitation. He didn't know if he should just answer it... But it meant a lot for his brother. And maybe the truth, no matter if It hurts, would help him.

"... Yes." The fox said quietly with an apologizing nod.

Dion broke down at that moment, starting to cry. Ryan quickly came to his brother, pulling him into a hug. He started to calm his brother down, talking.

"LISTEN... It's alright to be the way you are! Not... Not everyone is tough and... Dion, just calm down. -"

"I hate myself!" Dion cried out against his brothers' shoulder.

The stress in itself was released on Ryan for more than the reason Dion had just spoken. The nightmare had messed him up, and the emotions of fear building inside him felt a bit ore released as he had someone to hug now. Ryan didn't know that, but Ryan then spoke calmly.

"Hey, look... I... I'll protect you from Farin...Just forget what I said two days ago. All of it. I... I owe you that much. You... You might be a bit timid but you are still my brother-"

"I'm supposed to be the one that takes care of you! I'm the older one! But I can't even fight! How can dad be proud of someone like me?!" Dion cried out in total shame, his snot falling down on Ryan's shoulder as he was sniffing, Ryan not knowing how to answer to that. He admired the fact that Dion had guts to admit such things, as it was indeed a very unusual thing... But he didn't hate Dion for it. He could never hate his brother. Embarrassed by him? More than once... But he was still his flesh and blood and only brother he got. And it hurt him to see Dion like this.

"He is proud of you! I mean, at least you know things like Tio... You are like... Smart as hell. I don't know anything at all-"

"It's not the same!" Dion cried back.

"Dion... Just... Calm down. Okay? Breathe." Ryan begged, the fox holding the husky for a moment and letting him cry out his stress.

It continued for a long time. But Ryan wasn't going anywhere. His shower could wait.

So, there they stood, Ryan, tapping his older brothers back and wondering what on earth to say. Dion did have breakdowns like this a few times a year, especially if someone had called him with bad words, but the fox felt like there was a way bigger reason for Dion to act this way. He wasn't just apologizing, or embarrassed. He was genuinely scared of something. And Ryan didn't understand what it could be. Because even Dion wasn't that much of a coward that he would fear Farin or his friends this much. It had to be something else.

"... You good?" Ryan asked after a while. He wasn't feeling uncomfortable, but he had things to do and he had no intention to stay in this bathroom the whole morning to ease down his crying brother.

"... I... Yeah... I think..." Dion said quietly, sniffing a few times and composing himself slowly, separating from his brothers' arms.

"Good. I got snot all over me now. Fuck. Look... Are you sure you are okay?... I'm not psychiatric nor a doctor like Amir but you got something weird going around you-"

Suddenly both of their ears gave a small twitch, both staring at the door of the room.

They had heard a sound from the other side. It had come from the shared living quarters area of theirs. Someone was walking there, opening doors quite loudly.

"What the..." Dion sniffed, wiping his nose with his arm and thinking if they should check what was going on.

Ryan just gave a wave of paw at Dion's face, the confused pup looking at him in question.

"It's just dad leaving somewhere. Who cares?" Ryan said with a bored tone, having already forgotten what he and Dion were discussing.

"But... What is he doing up this ear-"?

"Our father is a busy guy. I mean, we are up at this hour, so why wouldn't he be?"

"... I ... I guess." Dion said, still wondering as he heard the door closing in the other room, someone had obviously left the area.

"... So, where were we? Right. Look, you can tell me if something else is bothering you here. You just out of nowhere ask the question like that out of the blue? If I think you are the biggest wimp of the vault? So what? So is Marcy, Luther, Joel, Mark, Jesus I could keep going forever. It's not like you need to be super headstrong in this fucking boring place where nothing really happens. Father keeps reminding us every week how lucky we are to live the life that we are. So why are you acting like you are all going to die soon and shit?"

"... I... I don't know... I... I haven't been myself lately." Dion circled around, not wanting to talk about his dreams or voices in his head that creeped him out enough without him needing to share them to his brother, who would most likely just think of him as double the weirdo.

"You just accused me of the same thing. What is my excuse? Stress." Ryan said bluntly.

"... Wh-what for?" Dion asked carefully.

"... You really ask me that?" Ryan said with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Why would you stress about anything? You are like the coolest kid in the vault."

"Dion... You are supposed to be the smarter one out of us, as the older one. What do I have to stress out for? Our father, the great Merchant Charlie Winchester, expects to see grandkids during his lifetime like all the adults. And instead of that future, his son is a fag, who is in secret relationship with Alcoholistic asshole pastor's son. That I have to live in fear of being disowned by my own dad? And If everyone finds out, I will most likely be separated from the only guy I love, and in the worst possible case, the overseer will banish me to the wasteland? Since we can't contribute to the vault's community in any way, we are useless to keep around and feed. The overseer already despises our father like hell-"

"B-but dad said he is in good terms with Calv-"

"Dion. Stop interrupting me. I'm trying to say that I live in a possible threat all the time. Oh, and the fact that our father clearly favors you more because you are so much book smart, attending every class of his like a good boy, while his rebel, jerk of a son spends all his day's training with swords and barely even talks to him anymore? Do you want me to keep going? Or do you still want to know about things that stress me out?" Ryan asked in frustration.

