
Story by TyrsBackalley on SoFurry

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A demon heads out looking for a quick fuck in a club and winds up with something far more precious at the end of it all. Just a quick and cute fap story with a little background as it ties in with my Ritual Mating series ever so tangentially. Hope some people enjoy it as I did.

Fuck me I hate clubs... Too loud music. Too many people. And so not enough sex. Honestly, most people think demons love the club scene but in all honesty this is why we don't come up from hell without explicit instructions. Earth is just too damned noisy, I curse for like the hundredth time in the last 10 minutes.

Despite the noise it does have great booze, I think as I flag the bartender down for another Cuba Libre. The smoothness that has been developed over the last century within this beverage continues to delight my senses even in such an annoying place as this. Still why do mortals think clubs would attract demons? I know they think Hell is filled with screams and it kind of is but everyone is separated down there. If we allowed all those souls to interact, well the only people that'd be getting tortured would be us demons. Like I'm up for a bit of self-flagellation I guess but noise... No, not for a demon, noise is the element of the angels.

As stuffy and bothersome as they are with not a single fun bone in their bodies, they are the ones that like excessive noise. Demons, well most of us just want a bit of fun. Which brings me to why I'm suffering through this hellhole. Okay maybe hellhole isn't the right word for it. With all the sweating, half-naked bodies of every race imaginable grinding at each other the sight is almost worth putting up with the noise for.

But seriously it would be Better if they turned the noise down 2 octaves. That's all I'm asking for. Well that and some company. Catching my new glass in my paw I bring it up to my muzzle to renew my affection for the drink once more, even giving off a slight shiver as the liquid hits my tongue. "Damn's that's good." Turning about on the bar I survey the room once more looking to see if their is anyone that piques my interest.

Quite a few of these mortals are eyeing me, in both admiration and fear but that's too be expected. Toned and built as I am, I am still a demon even if my body resembles a prey species. The blue markings on my chest testify to this fact as after Tyranist's announcement of the Demon core I refuse to hide them. Better they know what they're getting into before I order them about. My gaze skims over each of the beings that are eyeing me off until I see this rough little wolf in the centre of the dance floor grinding to the beat. Submissive little thing he is, you can tell just by looking at him as one guy after another comes up behind him and grinds away at him.

It kind of shocks me when each one walks away, and it isn't until the third one that I notice their tails all get tucked between their legs afterwards. What the hell does he say to get that reaction? When he does it to the fourth such being, a stallion nonetheless my interest piques enough for me to dare myself onto the dancefloor. It takes a few shoves and glares for me to finally make my way to him but when I do I find myself lost as I start to grind into him like I've never done.

Even over the music I can hear his chuckle as he looks back at me. "You know you suck at this don't you stud?"

I match his chuckle with my own, surprising myself with how nervous I am. "I know I do. To everyone's surprise here I'm not a dancer unlike yourself. What's your name kid?"

"No name from me, just turned 18 and am looking for something. You seem to be something however. So how about you tell me yours Mr deer?"

I stop midgrind as I look down on this kid, who has now caught every modicum of my interest. "I'd be happy to oblige if we were to go somewhere a bit quieter." Reaching out I take his little paw in mine. "What do you say?"

"Do you have somewhere in mind?"

I just give him a grin and click my fingers.

Swift blinking and a noise adjustment later I pick up my kidnapped victim pointing out his surroundings. "My apartment sounds good unless you have objections, then I can just send you back to that club. Of course you'll be alone when you return."

"So you are a demon. I have to admit I haven't actually met one of you before but was that your mythical teleportation ability we just did then?" He's completely ignored my question which I take as consent as I pull him over to my couch.

"Actually no. I put you into a hypnotic trance and led you back here naked, from the club." When I say that I actually end up laughing at his whole hurt look. "Kidding, yes that was my teleportation ability as you so put it."

Sitting down on the couch I make sure to end up under his slight frame, mine being big enough to crush him. "Cruel but I wouldn't have held it against you if you did that. Must be difficult sometimes getting someone to come home with you like this."

I shrug letting my shoulders flex for him beneath my short fur so I can watch his reaction. "Not really, most mortals forget themselves when I offer myself, just as you did mr no name. So tell me about that."

