Temptation 10 - Coming Clean

Story by dragonien on SoFurry

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Sandra spills the beans to her boyfriend about the device. Of course, he doesn't believe her so she has to demonstrate what it can do.

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Temptation 10 - Coming Clean

By Dragonien


I ended up telling Chase everything. Part of me had felt increasingly guilty with every passing minute as I walked home with a wad of hundred-dollar bills filling my pocket. Mostly it was that I had neglected to think of how I was going to actually explain to Chase how I'd gotten so much money until I was face to face with him. And, admittedly, there was a small part of me that was so proud of my idea that I was desperate to confide in someone so they could tell me how clever I was. He'd been skeptical at first, not that I blamed him. In a way it was kind of sweet the way he showed his concern. I'm sure he must have thought I robbed a bank or something, yet he never once voiced any thoughts of turning me in or even really showing any kind of disapproval beyond concern for my safety and well-being. Its why I loved the over-sized pushover. I sure made a believer out of him when I grabbed the device out of its hiding spot and showed him what it could do.

Surprisingly, it's pretty easy to forget about a sudden influx of several thousand dollars of cash when you're looking up at your now nine-foot-tall girlfriend. I made a show of pressing one hand easily against the ceiling, right next to where my head was pushing against it, while grabbing his shoulder with the other. God, the look on his face when he felt how strong my grip on him was the most satisfying thing I'd ever seen. Well, until I looked down and saw how tight his pants had become. Maybe I should be tall more often.

Suffice to say that we both kind of forgot about the money and the device for the rest of the night. As much as I loved looking up at my big hunk of a boyfriend the way that he squirmed and stammered in embarrassment around me when I was taller than him was such a turn on. Maybe this was what it was like for normal non-runt predators? I was probably going to feel a bit guilty in the morning, fairly certain that Chase was going to have a few bruises from our, ahem, fun. What can I say? I'm not really used to having a lot of weight to throw around so maybe I got a bit too rough. Chase certainly didn't seem to mind. We were going to have to buy a new bed, though. The old one didn't survive the night. The morning after nearly devolved into another bout of potentially room-damaging intimacy when he awoke to find that it hadn't been a dream.

"Jesus you're huge." He murmured aloud, face shamelessly buried into my cleavage.

"Maybe you're just tiny." I responded with a playful squeeze, shamelessly showing off how much stronger I was at this size.

"No, no you're pretty consistent about reminding me how big I am." He argued, making me blush at the reminder of my own size-queen status. "So, yea. You're pretty god damn big."

"Well you know..." I literally growled, letting the sound well up from deep within my throat as I barred my teeth in a feral grin at him. It had the desired effect, his whole body shuddering ever so slightly and his hips grinding his very obvious morning wood between my thighs. It was so amusing to watch a prey species get turned on by the threatening proximity of a predator. The expression on his face after I finished speaking was even better. "I could always be bigger..."

His eyes went wide as the thought entered his head. Apparently, the idea hadn't really occurred to him. Then again in his defense I hadn't given much thought to using the device to make myself taller either until I'd needed to do so to prove a point to him. I wasn't exactly unhappy with the normal me, but if I didn't have to be the runt of the litter anymore was there any reason to stay that way? As I pondered the idea, I noticed that Chase hadn't exactly stopped grinding his hips forward even if he was only doing it slowly as if in hopes I wouldn't notice. Apparently, he approved of the idea of me being even bigger.

"Would you like that, lil morsel?..." I rumbled deeply, doing my best to deepen my voice even more than my increased size naturally did. "Your little wolf pup is already so big... but there's always room to grow, right?... Imagine me filling this whole room, down on hands and knees over you with my back pressed to the ceiling. Imagine hearing the floor creak each time I moved. Imagine how heavy I'd be, how easily I could pin you. Might even get hungry and gobble you all up..."

By the end I had my muzzle right in front of his face, lips pulled back to expose my fangs. A single droplet of my saliva dripped onto the tip of his nose and I swore from the look on his face he was going to blow right then and there. Which is why I promptly released my arm's hold and gave him a playful shove backwards. I may have underestimated my strength and the length of my arms a bit, as the poor, overstimulated goat rolled right off the edge of the bed and landed beside it with a thump. Thankfully, with the bed-frame broken, the drop had been less than a couple of feet so he wasn't actually hurt but the death glare he shot me when he sat up could have soured milk. I couldn't do anything but giggle in response for several moments. It was a bit mean, I know, but at the rate we had been going we would have spent all day in bed. While I, personally might not have minded that, I know that Chase had to go to work. I was sorely tempted to tell him to just say fuck it and call out sick, but I was still a bit self-conscious about the long-term viability of my money-making scheme and didn't want to prematurely start burning bridges and financial opportunities.

