Chapter 10 “Consequences”

Story by ThaRedPanda on SoFurry

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#11 of Book 1: The Dark Sound Of Steel

Chapter 10



(Al Green - For The Good Times)

Charlie Winchester was sitting in his bedroom, humming to a song that was playing from his pip-boy. It was one of his old favorites, having become somewhat of a familiar tune as he was doing his late evening routine.

It was almost like a ritual that he did every single week, out of the personal reasons of his own.

It's odd.

This deadly, black piece of metal can only have such an effect on a man.

The old, brown-furred husky was using white linen, cleaning his personal firearm, singing along quietly with a low voice as he was being more than through with what he was doing.

The pride he had while holding the weapon was clear presence on his face, the emotions smile not leaving for a moment. He loved doing this.

The gun by its model was printed on rather faded numbers and letters to the side of the slider.

"Sig Sauer P226"

After the rough title, it had a small and steely carving of an anchor printed into the otherwise fully black metal. Charlie never knew why it was there.

The gun had obviously seen better days, having been in rather rough use for ages. Charlie wasn't even till this day aware of the full history when it came to the gun... But he had made his own mark with it, that was for sure.

Besides the title of the gun, all the other letters and numbers on the ground were so worn out that there was no saying anymore what they had been.

During his years, Charlie had added somewhat his own additions to the weapon, having been quite a wealthy man during his days due to his skillset.

The weapon had a small laser-sight pointer under the barrel, having an adjustable green beam that carried far away. He paid quite a few caps from that one.

Another attachment besides that was the grip. It had a rough, sandpapery grip to be easier to hold if the gun got wet. And on top of the gun, it had a green glow sight attachment just in case of being in dark areas, and it had indeed helped him time to time.

So, the gun definitely had a character to it... But the biggest of its character was its name.

Charlie already felt himself get slightly quieter, his humming along to the song getting more muffled and his eyelids going down more... And his smile slowly fading.

As he turned the gun another way around in order to start cleaning the other side, he faced the words that were carved so deep into the gun slider, that it surely wouldn't fade away during years. He had done the carving with his personal knife that belonged to him a long time ago.

The words on the side of the gun formed a name.


The husky was slowly letting his thumb drag over the name on his gun, taking a deep breath and sighing. Over the years, this part of the cleaning when it came to this gun, had become easier. But it always had emotional value to him. It was a reminder of his actions... a reminder of his war... And a reminder of the life that this gun had claimed.

"I'm so sorry... I hope you are in peace, brother." The husky let out rather quietly, but with a heavy tone of respect.

Slowly, Charlie composed himself some, taking a few calm breaths before getting back into cleaning the gun with the rag in his other paw.

Just as he was about to start on humming against pleasantly, trying to get over the slightly emotional moment that reminded him of his earlier life, someone knocked on the door of his room.

The husky's ears perked up, as he answered to the call without taking his paws off the gun.

"... Dion?" The husky asked with a knowing smile, expecting the usual answer.

... Until the result surprised him more than he thought.

"... No, your other son."

"... Come in." Charlie said, now turning his gaze at the door. He shouldn't be surprised in a sense of Ryan wanting to talk, but it still did. The fox son of his had grown more distant and avoiding his father during the past months, if not a year. It was rather pleasant and surprising to see that there was some reason that Ryan wanted to talk with his old man.

The door opened, and Ryan was right behind it, his arms crossed as he looked at the old husky right away. Charlie smiled at the fox, but the fox was absent of any smile. Being all formal and trying to look more adult than he was. He had his vault suit only halfway on, having tied his sleeves on a knot to have exposed the upper body. He had clearly been working out just recently, his fur slightly damp.

"... May I come in?"

"Of course, Ryan? That's a silly question." Charlie chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, you are clearly in the middle of doing something... With your freaking gun again. Is that... Al green?" Ryan asked with amused eyebrow raise, slowly walking into the room.

"You know I like Al green. Don't tell me you have forgotten." Charlie smiled innocently.

The fox closed the door with a panel press, the metal closing behind him and leaving the soothing tune of Al still flow in the room, the song nearing its end.

"... So, what's up, son? It's rather surprising to have you around." Charlie asked with a happy attitude.

"... Yeah, well... Not about to become a habit. I'm here to talk about a few things that you should know of... And what we should talk about. Dion is still on his date so he ain't around." Ryan pointed out but clearly having a somewhat serious attitude with his words.

"... Wait, he started his date ten in the morning, the clock is already..." Charlie turned to look at his pip-boy to check the time.

"Six in the evening?" Charlie asked like maybe Ryan was just assuming Dion was on a date still.

"Maybe he is getting laid with Jill, who knows? I saw him and Jill just a few hours ago, and she told that Dion is going to spend a night at her place. Dion told me to tell you." Ryan noted as he could care less.

"That's... Surprising. Wow, okay. That explains." Charlie said with a somewhat prideful smile after hearing that.

"... I just hope for your sake that he is using protection and doesn't knock her up. Her parents ain't gon be happy about that." Ryan said with eyeroll.

"Well, that sounded like you were rather jealous of your brother. And you know that your brother is modest, so I doubt it." Charlie said with a smirk.

The fox just gave an amused chuckle and spoke with annoyance.

"PFFFT! As if I was jealous. She isn't even that attractive."

"... Whatever you say, son. So, how are things? What did you come to talk to me about?" Charlie asked with interest.

"... Can you like... Quit doing that first? It's kinda disturbing." Ryan pointed out.

"Hmm?" Charlie hummed in confusion.

"That. You cleaning a thing that kills people like you are cradling a baby. Can you put it away?" Ryan asked slightly annoyed.

"Oh, pardon then. Sorry that it bothered. Sure, I'll put it away." Charlie said politely.

After reaching for the nightstand by his bed, he took the cupboard out and stashed his gun and the cleaning kit inside, closing it right after.

The old dog then had his full focus on the situation as he turned back to look at his son. Charlie then spoke, scooting at his bed.

"You want to sit?" Charlie asked with a smile.

"... No, I'd rather stand." Ryan said back bluntly.

"Alright," Charlie said with a nod.

The old husky then gave a clap with his paws and stretched his back some as he spoke again.

"So... What did you want to talk about?"

"... Niles has been acting super weird today."

"... Okay?"

"... He came today below the deck where I was waiting for him with Sam, and he went... well, loud. He cursed, which he never does. And said that he is suffering from a headache. But I know that is the stupidest excuse there was for how he acted. He was scared and angry for some reason. I wouldn't bring this to you otherwise, but I went to visit him later on, even if he told me not to. He didn't open the door for me. He sounded horrified and wanted me to fuck off. I would have pursued further to talk with him by the other side of the door, but his drunk father came around and started to cuss at me and shoo me away from bothering his son." Ryan said in frustration and worry.

".... Alright. Huh. That doesn't sound like Niles I know." Charlie said in thought.

"Yeah, which is why I'm asking you to talk to him tomorrow and ask what is going on. He isn't clearly in the mood to talk with his bo-Best friend. But he respects you. Will you talk to him?" Ryan asked formally.

"Yes," Charlie said with hesitation.

"... I... Just like that?" Ryan asked in confusion.

"Of course. If something is bothering Niles that much, it would be a smart thing for me to talk with him. God knows that Randal won't. As funny as that sounds since he is a priest. But yes. I can talk to him even this evening if you want." Charlie suggested genuinely.

"... No, you don't need to. He is still a bit riled up. But if he doesn't show up tomorrow on dinner, or keeps avoiding me, you-"

"Ryan. I'll talk to him tomorrow. It's fine. It's good that you show concern for him like this and trust me to make a difference. Thank you." Charlie said with a fatherly tone and nodded.

"I... you are welcome, dad. Umm. Yeah, cool." Ryan said, slightly at the loss of words and feeling awkward, almost like having forgotten how kind his father could be.

"... So... Is that the only thing you came here to talk about, Ryan?" Charlie asked with a smile.

"... No. There are a few other things." Ryan pointed out, becoming serious again.

"I'm all ears."

"Jacob said that he needed to speak with you. Told me that personally just a few hours ago."

"... Jacob Evergreen?"

"Yes. He wants to have words with you for some really odd reason."

"That is... Un usual. Last time Jacob asked to talk with me was when he had hid firecrackers under Tio's bed and tried to make me a peace councilor when Tio was all riled up after almost having a heart attack." Charlie chuckled, the memory still amusing him. That situation had gone down four years ago.

"... Yeah, among other few things that he did to Tio. But I assume you talk with him as well?"

"Sure. Did he tell what it was about? It's not usual that he wants to speak privately. If he has something to say, I would have assumed he came right here to talk about it. He isn't shy after all."

"... he said it was about Calvin," Ryan said with a concerned tone.

"... What?" Charlie asked with a serious tone, the smile fading.

"He said that it was about Calvin Marston. He told me that Calvin had made Tio's first day in the office rather bad. And he would like to talk with you about it. That's all he said. But I don't know what Tio expected anyway. Just by looking at Calvin you know he is not nice. Nor is his brother in law." Ryan said with a shrug.

"... I should have fucking known, that coward piece of shit..." Charlie muttered, looking at the floor in thought.