"... I... I'm sorry..." Dion said quietly with wide eyes, hearing his brother say all this to him so straight.

"... Yeah... Me too. We all got our problems."

"But... I... I don't think our father would ever disown you. He would never do that to you. He loves you, even if you two are not as... Close anymore. You know he does." Dion said like it was the last thing he could see happening. Their father was too golden-hearted for such an outcome.

"... Sometimes you just have to assume the worst, brother." Ryan said after a while with a serious tone.

Ryan and Dion both just looked at each other, the husky awkwardly wondering how to continue the conversation... But in the end... What was there to talk about anymore?

"Since you clearly have no intention of returning the favor and telling what is making you act weirder than the usual-" Ryan began after tired inhale.

"I'm... Nothing is going on with me. I promise... I'm okay." Dion assured quickly with a hesitating voice.

"... Alright then." Ryan said, feeling like he was being lied to very visibly, but was too tired to even fight this.


The silence continued for a while, Ryan talking after a while.

"Well... Since you are done here. Can I now get some privacy and get that shower? You really messed my shoulder up with all the crying." Ryan said, wiping his grizzled fur.

"Y-yeah. I'll go..." Dion said, awkwardly walking past his brother.


"... Yeah?" The husky asked, turning around as he was already out of the bathroom.

"... If it can't be me... You should talk to dad." Ryan said with a concerned tone, hint of sadness in it. Since his brother clearly didn't trust him enough to tell what it was that made him act like this.

Before Dion could even answer, Ryan pushed the door button and the metal came between them.

The husky ended up standing in his pitch-dark room, staring at the door and then rubbing the back of his neck. He gazed at his bed, wondering if he should just try to sleep some more... Or listen to music to calm himself down like always.

He could hear the fox brother of his turning up the water, the husky sighing and looking so damn tired, starting to walk towards his nightstand to get his pip-boy.

The small side thought in Dion's head spoke, making the husky wonder the answer as well.

"What why was my dad up this early and sneaking out of his room to the hallways? Who business is he on that is so important that you need to attend to it before everyone wakes up?"


(Al green-How Can You Mend A Broken Heart)

"OH, my god, Charlie... You...." The woman next to the old husky kept exhaling, totally out of breath.

Before the female could finish his sentence, Charlie already smiled, huffing the smoke against the ceiling from his cigar in satisfaction.

"Are such a male..." The woman finished, rolling over to lay her head on top of Charlie's chest.

The old, brown-furred husky was laying on a bed of a stranger, the woman next to him being a raccoon at the age of forty. They were both naked under the blanket they were wrapped in, the husky took another huff of his cigar.

"You say that every time." Charlie pointed out with a smile.

"What can I say... It always makes me amazed how much can a man be packing down there."

"... That's just canines mostly. Not me." Charlie let out with a casual tone, taking another inhale of his cigar.

"What do you mean? I've been with a canine, his cock wasn't nowhere long as yours. Your's is like freaking eight inches long." The raccoon girl exhaled with a smile.

"It's not ever about the size baby, it's how you use it. My dick could be five inches and still get the job done." Charlie chuckled with an honest tone, huffing the cigar again, relaxing.

"Now you are just down speaking your male hood... You are the only one who has made me orgasm." She said with a flirty tone.

"Is this flattery, or truth, mam?" Charlie asked with a proud smirk.

"Take what you will... I think I'm going to be feeling what we just did for a while."

"... Half an hour break?"

"... Fifteen minutes more like. I want to ride it this time."

"You got it, my lady." Charlie hummed.

"In return, I'll treat your big balls with my mouth this time. I know you love it." Sandy said, bragging the spoken area under the blanket firmly and making Charlie's eyes roll a bit in satisfaction.

"... You are quite something, Sandy." Charlie chuckled with pleased tone, more than okay with such a plan.

"No, you are, cowboy."

Both chuckled at the dirty talk, Charlie talking after ten seconds of quiet. He as looking at his cigar in satisfaction while speaking.

"I still can't believe how your family managed to get these fine things into this vault two hundred years ago. If anyone knew that you possessed so much of this stuff, they would be all over you to get your favor, Sandy." Charlie Winchester said and inhaled the tobacco again.

"Mmmh, I knooow. That is why you are the only one I share them with, mister Winchester... Cigar is the finest of treats you can have here."

"Can't argue that... And I am very taken by this gift." The husky said with a smile.

"You should be." The raccoon hummed, running her finger on Charlie's ruffled up chest, the husky answering with a chuckle.

"Yeah... I guess I should."

"You know... There would be many ways that you could repay me, mister Winchester."

"Like with what? Does the gorgeous lady have something specific in mind?" The husky asked.

"Well... A kiss would be a start? You forgot to give me one."

Charlie chuckled at that, taking one last huff of the cigar, leaning close to give a tongue kiss to the raccoon. After their muzzles separated for a moment, she whispered to him.

"That was a good start... But... You know what I am about to ask next. I'm not giving up." Sandy pointed out with a bit frustrated tone.

