A dream came true

Story by JoshDan on SoFurry

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#1 of Josh's Adventures

Originally thought for the World Lion Day, it's finally now I released this story.

At first, did you know the mascot of Saitama Seibu Lions, Leo? If no, I let you this here.

In any case, I enjoyed writing my fiction about, and with him. So, I hope you will like it too x3

Consider this like my early present to you.

Good reading!Original French version

Leo © Saitama Seibu Lions

Josh © Me

All comments are welcome.

Since my earliest childhood, I've always loved travel. Then, when I had the chance to see and go Japan, I didn't hesitate a single second. Because I must admit it, it's one of the countries which fascinate me, with their landscapes, their ancestral traditions, their temples. Ah, yes, I... I'm huge of temples. They're so beautiful to observe.

Also, I've planned my stay for two weeks, in order to come back with memories full head. Until now, I especially visited the Japanese countryside and its surroundings. So, I decided to head for the big cities, by beginning my halt toward Tokorozawa. And even if the city isn't the biggest in the country, it's for a very particular place I've traveled until here: the MetLife Dome.

When you put it that way, we could think it's about just an ordinary stadium, quite the opposite. In fact, it's about the official home of Saitama Seibu Lions, one of the best baseball teams of the country. Even if I admit it, I don't know much about this sport (I even could tell I suck,) it's for the team's mascot I started to be interested; Leo for his nickname.

If Leo has joined the team for a while now, it's more recently I've discovered his feats. This day, I scrolled my timeline when one video drew my attention. That's when I saw him for the first time. With other dancers, he set the pace, did some figures on the skipping rope before finishing with an outstanding back flip. Both say, since this video, I didn't stop watching his performances. It must be said, he has it all: huge, handsome, muscular, playful, careful, a beautiful white fur, deep-blue eyes, a great look... Anyway, he makes a big impression. That's why I promised myself to see him with my own eyes, if I came to Japan. And this day finally happened.

As chance would have it, my coming into the stadium fell right the day of a very special event. On occasions of his day years within the team, the management would organize a raffle in which the winner should have the chance to spend one whole day with Leo. The crazy stuff! As a result, you must be thinking I would need all the luck I can get. Thus, I booked a cheap room near the stadium, and bought advance tickets. Maybe it's exorbitant, but when we are so close meeting its idol, we are ready to do anything. Even confine illegally on a cabin in the woods. Besides, I ask myself why I did this joke. Anyway...

The D-Day, everything went very fast. First, I showed the ticket office, then I bought myself some provisions before settling on the terracing. Next, opening ceremony took place on the field. To his habit, Leo was great, dancing and twirling around, like he did so well. A delight to look at (especially for me.) Within itself, the match wasn't especially interesting, but it stayed impressive to see balls taking off on the terracing. As we say, you have to see it to believe it, and believe, I saw them up close, those balls.

Then, was coming the fateful moment, this one everybody cannot wait. And to my big surprise, it's my number (477 for the most curious) which was chosen. In any case, I thank presenters for having announced the winner in several languages, otherwise I would have to wait, like a fool. Generally, I hate people are staring at me when I'm walking. So, having a thousand of sights fixing upon me, it was quite oppressive. Happily, for me, this path only took a few seconds. But there wasn't any possible dispute, I was really and truly the lucky guy.

Before I did anything at all, I had to read and sign the papers concerning the competition and the rules. Being not born here, it was quite normal they take such precautions. All things considered; I ended up before him. He almost reached the 6 inches, I found myself very small with my 5'8" inches. Beforehand, we greeted in due form (I want to make it clear; my back didn't suffer too much here.) Was then coming time for introductions. By chance, his English was faultless (unlike mine, which leaves something to be desired,) so we didn't have difficulty to talk to each other.

On it, he asked me, kindly: "Soo... what's your name, pal?"

"Joshua, but everyone calls me Josh."

"Well, nice to meet you, Josh."

"Same for me, Leo."

"So. What do you want to do, tell me?"

"I have no idea. I'm here since yesterday only."

"Ah really? Hmmm... in this case, would you like to go sightseeing the city with me?"

"Yes, with pleasure."

"Great, let's not lose time then."

And like he said so well, we don't waste time. On the run, we left the stadium to explore the surroundings. Loose, we visited the aeronautic museum with planes of all sizes and colors. Next, we went for a walk over who know how many gardens, but it was exquisite. Among those green spaces, there'd be one which would have inspired Miyazaki for his movie My Neighbor Totoro. Being lost in admiration before his movies, since I was little, that's got to take a head full of stars. A bit later, we had a bite to eat on a very nice eatery to finally make our way through Arahata Fuji Shrine. This day went quickly, but I've seen so many things, I don't regret this walk.