"... What?"

"Nothing. How does Jacob know about any of that? Why would Tio tell out of all his friends to JACOB about all this?" Charlie asked in confusion.

"... I dunno. Them two talking together doesn't really mix for all I know but I guess Tio had for some whatever reason told it all to Jacob." Ryan said, not really knowing what to think of it.

"... I see."

"Apparently it really had gone shitty for Tio, because me and Sam tried to visit him right after I was done with the yelling competition with Niles over his door. Me and Sam tried to just swing by to ask how had the whole first day in the office gone. But Tio wouldn't let us in his room either. He acted really freaked out for some off reason as well. So, we asked if he wanted to hang out. I think he was about to join in until we said we will go and get Jacob as well. He changed his mind really fucking fast and told he is not coming. So, we just went to Jacob after that, and he was... Well acting a bit dreamy and weird as well, asking questions about Tio all the time. When I finally asked him what on earth was up with the questions about the wolf, and he then finally just told me that Tio had a really bad moment with Calvin, which resulted in Tio getting kicked out within the first hour of his training out of eight-hour day... And that's when he said he wanted to talk with you about it."

"... Oh, I will. If Calvin had... Fuck. It was all my fault. I will have a talk with Calvin today, you can count on that." Charlie decided. And his tone was somewhat threatening. He was clearly now thinking some stuff through.

"... How was any of that your fault? What did you mean by that?"

"... I told Calvin yesterday to treat Tio gently. Apparently, he did the opposite, and I'm going to make him regret it." Charlie said calmly.

"... What is up with you two anyway? Years and years, you two fight over some shit that none of us even know." Ryan said, but clearly not caring that much about the subject.

"... We don't fight that often, Ryan." Charlie argued.

"Just a few days ago we saw you from the dining hall, through the overseer's window, yelling at him and looking like you were about to hit him soon. So, quit lying." Ryan said with a roll of eyes.

"... You... You and everyone saw that?" Charlie asked in concern.

"Well, you stood very close to the window. I wouldn't be surprised if more than my friend group saw it happen." Ryan said calmly.

"... Yeah, well. I have my problems with the man." Charlie said quietly.

"No shit. You ever figured to tell what exactly?" Ryan asked sarcastically.

"... it's grown-up stuff, Ryan. I'm sorry." Charlie said after a moment of quiet.

"... Yeah, whatever. I don't care anyway." Ryan said with an eyeroll. But it was clear he was annoyed.

"... There is no need to be rude, son. It's just that sometimes some things are not meant for everyone. You don't need to take it on yourself. I'll talk about with you when you are older." Charlie said politely.

"... Dad, I'm eighteen-" Ryan began with visible annoyance.

"Not old enough. Look, I tell about all that when it's time." Charlie said firmly, that a strong fatherly tone shutting Ryan up like it always did when he argued back. His dad could be firm with the authority when he wanted to.

"... Mh." Ryan just hummed in frustration.

"... Ryan, I will talk to Jacob soon. And I will talk to Niles and Calvin as well. You have my word." Charlie said, steering the convo away of him and Calvin.

"... Good." Ryan said with a nod, sighing and relaxing some.

Charlie suddenly started smiling, then talking.

"Well...I hope if you have anything else to say, that it would be something more pleasant. Or CHILL, as you young guys tend to say-"


"Aww, come on. I can be cool like you." Charlie teased.

"Okay, fossil." Ryan shot back.

"Hnnng, ouch." Charlie said with a snicker.

Now Ryan couldn't help to smile just slightly as well, finally unfolding his arms and being more at ease. Charlie then spoke with a smile.

"So... How's things been going?"

"... Things?"

"Come on, son. You know what I mean. We barely talk anymore. How are you doing these days? You train a lot for sure. Any progress?"

"... You could say that again. Niles still hasn't beaten me once in a fight."

"Still? I guess I really did train you well." Charlie said proudly.

"Dad, you showed me the basics like six years go. I've come far away from that."

"... Well, I guess it's in your blood then. Comes with being a Winchester. Would you like me to come over to watch you and Niles to train then? You never want me around there."

"... I didn't know you wanted to attend watching it."

"Well, a change would indeed be fresh. As much as I like hanging out with my adult friends, I could use some father-son time."

"... I guess I just find it awkward because you don't always treat me like I'm an adult." Ryan said with an annoyance.

"Fathers tend to do that. Don't take it personally." Charlie said with a smirk.

"Yeah... I guess."

"... So, besides that? What's going on with you? Had no friends lately?"




"... Done something wicked?"

"I'm always wicked."

"Aaaah, that's my boooy... "Charlie laughed, Ryan not able to help his smile as well.

"Any interest in a girl?" Charlie then asked after a while of mutual laughing.

Ryan froze, trying to keep a straight face and feeling uncomfortable right away.

"... No." He said with a quiet tone.

"... That is honestly surprising." Charlie said with a doubting tone.

"... Is it?" Ryan asked, trying to sound bored.

"Well, I assumed a boy in your shape and charisma would already have a lot of girls asking you for a date." Charlie pointed out with a proud tone.

"... They... Some have. But I... Kinda... The training takes most of my time. So, I just tell you that. I don't have time for a relationship." Ryan tried to explain awkwardly.

"But you have time for your friends daily, still," Charlie smirked knowingly.

"... Dad, what do you want me to say here? I'm just not that into the idea of relationship. Commitment sounds boring." Ryan said, trying to sound convincing.

"... To some, it may, yes. But to some, it might be the best experience in their lives. You should give it a try at least." Charlie said with a genuine smile.

"... Yeah, maybe someday." Ryan sighed. Charlie could see the subject bothered him, so he started talking.

"... All in good time then. Well, besides all that... Anything else you wanted to talk about? And don't tell me that someone else needs to talk to me. I'm starting to feel like a Silver shroud by this rate, helping everyone in need."

"...Silver shroud kills bad guys in each story, dad."

"... Yeah... I guess that is what separates us then." Charlie said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck with a mysterious smile.

"No... You don't need to talk to any-... Or... Maybe..." Ryan said awkwardly.

"... Oh boy, who has a problem now?" Charlie chuckled.

"... You know what? Forget it, dad. I don't think you would like talking about it anyway."

"... What? No, now this is interesting. Come on, talk to me." Charlie said with an interested expression.

"... I don't mean myself, dad... I'm... Shit, I dunno how I would put this." Ryan muttered.

"... Who are we talking about here then?"

"... My brother." Ryan finally said.

"... What about your brother?" Charlie asked with a puzzled smile.

"... You know, not that this is related but Sam got me thinking today... He said that the more I pay attention, the more I see that our friends are acting weird. But... I think I'm mostly worried about my brother. And believe me, I've tried to talk to him... And something is really wrong with him. Two nights in a row now, when I've visited the bathroom... I've heard him talking... Yelling, by himself even." Ryan said, sounding genuine.

"... Why would he do that?" Charlie asked in disbelief.

"... I don't know, dad. But it creeps me the fuck out. Last time he was yelling someone to leave him alone. But there was no one in the room. And on both times, he looked at me like I'm a ghost. It might have been me just barging in but still. He just isn't himself. He misses breakfasts, spends more time alone, and it has concerned Jacob as well." Ryan pointed out with worry.

"... If such things would happen with me, I would assume he would tell me. He always tells me everything. You sure you are not overdoing it?" Charlie asked in doubt but still sounded worried.

"No, I'm not, dad. Do you know how I know?" Ryan asked confidently.


"He said to me that he has intense nightmares, and he is talking about them daily with Amir. That Amir is working as his psychiatric."

"... WHAT?" Charlie asked with a bit raised voice, clearly not sure how he felt about that.

"Yeah, and when I tried to ask about the dreams of his or why he isn't talking to me or you, he shuts down completely and doesn't want to talk about. I'm just saying... I think he might have a mental illness." Ryan said with a sad tone.

Charlie now clearly looked even more worrying, denying it.

"... Ryan, don't say that. If... If my son would have mental issues, I would have noticed by now. I am around him all the time."

"Well, he clearly ain't telling you everything. Whatever Amir is talking about with him, I hope it's helping. Because he is genuinely giving me creeps. That's all."

"And how long has Amir worked as his... Psychiatric?" Charlie asked in wonder.

"How would I know? By the sound of it quite some time already. Unless Dion was lying, but I doubt it. He sounded pretty genuine on that subject." Ryan shrugged.

"... Alright. I'll ask him about it when is finished with his date. Thank you for telling me about this, Ryan." Charlie nodded.

"... I had an argument with him, you know. We never argue. But I... We really went at it that morning I might have said some things to him that I shouldn't have..." Ryan said with a bit regretting tone.

"... What did you argue about?" Charlie asked, clearly a bit frustrated since he knew how sensitive Dion was. The idea of Ryan being mean to him didn't put him to ease if Dion was already going through some stuff like he was.

"... We were... Well, that is the thing that I didn't want to talk about with you. Because I know it would... Yeah, let's just that we argued-"

"Ryan. Were you mean to him?" Charlie asked firmly.

"... Maybe. But rightfully so. He was being mean to me first." Ryan said with a defensive tone.

