Patreon Reward - Family Ties

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissions and Rewards

3829 words

A patreon reward for Chobin (on InkBunny and FurAffinity) just for being a patron! The first "raffle" story handed out! Basically, on the 14th and 28th of each month I pick a patron and ask for a story idea from them, and I go through all of them until everyone's gotten one. Since I currently only have 2 patrons, the waiting list is SUPER short, but you could always put yourselves on it. You know where the link is~

Two siblings with a deep personal connection make that bond a little deeper when one of them goes into heat.

Something simple and fun, but I hope you all enjoy YOUR time with loved ones this fine holiday season~

Hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me! Details here: Or, if that's too hard, just head there directly: or

Aurora and Zephyr were a pair of snow leopards that were thick as thieves. Of course, it was hard not to be close to someone when they were your fraternal twin, but they'd done everything together. Played, gone to school, and even moved out together. They'd also learned quite early on to be good to each other, as they were both oddities.

Aurora, an incredibly outgoing young woman with piercing blue eyes and beautiful curls to her hair, was actually sporting quite the dick between her legs to match her heavy rack, and she flaunted them both. Meanwhile, Zephyr had always been a bit shy around other boys, and in high school when they'd all have their fun and talk about girls and figuratively measure dicks, well... he literally had nothing to compare. Combined with having to often spend his time away from the other males in class whenever his heats kicked in, he tended to be quite the solitary cat.

That trend had continued on through college and into his life away from his parents. While he'd moved out with Aurora, both of them sharing an apartment while they worked up the money to buy a house, he stayed at home most of the time. He was always worried about what people would think of him, or that he'd say the wrong thing and get someone's attention. Luckily, he was good enough at what he did that he could do most of his tech work from home, troubleshooting and fixing PCs remotely, or taking them apart and getting them working again in the comfort of his own apartment.

At least, he usually could. On weekends he tended to be in his room, giving the living room over to his sister as she did her side gig. Normally Aurora was an incredibly happy, friendly, bubbly grocery store clerk, brightening the lives of the people that came in looking for stuff in the middle of the night. She always had a good story, friends, and could make people laugh. But, on weekends, she would spend most of her time making people moan. She kept the same hours, but she would also "work from home" on the weekends, bringing home adventurous young women and making them scream her name. The barbed cock she kept between her shapely thighs hardly spent a night without finding its way inside a willing pussy, usually sheathed in rubber, and, at least on weekends, always for the right price.

It always amazed Zephyr how Aurora could be so confident to proposition people out on the street like that. And how she always seemed to make it work. Ever since she'd been young she'd been outgoing, quickly becoming everyone's friend even in school, but by high school she'd quickly gained the reputation of being the school bicycle. The thing was, everyone _did_want a ride, and she'd done an amazing job giving it to every girl out there. Zephyr had watched in fascination, heart pounding as she moved so confidently and effortlessly, talking, laughing, then grinding the beast she hid under her skirt and whispering just the right words... It was beautiful to watch, and honestly, to the shy leopard, incredibly impressive.

Not just for her outgoing ways, though he'd loved those when she was younger. As she'd gotten older, hearing the moans echoing from the other room, or peeking outside to see the car rocking in the driveway had caused him to thrill. The school had even had to put security cameras in the girl's bathrooms because of how often they'd been finding condoms in there after every recess. More than once in high school Zephyr had gone to bed at night fingering his lower, virginal lips as he pictured Aurora doing her thing with him... but he'd always brushed it off. There was no way anyone would ever do that with him.

She hadn't helped with that at all. When they'd finally gotten separate rooms, puberty hitting them both quite hard, she'd started to get more and more playful with him. She'd always joke about how much she'd wanted to pull his tail, or hear him purring for her. More than once, she'd even pulled him against her, her length throbbing through the thin material of her skirt, as she just looked him in the eyes with a lusty need in hers. He figured she'd just been teasing him at first, wanting him to feel bad about what he was missing, but she cleared that up after she'd seen him moping, saying that he was beautiful and she'd never want a bit of him to change.

In college he'd started to turn the idea around. That was when he first had wanted to move out, and she insisted she came with him. "You wouldn't even know how to take care of yourself. Or have the courage to ask for help if you needed it," she'd said, winking at him in front of the parents. While they'd laughed, she'd pulled up close to him, grabbing his ass and nipping his neck. He pushed away, laughing a little at her joke and telling her to stop. After all, she could have anyone! Why would she want her own brother?

