The Spell

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#1 of The Spell

Kerreth's hunt gets a bit messy, and the owner of the crop he's trampled isn't happy about it. And when they turn out to be capable of casting powerful spells, their anger gets him into trouble that gets deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until at last he finds himself in the predicament that's no so familiar to him...

Kerreth was frustrated. The prey he'd been pursuing had moved from cover to cover, never giving him an opportunity to swoop down for the kill, always hugging something too big and sturdy for him to get through to finally bring down his quarry. But the deer kept moving, at least, continued to lope from building to trees to tall stone wall without ever stopping or trying to hide or wedge itself into some nook too small for the big dragon to access. He was hungry, his wings were getting tired from all this low-altitude circling and swooping, and still he hadn't had a chance to strike.

But at last! He managed to come at the deer from the right direction as it approached the corner of a building, and it dashed off across a road, jumped a fence, and ran headlong towards a field where it plainly hoped for shelter among the tall stalks of the rows of some blue-purple plant he didn't recognize. Growling, his wings pumping, he lunged after it in pursuit. The animal was fast, but he was gaining, and he dove just as it reached the edge of the field--missed! The first snap of his teeth was just behind its tail, but then his hind legs touched down and he leaped forward heedless of the plants they trampled. It somehow leaped over his first swipe, but then the second strike of his claws took its legs out from under it and it fell thrashing into the dirt. Skidding to a stop above it, his jaws darted down and finally, the dragon had his kill.

Breathing heavily from the long pursuit, he settled onto his belly and dug in.

A few minutes later, near the end of his meal, a shriek pulled his attention away from the carcass. He lifted his head to see an anthro in a long, sweeping indigo dress at the edge of the field. It was a dragoness! Orange scales, curving horns, golden hoops and jewelry on her wrists and ankles and horns, she was even winged, unlike most of the bipedal dragons--and she looked across the field with the dirt in messy furrows and much of the tall, strange crop scattered, her expression some mixture of horror and fury. Then she saw him, and only anger remained, her wings spreading, shoulders rising and falling.

"You-- You--" She must have been too angry to speak.

Kerreth looked around, for the first time considering the mess created by his hunt. The plants must have been ruined, he supposed; he didn't know if they could just be replanted, or if they'd truly been torn up. Horticulture wasn't a typical pursuit of massive, true dragons like himself. He looked between the scattered stalks, the dragoness, and the mansion behind her, across another field of a different crop. "Oh. I'm sorry... my hunt led me here, and the deer ran into your plants. I can leave if--"

The dragoness made a noise halfway between a roar and a scream, then lifted a hand to a bright purple gem that hung from her collar. "Just sleep!" she shouted, and he flinched--especially when a ball of light appeared, shimmering around her hand as she made a gesture and flung it in his direction! It was far too sudden for him to react: the orb scattered into motes of light that spread far across the field--over him--and wherever they landed on him it felt as if a heavy weight dragged him down. He yawned, his wings fluttered, and he thought that he should get up and fly away but... but his muscles were just so, leaden. Weak. He needed to rest. He didn't have the strength to move anymore, and he sank down to the ground as the world went dark.

Kerreth awoke feeling strange. He was no longer lying down: he was half-reared, in fact, his forelegs propped up on some sort of bar. His head was pounding, but he forced his eyes open. The light stabbed at them, and he groaned--there was something around his snout, it wouldn't move properly--but after a moment he managed to see. Some sort of shining material sleeved his forelegs, on either side of his snout, from his shoulder all the way down to his exposed claws. Thick leather cuffs encircled each wrist, which rested on a stout wooden bar held in the air by thick chains--no, not just resting on, tied to! he realized, when he tried to lift them down and found he couldn't pull them free.

"Whhnn thhnf--"

The straps of a muzzle pinned his jaws together, and a narrow metal bit spanned his mouth, just behind his largest fangs. Growling, he tried to twist and pull on the cuffs, turning his snout to find his wings and hind legs similarly encased in the reflective material that hugged his body so closely: latex, he realized. Another sleeve of it ran the length of his neck to a heavy collar; a huge expanse of it encased each wing, thick straps buckled beneath his chest and at the base of his tail to hold them in place. His hind legs were sleeved as well, but otherwise unrestrained, and he shifted his weight, tail whipping back and forth as he got his bearings. Clearly indoors, in some massive, dark room, dimly lit by a few scattered lights.

