
Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Be sure you serve your alchemy drinks to the right people!

This version has cut content where the entire story was rewritten! View the original here: https://mysterysden.com/verified/stories/cutcontent/werecondomalt/

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Frysco and Nikoli took Nikoli's small red car to a costume party that a friend of theirs was hosting.

Nikoli was a snow leopard cunt boy, but today he wore a horse costume. He had a large horse head, a brown horse body complete with hooves for feet that were made of wood at the bottom to replicate the 'clip clop" noise that horses often made. His body was almost entirely hidden underneath. Behind him were two potions in the backseat in a wooden box. He didn't tell Frysco, but the potions he brought were to transform him, and pull a prank on a friend of his. Since Frysco wasn't involved, he didn't need to know what either of the potions were, or what they did.

Frysco was a colorful gryphon, literally. His head was largely blue with an orange tipped beak and large ears, but the rest of his body was a colorful combination of green, red, orange, and yellow. The exceptions were his legs which were gray and brown with white tipped paws, but he too had a costume on. He had what appeared to be a helmet made out of 'iron' with armor covering his chest, crotch, and legs with the same material, complete with sword and shield. He hadn't really thought of what he wanted to go as, but he had heard about online MMO games and things called 'tanks' which served as protectors that had armor that looked pretty cool. The armor was truly made out of little more than cardboard, plastic, spray paint, and some creative ingenuity, but he made it look passable as actual armor.

"You really had to go with some generic warrior armor huh Frysco?" Nikoli asked as he parked the car in front of a two story house. There were already quite a few cars parked out in front and driveway, almost six in total. The party wasn't extremely massive, but there was enough cars to definitely at least be called a party of some sort.

"I didn't really know what to go as otherwise." Frysco shrugged. "Besides, are we really going to be judging each other for our costumes?"

"Hey, I'm more prepared to be a horse than you think!" Nikoli turned off the car and grabbed his box from the backseat. "Besides, you know what kind of parties these turn into really quick with the right costumes and right words."

Frysco couldn't argue with that. It was one reason the party had some people, but not a massive amount of people. The bedrooms were often reserved for 'special' parties, and orgies weren't entirely uncommon. Frysco, Nikoli, and his friends in general were pretty open about sex. They weren't so open that they could have been considered perverted nymphomaniacs, but they were open enough that monogamy seemed like a pretty weird idea. "Alright, alright, just don't go getting me involved in whatever it is you're doing."

Nikoli gave Frysco a thumbs up as he left the car with the wooden crate. The crate wasn't very large, big enough to carry with one hand with relative ease, plus a handle helped him out. "Hah, you got it. Come on, we've got a party to attend."

Nikoli knocked on the door and he was greeted by a slightly chubby Asian panda.

The panda wore a simple mask that one might wear to a masquerade, a black mask with a large black bird beak and feathers surrounding the tip of the mask. "Hello there!" The panda said, and gave Nikoli a happy hug. "What did you bring for us today?"

"It's a surprise, Sakiya." Nikoli said as he stepped inside. "Is Othmar here? I've got a present for him."

"A present, or a 'present?'" Sakiya put her hands on her hips with a raised brow of suspicion.

"Are you accusing me of being a trickster? Come on, name one time I pulled a prank on someone else." Nikoli smiled sweetly to the panda.

"Remember the eggs and the seat cushions?" Frysco said as he stood behind Nikoli. He crossed his arms as he looked at the snow leopard cunt boy with a semi-serious look.

"Hey, most of the eggs broke before they went into anyone's ass and he eventually pushed the egg out from his ass that night and didn't need the hospital!" Nikoli crossed his arms with a half frown, but he clearly held back the smile his body wanted him to make instead. "Anyways, this isn't that kind of trick. Now, where's Othmar?"

"Over by the punch bowl." Sakiya rolled her eyes at Nikoli and let him in, then she turned her attention to Frysco. "So, are you going to pull any tricks tonight?"

Frysco faked a smile to Sakiya. "Me? Oh come on, I'm nothing like Nikoli, I'm not going to do anything like that! I'm here for punch, candy, and maybe getting it on with someone." Frysco winked.

