Disaterous voyage

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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Disastrous voyage by Raven fox: The first manned mission to Mars turns disastrous for the five astronauts and the people of Earth.

Orbit over Mars, in the future.

Edain, a twenty eight human male with light brown hair with hazel eyes, looked at the rust colored planet below him. The craft, Liverpool, looks like the Apollo spacecraft from the 1960's with a smaller pancake shaped craft. A tall guy with dark brown hair floated up to him speaking with a heavy Russian accent. "In a few hours we'll getting ready to set up the Lander to explore the surface." He said looking at him.

Edain nodded looking at the other crew members. The mission has a total of five crew members, two from Russia, Mike and Signe. Two from England, Kenneth and Astrid. Edain is the only one from America. He looked at the two female crew members, both have blonde hair. Astrid is from England and Signe from Russia.

Hours later, descending to the Martian surface.

Edain looked over to Mike at the controls to the Lander thinking. "I am counted as the Lander pilot, but I never touched the controls because Mike is doing the flying." He thought to himself looking over to Astrid. The two women talked little to him thru out the flight, but he didn't give a dam. After this this mission, he's going back in the Air Force. His assignment coordinator told him that he can get back in flying F-15s at a US air base. Edain looked at Mike the commander of the mission with a twinge of envy knowing that the first human to walk on Mars is going to be a Russian, plus he found out that Mike is related to Yuri Gagarin the first man to orbit Earth. When the population in Russia found this out there were celebrations and parties thru out Russia.

The Lander rocked as it entered the upper atmosphere. Mike moved the controls looking at the readout. Edain felt a jolt as the braking parachutes opened to slow the descent. A few seconds later, he heard snapping sounds as the cords parted. The descent engine fired and there was another jolt as the main chutes deployed.

A few minutes later, there's a gentle jolt as the Lander touched the Mars surface. Mike grinned at Edain and keyed his mike. "Liverpool, this Yorkshire. We're on the surface and suiting up for EVA on surface." He looked over to Astrid. "You British planning to set up a colony here?"

Astrid is tying her blonde hair up and putting on her Snoopy hat. She looked at Mike smiling and laid her accent thick. "Maybe so if her majesty allows it, just hope the colonists won't rebel." The female looks at Edain.

Hours later, Martian surface.

Edain looked at the rust colored landscape of Mars admiring the view. The human listened to the whir of the life support equipment in his suit. He knew if anything happened, he would die of suffocation due to Mars not having an atmosphere. Kneeling down Edain ran his gloved fingers thru the soil looking at the texture. "Kind of have the structure of fine sand at a beach. I would compare this soil to the beach of Phuket Thailand." He thought to himself standing up seeing Mike and Astrid looking at something.

"Edain, come over here, you got to see this." Said Mike's voice in the headset.

Edain walked over to Mike and Astrid, they're looking at a pillar made of small stones. He examined the structure noting that the stones are piled in a way that someone or something did this instead of it occurring naturally. Taking a closer look Edain saw a flat stone at the side of the pillar. "Mike, I know we're the first people of Earth to walk on this planet. What is going on?" He asked the Russian.

On the flat stone is writing, anyone who spent two years with Russians will pick up the language and understand some of the writing of their Cyrillic alphabet. Mike said something in Russian as he read the lettering. "They came out of the storms enslaving us, then they took us away from our lush green world and destroyed the eco system and atmosphere. I am sitting here suffocating watching this planet die because I manage to elude them."

Mike pointed at something white sticking out of the rust colored sand. Edain picked it up examining it. The white object looked familiar to him due to the shape. "It looks like a finger bone." He mumbled to himself.

Edain watched as Astrid moved the soil around the rock structure. He gasped to himself as more white things showed. "Dam, bones, bones of what?" The human thought to himself as more of the skeleton is unearthed.

"You're taking the piss." Said Astrid on the radio circuit.

Minutes later, the bones are exposed. The skeleton is the same size as a human, but the skull is long. "That's the skull of a canine, no a wolf." Said Mike examining the skull. He looked at Edain. "This is no weather balloon or trick of the shadows on the surface. There was life on this planet, but not now." The Russian reburies the bones.

Astrid turned her head to Edain. "This skeleton was a female from what I saw and this was on of one of the wrists." She said handing something to Mike. Edain watched as Mike examined the object and he threw it on the ground. They walked away to the rover, Edain picked up the object examining it, it seem to be made of gold and silver twisted together making a bracelet. He put it in a collection container and followed the astronauts to the rover.

Weeks later, between the moon and the Earth.

The journey back to Earth went without a hitch. The other crew members conspired and bullied Edain to keep his mouth shut of what they saw on the surface on Mars. He glared at the backs of the other crew members and fingered the gold silver bracelet worn by an unknown life form. Turning his head to look at a window, Edain looked at the planet Mars in the distance.

The com set crackled. "Liverpool, this is Huston. There are weird storms forming all over the planet. Something is coming out of the storms.....AIEEE!!!!" Then silence.

Signe's voice screamed in Russian. "We're nuking each other!" She looks at Edain with anger.

Mike looked out of the window examining the Earth. "No, those are not nuclear explosions." He gave Signe a look. "Those are flashes of light. Notice how they dissipate, nuclear explosions last longer than a second. We're not nuking each other."

Astrid looking out another window yelled. "Mike, turn the ship, there's something in front of us."

Mike looked outside seeing a lighting storm in space. He looked at the crew members. "Can't turn the ship, we're going to fast to correct the course." The ship enters the lighting storm.

Minutes later, high Earth orbit.

Mike typed on a keyboard shaking his head and looked at the crew members. "We got to land soon as possible, the air scrubbers are not working. I think that storm damaged the system, the only breathable air is what is left in this capsule." He types more on the keyboard.

Edain listens as the explosive bolts separated the command module from the service module. Mike grasps the control stick and looks at Edain. "We're over the Pacific ocean, I set the course for us to land near Los Vegas." The Russian grins at Edain. "Feel like lending me a twenty for the slots?"

