Hot and Collared

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a gift done for my mate, zynothrexel ! She does love being a good, needy hen with a lot of eggs and this time, she's unwittingly bringing me along for the fun! Be careful with the things you find, they might be enchanted... Luckily, ragnertheblue is there to help!

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

It was the shine that caught Femzy's eye. The dragoness had just been walking down the street, a bulging bag of groceries held in her tail, when she'd seen something glinting on the ground beside the path. Upon bending closer, she realised that it was the buckle of a collar, fallen beside the path. They weren't anywhere special, just on a residential street and collars were a fairly common item of jewelry for ferals. Femzy nosed closer, seeing that this was a good quality leather collar. Fancy, it had a solid buckle and an egg pendant hanging from it at the front.

For the feral equivalent of a necklace, it was pretty good. The metal was shiny and new, the leather supple and strong, as Femzy discovered when she picked it up. It was only then that she noticed that there was a second collar beside it. "Who could have lost these?" she murmured to herself. One had purple leather, the other black, and both had the same egg pendant. Perhaps they'd fallen from a flying dragon, in which case they'd probably never find the original owners.

Thinking for a moment, Femzy decided to take the collars home with her. It was better than leaving them out to be ruined by the elements. So, placing the collars in with the groceries, she continued on her route home. She didn't live too far from the store, which was a big plus as the dragoness liked to cook, a lot. And dragons ate a lot, so it balanced itself out.

This place was usually inhabited just by her and her mate Ragner. The latter would be at work for a little longer before he arrived home, but they had a special visitor. "Hi hun," Femzy said, smiling as she entered the house. Seracen looked up from where she'd been reading a book in the lounge room, shutting it quickly and jumping up to help with all of the groceries.

"Hey," she replied in greeting, giving Femzy a loving nuzzle before poking her nose into the bag. "Am I finally going to get to taste some of your cooking?" The black dragoness had only arrived that day and had been wanting some of Femzy's cooking for quite some time.

"You will," Femzy replied with a smile, nuzzling back. "But not for a while yet. I'll start after Ragner gets home; it'll take a while to make anyway and we can all chat for a while."

"If you insist," Seracen purred, giving her mate's cheek a small kiss. "Wait...are those collars? Did you go out and buy collars?"

"No I just found them!" Femzy said, handing the purple one to Seracen. "They were just lying there on the ground. Look like they're really nice quality though; someone is probably missing them right about now. A flier probably dropped their bag..."

"Well, we can try and find the rightful owners," Seracen said, her doubt of that endeavour succeeding evident in her voice. She took the purple one that had been handed to her by Femzy and turned it over in her paws. "They are very pretty," she murmured, more to herself than to Femzy.

"Maybe we can try them on, just for a bit," Femzy suggested, similarly enamoured with her own black collar. Something about them just seemed so enticing that it was difficult to not want them around their throats, but neither dragoness noted the peculiarity of this.

Instead, they both lifted the collars and buckled them around their throats, the weight feeling comfortable and right. "I like this," Seracen said, touching it. "I'll have to get one for myself if this one is reclaimed."

The two dragonesses set to work putting all of the groceries that Femzy had bought away, which took only a few minutes. Then they retired to the living room to chat and catch up, not having seen one another in person for quite some time. There was a lot to talk about, and they were deep in conversation for almost half an hour before Seracen noticed something.

Femzy was all of a sudden acting squirmier and more restless than usual, Seracen noted. But stranger still, she was feeling the same way. A kind of restless energy was filling her, along with a strange tingling feeling. It took her a few moments to pinpoint the source, but it seemed to be the collar. "Um...Femzy?" she said, interrupting a story that the other dragoness had been telling. "Do you feel anything...odd? At all?"

That made Femzy pause in her story, tilting her head to one side for a moment and then nodding. "The collar?"

"I think it's doing something," Seracen muttered, lifting a law to unbuckle it...but the buckle wouldn't loosen at all. "What! It won't come off!"

Femzy tried her own collar quickly, having the same result: the buckle refused to release. She tried to undo Seracen's buckle, but that too failed. "Oh great," she groaned. "The only two nice things I've found are cursed."

"Yeah, but cursed how?" Seracen said, pacing back and forth. "Is there someone we can call? There's a poison call-line; is there a curse call-line?"

"I'm not really sure," Femzy said, sounding similarly worried. But then she paused, focusing on the feelings inside her once more. They seemed oddly...familiar, in a way. And they were increasing too, running through her body to...well, to her sex. Getting an idea, Femzy took several deep sniffs. There was a hint of something in Seracen's scent but she couldn't quite place it.