"I'm not sure if I should roll my eyes again or not at that." Sakiya stepped aside for Frysco to come in. "There's punch on the table that hasn't been spiked as far as I know of, there's candy there too, and for sex? Well...you got to come up with a pretty smooth line with that warrior getup of yours."

Frysco wasn't sure what he wanted to do at the party, just like he wasn't sure what he wanted to come as. Part of him really did want to try to get it on, but he wasn't that perverted. He imagined Nikoli being that way though. He watched as Nikoli stood near the punch doing...something to it. "There goes it not being spiked." He said and turned away, just as Nikoli set a glass down and rushed off to get someone's attention. Meanwhile, Frysco noticed there was a male black horse dressed up like an old fashioned mage from a fantasy game. "Hey Eric!" Frysco walked over to the horse with a smile.

Eric, the black horse, waved casually at Frysco. He had white feathering on his wrists and above his hooves, but the rest of his body was very black. "Heh, you and I have a pretty similar idea. Want to go find a healer and go on an adventure with our D20s?" he said in a teasing, yet playful manner.

"Heh, I'll pass." Frysco turned to Nikoli and watched the cuntboy seem to be quite...desperate to get someone's attention. He noticed that two vials were empty near the crate that Nikoli had brought in. "Hey Eric, Nikoli ever tell you what he was bringing in those vials?" he pointed to the two empty vials near the crate. He could only assume that Nikoli brought the vials.

Eric shrugged. "I don't really study alchemy. Alchemy potions usually don't last long, a day or two give or take, and they're complicated. Heck, you could give the potions to the people you didn't plan to and now it's all ruined! Inanimate ones are even more complicated."

"And that's why you went as a black mage and not an alchemist." Frysco rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face. "Anyways, I'm going to grab some punch. Maybe someone went as a druid, and I can imagine who would." Frysco walked away from Eric and to the punch. He noticed there was already a glass poured out, but untouched, so he helped himself to it. He then replaced the glass of punch with a fresh one, and then walked away with a smile. Heh, if Nikoli spiked the punch, it looks like I'm getting the last untainted glass. Then again, he wondered if it was to transform people into all sorts of things; THAT would make quite the kind of party he would enjoy.

Frysco started to make his way back to Eric, but he then felt a strange sensation in his gut. Part of him thought that it was the glass he drank that might have been tainted, but he knew that, even if it had been, it wouldn't take effect that fast, plus none of them were a fan of scat and urine play anyways, so it couldn't have made him want to do those such things. Regardless, Frysco made his way to one of the many bathrooms, and closed the door behind him. He undid the waist in his warrior outfit, sat on the toilet and just waited. He wasn't sure what to expect. His stomach still felt strange, but it was a strangeness that he had never felt before. He didn't feel a sickness in him that he would have normally felt, but he did feel strange inside, as if he were hollow and empty, and he needed something to fill him up.

Frysco suddenly let loose a big bass belch, and covered his mouth in embarrassment. He felt a lot lighter, and he just smiled faintly with a chuckle. "I guess...I guess I got room for the pizza they're going to be having later."

Frysco started to shiver as he didn't just feel strange, he felt cold. He knew shivering was a sign of illness, but at the same time, his stomach felt better as time passed. He stood back up to walk out of the bathroom, but when he reached out to grab the door handle, he noticed his arm had turned a sickly white. "W-what the heck...?" He looked to his other arm, and then he glanced over at the bathroom mirror. His entire body looked absolutely pale, and it wasn't just underneath his fur and feathers, but the fur and feathers too.

"What...the..." Frysco started to repeat himself. He raised his hand, and stared at how white it was. He also had another glaring issue which was the cock between his legs. He knew that part of this party was to 'get it on' with others, but in truth it wasn't really Frysco's goal. Sex was just more or less casual, and he had no intentions of doing such things, although his own sex seemed to want to speak out against that. "D-dammit...I feel so weird, why am I so horny now?" he whimpered. He couldn't control himself either. He turned himself to the toilet, and shakily, and messily, orgasmed. Even Frysco was shocked with how quick he came, and as his shaft pulsed and pumped his seed free, he could almost feel himself emptying more inside, and even shrinking in size. He was glad that he had already pulled his pants down, though it didn't help the mess he was making with the toilet.

