Day at the Beach

Story by ArmadilloZero on SoFurry

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#2 of Mech Suit Mercenaries

I've been working on this sequel for a while. It was sitting in my draft folder with a growing pile of half written stories. (4 petting zoo universe, 4 Anthro universe, and 2 other) Something good is coming soon. I've been collaborating with someone and I'm having lots of fun writing.

"This is going to be great!" Spouts Rick Mantle the Hyena. He rides in a tilt rotor with his squad mates Itsuki Gaho the Wolf and Kevin Doran the Tiger. Itsuki asks, "Isn't this a huge waste of resources?" Rick says, "No, the civilians get a kick out of seeing these old warplanes." Kevin adds, "Propellers are so retro. I'd rather use a jet pack module on my mech suit." Rick slaps Kevin on the back and says, "Then we couldn't get chauffeured."

The pilot, Leroy Wingfield the Macaw Parrot says, "Coming up on the landing zone. I'll touchdown and you guys can hop out. I'll see you in 15 after I go park the plane." Spotting a empty stretch of beach, Leroy switches to helicopter mode and briefly lands the vintage tilt rotor. The back ramp opens with shrill squeal of hydraulics. Rick, Itsuki, and Kevin hop out with the bags of their stuff. They shield themselves from all the sand kicked up as the tilt rotor gains altitude.

Rick quickly strips off his jumpsuit to reveal his naked muscular body. His spotted hyena fur is missing in a few spots due to scars and burns. Itsuki and Kevin look around the beach at the attention the landing caused. Naked furs of all species watch them from afar. Rick says with a smile, "This is a compulsory nude beach. You better strip down before the enforcement drones arrive."

Itsuki waves his wolf tail and smiles as he pulls off his standard dark grey mercenary jumpsuit. Kevin asks, "What?" Itsuki points to the tilt rotor flying off and says, "Looks like Rick got us good. It's too late to leave and we are well past the warning radius of the beach enforcement drones. If you don't take off that jumpsuit, you're gonna regret it." Itsuki pulls down his speedo he wore under his jumpsuit and tosses it to Rick to stuff in the bag with his jumpsuit. Rick looks over Itsuki's naked grey wolf body approvingly.

Kevin looks around at the naked families of all species. He feels embarrassed at the thought of all these strangers staring at his naked tiger stripes. A drone comes flying towards them and Rick warns, "Last chance." Kevin looks around in a panic as the wolf and hyena smirk at him.

The drone arrives and says in it's mechanical voice. "Attention, clothing while on the beach is strictly prohibited. Please remove all articles of clothing." Kevin rubs the back of his neck and says, "I was just leaving actually." The drone says, "Redressing shall only be done off the beach. Please remove all articles of clothing until such area is reached."

Rick gives his balls a scratch and smuggly smiles at Kevin. The drone has caused more people to look at them. Kevin starts running up the beach towards an access gate. The drone follows after him and fires a taser shot squarely in his back. Kevin flops down into the sand and Itsuki says, "They really don't fuck around with enforcement."

A larger drone flies in and uses a extending probe arm to cut the jumpsuit, and the swimsuit underneath, off Kevin. The tiger rolls over onto his back as the scraps of cloth are pulled out from under him. The drone makes a whirring noise as it stuffs the scraps into a compartment and drops a vacuum sealed bag beside Kevin. Having completed it's task, the drones fly off to continue the lifeguard patrols.

Itsuki asks, "How long does the stun last?" Rick answers, "Just a few minutes. Want to bury him in the sand?" Rick takes a moment to admire the black stripes on Kevin's naked body. They see each other naked in the locker room all the time, so it's nothing he hasn't seen before. Itsuki smiles as he grab handfuls of sand and start piling it over Kevin's unconscious body.

With satisfaction at covering the tiger's naked body, Rick reaches into his bag and pulls out the beach towels. With a flutter, he unfolds two beside Kevin.

Kevin is completely covered with just his head showing when he finally comes around. Itsuki and Rick lay beside him on the towels. With a grimace, Kevin sits up and looks around. Kevin scowls, "What the hell? Where are my clothes?" Rick points to a sealed bag and says, "The drones cut them off you." Kevin exclaims, "They can't do that!"

