Seducing Servitude - Milotic TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A Patreon commission for , featuring himself turned into an anthro Milotic via Syren.Syren (C) MyselfPokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

The waves gently crashed upon the sandy shores of an island, isolated from the mainland, yet not too far from civilisation if one knew just where it was they had to head towards. It rarely ever saw visitors, due in part to it being in the middle of seemingly nowhere, but every now and then, someone would end up making a stop there, either from getting lost or needing to make a quick stop. The human that was drifting towards it, however, was more lost than anything. The twenty-something male had been doing some aquatic exploration, trying to seek out some water-dwelling Pokémon, but in the process, he had been unlucky enough to end up getting swept up in a storm, his boat being wrecked, leaving him adrift on what was essentially a shell of its former self. It was unknown how long he had been drifting for - had this had been the desert, the Mandibuzz would likely be circling him right now.

The remnants of the boat brushed up against the sand, lodging itself ashore, tipping onto its side in the process, causing the human to roll out onto the wet sand just as another wave came in, dousing him.

"Pffft!" He came to with a start, gasping from the shock. "Guh, that's cold!" He shivered, jumping to his feet. "Wait a moment... where am I?" He took a look around him, surveying his current location, gazing back at the wreckage of his boat. "I'm guessing that can't be a good sign, can it?" He mused out loud - it was a complete write-off, but it was a miracle that it held together long enough to bring him to shore.

He checked the cabin, or what was left of it, for his gear. Thankfully he didn't bring too much stuff with him, and his backpack of gear was still inside, if only just the teensiest bit waterlogged. So much for the bag being '100% waterproof' as advertised - then again, he did get it cheaply, so maybe it had been made of inferior materials. He opened it up, and inside found his belongings, alongside six Poké Balls, carrying his team with him - at that moment he felt like praising Arceus that his Pokémon were still with him, but at the same time, he was wondering how he'd even get off the island. He had a phone with him, zipped away in a pocket that luckily enough didn't get filled with water, but it wasn't picking up any reception, just GPS - just his luck to end up in a dead spot.

"OK, so I guess the next part of this is trying to figure out just how I'm going to get off of this island... the one time I didn't bring any of my water-types with me..." He muttered before realising. "Although..." He checked the Poké Balls, and sure enough, one of them was the Quick Ball that held his Staraptor, who was the perfect size for riding upon.

"Alright! Now I'll be able to get off this island and hopefully find my way back to civilisation!" He grinned, getting ready to release the Flying-Type.

"So soon? But you've only just got here..." A voice rang out to him, catching him off guard.

"Who's that?" He paused, looking around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"That'll depend on how you react... I could be a friend who wants to help you out, or I could be your worst nightmare given flesh..." The voice responded. It was a sly, seducing feminine voice, one that sounded friendly, yet devious.

"Well... at this given moment, I'm welcoming of anyone who'd be willing to help get me off of this island..." He responded, momentarily forgetting what he was about to do.

"Mmm... I might be willing to give you a hand with that, dear, if you'd be willing to spend some time with me, that is..." The voice answered back, now closer.

"Spend time with you? What do you mean?" He span around, trying to locate where the voice was coming from, and was instantly greeted by his 'saviour'. "Holy Arceus..." He gulped.

To his surprise and shock, what he was looking at was neither a human or a Pokémon... rather it appeared to be a mix of both, a Milotic with a long, serpentine lower body, and a human-like upper torso, complete with large breasts. "The name's Syren~" She trilled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's been a while since I've had a human visit me!"

"S-Syren... well, the name's accurate enough!" He gulped, looking at her - Milotic were often cited to be the most beautiful of all Pokémon, and that certainly was true of her, even with the rather vicious fangs she was sporting. "I'm Auro... so how exactly can you help me?"

"Rather easily - just let me enthrall you, and I'll get you back to the mainland... or maybe I'll keep you around for some company..." Her ruby eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

"En...enthral me?!" He said defensively. "I don't think I'd want to go through with that!"

"Why not?" She purred. "I can tell just from looking at you that there's quite a few things that you'd like to forget, right?"

"Well..." He paused for a moment. She wasn't wrong in that regard, as the last few years of travelling had been pretty rough, among other personal reasons like the very reason he was travelling in the first place. "I suppose you do have a point... will it be painful?"