"... Now, you and I both know that is not true. Your brother would never say anything bad-" Charlie began.

"He did. And it really hurt me."

"... Ryan. What did he talk about that was so hurtful?" Charlie asked like it didn't make sense.

"... Dad. It was more hurtful on him maybe than me, but I just-"

"Just tell me, son," Charlie said firmly, wanting a straight answer.

Ryan sighed, looking away with a bothered tone as he scratched his head, talking quietly.

"... He... WE... We talked about... Mom."

And just like that, as Ryan had feared, Charlie's whole mood changed really fast.

And the uncomfortable energy came to the room. Charlie looked visibly emotional, staying quiet for a moment and spoke slowly.

"... Okay? Wh-... What about her?" Charlie asked quietly with a heavy tone.

"... Dion was angry at me for saying the obvious truth about mom and it made him say something really hurtful to me." Ryan explained carefully.

"... Obvious truth?" Charlie asked, looking at Ryan with a questioning gaze.

"... That we will never see her again. But Dion didn't want to hear it... He... He still believes that mom is coming back any year now to join us." Ryan said awkwardly.

Charlie was quiet, clearly in his feelings after hearing that. He looked sad right away, looking at the floor and sighing deeply. He then spoke quietly.

"I see."

"... He then said... He just said something really hurtful to me after that, but it's not the point. The point is that he is delusional." Ryan said firmly.

"... Ryan... It doesn't hurt for him to have hope on such-"

"But it does. Living in a lie is not okay. Mom isn't coming back... Is she?" Ryan asked, pressuring his question carefully when it came to the last words.

Charlie slowly looked at Ryan and spoke quietly.

"... No. It's... Very unlikely... It..." Charlie drifted away, trying not to get emotional.

"... Yeah... I... Figured as much."

"..." Charlie didn't answer, just giving questioning look in his sorrowing expression.

"... Look... I'm sorry I brought it up-" Ryan began.

"Don't be. It... I'll talk to him." Charlie said emotional tone, sniffing a bit and getting himself together.

"... Okay."

"... How did you two even get to .... Talking about that anyway?" Charlie asked in confusion.

"... Well, not any more pleasant subject than this one." Ryan said with an apologizing tone.

"... How's that?"

"... Let's just say that Dion picked up on you roaming around at night to leave into the hallways by yourself. But he had no idea what you were doing or where you were going until I just said it out for him. Sometimes breaking the bubble of his fantasy world where everyone is a hole, is the best choice."

"... You just said it out-" Charlie repeated, not getting it.

"I told him that you were sneaking out to fuck Sandy Marston." Ryan blurted out with a sigh.

"... RYAN." Charlie said with such a strong tone that it made Ryan go on full defense.

"Dad, you don't need to raise your voice or act like that to me! I know that it's exactly what you are doing. It doesn't take much to pick up on. She is known to have stashed cigars in here, I've heard it. And each time you are coming back here, and I can smell the scent. And I... might have followed you few times around just to be sure, and it's clear that the way she grabs you into her room is not because she wants to tell a bedtime story-"

The more Ryan kept going, the more Charlie was shaking his head in disappointment.

"Are you shitting me-"

"Dad, it's whatever! You think I'm judging you? Because I'm not. It has no effect on me whatsoever if you are doing... stuff with someone." Ryan said with spread arms in surrender and annoyance.

He hated when Charlie was getting angry for any reason at all towards him. It had happened more than once during his life here.

"... Is that so?"

"Yeah. I don't fucking care what you do. But Dion clearly does. And the fact that I said what you do, hurt him... Because he... He just didn't want to believe that you would do such things... Considering... That... You know what I'm trying to say. You are still married to mom." Ryan said awkwardly, knowing that all this was just riling Charlie up.

"... You didn't need to tell your brother the truth, even if you had picked up on it. You know that." Charlie said with a frustrated tone, rubbing his nose bridge and closing his eyes.

"Well, I did it anyway, okay? He might be angry at you but he needs to accept the facts and stop being a fucking kid. I am younger than him by a year and sometimes I feel like he hit his head as a baby. Like... You know that he tends to have a mentality and a worldview of an eight-year-"

Charlie shifted on his bed, looking commanding and serious.

"Ryan. You don't talk about your loved brother like that. Understood?" Charlie asked with an aggressive tone.

".... Yeah. Got it, dad." Ryan said in annoyance, but partly a bit shook since his father clearly had enough.

"... I am not being unfaithful." Charlie said quietly, clamming down.

"Dad, you don't need to defend yourself for me. I get it. Mom is not coming back and you moved on. Good for you. You could have chosen a different woman though. This isn't going to help your relationship with Calvin if he... You know-"

"I'm not worried about Calvin. And I'd very much like to change a subject." Charlie said calmly.

"... I bet you talk about it to your friends all the time though." Ryan said with eyeroll.

"... Maybe. Goes without saying... Grown-up stuff." Charlie said genuinely.

"... Whatever. Hope Dion isn't going to freak out when you want Sandy to move around here. I'm sure as hell not going to treat her like mom, that's for sure. Sorry." Ryan said quietly.

"... Son. That will never happen. She is not moving in here. And you won't ever call her mom, because I wouldn't allow that. She... She wants to be a bigger part of my life... And for my own reasons... I won't let her." Charlie said quietly with a sad tone, Ryan's expression turning to confusion and worried even.

"... I didn't know you thought that low of her? Why are you even around her if you are not ready for all that?"

"... Because she helps me... It's not honorable, what I do. Or how I treat her... But the only woman in my life is the one that didn't join this vault with me. It will be so till the day I am gone." Charlie said with quiet, but a truly honest tone.

"... I still remember her too. Quite a lot, actually... And sometimes... I just fear that I forget things about her." Ryan said with a sad tone, Charlie clearly fighting back the emotions that were coming back to him.

"... I know." Charlie said quietly.

"... Do you ever fear that, dad?" Ryan asked with an emotional tone as well.

The old husky now turned to look at his son, his eyes slightly glassy as he spoke back with a passionate tone.

"... More than anything in this world."


And so, the silence settled between the two.

After a while of emotional staring, Charlie turned his gaze away for a moment, wiping his eyes a bit with the back of his paw.

The fox clearly looked like he wanted to hug his father even, but held back on the feeling.

A moment passed... And after a few sniffs, Ryan started to rub his arm and speak quietly.

"I better get going. Sam still wants to hang out, so I'm going to his place." Ryan said awkwardly, not used to this kind of mood with his father at all.

"Yeah... Right. You say hi to his mother for me. Dion is... Most likely here any moment now." Charlie said, getting his head back into the moment.

"... Mhh, true... Later, dad..." Ryan mumbled awkwardly as he was about to take his leave.

Suddenly, Charlie cleared his throat and spoke.


Ryan then turned around quickly.

"... Thank you for coming to talk to me. It means a lot to me." Charlie said with an honest tone and a fatherly smile.

"... It's not that big of a deal, dad." Ryan said with eyeroll.

"We talk so rarely nowadays. It is a big deal for me. We should talk more often, just like we used to. I'd very much like that." Charlie said, clearly meaning it.

"... You know I'm busy." Ryan said with a bored tone.

"Then there are two of us... But just... I missed talking with you. Even as serious natured as this one was. Should be more joyful next time, don't you think?" Charlie smirked.

"... If you say so, dad." Ryan said with a shrug, trying to play it cool.

And it was so obvious to Charlie as well, looking at him knowingly.

Ryan started to turn around and finally take his leave... Until he stopped at the door.

The fox slowly turned around and cleared his throat.

"Talking about joyful... I've experienced way too much dramatic leavings lately, don't ask. So, I'll have a question for you, dad. Don't fuck up the answer." Ryan asked, having a small playful smile.

"... Okay, hit me." Charlie said, chuckling from such an odd turn of mood.

"... What is the best issue out of all the Astoundingly Awesome Tales? I know damn well you have read them as well; no one is too adult for them."

Charlie snorted and smiled widely as he began with a knowing tone.

"... Why of course, In my opinion, the best one is defiantly Have Dog, Will Travel!-"

"AAAAAAAAANNND YOU ARE CANCELLED!" Ryan laughed out like it was the most freakish answer he had ever head to the presented question, tapping the door open. Sam would have lost his shit as well.

"Oh, come on, it is just my personal favorite, son!" Charlie laughed loudly after the fox who shook his head, storming out of the room and closing it right after him, before giving one last and embarrassed smile at his father.

And just like that, Charlie was left in his room, the silence taking over it all.

And right away, Charlie felt slightly lonely, wishing Ryan had not left...

But slowly that fatherly smile went away, as the worries overwhelmed him once more...

So many things to do... And so many people counting on you. Again. Some things just don't change.


(Earth Wind And Fire - Would You Mind)



"It's so loud!" The Siamese girl yelled excitedly, holding the gun with trembling paws as the smoke was coming from the barrel.

"I know! I still haven't gotten quite used to it... I flinch each time I shoot." Dion said, standing next to the Siamese cat girl and both laughing excitedly as Jill squeezed the trigger again, shooting a can from far away.

"OH! I FINALLY GOT IT!" Jill yelled as she had just done something crazy.