After what felt like a good minute, Frysco's orgasm finally stopped. His waist was thrust forward, and he knew something was wrong when he could already tell he was smaller. Amazingly, his clothes had shrank with him, something he swore should only have happened in PG transformations, but his sex was already shown to the world. "Fuck...there was something in that drink." He knew exactly who to blame for it. Frysco marched right up to the bathroom door to walk right out, but he had one large problem. He tried to raise his hand to the door handle, and he found that his arms had vanished during the transformation. Frysco's eyes were wide with alarm. His other arm had vanished too, it pulled back underneath his armor, and while there was no pain, the lack of arms was enough to get him worried. "HELP!" he shouted, unsure if anyone was even able to hear him. He was on the second floor of the house and away from the main part of the party. There were bedrooms near him, but he doubted they were in use, it was just too early in the party for that sort of thing. "Someone! Anyone!" Frysco let out a moan as he felt his cock grow hard again. "S-stop...doing that!"

Frysco couldn't help himself. He couldn't stroke himself, but he couldn't leave the bathroom either. He felt so helpless, and worse yet, he felt more pressure build in his balls, pressure that felt as if it were more than just cum. "D-dammit Nikoli. If I ever get my hands back to get them on you, I'll..." Frysco lost track of his thoughts as he orgasmed again, right in front of the door. He let out a soft chirp as he continued to shrink down more and more in size. He stopped, but only when he was a little more than a foot in length, and his own clothing had shrank with him once again. He wasn't surprised his clothing shrank, but he was in shock and awe at how much smaller he now was. He was the same size his cock once used to be!

Frysco tried to get an idea once his orgasm finished. There was a pool of seed so thick around the door, and he was so small, his cum was almost like a pool to someone of his size. "Maybe I can try to get around it and crawl underneath the crack in the bottom of the door." He mumbled to himself. He knew he had to do something, and soon. His cock was still hard, and he could only imagine how much smaller he'd get if he orgasmed again. Worse yet, his fur and feathers were flat on his body and he was completely pale, as white as a ghost and almost see through. Meanwhile the clothes around him took on a light blue hue that could also be seen through, which confused Frysco. He knew transformations often didn't involve clothes as it was too complex, but maybe Nikoli had paid for something extra. Regardless, he knew he wasn't going to get answers thinking about it, so he started to make his way to the door.

Frysco didn't get to walk very far before his legs trembled, not with an orgasm, but with a weakness. Frysco fell to the ground with a soft thud, and looked out in front of him. "Dammit...Nikoli..." he said weakly. "What's...happening...to me?" He could barely even get the words out of his beak. He wasn't tired, his body just felt so hard to move on his own. He couldn't even get a look in the mirror to see what exactly was going on. He still felt like a whole person, just different. He could feel his anus stretch and pull open as his legs vanished entirely. He wanted to open his mouth to let out a moan at the feeling of his ass being stretched, but he was unable to do so. Talking was even proving a challenge for him, but he could still think. Ass...opening...the heck...am I becoming? He thought to himself. His clothing that was once around his legs now wrapped around his ass entirely, covering the opening that was now as wide as he was. He would have reached back to feel the inside of the opening, but something told him that the opening went right up to his mouth, and he was completely hollow on the inside. He began to have thoughts of protection, specifically of those who wanted to prevent having children or help protect against STDs. It was then he began to realize exactly what he was becoming as he was getting the mental thoughts of the object.

Why the fuck would you want to turn me into a condom?! Frysco thought in a panic. With a sudden mental groan, he felt himself cum again, and as he came, his body felt as if it collapsed in on itself, as if he were melting, but still a solid physical form. He shrank down with his head faced up in the air as the rest of his clothing wrapped around his form. His body already had a mostly roundish shape to it, but now as he came out the rest of his gryphon shape, it took entirely the shape of that of what a condom would look like, completely wrapped up, and surrounded by the very cum that condoms were normally used to keep in them.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. "Hey Frysco, you in there?!" a familiar voice shouted. After a brief moment, the lock on the door was picked, and a familiar cuntboy in a horse outfit entered the room. He was greeted by cum everywhere, and a wrapped condom on the floor. "Ah shit." Nikoli scratched his head as he glanced down at Frysco. "I guess I ah...owe you an explanation, don't I?" He picked up the condom with a nervous smile underneath the horse head mask of his.

