Story Time

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#1 of Kas' Adventure League

Part One of a patreon reward for Luster, this one starring a gray wolf named Casimir, who is heading out in search of a life of adventure and fun.

And my patreon is

Casimir rolled his shoulders and did his best to keep his back straight as he marched into town. Nerves fluttered in his gut a bit as he cast his eyes about, the wolf doing all he could to keep his nerves down. A few days back he'd decided to follow his dreams.

And what were those dreams? Why to be an adventurer of course.

Growing up as the seventh son had filled his head with all kinds of ideas about what grand fate could befall him. It didn't matter that he wasn't the most physically fit gray wolf around. He'd spent countless days slipping out to a local wizard he knew so he could read in the old badger's library. Sometimes he would have to figure out a puzzle, others have to run some errand, but Barnabas was always glad to let him read over whatever volume he wanted.

Well, almost any he wanted. Barnabas did have some illuminated volumes that he kept away from Kas. And he did insist on the wolf reading some educational material now and then, and not just tales of great heroes.

As in the Tales of Great Heroes series, a monthly scroll that came out detailing just what was going on in the world as a whole. Barnabas warned him that what was in the scrolls were always highly exaggerated, but it didn't matter. All Kas could do was think about each of these grand stories. How those heroes were cemented in legend and lore now.

Don't get him wrong, he tried to help out where he could at home, just... he'd never been the strongest of his siblings. He helped where he could, but there was still only so much a 'runt like him could do' as his brothers put it.

They were right too, at least partially. He knew that he couldn't carry his weight as much as they did. Though there were plenty of things that he could do that they couldn't either. Reading was only one of those things, but there weren't many opportunities for a farm boy to be a scholar or anything like that. Which really mean that there was only one choice if he wanted to make something of himself.

He'd have to become an Adventurer.

Only problem being that he didn't have a lot of money to get started. He did have a sword though. Rumors were it belonged to his great-grandfather. It wasn't that sharp anymore and had spots of rust on the blade, but it was a sword. The temptation had been there to take the old chain mail, but not only was it far too rusty and heavy, but it was far too large for him. Just thinking about walking around with all that weight made his shoulders ache. Considering how hot he was wearing just the heavy clothes that he had on? Made him glad that he wasn't carting around pounds of metal.

So with sword shoved into his belt, he'd donned some of his heavier clothing, gathered up what little food and supplies he could, and headed out in the middle of the night. Couple hours from home, he'd made camp and then kept on in the morning.

It'd been pretty hard to do, packing up and heading even further from his home. Already he was far beyond anywhere he'd ever been in his lifetime. Damn right he was nervous about it, but it was a joyous sort of nerves. That giddy elation that came with doing something he felt he really shouldn't. Except this was a bit more severe than sneaking a book out of Barnabas' tower.

Ears perked as he approached a town. If his map reading was right then it should be Keld. He knew of Keld, but naturally had never been there. Pretty small place from all he'd heard.

His stomach grumbled as he approached, reminding him that he'd only had a light breakfast. With it quickly approaching noon, it'd be great to get some lunch and see what was about. Who knows, maybe he'd get lucky and he'd get a quest!

Picking up the pace, he hurried into town and began to look around. Keld was easily the largest town he'd ever been in. It took him several minutes to walk down the single road and see all that there was to offer. Which there wasn't a great deal beyond the smithy, a single inn, and a general store. Since he was a little short on other supplies, the store would be a good starting place.

Wandering into the store, Kas found himself staring over the rather ordinary stock. Ears perking a bit as he aimlessly picked his way through the isles. What did an adventurer need for his journey? The tales were always pretty vague on what a hero might be needing. Whenever something was brought up, either the person just had it, or it was given to them earlier in the tale.

"Can I help you?" his head jerked towards the voice. A fox that was going a bit gray about his temples. Auburn fur well groomed and clothes just on the plain side of fancier. He put on an easier smile but his posture was guarded. "Don't think I've seen you around here before."

The wolf put on his best smile in return, "Was just passing through and needed some supplies." His eyes drifted across the shelf. Keenly aware of how woefully empty his purse was. Being a farm boy did not a rich man make. Squirreling away coppers here, a silver there, well.. He did his best to save up for this trip. The smile faltered but he held out his hand, "Casimir Grey."

A hum rang from the storekeeper as he leaned in, giving him another once over. "Ahh," he almost purred, "I see." The fox clapped his hand into Kas' and shook it vigorously. "Going out to become an adventurer are we? Wanting to make a name for yourself?"

"How did you know?"