"I saw! That was impressive!" Dion yelled with a smile, looking as the rusty can was rolling on the floor.

Dion Winchester and Jill Rains were still continuing their date, but the location had changed during the time.

They had danced to a few songs in the abandoned cafeteria room until too many people had started to walk around the hallways next to it. It was clear that someone would hear the music playing if listened carefully, so they had changed their plans. They had slowly started to get more comfortable around each other, even if the awkwardness and long silences were still there between them. Dion had of course been rather worried that now he had to figure out something for them to do, or the date would end early. Not that it would have been too bad experience for a first date since they clearly had gotten some closure, but Dion wanted to impress. She had already impressed him by picking the lock and setting the whole date on course, so now It was his turn to figure out something when it came to entertainment. After pondering quietly for a while as they walked around the hallways, Dion figured it out. He truly wished that the idea wouldn't freak out Jill... But it would surely impress her since it would be so out of the ordinary. At least that's what Dion wished for. Because if she would be scared out of her mind, this date would be over and damaged.

So, Dion took Jill to the lowest area of the vault, where he had recently been with his father.

The first hour went rather awkwardly, but yet with some nice amount of dialogue between them, Dion gathering courage to tell why they were really there.

But after Dion told Jill his possible plan, discreetly and all secretive...

Jill actually had been excited on the spot, thinking Dion was bluffing.

There was no way that Dion had permission to have a gun in possession or shoot cans and crates. But Charlie had indeed instead of returning the gun to the armory, hid it where they had trained, only showing Dion where it was. Just to be sure no one would find it but him if he wanted to train here by himself. The gun also had about seven clips to go with it. The armory was so rarely used here, that no one was even noticing the gun or ammo missing, just like Charlie had told his nervous son when it came to the question of returning it back.

Only a few just like his father had guided step by step, Dion had loaded the gun. He was shooting the targets carefully, Jill amazed and thrilled with adrenaline for even looking at the whole show. She had not expected Dion to have such a badass hobby, nor the fact that Dion was actually rather good at it.

And just like that, Dion had started to teach Jill how to shoot with the firearm, along with the overall mechanism, all the way from loading the gun to cocking it. He was giving full guidance since he had not missed a thing when his father was teaching. A usual thing when it came to Dion. He was a fast learner.

It was already getting late, the clock being four in the evening. They had been far from being bored while being in here, so the track of time had been in total loss by both.

The Siamese cat squeezed the trigger again, shooting a crate a few times and feeling the gun giving a loud click sound, the ammo having ran out of the clip.

"WOOH! That was so cool!" Jill yelled excitedly, laying the gun down on top of the crate and taking a breathing break.

"Your paws are shaking so much." Dion pointed out innocently, watching the paws of the cat just tremble out of adrenaline.

"I knoooow! That was just... So exciting. And how on earth is Charlie letting you do this? This is like the coolest thing ever!" The girl was cheering all giddy.

"I guess... It is kinda scary too. But he really knows how to teach." Dion said proudly, feeling so good that he was able to show such an amazing time for the girl he had a crush on. This day was really going in his favor.

"I wish my dad was nearly this cool. How on earth did he get permission from the overseer for this?" She asked excitedly.

"I... I guess he can be very persuasive when he wants to. And I'm sure he said everything will be safe." Dion assured with a nod.

"... Seriously? If it was that easy, I'm sad my dad didn't figure out to ask such. This is so much fun." The cat said genuinely in a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"... Jill... You uhmm..." Dion then suddenly began, the realization of the situation coming to him.

"... What?" The Siamese girl asked with an innocent smile.

"You won't tell anybody, right? About all this? I... I kinda shouldn't have brought you here in the first place, my dad made me promise that..." Dion asked in a small worry all over him.

"Wait... Charlie made you promise not to bring anyone here?" The girl asked in confusion.

"... Yeah. He did. He trusted me on that one." Dion said with a serious tone.

"Oh... I... Darnit. O-of course I won't tell anyone, in that case." the girl said with a smile and nodded rapidly.

"... Really?" Dion asked with an eyebrow raise, thinking that maybe she was bluffing. But he wanted to trust her.

"I promise it. You can trust me." Jill assured with a genuine tone.

"... Okay then. That's... That's good. I wouldn't want my dad to get in trouble if the word goes around that his boy is teaching girls to shoot now." Dion chuckled nervously.

"... Girls huh? You took a lot of girls here to show your skills?" Jill asked teasingly.

"Wh-what?! N-no! Just you! I-I haven't even been on a date before! -" Dion began in defense, realizing he had worded himself to trouble.

But instead, the cat just began giggling, holding her stomach and making Dion shut up in the middle of his rambling.

"Dion, hhahaa... I'm just fooling around; I know what you meant. Super cute reaction though, handsome." Jill said, winking at the dog and making Dion's tail wag as reaction. The dog felt a bit bothered as he rubbed the back of his neck and muttered.

"... I-if I'm honest, I already took a risk by bringing you here with me... But... I doubt no one is walking around here like they did around that cafeteria. So, I think we okay for now." Dion muttered with a shy smile.

Jill then slowly shifted her expression to slightly surprised.

"... Dion, are we even allowed to be here?" She then asked, not really considering such detail surprisingly. She had just followed Dion's lead.

"... No. Not... Not really. This... Dad said that only adults should be allowed in here." Dion admitted in small shame.

"... Then... Why did you suggest that... We come-" Jill began.

"Because I wanted to... Impress you. I mean... You already broke the rules today... I wanted to do the same." The dog said with a shy gaze and sounding apologizing.

"... Dion..." The cat said with endearing expression.

"... That sounds kind of cringy, right? Doing all this just to... You know... Seem cool-" Dion muttered.

"But you are cool. Even without all this. That is what I think." The cat said with a smile, her tail swishing around, wiping at Dion's chest playfully.

"... Really?" Dion asked with a nervous tone but smiling, his eyes hypnotized on the dancing tail.

"... Yeah. I haven't been bored once today with you." Jill said genuinely.

"... S-same..." Dion said back quietly.

"... So... Is it a Winchester thing to have some bad boy in you or just a one-time thing? Breaking rules like this I mean." Jill purred.

"... I don't know, hahaha! I... I don't consider myself a bad boy at all." Dion admitted awkwardly.

"I know. You are just... You. But this whole shooting thing is pretty damn badass." Jill admitted with a smile.

"Yeah... I... I guess it is." Dion said, looking at the floor and feeling warm.

"... Hey..." Jill suddenly said.

"... Hmm?" Dion hummed in question.

"... Your turn to shoot cowboy." Jill with flirting tone.

"O-oh! Right!" Dion said, waking up to the moment and turning his attention back to the shooting range.

Jill just followed with an alluring gaze as the handsome husky was just smiling by himself, clearly more than self-satisfied on how the time between them was going. He grabbed the gun from the top of the crate, his gaze trying to find a clip nearby.

"There is one." Jill pointed out, seeing one on the floor, leaning against the metallic box.

"I should gather all these and put them somewhere where I don't lose them. Dad would be angry."

"It's hard to picture the idea of your dad being angry... By the way... I'm sorry if this is a too personal question-"

"A-ask away," Dion said quickly.

"... Has Charlie ever yelled or argued with you? It's just really weird to believe something like that out of him... He is always so cheery and all..." Jill asked with a wondering tone out of genuine interest.

Dion thought for a while, then answering honestly.

"... No, me and dad never really argue. With Ryan, he does though. At least used to. But never really harshly. More like scolding him. When he was doing all kinds of mean pranks to others with Jacob and Sam, when I was too... Well, I was in a few of those situations because of pressure, but dad always knew that Ryan talked me into that... Well, and Jacob. But no... He is never angry. I don't think he could even hurt anyone, ever." The dog said proudly with a smile.

"... He did hit Randal Hovan once... Or... Twice." Jill reminded awkwardly with shoulder lift, smiling.

"... I-I know... But... Well, I don't know what to say-" Dion began, remembering those both situations.

"I know, but Randal totally deserved all that. He is such an asshole. I feel bad for Niles sometimes." Jill said with a serious tone, distaste clearly there.

"... Yeah... I do too. But I think Randal is just lonely." Dion said with a sympathetic tone.

"Maybe he should just behave better... And Dion, umm... Sorry if I'm blabbering around here about some serious stuff, we should be talking about something fun-" The girl started in an awkward apology.

Dion began blabbering right away in a warm tone.

"Nonono, you don't need to apologize! You are just... Keeping the conversation going. I guess I should be the one doing it because... I mean...-"

"Because you are a male?" Jill asked blatantly with knowing expression.

"I... Y-yeah. Isn't that the rules?" Dion asked with a chuckle.

"Sounds silly. But if that is the rule, we might as well keep on breaking it. We have broken more than few rules today anyway, handsome." Jill said, winking.

Dion nodded at that with an awkward smile, feeling warm again from being called good looking. He slowly focused back on the handgun, sliding the clip inside. The clicks kept going as Dion was doing what his father instructed, getting the gunfire ready in no time.

The Siamese cat just started to scoot smoothly closer to the dog as he was getting ready to fire with the pistol again.

