Shining's Turn 2nd part

Story by jaime_lion on SoFurry

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#2 of A mother's Touch

Shining Armor gets a chance to try a diaper like his sister and his mother changes him. Story written by the V-Claw

Story #2 - Shining's Turn

"Ummmm... Shining?" asked Twilight Sparkle while she and her Mother were still standing in the guest bedroom. Velvet continued to clean up as she left the room, and walked past the blushing Shining while grabbing his grocery bag with her magic. As she went back downstairs with a devilish smirk, Shining was blushing even deeper while left alone with his diapered sister. Twilight's eyes narrowed on him in suspicion, and she blinked a few times before asking, "... Did you seriously sneak in and watch me being changed?"

"N-No!" he blurted with a very unconvincing look on his face. He tried to turn his head away from his sister's stare, and scratched the back of his mane while stating, "I-I had a couple days of free time, so I decided to come by and visit Mom with some groceries as a nice gesture. A-And, uhhh... I overheard you and Mom from downstairs, so I... decided to check it out..."

With the way Shining was looking behind his deepening blush, Twilight had to tilt her head in suspicion while eyeing him intently. "And... Instead of saying anything to let either of us know you were here," she continued, her voice becoming more disbelieving with each passing second, "you just stood there silently and watched her changing my diaper?"

Shining had to turn his head even further away from his sister, unable to say a word while blushing heavily. "I-I mean... I was just kinda... surprised, that's all..."

Even though she was fairly peeved about her changing being ogled at by her own brother, she couldn't hear much dishonesty in that sheepish response he gave her. Nevertheless, Twilight was still unconvinced of why he was there, and tried to clarify his response by asking, "So... what exactly had you so surprised? Because you knew for a while that I need to have my diaper changed regularly."

"Y-Yeah, I knew that!" he said insistently while squirming from the awkwardness of that moment. By the time Velvet's hoofsteps could be heard clopping back back up the stairs, Shining tried to defend himself by saying apprehensively, "I just, uhhh... I didn't expect to see Mom doing that, that's all..."

Twilight's muzzle skewed with a disbelieving pout, almost as if she knew that something else was present. However, it was her Mother who was the first to speak up while walking past him again. "Oh, and why would that be?~" she asked rather cheekily while reentering the guest room. "I've changed both of you when you were foals, so why would this be any different? Heck, I'd be alright with changing your diapers if you asked~"

"M-MOM!!" Shining's blush practically exploded across his face, and he squirmed notably enough to make his sister's brows raise up in surprise. The Prince was clearly feeling overwhelmed from his Mother's unexpected offer, and he quickly tried to redirect the focus by pointing out, "Y-You shouldn't say things like that! I mean, uhhh... I just didn't expect to see her being changed by you, that's all. It's not like I have to wear diapers or anything."

Velvet stayed silent for a second, but eventually shrugged in acceptance before going over to Twilight's diaper bag. However, as the mare began to re-pack the items inside that accessory, her ears perked up in surprise the moment her daughter asked, "Ummm... Do you want to?"

Velvet turned around with her brows pointed upward, and both of the mares were able to see just how heavy Shining's blush became. The stallion looked absolutely shocked by why Twilight had just asked him, and he had to blink a few times while his jaw nearly touched the floor. "W... W-What?" he asked in pure befuddlement. Meanwhile, Twilight kept a fairly neutral expression as she glanced between Shining and her diaper bag curiously.

"Do you want to wear a diaper?" she repeated in clarification, making sure to glance over at Velvet to make sure that question was alright to ask. But since the Mother was looking over at Shining with an intrigued expression of her own, Twilight felt comfortable enough to turn her attention back to her brother and add, "I mean... you wouldn't be the first to ask to wear one, if that makes you more comfortable. I'd rather not say who else has done it, but at least you would know I'd keep yours a secret too~"

Shining's muzzle clenched shut, and only the briefest grunt came out for Twilight and their Mom to hear. The stallion tried his hardest to look dismissive of such an unusual offer, but his heavy blush and squirming stature was too suspicious for either of the mares to ignore. Not to mention, Shining's timid tone of voice only made them more suspicious as he tried to say, "T-Twily, come on. You... You don't seriously think I would want to use a diaper, do you?"