Frysco would have shouted at Nikoli had he the capability. His ears were long gone, although he could still hear and see, but both were muffled behind the wrapping that now surrounded his new condom body.

"I bought a potion for me and uh...a friend of mine. The idea was we were going to get a threesome with Sakiya after he was transformed into a condom, and I was...well I already took the potion and it's kind of taking effect so..." Nikoli undid his pants and revealed that his clit had not only swollen greatly in size, but had developed a set of balls behind it. "I was going to have the cock to slip him on..." after a short pause, Nikoli smiled down at him. "He also agreed and was totally willing to become a condom, but after like five minutes after he drank the thing, we noticed nothing was really happening to him. A shame, it would have been REALLY amusing to draw a crowd and watch him change and then I would wrap him around my cock all casual, it would have been talked about for ages!" Nikoli sighed, and picked up Frysco. "Well...the good news is it is reversible, the bad news is it's only reversible after you've uh...been used."

WHAT?! Frysco shouted mentally. He knew far too well where this was going. He could see that equine cock between Nikoli's legs, and the primitive mindset he was developing wanted him to wrap his entire body around it and to protect it, just like the condom he was. He was still himself mentally to fight these urges, but they felt like an instinct that replaced his own.

"Well, I'll have to tell him that he can forget about becoming a condom. Those potions were really expensive and the place is closed for the night! As for you?" Nikoli smiled nervously down at Frysco. "Well uh, I know you'd mind being a condom, but the sheer fact is it's the only way to turn you back. We can't exactly go and get another potion to administer to you when you don't even have a mouth to drink it from!" Nikoli turned away to the door, and then he glanced back at the bathroom. "Uh...we'll worry about the mess you made later." He closed the bathroom door behind him, and made his way to one of the many bedrooms upstairs. Nikoli opened up one of the doors and was greeted with Sakiya on the bed, now almost entirely naked.

The bedroom itself was fairly ordinary. There was a dresser and lamp on each side as well as a closed closet. There were various sex toys, and Sakiya's costume was tossed aside to reveal her chubby, slightly naked, furry panda body. "Hey, what's going on? We doing this thing or what?" she asked with a hint of impatience. "I heard he was having problems transforming."

Nikoli scratched the back of his head nervously. He was fully dressed in his horse outfit once more. "Come on, I thought we agreed on the term horsing around? Anyways, there's been a bit of a problem with him changing."

Sakiya raised a brow towards Nikoli. She leaned on the backboard of the bed. "I see you have a condom there anyways...that used to be someone or something?" she asked, curiously. "Or are you just saying 'screw it' and using a normal condom? I mean, I said I'd do a threesome if someone's inanimate, but one on one is a little too personal for me."

"It's someone, it's not really the someone who agreed to it though." Nikoli was hesitant to tear open the wrapper, but he did so to reveal Frysco to her. Frysco's shape was just like a condom, although he had an image of his head, his arms, and his old cock on his body, it just looked as if it were etched into the condom to show off like a design of some sort. "Do you see who it is?" he asked.

Frysco was silent the entire time. He couldn't say anything even if he wanted to anyways. Through the eyes that looked like they were sketched in the condom, he could see Sakiya's large form. He wanted to shout to her, but all he could do was show off his dumb smile that the condom form gave him.

"Frysco? You turned him into a condom?" Sakiya raised a brow. "Here I thought it was him that wanted to become the condom anyways since you came with him."

Nikoli shook his head. "No, I didn't really tell him about it because he didn't really seem like the kind of type to want to get in on it. It doesn't look like he has much of a choice now! Either I'm using him tonight to change him back to normal, or he's going to have to become a gift for someone that I hope has sex in the near future before his change becomes permanent. I lose this horse cock after tonight."