The cat flinched slightly but not by scare, but the sound, watching the gun range.




Dion fired three shots carefully, missing the first one completely, the second bullet scraping the top corner of one paper target, and the third one knocking down a can from nearby.

"... I still suck at this." Dion said with a small embarrassment.

"... No, you don't. You are better than me at least."

"... Not at this rate. You are pretty good at this."

"Hmmm, am I now?"

"Yeah. You have hit a fair amount of stuff already."

"... True..."

The short silence continued between the two, Dion focusing back on firing and shot again.


This time, the bullet actually hit the paper plate that was all the way against the wall, most far away from where he was standing. He had hit almost right at the center."

"WHOA!" Jill cheered, giving a small jump and clapping her paws to Dion.

The husky gave a surprised look at the target, turning to look at Jill with a shy smile.

"Luck... Nothing else."

"Still counts.

"I- I guess it does... J-Jill, can I tell you something?"

"Of course, you can, Dion."

"... I... Never mind, forget it."

"Nononon, you can't just bring something this interesting out and not talk about it."

"... I-if I do, promise that you won't get offended?"

"UUuuuuuu... This doesn't strike me as a normal get to know you chit chat... That sounds like you actually got something to say, hmm?" Jill asked out of interest, leaning herself against the crate next to Dion and crossing her arms.

Dion tried to calm down his heartbeat as the dancing tail was wiggling around, the dog clearing his throat and trying not to stumble on his words.

"... I-I do, yeah... But you have to promise not to get offended." Dion requested awkwardly with a smile.

For the first time, even if Jill was still smiling, now she sounded actually rather serious as well.

"Nono, you can't make me promise something like that. I have no idea what you are going to ask me. You can go ahead and ask the question, but my natural response might be getting offended, which would make me someone who broke their promise. That is not a gracious thing for a girl to do on her first date ever."

"... W-wait, first date ever?" Dion slowly asked, the last sentence piquing his interest despite nervous sweating.

The serious expression on Jill's face turned into a shy smile slowly as she whispered.

"... I guess this whole date thing is new to both of us. You are the first boy that I've... You know... Done this with."

"... I-I can't believe that. You... Being so-"

"Hmmm? Being what?" Jill asked with a soothing tone.

"... Amazing." Dion let out.

The catgirl now clearly turned a bit redder, her eyelids lowering and her tail dancing even more after hearing that. Dion felt like he had said it a bit too passionately, but the honest opinion had slipped without him thinking about it further. Jill was now quiet, just looking at Dion now.

The dog gave an awkward chuckle, the intense eye contact making him feel restless as he muttered.

"Amazing... Y-yeah, that's the... Word." Dion muttered quietly by himself, clearly wondering if he should have worded it different. But it clearly had an effect on the cat.

"... Dion?" She asked quietly.

"... Yeah?" Dion asked back quickly.

"The confession. You still haven't presented it." The cat pointed out with a flirty tone.

"... Whoowh... Okay... here goes... I hope I don't ruin the date with this." Dion said with a worried tone.

"I doubt you could anymore at this point," Jill said, shaking her head with a smile.

"You... N-now that I've spent time with you and... I wished for it for so long... I... I didn't... Y-you surprised me with... Many things." Dion said, feeling like an idiot the more he spoke.

"... Is this the part where I should be offended? That you were surprised at me?" Jill asked soothingly.

"... I-I mean what you did earlier. You broke a lock and... You just... Were so confident and... I just didn't really expect that from you?" Dion said carefully.

"Does that make me a bad girl in your eyes now?" Jill asked teasingly.

"... N-no! I-I mean... I was really scared to... Ask you to do something like this straight after. I-I honestly was fearing that you would... Think me as some sort of a creep for... Inviting you to do something like this... I just... I think what I'm trying to say is... I never... Expect umm... A girl liking... You know... This stuff." Dion winced even after saying it when he repeated it all in his head again.

Jill now indeed raised an eyebrow at that remark, clearly seeing that Dion was now wondering in a panic if he had hit the red light, but instead, Jill was just answering with an honest tone.

"... There is more than just one type of girls in this world. So far... This is the coolest thing I've done in my life. Easily. Compared to the stuff that I do with my girls... This is way more entertaining. I'm glad you trusted me enough to suggest this."

"... That... Whoof, makes me feel like I can breathe." Dion said in total relief.

"Awfully sexist way of thinking though, meanie. Maybe I am offended after all." Jill teased, clearly not meaning any of it as she smiled and scooted closer to Dion a bit.

"... I-I'm sorry in that regard." Dion apologized right away.

"... Maybe I will forgive you for that one, cowboy." Jill said with a mischievous tone.

"T-thank you," Dion answered with a smile.

"... But I have a condition for you." Jill said right away.

"... A-anything." Dion mumbled back, about to shoot with the gun again until the words made him stop.

"... I would... I really would like to be your girlfriend. You... Okay with that?"

The dog slowly put down the gun back on top of the crate.

The silence settled as Dion was now fuming, the surprised expression taking all over him as he tried not to jump from the happiness only from just hearing that.

The cat was just waiting for Dion to answer something, the smile and the frozen body of the dog clearly trying to squeeze the answer out.

"... I... I'd like that." Dion let out like it was speaking underwater.

"... Good... I think I'd like that too..." Jill said, coming even closer now and the dog's heart racing as he was getting tense.

"... I..." Dion began with an awkward and cute smile, feeling Jill just coming closer and closer.

The catgirl then gave a very intimate look at the dog, Dion feeling like his legs were about to wobble just from the way Jill was looking at him.

The cat now slowly sat on top of the crate, taking Dion's paw slowly into her own.

The dog swallowed loudly, shaking a bit and feeling the awkwardness deep inside him as the excitement was out of control inside him. The girl was slowly and gently guiding Dion closer, pulling him a bit towards her as she was sitting on the wooden crate comfortable, their faces being on the same level. She then whispered quietly with a rather shy tone but yet relaxed.

"... C-can you give me a kiss? I-I'd like you to..."

"... I-I've never... K-kissed anyone before."

"... T-then I guess that... It is just another thing that... Neither of us have..."

Jill didn't even finish her sentence, Dion slowly coming closer the same time as the catgirl did.

Their eyes closed slowly, the warmth of the other's presence feeling heavy. Dion was fumed even just by the feminine and delicate scent that the feline was having, and he truly wished he wouldn't screw this one up. This was that moment.

This was that moment you had waited for many years. You are finally about to kiss her.

And slowly, but surely... Their lips touched together.

Both slowly relaxed, the tensed-up bodies calming down, even if their minds were sparking up.

Jill opened her mouth and let Dion in as an invitation.

The brown-furred husky slowly and clumsily poked his tongue in, the cat giving small giggle in the middle of the moment. Her tail was dancing around happily as Dion was trying to get more confident, feeling totally clueless about what he was doing.

But just like Jill... he couldn't stop smiling. The dog kept his paws respectfully on her waist, both slowly kissing and starting to get hang of the act and how it was done.

And slowly... They had fully given into the feeling. And it was...

Mind-numbing. Amazing.

Dion started to wag his tail furiously as he felt a tingle... A rather intimate tingle. And it was driving his heart crazy. Something was happening and he slowly and awkwardly separated his lips after a long-lasting and romantic kiss.

The cat slowly opened her eyes just a little bit, having such a blissful smile on her. She slowly took a breath and whispered.

"That... Was..."

"... Y-yeah... It was..." Dion said back quietly with a shy smile, feeling his ears burn. That had been most likely the most intense moment of his life so far. Well, at least among them. He felt the tingle still all over his body...


"... Y-yeah?"

"... Again." She said with the flirty tone, bringing her paws gently on Dion's shoulders.


Charlie Winchester was jogging up the stairway to Calvin's office, having just visited Jacob. The German shepherd had acted somewhat ominous and weird for some reason as they had to talk about Tio, but Charlie had gotten enough. The fact that Jacob had repeated a few things that Tio had revealed about his first-day lesson with Calvin, was enough for Charlie to take this seriously. His care for youth as a teacher and a parent was his biggest motivation, and right now Calvin was testing his limits. He knew exactly what was going on, and he had full intent to set things straight with the weasel right now and not a moment later.

The dog finally reached the lobby to the overseer's office, seeing Elliot leaning against the door and looking bored as one could, just tinkering something with his pip-boy. The husky just casually walked to press the door panel next to the guard, Elliot waking up from his daydreaming and speaking right away with a confused tone.

"Winchester, what the fuck?"

"Shut it, Elliot. I have business with Calvin."

The door opened up slowly, Charlie just casually walking in and Elliot yelling after him.

"Man! You can't do that; I have to ask permission through interc-"

Elliot didn't even get to finish when Charlie just closed the metallic door right behind him and ended up cutting off the confused voice.

Charlie Winchester ended up looking at two men right away as he arrived into the room.

Calvin Marston and his brother in law, Randal Hovan were playing chess, both sitting on the opposite armrest chairs comfortably. Both had a whiskey glass on top of the table, a bottle of Kentucky gentleman sitting there nobly.

Both men were looking at Charlie both confused and, on the spot, annoyed, Calvin asking right away the question.