The fox's grin widened, "I've got a nose for this sort of thing." He swept beside the wolf and planted a hand on the small of his back, "Come, come, let me help you out with getting you equipped. Name's Victor by the way, but you can just call me Vick." Despite being shorter than the wolf, the fox easily propelled him towards the counter.

Kas found himself standing before the counter as Vick rounded it, "So," the todd was already picking through things behind the counter, "tell me what are you looking for?"

His ears started to fold back. "Well, I..."

"Ahh! You're new to adventuring. Don't worry, I know exactly what you need." Out came a backpack made of some soft looking leather. "Tell me, how much money do you have?" Kas hesitated, knowing he didn't have a lot. "You do have money don't you?"

Ears folded a little further, "I do have some." Rather than try to count it out, he dumped his handful of coppers and silver on the table.

Vick's friendly smile wilted at that pitiful pile. "Well, can't get you a lot for that. Certainly without just leaving you utterly lacking for food or bed or..." He saw how Kas was starting to wilt more with each word. A low hum coming from the fox before a smile flicked at the corner of his lips. "Tell you what..." he tapped a finger to his lips. Leaning over the counter, "Go lock the door for a minute so we can have some privacy." Vick's grin widened, "Can't have word getting out that I'm making special deals with every adventurer. Would have them busting down my door."

Oh gods, was he about to be propositioned? His father had filled his head with stories about how he should never go to big cities cause someone would take advantage of him.

"Trust me," the fox's grin returned in full force, "I won't steer you wrong."

He sure as hell hoped not. With worry crawling up and down his spine, the wolf shuffled over to lock the door. By the time he'd gotten back to the counter, Victor had swept his coins into a neat, but smaller pile, and was busy packing things into a backpack that looked a little more worn. "Now, I can't give you things for free, but I can't in good conscience take all your gold either now can I?" There was that smile, but softer this time. "What I can give you is some dent and damaged stuff." He held up a lantern that had seen better days. The pot metal had been dented then hammered back out into a roughly lamp-like shape. "And some rations that are still good, but have been here a while."

Kas' tail started to wave. That cautious little wiggle that as he tried to not show just how overjoyed he was, "This is great, thank you!"

That utterly fake smile flashed at him. "No problem at all, Kas." He hummed and checked the straps, "See you've got a sword which is good. Can't give you one of those or armor, so you're stuck with," he waved his hand at Kas' clothing. Lifting the pack, he started to offer it and hesitated, "I'm giving you this with a request." Oh gods, please tell him it didn't involve sucking anything. Don't get him wrong, Kas was pretty okay with that. Where he grew up, people joked that there were only a few pastimes. Especially out in the farm. While he hadn't tried anything with anyone yet, he'd certainly seen and heard his fair share of lustful interactions between folk.

Victor's expression softened, "My daughter..." his head dipped a little, "she was kidnapped by kobolds about a week ago. I... I just need someone to go get her." There were tears gathering in the corner of his eye, "Please, just... just save my daughter and I'll give you all this." A sniff as he tried to contain himself, "I'll even pay you just... just please save my Tracy!"

Kas was torn. On one hand, he was being tasked with saving someone! On the other hand, he knew nothing about adventuring and this seemed pretty heavy. Although he had to start somewhere didn't he? Rescuing a kidnapped daughter seemed about his skill level.

"I'll do it." Shoulders squared as he put on his best serious face. "What can you tell me about where they are?" Reaching out, he took the pack with one hand, offering his other to shake.

Vick's hand was in his before he could finish the sentence. "Oh thank you, thank you so very much. I can't..." he flashed a wavering smile, "can't thank you enough. Here." He dug under the counter and fished out a map. "We're here," he marked quickly with a quill, "those kobolds make their home up here in a cave." The fox heaved a great sigh, "There was another gentleman that came through here a few days ago. Said he'd look into it and make sure she's safe." He sniffed, "pluckerr left a few days ago. They're about a half-day out. Which..." he trailed off as he looked towards a ticking timepiece, "if you head out now, you could get there by morning."

Even someone as fresh as he was could pick up a hint like that. Shrugging on the pack, Kas shifted and adjusted it a moment. "I'll be off. If it's a half-day away..."

Victor's ears twitched, "Day after tomorrow?"

Sounded as good of a time as any, "If not earlier." He flashed his best smile. "Thank you for... all this." He nodded back at his shoulder.

"Please, just get my daughter back. Please."