And just like that... The energy in the room changed. Charlie mentally rolled eyes, wondering why was he even surprised anymore at this. This had to be a hundredth time this year.

"... Neither am I, Sandy." Charlie said like the discussion had been over and dealt with.

"... Doesn't it get tedious to be still in love with someone that you haven't seen in ten years?"

"... My choices are my own, Sandy. I enjoy you, but don't talk about my wife." Charlie said quietly, getting very serious again.

"... Charlie... You already have broken your wows years ago by joining the bed of another woman. What harm can my request do in comparison?"

"Sandy. What did I just say? I'm not here to talk about my wife. Got it?" Charlie asked with tension rising in his tone as he huffed the cigar, scooting away from the woman a bit.

"... No, you are not... Yet, here you are. You have never even told her name to me. You barely want to talk about anything serious when you visit me. Like... Ever. Don't you think that within these six years we have known, that you could sometimes open up a bit to the woman you spend intimate time with like every week?" Sandy spoke in total frustration, having brought this talk up more than once.

"Because I don't need therapy, Sandy. I come here for relief. So do you. We are just having fun. That's the only thing we share. I don't want to be anything more-"

"BUT I DO," Sandy said, scooting up on her knees and covering her bare body with a blanket, stripping off the dog from it.

"... I'm sure you do, Sandy... But I am not the romantic type. I want to fuck, that's all there is to it-"

"Oh, that is just complete bullshit! You are still as loyal as you barely can for a woman you will never see in your life again, and got two beautiful children with her. And you tell me that you are not capable of love?" Sandy asked, pressing on Charlie.

"Why does this always have to end like this? Almost every week, you have to dedicate one evening to this shit. You get all emotional and start to talk about this shit like you haven't gotten my opinion a thousand times already. Like, what is your problem, Sandy?"

"You. You are my problem, mister Winchester." The raccoon said with a bored tone.

"Yeah well... You have an odd way of dealing with your problems. You jump on their dicks." Charlie said with a bit mocking tone.

"Oh, don't you start to talk to me like that, Charlie. I have done nothing but taken care of your needs for so long, I deserve a little bit more respect in that tone of yours." The raccoon said with a serious tone, Charlie playing with fire.

"... Fine. I apologize." The husky said with given up tone, continuing to huff his cigar and relaxing against the pillows again.

"... There we go. That wasn't so hard was it?" The raccoon asked, like talking to a child.

"It was until I pulled out and you started talking," Charlie said back with a smirk.

"... You can be a real fucking asshole, Charlie." The raccoon said with an amused tone.

"Language, lady." The dog teased, the raccoon rolling her eyes and speaking again with a bit more relaxed tone.

"You know... I've been thinking of something, Charlie. Something serious. And we need to talk about it." The raccoon said.

"... Great. Can I have another cigar?" Charlie asked with an anxious tone, not liking the way the woman was looking at him right now. For a moment he had wished she would have moved on from serious discussions.

"Not until you hear me out," Sandy said with her arms crossed.

"... Hooo boy." The husky said, taking a deep breath and leaning his neck a bit to the left, making it pop in satisfaction. He needed mental preparation. Maybe it was dumb to come here this night. I should have just slept.

"... I want your baby in my belly." She let out without hesitation.

"ACH! ACH!" The husky let out, starting to cough on his cigar loudly and closing his eyes. He hoped that he had not heard right just now but there was no way he heard wrong.

"Try not to die on me, will ya?" Sandy said with a sarcastic tone.

"I... Where did that come from?" Charlie asked with a confused tone.

"... Mister Winchester. You listen to me now. I'm starting to reach the age where I'm getting desperate on this. Calvin did not give me children because of his seed... It didn't work. No matter how much we tried. BUT YOU... You are ten times the man that he was... And I've seen how good father you are to your kits... I want to have a kit with you, Charlie." The raccoon said like this had been her plan for a long time.

"... Sandy... Absolutely no." Charlie said from the get-go with an uncomfortable tone.

"WHY?!" The woman asked so loudly that It made Charlie spook a bit, wincing from the tone in the middle of huffing his cigar.

"... I am a married man. I am not going to have children with anyone else but my real wife." Charlie said back with a tone that told her he was about to escape this situation.

"No. You are staying right here and we are talking this through. I want your child, Charlie. I want to be a mother."

"There are at least forty other men here that can provide you with such request, once you have dated them enough-"

"Oh, to hell with them! They are not you. You are the strongest and most wise man I know. I didn't fuck all these years with you without a purpose. I wanted more than sex, I wanted you to like me and give me a chance to be more to you. Am I really not attractive enough for you-?"

"It's not a matter about your beauty, Sandy. It's the matter of choices I make. I don't want more kits. I already have two sons. I can't be a father of a third-"

"Whoever asked you to? I can be a mother to it and no one needs to know he or she, is yours. You don't have to lift up your finger to do father duties if you really don't want to. As cruel as it makes you sound, I'm ready to go that road. Others might have questions about who is to father but let them guess. Charlie... I WANT TO BE A MOTHER. And I want the seed to be yours."

"... No." Charlie said bluntly after a moment of silence and putting out his cigar on Sandy's nightstand.