Edain grins at the Russian. "No problem Commander, I got my Visa gold card." He listens as the Russian chuckles as the capsule enters the atmosphere.

Minutes later Edain felt the capsule jolt as it landed. He watched as Mike cycled the hatch to open, the other crew members breathed a deep breath as cool air blew in the capsule. The young American watched as the other crew members crawled out, he took one last look of the command module and followed them out.

Outside the sky is gray with a over cast and barren. Edain took out his hand held GPS unit and watched the screen. He sighed at the reading looking at his crew mates. "Well, we landed five miles west of Evanston Wyoming."

Mike sighed looking at the landscape. "I thought we were going to land in Nevada."

Kenneth shrugged looking around. "Doing a reentry without help and guidance from the ground is like trying to shoot at a target in a dark room." He looked at the crew members.

Signe sighed. "Well lets start walking to the town."

The two from England sighed. "Travel millions of miles, walk on another planet and end up landing near a hick town." Said Astrid mumbling.

"What ever you do, don't call them Rednecks. Evanston is not a hick town, you can compare it to Marysville Washington. We went there to check on the Rover there. We will go to the nearest motel and call NASA and get picked up." Edain replied as strength returned to his limbs.

"I wished we landed in Los Vegas." Said Kenneth putting an arm around Mike's shoulders.

Minutes later a voice speaking in Russian with an accent said. "Stop where you are and stay still."

The astronauts turned and saw a male anthro gray wolf looking at them. Edian saw that the wolf has digit-grade feet meaning that he walked on his toes using his tail as a counterbalance. He leaned closer to Mike speaking English. "Remember what we saw at Mars buried at the base of that stone structure. Picture that skeleton, add flesh and organs, standing near us right now is a Martian and they speak Russian."

Six more wolves appeared forcing the five astronauts to the road. Due to their weaken condition, they had no choice but to be marched to a old school bus parked on I-80 East. Spending months in zero-g made their muscles weak, but the Russians having more experience living on space stations had the Mars astronauts do exercises during the mission. Still they are still some what weak experiencing gravity again, three guys weak trying to fight seven anthro canines based off a canine predator. Well, a betting man will bet his money on the canines.

The astronauts boarded the bus, Edain looked at the condition of the bus as he walked up to it. He noted the faded yellow paint on the outside and the worn steps at the entrance. After getting in, he sat next to Mike. "I think we traveled thru time, this model of bus was introduced a year before the mission, now it looks old and worn out." As the bus started to move, Edain bend over and grabbed the metal frame of the seat in front of him closing his eye to feel the movement of the bus. The human felt worn components while the bus traveled down the road. Edain sat up looking at the freeway seeing only repair patches instead of hundred yard repairs. He saw Mike looking at the condition of the freeway.

Minutes later, Evanston Wyoming.

The five astronauts look at the motel eight near I-80 as the bus pulled up to it. Edain looked at the building noting the worn condition of the place as they were put in rooms. Signe and Astrid were put in one room and the three males are put in another.

Kenneth looked at the door shutting watching one of the wolves positioning himself near the door. He looked at the other two astronauts. "What is going on here?"

Edain looked around the room noting that the room is still in good shape. He examined the furnishings noting that the fabric is woven course. Running his fingers on the bed sheet Edain looked at the two guys he spent years training for a mission that seemed flawless till the day the skeleton was found buried and the cryptic radio signal from Houston. "Mike, didn't that stone writing said; They came from the storms enslaving us?"

The Russian sighed. "Didn't we agreed that we won't talk about what we found buried on Mars?"

Kenneth interrupted. "What do you mean you saw some writing and something buried on the surface?"

Mike looked at Edain and turned to Kenneth. "We found a stone pillar with writing on it; saying something about beings emerging from storms and enslaving and taking the population from Mars. The planet had a civilization living on it comprising of anthropomorphic beings living on it." He looked at Edain who is looking out of the window watching the wolf outside. "The wolves who brought us to this motel are from Mars because we found a skeleton of a female anthropomorphic wolf buried on Mars near a stone pillar."

A female wolf walked in the room with three plates of food. Edain looked at her fingering the bracelet in his pocket thinking of the body buried near their landing site wondering who she was. The human noted Mike watching the wolf as the canine placed the plates on the table. Wavering smell of cook meat made Edain walk over to the table to eat his meal. The meal is a type of meat stew with chucks of beef and beans to add bulk, it tasted pretty good. Also is a type of dark brown bread that has a slight sweet taste to it. "Ok Mike, this bowl is the type of ones you find at Target or Wal-mart. The bus they brought us on has a lot of miles on it by the way it rode the road, plus I did see patches instead of miles of resurfacing on the roads."

Mike nodded. "Formal slaves with only the basics of keeping stuff maintained. One thing that has me thinking, what happen to their bosses?"

Being weak from spending a long time in zero-G and ending up getting pulled by gravity, the three guys ended up falling asleep.

The next day.

Mike, Edain and Kenneth had breakfast which is fried potatoes, eggs and sliced ham with more of the dark brown bread. After their meal, two wolves made them leave the room and board the bus from yesterday.

Inside the bus Edain noticed the bus went down a side street going near the freeway. He saw it pull up to a large metal building. The five humans are let out of the bus and told to enter the building. Edain knew this building, the place sold supplies to farmers. A farmer can buy anything but livestock at this place. He and his companions walked inside the superstore, it has been hollowed out leaving the support beams.

The inside has bleachers against the walls with the center cleared out. Edain saw a vixen naked standing in the middle of the clearing and he heard the numbers increasing in value. A chill ran thru him when he heard a familiar saying. "One thousand silver pieces going once, going twice, sold to the wolf family, one healthy vixen."

Signe is taken by the two panthers while the rest of them are taken to the back room. Edain looked at his companions, they travel further then men had traveled from Earth. He Mike and Astrid walked on another planet and found the remains of life on a planet that was the base of a few crazy Sci-fi films with the life forms being green with black eyes and an attitude. But the life forms of Mars are anthropomorphic beings with dozens of furry web sites dedicated to them with stories and art, plus pretty cool video games like Star fox and a PC game called Inherit the Earth. "Wait they did inherit the Earth, but happen to the humans?" Edain thought to himself as Astrid is taken away.

