Blue Affection - Anthro Lucario TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A lovely little story commission for :HadouKishiicon: based upon a mini art sequence they got recently (you can find that on their page!). This might end up becoming a bigger project in the future, so keep your eyes peeled!

Pokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Whew... what a day..." Manami sighed, closing the door behind her as she stepped back into the warmth of her home, her Lucario walking beside her. "I had no clue that a simple warehouse examination was going to turn into that big of an ordeal!" She slumped down on the living room couch, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

"Rrrhh..." The loyal Pokémon growled in response, taking a look over his trainer. He appeared to be concerned for her well being given how the events of the day had unfurled.

Life for the most part was pretty normal for the 22-year-old trainer, originally hailing from Ryme City. Whilst she travelled around the many regions and cities, adding more and more Pokémon to her collection, as well as her team, she was never one to battle competitively - she had challenged the gyms from time to time, but she had no interest in trying to compete in the Pokémon League. If anything, she was more of a 'casual' trainer. It was due to this that she relocated to the small, peaceful town of Silver Wing Bay, nestled within the Kanto region. Her time spent in Ryme City had given her the chance to get to know some of the Pokémon she had started off with on a personal level - she had even taught a small few of her Pokémon how to speak in fluent English rather than utter their name over and over, and Engetsu was a prime example of that.

"Are you sure you're ok?" The shiny Lucario asked her, looking at Manami cautiously. The golden-furred beast stood at an impressive 5'10", two inches taller than his trainer, and was considered to be 'giant' for that size, given that they normally stood just shy of four feet tall. The two of them had met back when he was just a small Riolu, and they had been inseparable ever since. Even as she changed her team line-up every now and then in order to get to know her Pokémon better, Engetsu was never swapped out once.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little bit tired..." She said in a reassuring tone, but even looking at her, he felt that something wasn't entirely ok with her.

As Manami previously stated, it was meant to be a simple examination - the duo had been called upon by the local Officer Jenny to check out an abandoned warehouse that had up until recently been used as a hideout by Team Rocket. Their activity in the area had dwindled in recent months, and it was after their latest defeat that they had fled the base, trying to find another area to set up base in so they could continue with their nefarious schemes. Even though the place was abandoned, it was thought that they might have left behind evidence of what they had been working on prior to fleeing, or at the very least some information that might point them towards their newest base of operations.

For the most part, their exploration had proven to be fruitless - most all of the vital equipment had been taken, and what was left behind had been destroyed in an attempt to cover their tracks. They were going to call it quits when they eventually stumbled upon a few canisters of something labelled PM-1. Just like everything else, it appeared that the contents of them had been drained, if they had even been filled up in the first place. Manami decided to take a closer look at one of the canisters, and in her haste to do so, she knocked the valve on it, releasing a small cloud of an odd blue vapor right into her face. It didn't appear to be much, adding to the theory that the contents had been drained beforehand, but it was enough to disorientate her, Engetsu rushing to her side to help her.

With the exploration complete and having found nothing aside from a burst of gas to the face, they had reported everything back to the Officer. Given the situation, and with none of them knowing just what the effects of the vapor was, she was brought into the police station hospital, where she was tested for any signs of symptoms or effects due to the exposure of the unknown chemical. After a good ninety minutes of tests and not being able to find a single thing wrong with her, she was dismissed, though at the same time, she was told to contact them immediately should anything happen to her.

"I'm just glad you're ok, Manami." Engetsu said, looking at her before wrapping his arms around her in a hug - he had always been one to enjoy hugs and cuddles, something that the trainer almost always responded back in kind. Her mind still appeared to be elsewhere at the moment, though.

"I should hope so - the way both you and Jenny kept looking at me during all the tests, it's kinda like you were expecting me to turn into some kind of monster! Then again, you'd probably like that if I did, wouldn't you?" She said with a teasing wink.

"Eheh... that'd really depend." He responded with a smirk. "Still, it's lucky that there weren't any grunts around there. I mean I can defend you for the most part, but without your other Pokémon, we'd have been at a slight disadvantage."

"Mmm, true..." She nodded - she had loaned her Charmeleon, Shusei, her Raichu, Nari, both of which were male, and her female Sylveon, Kawako, to her cousin, who was off on a Pokémon journey of his own, albeit one a little more competitive than hers. She knew that he'd be in good hands with them, even if Shusei could talk someone's ears up if he got started up on something that he liked. "Still, we got lucky."