Then the magic hit them both like the proverbial wall of bricks. Both dragonesses let out a gasp as power flashed through their bodies like bolts of lightning, connecting the collars with their sexes in wavering lines of magical energy. Next time when Femzy breathed, she realised what the hint had been: heat. It was easier for males to smell it in a dragoness's scent than another female, which was easier again than smelling it from oneself. But now Femzy and Seracen could easily tell the other was in heat.

And they could feel it for themselves, a deep itch forming between their inner thighs that seemed to lead from their lips to deep inside. Warmth blossomed in their bellies as their wombs prepared to receive a load from a stud drake and make it into a wonderful clutch of eggs. The warmth intensified into a proper heat as it ran from their wombs, down their tunnels, to their pussies. They began to swell rapidly, lips parting to expose their inner folds which were quickly coated in a sheen of glistening moisture.

Beneath their tails, their vents had become a soft, fertile target for any drake that wanted to try to claim them, their clits visible as they left their hoods. It took only seconds for both dragonesses to begin dripping, juices matting the fur on their thighs and darkening it, creating another sign that they were ready to be rutted, not that there weren't already enough of those.

"They're...heat...curses!" Femzy panted, rump squirming around.

"I figured," Seracen moaned, her tail raised up to a lewd level. She dearly wanted to sink into a presenting crouch, they both did. The collars had taken them directly to the middle of an unsated heat, the strongest that they'd ever felt. Seracen wasn't even aware that she was moving until she was nuzzling at Femzy, the two nesses giving low moans.

Seracen nuzzled her way up Femzy's jawline and then gave her deep kiss, which the other dragoness returned with purr. Keeping their jaws locked together in the kiss, Femzy moved in such a way that Seracen was rolled onto the floor, Femzy standing over her. Only then did she break the kiss, the black dragoness on her back with her paws held close to her chest, looking up curiously. "What are you--?" The words were lost in a moan.

Femzy pressed herself down onto Seracen, almost laying on her mate's belly and pressing their sexes tightly together. Slick folds rubbed over slick folds, their juices mixing and matting down the fur all around their pussies. Femzy moaned out too, making small rocking motions against her mate's sex in a way that gave her clit the barest hint of a graze. Her tunnel clenched down on the emptiness that was all she had, and not what the heat demanded.

Below, Seracen couldn't stop squeezing down on the nothing inside her, even as Femzy ground against her. It felt wonderful but she was in heat and she wanted something inside her, now! But there were no males and she couldn't stop humping back against Femzy, grinding into her movements too. Her clit seemed to be aching all on its own, occasionally giving a throb that made Seracen gasp, and Femzy was no better.

She was grinding down, mashing their lips together and squirming, but it wasn't truly what cured heat. There were drugs for that, or a lot of time in bed with a toy, or a proper drake. Neither Femzy nor Seracen could think past the haze though, not to do anything but grind uselessly against one another. Even cumming from this was out of the question as they sunk deeper and deeper into heat, caught in the collars' spells. They couldn't stop panting and whining, humping and grinding each other in an orgy of need and denial.

That was how Ragner found them a while later. He walked in through the door and instantly a wall of pheromones from heat and sex hit him, making him begin to pant more of it in immediately. Femzy and Seracen had been facing away from him and the door so his first sight was of their two wet, grinding mounds, connected by strings of thick arousal. The blue and yellow dragon stopped, mouth hanging open loosely, not really quite sure what to do.

But Femzy knew. As soon as Ragner's scent hit her nose, her head jerked up. Seracen was only a second behind her as Femzy stopped rubbing their vents together and instead bounded over to Ragner. "Fem--" he began to say, but couldn't finish the word as the dragoness tackled him, flipping him over onto his back with a needy whine. "What's gotten into you!" he said but then let out a gasp of his own.

Femzy was grinding against his male-slit with her own sex, and between that and the scents and pheromones in the air, Ragner's tip was beginning to emerge. The dragoness was too worked up to even speak, just whining and whimpering out her need as she tried to grind against Ragner, feeling his cock slowly slipping into view.

Deciding to just go with it, Ragner gave a grin. "If that's what you want, then fine!" With a domineering growl, the slightly-larger dragon used his strength to his advantage, flipping them over so that Femzy was the one on her back and he was the one on top. More of his length quickly slipped into view, especially since every breath that he took was laden with the potent scent of two dragonesses in heat.