Twilight and Velvet both looked surprised by that question, but it was the Princess who was the first to point out why they grew such wide-eyed expressions. "Ummm... Shining?" she asked firmly enough to grab his attention, and have him look back at her sheepishly. "... I just offered for you to wear one. I didn't say anything about having to use it too."

Shining grew even more bug-eyed than his sister and Mom, and he quickly reeled his blushing face away from the two while fidgeting worriedly. "Uhhh... W-Well, I mean... I kinda figured that was part of the whole 'wearing diapers' thing..."

Twilight and Velvet shared a look as they glanced back at each other, with the older mare being the first to smirk and nod her head silently. Twilight huffed in response before smiling herself, and then turned back towards her brother to say, "Welllllll... That's certainly the case for myself. But..."

During her pause, Twilight watched as Velvet walked up to her son with a warm and non-judgemental smile. The mare took the liberty of pulling out a spare fresh diaper from her daughter's bag, and held it in her magic for Shining to see. The Prince grimaced a bit as he tried to look away from her, but his ears twitched when he heard her ask sweetly, "Shining, dearie? Would you like to try doing it yourself? I'm sure Twilight wouldn't mind sharing her diapers with you~"

Shining winced as he struggled not to look their Mom in the eye, but his blush remained a deep shade of red after hearing that question. Twilight came up to stand beside Velvet, and carried a smile of her own while her tail wagged happily to smack against her padding. "Honestly, I won't mind if you wanted to use a diaper," she admitted with a carefree shrug. "I mean... it can feel fairly nice under the right circumstances~"

Twilight blushed in embarrassment from saying that last part out-loud, especially when she heard her Mother chuckling happily in response. Shining still looked hesitant, but he couldn't help looking back at his sister to feebly ask, "R... Really?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out~" With that, Twilight took the diaper from Velvet's aura, and held it temptingly before Shining's face with her hoof. "Come oooonnnnnn... I don't want to use my Royal title to order anything, but I do want you to be honest. So with that being said... Do you want to try a diaper, Shining?~"

The Prince took a long moment while being eyed by the two mares, and was blushing profusely by the time he made a soft sigh in defeat. His eyes looked away from his smirking sister while he carried an embarrassed scowl, but he eventually gave his answer when he reached a hoof out to take the diaper from her. "Mnnnghhh... A-Alright, fine..."

Shining's ears lowered in shame after he did that, and he couldn't bear to look back at either of the mares' satisfied-looking smirks. Unfortunately, he could still hear his sister's cheekier tone of voice as she asked, "Sooooo... Do you want me or Mom to change you?"

Shining glared at his sister with a bitter pout, but it only lasted a second after catching his Mom's warning gaze on him. He then sighed with his eyes closed, and took a second before confessing, "Ummm... I, uhhh... I wanted Mom to do it..."

"Well, that's perfectly fine by me," chirped Velvet with an approving nod while smiling at her blushing son. However, the mare was quick to raise up a hoof and say firmly, "Buuuttttt... Considering how I just had Twilight using her diaper in front of me, it's only fair for you to do the same."

"W-What?!" Shining took a couple steps back from the two mares, and clutched the diaper to his chest like a stuffed animal while gawking at them. "But Mom, that's--"

"Ah, ah, aaahhhhh~" Velvet stepped forward as she interrupted her son's words, and used her magic to snatch the diaper from his hoof. "The only 'buts' I intend to deal with are yours and your sister's, young man. Now, unless you have any second thoughts, I expect you to do as I say. And you do want to wear one of these diapers, don't you?~"

Shining's muzzle clenched shut in trepidation, and he had to look down at his hooves to avoid his Mother's insistent stare. Even though the stallion looked thoroughly embarrassed, he was able to take a breath before giving a meager response to Velvet's question. "... Uhhhh... M-Maybe?" he muttered unconvincingly.

