[Commission] Claiming Their Prize

Story by Nemo0690 on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Hiddenxibalba

Another story in the tentatively-dubbed Toy-verse, which started with Higgins' Special Commendation. In this story we take a look at another officer of the ZPD who's fallen into the lifestyle of a slutty pred Toy: officer Delgato. He's been won in a drawing by a family of rich draft horses, and makes himself ready to spend an entire month being their personal live-in pet. Of course, the horses first need to break in their new toy, and what better way than testing how good his oh-so-vaunted deepthroating skills really are?

Commissions are currently closed, and will remain so until Sunday, December 29th.

However, if you like what I've written and are interested in commissioning something, my commission guidelines will remain available on the adult info tab of my profile. If you have any questions or would like to chat about ideas, please feel free to get in contact.

And hey, if you want to support my writing and feel so inclined, I'm also accepting tips at the link down below. Any little bit is helpful and greatly appreciated!https://paypal.me/Nemo0690

The limo didn't make a sound as it glided down the perfectly-paved streets of Equestrian Acres. The gated community sat near the coast of the Meadowlands district of Zootopia, and the houses--mansions--rising to either side of the well-kept lane reflected the kind of mammals who lived there; rich, influential males and females of wealth and taste.

In the backseat, twiddling his thumbs and idly tapping one hindpaw on the plush carpet, Gerald Delgato gazed out the window at the passing landscape. He knew that the smallest of the houses outside were worth more than thrice his paycheck for an entire year. He knew that even with his good breeding--his long family history of fathers and uncles and grandfathers who served the ZPD and Zootopia in general--he was way out of his league around the movers and shakers of industry and politics who dwelled there. He knew that he was way out of place.

It was luck of the draw--literally--that got him here. Nothing more.

The lion perked up and shook those thoughts away as the limo took a buttery-smooth turn into a long drive and rumbled to a stop in front of one of the larger mansions. The engine died with a low whimper, and Delgato heard the driver hop out and move around to open the door for him. As the lion climbed out, the sharply-dressed cougar gave him a nod and gestured for Delgato to follow up the stairs to the front door of the mansion. He was buzzed in by a similarly-well-dressed tiger butler, to whom the lion was handed off, and then lead into the mansion's foyer.

"'Ey you!" The butler halted in place at the shout, and turned towards the staircase at the center of the open room. Delgato glanced over, and was met with the living embodiment of every 'rich young douchebag' stereotype he could think of making his way down towards them. The young draft horse was completely blinged out in gold chains that hung around his neck and jangled from the belt loops of his baggy, sagging pants. His hooves clopped brashly on the marble tile, and the hoodie he was wearing looked specifically tailored towards ghetto fashion. A pair of designer sunglasses sitting above the smirk on his face completed the ensemble; if it weren't for how deliberately-put-together he looked, Delgato might've mistaken the young horse for one of the punks he usually caught graffitiing up the back alleys of Downtown. The stallion strolled right up to Delgato, puffing himself up to stand chest-to-chest with the lion, and flicked his shades off. After giving the older male a long stare, the horse looked over to the tiger butler. "The hell's this guy doin' in my house, Jeeves?"

The butler, whose name was not Jeeves, cleared his throat. "Young Master Eric, may I introduce Mister Gerald Delgato. He is the... guest that Master Manechester has ordered."

"Oh, so this is the prize daddy won in that drawing."

Delgato's ears immediately pulled against his skull as his face flushed, but he remained standing up straight as Eric stepped back to give him another look. He'd often heard about the lottery held every year in the Pred-Toy circles; Toys from all over Zootopia would volunteer themselves as prizes in the drawing, and the Master who won each Toy would be able to keep their prize as a live-in pet for a month. Delgato had saved up a bit of vacation time, and had decided to volunteer as a prize on a whim; he hadn't ever dreamed that he'd be won by the Manechester family, yet here he was.

The lion could feel the young stallion's wandering gaze grow appraising as he moved around the older male, taking Delgato in from every angle, and could see the smirk on the prey-mammal's face grow wider. "Hmm, I guess he'll do." A hand reached out to grab Delgato's ass, and the lion clenched his jaws to suppress a moan at the groping the horse was giving him. "The hell's with the getup, though?"