"At last. The disaster awakes."

There she was. The dragoness from before stood right beneath him. The top half of her dress was gone, exposing the pattern of thicker scales on her chest and sides, and his snout tilted uncertainly. What did she want from him--and why had she dressed him this way? "Mmnh." He seemed to be having a harder time forming words than he would have thought, though he'd always had a pretty thick accent when trying to speak the bipedal languages.

"I suppose you have no idea the investment you trampled tonight. A crop of Spinetail takes five years to grow, with careful management all along the way, and the seeds cost me thousands." He winced--so it wasn't exactly a wheat field. "That crop was less than a year away, but aside from a few lucky plants who survived your rampage, I'm going to have to start over. And you are going to help me." A leash hung from the underside of his muzzle, he realized when she gave it a yank, pulling his snout down towards her.

His response was unintelligible, so he tried dragontongue next: she was draconic, she'd know it too right? "Hhnn mmmf gnn hhmmtng dnnr!" No luck, even though the guttural growls of the language should have been nearly unaffected by the bit in his jaws.

"Quiet, dragon. If I wanted back talk, I wouldn't have muzzled you. You are going to pay for the time, effort, and coin you've cost me. Not by buying me new seeds, either, I know how large a dragon's hoard can be and that's far too easy." The muzzle wouldn't let him object that it had been at least two generations since dragons had mostly decided hoards were pretty but not worth the trouble, and she continued: "you are going to serve me, until a new planting of Spinetail is ready to harvest. That will be five years from the coming spring, when I can plant again. If you prove to be capable of guarding the plants from any further disasters such as yourself."

At least the muzzle would let him growl, and growl he did, deep and angry. She was just an anthro; she couldn't just enslave him, no matter what he'd done! He was a dragon and dragons did not simply obey, no matter how strong a witch she might be. "Nnn-nn!" he shook his snout with a snort and glared.

Her own snout twisted into a smirk, sly and worrying. He shuffled his hind paws, lashed his tail, but remained stuck in his position thanks to the cuffs. "I wasn't asking. Granted, you will have a choice, I suppose, but I think once you understand the cost of refusing..." Her own tail flicked, slow and confident, as she stepped closer, beneath his belly, and then she reached up a hand and gave his sheath a stroke.

The unexpected, intimate touch made him flinch, and he twisted his hips in effort to get away, but the bonds that forced him to rear back in place left him nowhere to go, so he could only squirm and huff as her long-fingered hands gently fondled between his hinds, tracing the shape of his sheath, caressing his balls. He growled at her, but he could feel his dragonhood stirring from the contact.

"I've never had a chance to grow so... familiar, with one of your kind before," she said, rubbing again. His sheath pulsed gently from the sensation. "You're quite impressive down here, aren't you? I'm sure that will make my incentive even more effective. You see, whenever I take a slave, I make him wear a very simple uniform so long as he remains in my service." She paused, letting her thumb tease across the tip of his shaft that had just begun to emerge, and turned to look up into his eyes. "A chastity cage."

Kerreth shivered--half from the thought, half from her hands still exploring his sheath. He'd been intimate with a dragoness--one of his own kind--who had suggested such a device in the past, and the thought had excited him. To be under someone's control in such an intimate way had seemed thrilling, arousing--but willingly, to someone he knew well! Not to this vengeful little sorcerer! He tried to growl, but the thought and her fingers still drew more of his dragonhood from his sheath, and she giggled softly, gently sliding a hand down either side of it.

"Oh my, does that excite you? How very interesting. Well that makes you a lucky dragon, I suppose, because I'm going to cage you whether you agree to serve me or not." Again she stroked his growing, stiffening shaft, and he fought not to moan or let his hips rock to encourage her, only able to snort in response. That felt good... "Be my slave until the Spinetail matures, and I will take the cage off when your debt is paid and let you go free. Or you can refuse, and stay in chastity until you change your mind--or the rest of your life, if you prefer."