"Shining..." Velvet adopted a much firmer tone of voice as she lifted up her son's chin with her magic, and forced him to look back at her directly. She still kept a maternal smile, but she became sterner as she repeated herself. "Yes or no, do you want to wear a diaper?"

Shining winced painfully from how directly his Mom was asking him such a question, but there was nothing he could do while she was holding him in her magical grip. So instead of giving any defenses, Shining sighed in defeat before confessing, "I, uhhh... I do, yes..."

Twilight Sparkle smirked with an impressed expression, not having expected for their Mom to be so effective when it came to interrogating Equestria's Head of the Royal Guard. Meanwhile, Velvet kept her smile more casual as she nodded to her son's answer, and used her magic to wrap the diaper around his waist without hesitation. The stallion jolted in surprise from her sudden pampering, but he could only blush awkwardly while pulling apart his hind-legs for easier access. And as the mare applied the tapes around the sides of Shining's poofy garment, she made sure to say insistently, "Now, I don't want you to walk away from either of us before you're ready to go, alright? Because until you make proper use of that diaper, it's not going to come off. Understood?~"

In less than a few seconds, Twilight Velvet got her son diapered with expert precision. Shining couldn't help cringing while he stood in his new foalish attire, which elicited a small giggle from his sister upon seeing him in a similar predicament to herself. But alas, despite how overwhelmed he may have looked behind his heavy blush, Shining still nodded his head weakly in response to his Mother's orders. Fortunately, due to how much his tail was swishing behind his pampered rump, Twilight raised a brow as she took notice of how he was looking. "Soooo... Do you need any assistance, B.B.B.F.F?~ I can easily offer you some laxatives to help speed things up~"

Shining's muzzle pursed shut as he shot a stink-eye towards his sister. "What, is that something you want to see me do?" he asked flatly, hopeful that the question could fluster her enough to back off. Unfortunately, that question only made her raise up her second brow in intrigue.

"Honestly," she said in a more matter-of-fact tone while smirking back at their Mom, "I wouldn't be surprised if that was something you wanted us to see you do~"

Velvet giggled with a hoof over her mouth from that teasing remark, which caused Shining's face to turn a beet-red. His muzzle pointed towards the floor again, but the muffled pats of his tail continued to be heard as they smacked against his diaper. Twilight made sure to lean in close to her brother's ear, and whispered, "You knoooowwww... I can easily offer you a couple spares to take home with you if you do it~"

Shining was still blushing as he looked back up at her face, and saw the sincerity in her smiling expression. His ears dropped down nervously, but he was able to pull his head back up before nodding once more. However, before his sister could try to offer anything, the stallion took a breath before he began to turn himself around, and said feebly, "A-Actually, ummm... I don't think I need any... a-assistance..."

As he turned himself around at the doorway, Shining heard their Mom say with an impressed whistle, "Ooooh~ It seems like Shining was a little more eager to do this than I thought~"

Twilight giggled in response as well, which prompted her brother to wince to himself while hearing her add, "Maybe I should write to Cadance about building a second nursery for him~"

"Oh, don't be so mean," jeered Velvet with a playful nudge to her daughter's side. "Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Cadance actually did that. I mean, she is the Princess of Love, after all~"

"Ummm, guys?" Due to how weird it felt to hear his Mom and sister discussing such things in front of him, Shining tried to redirect the focus towards himself while he stood at the doorway. His diapered rear was pointed right at the two mares, and his face showed a lot of trepidation as he kept himself from squatting just yet. "It's hard enough to concentrate without hearing you two talking about me like that..."

"Oh, you know that we're only talking about you because we love you~" Velvet carried a warmer smile as she walked up towards her son, and gave a playful pat to his padded rump. "And we want you to be happy as well, so feel free to bend over when you're ready~"

Shining may have felt apprehensive, but he still nodded back at his Mom through his nervous expression. His sister used her magic to pull up Shining's tail, hoping to speed up the process so he could experience what she regularly went through. Fortunately for the two mares, they didn't need to wait too long before Shining took a deep breath, and closed his eyes in anticipation. He then squatted himself down until his diaper was only a couple inches over the floor, which caused Velvet to take a few steps back and smile pridefully. "Aaaahhh, there we go~" she said with a warm and supportive tone of voice. "Now go ahead and make poopy~"

"Nnnnnghhhhhh!!~" Shining wasn't sure if it was hearing his Mother's motivating words, or the fact that he was needing to go for a while prior to visiting her and Twilight, but the stallion didn't have much of an issue making use of his diaper. Even though his Mom and sister were right behind him, Shining's tail stayed firmly lifted as he pushed as hard as he could, and gritted his teeth as tightly as his clenching eyes. Meanwhile behind his squatting form, both of the mare's eyes widened when they saw the stallion beginning to fill up his diaper.