"... Charlie, YOU OWE ME."

"I DO NOT OWE YOU A DAMN THING, SANDY. I'm not ready to create another child in the world anymore. If you can't see tons of reasons why there is no need to be discussing this further." Charlie said, scooting to sit on the edge of the bed and looking around the room for his vault suit, laying around somewhere.

"Oh, great. You are just going to leave. Just fucking great." Sandy said.

"I need my sleep. It was a nice visit, but I have a class to teach today." Charlie said, raising from the bed and looking around the room.

"FUCK YOUR CLASS. LOOK AT ME." Sandy said with a serious tone.

That got Charlie's attention, the husky inhaling deeply and closing his eyes for a moment. He turned to look at the female on the bed, talking to him with a rather mocking tone.

"Six years. Six years and you have given me no public affection nor even consider making us official couple... Every week you come here and use me like I'm just a piece of meat for you-"

"You know that's not true. Besides, we agreed on how this would go from the get-go-"

"THINGS CHANGE. People's minds change. I want things to go different. Each time you fuck me, you just pull out in time and I LET YOU finish yourself inside my ass, face, back or hell, wherever you fucking want at that moment, but you always avoid giving me a child as best as you can. And it's not because you don't know how to love, nor that you wouldn't be a good father. You are not a coward. But you are fucking selfish. YOU think that I am not WORTHY of your child, so you just finish yourself other filthy ways, no matter my feelings or what I want." The raccoon spoke in total hurt tone.

"You are going to wake up everyone around here if you keep yelling like that-" Charlie warned with an annoyance.

"Don't avoid what I'm trying to say! You don't think me as worthy of a female to give me a kit! To you, I'm just a fucking whore that you can fuck in any hole that you feel like fucking! -"

"Sandy, quit yelling! And just so you know, whores get paid, you know that, right? They get something valuable in return. You and I are just friends with benefits. Until the point, you go psycho like this and ruin the mood." Charlie asked with an annoyed tone. He was a hundred percent done with this argument and felt like Sandy didn't need to yell their bed affairs without a worry in the world. If someone would hear, Calvin would learn about it sooner or later. And that man hated Charlie already more than was needed.

".... Unbelievable. You are just... You know what, Charlie Winchester? Just get the fuck out of my sight. You and me? We are done." The raccoon spoke in the final tone, not even wanting to look at the naked husky in front of him, feeling truly hurt at the moment.

At some level... Charlie did feel bad for her. He truly did. His intention was never to hurt her like this, but he just didn't want to have another kit... He already struggled with emotional pain about sharing a bed with a woman that was not the one he loved... Kit would be crossing the line more than badly, karma wise, in his mind.

"... You are going to ask me to join your bed within a week." Charlie spoke knowingly, nevertheless. They both knew it was true.

"FUCK YOU! AND YOUR BIG EGO!" The raccoon said loudly in total annoyance.

"Look... I don't want things to end on a bad note. How about you calm down, okay? I apologize for my words and my behavior. See? Sandy, it's just... You need to understand. I do not feel for you the way you feel for me. And I'm sorry about that. I really am. I have apologized two times now."

"... Duly noted, Charlie. But it's not your apology I need. I have told you what I need. And I stay behind it. And before you are ready to talk about it OR do something about it... I'm not going to share my bed with you." Sandy said with a determined tone, feeling still somewhat calmed down by the fact that Charlie clearly showed that he was sorry.

"..." Charlie was quiet, wondering if he should just leave. It was almost seven a clock, and his class would start within two hours. He had already spent three hours in the room, smoking cigars and having sex. He had no energy to talk about this subject right now. Nor would it lead anywhere. He wasn't going to change his mind.

"That's right. You know that I am serious... So, you better think things through with yourself, Charlie. I mean it. You tell I will be asking you in bed out of being desperate? Let's see how you manage to spend your weeks without getting your rocks off. You should consider yourself lucky having a woman as talented as me. Shame, I know you are going to miss fucking my ass within a month. Considering you love shoving your dick in there every Saturday. "

The dog did indeed give annoyed wince of frustration, rubbing the back of his head and started to collect his stuff from the floor.

"... Sandy, can you just chill about this and try to understand-"


The loud echo was heard through the halls, the announcer voice making sure everyone woke up in the process. Charlie felt his face fall into total misery, this being the last thing he wanted. Whatever this was going to be about, it wasn't good. Nothing was ever good with Calvin.

"Looks like my ex-husband wants to have a word. Don't let him down... It would be most unfortunate if he heard about the perversions of yours when it comes to me, wouldn't it? I think he would find that most negative thing to hear."

"I don't care if he knows. I'm not scared of Calvin... Stupid vault suit ... I should have stayed in bed..." Charlie muttered in total frustration, picking up his clothes from the ground.

"Yeah, maybe you should have," Sandy spoke with given up tone, starting to reach for the cigar on the nightstand.

As Charlie had finished up with his clothes, closing the zipper of his vault suit, the dog spoke.

"Sandy... I'm sorry that I can't be the man that you want me to be."

"... You and me both." Sandy said with a totally sad tone, lighting up her cigar and looking down at her feet, wishing that Charlie would already just leave.