The thought made him shudder again, or maybe that was her hands slipping back and forth, up and down his cock, now fully out of his sheath and stiffening, pulsing with unwelcome arousal. The humiliation of serving her--or the humiliation of having to wear a chastity cage for-- for-- His pride warred against both options, but especially against giving in to her, and he managed to growl despite another stroke that felt very good.

"You really are an impressive dragon, aren't you?" she purred, as well she might: he was bigger around than her arm, though to be complimented like that when she was about to put him in chastity made him blush and glare, having to listen to her taunts in mounting indignation! And arousal. "Mmm, I'm glad I decided to wait instead of sealing you while you slept. To know that I'm going to be caging such a big, eager dick is just..." The witch shivered a little, and tossed her snout, re-settling her hair. She gave him another, much firmer rub with each hand, and he couldn't stop himself this time, gently thrusting into her touch and groaning, his snout flushing hot at his inability to control himself.

"Very eager indeed," she said, her tail swishing in amusement, and looked up at him. "Well, dragon, say goodbye to this lovely cock of yours, because you won't be seeing it for quite a while." Her hands kept stroking, and he twisted, squirmed... thrust... the big, smooth rod with its gentle curve and pronounced head throbbing against her touch. He shook his snout again, mumbled something the muzzle muffled beyond recognition, watching her tease his shaft helplessly.

Felt good--couldn't make her stop--nnngh, how could she be getting him this horny, he should have been fighting her, resisting, threatening retaliation! Instead he just thrust a couple more times, groaning, his hind claws digging into the floor...

She continued to rub him for a little while longer, the poor dragon shuddering, humping, his cock pulsing in desire despite its imminent caging, but finally she stopped, to his mingled disappointment and relief. "As much as I'd love to keep teasing you, dragon, I think it's time to lock you up. But I hope you enjoy that memory of the pleasure you could enjoy up until now." She winked at him, the smug expression with its infuriating thrill, and gathered her hands at her breast. Bowing her head, she whispered too softly even for his sharp hearing to make out, and slowly the jewels she wore began to glow, brighter, and brighter.

At last she extended one hand, full of bright violet fire, and traced symbols in the air: gestures and patterns weaving magic, and he could only watch as runes mirroring her movements appeared on his scales, a circle of symbols gradually forming on his belly and thighs, circling his sheath and balls. He stirred, growling softly and restlessly tugging on his cuffs, and her free hand rose to his leash--didn't pull, just gently held as she worked her spell. As he watched, the witch completed the circle of runes, and then she held her opened hand towards his cock and the magic poured out of it. A thick ring of the purple glow encircled his balls, then a loose web began to form, from the base of his sheath extending further, and further, until it surrounded his hard, gently throbbing shaft, trapping it in a cage of light.

Then it started to shrink.

The pressure on his dragonhood made him groan, and squirm, a hind paw stamping. His tail lashed from the ache of it. But despite his arousal the magic forced him down, his erection slowly, steadily receding as the magic grew smaller, the pulses of his cock strengthening even as the cage drew tighter, and tighter, gradually forcing his cock back into his sheath. She smiled as she watched with him, the pink flesh disappearing into the deep red of his sheath, less and less of it left free... And then it was gone, and the cage tightened, squeezing a little tighter about his plump, now-aching sheath, a little fluid drooling from its tip as the spell completed--and with a flash of light, the violet bars became gleaming, stainless steel, stout and tight around his dragonhood, impossible to budge.

The very last piece to form was a small padlock, appearing where the cage connected to the ring that went behind his sack, holding the chastity in place and giving him no room to grow or escape his sheath at all. Not that his so recently hard shaft wasn't trying, and he writhed and huffed and twisted his hips, to no avail: his dragonhood strained within, pressing against the steel, but it couldn't escape, sealed in the cage that so snugly held his sheath!

The dragoness let her hand fall, purring in delight. "Oh, doesn't that look lovely," she said, tracing the bars with her clawed fingertips, so gently fondling his balls, only deepening the trapped ache Kerreth already felt. "If I'd known how good a dragon looked in chastity, I might have sought out one of your kind years ago..."