"What the fuck do you think are doing, Charlie? You can't just barge in here like that." Calvin said in annoyance, standing up from the seat, Randal remaining seated.

"I did, and as a matter of fact, that seems like the way to go from now on. Sparing everyone's time." Charlie said as he could care less.

"... Just tell me what you want before I order Elliot here to drag you out." Calvin warned.

"... You promised that you would treat Tio gently and with respect. I have heard otherwise."

"..... Ah." Calvin sighed with a disappointed tone, somehow feeling already that this could have been one of the possibilities of Charlie storming in here.

The weasel slowly sat down back on his chair, speaking with a frustrated tone.

"Did the taco wolf come crying over your lap?

Charlie felt the energy change to even worse right away, the dog speaking back shortly after.

"... What a big fucking man you are with big fucking words." Charlie said with disgust.

"Watch your mouth when you talk to me. I've told that to you over and over. And this is not one of those times when you come in here blabbering things that you want and get away with it. This time, I will order my guard over there to use force to remove you from here. So, if you are quite done here-"

"I am not. You promised to me that you would respect-"

"I didn't promise a damn thing. I was harsh but fair to him. That is it." Calvin said bluntly.

Suddenly Charlie turned his gaze at Randal who had been staring at him in agitation the whole time, the dog speaking.

"Your son has locked himself into his room for a whole day, my own son came to tell me himself. He said that your son threw a temper tantrum at him, and is clearly feeling like shit for some reason. And what are you doing here, as a godly man and as a father? Drinking whiskey and not giving absolute shit. Calvin Marston and Randal Hovan, what a two fucking glorious role models."

Calvin rose up, his face full of rising rage as Charlie was using such a demeaning tone on both of them. The old lynx spoke with disgust at the dog.

"Do not talk about my fucking son you heathen-"

"I talk about your son because someone has to. You are the most shit father I have ever known. YOUR SON IS NOT FEELING WELL, and my own son personally asked ME to come talk to him. And I am pretty fucking sure that the idea came from the fact that Niles suggested it himself. You hear that? Your son wants to speak about what troubles him with ME, rather than his own flesh and blood. Do you have any fucking shame in your drunken brain-"

"Charlie, one more word and I will order Elliot in here-" Calvin warned with a shaking fist.

"You two little coward piece of shit-" Charlie began like he could give a less of Calvin's threats.

Now even Randal rose up, having reached his limit but wobbling slightly from the alcohol, speaking to Charlie with a tone of judgment.

"God is going to smite you down for your sins one day Charlie, it is only a matter of time. You dare the claim that I don't care about my own son. You will not go near him or talk to him; HE IS MY SON AND IF HE HAD NEVER STARTED TO CIRCLE AROUND YOUR SINFUL WEIRDO SON-"

"Oh, I know you ain't talking to me, Randal, I will smack the living shit out of you for the third time if you keep talking that religious bullshit as your defense shield or talk about my fucking boy, I will break your both legs-" Charlie began, approaching the old lynx and seeing the glimpse of hesitant fear in his eyes.


The old husky stopped walking, Elliot having his security baton in his grip as he stormed into the room.

"WINCHESTER; It's your time to leave right now," Elliot said, trying to sound firm. But it was clear that he was slightly fearful. He had never used his baton to hit anyone during his life.

The old husky kept looking at the weasel and the lynx, measuring the situation.

He more than perfectly knew how this situation would end out if he started to fight... But that was not the route to go, even if he really wanted it to be an option.

"... Fine. But if I hear you treating Tio tomorrow like shit again... I will come back here. And you will regret it."

"Is that a threat in the presence of my guard?" Calvin asked like he was about to order something.

"... You can think if it is when you go to sleep. Do right by Tio and give him a chance. You do not treat him like shit because of what is going on between me and you. That is not what real men do."

"... Real men," Calvin repeated mockingly, Randal still giving the stink eye to the dog.

"Not that you would know anything about being one anyway. Have a fun night drinking." Charlie said with disgust., turning around and leaving the two furious looking men staring at the back of his head as the old husky passed the guard without worry.

"Apologize to me," Randal said firmly.

Charlie laughed slightly with a wicked tone and turned around briefly.

"Come again?"

"You do not insult me and my brother in law like this. You have no right to talk like that... Stay away from my kin... And give me an apology right here and now." Randal said.

Calvin had not expected this reaction but felt proud over his brother in law stepping up with authority.

"... Randal... The last thing in this world happening... Is me apologizing to you." Charlie snorted out with amused tone, turning around and leaving the room with easy steps.

He felt the burning gaze of trembling old lynx at the back of his head the whole time but didn't care.

Small silence settled in... And Calvin spoke.

"Elliot... Have Xavier guard the Hovan residence tonight. Make sure that any unwanted quests are not coming around to bother Randal's son." Calvin said rather loud and clear, Charlie surely still hearing it at the stairway area and muttering in an annoyance by himself.

"... Got it, Calvin." Elliot said.

"Go tell him. Now." Calvin ordered.

Elliot left right after Charlie from the office, the metal door closing behind him.

After trading frustrated looks at each other, both men sat back down on their seats and Calvin spoke.

"What a piece of shit..."

"understatement... I swear... One day I will make him apologize to me. Humbled down and under the eyes of God." Randal said quietly and taking his whiskey glass in his paw and sipping it to wash down his annoyance.

"... Shall we continue the game?" Calvin asked, returning the calm mood back into the office.


(The Ink Spots - Maybe)

The clock was almost two in the morning.

The old and familiar ink spots tune was playing once again in the office, Calvin in deep thought and rubbing his forehead in a slight headache. Randal had finished explaining something really serious in his drunken state to the weasel, Calving slowly talking back.

"You shouldn't have hit him, Randal," Calvin said quietly.

"... He deserved it." Randal said bluntly and sipped his drink.

"Damn well he did, but if he tells someone, it will cause trouble. Possibly between me and Charlie, and god knows we already have enough that." Calvin reminded.

"Amen... But you can relax... That useless boy is not going to tell anyone. He hasn't told anyone over the years and he has taken a worse beating than that from me. It's always a necessary lesson to him." Randal said like it was routine.

"... You can't be completely sure if he cracks at one point and tells someone. You have the right to do as you see fit as a father... But I would hold myself from keeping it going if I was you. Sooner or later, someone will pay attention, if he isn't the one telling about it." Calvin said in worry.

"... I know, Cal... But sometimes I just lose control... he just... he shames me. He is just... No good." Randal said with a disgusted tone.

"... Tell me about it." The weasel sighed, rubbing his tired eyes.

"... He was supposed to be here today." Randal said quietly, running his fingertips in piano motion against the armrest of the chair.

"Come again?" Calvin asked in confusion.

"He was meant to be here, today. I told him after the righteous hand of God that he had twenty-four hours to report himself here and accept his place as an overseer. The beating up was an impulse as much as it was... A pushed motivation." Randal explained quietly.

"... Well, he hasn't been here. That I know." Calvin said with a bored expression, giving one move to his pawn on the chessboard.

"Yeah... I assumed. You would have told already if he was... I tried... But he keeps rebelling." Randal sighed in frustration.

"He isn't the only one... Winchester is pressing my limits. Each day I just keep thinking about it... Telling Xavier and Elliot to grab guns and go shoot him while he sleeps... It would solve all my problems at once." Calvin stated from the heart.

"... His two sons would become your problem right after, Cal." Randal said quietly.

"The fox one I would order to be shot as well, that would make your life easier too. And the weird one?... He won't do a damn thing about it. Fuck that whole family tree." Calvin let out without remorse.

"... Mhh... Well, as pleasant as all that would sound... The damage is already done."

"... That it is... I just... Don't know what to do, Randal... He keeps questioning my authority... Keeps talking down on me... Keeps... Fucking poking me with a stick and thinking I won't bite back." Calvin said in agitation.

Randal took a sip of whiskey and began after clearing his throat.

"Well, you haven't-"

"BECAUSE there is no way I could do something. These guards are loyal... but not truly. He has friends among them. They won't murder anyone for me. They are not made to do such things. Xavier maybe would be, he is the one I truly trust... But he is only one man." Calvin said in a desperate tone.

"... The only killer in this vault is me, Cal..." Randal said with an even somewhat proud tone.

"... I know. It still makes me feel somewhat bad for Amir." Calvin pointed out like it had bothered him for longer than he could remember.

"Well, Amir is less annoying by far than his father anyway. Chocking him with the pillow was mercy. That cancer would have claimed him painfully within a few years. He is with his god now, if he is lucky." Randal said with a mocking tone.

"... We shouldn't talk about it. Main thing is that it's over and done with. He wanted to open the vault. It had to be done." Calvin pressured.

"You don't need to reason it to me. I don't really care what he wanted. He was always judging towards me and close to Charlie. That was motivation enough for me. Besides you requesting it from me."

"... I just keep thinking about what to do... It feels like everything is falling apart around me... And on top of all that, some FUCKING beaner wolf with a stutter and freaky eyes is going take my place. As if my family hadn't suffered enough tragedies." Calvin said, seeing as the lynx moved his knight sideways on the board.