Kas grumbled, his entire body hurting from a rough night of sleep. The hike had been pretty rough, enthusiasm carrying him pretty far. Then a sense of duty carrying him even further. Only stopping when he was stumbling over his own feet. Which lead to a rather fun experience of trying to take inventory of what he had while under heavy canopy.

The lantern had some oil, but the knob had been damaged so badly he couldn't lift the wick. Damn thing was near impossible to light and barely illuminated the overhang he'd taken shelter in. To compound the issue, the container of lamp oil had cracked and leaked across the rations. Rending most of then inedible. What was left was so covered in mold that he was almost afraid to eat it. Though hunger did win out and he resorted to carving off the fuzzy bits. Suppose he couldn't complain too much because it was free.

Still dampened his mood.

So here he was, approaching the cavern on his map. Stomach complaining from not having a great meal, and legs aching from the sheer distance he'd traveled.

And to make matters worse, he had to rely on that lantern once he got into the cavern. Shuffling forward with only the barest of light to show him where he was going. Nerves fluttering as he slid one foot before the other. Sword held before him and lantern barely hanging onto a ring.

Which lead to another problem, he didn't know which way to go into a cave. Thankfully, there only seemed to be one path that lead at a steady slope. Upwards at first before starting down. And down. And further down still. Felt like he was going miles deep. Spending a countless age traversing the cavern as it went ever deeper.

It felt like hours passed before noises reached his ears. The wolf freezing mid-stride, ears straining forward to pick up anything else. Something scuffled ahead, low voices reaching his ears, and something else. A low thrumming that set his fur on end. The echos made it hard to tell how many people were ahead. Dozens, hundreds? Could he manage that many kobolds or would they overwhelm him?

Keeping low to the ground, he tried to sneak forward with every bit of stealth he could manage. Feet barely scraping the ground as he eased further into the tunnel.

And promptly kicked a rock. The stone clattering into the distance, sounding like a rock slide.

The voices below immediately ceased with an alarmed hiss. Wary murmurings coming up towards him followed by a lot of little feet shuffling about. Kas held his breath for only a second before some instinct drove him forward. The gray wolf letting out a throaty howl as his sword swung upwards. Tip raking off the ceiling with a heavy clatter and ringing chime. "TRACY, I'VE COME TO RESCUE YOU!"

Barreling forward blindly, he barely noticed that the tunnel opened up into a cavern. Or the shapes moving about in the dark around him. First thing he did notice was the burst of light. A yelp broke free as the wolf moved to shield his eye against the sudden brightness. Knocking himself in the face with the pommel of his sword in the process. Head reeling from the impact as he completed his grand entrance by tripping over something and going face down on the stone.

Laughter rippled from beyond the circle of light. Kas fighting to stand up, his worn pack falling off a shoulder as one of the straps gave way. Growling, he wrestled with it for a moment before just tossing it away. Sword coming up in what he hoped was a defensive posture.

Which lead to more laughter from all around him. The wolf brandishing his blade blindly as people shuffled about him. Finally a shape came into the circle of light with him. A kobold, wearing leathers and using a spear like a walking stick. Watching the wolf with narrowed eyes, "So," it growled in a gravely voice, "You've come for Tracy?"

Figures stirred in the back, that low thrumming starting again. Kas looking about nervously before focusing on the creature before him. One kobold. He could handle one kobold couldn't he? "Yes!" he tried to sound tough and sure, but his voice wavered. "Her father sent me to rescue her."

A startled noise from the side was cut off quickly. Kas' ears perking hard as he looked for the source. The kobold stepped forward and jabbed his spear towards the wolf, "You? You come to save her? Some hero are we?" a little growl came from the kobold as he looked off to the side. That snarl twitching a little before he squared his shoulders, "Fine, you want? You fight."

"I... what?" the kobold bolted forward before Kas could fully process. The wolf jerking back as that spear lashed out, nearly slicing his muzzle open. His yelp turned into a growl as he swung his sword in response. The kobold readily dancing out of his reach before coming back. He charged in, trying to keep pace with the smaller, more agile creature.

The pair danced around each other for a moment. Kas swinging wide and wild. Arms screaming before long as he tried to keep the sword in motion.

Low growls lifted from the wolf as he charged in. The kobold's smile twitching into wide-eyes surprise as his spear caught in the wolf's heavy clothing. Kas felt it kiss across his stomach. The burning sting spreading through his body, vision starting to go red. Heart pounded in his head as a chesty growl came clawing up his throat. Blade screaming towards the kobold's unprotected head.

"I know of a few barns if you need something to hit."

The deep, grumbling voice from the dark made his head jerk around. His sword going wide to slam into the ground. Tip catching in a rocky crevasse. Laughter burst from the darkness as the kobold jerked the spear away and scrambled away.