He growled back, somehow, despite how badly he wanted to moan, even whine at her to release him from that cage. It felt so tight already! "Nnnhg!"

"And now, dragon, we come to your choice." A gentle pull on his leash brought his snout down as low as it could get, looking wide-eyed at her, at his caged, pulsing sheath. "Agree to serve, and in five years or so, I will free you from your cage. Or refuse, think about it a while, and come back when you are ready... Or, considering how easy it was to excite you when I told you what was in store for you, perhaps you'd rather just wear it for all the many long years of your life. Before, I was very much wanting to make you serve, and ensure you were properly punished for all you cost me, but. Seeing how you look in chastity... and out of it... I don't think I'd mind at all if you refused, knowing you were out in the world, trapped in my cage, and getting so pent up and looking so sexy year after year after year."

Kerreth couldn't help but shudder, deeply, his cock throbbing helplessly at the thought. Yes--yes he'd thought about chastity once, thought about being locked up willingly, for a short time--not like this-- But he couldn't, couldn't be just coerced into service, he was a dragon, they did not serve the anthros-- But surely in a circumstance like this...!

Watching his squirms and the little rocks of his hips, she giggled again. "I think you're already learning the benefits of keeping a slave caged, dragon... It keeps you under my control. It keeps you pent up, unable to find relief, and the longer you're locked inside... Well." She gave the dangling padlock a little poke. "Considering only I have the counterspell to release you, it can make you very eager indeed to behave and make sure you earn your way out at the earliest opportunity. Because if you don't, you'll just get more, and more, and more needy for release..."

She was still fondling him, the little sparks of sensation giving him no chance to relax. He'd been fully, achingly hard so recently, and now he couldn't get hard, but his cock was still trying desperately to do so, and the ache of his flesh straining fruitlessly was intense. Couldn't make it stop, couldn't think, "nnnh! Ssstnnnph! Mmngh!" He grunted, jerking in place, thrusting against the cage, tail whipping back and forth.

"Really enjoying yourself, aren't you? I should probably warn you: there are a few spells on the cage to make sure I don't wind up locking up someone who likes it too much to find it a punishment. Like I said, I want my slaves needy, so it's important to make sure they don't cum. Understand, dragon, if you manage to have a conscious orgasm while wearing my cage, it becomes even more secure: not even my counterspell will work, if you cum before I free you. The spell will become permanent."

Kerreth moaned, shuddering all over at the thought--already he could imagine, thanks to his aching cock, how very, very desperate he might become. It hadn't even occurred to him that he could get off somehow while wearing this cage... maybe if someone mounted him? Not that he was interested in that!

"So, what will it be, dragon? Will you serve me?"

Of course she was still cupping his balls and rubbing the cage while she asked. He groaned, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth. Thrust. Thrust. Throb. He was aching so hard already! He just wanted to get out of here, get away... it was just one little mistake, and she was being so harsh! There was no way he deserved this! He shuddered, and growled in frustration, long and ragged and helpless.

"Poor, needy dragon... You got pretty worked up before I caged you, hmmm? Well, you know what you need to do for freedom..."

He groaned again, but somehow her taunting, even the tease of her hands helped him find his resolve. Dragons were notoriously stubborn, and to coerce him like this! "Nnh-nn!"

"Come now, dragon," she tutted. "Don't be unreasonable... Do you really like chastity so much?"

"Nnn dnnt! Gmmf lllnnn mm mmmn!" he grunted back, despite his squirming hips and throbbing sheath. He yanked on his cuffs but only made the bar sway a little, and he didn't dare lift his hind legs, such a kick would be far too clumsy and who knew what the witch might do then!

"It only comes off if you're a good, obedient dragon... Don't you want to be able to get hard again?" She paused, took a breath, and then one of her hands and one of the jewels she wore began to glow again--and when that hand rubbed his cage, instead of just a little pressure on his sheath he felt her touch on his cock within! He moaned and hung his head and breathed out hard. It was unexpected, and intense, no less sensitive for being in his sheath, and still straining so hard to get out! His hips twitched and he humped forward hard. That felt so good! She chuckled in amusement, and continued, and he couldn't help himself; he thrust and thrust, claws curling, more droplets of pre drooling from the caged tip of his sheath as she pleasured him.