From the sidelines, Seracen squirmed and watched, whining with every breath as she looked beneath Ragner's belly. Even Femzy looked down herself to see as Ragner's shaft emerged. Blue, it had rounded barbs going down the entire length, growing with every rapid beat of the dragon's heart until it was an impressive size. Then, and only then, did he give Femzy what she was wordlessly begging for, plunging into her sex in a smooth thrust.

Femzy gave a strangled howl of pleasure, finally able to have something fill her. Ragner got about halfway into her on the first try and began a rapid pace, pounding into her heated depths with ease thanks to how wet the dragoness had become. The rounded barbs felt wonderful to Femzy as they pressed and raked past her walls, making her moan and squirm all the more.

From the sidelines, it was all too much for Seracen. She couldn't wait any longer! But since Ragner was busy, she went and instead crouched over Femzy's muzzle, a whining pleading sound coming from her throat. Femzy understood at once as her vision was filled with Seracen's vent and she began to lick and nuzzle, coating her muzzle and nose with her mate's juices. It was hard to do a good job, especially since Ragner had managed to hilt himself inside her, Femzy feeling so wonderfully full that it was hard to think about anything else.

Nevertheless, she tried to give her other mate her attention too, nuzzling and licking at the delicate folds of her sex even as her own was filled over and over. It was hard for Femzy to concentrate, but she made sure that Seracen was entertained, using her tongue to dart all over those lips, occasionally up to her clit in a way that made Seracen's legs shake and tremble as she moaned. But it was still just a half-measure; nothing Femzy did could truly sate the desire that was burning through her, stop the heat. Only a male could do that, and she had to wait.

But maybe she didn't have to wait too much longer. It was hard for Ragner to hold back at all. Femzy was squeezing and rippling around his shaft vigorously as he thrust into her, her body encouraging him to cum and fill her with as much seed as she could hold, and then some. But he tried to stay a little longer, leaning forwards with a growl to bite lightly around Femzy's throat. The dragoness shuddered and moaned as she felt the pinpricks of his fangs on either side of her neck, holding her still in the most primal way possible.

He began to ram himself home, Femzy's tongue faltering and leaving Seracen to drip needily as Femzy panted, all of her attention focused on her sex by the bite to her throat. It awakened a primal thing: she was now claimed, and was going to bear this drake a strong clutch...somehow she knew that it was true, that that's what would happen. The thrusts reached a crescendo, Ragner letting out a roar as he began to cum.

The dragon's shaft twitched and pulsed powerfully as he pushed as deep as he could go into his mate. Cum erupted from his tip in a long, hot flood, filling up Femzy's womb as his tip pressed directly against her cervix. The sensation was finally what her heat had been waiting for and Femzy let loose a howling roar that joined with that of her mate as she finally climaxed. Her sex seized down, milking firmly around the dragon in the hopes of gaining just a little more of that precious seed.

With how needy she was, and how much she was squeezing him, it took Ragner a fair while to pull out his soaked shaft, cum still dripping from his tip. "What brought this on, love?" he said, purring.

Before Femzy could answer, there was a needy, whimpering whine from nearby. Seracen, almost forgotten, made it three steps before she collapsed into a presenting stance, dropping her chest down low and raising her rump high. The black dragoness's tail lifted and curled over her back, exposing her swollen and dripping sex.

"Well...I'd never deny a hen in need," Ragner grinned. He was still hard, and looked to Femzy who nodded and purred. Grinning Ragner stepped out from over her and towards Seracen, who was trembling with need and anticipation. She made wordless begging sounds with her maw, past words in her need and heat. "Don't worry, my hen," Ragner purred. "We'll get that heat sated."

With that, he reared up and locked onto Seracen's hips, cock prodding in close to her vent. The tip ran across her folds as they were designed to do, bringing to her entrance and slipping inside. Sera gave a long, low moan, Ragner going more slowly this time, letting Seracen feel each of the rounded barbs on his shaft as they slid into her. She moaned for each and every one, her heat making her so sensitive that it was all she could do for the moment just to process the feelings.

As Ragner's haunches came to rest against her own, she moaned again, clenching down with her pussy. It felt so right to be so completely filled, her body moulded around his shape so perfectly. And that was before he began to thrust, driving everything from her mind once again. Femzy had different ideas though, moving in front of Seracen and raising her tail.

"Time for you to return the favour," she moaned, still feeling rather needy, but not to the same degree. Mindlessly, still gasping with each thrust, Seracen obeyed her mate's request, raising her head a little to begin licking and lapping at Femzy's sex. It wasn't just her sex though; some of Ragner's cum was leaking out and she licked and cleaned that as well, moaning with nostrils flared at the musky scent and male taste. Femzy was marked as well claimed and in only a few moments, so would Seracen.