The dog did look at the raccoon for a moment with a face of sympathy, wondering if he should say something. Anything at all... But he didn't.

Instead, he opened the door... And spoke.

"... Be seeing you, Sandy."

He got no answer from behind his back, not even expecting one.

He closed the door... And left the raccoon alone by herself on the bed, the woman fighting tears as he heard Charlie's footsteps disappear in the hallway. Until they finally broke, Sandy shaking and feeling the emotions take over.


(Bob Crosby and the Bobcats - Happy Times)

"Calvin... Can we just... Get this thing going... Whatever it-"

Before Charlie could finish his awkward request, the mammal before him used his palm raised as a gesture for the old dog to shut up, and he did. But the hidden anger mixed with frustration was there in Charlie, just being shackled deep down, as he hated to be in this room. As well as in the front of this man.

Calvin was the fourth running overseer of his family line. Calvin Marston.

Calvin was a forty-nine-year-old man, a weasel by his species. His fur was half brown and half white, and he was tired, but dignified looking man. He definitely was the man who held authority here and was very much proud of his position.

His office space was rather large, the monitors around his desk showing the essential places around the vault with a camera system, along with few monitors of his personal use holding data logs and files that went back all the way from the first day of the vault. The recordings of each week reports going back for two hundred years. Calvin was no different. He was a precise man.

The mahogany covered, fancy desk was surrounded by other casual decorating, the room having two couches on their right side, making a cozy discussion space with a small table in front of the seats. The huge, round glass window showed a nice view to the dining hall of the vault, Calvin having the opportunity to look down on his "kingdom" every now and then and feel whatever he wanted to.

On the left side of the room, there were some bookcases made of brown wood, along with at least a few hundred books that Calvin had most likely read, not really sharing them with anyone else. Sharing was something he was very bad at. Unless it came to commands.

Somehow, people had managed to get a rather large, red carpet to cover almost all of the floor in the room. The purpose no one knew. I guess it was brought here to make the room stand out from others with class. It did look pleasing for the eyes as well as nice under the feet. At the left end of the room, there was a metallic door, being door to overseers' private quarters straight from his workroom.

The sounds of dining teenagers of the vault were echoing faintly through the glass, Dion and Ryan most likely being there as usual with their friends, talking about an upcoming class in full spirit.

As the weasel had not looked at Charlie once since his arrival, the dog was getting impatient. Calvin was just writing down something on his private terminal, having been on it for a while now. Matter of fact, five minutes since Charlie arrived. The old dog finally spoke without caring about the earlier command of silence any longer.

"Calvin, I got things to do today-"

"I'm sure you do." The weasel said with a bored tone.

Charlie took a deep breath and sighed, talking again.

"Look, I have a class to teach within the next forty minutes. Or have you forgot what I tend to do around here?"

"I'm very well aware," Calvin said without a care in the world.

"... Well, in that case, you should hurry up with the reason you invited me here for-"

"I don't think I have to hurry up with anything, Winchester. Nor do you."

"... No wonder your wife left you." Charlie said quietly with the annoyed face at the weasel but made Calvin lift his face from the screen and look at him the first time. It looked like he had heard what Charlie said more than clear.

"... Excuse me, would you like to repeat what you just said?" Calvin asked with a threatening tone.

"... I didn't say anything. Must have been the wind." Charlie said right back with the same attitude Calvin had just seconds ago.

"... The wind." Calvin repeated like Charlie was a total imbecilic.

"See. Even you figured it out." Charlie said with a small smile.

"... You think you are so fucking clever, don't you?" Calvin asked with an annoyed tone.

"Well, I have my mome-"

"It was a rhetoric question, Winchester. Learn your place and your manners when you speak to me. You should know better by now." Calvin said bluntly, looking back at his terminal slowly after giving the eye to the dog.

"... What are you even writing down there?" Charlie asked with a bored tone.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Calvin said quietly as he tapped a few buttons again.

"Calvin, the sooner you get to the point, the sooner you get me out of here. It's a win-win for both." Charlie said with a tired tone. He really had not mentally prepared to talk with this weasel this morning.

The weasel took his time to tap the screen a little bit more, then taking a deep breath, turning his gaze and attention back to Charlie. Calvin spoke after an intense staring of near five seconds.

"We need to discuss about your yesterday's teachings at your... Class. And after that, I need to talk to you about a personal issue." Calvin said, the latter subject clearly being more of his concern. Charlie clearly noticed that but had no idea what it would be about. But he didn't like the word "personal". It was something he had heard from Calvin before... And in the worst case, he knew about Sandy.

"... What about my yesterday's class?" Charlie asked with confusion.

"... You are teaching peoples kids gambling now?" Calvin asked with a serious tone.

"... I'd never do that. I demonstrated them magic tricks with cards... Among other things." Charlie said with a shrug of shoulders like he did nothing wrong.

"... Magic tricks." Calvin repeated and gave a mocking chuckle.

"You a man-child now? Trying to blend in with the kids?"

"... Well, I do find their company more entertaining than most of the people my age in this vault." Charlie admitted, trying to hold his natural insults in his own mouth.