Delgato looked down at himself; he was still wearing his ZPD uniform. He'd had to really work his ass off--literally--to get Chief Bogo to approve it, but in the end it was what Manechester wanted. And he won the drawing, so what Manechester wanted, Manechester got. "It's my uniform, um, sir." The horse was still squeezing the firm cheek of the lion's ass, drawing out a soft huff to accompany his words. "Mr. Manechester ordered me to come by with it on."

"He did, huh?" Eric leaned in close, stretching his neck up to blow a puff of humid air against the lion's flicking ear. "And what if I ordered you to strip outta those clothes and suck my piece right here and now?" His voice was husky, but Delgato could hear the smooth charm--or at least, what he probably took as charm--the stallion was trying to put into it. With a wink, Eric reached down with his free hand to give the bulge in his loose pants a squeeze.

Delgato gulped. The blush burning on his cheeks grew hotter. His gaze traced over the--admittedly very large and heavy-looking--bulge that the stallion was still fondling with a growing, knowing grin. He was only saved by a cough from the tiger butler standing next to him. "Young Master Eric, Master Manechester is expecting Mister Delgato."

"Aright, alright, I get'cha. Better not keep daddy waitin'." With one last smack on the lion's ass, Eric moved away.

The tiger butler nodded to the young horse, and then to Delgato. "This way, please."

And so they continued on, with one more straggler in tow. Delgato could feel Eric's gaze on his backside as the horse followed behind the two preds. Each clop of the young male's hooves made the lion flinch, and he couldn't stop his tail from perking up behind him; his only solace was that the tiger butler at his side was doing the same, the other feline's tail remaining curled against his lower back to show off the rise of his own rump. When they reached the door at the end of the hall, the butler knocked and then entered. Delgato could hear a low conversation from within the room before the door swung back open and he was swept inside.

The office was elegant and classy, all dark wood and polished bronze fixtures. On one wall, a large stone fireplace contained a hi-def flatscreen showing a roaring, crackling fire. Near the other wall, two more well-dressed draft horses were sitting on either side of a long desk; one of them, his mane nearly completely grey with age, lounged in a plush chair in front while the other, his dark mane perfectly coiffed and his suit pressed and completely without wrinkles, sat behind the desk with his hands folded. As Delgato entered, the two stallions sat up in their seats to look over him with appraising stares.

"Master Manechester." The tiger butler gave the middle-aged draft horse behind the desk a low bow. "May I present Mister Delgato."

"Ah, so the Toy's here." Mr. Manechester rose up from his seat to approach, and again Delgato felt his ears press against his skull; the middle-aged horse was massive, thick all over, and stood a head taller than the lion. The pred could see the thickly-corded muscles all over Mr. Manechester's body, and he shrunk into himself as the prey-mammal loomed over him. The equine adjusted Delgato's collar and tie, and from there Mr. Manechester's hand cupped Delgato's chin to turn the lion's head this way and that. "My younger son recently graduated top of his class, and his older brother is home from University on break. My boys deserve only the best of the best Toys." He eyes flashed. "Are you the best of the best?"

Delgato only took a moment to clear his throat, keeping his head still in the male's grip. "Yes sir."

"We'll see about that." Mr. Manechester's forefinger and thumb moved to squeeze the hinge of Delgato's jaw, and the lion opened his mouth wide. The stallion gazed into Delgato's maw, humming in thought. "How many cocks have you sucked, Toy?"

"I've lost count, sir." It was the answer they all gave their Masters, and it was true for pretty much every single Toy. However, Delgato continued. "I can tell you that I've taken every dick to the hilt, no matter how big." It was something the lion prided himself on; he could deepthroat any cock shoved in his face, even Chief Bogo's, and not gag once.

However, his statement was met with laughter and snickering from Mr. Manechester, the older stallion seated in front the desk, and the young horse who'd taken the seat next to what was presumably his grandfather. After giving Delgato's cheek an almost-tender pat, Mr. Manechester stepped back. "Well, what are you waiting for? Show us the goods."

Delgato's answer was immediate. "Yes sir." He knew most Masters didn't want to waste any time--no time for the slow stripteases the pred officers would give their brothers in blue in the locker room--and so the lion quickly stripped out of his uniform. His tie, and then the stiff overshirt. His undershirt came off a little slower, allowing the watching stallions to see the lion's own muscular chest. Then his belt came off, and he undid the fly of his pants before turning around and bending over to pull them and his underwear down together. A thrill ran down his arched spine when he heard the low groan of the younger horse behind him, and the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone. Finally, the lion turned around to stand tall and show off his front side. He was hard--had been the entire ride to the mansion--and felt the roiling of mingled shame and lust in his gut as his short, stubby length pulsed in full view of his audience.