"Not that I'm putting down my own abilities, of course!" Engetsu pressed his hand against his chest. "I might want to avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary, I'm sure I could hold my own against a whole army of them!"

"Hehe, my hero!" She giggled, leaning in to once again give Engetsu a hug. In response, he nuzzled against his trainer's cheek, growling softly. For some reason, that felt oddly good, Manami stifling a moan as they broke the hug up, stretching herself. "I think I might change out of these clothes... you wanna get us some food ready? I'm sure a late lunch won't hurt dinner that much!"

"Right! I'm sure you could do with something nice to eat after all that!" He rushed over to the fridge, pulling out some things to cook whilst Manami headed up to her room. He was still concerned about her, but she appeared to be in good spirits, so maybe he was overthinking everything.

A short while later, Engetsu had prepared a couple of large sandwiches, placing them down on the table. "Manami, I've got our lunch ready! You coming down soon?"

"Coming right now~" She responded, heading down the stairs. Engetsu turned to greet his trainer, and was taken slightly aback by what she was wearing... or rather the lack of what she was wearing. She had a thin top on with no bra, thigh high stockings, and a pair of panties - it made sense for her to put on more casual clothes when she was lounging around the house, but that normally involved a bra and a pair of shorts.

"Woah..." Engetsu blushed a little, though not much of it could be seen under his golden fur. "This is a surprise... I don't recall you dressing so... well, skimpily around here..."

"It's been a long day, I think I've earned this in a way~" She said in a somewhat flirty tone of voice. She had been flirty with him before, but never this blatant. Having grown up in Ryme City, the two of them had always had a close relationship, and not just on the level of Pokémon and Trainer. Given the city was known for both humans and Pokémon living as equals, it was only natural that they'd form a deeper bond than most other people. Of course, not in the same way as two lovers, at least for the most case, anyway. The two had always teased each other every now and then, and were more than comfortable enough to share a bed together. They had entertained the thought of being an actual couple, but they didn't know how others would react to it.

"I... I see..." Engetsu didn't quite know how to respond to it, taking a closer look at her. Something seemed off about her, the Lucario using his ability to manipulate aura to check on her own. Her usual aura felt somewhat different... it was still familiar, but at the same time, it seemed... alluring.

"Why, is something wrong about it?" She asked him.

"N-no, not at all! It's just that I'm not used to seeing you baring this much skin outside of swimming!"

"Heh... well if it's too distracting, I can always put on some more clothes..." She winked, noticing that Engetsu was looking over at Manami's wide hips and large rump.

"It's fine, you don't have to!" He blushed once again.

"Mmm... besides, you don't wear any clothes yourself."

"Why would I?" He stammered. "When do Pokémon wear clothes outside of contests?"

"Lighten up, Engetsu!" She giggled again.

"I just... I'm not sure what to say. Hard to really concentrate right now... and you do look good."

He admitted as he couldn't tear his eyes off of her lower regions, his mind warring with itself for a moment or two. He'd never thought this way before, but he couldn't deny it was coming from a place deep within himself. Maybe he'd just been scared to admit it to himself and her. He took a look at her aura once more.

"Why thank you, hun~" She continued to flirt, putting a hand on his shoulder. He scanned her once more, and again, he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it almost felt like he was looking at a female Lucario... but that couldn't be right, she was plainly a human!

"Eheh..." He was blushing so fiercely right now that it could be seen through his fur. "Look... I do know that you have been thinking about the whole relationship thing for a while, now..."

"I have, and maybe we could... take it to the next level? I mean, it's not like you aren't thinking the same thing~" She winked and gave him a rub on his stomach, her finger tracing a path around his chest spike. It wasn't just his imagination or a dream. She really was coming onto him.

"Woah..." He gulped. He had always pictured the day that the two of them would take their relationship further, but he didn't think it was going to be this soon. Her strange aura wasn't helping matters much, either. However, he would be lying if he said he wasn't feeling at least a little aroused. His loins were burning, his sheath and balls becoming visible through the fur.

"What's left to do but get it on? C'mon, Engetsu, I don't want to wait any longer..." She kept egging him on, heedless of her strange aura or the effect it was having on either of them. Manami was only thinking of the moment and her needs, and what she needed at that moment was him. Only he would satisfy her.

"Are you really sure about this?" He was still just a little bit hesitant - she had gone through a lot that day, and now Engetsu was pondering if the blue vapor had been the cause of this.

"I've never been more sure of this, sweetie~" She stroked along his thigh, eliciting a lustful growl from him, her other hand working to discard her panties.