Great, so I'm either getting used for sex by him, or someone else to transform back to normal. Ugh. Frysco hated his predicament, but he knew he was helpless in the form he was in.

Sakiya shrugged. "Well, I guess I HAVE to do this threesome now." She chuckled. "Just uh...go slow. I heard how big horse cocks can be, and sex is something I don't exactly have all the time to be loose." She paused. "Is he even going to fit around a horse shaft?"

Nikoli took a deep breath. His horse cock had fully grown in his outfit. Part of him wanted to show the shaft grow in the condom, but now it was too late for that. He lowered his pants to reveal his fully grown equine cock. His cock was unlike his light fur color. His two balls were almost as big as apples were a dark brown, almost black in color. His shaft was dark, complete with sheath, and beyond the sheath was his flat head equine cock, almost twice the size of a normal cock in width, and length. "I made sure they'd become the biggest condom, so I'm sure that they'll fit, maybe."

"Maybe, he says." Sakiya rolled her eyes, and spread her legs. "Okay. Well, I would offer that we be slow and intimate, but I'm not sure the condom would like that, so maybe fast, rough, and feel free to cum first to change them back." She leaned up on her elbows. "However we need to go about it to change that condom back to ah...what was he again?"

"A gryphon, he was a colorful gryphon." Nikoli walked over to one dresser and opened it up. He pulled out lubricant, and then he took a deep breath as he looked down at Frysco. "Are you ready?" after a short pause, he half-smiled. "Eh heh, not that you can say if you are or not...I'm just going to assume yes."

Frysco was at ends the moment he saw that equine cock once more. His natural instincts were no longer a gryphon, but a condom. He just imagined himself wrapped around that cock and serving to protect it, and its owner. He imagined himself serving its needs and preventing the person who was getting fucked from getting pregnant, as well as help protect against any sort of STDs that either party had, not that anyone had them in this party regardless, although interspecies pregnancy was a very real possibility. No! I don't want...but...I have to...it's my purpose. He thought as he battled with his own new primal instincts, the things that a condom such as him should be doing.

Regardless of how ready Frysco was, Nikoli put Frysco on the tip of his equine shaft, and stretched him out. As he unraveled Frysco's condom shape around his cock, one could see the etched form that he once was. He looked as if someone printed a 3d version of himself, and then flattened him around the condom shape he now possessed. Frysco's head served as the tip, and while on a normal cock his head would have looked relatively normal, in this case with the equine cock, his head looked stretched and flattened. "How you doing down there?"

Frysco mentally let out a moan. He was serving the purpose a condom was meant to serve, yet at the same time, he knew how wrong it was for him. He felt the gentle pulse of that cock that was now put inside of him. It felt as if he were getting fucked anally, likely because the entrance of the condom used to be his own ass. The rest of the inside of his body was surrounded by that cock. He could do nothing but look up at Nikoli. He couldn't blink, he couldn't even adjust his eyes to look over at Sakiya. Worse yet, he could taste that cock in him. He wasn't sure how that was even possible. All of his senses were active, despite him being nothing more than a condom around a cock.

"He's like, halfway down. Is that going to impact how he works?" Sakiya asked with a raised brow. She saw how distorted his face looked, and she could only imagine how that condom felt.

"He's pretty tight, and like you said, you probably wouldn't be able to take this whole shaft anyways, so we'll stick with half, that'll work for me." Frysco put some clear lubricant on his hands, and began to rub Frysco with it. "It'll be fine."

"Famous last words." Sakiya rolled her eyes. "Well, whenever you're ready, let's get on with it."

"You can't even try to get into it a little bit?" Nikoli inched his way between Sakiya's legs. He leaned down on top of her, and gave her breast a gentle squeeze with his hands. Her large tits were filled with both fat and milk, and quite soft and furry to the touch. One could sleep on them and have a very comfortable night.

"How am I supposed to, knowing the condom didn't consent to it?" Sakiya shivered lightly at the sensation of her light pink nipples touched. She placed her hands on top of Nikoli's. Both of her legs raised up and brushed against Nikoli's body that was still almost entirely covered in the horse costume. "Besides, you still have that horse head on, how can I take you serious?"