Eric snorted and laughed. "Look at it, what the hell can you even do with that thing?"

"Now son, you need to learn to appreciate the finer things in life." Mr. Manechester's eyes remained locked on Delgato's crotch even as he lightly scolded the younger male. The older equine stepped forward once more, and Delgato's stance widened instinctively to let the stallion cup his ballsack. The lion's small malehood looked even more miniscule in the horse's hand; his balls barely filled the other male's palm, and the throbbing shaft rising from the lion's sheath barely matched the full length of the horse's thumb. "You felines always have the cutest little dicks..." The husky whisper from the larger mammal made Delgato's knees tremble. Come to think of it, all the mammals in the Manechester family's service--the cougar who had met him after the auction, the other cougar driver, and the tiger butler--were male felines. Did these horses have a fetish or something?

Either way, Delgato was content for the moment to let Mr. Manechester get his fill of molesting him, purring as the stallion's hand rubbed all over the lion's crotch. The horse finally snorted and pulled away. "Adequate. Now, bend over and let's get a look at your better side." He pointed to the desk, and Delgato immediately moved to obey.

He stood between the two chairs holding Eric and the eldest horse, squeezing in between them and leaning against the desk. He blushed when he looked over to see the younger horse's thick erection already twitching and dribbling in the open air, and got a wink from Eric as the equine gripped his shaft and slid his hand up and down the gargantuan length. The lion could already smell the thick, pungent, earthy-sweet scent of prey arousal, and let out another purr as he spread his stance and lifted his tail up high.

"Fuck yeah, that's what we like to see." That voice was Eric's, and so the hand grasping and squeezing and pulling at his flank must have belonged to the younger equine too. Delgato's ass was spread open wide--to the lion's low, purring moan--and he felt his loose pucker wink and pulse as it was exposed to both the open air and the gaze of the stallions surrounding him. A puff of air and the sound of a deep sniff from behind made his hole clench, and Delgato let out another moan as he was given a firm smack on the ass. "Stink like real fuckin' slut, Toy."

The lion's cheeks burned; he'd showered before being picked up, and so the young horse could only be talking about the musk of his ass. The scent of all the prey-mammals that had used him as their personal onahole. The rich aroma of cum that stained his pucker and inner walls, marking him as a Toy as clearly as the tattoo under his tailbase. "I've lost count of how many males have fucked me, sir." Again, the answer of a true Toy. He shifted from foot to foot, waggling his hind end for the males behind him. "I'm sorry for being a filthy, used cumdump, sirs."

"Well, you can't help it." The crackling voice must have belonged to the old stallion sitting at his other hip. He felt a hard-tipped finger trace around his pucker and tug at the flexing rim. "You preds are hungry for all the prey meat you can get, right?" He laughed, coughing in between, and gave the lion's rump a smack of his own.

"You're exactly right, sir."

"Well, son? What do you think?" Mr. Manechester's voice came from behind as well as he joined in groping and smacking the lion's spread asscheeks.

"Hm... yeah, he'll do." The feigned indifference from the young punk was laughable, especially as he continued to press his broad nose up under Delgato's tail to take deep breaths of the scents staining the lion's hole.

"And you, father?"

"Yes, very adequate." Delgato heard a shift from behind him, and turned his head to see Mr. Manechester helping his father stand. The older male leaned heavily on the cane that was handed to him by his son, but even in his advanced age the lion could see the strength in the horse's musculature. Of course, his eyes were drawn to the massive bulge in the older equine's slacks; the thick, pulsing tube strained the fabric as it stretched down to the middle of the stallion's thigh. He gulped, and jerked his gaze upward to meet the horse's grinning gaze.

"Come on, whip it out grandpa!" Eric jumped up out of his chair as well, his baggy pants and boxers falling down around his ankles to bare the younger horse's own crotch completely. Eric stroked his cock, and then grasped it by the base and used the heavy shaft to give Delgato's rump yet another smack. "Show this micro-dick slut what a real cock looks like."