The three guys stared at each other and a few minutes later, Mike was taken away. Edain and Kenneth looked at each other saying nothing and minutes later, Kenneth was taken away leaving Edain to himself looking around the room.

Two panthers came in taking him out of the room, he saw Kenneth with a couple of female wolves in a type of military uniform. One of the panthers replied. "Those canines in Florida are ruled by a queen, why would members of the royal guard buy a human?" Edain is pushed in the middle of the store as the auction for him starts.

The human has his shirt removed, so that the felines and canines can see his body. Edain is in pretty good shape with a skinny build, but he has no body hair other than the hair under his armpits and pubic area. Mike on the other hand has course body hair covering him all over and the Russian gave him a bad time calling him a kid, but the commander of the mission is seven years older than him. "Sold to the panthers from Lyman, one hairless human." Said the auctioneer.

Two panthers grabbed him putting back his shirt on. Edain is lead out of the place; he glances looking around noting that the groups of stores in this area are still operating. The human chuckled seeing a couple of foxes walking out of the Mc Donald's as he is put in the back of a 1970's Ford F-150.

During the drive to Lyman, he checked his stuff. Edain still has handheld GPS unit and the silver gold bracelet he found on Mars. The human looked out the window watching the barren scenery going by. Minutes later he saw the three bladed wind turbines getting larger in the distance. In the year 2004, the state of Wyoming allowed the wind turbines to be constructed due to the high winds in the valley.

Edain watched as more barren landscape goes by looking as a truck stop comes in view. The truck stop still is operating. When the truck passed the Fort Bridger exit, he saw a large blue silver shape approaching Mt. View. "That's a zeppelin!" He thought to himself as the truck continued on down the freeway.

Lyman Wyoming.

"I thought it will be awhile before I come back here." Edain thought to himself as the truck exited the freeway. He noticed the truck is taking the back way to Lyman. This is the only green area of this area of town. The human saw the Gas and Go in the distance as the freeway disappeared from view. After a couple of minutes the truck slowed down. Edain sat up when the truck turned off the road.

He is forced off the truck looking at the building, Edain knew the place, a horse breeder breed race horses. The human sighed as a black colored male panther walked out of the steel constructed building. The feline looked at him with lemon colored eyes. "Well, lets get things straight. We hold bare knuckle fights here and I went thru a lot of trouble to get you. Those stupid canines in Florida wanted you along with the other humans that were with you." He glares at Edain. "Just to let know, you listen to what I say and you call me boss, plus my Name is Norman."

Edain quietly chuckled as he is lead into the building. To him, the name Norman is the type of name you give to a nerd. He looked around the inside as he is put inside; the place is set up like a boxing ring. Up in the supports of the roof there is a cage. Something pushed his back and he is lead to the stable area. The smell of horse piss and other equine scents assaulted his sense of smell as he put in the stable. Edain watched as the felines walked away, he sighed hiding the handheld GPS unit and the bracelet in the mattress.


Edwin is taken out of the stable and lead to the boxing ring, another panther chuckled. "Well human, this is just a practice session. The jaguar you're fighting is instructed to keep his claws sheathed. When the bell sounds, you start fighting."

Climbing the ropes, Edain looked at the dark gray jaguar looking at him with dark green eyes. The bell sounded signaling the start of the fight. The feline ran to him swinging his fist, Edain ducked avoiding the blow.

The feline hissed throwing his fist, but the shorter human grabbed the fist redirecting the limb hooking his foot causing the feline to trip. The feline snarled jumping onto his feet throwing an open palm.

Edain felt a cutting pain on his left side, looking; he saw blood dripping on the feline unsheathed claws. He glared at the cat as the feline went to slice his torso again, Edain grabbed the limb. Instead of redirecting the blow, the human stomped on one of the feet of the cat. Edain heard a green stick breaking sound and the jaguar screamed and swore in Russian. He chuckled at the words because Mike used those words when a piece of equipment refused to work. Two panthers grabbed him dragging him away from the ring.

Minutes later, in a room.

Edain is tied to a chair with no clothes on. He felt his scrotum sack thru the fabric of the bottom of the chair. Norman walked in the room with one of his assistants. He glared at the human baring his teeth. "What do you have to say for yourself? This is your first day of training and one of my fighters is crippled for two months."

The human had enough. "Well he ripped open my skin and so I broke his foot. If somebody does a cheap shot on me, I'll return the favor." He felt very bad extreme pain between his legs. Stars swim in his line of vision and he gasped as he tried to regain his breathing.

Norman hissed holding a riding crop in his hand. The feline stuck Edains scrotum again. "You are going to learn respect, I felt like castrating you, but a couple of my assistants told me if those organs get removed, you won't fight anymore. So we'll just beat some sense into you." He strikes Edain's scrotum a third time.

Edain kept his tongue back away from his teeth and kept his jaws shut so that he won't bite his tongue. He looked at Norman with hatred. "If I get my chance, you will pay for this. You're wrong, you people might act mello if neutered, but if make a human male a eunuch. He will still be a fighter, but won't have any interest in sex, but I rather keep my stones in case I do have sex in the future, but I don't know if I am going to have sex with any of your females." The human thought to himself as his scrotum sack is struck. "Man if he keeps hitting me, I will become a eunuch." As the pain caused him to lose conscious.

Two days later at night, the stables at event night.

Edain sighed as he's lead to the ring, there's only a few of the lights on giving the place illumination of a sporting event. The human heard different pitches of animal yells as he's placed in the ring. His opponent is a male gray wolf. "Ok, but this is not a fair fight, he's seven feet tall built like a tank. I am five feet five inches with a medium build, but I have speed over him, due to the injuries from two days ago, I am not as quick." Edain thought to himself as a giant cage is lowered in place around the platform.