Kas snarled and spun, lip curled back to show off his fangs as he looked for a target. "Hold!" He spun towards the voice. Lips peeling back further as he tightened his grip on the sword, wrenching it from the ground. "Hold or I'll hold you myself."

He made it a single step before the voice bellowed, " SLEEP!" and red in his eyes turned dark. The wolf crashing to the ground with a grunt. His growls tapering off into a more pitiful sounding whimper. The entire world feeling as if it were pressing him to the ground. That same deep voice muttering, "Well, went about as expected. Someone help me pick him up," and then the world went dark.

Kas' head was throbbing as he woke. A low groan coming from the wolf as he stirred slowly. That same thrumming filled the room, each bassy thump matching the beat of his heart. "I'd warned you I'd put you down if you didn't stop."

He cracked open an eye, finding himself in a dark bedroom. "Where am I?" he groaned. Hand falling over his face as a light flared at his bedside.

"Still in the warren."

It took a few tries before Kas was able to open his eye and looked around. He was in a fairly nice looking bed, the bedding soft and well made. Wooden frame heavy and polished till it almost glowed. And there beside the bed was a dragonborn. He looked to be in his mid-thirties and exceptionally well dressed. Bronze of scale, wearing a black outfit lined with rusty red material, sat folded into a chair that was far too small for him. The stranger peered at Kas over the rims of a pair of rosy-tinted glasses, idly strumming on the largest lute Kas had ever seen. It looked like it might be taller than the wolf was.

Kas blinked at the stranger, "Who are you?"

The stranger unfolded from the chair, towering over the wolf. A large, gloved hand reached out to take his chin, turning his head this way and that, "Better than asking 'Who am I' always troublesome when that happens. I am Sulbor Imphek, member of the Adventuring Guild." He tapped a badge on his lapel. Blue-white eyes looked him over as the stranger angled his head, "Hmm, open your mouth." A gloved hand nudged at his lips, "Seem healthy, young, and a little stupid. Headache?"

Nose wrinkled at being called stupid, "Ahh nah stupad."

Sulbor pulled his hand back and gave Kas a look that spoke of disbelief. "Why don't you try that again? I speak several languages, but not mumble."

He grumbled, "I'm not stupid," as he sat up. Wincing as his head throbbed hard enough to make his vision go dark.

"So that's a yes on the headache." The hand fell to his head and rubbed. Sulbor humming a low note as warmth pulsed from his head. The soothing heat coursing through his veins and filling his body with a cool tingle. "Luckily both the headache and stupidity can be fixed. Well, I hope it can. One hopes that you are young enough with a mind willing to adapt." He leaned back and gave Casimir a slow look over, "I do apologize for dropping you so hard. However, I do warn you, so you're only getting a partial apology." The gloved hand extended, "Now, I have given you my name, manners dictate you do the same. Though I would add on that you might want to justify yourself."

Ears pinned back a little as he took the hand, letting himself get pulled from the bed. "Sorry. I'm Casimir, though most people call me Kas."

"So Casimir, why did you come charging in here like a fool?"

His ears ticked back a little further. He wanted to be an adventurer and now here he was, face to face with a member of the actual Adventuring Guild who thought he was an idiot. "I went into town to get some things. The store owner..."

Arms crossed as the dragonborn looked down his muzzle at the wolf, "Taking pity on the new adventurer, he offered to trade you some items for free if you just rescue his daughter from the vile kobolds that stole her away. He had sent someone else, but the guy has been gone too long and he fears the worse. Sound about right?"

His ears jumped, "He seemed to think you were inept."

Sulbor hummed out a deep grumble, "He did seem the type to think that." The male heaved a sigh, "Come, let me show you something."

Kas nodded, taking a couple steps before stopping to look around. "Ah, where's my stuff?"

An ear fin twitched, "Stuff? Oh, your gear. We'll get to that in a little bit. Come." Picking up that strange instrument, he swung it around and tucked into a satchel at his side. Kas' eyes widening as the massive instrument readily slipped into the regular sized pack. A bag of holding?! He'd read all about those in adventures. Packs that reached into a pocket dimension to store so much more without changing their weight!

Hurrying behind the dragonborn, he did his best to match his stride with the taller male. Roaming through winding tunnels. "So on the matter of kobolds. They're a classic creature from stories, what adventuring tale doesn't start with someone facing down kobolds or goblins?" Sulbor angled his head a little to glance at the newbie, "In older days that might have been true. Now?"