Nikoli reached up from the panda's chest, and took off his horse head to show his snow leopard feline head. "Better?" I like the horse body too much to take off though. It's nice and warm in here, and I must feel pretty fuzzy, right?"

"You'd be fuzzier without it." Sakiya said with a roll of her eyes. "Let's...let's just do this and turn him back...heck, do you even need to fuck me for it? Isn't just cumming in him going to be enough?"

Nikoli blushed, now visibly without the horse head mask. "Uh...too late!" With little warning, he suddenly pushed his half erect equine cock into Sakiya's pink pussy. While the size of his flared tip was bigger than average, the lubricant around the condom made slipping his cock in significantly easier.

Frysco could do nothing but go along for the ride, quite literally at that. He was face to face with that cunt, and it looked absolutely massive compared to his small size, even if the cock he protected was also quite large. He was soon greeted with the inside of Sakiya's cunt. It felt as if he had just been stuffed into a warm hole with wet hot fleshy walls. He could feel the cock inside of him throb, as well as the cunt surrounding him clench onto him as if by instinct. Fuck! He mentally shouted.

Sakiya's back arched, and she let out a deep moan. "Uhnn h-hey! I didn't..ah...ah shit." Her hands suddenly gripped onto the bedsheets. "G-go deeper dammit!" her tone suddenly changed. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes as she herself pushed down on Nikoli's shaft.

Nikoli chuckled down at her. He leaned farther down to her, up to where his chest brushed against her own. He slowly pushed his cock in bit by bit as it grew hard inside of her. "O-of course!" he replied with a quiet moan. He wrapped his arms around her, and gave her a deep kiss.

Sakiya kissed back, though much softer than Nikoli's own. She let out a moan as his cock pushed in deeper, and she felt the slick condom brush against her walls. She would have apologized to the condom had she the capability, but she just thought Frysco was doing fine down there.

Frysco couldn't think at all. Two people were having sex, and he was literally right in the middle of them. He felt the heat of the pulsing cock, and the soaking walls of the cunt surrounding him. He could only smell and taste sex, and he could barely see anything, but it didn't matter. He was being served for what he was transformed into, for what he was literally made to do, and his purpose he was serving.

As Nikoli continued to hump and pump with his shaft, he felt a pressure build within the base of his cock. He knew all too well what was about to happen, even though he had never had a cock before. "Mph..r-ready...Frysco?" he said, not even sure if Frysco could hear him at this point. "G-gonna cum!"

"Maybe you should-" Sakiya gasped as she was hit with a small orgasm. "Pull out so he doesn't transform back inside me?" she let out a quiet squeak as she slowed her pace, though she continued thrusting down and squeezing that shaft.

"B-but he might not change back if I do!" In truth, Nikoli wasn't entirely sure how it worked out, but either way, he had no intention of pulling out. "He'll be fine in..ah...ah...there!" Nikoli felt his shaft leak a hint of precum as the pressure came to be too much.

Frysco could hear the two talking, but he couldn't make out as to what either of them were saying. He was deep in a cunt, and he had a massive pulsing cock inside of him. He could feel himself start to bloat a bit, and he knew what Nikoli was beginning to do. Inside of me?! Already?!

Nikoli couldn't hold back. His shaft was only halfway in Sakiya, but a horse cock was hard to push deep inside a normal vagina. With a quiet moan, he held onto the panda as he orgasmed. His cock pulse and pumped heavily as his seed escaped the tip of his flared shaft and into Frysco, filling him with his seed. S-sorry Frysco! But this really is the only way you can transform back! He thought to himself. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes as his cum flowed.

Frysco felt his body begin to fill with Nikoli's seed, another purpose he was meant to serve as Nikoli's condom was to keep that cum inside of him, but it wasn't easy. Nikoli was huge. He couldn't cover his entire cock as it was! Worse yet, Nikoli's cock head was awkwardly shaped. In fact, his flat head made it hard to spread Nikoli's seed past his own head which caused Frysco's head to bloat up. Suddenly, he felt it, a tiny rip, right where his mouth was located. The seed he was meant to protect, to keep inside of him, leaked out into Sakiya's cunt.