The crowd cheered as the wolf ran to Edain. The human dodged the canine's attack by using his speed. Edain struck the wolf quick, but flinch due to the harden muscles. "I just be striking a side of a mountain, because this fellow is built like a tank." He thought while dodging another blow.

Up in the stands, three foxes watched, a male and two vixens. One of the vixens turned to the larger male. "Oak, you know I hate coming here, why did you drag me here with your mate?"

Oak turned to the vixen talking to him. "I just wanted to see the human, my friend who works here told me that a few days ago five humans were found wandering around near Evanston. This place bought the last male in that group. I was told there was three males and two females up for sale, I wish we were here a few days ago Luanne."

Luanne sighed as the male fox looked back to the fight. The vixen flinched seeing the human take a blow from the wolf that caused the human fly a few feet. "What are humans doing in this area; I know where the tribes live at. The nearest tribe of humans is at Wasatch Mountains in Utah." She took a closer look at the male human studying his face and stiffens. "No way, can't be. Wait, Oak said there were five of them, I want to find the command module, I hope we find it before any scavengers find it. So this awful place has the Lander pilot, what happen to the other four humans that went to our ancient home world?" Luanne thought to herself feeling pity for the lander pilot.

Edain shook himself looking at the wolf walking toward him. He lowered his head and rammed the wolf in the scrotum sack. The wolf howled a high pitch howl and went to his knees. The human knocked the wolf to the floor on the ring.

"Try licking them now." Edain said as the cage rose up and two panthers grabbed him dragging him away. Out of the booing he heard someone clapping, in the stands in a trio of foxes a medium brown vixen is looking at him clapping her hands. The human smiled at her as he's forced to his stable.

Later that night.

Edain held his stomach due to not having his evening meal. The human looked at the darkness thinking to himself. "I need to get out of here before I get killed." He said to himself.

A female voice speaking in Russian said. "Major Edain, I want to talk to you."

Edain turned and saw the medium brown vixen who was clapping at the gate of the stable. She stood the same height as him, but she hardly isn't wearing anything. Two belts are covering her medium size breasts he guest being a 36 E cup. Another thick belt with pouches is around her shapely hips with a lion cloth covering her vaginal area. The front of her body is tan with her head hair being auburn stopping at her ass. The human saw that she's wearing a set welding goggles resting in front of her ears. He cleared his throat. "So, how do you know my name?"

The vixen gazed at him with her gold colored eyes with cat like pupils. "I'll tell you later major, my name is Luanne. Where is the command module?"

Edain looked at her grinning. "I'll tell you later, how did you Martians ended up on my planet?" He said to the vixen, glad that he spoke Russian alright according to Mike. The only problem he had is reading the Cyrillic alphabet of the language.

The vixen stared at him for a minute. "Just don't call the royals that, right now they rule Florida. This planet is split to a bunch of factions. As you noticed we're using your technology, but our civilization wasn't high tech on our original home world. We can repair and duplicate most of your technology, but we don't have a big government running this continent like you humans use to do. This place that use to be called the united states has over five thousand town mayors or lords depending what they want to be called. The only place that is really organized is Florida; it is ruled by the royal family."

The human thought for a minute and took out two items from his mattress. He handed her the handheld GPS unit showing Luanne how to turn on the unit. Edain show her the location of the command module with the marker he did after the landing. "Wait, Luanne can you identify this?" The human asked handing the vixen the bracelet from Mars.

There was silence as Luanne turned the bracelet over looking at it. The area is so quiet, Edain heard the noises from the other stables. Luanne put the bracelet in one of her belt pouches. "Only members of the royal family wear this, be glad that you showed me that because it shows that you're a member of the royal family. Where did you get that bracelet?"

Edain told her the mission he was a member of and the discovery of the remains of the female wolf. He saw that Luanne listen to every word he spoken.

She sighed acting defeated. "I heard stories of what happened the last queen who ruled our ancient home world. Some say she dressed as a commoner escaping with the population and others said she was killed in her castle." The vixen pulled out the bracelet again looking at it. "Now I found out she died all by herself as our world died." Luanne said in a somber tone as the bracelet is stuffed back in the belt pouch. The vixen looked at him handing a package to him. "Can you hold out for a couple of weeks before I bust you out of this place?"

Edain sighed looking at Luanne. "Sure, I think I keep myself alive for a couple of weeks." He said putting a hand thru the bars touching Luanne's arm feeling muscle. The human focused his eyes taking a better look at her seeing that the vixen has a muscular build on her frame, not bulging muscles, something between an athletic and muscular. She took his hand rubbed her breasts and rubbed her muzzle on it and let go.

Luanne looked at him grinning. "Just keep yourself alive for a couple of weeks and you'll be in a better situation."

"Wait before you go, is there any humans left on this planet?" Asked Edain.

The vixen relaxed her grin. "There are some tribes of humans left on this planet, plus some towns of humans. I'll tell you later about them." Then she left without making a noise.

Edain looked at his hand remembering the feel of Luanne's fur and the firmness of her breasts. He looked at his slender fingers and smelled them. There's a hint of a musk odor on them. The human sighed eating the meal given to him by Luanne.

Outside of the fighting ring Luanne pulled out the bracelet looking at it. She looked into the sky seeing a faint red dot in the night sky. The vixen sighed remembering the stories of the ancient home world as she climbed into a black Pontiac GTO. Luanne started the engine listening to the V-8 engine rumble, she gazed at the hood remembering the endless nights she spent rebuilding this car. "I'll be seeing you soon Major Edain." The vixen said as she floored the accelerator spinning the tires. She reaches under her lion cloth and rubbed her vaginal area. "I need to get laid." Luanne said to herself as she drove.

Two weeks later, the fighting arena.

Edain watched as the cage lowered to the ring and sighed looking at his opponent. "Another cat, I hate fighting them because they fight dirty." He said to himself looking at the large male tiger wearing a lion cloth. The bell rang as the large feline ran to him.

Being quick, Edain ducked feeling the wind of the large fist missing him. The smaller human went between the tiger's legs grabbing the tail putting the tiger off balance. The feline quickly recovered spinning around slicing Edain's chest with his claws. Burning pain erupted on the wounds, Edain glared at the feline knowing that the tiger must have dipped his claws in something to make his injuries sting.