Her hand moved up towards his shaft as she continued to tug her undergarments down, Engetsu starting to not care as much about the strangeness of the whole situation. She wasn't forcing this on him, he did want to do it. The act of touching spurring her aura to change further, dustings of blue and black fur starting to grow on her feet as her nails sharpened.

Engetsu was unaware of the fur growing in, thanks to the stockings she was wearing, although it was somewhat visible, poking through the fabric in some spots. His blushing faded, slowly pumping into Manami's hand, looking into her eyes. Manami's toes curled, the digits beginning to merge together, five quickly reducing to three, the remaining toes becoming somewhat more bulbous, the nails shifting further into sharpened claws.

Manami sat back against the sofa, another moan leaving her mouth as she stretched her legs, her now-puffier toes brushing against the floor, sending shivers through her. Whilst her feet had been sensitive before, the feeling seemed to have been amplified tenfold, a yelp leaving her mouth from the contact. Engetsu wondered what drew that drastic of a reaction from her, but with his cock being further stimulated by Manami's hands, his thoughts soon drifted back to the matter at hand.

"Mmm... you know, I've thought about doing this for a while now..." She said, trailing her thumb under the head of his dick.

"Luuccarr... r-really...?" He huffed as his hands moved towards her hips, rubbing them with no small amount of tenderness, every motion, every rub making them start to become more shapely, the fur following his touch and spreading outwards from it. The aura jackal was far too enraptured by her ministrations to notice, however, his aura in overdrive. Her stockings were starting to fray and break from her changes, causing her to moan.

"Well yeah - haven't you had any thoughts about giving it to me?" She huffed, a nub appearing at the base of her spine. Her hands were getting slick with his pre, her pumping getting faster by the second. "You can't tell me that you ha...ha...haaaaaaaahhh!" She moaned more intensely, the sound of tearing fabric assailing their ears as her growing feet pushed their way through the bottom of her stockings, revealing her now-canine paws to the two of them.

Engetsu blinked in shock at this, finally noticing the changes befalling her. She was changing into a Lucario, though he didn't know how. All he could tell was that not only was her aura changing, it changed the more he interacted with her. A grin spread over his face as he chuckled.

"Perhaps I have... maybe we've spent enough time in foreplay...?"

"Rrrhh... you wanna get to the physical stuff, stud?" She pulled her hand away from his drippy dick, licking her fingers clean as she laid back on the sofa. The nub was growing outwards, forming itself into a long, canine tail, wagging behind her as she teased Engetsu on further. Her top seemed to be a little more snug in the chest department, her breasts showing signs of change whilst creamy fur grew in along her torso.

"Lllluuuu..." He licked his lips, looking at her much more shaplier rear, placing a hand on her thighs to feel them up. "You don't think the vapor could be causing this, do you?"

"Maybe it is... cccarrrii... but I don't care..." She huffed as she felt her muscles tone up, beginning to fill her with strength unmatched by any human, moaning as he felt her ass, the fur continuing to spread. She wanted this so much, the feeling of changing was so erotic to her, eyes lingering on his cock. Her breasts started to swell, slowly gaining in size as fur began to sprout there.

"I still think that we should report this to the authorities, ya know?" Engetsu said, groping her thick thighs, eliciting another moan from her.

"Ah...hhrhrrarrhh... maybe... maybe a bit later..." She panted. "For now, it's just you and me..." She grinned. "Now how much longer are you gonna keep me waiting?"

Engetsu didn't need to say anything, keeping his hands on Manami's sides as he guided his throbbing, canine cock deep into her slick, fuzzy vagina, eliciting a low, deep snarl from her. Her breasts continued to surge in size, now a far departure from her borderline C-cup, the erect nipples poking into the fabric, causing it to strain further, the fur now making its way around her arms.

The male started to realize exactly what was happening as he thrust into her again, her breasts wobbling as they grew even larger, the top's fabric now stretched to the breaking point. He was infusing her with his aura. The gas was somehow making it take more effect than he could have ever imagined. Her fur coat spread further, making her less and less a human being, though she was beyond caring.


"Oooohh fuuuuck... why didn't I do this with you sooner..." She bit down on her lip, growling as she bucked against him. If they had done this sooner, it wouldn't have had the same outcome, but they had to wonder if it would have brought on the same intense feelings of pleasure.

