Chapter 5: You Should Be Mine

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#5 of The Mating Season: Zaldon's Story

Chapter 5: You Should Be Mine

Zaldon was terrified of returning to the winter village. On the way there, his mother had explained to him that she was going to tell Bayne the truth, that she was going to leave him for Melgo, and that Bayne probably wasn't going to take it lightly.

"But don't be afraid, Zaldon," Joli said gently, massaging her son's ears as they walked. "Your father loves me very much. I won't be stoned. This I promise you."

Zaldon only brooded and said nothing. He imagined his new life in the summer village were he to return there to live with his mother. He would be somewhat of an outcast and a foreigner: a great, tall, bulky winter wolf who the other pups marveled at, teased for getting spanked instead of whipped, and baited with bold kisses in the streets. But he would be near Kel. Everything was worth just being in the same village with that sweet little pup.

When Zaldon and his mother arrived at the winter village, Eloein appeared yet again, almost as if he'd been waiting for Joli to emerge from the pine forest. He stood near the edge of the forest, leaning his weight against a tree, and Zaldon and Joli were so startled that they crunched to a halt in the snow. Zaldon glowered at Eloein's lusty smile, wishing vehemently that Joli had let Melgo come back with them, as he'd offered so many times over their last supper together.

Eloein grinned at Joli, and Zaldon felt a thrill of horror when the sorcerer's great cock suddenly stood erect. It was such a thick cock and pulsing with veins, and Zaldon could smell the salty scent of sweat on it from where he stood beside his mother.

"No!" Zaldon shouted at once, standing before his mother. It wouldn't happen again -- it couldn't happen again!

But Eloein stepped forward, and grabbing a kicking and snarling Zaldon by the scruff of his neck, he hung him from a tree branch by his traveling pack, then turned to Joli.

Joli stiffened when Eloein's big paw squeezed her breast. She smacked it off.

"I won't do it," Joli said solemnly. "Not ever again."

"Oh, I think you will," Eloein said, moving closer. "Come on, Joli, you know you like it."

Zaldon started screaming threats when Eloein pressed close to his mother and kissed her.

"Not in front of my son," Joli whispered, a tear streaming from her eye. "Please, Eloein!"

Eloein paused, and for a moment, he looked sympathetic.

"What does it matter?" he whispered, amazed. "Zaldon will be doing the same thing to little females pretty soon."

"Are you insane!" Joli shrieked. "I am his mother and you are his uncle --!"

"I should have been his father. You know that," Eloein returned. He jerked Joli toward him, his paw on the back of her neck. "You should have been mine, Joli! I vowed to claim you at the mating season. I vowed to take care of you, to love you forever. I've loved you since we were children! You know that! Everyone knew it! And what does my pinhead brother do? He knocks you up with Zaldon!"

"But, Eloein, I never wanted -- You know damn-well I loved Bayne --"

Eloein scoffed. "You dare! How can you speak of loving my brother when all you do is fuck around on him!" he roared, and Zaldon gasped when Eloein suddenly struck his mother to the snow, a backhanded blow that landed her on her knees.

Without warning, Eloein climbed on top of Joli, and violently forcing her knees apart, he rammed himself inside. Joli let out a sound Zaldon had only heard coming from the bedroom at home: she moaned in deep pleasure! Her eyes closed and she arched her back, thrusting her breasts forward as she crouched on paws and knees, as Eloein's great cock slid in and out of her juices, faster and deeper and harder.

"Little bitch," Eloein whispered in Joli's ear. "You like taking it on your knees. You even like it in your ass from what Bayne's told his friends on patrol duty!" He laughed nastily, and Joli gave a miserable moan -- followed almost immediately by a little shriek of ecstasy: Eloein reached around and started fondling Joli between the legs even as he was raping her. And the worst part was, Joli was enjoying it!

Hanging by his traveling pack from the tree, Zaldon kicked and squirmed in a fit of rage against his own helplessness. And he swore to himself as he watched that great cock feeding in and out of his mother, he swore to himself that one day . . . he would kill Eloein.

"Say my name," Eloein grunted, hunching his back to get deeper inside. He thrust his hips rhythmically, and Joli rocked forward from the banging, her breasts flapping, her mouth open in a constant, shrill pant. "Say it, little bitch. Call me Eloein. Call me Daddy -- the daddy of Zaldon!"

"E-Eloein!" Joli moaned. "Oh, Daddy -- Daddy, fuck me!"

Eloein laughed nastily and pressed himself deeper. His head fell back and his brows pushed together in his building lust. "Mmmm, god, Joli . . . you'd think after two pups and all of Bayne's pounding, yours would be a big, loose, sloppy pussy. Who knew you were so . . . damn . . . tight and strong . . .?"