"... You could always just refuse to teach him. You have that right." Randal said with a bored tone.

"The word would get out and damage my image. They would think I try to desperately cling on my position and not wanting to give it to anyone else." Calvin said.

"... Well, isn't that what you are doing?" Randal asked with a small smirk.

Calvin had a hint of annoyance on his face as he rolled his eyes and sipped his whiskey.

"Stop being a smartass, yes that is what I'm doing. This job is all I have. If I don't have it, what the fuck do I do? Spend the rest of my life begging Sandy to get together with me again? No. She won't take me back. As much as I would want it. She made that very clear. I know she is not seeing anyone else... But fixing our ties would take a long time. But... What options do I have? I don't want to lay down to die in old age without no one remembering me anymore..." Calvin said, just feeling sorrowful of the future.

"... You could try getting another wife." Randal pointed out like it wasn't too late.

"... In my personal opinion... I DESERVE a wife because of my service to this vault... If Charlie wouldn't be here as a fucking highly mighty moral leader, shoving his nose into every single business of mine, I would do things truly my way." Calvin said with a tone that clearly wished for things he couldn't have.

"What way would that be?" Randal said with slight interest, sipping more whiskey.

"I would discipline my guards to do every bidding of mine and act strict and without hesitation. They would need to be exactly the opposite of what they are now. Lazy, unwilling, unexperienced and unloyal. And I would claim a wife for myself from the vault, and if anyone would have something against my claim, I would make my guards beat them to mush as a warning." Calvin stated bluntly as it would be like living a dream for him.

"Isn't that dictatorship?"

"... Yes, and that's how it should always be in here. The overseer should be feared and loved and respected. These fucking parasites in here don't have any of that for me. To them, I'm just an old grumpy man whose time is soon over." Calvin said back quietly.

"... You always wanted to rule with an iron fist, Cal... But it's not exactly possible these days anymore." Randal said like it was a fact.

"It was for the first overseers of my family line when this vault was first inhibited. During those days, EVERYONE truly respected the overseer as the almighty, as they should do in my case..." Calvin said, drinking a bit more of the whiskey.

"... Those times must have been something alright. My father told me when the overseer's position was like being the right hand of God himself." Randal sighed.

"... I would claim myself a young wife... A really young one. Prettier than Sandy, by a mile." Calvin said with a wicked smile.

"... That sounds rather sinful. Careful now." Randal pointed out with a slight smile.

"... It's just you and me Randal. Come on. Don't say that your male needs ain't there." Calvin chuckled.

"They haven't been there for a long time, Cal... The primal need of flesh doesn't drive me. There once was a time... But no more. Only thing I have left... Is my whiskey, my piece of shit son, and my prayers... I've been thinking about marrying again. But my situation is the same as yours. No one would have me from free will. They just silently judge you and won't ever even attempt to let you in their life." Randal said quietly.

"I know, Randal. If it was up to me, I'd command someone to be your wife. You are a good and devoted man, despite all you... Have been through. I always admired that in you. You never lost faith after losing... Losing my dear sister. May her soul rest peacefully."

They both raised their glass as a salute to one another and drinking right after.

As few seconds rolled by, Randal began talking as he rubbed his muzzle.

"... I just want to believe god took her for a purpose. It has to be that... It's all I have left to believe in... It has to be so. Otherwise... Why even stay alive? God has to have a plan for me and had to punish me for something. As he does all of us. Maybe he wants me to do something. Act."

"... Well, I definitely feel that I'm getting my part of the punishment. But it would be way more pleasant if I had a wife waiting for me each day in bed. If I could personally choice... I would pick a beautiful, empty-headed woman that would work as my servant as well, besides having a wife." The weasel said, licking his muzzle even from the thought of it.

"... Give me an example of who you would then choose as your wife if you could?" Randal asked with interest.

"... Have you seen that one dalmatian girl that Freeman's family has... What's her name?... Uhhh..." Calvin tried to pinpoint the name, but he didn't really care to learn anyone's name that wasn't over twenty.

"Gloria Freeman?" Randal asked quietly.

"Yes, her," Randal said with a long and pleasant hum.

"She is sometimes at my bible sessions. Cute as a button and devoted to god. As every girl should be. Shame that she wasn't my daughter. I would have at least someone to be proud of." Randal said with a small and sad smile.

"... She is who I would claim as mine. Whatever her parents like it or not. That butt and those tits are just a blessing to even look at. Each time I notice her when looking out of my office window in the mornings... I can tend to have dirtiest thoughts I could." Calvin said straight without hesitation.

"... Krhmm... Calvin... "Randal then let out with slightly concerned grunt.

"What?" Calvin asked.

"...She is seventeen years old." Randal pointed out with a disappointed tone.

"... So?" Calvin asked with a shoulder shrug.

"... Huh... Never figured you like them that young." Randal said with surprised expression.

"Their body is like a temple in that age, in my opinion. Imagine in our age to have a privilege to bang a tight young pussy that isn't hanging and looking like a cabbage. Just firm tits instead of droopy and ugly ones. I bet that the dalmatian girl would make me finish in two minutes..." Calvin said with a perverted smile.

Randal was shaking his head, giving a kiss at his cross necklace and looking at the ceiling as he spoke.

"A sinful opinion, Calvin. I have to say, God doesn't take well to that. Can we change the subject?" Randal said with a somewhat serious tone as he pointed at the weasel.

The weasel just smiled back.

"... In that case, I would spend the rest of my days praying for forgiveness... After impregnating such an innocent beauty-"

"Calvin, I didn't need to hear that," Randal said, clearly uncomfortable.

"... Sorry. Perverted old man thinking out loud." Calvin let out with an evil chuckle and rising his paws up in surrender.

"That's what we do here. But remember, God is listening. I love you like a brother, but I would rather not listen to your lustful needs of girls that are barely of age." Randal said with judging the tone of a preacher.

"... Fine. Just saying. I really need a wife and soon. I want to have a child. I am lonely... And I want Marston's family line to continue." Calvin sighed like it was the main point.

"Aren't you..."

Calvin's face had a hint of annoyance again as the sore subject was brought in.

"... I might be sterile or I might be not. I have only ever been with Sandy. Who knows, the fault might be in her. Not me." Calvin said, sipping whiskey.

"... Well, I hope your possible future son won't grow as twisted as my own." Randal sighed.

"... I wouldn't know if I called Niles twisted." Calvin said.

"How would you know? You rarely talk to him." Randal said in an annoyance.

"To me, he just seems like a lost cause who doesn't know what's good for him, nor about ambition that every man should have in them." Calvin pointed out.

Randal now laid his drink down and spoke from the heart with a serious tone.

"... He is drawn in by the devil, Calvin... He is sinful. He doesn't respect his mother's memory. My dead wife. Your dead sister. To him, it means nothing. And he treats another man as his father? And he spends his days playing like a slow child with sticks with Winchesters son? There is absolutely nothing to be proud of or fond of when it comes to my son... He is rotten... And I can't do a lot about it. No matter how I keep on giving him the discipline, no matter how I try to force him to bible study, no matter how much I yell at him... He doesn't listen. He is stubborn... And I feel lost with him."

Calvin had shut down and knew exactly that he felt the same way about Niles. It was hurtful. That the only possible prodigy for his title was acting the way he was.

"... I know, Randal... I know... Seems like nothing is going right by us." The weasel sighed.

"... Sometimes you have to act on things... God can't do all the work... But I don't... I just don't know." Randal muttered in thought.

"... Well... I know that I'm going to keep stalling as long as I can and enjoy this position of mine when I still have it... but in the end... I'm just going through options in my head... None of them end up the way I would want. And all I keep thinking is giving up before long and accepting things." Calvin said with a defeated tone while spinning the glass around in his paw.

"... That is something I wouldn't have expected to hear from you, Cal... You are the smartest man I know." Randal said with an honest tone.

Calvin took a sip and inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of defeat.

"... What do you want me to say, Randal? This time... I don't have any plans on making our future better or redeemable here... Your son is not going to be the overseer after me no matter what we do. And Charlie is going to stay in the favor of everyone, just like he was since day one here."

The silence settled in, both Randal and Calvin taking a moment to sip their drinks in frustration...

And somehow it felt like they had this conversation too many times during their lifetime, but it was never this vulgar and blunt. The alcohol was doing its work. Calvin wasn't really a drinker like his brother in law, but when he did drink, it clouded his mind rather fast and made him open up.

Other ink spot songs kept going on the background, the somber feeling continuing inside the office. The two tried to focus on playing chess, but it wasn't really going anywhere. They had already played two full matches; Calvin having won both times.

"Sometimes I think..." Calvin began quietly as he was gazing at his glass.

Randal slowly looked up as he relaxed his back against the seat better, asking the obvious.

"Think about what?"

"... Would my sister be disappointed if she saw us now?... The men that we have become? Angry at the world and to people around us?" The weasel asked with an emotional tone.

"... I think you already know the answer... I miss her so damn much." The lynx said with a tear in the corner of his eye.

"... Me too, Randal... Me too."

The small emotional moment between the two was heavy, both stopping again from saying anything.