Another giggle. "Even in chastity, you're so eager! But remember dragon, I warned you about cumming..."

He shuddered--especially when despite her own warning, she didn't stop! She was starting to really work him up, the combination of the pleasure and his cock straining so hard against the chastity cage felt intense and thrilling and it was getting him so very, very worked up! An orgasm was starting to sound so, so good...

But if he came, he'd be caged forever!

"Nnnh-- Hhnnf-- Ssnnf! Mmmngh!" he gasped as he shivered and thrust into the magic of her touch, as his dragonhood ached and throbbed, sheath bulging against the immovable cage. It pulsed and strained, the deep needy ache warring against the pleasure she was giving him, and the pleasure was winning! "Nnngh!" His hips bucked and a long drool of pre dripped from his tip, he was starting to feel a badly needed release building and there wasn't going to be any stopping it if she didn't let up with her teasing!

"Awww, are you getting close, dragon? Well I'll stop, if you just agree to serve me..." Rub. Rub. Moan! "Or keep being stubborn, and we'll see where that gets you. Oh! One more thing. About that spell that makes the chastity permanent: it also only lets you cum once. If you get off in that cage, not only will it never come off, but you'll never have another orgasm..."

Kerreth's eyes went wide enough for the whites to show on all sides, and he thrashed, trying without success to pull back, to howl, to free his forelegs, but he couldn't get away--exposed and trapped and with his sheath aching fiercely against his chastity cage, with her touch still teasing and teasing! She had slowed just a little, mercifully, yet he still felt horribly, desperately close to climax, so close that if not for the ache of his cage he might have been set off already! Stroke. Thrust. His cock throbbed, more pre dripped from the tip of the cage. He was going to-- Going to-- He howled desperately, shaking his snout, please don't please don't please he needed to cum!

The witch stopped, and he sagged in place, breathing in ragged gasps, his sides heaving, his cock throbbing and his balls aching from how close she'd left him. No, no, it couldn't be his last orgasm ever, please...

Her hand moved: this time she stroked his drooping snout instead, comforting. "Poor thing. Is it too much for you?" It was all he could do not to whimper, and his hips were still rocking against thankfully empty air. "Just serve..."

He did whine this time. He couldn't, couldn't, please just...

"Poor, poor dragon. I'll make a little deal with you. I'll let you go, and you can think about it. You can choose with a clear head, well, clear if you can manage to calm down." She held his cage in her other hand, but this time her touch didn't go through--it might have been too much, if she had. "Go home, get some sleep, think about it, and come back when you're ready."

Kerreth whimpered, and hesitantly nodded his snout. Anything to make sure she didn't make him cum. Anything to buy time...

"That's a good dragon. I think I'll be seeing you soon." Her hands trailed along his chest, that violet glow built once more--around both of them, this time--and then, with a flash, suddenly he was back among the mess he'd made of her Spinetail field.

All of the restraints were gone. The latex, the cuffs, the muzzle-- But not the cage, which ached just as fiercely as it had scant moments ago before she'd.. teleported him? Whatever the witch had done, he still felt desperately, dangerously close to orgasm, and he resisted the urge to grind himself against the dirt. Instead he reached back with a paw, carefully grasping the cage itself to yank it one way, the other, to pull on the cold rigid steel of that padlock...

It was no use. As much as her tease already seemed like some kind of nightmare, the cage and his throbbing arousal were very, very real. His snout lifted towards the mansion in the distance--was that her, standing on the porch, back in her full dress and waving cheerfully? Shuddering, he dipped his snout, and forced himself to let go of the chastity cage. He needed to get out of here. Needed to think. Needed to make his sheath stop throbbing so hard! Somehow. Without having that orgasm he so badly craved.