"Does it hurt human?" Taunted the feline.

Edain felt his limbs go numb. "Shit, some type of drug, better finish this quick." The human goes under the tiger's legs, but this time, Edain grabbed the scrotum sack and twisted it. At the last second, the human used his other hand and punch the two large testicles.

The large feline did a strange feline yowl, but in a higher pitch as he went to his knees. Edain kicked the tiger in the chest making the large cat go on his side. He saw Norman glaring at him from the stands, the human felt a ghost pain on his own testicles as the large cage is brought up.

Hours later, Edain's stable.

Still feeling numb in a few areas Edain managed to get the stable door opened. The panther who escorted him wasn't paying attention by teasing him from the punishment he received from Norman. He forgot to fasten the old padlock Luanne didn't have the tools to pick. When Edain messed with it, the padlock popped opened, he quietly opened the stable door and quietly exited the fighting arena.

The walk was cut short with the mechanical scream of a turbo charged V-8 engine and bright lights shining on him. He went to bolt to the camping ground to his right, but Luanne's voice spoke. "Major Edain, I said I was coming, get in the car."

The human turned seeing a beautiful sight, any old muscle car lover would spend time looking at a classic car. Idling near him is a black colored mint condition 1970 Pontiac GTO with a slight air scoop in the middle of the hood to facilitate a large air cleaner. Edain had to spend a few seconds admiring the car. The black paint had to be a custom mix because Edain noticed a slight purplish tint to the paint from the full moon shinning on the car. He walked to the passenger side door opening it, noticing that the car still has the factory style wheels. "Nice ride." The human said.

The vixen turned to him. "Thanks, its mine." She steps on the accelerator. Edain is pushed back to his seat hearing the sound of turbo charger spooling up. He watched as the speedometer arch to one hundred miles per hour in a short time.

He looked over to Luanne. "Can you tell me where the nearest tribes of humans are at?"

Luanne felt heaviness in her heart because she likes this human. "The nearest tribe is located at the mountains nearby. I'll place a marker on the GPS unit." Unknown to Edain, the vixen touched a button twice near the steering column.

Minutes later the car pulled to a building made of bricks. Edain got out of the car thanking Luanne looking at a new marker on the GPS screen. He said good bye to her and walked around the building to rest, but he saw the airship moored at a clearing. The Archon has the lines of the Zeppelins made by Germany in the late 1920's and early 1930's, but instead of a graceful rounded control car, the anthros have a Boeing 747 fuselage on the bottom of the lifting structure. The human saw that the landing gear off the aircraft is being used for mooring the zeppelin and the 747 is a cargo one is painted all white and the forward nose is opened. Edain chuckled looking at the airship, but a set of strong hands grabbed him.

He fought and tried to kick backwards, but the grip tightens. A female voice older than Luanne said. "Watch it Oak, he's turning blue."

The owner of the hands replied. "He fights worse than a feline, do something mom."

A rag with a weird chemical smell is placed over his nose and mouth. His head went light and grayness formed around his eyesight. Edain is released from the vice like grip, but he can't move a muscle. A red colored vixen with black head hair looked at him with green eyes. "Those dam cats messed him up and he's still bleeding. I am glad Luanne got him out of there."

Luanne came into view. "He'll be quite useful to us, Edain is a pilot and he flew that craft we found two weeks ago to our original home planet."

The vixen with black head hair looked at Edain with concern. She examined him looking him over. "It will be a while before he can fly anything. Get him on the ship before those cats spot him."

Edain is picked up by Oak and carried to the airship. He felt Luanne grabbed his hand, but Oak was lucky that night. Due to his recent beating something didn't work that night. When a female grabs his hand, Edain gets an erection, so due to an injury something didn't poke Oak in the back of the neck.

The group entered the 747; they went up the stairs to the top. From the brief time in the fuselage, Edain saw the freight hold. He watches as Luanne released his hand and opened a door, the group climbed a stairway to the zeppelin. The vixen who is Oak's mom opens the door to the airship. The scene changed to a lay out of a house. Edain is put on a bed and Oak's mom is starting to work on him. She sighed. "Luanne, get the either, I got to put him under." A rubber thing is place on his nose and mouth another chemical smell is going to his senses as darkness claims him.

Unknown time later, infirmary of the Archon.

Edain woke up feeling weak, parts of his body itched. He went to scratch his head, but someone grabbed his hand. That older female voice from last night spoke. "Don't scratch your scalp; I spent a couple of hours sewing your skin back together. If I had my way, we won't be dealing with those felines and wolves in that area. Here drink this."

The vixen came into focus, she is older than Luanne. There are gray hairs in her black head hair and bits of white in her red pattern. She is wearing a shirt and shorts compared to Luanne being almost naked. One thing Edain noticed that this vixen has part of her head hair braided with a jewel and a ring at the end of the braid. "Uh, thanks, my name is Edain." He said taking a sip of the liquid, but it has a sour taste. The human went to put it down.

She grabbed the glass handing it back to him. "Better drink it all or I'll force you to drink it. This medicine will keep those scratches from being infected. If I knew that they were badly abusing you, I would of stop our delivery for one day to get you out of there. My name is Pamela, drink your medicine Edain, we'll talk later."

A huge male red fox walked in with another red vixen with Auburn head hair. The vixen has the same style of braid as Pamela, but Luanne doesn't have that braid on her auburn colored head hair. Pamela turned to the two foxes. "Sandra, Oak, our guest is doing fine, tell Luanne that he'll be fine after a day of rest. She can visit him tonight, by the way tell my mate that I be at the flight deck in a bit."

Oak looked at Edain shrugging. "Yes mom, is he really a pilot? We can use another one."

Pamela nodded. "According to Luanne, he is one." She turned to Edain. "You are a pilot?"

Edain nodded. "Yes I am, I have around four thousand hours piloting aircraft." Then he remembered what he saw last night before he blacked out. "But I never piloted an airship before."