"All in good time, boy." Delgato couldn't stop his eyes from following the eldest stallion's hand as it stroked along his obscene tent. "For now, though..." The Manechester patriarch looked to the tiger butler, and nodded. "Get him prepared, if you would."

"Very well, Master James." The tiger butler nodded, and Delgato turned to face forward while waiting to be 'prepared' for the horse family. The first thing the lion felt was a collar being slipped and tightened around his neck; it was embarrassing to admit, but after all the time he'd spent as a Toy Delgato felt more naked without a collar than he did without his clothes. He shuddered and let out a low purr, and then gasped and hiked his tail up when he felt a slick pawpad rubbing over his hole; around the rim and then dipping inside to rub the slick substance coating the probing digit--lubricant, he realized faintly--over his inner walls. Then the lion felt something firm and rubbery--a dildo? A buttplug?--being pressed against his pucker, and a puff of breath against his ear as the butler leaned against his shoulder. "I'd find something to bite down on, if I were you."

Delgato heard the snickering of Eric--Master Eric--from behind, and drew himself up. Pushed his rump back against the probing intruder as it teased against his entrance. Spread his legs and braced himself on the desk. "I can take anything the Masters want me to take."

"Hm. Suit yourself." The butler's tone was blasé as he shrugged, as if he wasn't ready to push a buttplug deep into the lion's ass. And push he did, grunting with effort as the tapered tip that sunk into Delgato quickly expanded to strain the feline's already-stretched hole. Delgato yowled, ears pressing flat against his skull and tail lashing behind him as the buttplug was shoved into him. Deep. Deeper. And then deeper still. So big, and so thick; tears pricked the corners of the lion's eyes as sharp sparks of pain shot up and down his spine. Finally the thickest part of it popped past his rim, and the panting lion let out another yowl as his backdoor slammed shut around the buttplug's base.

Full. So full. It felt like he had Bogo, Higgins, and maybe even Rhinowitz all balls-deep inside him at the same time. He could only clutch his stomach and groan, feeling his bowls stretch around the monstrously-large intruder. But it didn't seem like Delgato would have any time to rest; he was pulled up straight and spun around to face his Masters with a curt 'I told you so' from the tiger butler.

"Good." Mr. Manechester looked over the butler's handiwork, tossing his phone aside and beginning to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. Had the horse been texting someone as he watched Delgato be prepared for him, his son, and his father? Or maybe taking pictures of the lion's debasement? The thought sent a thrill down Degalto's spine and into his crotch; and then the thought was swept away as Mr. Manechester gestured to a side door near the desk. "In there, if you please."

"Yes, Master Martin." The tiger butler tugged at Delgato's collar, and the lion could only follow as he was lead into the side room. It was sparsely decorated compared to Mr. Manechester's office; wood-paneled walls, with a long leather couch at one end and a massive flatscreen tv on the other end. A few racks of shelves with every sex toy and restraint Delgato could ever think of; dildos, plugs, chains, ropes, whips and riding crops, and so much more. And the centerpiece of the room: a large, leather-padded bondage bench.

Delgato knew exactly where this was going.

He was lead over to the bench, pushed down to drape over it on his hands and knees, and restrained in place with leather cuffs at his wrists and ankles. His chin rested on the shelf at the head of the bench, and the tiger butler popped a ring gag--wider than any he'd ever had between his jaws--into the lion's open mouth. The butler tested every one of the straps keeping Delgato bound in place, pulling them tight and snug, and then turned to bow to the Manechesters as the three males filed in.

"Excellent. You're dismissed. We'll call when we need you." Mr. Manechester--Master Martin--didn't spare the tiger butler a single glance; he was too busy looking over the bound lion while pumping his erection. The three stallions were completely nude, and Delgato moaned as he looked over the three of them; strong, fit, and hung. Once the tiger butler had closed the door behind him, the three prey-mammals moved to surround Delgato to in a wall of horny, pent-up masculinity. "So, who's first?"

"I am, of course." Master Eric grinned while laying his erection over Delgato's snout to claim first dibs. "The slut's been wantin' my dick ever since he first caught sight of me. Ain't that right, slut?"

Delgato could only let out a groan of confirmation around the rubber ring keeping his jaw open, gazing up past the heavy malehood into Master Eric's grinning eyes. Once more, the scent of pungent, sweet prey musk filled his lungs and made the lion's mouth water. His tongue stretched out to flick against the shaft, tasting the salt of sweat and the acridity of young male hormones.