Sakiya could feel something inflate, and then deflate. She was about to have another orgasm herself, but then she could feel the condom leak inside of her. "H-hey! I think the condom broke! Pull out!" Sakiya's sexual pleasure was cut off by fear of a possible pregnancy. She pulled herself upwards, and tried to pull herself free from Nikoli.

Nikoli couldn't stop his seed flowing. He could feel that something was wrong as he kept cumming though, and he pulled one way while Sakiya pulled the other. The flared tip of his cock head didn't want to come out easily, but once he pulled free, he was able to see that Frysco looked like a deflated balloon wrapped around his cock, with his seed dripped freely now onto the bed. "F-fuck...that's not supposed to happen."

Sakiya, now free of Nikoli's horse cock, hopped off the bed with a grimace. "What are you supposed to do if the condom breaks?"

Nikoli shook his head. "I don't know! I do know that he should have started to change back by now, but he's not!" his equine shaft not only softened, but shrank down bit by bit. Apparently, the condom and the cock were intended for one use before they both would revert to normal, and while Nikoli's horse cock was shrinking down rapidly, Frysco hadn't changed at all.

Frysco's mind slowly came back to him, but it was filled with panic as he could hear Nikoli and Sakiya loud and clear again. Wait, I'm not changing back?! What the hell?! I don't want to be a broken condom forever! His mind filled with fear. He was useless as a broken condom, especially a used broken condom. Most broken used condoms would just get thrown in the trash as if they were nothing, or used for a lawsuit at best. Frysco didn't want to be disposed of, and while part of him thought Nikoli couldn't be that evil, disposal was the thing that happened to condoms regardless, and it was what he couldn't get his thoughts away from.

Nikoli let out a frustrated sigh as he looked at the condom that popped free from his shrinking cock. The condom was warm, wet, and slippery to say the least. "Okay, uh...look, the place that sells the potions is closed today, but I'll put you in a baggie and take you back to my place. I'll go and get the potion to reverse the change first thing tomorrow! At like...10 AM because that's when I wake up. You'll be fine until then."

Nikoli redressed himself, and walked his way into the kitchen. With Sakiya's help, Nikoli put Frysco in a plastic baggie, and then he took him back home. There was little things interesting going on that night as the mood for Nikoli had been killed thanks to Frysco popping. He wasn't sure what to say to Frysco, let alone if the condom could hear, so he kept silent the ride home, and even once he got home. Back at his house, Nikoli set Frysco down on the coffee table, and went to bed.

Frysco was at a loss for words. Nikoli couldn't even clean him up! Then again, who would want to clean up a used condom anyways? He was stuck in the stench that was the sex aftermath, cum, and lubricant while in the bag, creating very visible smears. He was forced to just lie there and wait for Nikoli to do something about his form, he was dependent on Nikoli, but at least he wasn't going to be disposed of, at least not right away. He could only mentally hope that something would get done. That night however, was the longest night of Frysco's life. Frysco couldn't sleep, he wasn't able to sleep as a condom. He could only lie in the darkness in the baggie helpless, and wait. He was thankful that it wasn't going to be any longer than a day, otherwise he would have grown mad! Part of him still had those condom instincts, but he knew he was worthless as a condom now, especially with the hole in his beak.

The next morning, or rather afternoon, Nikoli woke up and went about his morning routine. He had since taken off his Halloween costume and wore more normal appropriate clothes. He was about to walk outside of his house, but before he did, he paused at the baggie. "I uh...okay, look, I'll take you, but I'm going to have to stuff you in my bag. No offense, but I don't want people to get the wrong idea when I'm going around with a broken used condom that's soaked in cum, you know?" Nikoli stuffed Frysco into a black bag, and walked out the door.

Frysco couldn't argue, literally. He was incapable of moving or speaking. He just had to go with Nikoli, wherever Nikoli stuffed him or brought him, he went. Hopefully they can turn me back to normal. As it is I just want to wrap myself around cocks so much now... He thought to himself, something he hoped would fade when he was fixed. He was greeted with darkness, warmth, and shuffling. He could pick up the sound of a car, the vibrations, and generally just being moved around. There was nothing he could do except go along with the ride as the broken condom he was. Had anyone else seen him, they would have thought he was just nothing but trash at this point.