"Not at all! I'll make the experience for you as enjoyable as possible!"

"In that case.... Why not?" He shrugged.

"Good, that's what I was hoping to hear!" She grinned, wasting little to no time in undressing Auro, using her dagger-like claws to tear them clean off.

"W-woah, what are you-" He gasped, not even having time to blush as the Milotic wrapped herself around Auro, her eyes staring into his.

"Relax, hun, it's all part of the process..." She grinned, keeping a tight grip on his naked form. She positioned herself so that her scaly nether lips were placed atop of his cock, guiding it into her as he grew erect. "All you have to do is thrust and look into my eyes..."

He nodded, not in any real position to question her as he did as he was told, starting to thrust into her, eliciting a moan from the Milotic.

"Mmrrhh.... That... that's it..." She hissed, her eyes shining brightly, drawing him in further. He couldn't break his gaze from Syren's, his body almost entirely limp in her grip. "Just focus on pleasing me, and you'll be rewarded..."

He nodded again, keeping the thrusting going at a steady pace, finding it hard to do so properly thanks to her tight grip, but he was managing nonetheless. As he did this, he was oblivious to the fact that his body was stretching longer within her coils, his legs growing weaker as they began to shrink away.

Syren's claws rested on his shoulders, gripping them firmly. Under her touch, his skin was flaking away, revealing cream-colored scales that were quick to consume the rest of him, growing steadily over his expanding body, spine shifting and popping, realigning itself to a more serpentine configuration. "Mmm..." She licked her lips, fangs bared. She was tempted to sink them into his neck to drain some blood for herself, but with how he was lost to her hypnosis, it would barely elicit a reaction. "Count yourself lucky that I'm not too hungry, sweetie~"

"Mmmph..." He groaned, his thrusting now starting to build in speed. His legs continued to shrink away, his new tail working its way out through her coils. The creamy scales stopped near the bottom quarter of his new tail, soon shifting into larger red and blue scales, splitting into four, broad, fin-like scales at its tip. It wagged behind him, brushing against the sand.

"Rrrgghh..." She growled, her scaled lips clamping down on his cock, gripping it harder, making it grow and stretch within her grasp. The head grew to a slim point, ridges forming along the underside whilst his balls became internal, a slit forming around the base of his dick. "Just a little more..."

"Mmrrhhhghh..." A growl left his throat as his fingers gained sharpened claws, his body now entirely scaly and snake-like. The muscles on his torso became more defined, giving him a toned look. His neck stretched, gills forming along it.

"Almost... keep going...!" She snarled. His face pushed forwards, growing into a long, slender muzzle. His teeth grew into sharpened fangs, a pair of antennae-like growths growing in above his eyes, his hair growing longer, parting down the middle as a fin-like crest grew in, while also turning a deep shade of red, connecting with his eyebrows. To end the changes, his eyes then moved to the sides of his head, turning the same shade of ruby red as Syren's.

"Grgghhh.... MIIILLLOOOOOOOO~" They both cried out in bliss, reaching a simultaneous climax. Auro, now a naga-like Milotic, came hard, seeding the female whilst she coated his cock in her juices.

With the deed done, Syren released him from her coils, letting him slump to the ground. "Mmrghh..." She purred in bliss, looking down at Auro. "Hehe... how do you feel, dear?"

"Mmm...rrhh... I feel good..." He said with a grin, his eyes glowing softly. His mind was fully under her control, as per her plan and exactly like she had told him.

"Good, good..." She stroked his cheek. "Tell me, do you still want to leave the island?"

"Not anymore, my mistress..." He responded.

"Perfect... I've grown tired of being alone on this island. Not to mention you've brought some Pokémon with you, I'm sure they'll make great allies~"

"Yes..." He smirked, looking at the backpack full of his human belongings. "They'll be perfect for this..."

"For now, though..." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "Let's get some food. There are plenty of fish in the sea around here, it'll be good practice for you to adapt to your new form and role!"

"I'm sure I won't disappoint you!" He laughed, looking out towards the sea with a growing hunger.

And so, the human originally known as Auro became nothing more than the enthralled mate slash plaything of Syren. And the naga Miltoic would make sure that he would enjoy it, even when she needed a drink from him - not that he would had complained much before being enthralled and transformed.

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