"Very well." Master Martin and Master James moved to the couch against the wall, the older equine leaning heavily against his son's nude body even with his cane.

"Sounds good. I need a few more minutes for the pills to kick in anyway." Master James gave his erection a squeeze with a hoarse chuckle, and then grunted as he dropped onto the couch. Again, Delgato looked over to the older horse; that fat, thick, gargantuan erection wasn't even fully hard yet? The lion groaned and shuddered, and his cock throbbed between his thighs.

However, thoughts of the Manechester patriarch were swept from the lion's mind as Master Eric began to feed his erection through the ring gag. Cock. Dribbling, pulsing, pent-up cock. Delgato groaned, dragging his tongue along the underside of Master Eric's malehood as it sunk into his hungry maw. More and more. Deeper and deeper. The lion began to groan and cough as the blunt head of it pushed into his throat without pause. The horse was bigger than any other male that Delgato had taken before, and the lion began to tremble and wonder if he was capable of taking the entire thing.

Master Eric grunted. Groaned. Grasped the lions head as he worked his shaft into the pred's mouth. "Come on, slut, thought'cha said you could take anything we could give ya." The jeering tone was accompanied by a rough, insistent thrust. And then another. And another.

Deglato could only whimper as inch after inch of equine erection stretched his throat and sank into his gullet. He was known on the force for his deepthroating skills; he'd been commended by Higgins for being the first toy to take him to the hilt no problem, and nearly every day he had males coming up to push him to his knees and press their crotches against his snout. He could do this. His pride as a Toy was on the line. He struggled in his restraints, trying to push himself further down towards the stallion's crotch; towards that musky patch of pubic fur and those heavy, swinging balls.

He finally felt his stretched-open lips press to the base of the cock buried in his throat just as it throbbed and began to pump Master Eric's load directly into his gullet. The lion moaned and clenched his eyes shut as shot after shot of virile prey seed filled his gut. This was it. This was his place; with a Master's malehood buried in his throat and his stomach filled with cum. He began to purr as the warm sensations tingled up and down his spine and through his bound limbs, but didn't have long to enjoy them; Master Eric began to draw his length out of Delgato's throat, letting the lion feel every inch--especially the flared head--slide free.

The door to the room swung open, and another pair of hooves clopped on the floor. "Hey, looks like things have already started."

As Eric turned to look towards the newcomer, Delgato was able to pant and gasp and let his gaze wander over to the source of that new voice. Another draft horse, this one looking a few years older than Eric--the other son home from college Master Martin had mentioned?--and even more built than their father. Every inch of his body--just as nude as the other males in the room--flexed and bulged with muscle, and his mane and fur were soaked with sweat.

"Ey, Vance!" Eric grinned wide and moved away from Delagato to sling an arm over his older brother's shoulder, pulling the other equine into a half-hug. "Where you been, man?"

"Sorry, I was finishing a set." Vance ran a hand through his sweaty mane, flicking droplets off of the well-groomed hair. "Got Dad's text right in the middle of it, and rushed down here soon as I could."

Eric's grin only grew wider as he sniffed the air around the older stallion. "Well perfect timin' then, cuz you're up next! That okay, daddy?" He glanced to his father while leading his brother over to Delgato. "Alright, listen up, slut! My bro here's got a dick that needs cleanin'. You up for the job?"

Delgato couldn't answer with a pert 'yes sir', but the way he was eyeing Vance's--Master Vance's--already-twitching erection was all the answer that was needed.

"Knock him dead, bro." With a wink and a smack on Vance's flank, Eric sauntered off and out of Delgato's mind. The lion's entire world narrowed down to the pungent, sweaty cock and balls being pushed in his face. The musk from the dank flesh burned in his nostrils and he groaned as his tongue writhed out and tried to make contact with the horse's malehood.

"Alright, alright. You're hungry, aren't you?" Master Vance's hand stroked through Delgato's own sweaty mane with almost-tender affection as his fat cocktip finally pressed to the lion's tongue. The pred moaned in bliss, eyes rolling as the flavor of virile masculinity graced his unworthy maw once more. "Greedy fucking kitty slut." With that, Master Vance gripped Delgato's head in both hands and slammed as much of his length into the lion's throat as he could.