Ragner began to speed up once more, the barbs raking at Sera's walls, making her shudder and squirm beneath him, but she couldn't actually cum while in heat until the very end, when she would finally be impregnated. It was a primal need in her now, just like it had been for Femzy. She kept licking and nuzzling into Femzy's folds, getting her nose and the fine fur of her face matted and wet, but she didn't mind. Femzy's scent was sweet in her nostrils, but her tongue began to weaken as Ragner moved faster.

He pounded himself into her, leaning forwards to bite the back of Seracen's neck as he had done with Femzy, then gave a muffled roar. He thrust forwards at the same time that he tugged Seracen back, jamming the tip of his cock against the entrance to her womb as he flooded another ness with his seed. His jaws tightened for a moment, Seracen shuddering submissively as she felt the pricks of teeth and then crying out as all of the heat, all of the frustration, was released in one explosive orgasm.

It seemed to last forever, her vent squeezing and milking Ragner for what he could give, but eventually Seracen came back to herself, feeling rather dazed. Ragner gave her a lick where he had bitten and then slid off of her rump, cock slipping out of her used vent. "That was..." Seracen began, but she didn't know how to finish that sentence. Intense didn't really seem to describe it.

"Um," Femzy said, sounding a little odd. "I don't think that's all the collars do." Both Seracen and Ragner looked over and then jumped in shock. Femzy's belly was swollen. Only slightly so far, but it was growing before their eyes, almost too subtly to see. The furred dragoness prodded at herself with a paw, then pointed at Sera. "It's happening with you too!"

Sera looked down at her grey belly and let out a little yelp. Her belly was rounding out a little and she could feel it. Femzy was a little ahead of her, but not much. For a minute or two, they all just watched, dumbfounded, until Ragner spoke up. "I think they're eggs," he suggested. "You look...pregnant."

The two dragonesses knew immediately that he was right. Femzy already looked like she was beginning to carry a clutch, and Sera was right behind, a slight swell to her sides.

Over the course of the next half hour, the eggs inside grew and grew. The weight became noticeable at the fifteen minute mark, and it was around then that they realised that their clutches weren't normal. "Must have at least eight eggs in me," Seracen groaned, sitting on her haunches and running a paw over the swell of her belly; it was almost possible to discern shapes beneath her fur.

"I think I have ten," Femzy shot back, smiling and stroking her own belly. "We'll be ready to lay soon."

By the end of the thirty minutes, the two dragonesses could barely move. When they stood, their egg-filled bellies almost touched the ground and forced their hindlegs apart when they stood, forcing an awkward waddle to move around. Seracen was the first to feel a pang go through her, letting out a loud gasp and trembling. "Think it's starting!"

Ragner rushed over to help and Femzy struggled to get up from laying on her side when her own contractions began and she fell back. Seracen was too heavy and large to move into a squat like her body wanted, so she waddled quickly to where Femzy was, laying down next to her and placing her head next to Femzy's.

"Can I help?" Ragner asked, looking rather out of his depth.

"Just let it all happen," Femzy moaned, feeling the first egg move. She began to kiss and nuzzle at Seracen as it did, pressing against the entrance to her womb and then moving through it. The person that had designed the collar had done so in a way that meant there was no pain or discomfort, but there was pleasure as the egg moved into Femzy's sex. She moaned, feeling her walls go taut around the large shape, pushing it towards her entrance. Beside her, Seracen began the same process.

It took a fair bit of pushing to get the egg to her entrance, Ragner giving a little gasp as he saw it appear. Femzy let out a long moan and then, with an explosive orgasm, pushed the egg out the rest of the way. It crested for a moment and then fell to the floor, wet from Femzy. Seracen took a minute longer for her first egg but she too cried out from a climax as it left her, falling to the floor with a clack.

The next egg was already moving out of their wombs when the first left and Seracen and Femzy both purred, nuzzling and licking and kissing each other as they lay egg after egg, cumming each time and sometimes in between as well. It all became a bit of a blur of pleasure until their bellies were flat once again and their sexes sore and stretched. But even that was slowly reversed by the collars until they were tight and feeling perfectly fine.

With a groan, Femzy got up, reaching for her collar. Now the buckled opened itself for her and she took it off, holding it in her hand. Seracen did so as well, then looked at it thoughtfully. The pile of eggs that each had lain were quite large: ten from Femzy and nine from Seracen. The two dragonesses exchanged a look and then, together, put the collars back around their throats before advancing on Ragner.

"Let's see how many times you can breed us," Femzy purred.