Pamela patted his cheek gently. "Don't worry, the Archon is an easy ship to fly, just relax for the rest of the day and I'll have ether Oak or Luanne show you around tomorrow."

Hour's later, Archon infirmary.

The first thing Edain felt from his sleep is soft tissue and fur with a nipple, but on the back of his hand he felt a belt. At his groin area, the human felt slender fingers massaging his genitals. Opening his eyes, Edain saw Luanne near his bed looking at him with his right hand under the belt covering her breasts and her left hand under the front of his pants. "Uh, good morning or afternoon." The human said to the vixen.

Luanne cocked her head. "It's just the late afternoon, you been out for a day."

Pamela walked over seeing what Luanne is doing. "Cool you jets vixen and take a cold shower. I don't think our guest wants to mate yet, but you mate in your room instead of my infirmary. Cool yourself off Luanne; I think I'll have my son show him around." She turns to check Edain, but Edain saw Luanne stick her tongue out to Pamela when she walked out.

Out side Luanne looked back in watching Edain talk to Pamela for a minute. When the older vixen turn toward the door, she had a furious look. "Oh crap, when Pamela had that look last time, it was because of Oak damaging a tail fin when we were pulling the Archon out of its hanger." Luanne said to herself as the older vixen opened the door.

Pamela looked at Luanne and her expression relaxed a little. "He does like you, but at the moment he can't do something. I am going to try some stuff and treatments, but be patient for now. I'll let you show him around tomorrow." She went back in the infirmary but she muttered. "If I have the chance, I'll use my teeth to bite Norman's equipment off with no anesthetic."

"Ouch, that's brutal." Luanne thought as she walked off down the passageway. She bumped into another vixen.

"Oh hi Luanne, how's our human guest?" The vixen asked.

Luanne shrugged. "Oh he's doing fine Tiff, Pamela chase me out of the infirmary due to me putting his hands under this strap." She gestures to one of the leather straps across her breasts. "Plus she didn't like me massaging his scrotum. I need to find a mate."

Tiff looked at Luanne. "There's the alternative to a mate."

Luanne made a grotesque gesture with her muzzle. "Sorry Tiff, the taste of raw oysters doesn't appeal to me. I rather sleep against a hairless male human, talk to you later." She walks off down the passage.

Inside the infirmary Edain laid on the bed as Pamela examined him. "How come Luanne stopped me from trying to get to the humans in the Wasatch mountains in Utah?"

Pamela sighed stroking his check like a mother would. "A couple of reasons, the humans in that area would have killed you on site because they hate strangers and they think it was us that killed most of their race." The vixen walks to a counter to mix something and walks back to the bed with a cup. "Here, drink this, we don't know how long we been on this planet. Only the royal family and I think Luanne knows."

"She's an unusual vixen, she knew my name without my telling her, plus my military rank." He sat up a little looking at Pamela. "Speaking of the royal family, members of the royal guard bought a friend of mine at that auction."

The vixen made a sneer on her muzzle gently making Edain lay back down. "I know very little of Luanne's background. She answered a help wanted add when we needed a new mechanic, plus she knows how to repair and make your human's technology. I don't know what the royal guard does to humans, but the wolves don't harm humans, maybe they recruited him."

The human Edain gazed at Pamela's green eyes. "What happened to my world?" He asked drinking the medicine and handed back the cup. "I think some time passed because I was only gone for a year and vehicles that were new look old."

Pamela held the cup looking at it. "We were slaves to another race, but when they invaded this planet taking us with them, a day later they dropped dead." The vixen shrugged. "We been here since, don't know how long we been here and for some reason we can't operate the technology of our formal masters only the stuff you humans left behind." She watches as Edain fell asleep on the bed and the vixen strokes his cheek and gave him a kiss.

The next day in the structure of the Archon.

Edain admired the view as he followed Luanne up a ladder between the gas bags. Taking a minute breather, the human looked at the clear green bags nestled in the metal structure. A slim hand patted his shoulder. "This frame is made from alloy from our formal masters, that's one of the reasons your planet was invaded, plus they wanted to set a colony. This metal is very light and strong, but making it is hard work and hot." She grinned showing her teeth. "That's why we know how to make and repair stuff, our formal masters we're lazy and didn't like doing hard work."

The human nodded knowing how the formal masters of the United States are just like the Martians masters. "Do you know why your masters dropped dead after being on this planet after one day?"

The vixen chuckled. "Yes I do, they had this habit of sending the felines to check planets out. It turned out that our masters were allergic to nitrogen and the felines told the masters that this planet is life sustaining. They invaded and the next day they were dead, but we couldn't operate some of their technology and weapons." She caresses Edain's chin looking at him. "That information was free, if you want more history." The vixen places Edain's hands on her breasts. "You'll have to earn it, plus I am the only one in this area of this continent who knows what happened to your planet."

Edain felt his penis trying to get hard, but a dull pain caused it to go limp. Pamela told him that it will take a couple days before his equipment will start working right again. He placed his hands under the strap feeling the soft tissue and kissed Luanne on the muzzle. "I want to, but...."

A slim finger touches his lips. "I know."

"Can I be your roommate?" Asked the human massaging the vixen's breasts.

She nodded. "But we got to share the bed." The vixen points at the gas bags. "These are the lifting bags. They're made out of the plant called Kudzu and some other stuff. The gas is what we called Hydoellium; it's a strong non-flammable lifting gas."

The couple walked down a catwalk going between the gas bags. Edain saw them shift once in a while; the hard sole shoes he's wearing made a ting sound as his feet struck the catwalk. Luanne stopped at a ladder and went down. He got on the ladder following the vixen, she continued down the ladder that went thru a cut out thru the skin.

Edain felt the wind hit him hard as he continued down the ladder, he saw that the airship is a bluish white in color and it's coated with a canvas type skin. The human saw Luanne disappeared in an engine nacelle the size of a SUV. He took a moment looking at the landscape. The human guessed that they're over northern Oregon around ten thousand feet up, a yell got his attention. He saw Luanne's head poking out of the nacelle so he followed her in it.