Delgato choked. Gagged. It was thick, much thicker than Master Eric's cock, and the way it stretched his throat would be heavenly if it wasn't being forced down all at once. And the smell, the taste; cloying and burning in his lungs and making his head swim. Far away, he could hear sounds--moaning and panting and grunting. A porno?--but he couldn't focus on them over the sheer malehood being shoved into him. His tongue worked over as much as it could as Master Vance thrust in and out, slowly working more and more of the shaft into Delgato. Deeper. Deeper.

This time, the lion didn't even manage to feel that sweat-soaked pubic hair and those overfilled balls pressing against his face before Master Vance came. Again, the pulsing and pumping of cum filling his belly as the older brother's load mingled within the lion with that of the younger. Again, the flared shaft drawn slowly out of his throat as Master Vance let out a long, low whinny. Again, Delgato was left panting and gasping as tears pricked his eyes and the taste of prey-mammal seed lingered on his tongue. He rested his cheek on the shelf at the head of the bondage bench, his hazy gaze wandering around the room. He could see Masters Eric, Martin, and James sitting on the couch, the two elders waiting for their turn; the lion felt a shiver down his spine and a whimper catch in his throat at the sight of the massive cocks still waiting for his service. He turned his head away to look towards the tv, wondering what kind of porn the horses enjoyed.

The home movie kind, as it turned out.

On the screen, Delgato could see a close-up of a firm stallion rump--by the way the flanks bulged with thick, round muscle, it had to belong to either Master Martin or Master Vance--with tail lifted to show off the horse's plump, puckered asshole. There were cheers and whoops from off-screen--the other Manechester males--as a comically-miniscule fennec fox had his snout shoved into the no-doubt musky cleft; if it weren't for the fox's own muscular build and the deep, very-adult voice groaning in reluctance as his nose was ground against the greasy flesh, Delgato might have mistaken him for a child. The camera shifted to display the fennec's throbbing, fairly-hung cock as he began to lap and slurp over the stallion's flexing hole, drawing out a familiar-sounding whinny; definitely Master Vance. The thought of how the college-aged equine's ass would taste, dripping with sweat and ripe with thick musk after a long workout, sent an envious throb through Delgato's own forgotten erection.

Then the scene changed. The fennec was laying on his back, wrists cuffed and ankles held up high as he was fucked hard by the tiger butler; no, the tiger butler was being fucked hard and deep by Master Martin, and the feline's cock was being forced into the fox's hole in lieu of the horse's. 'Fuck... fuck!'

'That's it, Toy.' Master Martin's voice was low and husky. 'Your dick gets so hard from being treated like a good little slut, doesn't it?'

'N-no...!' The fox snarled and scowled even as his own cock spat thick wads of precum into the puddle on his stomach. 'This ain't... I ain't enjoying this...!' He trailed off into a low, whimpering howl as he threw his head back in obvious pleasure.

Delgato finally recognized the face on the screen from a few of the arrest reports he'd filed--Finnick or something, that was the fox's name--and felt another throb through his crotch; his full, stretched hole and bowels, his aching balls, and his dribbling length. What he wouldn't give to be there, deepthroating the fox's fat, knotted erection while burying his nose in the tiger butler's pubic fur. Cleaning his fellow feline's cute little dick and sloppy, cum-filled hole with his tongue, and then sharing Master Martin's spent, smut-smeared malehood with him. To have his own useless pred cock be used as a cocksleeve by all the males in the Manechester family, fucking the tiger butler and the other servants in turn while the stallions' erections dumped their loads in his guts.

He was brought back to himself by a heavy cock smacking him in the face, smearing his flushed cheek with precum. "Look alive, Toy. You've got your own show to put on." Delgato looked up to Master Martin's grinning eyes, and followed the horse's pointing finger to the camera setup nearby. Were they filming his debasement? Was he going to end up the star of another Manechester home movie? The thought made him groan and eagerly push forward to have his throat fucked once again.

Master Martin's cock wasn't quite as thick as Master Vance's, but the quick pace the horse set right off the bat left Delgato sputtering and struggling to keep up. The rough jabs into his throat made the constricting passage convulse around the long, throbbing, needy malehood. It was slow going, and Delgato felt his ears pull back in shame at how much trouble he was having, but eventually the stallion managed to hilt his cock in the lion's gullet. Delgato looked up past the equine's firm abs and round pecs to Master Martin's pleasure-filled face as the male threw his head back and whinnied. He waited, feeling the pulsing in his throat, but the flood of seed didn't come. The horse panted, huffed, looked down at his gagging, choking, teary-eyed Toy, and smirked. "You didn't think just taking it all would be enough, did you?"