Sulbor pushed aside a curtain to reveal a lively common room filled with kobolds of all ages. Chatting, playing games, doing common chores, and more. Kas found his memory slipping back to the nights where his family and neighbors fell into similar activities. The only differences being that they were in a cave and all the creatures were small reptilian creatures. Well, most of them were, Kas' eyes immediately fell on a vixen that was seated against a wall with several kobolds, including the one that he had fought earlier.

Kas found himself lagging a step behind as the dragonborn approached them. "Tracy, Puk, Rakk." He nodded at each in turn, "Casimir." He pointed towards the wolf. Sulbor swung to look, "Casimir, you'll recognize Rakk."

The ruddy kobold sniffed, "You swing like a drunk baby."

A snort came form the dragonborn, "He's fresh, will have to work on that in time. Rakk here is the best hunter, lucky you came away with just a scratch. If he'd meant to hurt you... Well, I've seen him take down game larger than you with that boar spear of his."

Rakk narrowed his eyes and looked smug. Watching as the vixen stood and brushed the wrinkles from her rather plain looking dress. "So, my father sent you here to rescue me?" Kas nodded, the vixen heaving a sigh. Planting her hand on a hip, Tracy narrowed her eyes at him. 'Do you want to know why these lovely kobolds 'kidnapped' me?"


Her eyes narrowed as she angled her head back to stare down her muzzle at Kas. "He wanted to marry me off to one of his business partners. Guy is older than Sulbor, no offense."

"None taken currently," he rumbled.

"Yeah, the guy is probably twice your age now that I think about it. Old boar offered my father a dowry that would've let him move his shop to a bigger town." She sniffed, "Always said he was too good for Keld." She sighed and planted a hand on her hip, "Soon as I heard, I told Puk and Rakk everything and they told me to just come life with them. We've been friends forever and..." her ears flushed as she coughed nervously.

Puk, rich green kobold, flashed a toothy grin, "We spent plenty of nights warming each other's beds too."

Tracy spun, "PUK!" and swatted at the kobold. Who gave an overly dramatic yelp and fell over. Purposefully rolling into Rakk. The hunter kobold yelping as he was knocked off his feet. Snarling and snapping as the pair rolled around, slamming into Tracy's legs. The vixen yipping as she was knocked down as well, kobolds 'fighting' as they climbed over her. The play-fighting turning into something more sensual in a matter of seconds.

Sulbor's arm looped around Kas' shoulders and turned him away, "Which brings us to what we're going to do. Since ol'Victor is getting impatient we are going to return and tell him that his daughter is gone."

When he began to walk, Kas started to shuffle with him, "So you're saying we lie?"

The dragonborn tapped his nose with a gloved finger, "No, not a lie. Good heroes don't need to lie, but we do omit some details. To be entirely precise she has disavowed him as her father. Therefore his daughter is gone. As for the kobolds, well you came along and met me there. Fought with one of them, and now they're not going to be a problem. This is the truth, correct?"

It was dangerously close to lying, but Kas was quite literally too swept up by the dragonborn to think too hard about this. "Yeah, I... what about my things? My pack and sword."

Sulbor blinked, "You... oh right." He looked around before uttering something in a growling language at one of the kobold children. "They had me look over your pack. While we can salvage some of it, most of your gear was utterly worthless. Another thing we'll discuss with Victor." Metal scraped as the kobold scampered up, dragging the pack and sword behind it. "Ah here we go. As I said, these are salvageable, but the rations are ruined. Don't worry though, won't leave you out in the cold and hungry."

Kas hurried alongside the bard, "We're just leaving?"

"Of course we are," Sulbor pulled a small dulcimer from his pack and began to idly pick at the strings. "The damsel is not in distress, the creatures are happy, and the wicked father needs to hear his news." Low hums came from the dragonborn as he tuned his instrument, "Meanwhile, I want to hear everything about you, young adventurer."

With the dragonborn leading, and lighting, the way Kas realized just how short the tunnel back out actually was. He found himself telling this stranger everything. Recounting some 'adventurers' around his home. The countless hours reading stories and learning from Barnabas, and his eventual journey out into the world. Sulbor was always ready with a water skin or a question when he felt himself start to wind down. Those slight questions enough to make him spill details he didn't think he would've usually.

Kas cast a glance towards Sulbor, "So this is what heroes do? We try to fix the misunderstanding between people and 'evil' creatures?" His ears twitched, "Are there actually evil things out there?"