While the sun gradually disappeared under Mount Fuji, the lion called out to me: "So, how did you find this small walk?"

"Awesome. I wouldn't have found best guide." I congratulated him.

"Thanks. I never had the opportunity to do visit my town to someone."

"That's all to your credit."

"Thanks again. On this, is something else would you like to do?"

"Honestly, I don't know. We almost walk around the city, no?"

"No really. There are so much things to do here, it would take more than a day to do everything." He underlined.

"Ah yes, when you put it like that."

"So, like we have nothing planned for tonight, would you like to come to my home?"

"Wait, are you sure you want to do that?" I hesitated.

"Of course. I don't often receive. More, we will take advantage to rest."

"Hmmm... it's okay."

"Sweet. Let's go."

Without delay, we went again to arrive on suburbs in the vicinity of the downtown. In fact, he lives in a building with its bundle of apartments inside. Once up on the second floor, we were before the door of his studio. As soon as this one was open, we removed our shoes, and Leo motioned me to come. At first sight, the interior was quite restrained; however, it's still comfortable. Something else which is blindingly obvious, everything was perfectly tidy. By comparison, it's much messier on my place, but let's move on. While he's on his kitchen, I settled near his table and before I have time to say anything at all, he already came back with a glass bottle and two cups.

"Tell me Josh, have you ever tasted sake?"

"No, never." I responded, intrigued.

He filled immediately my cup. And for thank him, I did the same with its.

"Do you know why we could raise our glasses?"

"Let me think."

Finally, it didn't take long before finding an idea. I cleared my throat and announced: "I drink to the amazing day we had, and no doubt to the best mascot of all times."

By nodding, Leo got started too: "As for me, I toast to one of the friendliest people I've met so far."

With those words, we clinked glasses. Not knowing which taste could have this alcohol, I quickly drank my cup, in case the liquid wouldn't pass. Well, not only it didn't pass, but it even had the effect to make me toss.

"Geez! Josh, are you alright?"

"W-water, please." I whispered.


In a flash, he filled my glass of water I swallowed without stopping. As a thank you, I did the same with his cup.

"Well, about your reaction, I think you didn't like it so much."

"Not really, it was bitter if you want to know."

"Oh really? I didn't find very strong."

"It should be a matter of taste."

"Probably." He shrugged.

For real, I didn't bear my body a grudge emitting this unknown drink, it's just self-defence. It's probable why I almost didn't fall ill. Which is a quite rare privilege, when we think about it.

Spent this little misfortune, we talked subjects we almost find in all conversations, you know: life, family, leisure activities, future and consort. If I was more invasive when came my turn, Leo, he was like an open book. Inevitably, he had to worm out of me, and I couldn't tell him no. He was so friendly, too. And right now, it was my turn to ask him something.

"We never probably asked a question, but what's your real name?"

I felt a light hesitation, but he finished answering me: "Hoshi. My name is Hoshi."

"So, I was very pleased to spend this day with you, Hoshi."

"Thank you, Josh."

"You're welcome."

Subsequently, I had another question more special. I don't know if it was adrenaline or something else which prompted me to do that, but I got going: "Well, I would've another question, but it might you found it a bit weird."

"Go ahead!"

"Well, in some videos, I could see you started to dance, and then without really knowing why, you stop. So, I just wanted to know if there's any reason."

Following this asking, he grimaced. Visibly, he seemed to bother him. Not more than that, saw that he responded me this: "You know, while I've been hired, we explained to me what I could do, and not do. Result: I must be very careful about my image because, for the public, it's me which represents the team. So, if I feel I'll go too far, I play the shy guy and I stop. It's as simple as that."

At this moment, I realize our two words are quite opposite, and I really have a talent to cast a chill.

"Sorry to ruin the atmosphere."

"It's okay. At least, you had your answer."

"Meh. If it was for this kind of result, I wouldn't have told."

"And then why this question?"

"For nothing. I just think it's unfortunate you stop there."

"Oh really?" He was surprised.

"Yes, after, it's my opinion." I stammered. "I didn't say I would, well, I want--"

"Yes, yes, of course."

I didn't know if he made fun of me or no. One thing is certain, it's he was going to remember my answer. I wouldn't sound like a perverse... well, it was messed up. Whatever, the damage is already done.

"Hey, since we're all alone... I would like to show you something, and I'm sure you will enjoy it."

