Channeler's Choice

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#10 of Proper Kinky

3066 Words

A channeler goes to a mystical lake to search for a nigh legendary ghost Pokemon... And, upon finding it, is presented a choice that will change her life forever.

Sorry I've been doing so much Pokemon stuff lately. I just have a lot of fun with the lore and the sillier ones. But I do have other things in the works. I just wanted to pound out something fast between commissions (there's been various reasons why I have only posted 1 of the commissions so far, but don't you worry, I haven't forgotten about you guys)

Hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me! Details here: Or, if that's too hard, just head there directly: or

Selena made her way across the Lake of Outrage, going to the one place she'd been hearing about in her travels. A ring of stones there was famous all across the world for a multitude of reasons: for the dragon Pokemon that lived near it, for the items that could be found around it, for the fact that, sometimes, they were Pokemon themselves that came alive and defended themselves. But there was one thing in particular that she had come to find. Or, rather, to get in contact with.

Selena was a medium. Or perhaps channeler was a better term. She wasn't a fan of any of them, really, much more interested in the Pokemon she had a connection with than what people called her. Ever since she was a young trainer all the way back in Kanto speaking with her first Gastly to get it to stop terrorizing her neighbor, she knew she had a gift, particularly when it came to spirits. Of course, everyone could see ghost Pokemon, to one extent or another, but only so many could truly understandt their wants and desires.

This was what had brought her to the Lake of Outrage, many regions hence from her home. There were a lot of ghosts in the area, many of them ones she wished to talk to and get to know better, some she even considered catching as companions... but only one that truly captivated her and had drawn her to this place. She was looking for a Dreepy. Or any of the three in its evolutionary chain, but the small ghostly dragons, she somehow knew, she'd be able to truly get in touch with. And so she had made her journey all the way out to the stone circle, setting up her tent and preparing herself for a proper spiritual encounter.

It was said that there were many different ghosts that lurked around the stone circles, and finding the right one might be a challenge, but she was confident in her abilities. And, to her luck, she found herself there on a day the fog was thick, swirling around her campsite and filled with ancient energies. She set up her circle of protection, placing the sacred salts in a very specific pattern to keep her safe from harm, but still allow her to interact with any presences that found her campsite. She then prepared her secret weapon: a curry for the dead.

It was difficult to describe the aroma that wafted from her cooking pot, and the taste would've been absolutely horrid for anything alive, but the proper bones, herbs, and berries all combined to create what she knew was an irresistible meal for any ghost Pokemon. Its creation was no mere accident, passed down a line of mediums for generations in Kanto, allowing them to truly bond with their companions and show they cared. And that was the most important part of this ritual: to prove she cared for the spirits she was reaching out to.

She didn't have to wait long before she felt a presence watching her from the mist. Her sharp senses honed in, able to spot glowing yellow eyes in the fog, much larger than she'd expected. Had she found one of the evolutions? Or a stronger beast that had walked up to her camp? She saw them circle around, almost fading in and out of existence, as though trying to test her when they noticed her attentions. She called out to it. "Don't be afraid. I mean you no harm, friend. I merely wish to know more about you. To help you reach the world. To see you thrive, your mission continued."

In the back of her mind, she could hear its growl, the intelligent mind responding. But, unlike that of most Pokemon, even the ghosts, this one responded in words. "We mean you no harm either. We are merely intrigued by your goal. You see, thriving is difficult around here... We lack something important. How badly do you wish to help?" The one set of eyes was joined by two sets of smaller ones, circular, that hovered near it. Slowly the ethereal Pokemon flew closer, and revealed itself to be a Dragapult. Its large, thin head spread to either side, its body floating behind it, disappearing into the mist, while two of the small Dreepys nestled in its horns, looking at Selena with interest.

The channeler stood, then bowed respectfully at the Pokemon, but inside her heart trembled. It was even more beautiful up close than she had thought, the power emanating from its form making her spirit shudder, while the obvious care it had for the little ones it had with it warmed her heart. She tilted her head, just as entranced as she'd been when she first heard about it, taking a step towards it. She could also hear the hope, and desperation, in the Dragapult's voice. "I want to help you more than anything. If you're in trouble, I will aid however I can. You are an impressive creature, and I would like to see your Dreepy taken care of so that all may know your glory."

The dragon stopped at the edge of the circle, scoffing a little before it swirled around the curry, sniffing it. When it found it acceptable, it let the two smaller dragons eat while its eyes remained on the channeler in the circle. "Are you going to be like all those trainers, then? Coming here to steal away the clan? We once roamed these lands freely, before our fall... we return in this form, much less powerful, but still proud. Legends... and then we were collected, taken away, made playthings..." It scowled at her. "If you wish only to take a souvenir, begone. I will not lose any more. I am the last of the adults as it is."