"Evil is a matter of perspective." Sulbor continued forward, but soon caught the look that Kas was giving him. "Do not get me wrong. There are those that would fit how the majority describe evil. Personally, I prefer the term vile, same letters but different perspective."

Nose wrinkled, "How is that different?"

The dragonborn let out a throaty, "Hrm," as he thought. "You're a farm lad, so I imagine that bandits are universally seen as evil." Kas nodded. "Some might consider me a bandit."

"How?" Kas asked after a moment of silence.

Sulbor sniffed, "If you allowed me to continue, you wouldn't have needed to ask. I was captured by a bandit group and spent several months living with them. In that time I learned that most had been displaced by nobility or rivals. People that were raiding just to survive. There were those that stole because they enjoyed it. In that time, I found myself healing their wounds, playing for their celebrations, eating the food they stole, sleeping in houses they raided, even grew to befriend several, but am I evil? Think before you answer."

Kas had already started to answer, but now he stopped to think. "Did you help them steal anything?" he asked very slowly, as if afraid of the answer.

"Several times. You'd be surprised how readily people will agree to give up some of their foodstuffs or wares in exchange for avoiding bloodshed." His head angled ever so slightly, "Must say I am impressed with your question. Though before you ask, I was always manacled and at the mercy of their leader."

He sighed with relief, "So you were a victim as well? Then no, you're not evil."

"Neither am I good. I merely am me, as you are you." Sulbor's fingers ceased strumming for a second. "Their leader is still out there. Countless times I could have ended her life yet I did not. By my own code she would dip towards vile only to correct herself in some manner. I have been called worse than her by some because I allowed her to live. Yet is not taking another life also evil? Does taking her life balance the scales because she herself was seen as evil?"

Sulbor glanced past his glasses at Kas, "I would offer there is no singular answer. It is easier to find your own personal definition and move from there."

The dragonborn let that sink in before turning. His voice lifted into a wordless croon, accompanying his music as he started forward. Leaving Kas to think for a moment before he hurried to catch up with the bard. "The bandit leader, was she vile?"

"Overall yes, but I am biased since she is my wife."

Kas nearly tripped over his own feet. "She... WHAT?"

A smile danced over his face, "Ah, perhaps I should elaborate on that tale." He paused, reaching back to pull up his jacket and tunic, "For you see, the wedding was rather one sided." The dragonborn revealed his rich bronze back. The deeply colored scales marred just above his tail by an ugly dark scar of a toothy skull in a circle of ivy. "More she decided I was her husband and lay her claim." His clothing fell neatly into place. Sulbor taking but a second to straighten his garments, "It's a long tale that is still healing, but I will speak some of it."

Still playing his instrument, the bard launched into the story of how he had been captured by the Bandit Queen Tiaathque Andraste.

Hours passed before Sulbor's fingers stilled the strings. "Well, we're getting towards the edge of the forest. We can either press forward to get to town tonight, at which point everything will be closed up. Or we can make it in the morning. Personally," he reached into a pocket and drew out a velvet pouch, "I'd rather call it an early evening and share some good food and stories of my adventures."

Kas' ears jumped, "That sounds great." His stomach let out a nasty growl.

Lips twitched into a smile, "Guessing your last meals were rather skimpy. Well," he pulled out a piece of stone, a silver spoon, and a small ivory door, "I can fix that if you give me a minute."

His ears rose higher as the dragonborn began to hum and croon quietly under his breath. Marking a line in the dirt with the spoon, setting the door down, pacing, and tapping the spoon off the marble piece. The wolf watching with rapt curiosity. He'd seen Barnabas do a little magic here and there, but the way Sulbor was handling it was far different. No reading from books, no mystical symbols with his hands. It was just the slightly warbling song and rhythmic tapping of the spoon.

A crackle rent the air, gold and black energies pouring from the items until they formed a doorway. Lines of magic forming into intricate scroll work about what would be a frame as a brass door knob appeared floating in the air. Sulbor scooped the items up and put them back into their pouch. "And here we are," the door swung open silently, "Welcome to Sulbor's Sublime Chateau."

While the door itself was invisible, it looked like the dragonborn had made a perfect painting of the world beyond. Forest scenery swinging open to reveal an extravagant foyer. Lush, rich wood and carpet stretched out before him. Fine brass sconces holding gently glowing lights.

To say that Kas was awestruck would have been an over-simplification. He's seen the local lord's keep a handful of times. It was nice, but still more utilitarian. Barnabas' tower had been a little lavish, but the wizard still had more practical leanings. This might as well have been the very definition of elegant luxury. Looking around, he felt as if he were teetering on the edge of being overwhelmed.