"... Mh. Duly noticed. You care about them so much that you teach them prohibited card games?" Calvin questioned.

"I did not teach the rules of the game, and I own the only deck in the vault- Look, was this really why you invited me here eight in the morning? To talk about playing cards? Or did you just request me to come here to throw shade at me like you always do?" Charlie asked with a frustrated tone.

"I can invite you here without any reason, if I want to, Winchester," Calvin said back casually.

"Did not know that you were so keen on my company after all this time," Charlie said back with eyeroll.

"... Keep your witty comments to yourself and listen. No more gambling-related teachings from your end, got it? Don't forget, I can shut down this little teacher role of yours any time I wish. You should be on your knees thanking me for even allowing to practice such foolish thing here... I have no idea why these kids think you as some kind of a leader when you clearly are nothing but an outsider with poor manners and low cunning. You seem to forget your rules every now and then like having occasional amnesia of some sort, for as long as I have watched you live here." Calvin let out with a tone of judgment.

Charlie was quiet and expressionless, just taking it the insults in like he usually did. He had no intention to show the weasel what kind of man was really sitting in his room right now. There was no need since he had put that Charlie way past behind him. The spark was still in there from time to time, especially with Calvin, the weasel having a habit to test Charlie's waters a bit too much. Little did the overseer in front of him know that Charlie could jump over the desk and end his life within a few seconds if he wanted to with his bare hands.

Calvin continued with a small satisfied smile as he got no answer.

"So... Now that the main subject has been dealt with, we get into something a bit more... unnerving." Calvin said with a bit odd tone, Charlie not knowing what to think about it.

"Well, get to it then," Charlie said with a shrug of shoulders, just to annoy the man.

And he did succeed, the arrogance in the dog's behavior before the higher authority always being there. This time, Calvin let it slide and spoke.

"This is about Niles Hovan." The weasel said with the somewhat awkward ring to it like he didn't like having this discussion with Charlie.

"... Ooookay? What about Niles?" Charlie asked in confusion, the subject really coming out of the blue.

"... As you are very well aware, my family tree has been in charge of the authority in this vault for decades. Since me and my... Wife, have had our differences... It has made this tradition of Marston family a bit... Complicated. As much as I hate having this discussion with you, more than you know... I am not looking for another wife anytime soon in my life. I much more prefer my own company, and keeping this place up and running. That woman ended up being a mistake. We... Had our disagreements, concerning kids... So." Calvin finished, shrugging his shoulders like it was just a small issue that didn't bother him.

But Charlie knew better. He was good at studying people. And it was clear that Calvin felt deep hatred in himself and his wife. Charlie was the only one who knew that Calvin was sterile, and felt somewhat of a compassion over such an issue. Any male should from male to another. But in the end, Charlie knew that Clavin would be horrible father material. His personality took everything from Charlie to handle civil manners.

Charlie was quiet, wondering where was Calvin even going with this, as the weasel clearly expected some kind of reaction at all from the dog. But once he saw nothing but confusion in answer, he continued fast.

"I am caught in a choice that I have to make. My sister is gone. And... Well, Randal is... Not on sharpest these days. -"

"Very mild way to say that your brother in law is a pathetic, grumpy alcoholic," Charlie said with a serious tone.

"You watch your words now, Charlie. I mean it. Randal might have his issues, but he is family to me. Besides, I know your past arguments with him. If you ever hit him again, there will be severe consequences for you. Don't think I have forgotten-"


"DON'T SPEAK ON MY WORDS, DOG." The weasel warned, having enough with the dog's attitude.

"... Understood." Charlie said, composing himself, just wishing to get out of this damn situation. He kept eyeing the time from the pip-boy in his wrist.

"Your class isn't going nowhere. Stop looking at the time. Now, Randal is not an overseer material. We both can agree on that. DON'T even fucking comment. I see on your face whenever you are about to say something that just rubs me the wrong way. So shut the fuck up and listen. Randal will not follow my footsteps... But his son, Niles... He is the last kin of mine that could continue my work after I'm gone. With good luck, I live for another thirty years if God so blesses me, but I need a plan. That is what my job is, as a leader. I need Niles to step up and start to learn." Calvin said, having laid his cards on the table.

"... You want Niles Hovan to be the overseer?" Charlie asked with a very surprised tone.

"... When the time comes, yes."

"You know that he won't like that, right? He is going to spend his time training to be a fighter rather than following you around, whether you like it or now." Charlie pointed out.

"And he will take this job, whether he likes it or not," Calvin said with a serious tone.

"... Well, Alright then. At least that's an overseer I can finally get along with." Charlie said with a smirk.

"... Good for you." Calvin said with the same attitude.

"So... Why are you telling me all this? I do not exactly see myself involved in any of this." Charlie said.

"... Yes. YOU are not involved... But your son, Ryan... He is. Now since you have already brought that issue up. About... Fighting." Calvin said with a warning tone.

And that just didn't feel good for Charlie to hear. Calvin had very rarely mentioned or pointed out things concerning his kids, but even hearing their name from Calvin's mouth annoyed him.

"... Care to elaborate on that?" Charlie asked quietly.