He looks so cute as he licks his lips with that canine tongue of his. "Not much to tell. When I heard about the new rules invoked by the demon core I decided to act on some of my dreams as I was old enough now. Then on the first night I decided to act I ran into you. Either that was a lucky break or I'm in a bit of a pickle. Either way I'm happy where I am." He says with a flippant little shrug.

I take his paws once more, placing them on my shoulders so he can feel what he's staring at. "What are you talking about kid? What do the new rules about my kind have to do with you being out tonight?"

"Well, the fact that you are now held accountable to laws and those laws have been shared with our kind. That and the revealed fact that demons have a police force to attend just for those crimes made it possible for me to look for my dream mate. I've always believed in demons and angels and with my dreams confirmed I wanted a chance to see if I could find one."

That's laughable even if I don't laugh, but damned if he doesn't know how screwed up that is. "Kid that's not what this is." Even as I feel his erection rub across mine between our jeans I set him straight prepared to ruin what is a sure release but unable to go through with it. "You may be cute but you're still a kid in my eyes. Frankly I'm not looking for a mate, all I wanted was a cute thing like you to have a good time with tonight. But that's all I am so don't lie to yourself saying this will be more than that. It won't."

His breathing has rapidly gotten hot and heavy even as he speaks to me. "I don't care that much about it Mr deer. I like the idea and you just fit with all my dreams, either way I'm still happy to be here, tonight, with you."

He's sniffing now, his black nose travelling down my neck unable to contain his excitement as I flick my open shirt off with a quick spell. Like a true dog he becomes lost in the nuances of my scent going ever lower as he does. "Good, then my name is Nylok kid and if you want this to go further I'll need to know yours."

His sniffing has given way to open panting in his need but he manages to answer. "Since Tyranist gave that announcement I gave up my name Mr Nylok. It used to be Lucas if you truly want to know but I wanted my mate to choose one for me just like Tyranist did for his mates."

It's then that it hits me. "You want a Master not a mate." I can't believe it took me that long to figure it out even as he nods confirming my thought, his nose discreetly dipping into the cleft of my armpit so he can get a better whiff. "Well that makes things more interesting."

This boy is pressing all the right buttons with his nose as he dips even deeper, pushing his smooth tongue into my slightly musky armpit. Yet it's not only his tongue, everything about the boy appeals to me which has me quivering in fear, as I shiver in overwhelmed delight. The unavoidable question now being, is he my mate? And do I want one?

My cock throbs telling me the same thing it always does, who cares just get moving already. But my mind is running in circles, just as his tongue does. NO! I need to know more first. I can't let him do this blind if he really is my mate. Slowly so as not to startle the boy I grip the scruff of his neck drawing him away from my pit as I tell him. "Slow down kid. I'm not taking that risk with you so fast if there is even the slightest chance we're mates. And frankly with how attracted I am to you that's a passing mark in my books. So keep your muzzle up and use your hands for a bit. I'm ordering you to play with my antlers. Tell me what you think of them."

He has a slightly hurt look on his muzzle even as his hands rise to follow my order. It softens when his paws first brush across the smooth bone. "They're warm Mr Nylok." His giggle amuses me even as he says it.

"Of course they are. They are covered in the slightest sheen of blood vessels and skin but under that they are pure bone unlike normal horns that most demons have. Mine are far more potent than most other demons."

"Ohh, I thought they were just keratin. Is that what makes them so smooth?" His paw pads are rougher than I'd like but they go with his unkempt appearance leading me to consider his upbringing, but I don't pause on that thought for long.

"Yes. But more to the point, from what I know of other deer aspected demons kid. If you were my mate and we started this, you would more than likely end up growing a set similar to my own. Tell me would you like that?"

"Maybe not as big as yours, but I see the appeal in having them Mr Nylok." My heart flutters when I hear him add the Mr Nylok on at the end, somehow knowing then and there that he is mine.

"Ohh, I'd make sure to cut them down a ways. Maybe smooth the points until you looked the part of my submissive. All that combined with a few fur treatments to keep it all out of the way for a few things. Tell me kid, would you like that?"