"I... rrrriioooo... don't quite know..." He huffed, one hand moving towards her shoulder, feeling the fur grow thicker around it, blue fur covering the majority of her arm whilst it shifted to black around her hands and wrists. Her fingers twitched, a pair of sharp metal spikes growing from the back of her hands, followed up by equally sharp claws sprouting from her fingertips, the palms of her hands puffing out into soft pink pads, a similar set growing in on the undersides of her feet.

While neither of them knew why it had taken so long for their relationship to get to the point where it had found itself, neither were also complaining about it. Her transformation only made everything seem better, her face starting to deform as it began to transition from human to Lucario, her aura unmistakably befitting of one, albeit with some human traces. More thrusting and moaning as they consummate their love before she threw her head back in a howl as she came hard.

"LLLUUCAAARRRR!!" Engetsu roared along with her, gripping her tight as he too came, firing off thick bursts of cum deep into her folds. At the same time, her top could no longer contain her massive mammaries, splitting open down the middle as her titanic tits bounced outwards, hitting her partner in the face. The nipples were a dark black color, standing out against the fur as she brought a hand up to feel them.

"Mmrrfhh...hrrrrargghh...." Even though she just hit climax, she felt like she could go on longer, shooting Engetsu a look that practically screamed "Don't even think of stopping now!". Likewise, Engetsu's cock was still at full mast, a lustful growl leaving his mouth.

"Ooohh... I don't plan on stopping until you're just like me!"

"Good... mmrrhhh... keep goingggggg..." She huffed as she lay back on the couch, Engetsu briefly pulling out before plunging back in, going for broke as he infused her with as much of his aura as he could possibly manage, her face pushing out more and more with every thrust. Her ears starting to sharpen and lengthen as her senses came alive, the soon to be Lucario growling and moaning passionately.

"Just... just a little bit.... Rgghh... more..." Manami moaned, her nose sinking into her upper jaw, nostrils flaring as her muzzle completed its growth. Her ears twitched, a set of aura sensors growing out from underneath her hair. She felt her teeth grow inside of her maw, shifting into sharpened fangs, her tongue growing longer, thicker and rougher. The fur worked its way over her head, the black fur forming a mask around her eyes and upper jaw, the blue fur growing in elsewhere. Finally, as her eyes shifted to the sides of her head, turning a deep blue, matching the aura that was emanating around the two of them, the pupils pulling into slits, a large, metal spike pushed its way outwards, sitting atop her monstrously large bosom.

Engetsu huffed and growled in bliss as he watched her blossom into a full-blown Lucario like he was, strong and graceful and sensitive to boot. He didn't know if the stuff that had caused the changes would wear off, but prayed to Arceus that they wouldn't. He kept thrusting, his mate equally into it, relishing in her freshly-changed body. She could feel his heart beat, as he could hers, eventually the pair reaching perfect synchronicity as they howled and came at the same time.


Their howls echoed through the room, the force of it enough to shatter the windows directly behind them, as well as set off a few alarms on nearby cars. Having achieved orgasm for the second time, their lusts appeared to be sated for now, the two beasts left panting and huffing as they gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.

"H...hh...heh... was... was it good for you, my dear?" Manami said with a sly grin, revealing her new fangs.

"Arceus, yes it was... I hope you stay like this forever..." He huffed in return, enjoying how she felt, how she smelled, and her aura. Fatigue soon began to overcome them as Engetsu gently laid against her chest, cuddling up to her as he fell asleep, his cock still inside her. Manami also smiled before sleep overtook her, happy to have taken their relationship to the next level.

The two of them slept peacefully, embracing each other as they dreamed their way into the early hours of the next day, only being awakened by their need to eat - thankfully the lunch that Engetsu had prepared earlier was nearby, but the two would need something a bit more substantial, even if 3AM in the morning wasn't really the ideal time to cook a full dinner. The two of them discussed and theroised what had gone down, and even pondered just what would happen if they were to explain all this to the authorities - the last thing Manami wanted to happen to her was to be taken in for further testing, but she had a feeling that Engetsu wouldn't take that sitting down.

"We could perhaps run away, find a place to live. Or to hell with it, stay here. They can't make us leave, and I still own the apartment. This might be a new era for Pokémon..." She mused as she looked over at her partner-turned-mate before shrugging. It didn't matter for the moment. They were happy, and she had a good feeling they'd find more like themselves soon enough. There was no way Team Rocket hadn't produced more of it.

Sneaking up to him, she kissed Engetsu on the back of the neck, leaning against him with a hug. Whatever the future held, they were in it together.