That had been confirmed as he'd gone for his computer science degree. She'd insisted on joining him at the apartment, but she didn't even go to the school, instead going straight into working and, soon, starting her little side business. At first he'd tried to block out the constant moaning on the couch outside his bedroom, focusing on homework and studying. Every night it was a different woman, crying out in pleasure for Aurora... and every night he'd found himself fingering his folds, replaying it in his mind. One day he finally decided he had to have an image to go with it, and he'd cracked the door open to take a look.

He'd never realized how the couch had been positioned until he was peeking out the door. He could see the grey and white of her fur flashing as she moved, her heavy nuts like two white wrecking balls slapping up and down into the submissive wolfess beneath her. She growled out dominantly, her slightly rounded form bouncing in all the right ways, filled out perfectly, her breasts mashed against the red wolf's breasts under her. He could see the pussy clenching, the tail wagging, the toes curling with every lustful yip and howl. And his sister, dominant, confident, in control as she plowed the eager fields beneath her, only a bit of rubber keeping that barbed monster from seeding the bitch's spade.

He'd fallen to his knees on the spot, a hand buried between his leg as he bit his lip, his own white fur getting matted down and glistening with his arousal as he played with his clit. He watched the wolfess moan, her arms curling around Aurora's back and pulling her tight. He'd watched her barbs pushing out, threatening to pierce the rubber and stretching the pussy she plundered even further. He heard the ragged screams, the lusty moans of arousal matching his own needy purr. He timed his fingers to schlick at the same pace her cock wetly slapped its way home, her balls battering the wolfess's pucker, joining her pink star in displaying their arousal for him. And, for a moment, he could've sworn his eyes met Aurora's, and her smile deepened.

The resounding, shuddering orgasm he'd brought himself to while watching that he would never forget, nor the puddle he'd cleaned up after or the scratch marks he'd had to sand out of the door. The wolfess had stumbled out later, leaving a naked Aurora tossing aside the used condom and counting her bills happily. She never said anything to him, didn't seem to even have noticed him watching that night... or any of the many nights after that that he'd watched again. All through college and into his work, he started to watch her do her thing with all manner of people, even a few boys in situations like his. Always a pussy being plundered, always a puddle for him to clean up at his door, his own pussy clenching with need, wanting to be filled.

He remained a virgin, though, all through college and to this day. And sometimes it had been hard, especially when he was in heat, fighting back his instincts and smelling a virile, throbbing cock just a room away that could solve all his problems... He'd watch her like a hawk those days, and find her grinding against him and teasing him even more than usual. But he knew it was all in jest, and she never actually pushed him, no matter how lewd her jokes got, so clearly she was just joking the whole time.

Then, on one of her rare weekend nights when she wasn't out on the town, they'd spent the night in having fun. Zephyr was celebrating after a particularly tricky, but well paid, computer repair, and Aurora was just enjoying the night off after a rough week. They'd both been drinking a few beers, the empties stationed around the room like fallen soldiers, and they were getting all curled up with a blanket to watch a movie. Despite the snow outside, the heating in the apartment was good, and they weren't wearing anything more than they usually would at home together: her her skirt and underwear and a tank top, and him a shirt, underwear, and pants. The pants were sweat pants today, though, as he'd entered his heat two days before and the comfort was needed, even if he was feeling like he was on fire.

As he settled down on the couch, he felt a needy pang, pushing his hands into his pants and giving himself a few soft strokes on his lower lips. He wasn't too worried about Aurora minding. He'd been on the couch as she'd clearly stroked herself under her skirt, giving him a full view. He hadn't said anything at the time, just admiring her curvy, full form and the fuzzy balls the motions revealed... He'd had really vivid images that night. As he teased himself, though, she looked him in the eyes, smirking her trademark lusty smile. "You know, bro, I could help you take care of that. Just for you, family price. $20 and I'll even spot the condom." She flicked out her hand, where she had the little packet between her fingers, a grin on her slightly tipsy face.

He laughed, blushing a little as he took his hand out of his pants, bringing it up to pick up his beer and sip from it. The buzz was there, and he could smell his arousal, his need, on his glistening fingers, so close to his face. He knew she could smell it too, able to see the blanket tenting between her legs. "You don't mean that. I mean, you want the night off, right? Why would I give you extra work to do." He laughed again, trying to stop his mind from all the thoughts it had rushing through it involving that tent there.