Rick laughs and says, "Sorry did I forget to give you vital information? Now we are even for last week. Let's just enjoy the beach since we are here." Kevin scoops up more sand to hide his sheath and balls while he pouts.

A few minutes later, Leroy the macaw parrot walks up to them. His red, yellow, green, and blue feathers are a sight to behold and several heads turn to look at his naked body as he approaches. Kevin asks, "Leroy, you were in on this too?" Leroy says, "Yeah, a little sunshine on your balls never hurt anyone." Kevin looks at Leroy's smooth feather covered crotch and says, "Easy for you to say, when you don't have any."

Leroy runs a grey scaled hand down his crotch and spreads two fingers to part the feathers. Rick, Itsuki, and Kevin stare at the revealed cloaca. Leroy says, "I can't help that my boy parts are internal." Kevin rolls his eyes.

Rick gets up and asks, "Who wants to go swim in the ocean with me?" Leroy and Itsuki follow Rick, leaving Kevin half buried in the sand with their stuff. Kevin looks at the bag of his ruined clothes and tears it open to grab the comm unit out. He hooks it around his ear and flips out the eyepiece. Looking through a few messages, Kevin smiles deviously as he narrates a reply to a reporter seeking an interview with Rick for the stunt he pulled last week. Kevin sends the coordinates and quickly receives a reply, 'I'll be there in 45 minutes.'

On the other side of town, a fox named Vasko hurries into his boss's office. Vasko exclaims, "It worked! I managed to find out where Rick Mantle is going to be and I am going to get an exclusive interview." Vasko's Human boss says, "Good work, but how do you know you can get to him? The military won't let any reporter near him." Vasko spreads his arms and says, "He's at Gilgrave Cove." The boss arches his eyebrows and says, "That's a nudist beach! Even if he doesn't talk, get more shots of him naked. The public loves seeing him. Take a few drones with long range lenses."

Vasko heads to the equipment room and grabs a case containing a few camera drones. He hurries to the garage and takes a company van. Vasko lets the vehicle drive itself as he checks over the drones and attaches the long range lens. His hands shake with excitement at collecting the bonus credits for getting footage of the hyena everyone is buzzing about. The autopilot parks near the beach and Vasko plugs the control unit into the comm unit in his right ear. He pulls the hololens in front of his right eye and programs the drones.

Opening the case, the drones fly into the air and he searches the beach for Rick Mantle. Spotting the Hyena playing in the water, Vasko walks towards the beach. At the entrance is a sign declaring the beach to be compulsory nude beach. Vasko sighs and starts stripping. He hopes that the station will crop him out of the videos.

Stuffing his clothes in the van, Vasko takes a minute to admire his naked body. He wasn't in the best shape but he wasn't a slouch. Using his hand, Vasko tries to adjust his body fur. If he knew he had to be naked on camera to get this scoop, Vasko would have gotten his fur trimmed.

Kevin recognizes the Fox reporter that messaged him. He smiles to himself as the naked Fox uncomfortably walks down the beach towards him. Kevin has grown used to being naked at the beach and walks towards the Fox. Kevin looks around and asks, "Where are the cameras?" Vasko looks directly at Kevin's sheath and balls while responding, "At the fence line with telephoto lens."

Kevin spots the drones and turns his back to them. Kevin orders, "Go talk to him and make it look you are interested in him. He has a problem with running his mouth if he thinks you want to fuck him." Vasko sets the cameras to auto track Rick's movement and tucks the eyepiece of his com unit back behind his ear.

Getting out of the ocean, Itsaki, Leroy, and Rick walk up the beach. Vasko is waiting for them and Kevin is nowhere to be found. Vosko holds out a hand and says, "Mr Mantle, I'm a big fan of yours." Itsuki shakes his balls and says, "Seems like everyone is after that stunt he pulled." Rick takes the offered hand and shakes it firmly. Leroy says, "I became a Rick fan last week too."

Vasko looks between the parrot and the wolf. He was never going to get his scoop if he let these two do the talking for Rick. Vosko asks, "Can we go somewhere to be alone?" Rick smiles as he mistakes that for code that the fox wanted his body. Rick points to a rocky outcropping a little way down the beach. Itsuki elbows Leroy and smiles as the two walk off together.

