Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memories 8

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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I was pulled in further into the belly throne. Sko and Debacho had showed up with Cardia.

"Ah Cardia. You've been doing better," I said to him sinking down inside to my shoulders and into the rhythm.

"Thanks. I am surprised on how painless it is," Cardia said back and he with Sko knelt beside the belly throne.

"There's a good man. Sorry. Fur. There's a good fur," I remarked and pulled my hands down in slightly and enjoyed the tubular throat's warmth expressed on them. The motion and rhythm made me shimmy to the left and right.

Sko came down to grab his knees in a full grovel.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked.

"My back needed stretched out," He responded.

"Yeah right," I said smiling and pushed myself slightly in more.

"You make it look like a hot tub or sauna in there," Debacho remarked as he drifted in closer and put a paw ito the lip of the opening.

"How is everyone doing? And Yeah, I was just going to say that," I said calm and soft to Debacho reaching out and caressing him on the top of his furrry head.

"They do so blissfully well. I thank you for bringing them all here. We didn't realize what we wer getting ourselves into but we are thankful. Oh, Zeck and Slas wanted to visit, right?"

"Sure, although forgive me if I don't get up," I said laying back. Debacho chuckled, "Well I'll bring them here."

"You don't have to bar anyone from knowing where I am," I scolded Debacho lightly and gave both Cardia and Sko who was upright again, a look in emphasis.

Debacho sank down out of the air and into the silver stream. I glanced over a t Sko and Cardia and Vigaush and Redalis rose up through the Silver Stream. I waved happily at them although I wondered why they were seeking me out.

"Ias? Why can't I catch her?" Vigaush squawked.

"Why can't he leave me alone?" Redalis squeaked.

Sko stood up and put a finger to his mouth and they saw that and turned to me. I shrugged and said, " I don't make such rules and I don't plan on starting today."

"She is so annoying," Vigaush protested.

"Then why do you keep coming by," Redalis snapped.

"So you don't bug me as much," Vigaush squawked.

"Preac!" My writing part protested.

"Really, this is largely a sanctuary. Everyone is not barred from doing what they want, nor will we stop it. Unless you want to leave here, and by all right you can it's too late. You drink of the Silver Liquid and you must dwell here forever," Sko explained.

"So, you all must be good. What I want you to do is go lounge around each other. But before you protest, Sko is not entirely right. You can leave and go back to your place in Primeon but you're all Gods now and as such you are always here. You two come here now right before me," I said to them gesturing at them to come closer and beamed happily to them.

They mounted the belly throne and I gestured to them to come right to me in the belly button throat. I reached out and hugged them and the wave of euphoria washed over to them through me and they melted in my arms with sighs.

"Now, go do what you will," I whispered to them and turned them loose with an upbeat grin. They went leisurely away, Redalis nuzzling up to Sko and Vigaush giving Cardia a lick before flying on by. They both sunk into the Silver Stream.

"You have got to give me a hug like that," My writing part softly said to me.

I nodded, "In Time."

"Though, it's Nellms, Elaejia, Zeck, Slas, Karen Kavenshire, Gesh, and Eckstal that we haven't seen for a little while," Cardia remakred grinning.

"You forget the dragon guardian Sedas," Sko said.

"Well we forgot Wovelmlos was one," I told Sko.

Debacho returned then with the two dragon twins. They both came bounding up to me on top of the belly throne. I felt each like prod on the outside of my own belly on the inside as well as the felling from the outside pokes and prods. I wrapped my arms around them. By this time, I was getting inside further down below my shouulder line. I hugged them and my Euphoria spread to them wafting streamign through me calmly and they went less tense and easy nuzzling me and I rubbed my face amongst theirs.

"How are you two doing?" I asked softly.

My writing part caressed them both by their body to their tails and they accepted this breathing lightly and grumbling calmly. "He's quite lazy around here," Zeck said of Slas.

"She's just as lazy," Slas said of Zeck mumbling into me.

I reached out and started rubbing Slas by the pudgy dragon scaley belly and eventually my writing part went about Slas. Their belly scales were yellow on their green scales. The Dwardras went about eh size of full grown basset hounds and just about as dumpy and short legged. I love them two quite well. They were chatty and picked at each other but less as much as Redalis and Vigaush did. I caressed Slas's belly and it was like caressing a washboard that was expanded and bulbous. The whole pudgeyness of his belly moved and shifted considerably as I moved my hand up and down his belly. The both of them were soon lying sound asleep. Zeck was quiet but Slas snored. I turned back to my writing part and passed my hands and arms down into the belly button and throat. I brought them by my sides and the caressing soon had them loosened and into the euphoria bliss. I turned to my writing part and said, "As soon as I'm gone down inside, come on in."

"Umm...," My writing part said thoughtfully and looked around at everyone, including the dwardras.

"If you thought the Euphoria was blissful enough, just come on inside. That goes for all of you, tell the rest they are invited inside," I told my writing part and turned to everyone else.

I proceeded to wiggle along with the movement and was soon fully inside with the top of my head being closed over and I fully inside the wrinkly and smooth flexing pink tube now fully snuggly tight all around.

I was down into the first bend looking up at the small round opening above. My feet were touching into nothing at the far bend but were getting moved further as was the rest of my body in full rhythm. I was delirious but well so, almost asleeep.

I could se the toes of my writing part enter just as I started to be pulled slightly down the next part. I didn't see the rest but closed my eyes and drifted into an out of comfortingly good sleep. I felt my legs mostly inside the top of the stomach pit and they bent automaticaly slightly as one quarter was inside there.

I extended my legs so my feet touched the nearer wall of the ribbed wrinkly stomach and the feeling intrigued as well as arounsed me. I could hear muffled talking and movement behind me but I could not look fully back. I relaxed again and leisurely waited unconcerningly until my butt was put into the oriface. I felt the Cardiac sphincter flap close and open in an end rhythm with the rest. I enjoyed it especially closing and opening up on my belly and saw it as a pinkish circular flap that closed around me and opened. I went straight back when I was up to my neck. I was slickening through faster beause of the lesser weight on my head side. I had hopedn the Cardia flap would have closed on my dick a few times but it didn't. I wasn't too concerned on the count of the euphoria.

Eventually, my head passed through to a round big J shaped oriface. I slid down inside and went still watching everything happening in awe as bits of it all moved now and again. I switched positions laying up against the far wall toward the bottom looking up in amusing and rugged on the hypnotic movements as the cardiac sphincter closed and opened into the stomach pit. It was all pink and the side I was on rose up above the line of the cardia in an arc to come back to meet it. I was att he top of a dark pit that was closed up the half the size of the stomach pit below me but that opened up again further below into a less smooth and less wrinkly lower section that had an outlet at the end of the J on the same side of the wall as the bottom of the cardia did and it moved in an out as well. I stayed laying on the natural curve in the closer middle above the way to the lower half. I looked up and watched the Cardia move until I couldn't help myself. I turned and started brushing my dick up on the wall there.

Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 9

The sides were glistening with moisture. It was damp and acidic. I continued to sit on the middle ridge of the belly throne and drifted closer and closer to sleep watching the cardiac flap move in and out. Sko rose up on th eopposite side of the wall...

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Book of Particles: Silver Sream Memory 7

My writing part laid down on the belly throne. I laid fully on top of him bringing my arms behind his shoulders. He brought his arms around my back and pulled me into him. We settled warm paunch on warm paunch, dick pressed beside dick. I moved from...

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Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 6

The belly throne was oh so my favorite piece and was nothing more than a bean bag that had a gullet and stomach inside. I got off the belly throne and looked at it. The belly throne was not the regular size of a human belly shape. It was round round...

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