She leaned towards him, showing her breasts to him in her low cut top as she flicked out her claws. "I'll do it for $10 if you let me shred this baby and fuck you raw instead. You know your body is screaming for it, Zephy."

His mind swirled at her words, seeing her beautiful face as she looked him in the eyes, her piercing blues staring right into his. His body was screaming at him, wanting him to give himself to her, but... after all these years, she had to be pulling his tail. He laughed again, finishing off his beer. "Like we'd even want that. I'd have to go get the pill, and then I might as well not even have worked on-"

She pressed forward, her voice purring just inches from his ear as her warm breath washed over his neck. "I'd do it for free if you skip the pill, sexy~." She pressed forward, her chest squishing against his, her belly gently pressing against his thin form... but it was the bulge, throbbing through her skirt against his heated pussy, that truly had him whining, biting his lip. He looked into her eyes, trying to find where she was joking, clearly sure this was some elaborate prank... and he saw only sincerity and lust.

A lust he shared wholeheartedly right now. He whined, his body screaming with need, but he shook his head. "Aurora, you don't really feel that way, it's just my-" his doubts were cut off by their lips locking, his sister giving him a full, loving, lusty kiss, her tongue thrusting into his mouth and twining around his. She massaged his tongue with hers, her care for him present in her soft lips and the way she pressed down on top of him, fully pinning him under her. He gasped a little, then closed his eyes, moaning softly as she kissed him deeply, their tongues dancing together. She purred, the vibrations running through him as her hands moved down his shoulders, then his sides, reaching under his shirt and pulling it off, only breaking the kiss to fling it aside.

Zephyr's heart was pounding in his chest, his whole body burning with his heat as he looked at her, her motions clear. He pulled the blanket aside, revealing his white belly and the grey fur around it, matching her pattern so perfectly. She grinned, then winked as she took off her tank top, her breasts bouncing free onto her slightly chubby belly. She massaged her breasts, gently pinching the soft pink nipples on the tip, before she growled at him. "Come on, Zephy. Play with them. You haven't had a look since the last bath we took together... except, maybe, all those peeks from your room."

He blushed bright red, clearly busted as he hid his face behind his hands, but she just grabbed them pulling them free and placing them on top of her breasts. He squeezed, feeling their firmness, their softness, testing how they bounced, while she moaned and purred, grinding her hips against his. Her skirt was barely on still her cock throbbing as it ground against her underwear and his sweatpants. "Oooh, you don't know how badly I've wanted this, Zephy. Just hoping you'd come from your room and take your spot under me~." She pushed herself up slightly, pulling down her skirt and revealing the frilly, lacy red underwear underneath, her cock throbbing and tenting them to the point that the panties did nothing. She slowly took them off too, and in the process, gave him a clear view under her.

Behind her he could see the door to his room... the place he'd watched her do things with so many different people. And yet, now, he was in their position... and his heart was racing with anticipation, wanting it with all his being. He quickly stripped off his sweats, then the briefs he had underneath, soaked through with his arousal. The very feminine lips between his legs were drenched, dripping and wafting their need through the whole apartment as he lay there under her, watching her move, not sure if any of this was actually real.

The way her cock spilled forth from her underwear made it all the more real, that barbed length looking like a monster as is throbbed under her, its heat so incredibly close to the warmth between his legs. He bit his lip in anticipation as she held up the condom, a questioning look in her eyes. He shook his head, and with glee her claws sprang out, making a show of shredding it in front of him, then tossing the condom aside like confetti. She lowered her larger body over him, her cock lining up against his entrance, and he tensed, wondering what it would feel like to finally be penetrated... to finally not be a virgin anymore, and by breeding with his own sister!

She kissed him gently, her lips as soft as the breasts pressed against him, before she pulled away, purring. "Zephy, you're going to want to relax. This won't hurt at all... in fact, you'll love it." She grinned, placing her hands around his neck as he returned the favor, holding her gently. He took a deep breath, relaxing fully, and as soon as she sensed this she pushed forward, her warm tip throbbing against his lips, then slipping in smoothly, his slick need making sure it glided right where it belonged.

He knew it would feel good, but he moaned, his body clamping down at its first penetration by anything other than his fingers. It felt amazing, like lightning was firing through is form, and his claws shot out, gripping tightly on her back. She stopped, waiting for him to relax again before she pushed in any further, inch after inch slowly sinking into her brother's waiting pussy. There was a moment of hesitation as she reached a spot where she was pressed against something, and he nodded, moaning loudly, before she pressed forward. It didn't hurt more than the tiniest pinch as she broke his maidenhead, deflowering her brother and officially being his first.