Halfway through his first heavy grunt, the sound of a distinct hissing could be heard between his quivering legs, before the bottom of his diaper started to swell down slowly. Since his diaper was white like his sister's, it didn't take long for Twilight or Velvet to see the notable hue of yellow that began to surface at the bottom of his padding. The diaper itself also started to hang lower as he kept peeing, with the weight of his full bladder quickly soaking up the garment and leaving it much heavier than before. Of course, before the stallion could even finish wetting his new diaper, another deep groan came out of his muzzle before the rest of his attire could be tested. "Mmmmffffff!!~"

The stallion pushed as hard as he could, and eventually proved how unnecessary Twilight's offer for laxatives really was. The back of his diaper pushed outward right beneath his tail, and showed a hefty bulge from where he was pushing out the first of his excrement. And much like the bottom of his soggy padding, Shining's backside started to grow in size the more he kept pushing his mess into it. Those thick bulges of his filth slowly moved down the backside of his diaper, and caused the crinkling noises of his padding to eventually turn to sloppier squishes and crackles. After about a minute of strenuous messing, the white plastic covering his rear had morphed to a deep shade of brown among the lumpier portions of his soiled diaper. And due to how heavily he was able to poop himself without much pause, Twilight had to fan her face with a hoof so the smell wouldn't be too overwhelming.

"Whoo!~" Twilight tried not to giggle too loudly while smirking in response to her brother's overzealous messing. "Jeeze, you really did need to go, huh?~"

Shining hung his head low in embarrassment after finishing, and the diaper looked to be in a similar state. After finally finishing in his padding, the garment was hanging low enough to touch the floor while he remained squatted. The heavily browned and yellowed diaper squished audibly with even the slightest movement he made, and he had to carefully lift his backside up so that he wouldn't accidentally sit in his own mess. The smell of his diaper was obviously unpleasant, but that didn't stop his Mom from leaning in to hug him from the side in support. "Daaawww... Such a big boy you are~"

Shining cringed to himself with a strained groan, but he didn't try to pull away from his Mother's supportive hug. He also didn't resist when he felt her magic pulling at the back of his waistband, and she said with an impressed whistle, "My goodness, Shining!~ You may have made a bigger mess than your sister did!"

Twilight leaned in to get a peek inside of her brother's diaper, and giggled upon seeing the messy aftermath of Shining's display. "Oh my~" she said with a shrug of her head. "You must've had to go for a while! How did it feel using a diaper like me?~"

Even though he was thoroughly red-faced from having to poop himself in front of family, Shining couldn't think of lying to either of them while standing upright again. He definitely felt dirty while the soiled diaper was heavily clinging to his waist, but his blush was prominent as he said with an apprehensive tone, "I-I mean... It was definitely unique, I suppose..."

Twilight lit up her horn while carrying a devilish smirk, and caught her brother off-guard as he was floated up into the air. "I'll take that as a positive response~"

While his hooves were dangling a few inches off the ground, Shining jolted in surprise as he was floated over back towards the bed. Twilight's changing mat was still laid out over the bedding, so there was no issues when it came to Shining being laid out on top of it. Velvet pulled her daughter's changing items back out, and waited for Twilight to respectfully step aside and watch. Meanwhile, the older mare stepped in so she was between her son's raised legs, and then smiled down at him when she asked, "Alright, are you ready to get a diaper change?~"

Shining seemed more than a little feeble while he was laid out on his back, and blushing profusely with his soiled diaper on full display. However, he was still able to close his eyes and take a breath before giving a meager nod of his head. "Ummm... Y-Yeah," he said before looking back up at her. "I'm ready."