Selena gasped slightly at its words, taking another step closer. "You're the last? What happened to the others? How many trainers tried to capture you?"

It sighed. "After the new champion made a joke of Leon with one of our kind, hundreds flocked to have their own. They captured those who fought back, the powerful, the formidable... Even my mate, and mother of these two, was taken away. The Dreepy are learning, but it will be long before we can recover if I have to lead us all alone." It then looked at her sharply. "However, if I had help... perhaps we wouldn't be worried about a second extinction." It hovered just outside of the circle of salts, a claw moving forward, gesturing to her.

She hesitated right on the edge of the circle, looking from the sad, proud, noble Dragapult to its children, happily eating the food she'd provided them. She could see the pain in the parent's eyes, and her heart ached at it. "How may I help? I could go to the towns, try to tell the trainers, or I could provide food and see about scaring away people who would try to harm you. Though, I am just one visitor to these lands..."

"If you think those would help, you could do so but... I do have an idea of my own. Your heart is pure, your words are true. I can see it in your soul that you do care. How badly do you want to help?" Its claw reached the barrier of the salt, crackling loudly as the mystical energies kept it at bay, but it looked at her pleadingly, clearly putting its hopes into her hands.

Selena bit her lip, thinking very carefully to her training. She knew how dangerous ghosts could be, even the most well meaning ones. And lies told convincingly could tug the heart strings just as well as truth. But she also saw its pain, the gaze it gave its children as they ate and played in the fog... its care was just as strong as hers. She'd only heard about these Pokemon after that champion's win, their popularity spreading all the way to Kanto, so it would make sense that a lot of trainers would make their way there. And if the population was small, those little ones hardly able to defend themselves... "With all my heart," she said as she reached out her hand, her fingers breaking the circle to take his claw.

The ghostly dragon smiled warmly. "And what a pure heart it is. I thank you for your choice. You won't regret it." It then let out a high pitched whistle, causing its two Dreepy to look up at it, flying back into their spots in its horns. As the sound echoed, two, then four, then ten, then dozens of small yellow eyes began to glow in the fog, surrounding the campsite, all called from their hiding place by the dragon in charge. He stopped his whistle, looking at the medium before him. "Now, my dear... These are your charges, who you wish to protect. Let's help you serve them well."

The two baby dragons nestled in its horns prepared themselves as it moved forward, getting right before the enthralled channeler. When he was there, his motions were lightning fast, the very fog seeming to be him from all directions as his claws made short work of her clothing, leaving her skin bare to the cold fog all around her. She gasped in surprise, looking at him with confusion, before he whistled again. The first Dreepy fired from his horn like a missile, its aerodynamic body rushing right into her chest, then through it, its ghostly form slipping through her very soul and leaving its essence behind. The second one shot forward as well, moving directly through her womb, leaving its mark on her innermost chamber. She shuddered at the strange sensation, feeling a gripping cold tugging at her soul, but with it came power and, oddly... love. An affection and care that matched her own while the feeling spread through her body.

She clutched at her chest, feeling the strange energy radiating through her, while the Dragapult smiled, running its claw gently through her hair. "You will be a beautiful mate, my dear. Able to protect these children and give the clan many more. Are you ready to begin the process in earnest?" She wanted to say something to protest, but she leaned into the claw, looking into its eyes. As scared as she was, not knowing at all what might happen to her... it felt right, and she nodded.

"Good. Relax." The dragon's voice was a soothing purr as it slipped into the shadows, and behind it she could see the many eyes of the Dreepy around her. They all seemed incredibly focused on her, watching her from every angle, curious, cautious, and hopeful. She tried to put on a brave face, but the cold was spreading through her, the feeling incredibly odd as she tried to focus on it, figuring out what was happening.

A moment later she had something else to focus on as the whistle came from somewhere behind her. She turned, only to see those two young Dreepy being fired again, this time tail first. She opened her mouth to say something as they rocketed towards her, aiming for two very specific spots: both her sets of lips. They both pushed against the air, the fins on the small green dragons slowing them enough that their long, slithering tails were all that reached, but they both plunged in suddenly. Her eyes went wide, one hand going to the one in her mouth, its tail slithering down her throat, while the other hand grabbed the one between her legs, feeling its tapered tip slithering up into her pussy. It was as cold as the fog around her, chilling her from the inside... but only for a moment, her body soon seeming to match its cold.