At the rocky outcropping, Rick squeezes the fox's butt. Vosko looks around to make sure they are out of view of the rest of the beach. Vasko sees his drone peeking at them from the other side of the outcropping. He introduces himself minus the part about being a reporter. Rick says, "I never thought I would have groupies." Vosko presses himself against the tall wet Hyena's chest and says, "That was so brave what you did at the ceremony." Rick huffs, "Brave? That was because I was so used to getting in my mech suit naked, I forgot we had to get out before we got back to base."

Vasko laughs and asks, "It was an accident?" Rick smiles and says, "I know right? I wasn't trying to make a statement but everyone is holding me up like a hero." Vasko asks, "But you like being naked?" With a shrug, Rick feels Vasko's sheath and says, "It's not embarrassing unless I'm the only one."

Vasko runs a hand across a scar on Rick's wet torso and asks, "If you pilot a mech suit, why do you have all these scars?" Rick runs a hand down the fox's back and answers, "I'm not invincible in that suit like the government would have you think. Sometimes I take a hit hard enough to make it through. Of course, the suit is filled with enough tech to keep me alive even if I take one right through the lung."

Toying with Rick's sheath, Vasko presses Rick against the rock and says, "Mind if I get a peek at the cock seen round the world?" Rick looks down with a smile and says, "What do I have to hide anymore?" Getting on his knees, Vasko can't resist the hyena's understated charm. Vasko knows the earpiece is recording the audio so he tries not to make too much noise when he lick the tip of Rick's cock.

The hyena cock quickly extends from the sheath as Vasko nuzzles against it. Vasko looks up and asks, "Tell me more about your career?" Placing a hand on the back of Vasko's head, Rick guides his cock into the Fox's muzzle. Rick says, "Not much to tell. I joined up when I was a teen. Got promoted to the mech suit squad. Stayed for the excitement of blowing shit up."

Rick trails off as he is overcome with pleasure from the blowjob. Vasko squeezes his own cock as he bobs his head on Rick's throbbing cock. Vasko lets himself get lost in the moment and speeds up. Rick pants and grunts as the feelings become too much. Rick breathlessly says, "Oh god, I'm cumming."

Pulling off the cock, Vasko gives it a few pumps with his hand and Rick's seed sprays into the sand. Rick slumps against the rock and says, "Thank you. That was amazing." Vasko stands up and Rick sees the fox's erection. Vasko turns to walk into the nearby ocean and the cool water quickly softens him up.

Rick comes wading behind and says, "Didn't you want me to return the favor?" Vosko hugs Rick in the water and says, "Don't worry about it, big guy." Rick hugs the smaller fox back.

Walking back up the beach, Itsuki and Leroy wave to them. Leroy says, "Check it out! Kevin found himself a new girlfriend." Kevin sits on a towel beside a beautiful tigress and she laughs at his story. Rick says, "He was so against stripping down when he got here. I knew he would love showing off his tiger stripes."

Vasko asks, "Do you guys come here often?" Rick answers, "Leroy comes here all the time. He told me about it and I thought, what the hell, the public has already seen me naked. It's time to get some payback." Itsuki says, "You got us good. I wonder what Kevin will wear home since the drone cut up his clothes?" Leroy says with a chuckle, "He can ride home naked. I'll be sure to park the tilt rotor at the other side of the base so he'll have good walk to the barracks.

Rick runs a towel through his fur to dry off. He offers it to Vasko and the fox does the same. Running the towel over his head Vasko inhales Rick's subtle musk. Itsuki asks, "You think the sergeant refused coming here because he knew?" Rick answers, "You know he's self conscious of his upside down kangaroo cock. I don't want to draw his ire by making him show it off."

Leroy asks "Want to get some ice cream?" Everyone nods and they walk towards a refreshment kiosk up the beach. They get to the screen and Leroy punches in their order. Rick asks, "You think if the snackbar wasn't automated they would make the server work naked?" Vasko laughs and says, "I'm pretty sure that's a healthcode violation." A door slides open on the machine and everyone reaches in to grab their ice cream cones.