From the way his legs and hands are shivering when I speak I'm pretty sure he does. The blush only confirming it as he can only manage a whisper. "Y-yes."

"Good, then you can move your hands down kid. Place them on my chest and shoulders as we go over some things." All of his movements have become so hesitant as he has fully realized how close we are to his fantasies now. How close we are to my fantasies.

His paws massage into my tissue studying the well defined muscles with unpracticed but adoring paws. "I'll ask this once kid and if you say yes we can try it or we just go back to me ravaging you on the couch. So tell me, will you accept my blood claim kid?"

His hands still in their worship of me as he tries to get out his answer. It takes him four goes before he gets that one word out of his dry raspy throat. "Yes."

SMACK! I can't resist the slap as my paw feels his tight little ass for the first time, jiggling the muscled cheeks that I now hold. "Get up then and take off your clothes for me Kid. Show me the body that you are offering up to me."

Still hesitant he does get up before me, taking himself out of reach while I sit up making sure he gets a view of my abs as I do. Self conscious now he stumbles through unbuttoning his top, unlike all of his earlier movements, so much so that I frown. "Kid relax. If you don't want this all you have to do is say no. I'm not forcing you to-"

"But I want to." He interrupts forcing me to stay quiet as I wait for him. "I want this Mr Nylok, I really do, I'm sorry for being nervous. It's just that you're so hot and I'm well. Well I'm not." It's lame but it gets his point across.

"Kid, I suspect I like your body just the way you are. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it with shorter fur and a new set of horns but otherwise I love what you have so instead just think back to the club earlier where I was doing everything wrong. To the part of the night where you were doing everything right and just relax kid."

It's a couple of deep breathes later and a few jerky movements that he realizes what I mean. When he swings his hips a little I get a sudden urge to smile which has motivates him to enjoy himself as he continues. He doesn't do a real strip tease or anything, he just swings a little bit, while he pulls the shirt off before continuing down to his pants dropping them to the floor and kicking them away.

Just in his undies now, I watch as he slowly lowers them, his blood red shaft popping into view with his balls swinging below it. I pant now as I watch those balls dance along with him. He's got a rather small shaft but his balls look close to being the size of apples. "Now that is cute kid. How about you take my pants off now so you can get a glimpse of what I'm packing. Don't be shy about it either."

He steps up between my legs, blushing now but eager as hell for what's to come. With a speed born from need he unbuttons my fly before pulling down as I lift my ass up, my pants falling straight to the ground as my own shaft pops out a string of precum flying from the force of it and hitting his gobsmacked maw. Now his wolf cock may be nothing to brag about but me, well I'm a demon, so I'm used to putting horses to shame. I think I have him beat on ball size too but, that may be a close call especially with how swollen his will eventually get.

"Holy shit? How is that going to fit?"

My grin at that must look so sadistic as I say. "We'll have to make it kid." I give the couch a pat beside me motioning for him to get up next to me. Once he's seated I get up transporting a knife to my paw to get ready for this next part. "This is your last chance to back out and perchance find yourself someone more suitable kid. No?" I even go so far as to brandish the knife before his scared face but he won't budge an inch.

"Please, if you're my mate I'll go through anything Mr Nylok."

"Then let's find out." With that I flick the knife across my fingertip drawing blood for the first time in a century. "Open your muzzle kid and take of my blood so I may lay my claim upon you."

"Yes Mr Nylok." Once he's made his statement he leans forward, his open maw eager for my blood as I place my index finger upon his tongue.

"With my blood I claim your muzzle as mine." Taking my finger out I squeeze a second drop of blood from it before placing it against the tip of his tiny shaft. "With my blood I claim your cock as mine." The words cause my finger to burn when I press it to his shaft, a pain I see reflected in his own wolven eyes. Gripping his legs I lift him up until I get my first glimpse of his tailhole. He looks nigh untouched, tight as tight can get and when I lay the blood from my finger against the taut hole he howls.

"My blood claims your ass as mine kid." He can't stop howling as the three drops of my blood taint his essence driving him through my claim. "You are claimed as mine kid and as you wished you shall have a new name. A name appropriate for a demons mate. You are Motus but I will refer to you however I wish. Your duty from now is to know when I am addressing you boy." Joy rushes through me as I let his legs go, eager for this next part. "Now head up Motus I want to watch your antlers grow in."