When I finally pushed myself up to my feet I saw his glare soften slightly. I was still buck-ass naked, and still half again his size the urge that I'm sure he had to put me in a playful headlock as he usually did when I got too uppity with him was subdued by a mixture of intimidation and renewed lust. I'll admit, myself, that I let my eyes linger a bit longer on the very visible physical declaration of his attraction towards me that was jutting from between his legs than was probably constructive. Then again, at the moment I was the big girl in charge, so If I wanted to stare, I would.

"You sure did let your new height go to your head damned fast" he grumbled under his breath. It only made me grin wider.

"And yet Chase Junior doesn't seem to have any complaints." I teased

"God, I thought we agreed you weren't going to anthropomorphize my dick anymore" Chase groaned in exacerbation.

"When you're the tall one again you can make the rules. Till then, bite me." I countered smoothly.

In response, Chase gave me a toothy grin of his own. Regaining a bit of that confident swagger and showing off those very out-of-place fangs of his that he knew both drew me wild he stood and stared up at me in challenge. I felt a brief flutter in my chest and warmth between my legs that I did my best to hide under a confident mask, trying not to let him take metaphorical control back so easily. But that toothy grin, that cocky air and the way he shamelessly puffed himself up without a stitch of clothing and with a raging erection just destroyed me. Hell, it was hitting me even harder than usual with the added thought that I was the bigger one for once and he was still putting on such confident airs. It so wasn't fair that he knew my triggers as well as he did.

"If you insist. I could go for a morning snack." he challenged.

I threw up my hands in a sign of defeat, trying to consciously will my tail to stop wagging and my fur to stop standing up and giving away how turned on I was now. Sure, I could manhandle my boyfriend right now thanks to my newfound size but he still had me wrapped around his little finger.

"Fine fine, you win. I'll go shrink back down." At his look of confusion and growing disappointment I gave him a stern glare. "You still have work today. Just because we've got cash is no reason to miss work. So, go get ready for work." I paused, then gave him coy grin that didn't entirely hide my sheepishness. "You can play with your toy when you get home."

With that, I lumbered my way towards the bathroom before he could muster any kind of significant protest. Despite my surrender, I couldn't help but make a bit of a show of having to duck down and squeeze through the door to the bathroom to get inside, giving him quite the view of my pert and, if I do say so myself, impressively curvy ass before kicking the door shut behind me and locking it. Yes, I was going to shower while I was still huge, I wanted to feel big for a bit longer.

"Hey, I'm the one that has to go to work. Why are you showering first?! And why the hell didn't you shrink down? You're gonna use up all the hot water!"

As I turned the shower on I couldn't help but snicker at the annoyed protest coming from the sexually frustrated goat outside the bathroom.

"Perks of being the big girl of the house" I called back, still grinning all the while.

It was good to be big.

Once we had both finished showering and dressing, we'd both silently agreed to a mutual cease-fire. Chase was already dangerously close to running late and, as much as I wanted to fuck with him more, I didn't want to get him in trouble. When he was ready to head out I still had yet to shrink myself back down. He gave me a clearly disapproving look but I just smiled back at him. Just before he headed out, I scooped him up in a bear hug, leaving his feet dangling off the ground by a good two feet and gave him probably the longest and most intense French kiss we'd ever shared. By the end of the nearly thirty seconds of kissing I'd been all-but choking him with how deep I'd had my tongue stuffing itself into his mouth. It was a last, lingering reminder of the size disparity between the two of us for him to take to work with him. When I finally set him down he was visibly panting as much from arousal as from trying to get his breath back. All I could do was grin and wave goodbye to him as he turned to leave, trying his best to adjust his pants and hide the now raging erection I had insinuated.

I wasn't quite done with my little goat, though. Taking careful aim with the device, which I had retrieved from the couch upon entering the room, I twisted the previously unused dial close to the minimum setting and took aim at his exposed forearm. After a bit of trial and error I had figured out that the middle dial was kind of like a sensitivity setting for what was surrounding or touching the target. turned down it would only shrink whatever it was used on specifically, ignoring anything the object or person was touching or wearing; clothes included. I hadn't dared turn the device up all the way the other direction for fear of shrinking or growing the entire house but at least had figured out that in the middle setting it was enough to grow or shrink someone along with the clothes they wore. With it set to minimum, however, I gleefully got to watch as Chase's clothes started to pull tighter across his already impressive frame. Arms strained the sleeves of his shirt around his biceps while his impressive chest stretched the front of his shirt out to more visibly show off his pectoral definition. When the effect was over his clothes still fit, but definitely were a bit too small for him. If he raised his arms up over his head his shirt would certainly untuck itself from his pants and his pants legs were just barely long enough to cover him to his ankles. I'd only added a couple of inches to his height but it was more than enough to make me swoon at the sight of his tight clothing.

