William C. Shaper's story

Story by William C Shaper on SoFurry

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William C. Shaper's story

I am a wizard from the Dark Ages of Earth's history and I am still alive many millennia later. Back then it was important for a new wizard to make a spell of his/her own. I was daring enough to use the creation power as part of my spell. You might have heard of the gingerbread man story, well, it wasn't like he did any real damage.

I was already an old wizard when I met Jupiter. She was a lovely young witch who seemed to have great potential, but many other new spell casters didn't care about her. She was mistreated many times by others who said they would help her, but they stole her work instead and took the glory of her work. Some of them even made her promise sex to them, but not without later betraying her. She tried to make spells on her own, but again she would be tricked, abused, assaulted, or raped, and every charm, brew, or paper on her spells where always taken or destroyed.

Because it always the freshmen doing this to her she attempted getting help from older wizards. At the time, it was forbidden to accept any help form anyone in order to make your own spell. I was not so much willing to break the rules as it was that I wanted to just let Jupiter work without being harassed. I gave her my copy of the creation power so that she could use it in her tests and spells. I gave her a location that was protected from intruders, even wizards with a Disenchantment charm. But because I didn't give her aid in the process of creating her curse, I felt fine in helping her that much. I don't think the council would disagree.

When I found out that she was accused of making an unbreakable spell, (which is justification for execution), I didn't believe it. Jupiter is a very hurt girl, but she's not the type to foolishly make something that cannot be undone. The curse she made turned its target into a ghost-shifting harpy with invisibility. It was transferred sexually to change the receiver from a Wraith, and their kids. But she did finally tell everyone how to break to curse. It was a long apology and many of them said it to get back to 'normal', but some didn't care for it at all.

A couple groups formed out of the resistant ones. 1 group went after Jupiter for a while. Another group went after me when they found out that I helped her. Even though I was being attacked most of the time I couldn't care less about it. It's not like I can die or anything. That's part of my spell. So I had a daughter and she gave birth to a son. She called him Bill T. Shaper. The Bill was naming him after me. Many years past and I had hoped for the attacks to stop, but they didn't.

My grandson grew up learning how to fight and when he was old enough he foolishly went after my attackers. I didn't know about it until after they captured him for killing some of them. They cursed him with a changed Jupiter wraith curse, a murderer of innocents curse, and some kind of time distorting power. None of those curses came off for over 500 years. I searched for the group that did it to him, but they were never seen until shortly before Bill was freed.

It came to pass that an odd form of creative power came onto a young man named Anthony (AKA Simon1fox). He seemed to be able to know things and make things happen by typing in his computer or writing it down. Anthony was found by my grandson, Bill before he knew it and was not talking nicely about him. I can't blame Anthony for what he said. It was all true, but it was still mean. Bill told Anthony who he was and scared the Jeepers out of him, but he didn't hurt him. Instead my grandson asked him for help. Anthony tried to help, but failed the first time. Bill came back very angry at Anthony, but again, he didn't harm him. I was shocked to hear that. Again Anthony tried to tell Bill how to remove the curses and what his powers were.

It turns out that a rumor about my grandson's middle initial was false. He couldn't control time, T. So after asking for help from Lantern, another friend of Anthony's, they found out the truth about Bill's wraith curse. It was the first version, but it was remade as unchangeable. All Bill needed to do is say "I love you" to someone, mean it, but they have to love him back. And of curse, who could do that for Bill except me?

Bill told me about why he killed my attackers, how he was just trying to protect me from them. I agreed with him on that and told him that I loved him, because I did. Then Lantern tells us that confessing his first kills and with me agreeing with him, Bill was free of his curse. Now he doesn't have to kill anyone.

Bill Lives a normal life now except that he still has the wraith spell. And Anthony wanted my grandson to give him the curse personally, but Bill said no. So Anthony made it possible for him to rape a girl and then Anthony had sex with her and now both of them are wraiths.

I don't really approve of rape being the first thing my grandson does after getting out of that curse, but it's not like I'm his father. I never did say who my wife is, who my daughter's husband is, or even who my daughter was. And I don't expect that I ever will tell you about that.

Well, Bill has his life and I'm not near done mine. Anthony gave me a copy of his book "The book of ages" in which I learned that Anthony's powers to make things happen was misinterpreted. He will tell you what it really is someday, I'm not going to. I also learned about my future, so I was content for many years.

After a few more centuries of waiting and planning I ended up in the Creation Dome. Otherwise known as the Meadow, that place was full of potential and a copy of creation power. I had to be there when the dome was formed. In there I met up with Anthony again because he wanted to be a dragon with magic and knew that I could help. I made him into a dragon and gave him magic and in return he put down the powers he was used to having.

200 years more and I hear from Anthony again wanting peace for dragons. There are many in the Meadow, but he thinks that I'm going to make myself known in order to make peace between dragons and humans. I'm not doing it. The book says so. I just watch now as things change around me.

It was a good life here on Earth and I'll live longer than I ever expected, but I know I'm meant to stay here. That's my life for the first thousand years. I've left a great deal of it out for good reasons, but I might talk about it more. Maybe I'll talk to people around where I am now and tell them first.

If any of you want to talk to me, just send me a PM. I'm sure I'll get back to you and tell you what part of my life you'd like to know.

GTG now

Thanks for reading about me. There's more, I just don't care to let just anyone see it. I don't think this age would find it interesting anyway. Then again ... Just ask me to tell you something. If you want I'll tell you more. It's not like I'm ashamed at what I've done.


William C Shaper