I can see the pain he's in as soon as he sits up. His face is twisted as his paws try to cradle his aching skull. Nothing can stop this pain now, even as I watch his fur begins molting around him. The growth is rapid, almost unreal in its speed as the horns shoot out. In seconds they've become full on daggers before they branch out and just as swiftly grow into antlers every bit as fair mine. Still growing I watch with interest as the points round themselves off becoming smooth little nubs fit for a submissive.

Reaching down I make sure Motus is still breathing. Thankfully he is even if he lost consciousness through the ordeal. Fearful for him I make sure that there isn't any damage on him, that all this is, is him taking to the transformation. Still scared after my initial inspection I grab my pants and pull out my phone calling my boss just in case. When I hear my bosses sleepy voice answer I tell him "Don't worry, sorry. My mate's waking up. Sorry again for disturbing you."

Bending back down I cradle my mates head as he stirs, careful of his antlers the whole time knowing they must be sensitive having just grown in. "How are you sleepy head? Are you okay?"

He looks like he's waking up after a 10 hour nap, yawning and blinking the sleep out of his eyes even though it was just a few seconds. "Ughh, I- I think so. What happened? Why am I on the floor?"

I'm still checking him over as I answer, stroking his new short fur to help him relax. "The short explanation is that you were right for asking me to claim you. Turns out we are mates and because of that your antlers grew in Motus." Shock and awe is his initial reaction to finding out about that only for his paws to shoot up to feel his new additions. "Come and I'll put you in front of a mirror, so you can see yourself Motus."

"Do I look that different Mr Nylok, Sir? Is it bad?"

I chuckle at his small bout of unsurety. "To the contrary Motus. You look absolutely perfect, like you were born to be as you are now." The sparkle in my eye and the huge smile on my face, I hope let him know the truth of my words. My words are enough at least to get him to stop trying to feel up his new antlers as he lets me lead him to my bathroom.

"Do you really mean that Mr Nylok?" He looks so shy as he stands just outside the door, shuffling his feet nervously. "Perfect I mean?"

"Motus, come and see for yourself so you won't doubt my words again." I give a fair tug on his arm to drag him into the room where he sees his new self reflected back at him for the first time.

"O!" Like me he gets gobsmacked by the changes. Gone is the rough scruffy looking wolf he was, standing before me is a moving statue of silken smooth grey fur. Somehow his fur has changed mimicking my own with it's natural sheen and gloss everywhere except on his fluffy tail, yet he remains looking like a wolf. Even his facial hair has shortened, yet all it has done is highlight every contour of his sculpted muzzle as his colour changes progressively upward. His antlers are what I love however, they look made for the boy and myself. Smooth edges with not a single sharp point on them.

"Hmm, those antlers are going to be put to good use soon kid. So tell me what do you think?"

His eyes have sheened up with tears as he looks at the mirror, studying himself anew. With each second that passes I get less and less sure of myself, certain that he's going to hate it when all of a sudden he bursts out with. "Oh my god I love it."

"Wait you do? For a second I thought you hated it."

He double takes, before he resumes studying himself. "No not at all. It's a lot to take in. I'm sure no one would ever recognize me now so I had to adjust myself to what I look like. Hell the antlers alone are enough to have me in conniptions for months but the fur. I've always had shaggy long assed fur that I hated. Now I have fur that matches a deer, and yet I still look like a wolf somehow. Under all of it I still look like a wolf." Moving in closer he starts playing with his face looking for something. "The freakiest thing are the eyes."

"How so?"

He's still pulling at his face, looking himself over and I try to study them with him not quite understanding until he points it out. "My eyes used to be gold, now they're green Mr Nylok."

That takes me a second to digest as I really look at them. "Just like the forest I grew up in." I mutter, not loud enough for him to hear thankfully, just enough for me to always remember this moment.

Once I'm done admiring my mate's new form I interrupt his own musings by slipping up behind him and wrapping his lithe form up in my arms. "And the last thing kid. What do you think of your new name, Motus?"