"Ah yes, what's it?"

"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise. Also, I'm afraid it should be a bit inappropriate."

"Well, you just have to show me, and I'll be the judge of that." I reassured him.

"Alright. Do you promise you will make fun of me?"

"Hoshi, you got my world." I promised him.

"Okay, err... I-I'll be back soon."

To be a big worrywart by moments, I can recognize apprehension in the face of another. And Hoshi got it, there was no doubt about that. But, to be honest, I was totally unaware that he wanted to show me. I thought he wanted to show me old photo books or something like this, but I was clearly not prepared about what was going to see.

So, imagine my surprise when I saw him come back in a dressing gown, radio on the paw. By respect, I didn't say nothing, but I was confused in front of this outfit. In one, he removed his suit, revealing his sculpted body, and a magnificent jockstrap. And as soon as the music began to play, I understood the disclaimer. However, I wasn't finicky, because it's not every day I'm at this kind of spectacle. Yet, he seemed pretty comfortable to move sensually. It was short, but unbelievably stimulating.

Exhausted by his performance, the lion sat down on my side before hydrating himself. Once refreshed, he turned towards me: "Phew... So, what was it like?"

"Great. I don't have any words to describe your performance."

"Thanks. I was sure it will please you. Now, you understand my little warning."

"Yes, but I didn't miss a single thing, I really liked."

"It's good to hear, thanks again."

"You're welcome."

In spite of the arousal, I tried to stay calm. Nevertheless, signs couldn't lie: sweating on the forehead, eyes wide open, and face half red. Coupled with that, a growing erection I struggled to conceal.

"Err Josh, are you sure you're all right?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry about me." I hastened to respond.

"You're turning red yet."

"It's okay, I'm just a bit hot." I reassured him.

Automatically, he held the bottle out to me that I swallowed in one go. It might be rude, but here, I really needed it.

"Josh, are you sure it's everything's fine?" He insisted, uneasy.

"But yes, don't worry, I'm on top form."

"Oh yes, I see that."


Inevitably, by taking the bottle, I removed my paws, leaving my bulge visible. I wouldn't consider the situation humiliating, more embarrassing.

"I'm sorry. You should take me for-- My sincere apologies."

While I stayed tilted, I felt Hoshi put his hand on my shoulder. By standing up, I noticed he was troubled, but pretty calm. I thought he was going to blow a fuse, I was wrong.

"Listen Josh, I'm not angry."

"Oh, err, okay... But... you should take me for a perverse, no?"

"But no. You know, I've seen and heard so many things about me, a little erection, that's mild compared."

"Ha-ha, yes, when you put it that way." I laughed nervously.

Well, it's most reassuring I'm the only one, but I wouldn't want anyone to know. Suddenly, he put his paw on my bulge. Then he began to stroke it, provoking moans I struggled to hold. At the same time, it's been a while, others hands (except mine) went here.

"Josh, do you want to have fun together?".

"But I thought you were straight." I was surprised.

"It's not false, but I can always make an exception, especially when the guy is kind and cute." He clarified, by poking my muzzle.

If I calmed down, with his touches and sweet words, I simmered again.

"I certainly don't want to force your hand, so if you want to stop, no worries. Then... do you want to keep going?"

Too embarrassed to really say it, I contented myself with nodding. "Alright. Now relax, and let me do it."

On that, he got closer to snuggle up to me. Next, he licked my neck while continuing his strokes. It's not his first time, far from it.

Before I understood how, I found myself in boxers. And without warning, he kissed me. Of course, I was caught unprepared, but I didn't protest. Maybe our tongues were rough, but the contact was gentle and passionate. Finally, he released our clasp, out of breath, drooling.

He began to sniff my boxers, then licked it. If I sighed softly, I suddenly increased the sound. Impatient, he released my member from the piece of tissue, and wanked it vigorously. "Well, Josh! You're well-stocked, say." He noticed. By speeding up the pace, he swallowed up my dick, which made me exhale at once. His muzzle alternating between balls, bush and deepthroat, he has a very good rhythm. He was so good I to shoot my load. "Leo, stop please!" I ordered. Reluctantly, he released his grip, panting.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No... It's just... phew... if you kept going, I wasn't going to finish."

"Yes, it should be a shame indeed."

"I'd like to return the favor too, if you want that."

"But please, I'm all yours." He announced, by lying down.

If I was still confused by the turn of events, I was at boiling point. This day has generated many surprises, and I had those in store. I slowly pulled the jockstrap to unveil his large member. Impressed by the size of this, I rubbed it while my other hand wandered over his chest. As he growled softly, I came licking his nipples. In this instance, he started to moan. "Wow, y-you're... phew... really talented."

