Alexis Jay chapters 2 and 3

Story by sporefox on SoFurry

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#2 of Alexis Jay

Sorry for the wait on these next two parts, and since they're a bit short I figured I'd include them both. Enjoy the next bit of Alexis Jay and please let me know what you think.


I woke up on my floor with my red cover laying over me. The sun had already risen over the tree line which made me dart to my feet and frantically get ready. Tossing my homework from last night in my school bag and throwing on a few clothes to be decent enough for school. Grabbing one last book I raced out of my room and glided my way down the stairs, dad was waiting. "No flying in the house."

"Sorry dad." landing with a slight stumble but recovered easily. "What time is it?"

"Not even eight AM yet. Sleep well?" His grinning beak told me last night had not entirely been a dream which made me swallow emptily.

"Yes dad. Just panicked because of the sun is all." Taking off my backpack and sitting it in one of the spare chairs I went and made myself a simple bowl of mixed berries and nuts. Returning to the table and taking my usual seat, dad got up and came around behind me. Giving my plume a nuzzle as he passed to wash his empty coffee cup he slyly stole one of my berries. "Hey I saw that!"

"Dad's get a cut of the goods." he said with a wink just before grabbing his wallet. "See you and your brothers tonight. Love all of you." Coming only a few inches away he looked me in the eyes and whispered to me. "And my little Alexis, we can do more after you get home if you'd like since your brothers have things to do." And with that he was off and out the door leaving me blushing with barely enough time to get rid of it.

The first one down was Arron who left without even saying goodbye. Following behind was Tim and Alex. Billy came last with a yawn as he left. Finishing up my breakfast and licking the bowl clean I washed it in the sink before leaving, flicking off the light and grabbing my key before flying off towards school half a mile away.

The town school was separated into two buildings one for each gender and exclusively for avians only. It was not that big of an issue this far north with the mammals of the continent choosing to stay farther south. Both structures were made of masonry that blended with the pine trees that surrounded the school grounds with a pathway leading to the rest of the town and another connecting the two buildings through a courtyard. Several dozen birds of different species ranging from blue jays and cardinals to smaller breeds including sparrows and starlings. Some had formed into social groups and were chatting noisily in the crowd tweeting to one another like the teens they are.

I landed in my usual spot in the courtyard and made my way towards the east entrance, the closest entry to my first class. A few males were hanging out and laughing to one another beside one of the columns, older classmates from two grades above. Three blue jays of similar builds wearing shirts similar shirts and grinning as they saw me approach. "Goodmorning pretty bird." Rolling my eyes I tried to ignore them even as one stuck his wing out blocking my path. "What's the rush? No time for a few real jays?"

"Oh I have plenty of time for real jays, not a few wannabe's like you." Pushing his wing aside I made my way to my first class of the day, biological history. The teacher and a few other students were already in their seats, being a town mostly of jays and cardinals it was not that mixed with the two sparrow twins near the front. My teacher was a barn owl in his late twenties that had only been hired a few years prior. Apparently he had doctorate but refused to go by the earned title instead opting to simply be called Mr. Graves. A tall owl with white feathers that merged into the tan and black of his species, wearing a simple jacket and pants with a white shirt beneath, the usual teacher uniform for the building.

At the sound of the bell Mr. Graves closed the thick book he had been reading and put it on his desk, turning on the projection system from the edge of his desk. "Goodmorning early birds. Please take notes over today's subject as there will be a test at the end of the chapter on Monday." It did not take more than a minute or two for the rest of the students to take their seats, the image made hovered just above the desk in a nearly transparent 3d image showing the early forms of birds that were believed to have existed. For the next hour Mr. Graves went over the information he had prepared and even handed out a study guide that a few of the other students put away immediately.

Remaining at my seat and filling out the study guide I did not even notice that all the other students had left for their free period. Mr. Graves tapped a pencil on my desk alerting me to the situation. "I see the jewel of the class is gleaming but why does she remain?"

"Oh sorry Mr. Graves, I was just finishing up!" I was startled and accidentally closed my notebook to hide my doodles.

"Alexis, you don't need to be scared or apologetic. You've got the highest grade of any of these other classmates of yours but I can't help but notice you were distracted today." The windows outside were hidden behind closed blinds and the door was locked from the inside for safety reasons during free periods. "Is there something you would like to talk about?"

Looking up into his beautiful golden eyes I could not help myself, he was a gorgeous owl. "You're the distraction I'm afraid." Smiling I began putting my things away only to see his wings surround me as he brought his face close to mine.

"Is that so pretty bird?" In avian culture it is acceptable for any age to be accepted when looking for a lover, I just had no idea he was even looking. That sudden realization making me freeze in my step as I slowly brought my bag around my shoulders. "Maybe you would like some extra credit?"

"Mr. Graves, I-we," swallowing my fear I felt him come fully behind me. "Here?"

"Call me Graves, and why not here and now?" His wings were pulling me towards him gently as my stomach filled with the fluttering nervousness. "Let's turn that A of yours into something higher."

