Love of my Second World Life Chapter 15

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#17 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

For those who have read from the beginning I am still less than half way through what I have to upload and then I have 4 pages of notes to continue the story. I am a slow typist as well as having a ton of things to keep me busy. I will add to this as i can get to it.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 15

With that I headed out to the gate and start the walk to his place. My determination kept me going for most of the way there and it was only when I got to within sight of Herod's place that I began to tire. Then it became an effort to turn around and start back. I forced myself to continue on and noticed that I was beginning to sweat with effort and my legs were burning badly.

Suddenly something shot out of a plant and smacked me on my neck and I instantly started feeling drowsy. I knew whatever it was that hit me was a poison and before I could move any farther I was falling to my knees. A few minutes later I was finally able to think again and saw I was surrounded by a plant on the ground with sharp stickers on the vines. No matter how I stepped I was going to get stuck with its stickers. I knew I had to get on with it so I gently stepped on the first vine. The needles were instantly sending a searing pain into my foot. The next step was worse than the first and it seemed to take me forever to get past the plant vines.

When I did I saw that my feet had been embedded with the needle like spikes in my feet and they both were swelling and turning black from the poison in them. I decided to drop to my hands and knees to keep from doing anymore damage to them and crawled on to Herod and Doreen's place.

By the time I caught sight of Herod's place I was completely exhausted. My legs were becoming like rubber but I kept pushing on till I reached the porch. My throat was dry and beginning to swell as well. I called for help as loudly as I could and prayed someone had heard me. I was now getting dizzy from my exertions and I collapsed as I heard the front door open.

The next thing I knew I felt something grab me and calling my name. I was so sick from the poison flowing through my feet that I didn't know what it was that was going on around me. I could feel the burning in my body as the poison attacked me from my feet up and I had no clue what was going on around me.

Navaja later told me that Aramis had heard something on the porch and came to find me there. He called for Navaja and his mother. When they got there Navaja saw the stings from the plant in my feet and instantly called for Doreen to get the wagon hitched. She then explained that I was going to die if the vines poison wasn't counteracted shortly.

The next thing I knew I was hauled up to a wagon and it was racing towards somewhere.

When Doreen reined the horses in, Navaja had already jumped from the wagon and raced into the house. When she came out she had a bottle of medicine and was pulling the stopper out of it as she came to me.

She started pouring the thick and nasty tasting substance down my throat and forced me to swallow it. It almost made me puke as the vile tasting substance went into my body. When the medicine entered my stomach I thought I was going to explode in pain. The pain in my feet was traveling up my legs towards my body and now this new pain was heading towards my legs from my stomach. The pain wracked my body and mercifully knocked me out.

When I came too I saw the look of concern on two faces as my eyes slowly focused enough to recognize them as Herod and Navaja's. The look of concern on their faces made me remember what had happened I was extremely weakened and felt horribly sick. When Navaja saw my eyes open she jumped to my side and held my hand.

I felt as if the skin on my feet were burning off and when I tried to move I realized I was strapped down. The pain started again shortly afterwards and as I looked at Navaja I knew I was going to drift off again. There were nightmares then. The feeling I was being chased by some unknown. It was keeping up with me no matter how hard I tried to evade it. Finally when I was exhausted I turned to face it and suddenly there was a humongous pain and I was screaming.

It was then that I came awake and was screaming in real life. Navaja was by my side and holding me as I was wracked with the last major pain. Suddenly the pain ebbed from my body and just centered in my feet. There was sweat all over my body and I realized that I had been in a high fever and they used towels to cool me down.

As my mind started to clear I looked into Navaja's concerned face and began to smile.

When she saw the smile on my face she released me a bit and said, "He has returned to us again."

I felt my restraints being released from me and I saw the tears in Navaja's eyes as I gently reached out to her and touched her face.

My throat was too raw from my screaming to say anything but I mouthed the words, "I love you my kitty."

Navaja then softly asked, "Do you remember what happened, my love?"

I nodded and mouthed the word, "plant attack."

She then grasped my hand and squeezed it and said, "He remembers."

"How long," I asked through my strained voice.

She said, "You've been out since I put the antidote into you for the treatment of the Omononox plant. That is the name of the plant you were trapped by. It kills its food by making them walk on its nettles which are full of a toxin that will kill you if not treated. It then will digest you with its horny beak like orifice where it would eat on you till you disappeared. If you hadn't made it away from that thing you would now be dead. When you can talk again I would like to know how you escaped."