Randal started to pour more whiskey into his now empty glass, the bottle having only little amount left. But Calvin didn't mind. He had drunk enough to know he would suffer a hangover the next morning. Randal's tolerance was way bigger due to years of active drinking.

Calvin slowly turned to look at Randal.

The scruffy and tired looking lynx looked like he was pondering something. It was in his eyes. Something that Calvin knew, held a possible continuation to their conversation... but he wasn't sure what it would be. Randal took a sip and he then spoke with a tired tone.

"... Calvin...."


"... What if there could... Be a way?" The lynx said with a secretive and pondering tone.

"... What do you mean by that?" Calvin asked quietly.

"... Our problems... Both of them..."

"... Are you meaning the overall conversation we just had-"

"Yes, Cal... I'm sitting here thinking... If it was a way. It would be easy for the first part... But... It would have its challenges. If we would play it right... We might just solve two problems at once, my dear friend." Randal said, feeling slightly odd that he was about to bring up something like this to the table.

"... Is this the alcohol giving you wild ideas or calculated thinking?" The weasel asked just to be sure.

"... I guess... Both." Randal said with a depressed chuckle as he took another sip.

"... Are you going to share then? What do you got?"

"... My son is unworthy of our family lines... And he killed the woman we both cared for more than anything... It wouldn't be a loss. And... You want Charlie out of the picture... Not necessarily dead... But you want him gone... And it could all work... If we just... If you are with it." Randal said, his gaze sad but his tone serious.

"... Randal, you are not giving me much here." Calvin said with a confused tone.

The old lynx was quiet, still pondering and gazing at his glass with a somber expression.

The weasel spoke to him in anticipation.

"Randal... What are you suggesting?"

The old lynx looked at the weasel, letting his paw run on his tired face quickly as he stared at the glass. He then spoke with an emotional tone.

"I can kill my son for you."

Calvin felt his expression get confused as it did interest. He was clearly not sure if he had heard the old lynx right.

"... What do you mean?"

"What I said. That I can... Get rid of the problem," Randal said, clearing his throat and looking like it was already decided, the old lynx taking another last sip of his glass and staring at the clear glass bottom now. He laid his glass slowly on the table, the weasel talking.

"You want to kill Niles?"

"... That is what has to be done." Randal grunted.

"... I'm sorry but I am... not following you here-" Calvin began in confusion.

"My son. He is... Sleeping most likely by now. You have Xavier guarding the door. I... I can tell him to leave, and that I'm going to need privacy to talk with my son... I can make it quick... And I can make it painless. I owe him that much still, as father to son. I don't want him to suffer. I'll do it like I did Amir's father. Or something like that. It won't be hard... And it... It was a long time coming anyway. I have thought about doing it a few times... Tonight might as well be the night." Randal said with a somber but serious tone.

"... Randal, why would you murder your own son?" Calvin asked like the lynx didn't make sense at all.

"... Because if... Follow me here... IF... We somehow manage to frame Charlie Winchester as guilty for my son's murder... Your problem, as well as my shameful problem... Are both gone. People will have a hard time believing that Charlie did it... but if the evidence and clues are all there, as we would plan... We could make everyone here believe it. And you know what the sentence in this vault is for murder... It is either execution... Or, most likely, banishing someone through the vault door to the great unknown. If people think he is a threat... They want him gone. This way... We win... Yeah... We win."

Randal finished his idea, rubbing his face again and looking tired, but clearly still on board. He wanted to know what Calvin thought. The weasel was a bit speechless after hearing such a long-termed plan from Randal.

As much as risky and extreme it sounded...

He still thought about it.

"... Randal... How would you frame Charlie for all this?" Calvin asked, interested.

"... I gave it a thought. I can go by the dining hall kitchens and get a knife... Just in case. After I've... Done the deed... I make it... I make it look like gruesome murder with the knife. All we have to do... Is to get that knife right after into Charlie's room. The rest would... I guess, play itself." The lynx said with a wondering tone.

The weasel began talking quietly.

"... Randal... As much as I am astonished of you being ready to this far for us... You have little hole in this idea. Even if there is blatant evidence... People could think it's still a framed play. Charlie has absolutely zero motive to kill your son. It wouldn't make sense to anyone." Calvin stated like it was too far-fetched an idea.

"... Yeah... That would be something you have to figure out... I've given my idea." Randal said, clearly waiting for Calvin to be more supportive of the possible plan.


Calvin slowly rose up from his chair, starting to ponder the idea and rub his paws together, wondering if they were onto something here. He slowly turned around to look at Randal in question.

"Randal... Are you sure that you would... Have the stomach to go through all that?" Calvin asked like he needed to be sure.

"... In a way... It would be a favor for us both. Maybe God will forgive him for killing my wife... Or maybe not. But don't forgive. Neither do you. Like said... Long-time coming. I will mourn him; he is still my family... But I consider it a release. Yes, Calvin... I can do it." Randal assured.

"... HHmh... Let me think this through for a moment. I need a minute here." Calvin said quietly.

"... Yeah yeah... I'm going to drink some more up... Some more will help to do it..." Randal pointed out as he grabbed the bottle from the table.

Calvin started to walk almost in circles, his hands behind his back as he was going through this plan, looking at the drunken lynx on his seat from time to time.

He was trying to form the pieces together here, wondering if all this was really doable, and most importantly... Would it go their way?

He had to figure out an alibi for Charlie when it came to Niles's murder... But he just couldn't find a single one. Charlie pretty much treated that lynx like he was his third son, so the motive was fickle. Sure, it would cause investigation and outrage and Charlie would be looked at different... But Charlie was smart, Calvin knew that. He could figure out his way to reveal that he was being framed by Calvin and Randal, and that would cause chaos. It just didn't click. The more he tried to wrap his head around this plan, the riskier it felt...

Until Calvin stopped moving, his eyes widening a bit in unspoken question, the weasel rubbing his chin fur and going through it.

"Looks like you got something there..." Randal pointed out of observation, even if he was wobbling.

"... What... What if... What if we do not frame Charlie for it... But we frame his fox son for it?" Calvin asked like it was the most genius idea he had come up with.

"... Huh?"

Calvin sat back down and started explaining with intense tone, sounding almost passionate.

"Ryan Winchester. Get this... Every single day he goes and does that ridiculous hobby of his with that fox under the maintenance deck. Everyone knows that by known in here. You would have to carry his body there... And instead of a knife... Use the security baton. They both own one of those things... You would... Well, since the whole idea here is slightly unethical, I just come out with it. After you have dealt with Niles the way you see fit... You have to bash his head in with the baton. It would look like Ryan had done it. A blatant murder. The motivation could still be unclear to some degree since those two are best friends. BUT it would make a hell of a lot more sense, than Charlie doing it. Everyone would just assume that their late-night training led into an argument that could have not been solved with talk... And the fox flipped. We don't even need to smuggle anything into his room, he keeps that freaking baton around in there anyway. Everyone would assume that Ryan used it, but was at least smart enough to wash the blood of it after the deed."

"... And he would just go to sleep after doing something like that?"

"... What else could he do? Maybe sleeping and wishing no one would connect him to the murder as a possible suspect. Him playing out to everyone that he had been asleep ages ago and never went to meet Niles at the maintenance deck."

"... Okay, fair enough... But... He would just leave Niles's body there?" Randal questioned.

"The kid would be in shock, not thinking it through. A natural reaction after killing his best friend." Calvin said like it made enough sense to him.

"... But... How would this affect your problem with Charlie? His son is the one who would be brought to trial." Randal asked like that was the most confusing part.

But now, the old weasel smiled and began with a victorious smile.

"Exactly! And I would, of course, sentence him to be banished from the vault. You think that Charlie is going to stay here if his son gets kicked out?! Not a fucking chance. As much as I hate the man and wish him dead... I got to give it to him. He is protective of his children. He would never let him go to the great unknown alone. He would leave as well, and take his other son with him... And this way, everything is solved."

The quietness settled in between them. The old lynx drank straight from the bottle and laid it on the table, wiping his muzzle. Calvin was waiting patiently for an answer, the lynx slowly raising his gaze and nodding at the weasel.

"... Sounds like a plan then." He said like he was ready.

Calvin gave a proud and hopeful smile, talking.

"... That would mean that... Our best chance is now."

"... Thought so." Randal said with a small grunt.

"You have to kill Niles tonight... You can still say if you are not ready for this plan. It is risky, and we might screw up someway... So just say if you are not totally sure if you are ready." Calvin said, clearly putting a lot on Randal's shoulders with this plan. It needed to succeed.

"Cal... At this point in my life... I have nothing left to lose. This way you can restore order in this place... Deny Tampico's claim for your position... And you can marry anyone you want, just like you wished. And maybe... Maybe I can try to remarry too... And raise another son that won't turn out rotten as the boy sleeping right now next to my room." Randal sighed from the bottom of his soul.

The weasel gave a formal nod at that and sighed before he spoke with an excited smile.

"... Alright then, Randal... I trust you with this... We might both come out as winners."

"And as sinners... But sometimes... You just have to do what you think as right... And trust that..." Randal drifted off, Calvin finishing the sentence for the old lynx.

"...That God will forgive you."