Unable to resist I nodded with embarrassment and slowly sat my bag down. "Alright, Graves. Just please be gentle with me?"

"Not to worry Alexis." Looking around he eventually lifted me up and put me on one of the desks with my tail feathers pointing towards him. Shakily pulling down my bottoms and undies I turned around to face him with my back towards the floor and legs closed. He undid his pants and lowered them with his briefs falling with them revealing his hardening white member. It looked massive compared to what I had seen before but also like it would hurt if he went too deep. "Spread those adorable legs of yours so I can see what the jewel of my class is hiding."

Setting them down one by one I let my legs spread for him showing off my slightly moistened entrance. "Won't this get you fired if we get caught?" He brought himself closer and closer until the tip of his length gently touched me. Using a wing he glided it teasingly my slit I twitched and flicked my tail feathers.

"Then try not to chirp too loudly." That was the last thing he said before slowly pressing his slickened length into me. It hurt but also felt so good, feeling it stretch me like it did until I told him to stop. Of course that did not stop him from being able to eventually get his full length in. Thrusting into me as roughly as he was I found myself holding onto him and clenching down on that fleshy rod. Time flew by while we were doing this, even changing positions multiple times throughout the room before he began to fidget. Unable to cry out or pull off in time something hot began flooding into me that made me gasp and kick at the air.

In silence we both breathed heavily and flapped at each other to cool down, my hips sore and aching. By the time he was able to pull out and let me get a look at the mess, it was clear I would be better off staying in one spot for a while. "You can rest here until your next class." We were both completely naked but my once pristine slit was now completely gaping. "Don't worry, your little hole will be back to its normal self in about fifteen minutes. Blue jays are extraordinary like that." I passed out for about half an hour and woke to find he was right.

The rest of that day was ordinary except for the feeling of something oozing inside me and the odd look Mr. Graves would give me when I passed by his room. After calculus my day was over and I left back through the east door. To my surprise the three blue jays were there again as annoying as ever, even strutting around trying to get attention. This time two of them stopping me with their wings. "Now you have time, it's the weekend pretty bird."

Rolling my eyes and sitting down my bag I got up close to the one in front of me. "You know what, fuck it. Why not show some wannabe's what a real blue jay is." His face went completely confused and shocked, stuttering over his words. "Come on boys you asked for this." Leading them over to the tree line I took them a couple yards in until the building was out of view and yanked down their pants. "Well well well, I guess you weren't making it up after all." I was not paying enough attention as one of them quickly grabbed my wings and another pulled down my bottoms and undies but I really didn't care. After Mr. Graves I admit I wanted more. "Calm down boys one at a time."

They let me go and I leaned myself up against a tree, exposing myself for them. The first one up was better built than his two friends but slid in without any trouble, thrusting hard and fast into me. He did not last very long and quickly finished off on the grass. Next up came the slightly shorter of the three who got down on his knees and began licking me which I have to say felt good but not my cup of tea. He came before even getting a chance to plow me. I got on my back after that and let the third one have his way with me even though he was slightly chubbier than the others, he was still a fit bird. Thrusting the hardest of the three he was also the longest, hitting my deepest spot and actually making me chirp.

By the time the other two were ready again I had hopped off their friend and was practically humping them as fast as they were humping me, even began kissing a few of them. I came about six or seven times before they were satisfied. Thankfully they were kind enough to pull out but I had to stay there for a while to let things recuperate again. All that thrusting and smacking made it swollen and loose for a while. By the time I was ready and redressed the sun was starting to set. Wasting no time I hurried back over and got my bag before flying home. So much for being a virgin in this town.


When I made it home I found dad sitting at the table eating some grain mixed with some kind of meat, he was only wearing a pair of dark blue briefs and smiled when he saw me. "Welcome home my little jay. How did it go today?"

"Oh the usual, got a test on Monday and could really use a shower before bed." My legs were wobbling somewhat as I made my way past him and to the stairs.

"Are you sure you don't want some dinner?"

"Thanks dad," I said looking back at him. "But I've had a long day and just want to lay down."

"Alright sweetie, sleep well. Want me to wake you up in the morning?"

Half smiling I nodded. "That sounds good, I'll leave the door unlocked." That made him visibly happier as he went back to his food and show he had playing on his phone. Technology was rapidly taking hold of the community and could be a good thing only time will tell.

Stripping off all my clothing as soon as I was in my room I pushed open my closet door and put my bag in its place but noticed a door hidden behind a few old boxes. Carefully opening it I discovered a private bathroom that was only a little dusty, the small spider on the mirror tasted ok too. Taking some time to move the boxes aside and reorganize a bit I made it easier to get to and eventually managed to make it completely accessible. Stretching out my wings in the open private space in front of the mirror.