Nikoli drove to the potion shop, a shop that wasn't very far from a mall, neither of which were very busy. The building was a simple gray cement building, and the interior was filled to the brim with many potions. There was a sign right at the glass doors that read "No bulls allowed!" Nikoli walked inside, and right up to the counter where there was a pitch black horse.

The male anthro horse looked at Nikoli with his arms crossed. "Hey, what can I help you with?" he asked in a casual tone. He glanced down in front of the register where he had his cell phone.

"Uh..." Nikoli pulled out the bag, and set it on the counter. "You can help me with this."

The horse looked down at Frysco the broken condom in a bag, covered in lubricant, covered in semen, and then he raised a brow at Nikoli. "Okay, I have MANY questions."

"Oh...right...uh..." Nikoli scratched the back of his head. "This is Frysco, my buddy. You gave me a potion to make someone into a condom, and he drank it. I put him on my horse cock and had some fun, but he broke in the process and now he won't change back. Is there any way you can fix him?"

"Okay, see, if you told me that the minute you took him out then it would make a LOT more sense." The black horse reached underneath the wooden counter, and he pulled out a clear vial. "Here. It undoes any changes that have taken place in the last 24 hours..."

Nikoli quickly grabbed the vial, opened up the bag, and dumped the vial in. The size of the vial was no bigger than a container of water, so the vial fit in the bag entirely. He then closed up the bag to make sure none of the liquid escaped.

"But if you mix it with other fluids, like your SEMEN or your LUBRICANT or your partner's sexual fluids, then it can cause severe unintended side effects!" The horse finished once the liquid was poured into the bag. "Dammit, I get you're worried about your friend but you're being incredibly impatient here! Okay, I'm going to say this now, DO NOT open the bag! It will be much worse if he starts changing back and we have to cancel it out...plus you still owe me $150 for the potion."

Nikoli hesitated for a moment, but then he slowly nodded to the horse. "Eh...heh right, sorry. Okay, so leave him alone and he'll be fixed, mostly." Nikoli reached into his pocket, and paid the horse. As he did, he looked down at Frysco. "You totally owe me for this by the way."

Frysco could only watch and listen to the conversation. As the liquid hit his body, he felt himself swell. His legs reemerged, his hands separated from his torso, and soon the bag burst as he continued to transform back to normal, much faster than when he turned into a condom, though he was naked. His anus shrank back down, but he still smelled heavily of sex. As his lungs and mouth came back, he opened it and coughed heavily. Cum came from his beak as he spat it out. "Ack! Gah!"

The horse sighed as Frysco changed back. The counter was thankfully big enough for the gryphon, but he was creating quite a wet mess. "Okay, I got my payment, he's turning back to...mostly normal too. Anything else you two need help with?"

Frysco was the first to speak up. He had the taste of cum on his maw, but he shook his head with another cough. "No! No thanks! We're good." He turned to Nikoli with a grimace. "Can you uh...give me a ride back home?"

After that day, Frysco's life returned to normal, mostly. The side effects the horse mentioned came as Frysco would find out the hard way. For starters, at midnight when the moon was full, he would just turn into a condom until the sun rose. He was thankful he didn't have an overnight job, but it made those nights when he was alone quite boring, but he didn't want to risk popping again so he had never brought it up to anyone.

Unfortunately the next side effect was with Frysco's friends. While he wasn't a nympho, he had friends that were, and when they needed a condom, he found himself suddenly turning into one for them. The change was just until he was used, or until the condom was no longer needed, which was often after Frysco turned into a condom because that often killed the moment, but it was still something that irritated him.

As time went along though, Frysco found himself wanting to become a condom more often for others. He could only trust Nikoli with that information though, as it was just too humiliating to bring it up to his other friends. Luckily, Nikoli was more than happy to help him out by growing a cock for him on the nights he so desperately needed to be one. During those nights, Frysco and Nikoli would have incredible masturbating sessions, and the pair could not be happier with each other.

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