Chapter 17: Back to action, Alex’s life hangs by a thread

Story by Ginsenshi on SoFurry

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#17 of Roen Olver Series

Back to action ! Its time to fight for the town once more with the Wolf Rangers, with Alex taking a hit in one of Roe's daydreams that's all to real for Alex. Alex's life hangs by a thread

Chapter 17: Back to action, Alex's life hangs by a thread

A few days later We were back downtown looking through the shops, Moose and Connor insisting we go in WolfMooeres' Pets and gifts. Since they never got to do any shopping, with their heavy insistence we broke down and did so.

Finding our way in the bell on the door jingling as we came in. Phoebe , the shop's owner greeting us and petting the boys as they sat and asked for treats. With their bellies filled we set off looking around . a few Isles in I found some dog boots that felt like they would hold up for the upcoming winter and the snow that was to come. sitting down we wrestled Connor down to try boots on his feet, after going through 4 sets we found the right size for Connor. Hearing a greeting up front , we made our way there, only to find our old friends there leading on the counter in Phoebe's space. James' hand reaching in and taking money from the register. with Patrick and and Jonathan stuffing counter candies in their pockets.


We ducked off in the back of the store and pulled out our morphers:

"Its morphin' time - Wild access." With a wolf's growl, the morph activates, the Energy surrounding me the suit forms as well as the helmet hiding my identity with the spirits of wolves howling, the howls coming from nowhere. "Guardian of the earth, Howling wolf!" As I take my fighting stance.

**** **

"Its morphin time - jungle

beast - spirit unleashed..." the morph activates, the Energy surrounding Alex the suit forming as well as the helmet hiding his identity with the spirits of wolves howling, the howls coming from nowhere.

"With the courage of a wolf! jungle fury wolf ranger!"-- He takes a fighting stance.

A round gem stone pendant glows bright blue on Connor's leather collar.

" Wolf's Shadow! HA!!" comes a ghostly howling whisper, Energy surrounds Connor as his black furred german

Shepard body changes into a human form, the Energy continues to coalesce into a Royal Blue body suit with navy blue silver helmet, with wolf markings , gloves and boots, with a chest shield with a wolf symbol across it..

"Shadow Wolf Ranger!" The wolf spirit howls from his helmet.

We Teleport back in confronting the crimals for a second time.

"Ah shit! You 3 again!?" James spitz out.

"Yeah didn't you learn your lesson last time, don't make deals with space monsters, bend on ttaking over the earth," Alex says, taking a fighting stance.

"No, not really the deal was just too good to pass up, you ranger losers." Patrick says as he attacks all 3 rangers.

"FIne then!" Lunar Q saber mode." I say as I defend myself from the oncoming attacks.

Jonathan and James attack Alex and Connor with claws and Energy attacks, pushing the rangers together forcing them to their knees.

"Ahhh! Damn when did they get so strong?" I growled out now on hands and knees. Alex and COnnor weren't in better shape next to me. The 3 of them getting in our faces, picking alex and slamming his helmeted face into the counter breaking it and letting go of Alex leaving him on the floor his Helmet visor cracked shattered, bits of the visor slivers and shards going into his eyes.. Alex screaming out causing him to de'morph before the 3, as he stepped away from Alex the other two joining Jonathan and doing a group attack on the two of us.. The attack throwing us through the shop's window and onto the street, landing heavy and hard . Causing us two, de'morph in the middle of the street, me in my rtorn up clothes, and Connor transformed back to kanine form bruised and battered.

Connor attacked the 3 trying to hold them off, his teeth and claws not doing much against their hard monster skin. Jonathan taking him by the neck and throwing hinm even further down the street. Connor landing in a heap near some dumpsters.

"Wild...Ac..cess." I got to my knees trying to call out , trying to morph again, but didn't have the srength THe words barely coming to my lips as I tried to morph , staring at the sounds of the 3 monsters destroying WolfMoores' and the town, all the while unable to stop them.


Alex laid there on the floor of Wolfmoores' the counter broken beneath him, the events going by in a flash. Alex tried to stop them, but Jonathan just grabbed him and slammed him on the counter breaking it, as I ran over to him, the boys beside me. Jonathan and his friends running off, making off with god's knew how much . I felt sticky wetness as I gently felt for alex all around him, the wetness getting thicker around his resting head. I fell to my knees in shock, hearing his moans of pain as I fumbled for my phone trying to call 911. That Ranger dream couldn't be Alex's fate, after all a daydream is just a dream.