"I'm very well aware that your... Son... And Niles are best friends. What I am asking you to do here, is to have a little chat with your kin, concerning my future plans."

"... As in a chat about what? I do not follow what you are asking me to do here, Calvin. -"

"I want you to tell your son not to spend any more time with Niles." The overseer said firmly, yet uneasy of somewhat. Like he knew that Charlie was not going to let this request come true.

".... What?" Charlie asked like it was the stupidest thing he had heard in a long time.

"I only order this unfortunate thing to happen, because your son is a bad influence on Niles, as he has spent past years roleplaying some freaking knight, instead of becoming an intellectual man. Which makes my training for him so much harder, since I have to literally start from scratch."

"Wowowow, A BAD INFLUENCE? -" Charlie began, shaking his head and getting riled up by the comment.

"I meant what I said and I stand behind it. Ryan Winchester and Niles's daily shared ridiculous... Hobby... is too much of a distraction for the boy. I can't let it continue if I want that lynx to lead this place one day. And it's not the only distraction. He needs a full focus on the job offered... So instead of attending your classes anymore, he will be attending private tutoring by me in the mornings. Of things that really matter." Calvin said, his tone in the matter is final.

The quiet settled into the room.

The old dog was looking at the weasel right now with a rather aggressive look, dumbfounded by the strict order that was given. It would break Ryan's heart to hear such a thing. As it would do the same for Niles.

Charlie raised up from his seat, almost making Calvin flinch a bit as Charlie began to speak with a clearly offended tone, not letting this stand. The weasel knew that the dog would put up an argument, so he was fully ready for it with the same energy. Yet... He knew that the dog loved his kin, so he had to still be careful with his words. Even with all his authority, Calvin was very good at hiding the fact that he didn't just hate the dog. He feared him. Gladly for him, the dog had taken few steps towards the round window, but he had done it just so he wouldn't have to look at Calvin's face from so close as he was tempted to put trademarks all around it for even thinking of suggesting what he just did to his very face.

"Calvin, I do not vote for this plan at all-"

"You don't get to vote; I AM THE OVERSEER. Sit down on your seat-" Calvin ordered in frustration but was cut off.

"Oh, don't fucking tell me to sit down, YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MY SON HERE! What you are asking is totally unnecessary! And Niles is like family to me! It will break them both apart!" Charlie yelled.

"Harsh? Yes. Unnecessary? No. It is necessary. If this vault is going to survive, it needs a successor on my place-" Calvin explained, trying to remain calm and professional until he was cut off again.

"Then pick someone else, you really think Niles WANTS TO BE YOU?! After you have denied him of his hobby, his friends, his daily classes?!" Charlie asked like the weasel was delusional.

"The boy's opinion doesn't matter to me. He has a duty." Calvin stated bluntly, getting anxious.

"Duty? He does not owe you anything! -"


Calvin stopped for a moment, clearly realizing what he had just let out, as the emotions got the better of him. But he had clearly meant every word, no matter the slight regret of harsh words on his face.

Charlie could not help but to stare at the weasel, partly in sympathy, but mostly in total disgust.

"... I think that Is the most fucked up thing that I've ever heard you say, Calvin. You think that Niles doesn't feel bad for it? He is not an object! You think that he doesn't already blame himself silently or wish for the mother figure he never had?!-"

"Don't fucking lecture me about family, YOU WERE NOT HERE WHEN SHE DIED! If Niles truly feels bad for what he did, which he has NEVER shown even sign off in front of me, he will do this to repay the damage he has done to my family line-"

"Are You even listening to yourself?!"

"Don't raise your voice at me, Winchester, I AM WARNING YOU-"

"Fuck you, Calvin! You fucking sociopathic asshole!" Charlie yelled loudly, having lost his composure.

The weasel felt his mouth open a bit, feeling the anger get to him as well as the dog had never during the years spoken to him like this. Not to his face. Now even the weasel rose from his seat and spoke quietly, trying to be intimidating as he could in the face of the emotional and angry dog.

"Winchester. You are in your emotions. And you are angry. I get that. Any father would be having the same kind of reaction as you if it came to their son. I am sorry. But this is the way things will go. Niles is all I have, and I have to act on it. I am going to merciful and forget what you just said to my face, due in the light of this unfortunate news. BUT. YOU. WILL. DO. AS I. SAY. And you will tell your son-"

"You are out of your fucking mind." Charlie began, looking away from Calvin and shaking his head. He started rubbing his nose bridge and closed his eyes, trying to get himself to calm down. Even Calvin's face was annoying him right now.

"WINCHESTER, you are getting on my nerves. I am trying to be CIVIL here. Something you have a very hard time on learning! You are forgetting your place-"

"Stop. Just... Stop talking. Look. Have you ever thought about the fact that Niles is going one hundred percent answer no to your request? How are you going to teach someone who doesn't want it? He is going to use every inch of his soul to rebel against this." Charlie asked with his eyes closed and waiting for an honest answer.

"... You do not have to worry yourself about what Niles is happy about or not. Besides, his father has agreed to the plan, as I have told it to him personally as well." Calvin said with certainty.

Charlie felt like he lost few brain cells after hearing that, taking a moment before repeating what Calvin said like it held any weight.