His smile is all the answer I need as I push my lips to his ear and take a tickling nibble of them. Sensitive as ever his own answer comes with shaky breath, "I-I love-ve it, Mr Nylok, S-sir. Y-you gave it to mmee. So of course I do."

Pleasure runs through me as my cock finally reminds me of its presence with a resounding throb at his words. Drawing his smaller frame into mine I grind my shaft into his back reminding him of all we have left to do. "And I love how you call me Mr Nylok, my Motus. Giving me such authority over you," Biting harder on his ear, he shivers and lets out a yip. "Is it because you loved others having that authority as a kid Motus?"

My tongue travels down his lobe now, tickling his senses just so I can ask. "What teacher did you imagine doing this Kid?" He resumes panting even as he struggles to answer, "Grade 5, Mr Simons."

Hmm, Grade 5, that young? "Such a naughty boy and yet for all those fantasies." taking my hand back I reach down and lay it on his ass just beside his tail. "You still remain a virgin." The gasp he lets out as my finger brushes his ring, lets me know that I had it right. "You are aren't you Motus?"

He's shuddering, both in pleasure and fear as he wiggles his ass, trying to find my finger again even as he struggles to answer. "Umm, don't be mad Mr Nylok. I know what I wanted and I searched for that. None were willing to go this far, this quickly."

Even if I'm a deer my growl is plenty threatening delivered right up against his ear which has the little mongrel swooning in my arms. "Ohh, I'm not mad kid. That just means I get to break you in so I hope you like it rough because I most certainly do."

He makes to maneuver his head back only to tangle our antlers for the first time which sets me off as it's a challenge to my authority. Pushing back with mine I stare him down letting him know just what he's done even if it were an accident. Fearful now, he tries to lower his head which has the same effect. "Stop that, keep your head up. Stags show their dominance by lowering their heads as our antlers are weapons. If you lower your head to me kid, I will not hesitate in throwing you around as I and anyone else will see that as a challenge. Make sure to keep that head up as if I see it happen again I won't be so lenient. You got that?"

Reflexively he lowers his head slightly at being scolded only to throw it back grazing the wall behind him in the process. "Yes Mr Nylok. Is there anything else I need to know?"

My smile lets him know that it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be, but I won't encourage that behaviour. "Only which way goes to the bedroom. It's outside on the left kid." I can't resist giving him a little nudge as we make our way outside to my bedroom. It's nothing special, more than large enough for the king size bed and the dresser to the side but other than those, it's nearly empty.

Not caring all that much for his appreciation of the room I waste no time getting down to business, spinning him about and locking lips with him. Flesh on flesh I pull his hips close to mine so I can rub my own cock against his belly while his slips under my balls. Head down I laugh when Motus stumbles in my arms the weight of his horns dragging him backward as I hold him. Still chuckling I stick my tongue out to run it across his weathered lips finding it soothing to think that some of the old roughness is still with the boy after his little transformation earlier.

It's not long before my boy is panting, granting me all the access I need to explore the depths of his muzzle with my tongue. Each pass of my tongue across his lips has him whimpering in my arms as I explore the confines of his maw. True to his canine heritage, his teeth are sharp as I find his tongue, which has me utilizing my own to trap it so I can feel his smoothness flow under mine.

Muzzle-locked as we are I use my free hand to separate us by pulling on his antlers. Not having had it done before he seems surprised by the feelings coursing through him. "You taste great kid, but I want more now, so get up on the bed and lay on your back. Let your legs hang off the side for me too." While he sets up I go and grab a bottle of lube, knowing that to get inside him, I'm going to need it. When I come over to join him, he looks anything but relaxed as he tries to wait still for me. To that end I toss the bottle into the centre of the bed before hoisting his legs up and over folding him in two.

"Kid you gotta relax for this or I'm gonna be covered in blood by the end of it, which I usually wouldn't complain about but for you I'd like you to enjoy this first time." Grabbing him by the hips I pick him up with little difficulty before dumping him closer to the centre of the bed with the lube. On my knees I join him grinding my shaft along his balls and up against his own twitchy little thing while I lean over him.