Running his tongue across the vanilla ice cream, Rick stares at Vasko hungrily. Vasko ask, "Tell me more about what it's like in the mech suit." Itsuki's wolf tail waves as he explains, "It's a dream. Just slide your body in and you feel invincible. I remember one time we were fighting insurgents on some backwater planet. They had antique automatic projectile weapons and the metal rounds were just bouncing off." Rick says, "Oh yeah, they couldn't do shit to us." Itsuki continues, "We ended up saving ammo by using our close combat blades." Rick says, "Those bullets really scuffed up the paint job but you couldn't tell from all that green blood covering us by the end of the battle." Itsuki says, "We ended up getting a huge bonus for racking up such a low munitions cost to kill ratio." All the mercenaries laugh.

Vasko hides his look of horror on his red fox face. The mercenaries casually lick their ice cream cones. Vasko pushes through his discomfort and asks, "Is that how it usually goes?" Ituki says, "Nah, we usually have to resupply several times. It eats into the profit margins." Vasko waves his ice cream at Itsuki and asks, "Is that all war is to you? Just a bunch of profit margins?" Ituski licks his ice cream cone and then says, "We can't pay the bad guys to kill themselves."

Handing his cone to Rick, Vasko says, "I have to go." Kevin sees the fox reporter quickly walk off and rejoins them. Rick finishes his ice cream and starts eating Vaskos. Kevin asks, "Can we go home now?" Leroy ruffles his feathers and says, "I feels salty. Let's take a shower first." The group heads for the open air showers to wash the salt and sand out of their fur and feathers.

Itsuki washes Rick's back and asks, "How was that fox? I could smell you on his breathe." Rick smiles and says, "He was great. You think a lot of people are going to want to fuck me now that I'm famous?" Itsuki replies, "This is just our 15 minutes of fame. We'll be forgotten by next month." Rick says, "I dunno Itsuki, I got a few tempting offers in my mail. Extra credits in the bank are always nice."

Kevin washes himself and Leroy asks, "Want me to help you out?" Kevin replies, "Don't touch me bird boy." Leroy says, "Don't be like that. If you would have just took off your jumpsuit, you could have had a nice time today." Kevin finishes his shower and wraps a towel around his waist. A drone comes floating by and takes an interest in him.

With frustration, Kevin says to the drone, "Do you need to see my dick?" Kevin pulls his towel open to shake his sheath and balls at it until it loses interest and continues it's patrol. Kevin says, "Can we go?" Leroy says, "I'm not completely dry but, we can all fly back naked if you want?" Kevin says, "Sure, whatever." Everyone packs up and Leroy leads them to the helipad he parked on.

Leroy sits in the pilot seat and puts on his flight helmet. His vision is filled with measurement and numbers as the tilt rotor goes through the start up check. Leroy turns behind him and says, "Flying naked is the way nature intended." Kevin snarks back, "Pretty sure you would have real wings if nature intended you to fly. Leroy tucks his scaled hands under his armpits and flaps the long feathers on his arms in a sarcastic way.

Rick says, "I should have gotten that fox's comm number." Kevin smiles and says, "I'm sure you'll see him again." Rick asks, "Did you get that tigress's number?" Kevin answers, "As a matter of fact, I did." Rick says, "Doesn't leave much to the imagination for the first date, if you've both already seen each other naked." The propellers roar to life and the mercenaries are on the way back to base.

On the other side of town, Vasko transfers the footage of the naked mercenaries to the editor. A few minutes later his human boss walks up to his desk with a high definition printout of Vasko running his tongue up Rick's cock. Vasko quickly grabs the printout and tucks it in his desk. His boss says, "I can crop you out the blowjob part but you're front and center when the wolf says all that fucked up stuff."

Vasko's ears flatten and he asks, "Can you blur me out?" With a big smile his boss says, "Nope! We don't censor the news. As a consolation, I see a big promotion in your future for getting this scoop." Vasko groans at the knowledge that his TV station doesn't blur out casual anthro nudity. No censoring of sheathes or balls unless they have an erection showing. Humans are afforded much more privacy and are required to have black boxes.

When his boss walks away, Vasko pulls out the photo of his blowjob. He looks at the bottom of the page and sees in tiny letters, 'Copy 1 of 10.' Vasko tucks the picture into his desk and sprints after his boss.