She looked in confusion past the small dragon writhing in her mouth, seeing the sharp eyes of the Dragapult behind it as it slowly came back into being. "Just relax. They aren't going to hurt you. They're merely prepping you for the energies you will need." Her hands continued to try to grab at them, though, and he seemed to be annoyed by that, his long tail forming out of the mist to wrap them together, keeping her locked tight while the little dragons worked at her. "Now now... let them do their thing."

The tails of the Dreepy worked into her pussy and her mouth, pumping in and out slowly, writhing against her every muscle. As the cold started to disappear, it was soon replaced by a strange energy... not a warmth, she wouldn't describe anything like that, but a tingle that worked its way through her body, as though starting from one and shooting towards the other, meeting at her very core. She moaned around the appendage in her mouth, closing her eyes and trying her best to relax. This only served to have it slip further into her, the spines folding down so it slid right into her throat, making her gag, but weirdly, not choke. She was more scared of the motion than feeling any actual discomfort... honestly, it all felt amazing. Especially from her pussy, where the thick body of the tiny dragon was spreading her wide, getting coated in her feminine juices as it pressed in deeper and deeper against places she'd never felt teased before.

The tingle in her core spread outward, every moment of the strange ritual making her shudder as her whole body felt light, like the mist around it. She writhed, her knees buckling as the wyrmling in her pussy pushed deeper, feeling like it was prying against some barrier far within her. It didn't hurt, but just took her off balance, removing her feet from under her. However, she was amazed when she didn't fall, her body continuing to simply float above the ground, much like the dragon that still had her hands bound. She looked at it in confusion, then groaned as the twin Dreepys pushed further. The one in her mouth pounded deep into her throat, sparking a reaction that made her cheeks flush red hot as she suckled on it. The Dragapult watching simply grinned, his claws coming up to massage the sides of her head, and with that, she could feel them pushing out. Slowly she started to understand: they were making her one of them!

She didn't have long to enjoy this revelation, though, as the dreepy at her pussy pushed further still, slipping into her innermost chamber. She moaned out in pleasure, feeling its wide head pressing against her entrance, teasing her lower lips and her clit. She squirmed in the air, trying to find an angle that would give it access, but every motion had it thrashing around within her, filling her whole body with pleasure. The one in her mouth was much more calm, moving slowly and gently once the process started, before it simply slipped free, letting her gasp and moan out into the foggy air around her. She found her eyes adjusting, more able to see the many Pokemon in the mist, all of them watching her with fascination as her head expanded, flattening out and growing the horns of a Dragapult. She looked at them as a protector, knowing that, soon, she was going to be their caregiver... their mother, of sorts. She felt her heart jump at the thought, then her pussy clench, pulling on the Pokemon between her legs.

It finally seemed to work, as he pushed in further, disappearing entirely into her body. She could feel him squirming, pressing deeper and deeper, his whole body massaging her most sensitive spots. She moaned out, her voice starting to take on an ethereal quality as her body changed slowly. Within the Dragapult's tail, her hands took on the red coloration, slowly reforming into claws. But she hardly cared as her sexual fluids drooled from her body, dripping into the sacred salts that had started this whole process. She squirmed in the air, feeling the Dreepy going deeper and deeper, pushing into her innermost chamber and pressing against that tingle on her soul. His tail, his body, and his hooked arms all slid in, the pleasure rapidly mounting as she found herself more at peace, feeling the momentous event that was about to happen.

Finally, the head pressed against her innermost barrier, pushing out against her deep sweet spots, making her whole body light up with pleasure. Her stomach was bulging out from its passenger, though it was also getting a lot wider on its own, taking on the short and stout features of the Pokemon she was becoming before it tapered off into the mist. She looked down on it, seeing the red markings appear one by one, her belly writhing with the being inside it... And then she felt it pop into place. Her whole body clenched, orgasm rushing through her system as she roared out the unmistakable cry of a Dragapult, her honey squirting into the air and splashing down in the circle of protection, sweeping all hints of it away.

She moaned, rubbing her belly and writhing as her changes solidified into place, the channeler becoming the very ghost Pokemon she'd set out to find. She squirmed a little as the Dreepy moved, but then she shuddered as it simply phased out of her belly, sticking out its tongue playfully at her. She looked around at the many Dreepy around her, but no sooner had she done that than the original two, that had been riding with the Dragapult, slipped into her horns, settling into place. Suddenly she felt complete, gently patting them with her tail and sighing happily, feeling the love they sent her way.

The Dragapult approached Selena, nuzzling his wide head against hers and purring happily. "As I knew, you are beautiful, my darling. Now... let us go. The clan needs us." He held out his claws, and she took them happily, before they both disappeared into the fog, the many glowing eyes fading away with them, and the fog fading away as well.

All that remained of the channeler was her tent and the empty curry pot, but Selena had made her choice, finally finding her rightful place in the world.