Before he had a chance to react, I reached past him to pull the door open and shamelessly abused my superior stature to hip bump him hard enough to send him stumbling out into the hallway outside out apartment. The shock and disorientation gave me plenty of time to pull the door closed before he could try to scramble back inside. When he tried to pull the door open, himself, he found that my superior size and weight pushing on the door was more than enough to resist even his impressive strength.

"Hey, Open the door!" he demanded in as loud a voice as he dared risk without bothering the neighbors.

"Nope. you've gotta get to work or you're gonna be late." I replied with total innocence, the ever-dutiful girlfriend watching out for her boytoy-imean, boyfriend.

"I can't go to work like this! What if someone notices?!"

"Well..." I murmured contemplatively, drawing out the silence for several moments before continuing. "If you come back inside, I'm just gonna zap you again."

By the end I'd dropped the false concern and innocence in my voice. Instead my words had twisted into a shameless threat. Chase knew me well enough to know when I wasn't joking and after several long moments of silence I heard him huff and storm off. I knew most of his attitude was just concern that someone might notice something was off, but was confident that he'd get over it before long. I hadn't grown him THAT much, so it was highly unlikely that anyone would actually notice something unusual. Chase was already a big boy, an extra inch or two wouldn't make or break how big he looked to most people. Besides, who would see someone and immediately think 'Hey you're exactly two inches taller than you were yesterday, you must have some kind of freaky impossible sci fi device that can change the size of things. I'm calling the cops!' Most likely they'd just think they were seeing things at worst, or more likely just never paid attention to how big Chase actually was. I hoped they got used to it soon, cause If I had my way Chase would be getting another dose of the same here before too long. I spent the next few minutes swooning over the idea of being back to my normal size and looking up at my now six-foot six boyfriend. Then, grinning maliciously, my mental version of Chase stretched just a few inches higher until the tips of his nubby little horns brushed against the door-frame when he walked through the front door. Yes, six foot eight would be the perfect height for him. Speaking of the perfect height for people, I decided I was going to need to get back to a more reasonable size if I wanted to do anything productive today.

Before I shrunk myself back down, though, I took a few minutes to compare myself to the rest of the apartment; something I hadn't really had an opportunity to do when we were 'preoccupied' with one another the night before. Simply looking up was enough to make me grin like a kid in a candy shop. I already had to hunch down a bit to keep my head from pressing uncomfortably tight against the ceiling and seeing it so close was both a thrill and strangely disorienting. Something that was out of reach my entire life was suddenly so close that I could press my palm flat against it. I couldn't help but giggle to myself when I tried to fit one of my feet into Chase's tennis shoes and found that I couldn't even get my foot partway inside. I was still pretty worked up from the teasing this morning and I decided I needed to get myself back down to normal size before I lost control and broke something. One quick zap from the device and I was dwindling back down to my normal height.

While I was cleaning up the living room after our little 'adventure' last night I found one of my bras hanging over the lamp shade in the corner and immediately felt my cheeks and loins heat once again the moment I picked it up. Normally something like that would have just made me snicker to myself. This particular bra, however, was the one I had been wearing last night when I'd up-sized myself to prove the device's reality to chase. Apparently in the heat of the moment I hadn't realized that when it had come off it had simply been flung across the room and forgotten. The rest of my clothes I'd put back on so I could shrink them back to normal when I did. This particular bit of underclothing had been forgotten and, thus, was still sized for someone almost twice my height. As I held the massive undergarment up between my spread arms I suddenly felt very, very small despite me being my normal height. God, I could fit my head in one of the cups and still have room to spare. I wasn't exactly hurting in the chest department but I wasn't exactly stacked either. As these thoughts rolled through my head I started to wonder if I turned the sensitivity setting on the device all the way down if it could grow individual body parts. As a wicked grin spread across my face, I turned back to cleaning up the rest of the house. A playful humming tune slipped from my lips as I worked, my mind already long since distracted by thoughts of all the new ideas for experimentation I had in store for Chase when he got home tonight. I was ready to see what this thing could really do.

As I thought that, I paused mid step. A softer, genuine smile slipped across my lips and a little flutter tickled its way through my chest. Growing up with as the runt of the little with a bunch of rambunctious brothers I'd grown up as quite the tomboy so what they would consider 'girly' feelings usually made me cringe or embarrassed me. But at that moment, all I could do was smile at the thought of being so lucky. I had such a great man who not only cared about me and took care of me, but even shared in some of my weirdest fantasies to the point that when I showed him some magic device that should be scientifically impossible he didn't even bat an eyelash at me using it on the two of us.

I really was a lucky girl.