Kas followed Sulbor through that foray, the door whispering shut behind them. "This place is purely magical. A pocket dimension created from the spell and my own desires. Took me ages to get the floor plan to my liking. As well as," he swept his hand forward as a handful of creatures silently drew towards them. Each one a different species, wearing the fine livery of servants. And all of them were a little see-thru. "Don't worry, they're all magical beings, not ghosts. Created just as this mansion was." His sweeping gesture was accompanied by one of the servants coming in to take his satchel and jacket. "There's a hundred of them here and they will happily see to your every whim, within reason."

Turning to the servants that were taking off his jacket and boots, "Casimir is our guest this evening. Show him to one of the guest rooms, see that he has a bath and some fresh clothing before dinner. See what parts of his gear can be repaired, if you will." Sulbor pointed towards Kas, "What do you like more: Blue, gold, earthy tones, forest?"

He was completely lost, watching as the servants swarmed the dragonborn, removing his travel clothes for something more relaxed. "Uh... forest?"

"The Canopy it is. Now if you'll pardon me, I am in desperate need of a bath myself before dinner."

And with that, the dragonborn marched off. Leaving the wolf with these ethereal servants. One, who happened to look like a ghostly timber wolf lady, "May I take your bags?" she said in a softly musical voice, flashing a smile. Kas nodded, handing it over as he looked about. The wolfess passing the pack to another, who swept it away, before taking his hand, "This way." Her touch was warm, but it was felt very strange. Solid, yet not at the same time. His fingers passing into her if he squeezed, but being pushed back to the surface when he released.

Not seeming to mind, she flashed a smile and lead him through extravagant halls and up stairs. "The Canopy." She offered as she opened a door. It opened into a sitting room, plush chairs sitting about a merrily crackling fireplace. Rich hardwood trailing off into, quite literally, the canopy of a tree. For it was fully half a room, the other half dominated by a massive tree and open skies. Branches shaped in such a way to make a platform for the largest bed Kas had ever seen in his life. Leafy canopy offering a cover, while vines formed a screen about the bedding. "The bathroom is just through there," she pointed to a door, "If you would be so kind as to wash, fresh clothing will be provided for your evening. If you will be so kind as to undress, I will take your things to be cleaned and mended."

Kas had little in the ways of shame, he'd seen a goodly number of his family and neighbors naked. Hard not to when swimming at the river was a favored way to pass the scorching hot days of summer. Still awestruck, he undressed and handed his things over. Only blushing as the wolfess looked him over with a sideways smile.

But then she was gone, wafting through the door as smoothly as could be. Leaving him in that room. "So this is what it's like?" he asked, running his hand over a wooden shelf. "This is what magic can really do?" It was strange, knowing that everything here was made of the same essence as Barnabas' illusions, but it felt so real. Hells, for all he knew he was wandering about the woods without a stitch on. He didn't know what a pocket dimension was, just that Sulbor said that's what this place was.

"Oh my gods!" he shouted as he opened the door to the bathroom. Rich tile, gently warm under his feet, and a gently-steaming wash tub that looked like it could hold a dozen people. This room alone was almost larger than some homes he'd been in.

Kas found himself grinning as he charged across the room and leaped into the water, "BOULDER!" as he crashed in with a grand splash.

He might have spent a bit longer in the bath than was strictly necessary. He was grinning as he followed one of the servant creatures down to a dining hall. Which, naturally was grand and huge, though oddly enough it was set up with a rather small, round table. Seemingly made for a half-dozen people with food piled high on the center. Sulbor was already there, the dragonborn sitting by another grand fireplace, peering down at something on a lap desk. He looked up as Kas entered and put the desk aside, "Ah, was wondering if I should send a rescue party. Was worried you'd drown."

That slight smile showed that the bardic male was joking, but Kas still coughed and rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry, lost track of time. When'ere bathed at home, it was either in the river or in a basin. Never had a bath that warm or in water that stayed that clean."

"Almost like it's magic," Sulbor remarked dryly, leading the way to the table. "This place is rather convenient and wonderful. Much better than trying to sleep out of doors every night." He waved a hand, "I have a few spells that provide shelter, but this is my preferred one by far." As they approached the table, a pair of chairs pulled out, "The others, while they give shelter, do not offer the amenities this one does. Namely having someone else prepare meals."

Kas took a chair that was offered, "You can't cook?" he wasn't the best, but he could throw together a meal when needed. Surprising that this worldly dragonborn couldn't.