Closing the door and getting back in front of the mirror I spread my legs and examined my still abused looking slit. Cream was still leaking from it which I scooped up on a feather and tasted, it was delicious and arousing. 'I think I have a thing for owls, or maybe it's just Mr. Graves. Need more cum to be sure. Gotta be scientific with this.' Leaving the room and grabbing my emergency bottle of feather shampoo I cleaned myself thoroughly. The warm water was just the thing I needed to help relax, even helping make me look like I had that morning in all areas. My breasts seemed to have stopped growing judging by the past few weeks, stopping around what I knew as a B cup and covered in my white plumage. 'No wonder everyone's been gawking at you lately. You're not just any pretty bird, you're one hot flier now!'

A somewhat dorky dance in the shower later I was all rinsed and cleaned and dried myself with my shirt from the day. Brushing my beak I looked into the mirror and thought back on how mom looked. She would have only been a few inches taller than me if she were still around. Same beautiful sapphire feathers and eye crest with emerald green eyes that glisten in the sun. Taking a deep breath I put things away in new places, storing my clothes in the hidden bathroom closet before heading downstairs.

"Hey dad," I said interrupting his porn. "Did you know there was a bathroom upstairs?"

"Yes, thought you knew." Stroking his cock to a green feathered thin teen looking bird he continued. "I take it you showered up there."

"It's actually pretty nice, could use some towels."

Pushing up with his wings he walked up to me with his throbbing cock poking into me when he stopped. "It's not that late yet I'm sure the store is still open if you want to go get some."

"Is telling me about that option the only reason you came and poked me with that?" my eyes looking at his pre leaking rod. "Or are you wanting... something else?"

"Well," he slid a wing down to my tail feathers and groped me which made me chirp and blush at the same time. "You're so cute when you chirp, haha." Walking over to the table he opened his wallet and offered me a twenty. "You can have this if you lick my cock at least one time."

I gasped and leaned back into the counter behind me. "Dad are you serious?"

"Sweetie please." He waved the twenty in front of me with a grin on his beak. "It would really help me out."

Tapping my foot making a tick-tick sound, "Alright... but I want forty."

"Forty? Little jay I'm your father."

"And I'm your teenage daughter who reminds you of mom." That seemed to upset him as he took a step back and lowered his wings.

"Yes, you really do remind me of Janet." closing his eyes a tear rolled down his cheek and onto his beak.

"Oh jacob," I said giving him a hug to try and cheer him up. "I'm sorry for that. I went too far."

He shrugged me off and set the money on the table by his wallet. "You can have the forty but please, be careful out there as you are. There are plenty of birds out there who would do anything to get ahold of an amazing and smart bird like you." Leaving me standing there with my wings open still from the brief hug he left to his room, turning off the television with the wave of his wing.

Turning around and taking the forty I left the house again with a whisper to myself. "I'm sorry dad, please forgive me for all of this behavior someday."

The night air felt great against my feathers, cool but warm with an ocean of stars above me. Thankfully the level of bugs around forty feet above the ground was very light but a good snack. In town there were lights along the footpaths and on rooftops to help those flying around in the dark like myself thankfully. With forty feather bucks at my disposal I dived towards the town stores that were still open but pretty unpopulated. My first stop along my night journey was at Fancy Feathers, a more specialized store for feather care and bathroom products. All I managed to find there was a nice wax melter and a few scented wax cubes that I liked.

Next I went into the general store and found a few hand red hand towels that cost me ten feathers leaving me twenty five left to spend. The final place was a fabric and clothing store a short walk away. Inside there were a few birds still shopping around, browsing the new delivery of odd looking materials and even one that had fallen asleep on top of a changing booth. In the back of the store were the towels and I realized then that I should have just went there first. They had large towels, small towels, and every colored towel one could imagine, even some with different birds on them that took up most of the towel space.

After selecting about five that I liked I took them to the checkout lane that had a line about five birds long. 'I hope I have enough.' Slowly the line moved forward until finally it was my turn, the cashier giving me a few looks over as she rang up the total. "That'll be 30 feathers miss."

Sitting down what I had left I realized I was short the total. "This is all I have."

"We could put one back for you if you would like."

"No, um..." I looked her over. She was a sparrow in her thirties and the place was completely barren except for us. Her uniform consisted of a white shirt only which showed off her tail feathers nicely. "Maybe we could work out another form of payment?"

"Miss, I can't." She looked frustrated and stressed.

"Alright." I said with a sigh and chose one to put back. Thankfully I had enough to cover the remaining cost. As I was leaving I felt something grab my tail feather so I turned. She had me by the tail and was looking at me with a smile.

"I get off soon if you want to." It was clear that she was interested but did not want to lose her job.

"Sorry but I should get back home."

"What's the matter?" she asked still holding my tail.

"I was hoping to get back home before my dad had fallen asleep. We had another argument." Her expression softened into understanding and she let go.

"Don't worry next time you're in here. And one last thing before you leave." Hopping down from her register it was clear she was only about half my size. "All men want the same thing whether they're big or small."

"What's that?"

The sparrow smiled and put a wing on my shoulder. "You'll figure it out one day. At least I got your mind wandering early."