"His... His fath- Of course Randal said yes, he would denounce his loved Jesus over a shot of whiskey! -"


"AND DO NOT SEPARATE MINE FROM PEOPLE THEY LOVE. THEY HAVE BEEN BEST FRIENDS FOR EIGHT YEARS!" Charlie yelled back, opening his eyes and turning to look at Calvin again.

"... Look, what is done, is done. For what it counts, I am sorry-" Calving began, feeling himself get uncertain and uncomfortable under the fire in Charlie's eyes. For the first time ever, he was wondering if he should call in the guards to escort Charlie out.

"The hell you are," Charlie said back with disgust like there was no way Calvin was capable of compassion.

"... Winchester... I am giving you an order. And you will do as I say. And my word is final. Do you understand me?" Calvin asked, trying to take the control of the discussion again.

Charlie just looked at Calvin for a while, going through his options. None of them had a good result. He was in a difficult situation. And right now, he was fighting all he could not to bring the old Charlie Winchester out in this room. He tried to breathe calmly, collecting himself some under the judging, yet cautious eyes. Yet... His nature won.

"What if I say no?"

"... Come again?" Calvin asked like he had not heard right.

"I do not owe you anything, Calvin," Charlie answered back in defiance.

"... I TOOK YOU IN HERE.-" The weasel began like Charlie had forgotten.

"Because you HAD TO. I made your men stand down. You were ordering your guards to gun down me and my kids right at the vault door. Quite many times, in fact. Stop acting like you are some sort of a justified saint, Calvin. I am here because Rob and Mel defended me at the door."

"Charlie... You... You are going to face severe consequences if you keep running your mouth at me like you have today. You have been arrogant before, but you are testing my limits today." Calvin said, having nothing but hate in his tone as the dog was not backing down.

"... What about my limits, Calvin?" Charlie asked quietly, a tone of threat in his tone.

Calvin tried to keep his cool, but the eyes that stared at him told him that he was gambling. Yet, he didn't back down either.

"YOU. ARE A RESIDENT. You are beneath me, and you will do as your overseer commands. Niles's training begins within two days. That is how much time you have. Talk to your son... Or-"

"OR you... What?" Charlie asked, having enough of holding the curtain before him. Most of the time that he had spent arguing in this room was with Amir's father, Salim, by his side. Due to Salim's calm nature, he was good at being moral support for Charlie, the argument never escalating to harsh insults or threats. Except time to time from Calvin's side. But now, as there was no one there anymore to check for Charlie's impulses... The dog started to see his situations in different light. Which would be more pleasant to talk with... Calvin who hated, insulted, mocked and commanded him... Or Calvin that feared him to death?

"... Winchester... Are you going against my orders?" The weasel asked like he was ready for war. At least that is what he tried to convince the dog.

"... Only if I seem them absurd and harm to other people. Yes. I am going against your order." Charlie said without a blink of fear.

"..." Calvin was basically shaking from rage, but Charlie didn't care. It was time for him to step up against the weasel now that he had the chance to show that he would not be ordered around anymore like he was some lowlife that should be kissing his overseers' feet whenever he asked.

Charlie gave a mocking look back at the weasel from head to toe, asking mentally if he was about to do something about this. But the weasel didn't. For the first time in his life, Charlie saw Calvin's cool breaking. The weasel was clearly going through his options very hard.

Yet, Charlie had no time for it. He just spoke one final word, relaxing his shoulders, and giving a humble bow to mock him as he started backing away against the exit with backward steps.

"If you didn't have anything else, Calvin... I'll take my leave. Have a pleasant morning."

Calvin was almost red, shaking and sweating as he was sinking his nails to his palm, just watching the dog turn around just as he was by the door. As the brown-furred dog was just about to press the button to leave Calvin's presence, the weasel spoke after swallowing hard.

"... You will payback for what you said here today. You will mark my words, Winchester. And the next time... You will stand in this room humbler than you have ever been."

The weasel was serious of his tone. Desperate, but serious. Charlie was going to get away with his choice for now... But Calvin was clearly trying to warn him to not go on this warpath. But he was ready.

"... I'm doing what is right as a father. Something that you wouldn't know about. Nor ever will. If my actions have consequences... Then I am ready for them." Charlie said over his shoulder humbly, giving one final look of disgust at the person behind the table, shaking.

The measure of gazes went on for two seconds, until Charlie clicked the button, walking out.

Within a few, the door closed... And Calvin's first reaction was unleashed aggression, slamming the coffee cup from his desk with his palm. The cup flew against the wall, crashing into total pieces as the furious weasel was just thinking one thing.

It was going to be one tense week incoming for Charlie after being the first one to defy the overseer of vault 55.

After having said that, Calvin quickly pressed the intercom, talking to the lobby behind his front door. The winded up weasel spoke to the door guard that had just said hello to Charlie on the dog's way out of the area.

"Elliot!... Get Eli, Xavier, and Rob in here right at this second... I have to talk to them, Immediately."

"Wh-... What about?"

"Tell them to bring their guns as well," Calvin said in hesitation.

"G-guns sir? W-what is going on?"


"W-will do, sir!"