Both of them purred as her hips met with his, but his was breathy, his mind racing as he felt so incredibly full, more so than he'd ever been before. His body clenched and pulled, his legs spreading as wide as they could to give her access, his tail whipping around behind him. She grinned, nipping his neck lustily, before she pulled back slowly, lifting herself up to let him see. It was hard to see past her full breasts, but there, in the center, was her cock throbbing, glistening with his heated need... and beyond it, the door he'd watched so many others get taken from, never dreaming he'd be the one down here. He moaned loudly. "Take me Aurora. Fill me up like only you can~!"

She growled dominantly, her claws coming out and gently scratching into his back, giving her a leverage point as she sank back in fully, the first proper thrust of their union as more than just siblings. Her breasts bounced in front of his eyes and he shuddered, his mouth agape in a silent lusty moan as he was spread fully wide. His feet kicked in the air for a moment, feeling her pull back, then push back in, starting with fast but incredibly deep thrusts, hitting pleasure points inside him he never knew existed. By instinct his feet wrapped around, his legs going around her waist, pulling her in even deeper, her tapered, barbed tip pressing into his deepest passage, filling him up perfectly.

The white fur of their bellies pressed against each other, hers jiggling slightly with her motions, the softness of her form hiding the power and skill behind her motions. She'd pleased countless people before, but there was one she'd truly wanted underneath her, and all that work had been for him. She pulled out every trick in the book, hitting his g-spot, grinding against his clit, varying her pace and circling her hips to drive him wild. She wanted his first time to be amazing, and for him, it didn't take long at all, his legs pulling her hips down and his claws digging into her back as he roared out in pleasure, his pussy clenching and spasming around her cock, his arousal squirting out off of the couch. She stopped, listening to him pant and moan and holding him close, giving him time to recover.

It was as he was recovering that he realized she wasn't even close yet. Her barbs hadn't extended, and she was still quite calm. He purred, then moaned as she started to thrust again, his body alight with passion and sparking with joy, pushed past his orgasm and to heights of pleasure he never dreamed of. He moaned loudly, clinging to her even more tightly as she thrust in deep and fast, the first searing hot, but incredibly soothing, bead of precum drooling from her tip and into his deepest, fertile chamber.

Now that his first orgasm was out of the way, Aurora really started to pound into him, her tail high and her balls slapping against his pucker as she pumped into him fully. He growled, his claws running down her back as she gripped him by the neck, growling lustily into his fur. She'd wanted to do this for _years_and she wasn't going to let anything stand in the way a she filled her brother up fully, her body pounding against his, surrounding and claiming him as hers. Her spines started to flare out, the rubbery tips brushing against his sides, giving his sensitive walls an amazing stimulation. He shuddered in her grip, his legs tightening as she pumped faster and faster, slamming home with every thrust, his walls clamping harder, pulling tighter, feeling so good he was sure in his drunk mind that he'd died and gone to heaven.

She thrust harder and faster, her heavy nuts starting to pull up as she neared her orgasm, feeling his walls fully clamping down, milking her cock for everything she had to offer. She growled dominantly, biting into his neck again as he pulled tight, yowling out as a second orgasm rocked him to the core, stars appearing in his vision as his body prepared itself for the coming flood. It didn't have to wait, thick ropes of cum rushing through his sister's cock and pouring into his womb, splashing the heated, fertile fields there with thick globs of life-giving seed, sure to find a place to take root. She roared dominantly, fully claiming her brother as her own, finally reuniting them fully after all the time they spent apart since sharing the same womb. Once more they shared the same womb... just inside Zephyr this time.

They purred happily, collapsing together on the couch where she'd claimed so many before him. They giggled and nuzzled, enjoying their shared warmth and the sticky seed slowly leaking from his no-longer virginal body. He shuddered happily, kissing her over and over, happy to be hers and her his.

As they went to restart the movie, she grinned at him. "So, do you owe me $10? Or should we start looking for a proper house?"

He grinned, his tail twining around hers as cum drooled from his lower lips around her cock. "I think it's time for us to use our savings for a house, Aurora. Can't have cubs running around an apartment after all." They giggled and purred, nuzzling each other and settling in to watch the movie, though it didn't take long for them to both get distracted again, making sure that heat was REALLY taken care of.