From up here I get the most amusing view of how dwarfed my boy is. Close to fully inflated his knot isn't even as wide as the halfway point on my shaft but length I've got him beat again by almost 3 of his. Lucky for him I'm not really the bottoming type or this might have ended differently. It's then that I notice his reaction to my head being halfway up his stomach. I would say fear, but fear isn't usually something you smell as a prey species but my oh my does he smell of it.

Realizing that maybe this wasn't the best idea I try deflecting it with a smile. "Don't worry so much kid. Trust me I won't go any deeper than is pleasurable for you and remember if you need me to stop just say so and I will. Promise, so just try to relax kay?"

A few good words and a few grinds later and he seems to do just that. "I trust you Mr Nylok. Just please take it easy on me." Gone is his confidence of taking anything I can throw at him, now that reality has sunken in, but I'm not put off by this. Just the opposite. Making someone take something they don't know they can is the best part of sex.

Flicking the lube bottle open I pour some over my paw before rubbing it up the length of my shaft making sure to give a few taps to his swollen nuts on the way past coating them in the gooey stuff. Paw full of lube once more I lean back as I push him away rolling him to get a good angle for whats to come. Beginning our together moments, I make sure to spread the lube around his tailhole to prep him, but I don't want to spread him with my fingers. I know it would be a good idea but it's not what I want I think as I continue to spread the lube.

Satisfied that is as good as it will get, I position my tip ready to spear into his taut sphincter. "This is gonna hurt but I want my cock to be the first thing you feel of me inside you Motus." Meeting his eyes I watch as he steels himself for this and gives me a nod affirming everything I'm about to do and with the slightest flex of my ass I begin to spread his ass open for the first time.

Rolling my hips back and forth I tease his entrance open with a precision born of thousands of years of experience. His moans fill the room as I rub against him now, quivering in delight at the sensation of being touched in his most intimate area. Impatient as ever, he has taken to thrusting back on me and with each additional shred of force I put into my rolls I get just a hairsbreadth closer to stretching my goal.

My lust rises with every roll of my hips, physically having to hold myself back just so I can stretch him out naturally. The sensation is so slight but I feel it, I feel him, as I pass the point I need. Digging my toes into the matress I don't so much as thrust but lunge into him, spearing that first sphincter on my cock. A pained yelp drags me back as I watch his muzzle twist in pain but I can't stop now having finally gotten inside of him. Pushing harder I lodge my shaft just that bit deeper, to the point he can start to relax as I claim him. "That's it kid. I knew you could take it, now just relax. I'll stay here until you calm down but I'm not pulling out so don't ask me to unless you'd like to stop."

Fuck his ring grips my cockhead like a vice trapping all the blood from leaving as his passage gently massages the small amount I have crammed in him so far as I await the verdict. "It-It's fine Mr Nylok, Sir. I expected this. I expected worse than this, you've been too kind already. I couldn't ask for more."

A bit surprised by his choice of words I smirk at him. "Ohh is that so?" As his head comes up at my question I feel his ass suddenly relax with his own shock. "You couldn't ask for more. But I think you can kid. Actually I believe you would beg for more wouldn't you."

It takes him a second or two to understand but when he does he gasps at the lewd suggestion, his grey fur turning pink as he blushes. "U-umm, maybe. Uhh, yes umm Mr Nylok." "Say it kid." I demand of him. "Beg me for more just as you want to. Beg me to go harder on you just as you expected. Go on kid, beg your teacher for more."

Still holding where I am, the only thing I do is adjust to rub against his prostate, dragging him deeper into his own lust. Breaking down every barrier he has until he does just what I wanted. "Please Mr Nylok, please. I'm begging you to give me more of your cock as hard as you'd like. Mr Nylok, teach me to love being under you even as I cry out for you to stop. Mr Nylok, please rut me like the stag you are."

"Grr, like the stag I am. Eh kid. You begged to be rutted Motus and I'm willing to oblige but that won't leave you a kid any longer boy." Leaning further down I prepare to move forward now as I take a grip of his apple sized balls in my paw. "If you let a stag rut you boy. That would make you a doe. Tell me are you a cute little doeboy and do you really wish for me to rut you?"