"Please, Eloein, please s-stop . . ." But Joli gave a little cry of delight and added in a whisper, "Please, don't stop . . ."

Eloein laughed. "Yes, you should have been mine, Joli. Never forget that! And when Bayne fucks you tonight, I want you to remember that I fucked you deeper and longer, that your slobbering pussy got far juicier for me!" So saying, Eloein gave such a hard thrust that Joli fell forward in the snow. He withdrew, but she remained lying there on her stomach, out of breath, her eyes hooded from her burning passion, tears of shame falling over her cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut when Eloein clapped her on the ass and told her to stop by his hut before she went home. Joli mumbled wretchedly that she would, then buried her face in her arms and wept.

Zaldon hung glowering in the tree, and when Eloein came to face him, he spit at once in his face. Eloein only laughed, but his eyes glinted coldly.

"Little Zaldy," Eloein snarled, dragging the spit from his face with a big paw. "I hope you were listening and that you learned something from all of that. You and Lynny -- you should have been mine. As much as your mother should have been mine. Remember that, Zaldon, when Bayne ruffles those ears."

"Go to hell," Zaldon whispered.

He hung there in the tree, glaring at his uncle, and Eloein stood there glaring just as hard. But without warning, Eloein reached out and snatched Zaldon's little cock in his paw. Zaldon let out a whimper, unable to believe what was happening to him: his cock was getting rigid in Eloein's strong grasp! And why not? After so many days of holding it back, of keeping his passion quiet around Kel, he'd been on the brink of getting hard to the point of pain. But in Eloein's big paw? Oh, god, he wanted to die.

Eloein seemed to take the greatest delight from Zaldon's little erection, and with a little smile, he started stroking it.

"NO!" Zaldon roared, kicking his legs. He would do those things to his mother, but not to him -- never to him. "N-No! Leave me alone!" He started kicking wildly now, but Eloein grabbed his legs, and pulling Zaldon's hips toward him, he took the pup's little cock in his mouth.

Zaldon started to sob, his body thrashing, tears blinding him, but Eloein sucked away at his cock -- sucked him slowly and hungrily, his tongue pulling with deft skill until Zaldon let out a choked cry: he erupted in his uncle's mouth. Eloein let Zaldon's legs go, and he hung there in the tree, breathless and sobbing and as full of shame for his pleasure as his mother.

"Don't tell anyone," Eloein teased, giving Zaldon's limp little organ a taunting flick. He glanced with disdain at Joli and added, "If you ever skip off to fuck a male behind my brother's back again . . . I'll kill you." And with that, Eloein turned and walked languidly back toward the village.

Zaldon didn't speak to his mother for the rest of the day. He simply couldn't. They walked to the village together, and Joli apologized and stroked his ears and told him that one day very soon they would leave for the summer village and never have to see Eloein again. And on top of everything else, she begged Zaldon not to tell anyone of what had happened. Zaldon didn't think he could have told anyone anyway: he was too wretchedly ashamed. The thought of his uncle sucking so slowly and tenderly on his cock made him almost get hard again and his fur crawled at the baseness of it all. He wanted to die.

They went to Eloein's hut as Eloein had told them to and Lynny was already there, wrestling across the floor with little gray Eno. Eno was about Lynny's age, but he had always been very thin and weak and he was fairly taking a pounding amidst the jolly laughter of Eno's mother Arorta.

Arorta was a big gray wolf with terrible fangs. Her buttocks and breasts were huge and jiggled with her slightest movement. She was very hard on Eno, whacking him over the head and telling him often to act like a male and not a pup, but she was always kind to Zaldon and Lynny, and whenever they came around, she fairly doted over them. Eno deeply resented Zaldon and Lynny for this and made no attempt to hide the fact.

When Zaldon and his mother entered Eloein's hut, Arorta was sitting beside the fire on a fur mat, sewing a little blanket for the pup she was expecting. She wasn't far along enough to be showing, but she knew. And when Zaldon and his mother sat near her, she beamed at them, then nodded in amusement at the wild wrestling of Lynny and Eno.

Seeing his brother and mother had arrived, Lynny sprang up and tackled Zaldon to the floor in a hug. Zaldon had been a miserable zombie since the rape out in the pine forest, but with his brother suddenly kissing him on his cheeks and hunting with tiny paws for his present, Zaldon couldn't help but burst into laughter. Sometimes he didn't know what he'd do without Lynny.

"What'd ya bring me? What'd ya bring me!" Lynny howled, grinning all over his little white face. "I've been good -- honest, I have!"

"Then what's this?" Joli demanded.

Zaldon looked around: Eno was sitting on Joli's knee, sobbing, his eye swollen and black with a great lump of a bruise. Lynny only winced guiltily: he had never been able to check his strength.