Inside the nacelle, Edain saw a large v type engine hooked up to gear box and a shaft going out. He had to hunch over due to the tight confines of the space. Luanne walked around the engine inspecting it. Due to the heat, the human knew why the vixen walked around almost naked and why there's a hint of a petroleum smell to her. The vixen took out a couple of tools and looked at the gauges and did some adjustments. They couldn't talk to each other due to the noise, a hand tapped him and the human saw Luanne pointing up. The human nodded climbing out of the engine nacelle.

A few minutes later, they went down a set of stairs, the human saw that they exited the airship and descending to the 747 fuselage. The wings of the Boeing were chopped off to the number two and three engines. He felt grief because being a pilot he loved aircraft, closer examination showed thick steel cables going from the wing spars to the zeppelin structure. Edain saw conduits going from the 747 to the zeppelin along with metal beams from the fuselage to the zeppelin. "Man talk about a jury rigged airship, rednecks will love this." He thought to himself following Luanne to the inside of the fuselage.

They went to the cockpit; Edain saw that this 747 is a 200 model because he saw three foxes inside with the third member at the engineer's station. He glanced at the panel seeing that some of the gauges were changed, each one of the sixteen gas bags has a pressure gauge, plus there are vitals to each one of the six engines. Glancing at the instruments, he saw that somehow two extra throttles were added, elevator and rudder positions on the flight instruments. "Man, I better take back that redneck comment; someone did a lot of work here. The old style zeppelins had huge control wheels to move the control surfaces and these foxes manage make these aircraft controls move those large control surfaces." The human thought to himself watching as an older male fox moved the control yoke. The elevator position moved up a few degrees and went to neutral. Edain saw Pamela sitting in the co-pilot's seat wearing sunglasses.

After watching the foxes at the controls, Edain recognized Pamela's mate at the captain's seat. Will talked to him last night while he was in the infirmary, then it hit him, the reason most of the vixens have a braid in their hair and not Luanne. "The braid must be like a badge of being mated." He thought to himself looking at Luanne.

Pamela allowed him to sit at the co-pilots seat. Looking outside, the human saw the green landscape of southern Washington. He knew they were in Washington because he saw his handheld GPS on the flight console. Then all of a sudden he felt sleepy nodding off, an older female voice with authority said. "Luanne, I think that's enough for the day put him in a room."

Oak must have been near by because the large male fox plucked him off the co-pilots seat. His head went forward looking at the floor of the cockpit. Luanne said to Oak. "Put him in my room." Darkness.

Later in Luanne's room.

Edain woke on a soft bed with a musk odor with a petroleum tinge to it. Looking around the human saw that the cabin is small with machinery parts placed in odd areas. A picture got his attention; Luanne is standing in at the nose area of a Beech craft 2000 starship. Closer examination revealed that the very rare aircraft is in one piece. Edain remembered the aircraft from some older pilots, the first privately owned aircraft made of composites and glass cockpit. The aircraft looked like something from a sci-fi movie with the wings at the rear with a canard in the front being powered by twin turbo props configured in a pusher set up. (To see the actual aircraft, here's a link to wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beechcraft_Starship)

While looking at the picture, he heard someone walk in. Turning he saw Luanne looking at the picture. The vixen did a smirk on her muzzle. "I found it at Arixo; I mean what use to be Arizona in an aircraft grave yard. The same place where Will and Pamela gotten the 747 fuselage for this airship." She touches the picture like a mother looking at a child. "I just tested the engines on it and did a few high speed runs down the runway, a few more adjustments and some more work; it will be ready for a test flight." Luanne looks at him smiling. "I need a pilot to fly it."

Edain just looked at the aircraft feeling excitement, flying an airship is different, but it's slow and boring. Flying a small fast plane, like driving a sports car, the human knows that he won't have any problems flying it due flying a Italian Piaggio P.180 Avanti while training for his mission.

Luanne hugged him giving him a kiss and rubbed her muzzle on him. Looking out the window, the human saw mountains going by. A certain peak caught his attention, he recognized Mt. Rainer, and the one the airship is passing looked different. "Mt. St Helens, but it looks almost complete, I have been gone for a long time." Edain said looking at the mountain, there's a smaller mountain inside the large crater growing, right now the continuing eruptions is forming a new mountain in the volcanic crater.

The vixen hugged him from behind rubbing her body against him. "I'll tell you everything later on, like I said earlier, I am the only one in this area who knows how long you were gone and what happened." She gives his ear a lick.

Hours later, Paine field, Everett Washington.

Edain looked out of Luanne's cabin window as the airship landed. Thru the cabin window, the human saw a large mooring line get hooked to a ground winch. He the felt vibration and thrumming sound wind down. The Archon slowly descended to the ground with the gentle thump of the undercarriage hitting the ground.

Minutes later Luanne walked in the cabin escorting him outside the airship. Outside, He saw that the foxes set up a base at the southern part of the airport. A place that repaired airliners is now the base, at one end of the tarmac is a large structure that Edain recognized as an airship hanger. The vixen tugged at his hand leading him to the smaller aircraft hanger.

Inside he saw the command module sitting on a structure, a few foxes and wolves are examining the craft. At the back of the hanger, Edain saw the Beech craft 2000 starship aircraft with a couple of wolves working on it. Walking up to it, the human ran his hand feeling the skin of the aircraft. A hand grabbed his shoulder, looking, he saw Luanne shaking her head and gesturing him to follow her. "Come, I am taking you to my place. Pamela just told me to take you home for rest. She officially adopted you as another son." The vixen said leading him away to her GTO parked near the hanger.

Luanne's home, a mile from Paine field.

Luanne lived in an apartment building on the third floor. Edain noticed that the elevator worked because Luanne used it. Inside, he saw that she lived in a one bedroom apartment and there are more pictures on the wall. He examined one with Luanne in it, the vixen is wearing a military uniform of the royal guard and there's another of a younger Luanne in her teens with a wolf couple. "Yes, I was raised by wolves in Florida and a member of the royal guard, I was an orphan. That's why I know so much, only the royal guard knows how long we been on this planet." She sighs looking at him. "The problem is that this place is too big for the King and Queen to rule like on our ancient home world because the guard doesn't have enough members to enforce rule. So this country is divided into smaller ones ruled by a chief or lord."