After having savored well his bust, I went down and sniff my pubes. In my opinion, there's nothing more arousing as scent. I began to lick all around his bush before dwelling on his dick. If it was a bit difficult to totally swallow it, it didn't stop my muzzle doing back and front. Quickly, I sucked his tip, then I winded my tongue around all his length. While I kneaded his hairy balls, I sped up the rhythm. To listen to his sighs, he wasn't very far from the finish line. "Aaaah... Josh, I, I... I'm going to... ROOOOOOOAR!" I then felt a hot liquid going down my throat. I was going to withdraw when his big paws closed on my muzzle. Therefore, I swallowed the seed before he freed me. Although I tasted it despite myself, I enjoyed this sweet. While I caught my breath, he finished cumming on my face.

"Wow, err... thanks Josh. Also, sorry, I was a bit excessive on the end."

"No problem. I prefer that to the sake."

"Hi-hi. Wait, let me help you."

Like a mother cleaning her pup, the lion licked my face. Once the cleaning finished, our muzzles met other again. Our two cocks, stood to attention, ready to shoot their load. While I stuck and gave us a hand job, he whispered into my ear: "Hey Josh, would you like to come into my hole?"

"It would be tempting, but do you have everything you need?"

"A second."

Barely gone, he came back with lube he put on my feet. As for him, he got on all fours, and teased me by wagging his butt: "I'm waiting for you." I moved forward his two plump melons. By seeing this, the first reflex I had, was to slap them. Hoshi jumped lightly, but didn't oppose. Next, I spread his hairy fruits to see his pink hole that I sniffled before eating it on the mouth. While I was continuing my tasting ardently, hearing the smothered shouting of the lion was music to my ears. When I estimated having savored well this beautiful portion, I retracted my claws and I licked my fingers before inserting them on his back passage. Even I went finger by finger, I noted I had any difficulty in getting in and out. This lion has already played with his hole, and not a little.

Once the foreplay finished, I coated his ass with lube and fingered him. I heard him groaning softly, and even meowing (well, I think.) While I spread out the grease on my cock, I asked him: "Are you ready?"

"As soon as you will be."

By inhaling and exhaling a deep breath, I adjusted myself in order to reach my target, I positioned my wood and I started to push. For now, the tip was already in, so I pushed harder. Then I finished fitting entirely, provoking a gasp of amazement with either of us.

"Shit. Everything's okay here?"

"Yes... please, k-keep going."

This time, I was completely in him. I didn't have any words to describe this feeling, but if I should shorten, it was good, slippery, and warm. Afterwards, I began to push in a regular rhythm. If I had my tongue panting, and gritted my teeth, the lion didn't hold his screams anymore.

"Aaaah! J-Josh..."



He seemed so pleased; I then was happy to oblige. Thus, I moved my hips more quickly whilst pulling his tail. I took the opportunity to slap two-three times on his butt. Also, I groaned, and panted, because I felt the finish was close.

"H-Hoshi, I-I'm going to--"

"Inside. DO IT INSIDE!"

Under his encouragements, I growled one last time before feeling the contractions in my penis, and my seed flowing into his ass. Wiped, I pulled out and collapsed on the floor. Hoshi was still the ass up, sperm exiting out of his hole. It might be short, but it was intense. Clearly the best ass I could have until now.

Before I could move an inch, Hoshi pounced on me. Here, I swore his eyes were gleaming. If I got some goose bumps, I was aroused by this sudden dominance too.

"You didn't think we have finished?" He asked me, eager.

"No, of course, no."

"I felt a bit taut, however."

"How could I not be when someone jumps on you?" I noted, muddled.

"Oh shit! Oh, I'm sorry, I wanted to control, but I had some trouble as you see."

"Well, the leopard doesn't change its spots, the leopard can't change its spots."

"Ha-ha, indeed. Do you know I don't want to hurt you?"

"But yes, don't worry."

To reassure me, he licked me the muzzle, and all over the face, which made me laugh. "Sigh... do you know you're cute, eh?" I stuck my tongue out at him, by giving him a wink. Amused, he kissed me. After this moment for a joke, he got ready by massaging his penis with lube. If we both were thick, Hoshi was considerably larger.

Immediately, he slid his tongue into my hole, then put his fingers. It was a little painful, but it was only passing. And given the size of his member, I had to get ready to receive him. It's been ages I haven't felt a sensation this pleasant, and I was looking forward to discover it again.