"Excellent~" With that, Velvet undid the tapes of Shining's diaper before pulling it down from his waist. Much like Twilight, the inside of Shining's padding was absolutely coated with a sickly thick gloss of brown that stained his white fur. The inside of his legs, his sheath, and even the top of his waist were matted down with the same amount of filth that Velvet had just cleaned off Twilight a few minutes prior. However, much like the incontinent Princess, Velvet paid no heed to the unsightly aftermath as she began to wipe him down with the wet wipes. "Honestly, it's actually kinda nice being able to do this for you two again. It feels kinda nostalgic, you know?"

Shining wanted to smile from how positively his Mom was handling all of this however, the overwhelming smell (and probably the sight) of his messy diaper prompted his muzzle to skew awkwardly in response. "Nnnghh... W-Well, I still hope this isn't too much to handle..."

Velvet just scoffed to that statement while waving her hoof in dismissal. "Oh, please! Honey, if I wasn't comfortable with changing your diaper, I wouldn't have offered you the chance to use it in the first place!"

"Besides," added Twilight before her brother could process Velvet's point, "it seems like you don't necessarily regret doing it, do you?~"

Even though his expression soured up in the slightest from that prying question, Shining kept himself from saying anything while his butt was being wiped down. Velvet kept a studious smile as she continued her work, diligently wiping her son's fur clean with every wet-wipe she used. While the stallion was being cleaned, he tried not to squirm too badly when he admitted under his breath, "I-I mean... It's not bad, I guess..."

Shining winced with a brief gasp when he felt Velvet's aura wiping across his sheathe with one of those wipes. Fortunately, nothing stirred too notably by the time his crotch was cleaned, and his hind-legs were lifted up to pull the used diaper from underneath him. Twilight took the liberty of placing a clean diaper underneath her brother's waist, while their Mom kept wiping him down to finish the process. "Not bad, huh?" asked Velvet with a curious smirk before going to powder Shining's waist. "Does that mean you wouldn't be against wearing another?~"

Shining's eyes widened the moment he was given that offer, and he tried to roll to one of the sides in an effort to avoid another diapering. However, his sister was quick to stop his movements before saying, "And before you say no, let me just say that I'll change you next if you agree. I'll even talk with Cadance about getting you some diapers for yourself. Wouldn't that be nice?~"

Despite how flustered he may have looked from the predicament he put himself in, Shining couldn't say much after that offer was made. Instead, the stallion laid on top of the mat for a moment with his muzzle skewed in contemplation, and his cheeks burning brightly from his blush. After looking down at his freshly-cleaned privates, and the waiting diaper folded out underneath his rump, Shining blinked a couple times before giving a response. "... Ummm... Are you sure about this?"

"Well, that depends," she said with a confident smirk as she looked down at her brother and asked cheekily, "do you want to try using a diaper again?~"

Shining took another glance back down at that diaper, and took a few seconds before closing his eyes. Even though he was clearly nervous, Shining eventually leaned back in a laid position and said, "W-Well, uhhh... Okay, one more time..."

"Wonderful!~" With that, Velvet wrapped the fresh diaper over Shining's crotch, and taped the sides down so that he was properly padded once more. As she and Twilight helped Shining off the bed, the older mare made sure to say insistently, "And don't forget to tell us when you need to go poopy again, alright?~"

Shining blushed hard, but he still nodded sheepishly before getting back on his hooves. Meanwhile, Twilight made sure to stand beside him as she nudged his padding with her own, and smirked as she said, "Heh~ Maybe I should tell Cadance that you might get incontinent too~"

"Nnnnghh, c-come on..." Shining squirmed badly after hearing that remark, which caused his new diaper to crinkle loudly between his legs. Unfortunately, despite how badly he tried to deny such a claim, the blush he was carrying seemed to catch the attention of both Twilight and their Mother. Fortunately, neither of the mares seemed too keen on coaxing a response out of him just yet, and helped their diapered colt back out of the room so they could resume their time catching up...