His squeal sounds agonized, yet it's all of pleasure as I give a gentle squeeze to his sack, my cock getting sucked in a few millimetres in the process as he screams his answer. "YES MR NYLOK. I'm your little Doeboy so please rut me like I am."

Toes digging in once more I lean forward steadily lodging myself in now as I keep teasing him. "You've got a pretty hefty sack for a Doeboy. Most does don't have anything between their legs." I give him a sharp squeeze which has him moaning to my words. "Don't worry though I'll let you keep them. What else could I use to deliver such tormenting pleasure to you."

The pressure on his ass has become a game now as I go deeper when he tightens until I give his balls another squeeze and after a brief spasm he loosens right back up. It's taken me 5 minutes to get this deep in him and I'm barely past halfway when I hit his second sphincter. Tired of the game now I look down on my mates face as he breathes to keep calm even as his dick spurts another drop of pre to coat his belly fur. Letting go of his nuts I put just a bit more pressure on him with my hips trying to get deeper.

Unable to push past with him this tense I show him my open paw before placing it against his nuts again. I give him fair warning as I raise and drop it a few times to show my intention which has him panting even harder as he looks up eagerly at me with that same hint of fear he's shown me all night long. The final time I raise it, I watch him close his eyes and go limp beneath me. Totally relaxed now his depths suck more than half my remaining inches in before his entire body jerks at having those new untouched depths of his roughly violated.

"That's it doeboy." I say to his breathless screams from under me. "You just let me in, so now I can really begin with my assault." Not interested in him relaxing for me now I withdraw a few inches, just until I feel him begin to expel me before I thrust back in. With each thrust I feel his tunnel clench, trying to expel my cock and when I pull out his ass sucks like a black hole giving me the tightest ride of my life while he attempts to adjust.

Satisfied with how deep I am in him for today I don't try to go deeper, ready now just to get off and fully claim him another time. Just as I'm getting ready to blow though I feel it all get taken away from me as Motus does the unexpected and arches back. That slight shift opens him beyond anything I've ever felt as I fall forward, hips blurring until they slap against his ass. Gasps come from both of us as I feel his insides spasm around my length. Ecstasy rocks through me in a way I had never known as I fully join with my mate.

"Ohh god, Mr Nylok. I can't hold it. I'm gonna..." Fuck did i break him? It's not until I see his little dick explode that I understand what happened. It's as the first shot tapers off that I get back into it giving two quick thrusts that my doeboy screams through so I can join him in his ecstasy. "FUCKKK! Me too Mo-tus!"

My orgasm hits like it never has before. My balls draw up and with an incredible force, every nerve ending in my body lights up as if they all join in to breed my new doeboy as deep as I damned well can. Firehose worthy by itself my orgasm rips through my shaft and spews into my doe to claim him. Choosing to be a bit of a pain amongst the throes of orgasmic bliss I grab my doe's cock and aim his last few shots at his face, peppering his fur with the stuff. Once he's fully tapped out I feel myself reaching the end of my own. As comfortable and complete as I feel right now I don't intend on withdrawing myself from him, instead I choose to spin him onto his stomach. With that done and my cock still lodged as deeply as I can get it in him I use his back to push up and out. With nothing but the tip lodged up his cute furry tailhole I give that perky ass a quick slap to make him spasm around me.

"Better brace yourself Motus, my little doeboy cause round two just started." Flexing my own ass, my hips slam into his smaller ones making his hole swallow the entirety of my dick in one shove. Vice like his slick cum spattered walls clench at my staghood as I roughly start to fuck him into the mattress.

"Do it. Do it Mr Nylok. Please Harder!"

Wow. I just forced a virgin to take my whole dick in one thrust and all the little wolf does is beg for it to get even harder. Obliging my little fucktoys pleas I slam out and in, getting right onto the balls of my feet to drive everything in until he screams for mercy, those antlers of his cutting into the matress as I do. Howling as I go at his ass like a semi trailer all he can do now is take it because we both know I'm not stopping until I'm done. Feeling my second climax hit, I pull on my demonic side to power right through it splattering cum all over the floor with my powerful limbs and go right on through the night.