Two nights later, still grappling with his predicament, already frustratingly pent up, Kerreth looked outside his cave to see the distant sky bathed in a familiar violet glow. The dragoness? Was she conducting some kind of massive spell? Driven by curiosity or desire or instinct, his mind halfway made up to give in and serve her and do whatever it took to get his chastity cage off as soon as he possibly could, he flew back towards town the next morning to land at her door--far more carefully this time, without property damage--and plead that she help him do whatever it took to earn his freedom and earn it quickly. Two days of thinking, feeling trapped in his sheath, and a couple visits from his favorite, intimate dragoness who was very curious about the steel between his hind legs had sure made freedom seem far more important than a little pride!

And yet when he reached town he pulled up and circled, confused.

The large estate had been situated on the western edge of town, not far from the lake. Although three days prior had been his first visit, he knew the town well from his near-daily flights through the area--the house had been right there. But now it was gone! Where there had been crops and outbuildings and a huge house, suddenly there was only long, bare grass.

Kerreth landed in the middle of the lawn, right where he'd landed yesterday. The grasses swayed around him in the breeze, whisked against his scales--brushed against his sheath when he crouched to paw at the ground. It was no illusion: the Spinetail field was gone. So was the house.

So was the witch and her counterspell that could take off his chastity cage.

Dread gripped him; traitorously, his cock throbbed in arousal, suddenly straining for freedom that was now so much further away, so much less likely. "No-- no. No!" He didn't even know her name; he had nothing to roar. "Witch!" he cried, dashing towards where the house had been. "Witch! Come back! Please!" But all he found was more grass.

The big dragon shuddered, sitting on his haunches and reaching down to cup his trapped dragonhood, which ached insistently. He'd have to find her. Have to find the counterspell. He couldn't be trapped forever--couldn't be trapped with her spells ensuring a single caged orgasm was the only relief he could ever get!

But the townsfolk sounded just as confused as he, when he swallowed his pride and went to ask; evidently he'd have to get used to people seeing him in chastity, now. None of them knew where the witch had gone. They knew her name, Kira, but they did not know why her home had disappeared or where it might have gone, or even where she'd come from before moving into the house. They were kind enough not to ask many questions about his cage, or mock him--though the blacksmith refused to try to break the padlock when Kerreth said the witch was the one who had made it, saying surely the magical steel was too strong for him to do anything about, and there was no keyhole for the locksmith to try to pick it open.

Neither the dread in his belly nor the ache of his shaft fighting the cage to escape his sheath abated throughout the morning, no matter how embarrassing it felt to walk through town with the chastity locked over his sheath and so easily visible; eventually he gave up questioning the bipeds and returned to the former site of Kira's house. Sitting, he tugged uselessly on his chastity cage a few more times, trying to stroke it, gently rolling his balls, seeing if he could get even a claw's breadth of room for his poor throbbing cock, but all he managed to do was tease himself, make his need a little stronger.

He'd have to find her. Or find someone who knew magic, or even research it himself. Maybe there was a way--with her, or without. Maybe he could find a way to get the cage off. He fondled it again, half out of frustration and half because it was simply the best he could do to take the edge off his need, and groaned from how his sheath pulsed in its prison. He'd have to find a way somehow... And if he wanted to have any hope, any hope at all, then he couldn't find a way to cum, not when that orgasm would surely be his last, not when it would guarantee he never escaped the cage, and would never even be able to get hard again.

No matter how pent up, how frustrated, how achingly, desperately horny he became, Kerreth couldn't dare cum. Not until he found a way out.

If he found a way out...

Strong Enough

There was someone in Kahvur's forest. They were trying to be sneaky, he thought, but there was no getting past a dragon's acute senses. He'd been able to smell something before he even landed, and after drinking his fill from the creek he lifted up...

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The Bargain

Telincus had been expecting to hear the tramp of boots coming up the hill to his lair for more than a week by the time they finally arrived. Considering how scandalized the local Earl and his hunting party had seemed when they came across him on...

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Her Fantasy

"Do you think today you could be," Adhara started, tentatively, feeling her jaw frills flush hot as she grasped for the right way to put her request. "Could you be... meaner?" Ashar blinked, his snout tipping to one side. She knew this was asking a...

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