"This time, it's my turn. I hope to be as good as you."

"I surprised myself. But no pressure, give it all you got."

"Alright... Are you ready, kitty?"

"As soon as you will be, big cat."

Despite his preparations, he was obliged to force his way through, but succeeded to fill me completely. I had tears in my eyes, but I fully enjoyed the moment. Then, he started to move his hips, and maintained his speed. From then on, he didn't stop anymore. As a sign of dominance, he growled, and chewed at my ear. As for me, I didn't talk anymore, all I did was meowing, and panting. I saw hardly the scene, but feeling his dick penetrating me with so many spirits, and hearing his ball slapping my ass, it was something incredible. Clearly, we both got our kicks. But necessarily, his strength was running out, and he approached at the end.

"Josh, I... I'm going to--"

"Yes, yes... do it!"


And he ejaculated in me. Just to feel his seed in my hole, that was enough to make me cum (and hands-free, which is very rare for me.) Drained and dripping with sweat, the lion laid down on my belly.

"Phew, everything's good here, kitty?"

"Yeah... it was great."

"Good. I hope I wasn't too rough by moments."

"No, it's part of the game. In any case, you're far more energetic than me."

"Probably, but don't underestimate yourself, you were very good too."

"I have a little experience, but it stops here."

He came closer to whisper this: "Josh, let me say it clearly. You were amazing." I responded him by rubbing my nose against his. And it's during the moment my stomach decided to remind me of its presence.

"Holy cow! Has this often happen?"

"Well, every time I'm hungry. We must say all those exercises make me hungry."

"Hi-hi-hi, it's understandable. Well, before we sit down to eat, we're going to clean ourselves up. Does that work for you?"

"I'm following you."

On that, we went to the bathroom. In turn, we soaped, rinsed before getting into the bathtub. While we were relaxing in the hot water, we might have wandering paws. I rubbed his cock with my paw, he vigorously sucked me in order to drink my juice, I ate voraciously his ass, he fucked me on his lap before cumming on my hole. Well, it was just only for some minutes, but it stopped there. Our little acrobatics had already well whacked us. After that, we ate a small light meal before going some sleep on the same futon (to suggest that he has only one, even if I doubt it here.) But honestly, I didn't complain, but it was very enjoyable to feel him against me. I even think I heard him purring during a sort time, or it should be me, I couldn't tell you exactly, because I was too shattered so I can't recall actually.

It was 6 AM when Hoshi called me softly, by shaking me. This waking sound as a sudden return to reality after having lived this daydream. But as we say, all the good things must end. After cleaning up, clothing and filling the stomach, we were on the way out, when the big cat stopped me dead: "Wait!"

"What's going on?"

"I almost forgot, but I have something for you. Don't move."

Intrigued, I saw him coming back with a baseball on his paw. "Here you go!" I announced him, proudly. If it seemed ordinary by the first glance, I noticed he wrote his name on it.

"It's not a big deal, but I wanted to give you a keepsake from our little escapade."

"Don't worry, it's the thought that counts. I greatly appreciate that, thank you."

"Hi-hi, don't mention it. Otherwise, I don't know if you realize, but a lot of good that did me, for having shared your company."

"But you're welcome. And even I didn't plan what would happen last night, I was delighted to finally meet you."

"Heh, in this case... it was my pleasure."

On these kind words, he held me in his arms. I returned the embrace to him, by fondling the mane. I don't know if it was the appropriate time, but I wanted to.

"Go, it's time to leave."

"Great, let's go."

Time to put on shoes, and we left for the stadium. As soon as we arrived in front of the entrance, we stopped, because we knew once walked just in, our paths will separate again.

"That's it, it's the end of the trip."


"Before we went our separate ways, did you have a one final thing to tell me?"

"Yes. You're really a good dancer, so have a bit more fun, and share it with the most people."

"Alright. As for you, don't underestimate yourself. You're really a nice guy, just so you know. Also, enjoy your holiday."

"It works."

And after last greetings, he disappeared into the building. I was obviously sad that it ended up as quickly, but I was glad I had him for myself. If you say yourself, it's a poor souvenir; I can see a reminder of all I've experienced, from the beginning until the end of the day. Then telling me I belong to the privileged few to have seen him doing an erotic dance, and for sharing steamy moments with him, I don't need more to be fulfilled. Thus, you may as well say I'll pet this ball, even more than my computer (yes, I'm addicted, but at least, I accept it.) In any case, I console myself, and tell me I still have a lot to see and learn. My journey into the Land of the Rising Sun isn't finished yet.

To be continued?