"Well, he asked for it!" Lynny protested when Zaldon shook his head at him. "Pullin' my tail. I shoulda gave him more!"

Zaldon sat up and folded his arms at Lynny. "I told you to be nice to him, fleabag. You don't get a thing til you go and apologize."

Lynny scowled. "Aww, Zaldon. Come on!"

But Zaldon looked so resolute that Lynny shuffled over to Eno, and to everyone's amusement, he gave him a quick peck on the cheek and apologized. When Zaldon seemed to approve, he flew back to his brother with a grin and hopped up and down, begging for his present. Zaldon chuckled and presented it: a pretty white kite with yellow string. Lynny was in ecstasy. He kissed Zaldon all over his head and thanked him again and again after snatching the kite and hopping all around the room with it.

Eno, meanwhile, was sitting on Joli's lap and looking so sour that Zaldon offered him his own kite, pretending that he had, in fact, brought it home especially for Eno. Eno was thrilled: no one ever gave him anything. He snatched the kite with greedy eyes and raced outside with it. Lynny followed with his own.

"That was very kind of you, Zaldy," said Joli, smiling proudly at her son, "to give up your own kite like that."

"He looks so tired," Arorta added, looking concerned. "Come and eat something, Zaldy. The look on your face troubles me."

But Zaldon protested that he was fine: he had eaten on the way home. Then he slipped outside, brooding to himself that he wasn't tired, just completely miserable. His mother was leaving his father. He didn't know how Lynny was going to take it or if he was even going to come to the summer village with him. And on top of everything else, he could not wipe from his mind the horrible image of Eloein so slowly and so hungrily accosting him as he hung from the tree, a helpless, tear-stained pup.

Zaldon sat miserably outside the hut and watched as his brother and his cousin flew their kites on the breeze. After a while, Lynny looked over and noticed his brother slouching on the ground.

"Zaldon?" Lynny said, standing over his brother. He sat at Zaldon's side, and watching him anxiously, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Everything," Zaldon grumbled. He looked at Lynny as if a sudden thought had hit him, and grabbing Lynny by the ear, he cried, "Listen to me, twerp! If you're ever alone with Uncle Eloein and he ever does something -- bad -- to you, you run straight home and tell Dad. He'll beat the crap outta Eloein, and it'll never happen again. Promise this to me. Swear it!"

"All right, I swear!" Lynny squealed irritably and wriggled free. "But, Zaldon, what bad thing will Uncle Eloein do to me?"

"I can't say," Zaldon snapped. "Just stay away from him!"

Lynny flinched: Zaldon never yelled at him like this. He stared at his brother with large black eyes and didn't know what to say. He had never seen Zaldon so miserable, and it frightened him. He tried again, "But, Zaldon . . . what's wrong with ya?"

"Mom's leavin' Dad," Zaldon muttered to the ground.


"She's been seein' this other male over in the summer village, that's why you couldn't come. She thought you'd be too little to understand and she'd been promising to let Melgo meet us for a long time now."

"But why would Mommy do that to Daddy?" Lynny demanded, tears starting to his eyes.

Zaldon sighed. His mother had been right: Lynny didn't understand. He barely understood it himself.

"I don't know," he admitted. "She said she still loves Dad, though. But she loves Melgo too. She wants to live with him."

"So why doesn't she just marry him and have two husbands? The way Uncle Eloein has three wives?"

"She can't do that, fleabag! Only males can do that. So Mom has chosen to be with Melgo. And we . . . we gotta choose where we wanna live."

"I'm not livin' with some male who isn't my daddy!" Lynny vowed at once, sniffling with tears. "And you aren't either! Zaldy --" Lynny grabbed his brother's arm and peered anxiously into his eyes. "You're stayin' with me and Daddy . . . right?"

Zaldon bit his lip.

"Zaldon! Don't leave me here alone!" Lynny wailed.

"But I have to go," Zaldon said. "I just . . . have to."

"Why!" Lynny demanded, scowling.

Zaldon gazed off into the distance, and Lynny saw his eyes soften.

"There was this pup in the summer village. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen! I -- I can't stop thinkin' about him! And I just know that if I stay here, I never will."

". . . him?" said Lynny slowly. "Zaldon . . . you like ah boy?"

Zaldon blushed. "Yes," he admitted sheepishly. He cleared his throat and added to change the subject, "Lynny, you should come with us. Melgo is nice -- he doesn't hate me for being ah tail chaser at all! And the summer village is beautiful. There's this huge forest with a river --"

"No," Lynny said firmly, and threw his kite down, dashing it to the snow. "Never. I'm stayin' here with Daddy. He would never lie to me or -- or leave me for some male in another village --"

"But Mommy doesn't want to leave you --"

"But she is!" Lynny snapped, and shooting to his feet, he stomped away.