What Master Martin lacked in girth, he more than made up for in stamina. Again and again, Delgato felt the full length of that massive malehood sliding in and out of his throat. Felt the smack of the horse's balls on his chin, and had his nose smashed into the richly-aromatic pubic fur at the base. Felt his mind begin to swim with the pleasure of being used like this; he was a cumdump, a fucksleeve to be used by one Master and then passed on to next. He could spend the rest of his life here, bound in this room and sucking on the Manechester males' cocks in turn--huffing their musk and tasting their sweat and being filled in both ends with their cum--and be able to die happy.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he felt Master Martin clutch his head in both hands and heard the horse's whinnies of bliss. For the third time, he felt a massive stallion cock throbbing in his throat as it pumped virile seed straight down into his stomach. Master Martin's cum mingling in his guts with that of his sons; the thought made his cock twitch and ache as it finally sprayed the lion's own load onto the bench beneath him. The horse sighed and, unlike his sons, wasted no time in drawing his flared cock free to smear the mixture of semen and spit coating it all over Delgato's burning face.

As he was painted--marked--Delgato found his eyes wandering to the tv once more. The fennec onscreen was now surrounded by all four Manechesters, their erections grinding on his body and against each other. He could hear the moans and husky whispers from the pent-up stallions as they humped the smaller male, drenching him with their precum.

'Ngh... f-fuck you all...' Finnick, meanwhile, was groaning and clenching his eyes in reluctance even as his own erection throbbed on his belly. Ungrateful slut; if Delgato was in that situation, he'd be groaning in bliss and struggling not to cum all over himself before his Masters did. Which is what the horses did, whinnying in orgasm as their cocks coated every inch of the fennec's squirming, writhing body with their seed.

Again, the lion was brought back to himself as Master Martin's spent cock tapped his nose. He inhaled the scent of sweet prey musk and cum gratefully, and then looked up to meet the horse's eyes. "You aren't done yet, Toy. Vance, bring your grandfather over here."

"Sure, dad." The big brute of a draft horse was gentle and as he helped the older stallion stand and lead him over. Master James was the patriarch of the family, and it showed; his cock was massive, girthy and veined and throbbing obscenely as it bobbed before him. Delgato's mouth watered, and the memory of his previous meals faded from his mind. He needed that cock in his mouth, and he needed it now. He watched as Master Vance reached around his grandfather, steadying the older horse by the hip while grasping and stroking and pumping Master James' erection. Guiding the thick, pre-soaked tip to Delgato's eager tongue. Holding his elder steady and helping him push forward to bury his malehood as far as it would go down the lion's throat.

Delgato couldn't even make it past the median ring before the sheer size of it made him convulse and whimper in pain.

"There there..." A tender hand stroked through his mane as the cock in his mouth began to rock back and forth. "Take it all, that's a good Toy..." Master James' crackling, crooning voice made Delgato's eyes flutter, and the lion groaned as they slipped closed so he could focus on the sensations in his mouth. The rich, pungent, earthy-sweet scent wafting off the hot flesh of Master James' malehood. The taste of sweat and virility on his tingling tongue as he suckled and lapped along the shaft. The stretch in his abused throat as the stallion's gargantuan cock lid in deeper. Deeper. Hilted. "Ohhh, yes. That's good..."

Delgato let out a low, purring moan of agreement as he felt the entire length of that massive cock sliding in and out of him with Master Vance's assistance; the younger stallion was guiding his grandfather's hips in rocking to and fro, and neither seemed to notice or care about Vance's own spent cock grinding on James' flank. Their focus--Delgato's focus--was entirely on the throbbing malehood sinking deep into the lion--he could swear he could feel it in his roiling stomach, it was so long--and then being pulled free only to plunge forward once more.

"Lions are always so prideful. It's always a joy to see one of you who knows your place." Delgato let out another purr as that gentle hand continued petting through his mane. "Though letting you keep something like this while you're on your knees serving your betters might give you ideas." He felt a tug on his mane, and groaned as he swallowed around Master James' cock. "Eric, would you shave it off please?"