I heard a voice from the other side of the room and recognized it as Herod's saying, "So would I. That was a large Omononox you got away from."

"How bad am I?" I asked.

Navaja squeezed my hand and said, "You will be laid up for a couple of weeks as your feet heal. The nettles on the plant stuck you really good and I had to pull them out of your feet. You did me a favor though by crawling to the house and not breaking them off or driving them any deeper."

"Sick to stomach still."

She then said, "That should pass by morning. It is the side effect of the poisons that was in you. You really had us worried there for a while. How that plant was able to get that big where it was without anyone seeing it is amazing."

Navaja then said, "If you're up to listening for a few minutes I have a few things to say to you."

I thought to myself, here it comes my Dear John goodbye.

She then said, "during the time you have been out there was a couple of visits from Kantagin and his mate and they both decided that I need help with you, what with my pregnancy and all on top of this with you now. Ariani has agreed to become a day nanny and help around the house and to get our supplies for us. This way I can tend with you and not have to try to do everything all by myself."

I smiled; it was not what I expected to hear from her.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my right foot and jerked it sharply and moaned.

"What is it my love?" Navaja asked.

"There is something in my right foot moving."

Herod was at the foot of the bed and said, "He's right, I saw something down there moving under his skin."

I felt the pain again as it again moved.

"Tie me back down and get whatever that thing is out of me please."

Navaja looked at where there was a lump in my foot and saw it indeed was moving around.

She said, "We're going to have to strap him down again, it's going to hurt like hell to open him up to remove that thing."

I rolled back on my belly and allowed them to restrap me to the bed. When they had me firmly tied down she asked for her knifes in the other room and the yellow powder next to them. Ariani ran to the other room and brought them back. As Navaja was getting ready the thing moved again making me groan in pain.

Herod said, "My god it's turning blood red just beneath the skin of his foot"

Navaja said, "There's something trying to burrow into his body and it keeps hitting his bones. If I don't get it out he will have massive holes in the flesh of his foot soon."

With that she called for a fire. They brought her one and she placed the knife in it for a few seconds and then she said, "If any of you are squeamish, leave now, this is not going to be pretty or sound nice."

With that she took the still hot knife and pushed it into where the thing was inside my foot.

I screamed in pain. Then suddenly there was a pressure relief and then I felt the blade cutting again making me scream again. Then it was mercifully over.

Herod exclaimed as Navaja brought the blade up, "oh my god it's a green worm?"

Navaja then said, "no Herod, it's that plants young. It implanted it into his foot when he walked over the end of the vine. It was just another hole among many and I missed the egg it had placed in him."

She then took the thing away and proceeded to rinse my foot with hot water, again causing me to scream in pain.

Suddenly the door burst open and I heard Kantagin yelling.

"What's going on in here?" he demanded.

Herod took him off to the side and explained, "There was one of the plants growing in his foot and Navaja had to remove it."

Kantagin then looked at Navaja who was still cleaning the mess up from the wound and saw a lot of slimy looking material like the plant had when he went with Herod to kill it. He almost retched right there.

Navaja then said, "It's as clean as I can get it, I hope it heals."

She then went to the bathroom and cleaned her tools off and brought a couple of clean towels. She then went to the room where her supplies were kept and came back with a salve. She then gently applied the salve to both my feet making me groan loudly again and then gently wrapped them in the towels.

"The salve will promote healing and numb the pain." She said to no one in particular.

She then handed some kind of herbs to Ariani and said, "Brew this tea for him and he will sleep again for a long while."

She then started releasing me from my bindings. "I hope you feel alright now my love. I am sorry I had to hurt you like that."

"Glad....gone," I said.

She then helped me roll over and looked at me saying, "The pain will die down soon and with the tea I'm having made for you, you will sleep. When you awaken we will help you to the bathtub to get you cleaned up and recheck your feet. Right now I just want you asleep so my medicine can do its work."

I gave my best smile to her through the pain and waited for the tea to arrive. She gently propped me in her arms and gave me sips of the hot liquid. It burned as it went down and I could feel myself relax soon after the first sip.

She then said, "We will see you when you awaken my love," as she watched my eyes slowly close.

I mumbled just before I went under, "love you."