Edain looked at Luanne admiring her body. "Why did you leave the royal guard?"

The vixen placed her hands on his shoulders. "I only did one enlistment and I wanted to see this land, plus there aren't that many foxes in Florida." She hugs him tight.

Edain's penis gets rock hard. "I am ready now."

The vixen undoes the belts across her breasts and drops the other around her waist. She takes off the protective pads under her feet and knee pads. "It's about time." Luanne says removing his clothing looking at his skinny hairless build.

Edain admires the vixen's athletic build running his hands over her body feeling the medium course fur over her body. "To bad I am not as hairy as the commander Mike; he has hair all over his body. Me, I am as hairless as a pre puberty kid." He gets pushed gently to the bed.

Luanne straddled his hips hugging him tight. "I don't care, you have a nice body, don't worry, I'll keep you warm at night." She locks her thighs around his waist.

The human watched as the vixen held up his organ and she lowered herself down on to it. He felt her wet lips touch the tip of his member and they parted. Edain heard a cry from the vixen as he watches his member slide inside her and he felt something tear inside her. "She was a virgin." The human thought to himself looking at the hairy hips on him.

The vixen hugged him to her breasts stroking his hair. "Thank you." She said as they made love. Edain stroked her body feeling the vixen's muscles writhe under her skin. He backed away from her cleavage admiring her firm medium size breasts with pink nipples poking thru the fur.

Luanne hugged him tight again and used her legs to squeeze tighter around his hips. The couple rolled aside little. The human rested his head on her shoulder smelling her sweet musk scent. He heard her cry out loud feeling the vaginal muscles pull on his member. Edain noted that Luanne has the tightest vaginal canal he ever penetrated and she's the first virgin he had sex with, plus she's the first anthropomorphic being he had sex with to. The vixen rolled him back on his back and rested her muzzle near his ear. "We're officially mates." She squeezed his member with her vaginal muscles.

Edain sighed looking at her gold eyes. "Ok, I have no problems with that." He yells as he empties inside her.

The vixen laid on him panting resting her head on his left shoulder. Edain put his arms around her hugging her hearing Luanne exhaling with the whooshing sound every time she exhale. He stroked her long auburn hair feeling her hairy breasts pressing on him.

A minute later his soften penis gets hard again causing Luanne to sit up. The vixen cocked her head looking at him and she pulled him to her cleavage. "So, you want another round with me?" She asked in a cooing voice.

Edain's reply is "MMMPPPHHH."

Luanne stroked his hair. "I'll take that as a yes."

A couple of hours later.

Edain looked at the vixen sleeping next to him. Grinning the human got out of her embrace telling her that he needed to use the restroom. A minute later, he examined Luanne's body on the bed. He got on the foot taking a look of the digit-grade feet seeing a large version of a canine's rear foot with large claws. Edain looked at the black callus pads and went to look at the shapely ass with the medium brown tail with a tan tip. Lying back down next to her he held a hand looking at the slender finger with thick black skin on the palm and finger tips. He looked closer at the finger tips seeing feline like claws sheathed in the finger tips. "Years ago the ones who took us from our planet had us foxes and felines declawed." Said Luanne in a sleepy voice while sleeping.

The human shuddered. "How long have you guys been living on this planet?"

Luanne snapped her eyes opened and looked at him. "One hundred and ten years. We hated them so much we forgot their name. They looked like tall white colored humans with no hair. The formal masters used dimensional gates for traveling, they defeated the militaries of this world in one day and the next day they were dead by nitrogen. Not all the humans were killed, some managed to hide in the mountains and set up tribes. Very few numbers live in this area and Florida."

Edain took in the information nodding. "How did you know about me?"

The vixen smiled. "The Mars mission you flown with your crew is common knowledge in Florida. I studied it while I was in the royal guard. That was the place you launched from." She saw him nodding, plus she saw his questioning look. "You are wondering about what happened to your crew mate who was sold to the royal guard. The royal guard will recruit him after asking about the mission. Pamela is right; the royal guard has orders to try making friends with humans because the wolves are a curious bunch." Luanne saw Edain's look with his eyes drooping. "You better go to sleep or Pamela will have you recover at her home."

The human fell asleep, but the vixen remained awake. Grinning, she ran her hands over his smooth skin admiring his slight muscular build examine his hands by holding one looking at his fingers. "Very strange, he has no claws" Luanne said to herself looking at his feet. "Why the weird looking feet, he has no pads on the bottom, but he has a cute ass." The vixen continued running her hand on his smooth ass.

Epilogue, a few weeks later, skies over Everett.

Edain did a small course correction twisting the control wheel of the Beech craft 2000 starship. He looked over to Luanne sporting a braid in her hair. The vixen put silver bands on the braid. The human chuckles to himself as he landed the aircraft.

Minutes later while looking the aircraft over, Will and Pamela walked up to the couple. The older vixen sighed before speaking. "The queen founded out that we have the command module and she made a request that we bring it to Florida." Edain saw Luanne shook her head.

Luanne grinned. "It looks like we're going to Florida and I better go over the engines to check them over. I am so glad that we can get fuel over there for the return trip."

Pamela looked at Edain smiling and glances over to Luanne. "Have a list ready in a few days of stuff you need." She gives Edain a hug and kiss then leaves.

Edain looked over to his mate. "Do you have any problems of going there?"

Luanne hugged him rubbing her body on him. "No, I didn't burn any bridges there. It will be nice to see some of my old friends. I better get to work and check the ship over." She walks away.

Edain looked at the Archon in its hanger, glancing over he watched as wolves and foxes pushed the Beech craft in the smaller hanger. He walked following Luanne knowing that soon he might be seeing one of the crew members from the Mars mission he once flew on.