Delgato's eyes flew open as he gagged. He looked up to Master James', whimpering and groaning. Having your mane shaved was the most shameful thing that could be done to a lion; it was a disgrace, something that would take away a male lion's masculinity as surely as cutting off his sheath and balls. Delgato's straining hole clenched around the plug filling it, and his cock jumped and throbbed between his thighs.

"No complaints, now." Master James stared right into Delgato's eyes as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusting. "It's what you deserve. You're a Toy. A pet. A cumdump to be used for our amusement and pleasure." His words trailed off into a low whinny as his malehood slammed into the lion's throat. Again and again. Deep and hard. Rutting the lion's mouth with wild abandon that was only constrained by Vance keeping hold of his grandfather's hips.

And then he came. And came, and came. He buried his cock into Delgato's throat to the hilt as it erupted with shot after shot of thick seed, still potent and virile despite the stallion's age. It filled the lion's belly to the brim, far outstripping the loads his son and grandsons had pumped out; the old draft horse must have been a breeding stud in his prime, able to overfill any hole. The bound feline could only purr and relax his throat as the hilted malehood filled him utterly and completely.

And then a new sound rose up to pierce the lion's swimming thoughts. The buzzing of electric shears. He choked around the softening cock still buried in his throat as he felt the first pass over his head. "Shhh, there there. You're a good Toy." Again, Master James spoke in that tender voice of his while Eric shaved the lion's mane. Delgato could only look up into his eyes--into the grinning eyes of all four Manechester stallions--and groan in agreement while suckling on his Master's malehood. He was a good Toy.

The month passed in shameless debauchery. Once Delgato's mane had been completely shorn, the stallions had pulled the buttplug out of the lion's ass--making the feline yowl in pain as it stretched his hole nearly to the breaking point while passing through--and then bred him there, too. He was debased in every way the horses could think of, made to taste every inch of their bodies and pleasure them in every way. At the end of the first day, he was untied from the bondage bench and allowed to feel his shaved head. His mane--his pride as a lion--was gone. Now he was only what the Manechesters had made of him; a Toy.

And he loved it.

Every night, he shared a bed with one of them. Every morning, he was allowed to pleasure their cocks. Every day, he was slutted out to the entire family and even to the Manechester servants. Time became a blur of cocks and asses and musk, and every moment was preserved on tape. Giving Master Vance a post-workout tonguebath. Eating out Master Eric's ass while the stallion called him every dirty, debasing name in the book. Deepthroating Master Martin while Master James filled his hole with breeding-stud seed, and then turning himself around to clean the patriarch's cock while Master Martin enjoyed his father's sloppy seconds. He almost didn't want to leave the Manechester manor, but his time as their live-in pet eventually ended.

It was nice, in a way, to return to work. To greet Clawhauser at the front desk with a smile and a subtle, flirtatious wink. To greet his brothers in blue with smiles and laughter and raucous roughhousing. To enter the locker room with them, huff the mingling scents of their bodies, and feel their eyes on him as he changed into and out of his uniform.

"Hey, Delgato." The rumbling voice of Rhinowitz was accompanied by an arm slinging over his shoulder and pulling him against the larger male's bare chest. The rhino ruffled through the lion's mane with a chuckle. "Hair growin' back in alright, I see."

"Yeah." Delgato smiled, leaning in closer against the firm musculature bulging under Rhinowitz's leathery skin. The Manechesters had been gracious enough to let the lion start growing his mane back during his last week in their service--it wouldn't do to leave evidence of their activities, after all--and while it wasn't as full and lustrous as it had been, it was enough to allow him to look the part of a proper lion. The feline then blinked and looked up at the rhino; how did Rhinowitz know about that?

The larger male smirked, reached into his pants pocket, and pulled out his phone. After swiping through it for a moment, he held it up to show Delgato a paused video. 'Slutty Lion Live-In Pet, part 1'. That was him on the screen, Master James'--Mr. James Manchester's--monolithic breeding tool balls-deep in his throat. "We've all been enjoying your vids, man. Even Clawhauser was impressed, and you know that kitty-cat's voracious." Rhinowitz guffawed, and gave Delgato's ass a sharp smack that rung through the locker room. "Think you'd be up for a repeat performance?" The glimmer in the lion's eyes was all the answer the prey-mammal needed.