I don't know when my doe passed out but when I hear him start moaning again I know he's awake. I'm still going at his ass, sloppy seconds becoming sloppy thirds and fourths until I lost count of my own loads. The floor under us is an absolute mess and I'm going to enjoy making him clean it all up but for now I just keep going at his still amazingly perfect wolf butt.

"Shhh- Mr Nylok. Please, my ass... my ass..."

Devil is he cute or what. Unable to even beg me to stop as raw as his ass by this time. "Aww is my poor doe sore? Does he want his Master to stop banging his tight fluffy ass? No?" I mock him without pausing my thrusts. My own balls fair hurt by this time after pumping so much cum through them but I want him to remember this. That and I want to hear him beg me to stop. "I didn't think so bitch. The only way I stop is if you beg me to, so settle in Motus."

Mere dregs compared to my last loads flood his guts and join whats on the ground through his agonized cries. Still he keeps his tongue, as I ramp it up again now that he's awake. Making sure he can feel every twitch of my dick I drag my tip along his prostate forcing his own orgasm into the mix just to make it more unbearable for him. "Damn, damn damn. Please, please Mr Nylok."

Smirking I hammer into him again, "Was that, you wanted more Motus? Well why didn't you say so?" I know he wants me to stop as do my hips but no way am I letting my doe get the better of me on our first night. He's gonna beg for me to stop first.

"No, not more... OH GODS! Pleaseeee!"

He's so close. As am I though. "Begging doeboy? Good but say it. Say you want me to stop. Beg me to stop cause your ass is that sore or I keep this up all through the day. I'm not stopping until you beg Motus."

I'm not sure I can keep my word on that but damned if I won't try if he won't beg. "No, no. I can take it. I can take it Mr Nylok. For you I'll take it like a good little doeboy."

Damn little bitch assed wolf. Too strong to not beg and too weak to risk disappointing me. "You sound like the tank engine that could little Doebitch and we know how that story goes." I taunt as I drill into his hole, putting my muzzle right up close to his sensitive ears as I fuck him wider and wider open. "The tank engine broke boy and couldn't ever walk again. Now beg or that's gonna be your story doeboy."

He's shaking now as every thrust must pass on raw flesh like sandpaper on nerves but still he powers through it. Damn it Motus. What's it gonna take to break you? Switching it up as I feel my orgasm getting closer I grind into his tender ass right ontop of his prostate. The groan he lets out vibrates through his whole body and when he pulsates around me yet again I know I've got him. This is how I break him.

Pulling him back on the bed a little I grip his tiny oversensitized knot in my paw and squeeze down. Hard. The orgasm he lets out is louder than any he's had so far as he howls out in pained agonized pleasure. "F-f-fu-fucckkkk meeee. NYLOK, SIR! MASTER PLE-ease PLEASE STOPPPP!"

That's it. "YES!" With one final ass shattering thrust I bury my whole length in him as my balls pull up and shoot the heaviest most earth shattering orgasm of my life. "Fuck yes! Take it my little Doebitch. Take my load Motus." Spent of all my energy I push him back on to the bed and pull out. A veritable flood of stag cum follows my dick before I can plug it with my fingers.

He groans at feeling my fingers enter him and when I pull out to paint his face in ass juices he balks for a second at the humiliation. Only for a second before smiling at me as I grin at him. "Told ya, you'd beg me to stop little Doebitch." For a moment I let that taunt sink in before I give the pup a bone. "Came close Motus but don't wear your ass out for me next time. Otherwise I have to wait to long to fuck it again."

Grabbing him around the middle I drag him up into the centre of the bed and cuddle him from behind. My dick lying right between his sopping wet ass cheeks just threatening to fuck him again. "Sorry Mr Nylok. I was just trying to let you enjoy it but I couldn't hang on any longer. Di-did you enjoy it Master?"

That's the second time he's called me 'Master' in as my sentences and I love it. "I loved every second of it doeboy. And tomorrow I'll enjoy it just as much." I wish I could see his eyes bug out at hearing that threat, his whole body going stiff against mine with the scent of his fear filling my sheets for years to come.

Now all I need is a cage to keep that doe dick of his in so he's kept just as horny as I am all the time. Bet the newly made doebitch will just love the feeling of that squeezing on his knot when he tries to cum next time. =P