Sulbor hesitated a moment, "I can cook, but..." he waved a hand, "No need to when I can just conjure up a feast like this. So what interests you? I've had meals prepared based off my favorite dishes through my travels, set up on a regularly rotating menu so as to keep it interesting. Roast beasts, vegetables, grains, and more." He let his fingers rest on the table and pushed. Kas' eyes widening as the entire center area began to rotate, "Guest first. We can have dinner then more serious conversation after."

Soft music played from some unseen source as they ate. Sulbor once again questioning Kas about his past, but this time providing some of his own. Filling Kas in a bit more about the Mansion. Yes, everything was magical here. No, he couldn't take anything from the mansion. No, the food would still nourish him. Yes, it was confusing but that was the way of magic.

Whenever the subject of the Adventure Guild came up, Sulbor would just respond with, "Soon," and push the topic in some other direction.

"Oh..." Kas groaned as he leaned back, "I've never eaten that much." The gray wolf eyed the food and pondered if he could fit one more bite of pudding or another one those delicious meat pies down. "That was the best meal I've ever had."

A low thrum came from the dragonborn, "I'll make sure to tell the chef." A little smile creased his features, "So, you've been chomping at the bit to learn more. Why don't we retire to the study and I'll fill you in." Sulbor lifted a finger and one of the servants instantly appeared at his side, "Would you be so kind as to fetch Valyries for me?"

Sulbor motioned for him to follow. Kas groaning as he stood up, wobbling just a little after such a fine meal. They went into a study, tall shelves lining two of the walls. Kas' eyes brightened at those, "Are those books real?" Fingers itching as he looked over the wonderfully crafted spines. Everything glowing in the soft light of the room.

"Yes and no. They're all magical in nature, so can't take them from the room, but they are all real books." Sulbor poured two glasses of some amber liquid, swirling each in turn. "Nothing I haven't read or written myself. Please," he motioned to a chair before settling down himself.

Now that had Kas' attention, "You write?" he pried himself from the shelves to join the dragonborn.

"Mm," Sulbor hummed, "Not any great works mind you. Just a series of short tales. _Tales of Great Heroes._Not my idea on the title, but it stuck." He caught the wide-eyed stare of awe that Kas was giving him, "I'm not the only one that writes it, mind, but I am one of the major contributors. Which leads into what I was going to tell you." He looked up as one of the servants approached with that large lute, "Ah, thank you. While I have you, could you set up a little shadow theater?"

Kas shifted in his seat, "What is that thing?"

"Theorbo, a very special variant of the lute. This one was crafted by my uncle, who had invented it. Her name is Valyries, named after my aunt. Dreadfully tone-deaf woman, but one of the nicest ones you will ever meet. So long as you convince her not to sing. Much like this instrument," he reached to strum the longer strings, "surprisingly deep voice." Eyes flicked towards the door as the servants came in with magical lights and a large cloth sheet.

A low hum came from the dragonborn as his fingers danced over the instrument, "Tell me, have you ever heard the tale of Vale the Earthshaker and Ci...

Kas perked up, "Cidreal the CinderDoom!" His eyes grew wistful, thinking back to the story. While he'd read every Tales scroll he could get his hands on, that was one of the stories nearly everyone knew. How the Great Druid Vale the Earthshaker had marched to the mountainous lair of the vile Cidreal by himself. Of how the ground itself quaked with the ferocity of their battle. How every animal within miles had fled from the stone-shattering sound of her roars. And how after many days of sporadic combat, everything fell silent. Vale finally reappearing, looking rather ragged and worn. Announcing that the dragon would no longer be a problem.

Sulbor took a deep breath and heaved the heaviest sigh Kas had ever heard, "I despised that name and was wholly against it. If I may be brutally honest, the whole of the Tales series is a bit of a fib. While stories are true, but how they're presented is not."

Ears lifted slowly, "If they're all fake then why tell them?"

A quiet hum lifted from the dragonborn, "To keep people from turning on the 'monstrous races' themselves. You see, years ago before you were born, before I was born, the two sides were always in conflict. Villages burned and raided, lairs crushed and destroyed. Always back and forth between the two halves. With adventurers stepping in to help with the bigger problems. Then one day, somewhere some adventurer decided to sit down and talk with the creature he'd been hired to take care of. An understanding was reached and things grew from there."

Sulbor's attention shifted to the screen. On his unspoken signal, the lights flared behind it, making the sheet glow. His fingers danced over the strings. "This is one such tale of a misunderstanding. Vale," a large, bullish shadow appeared, "a druid of great might and wisdom." The shadow puppet's hand lifted, greenery and bright flowers sprouting all around. "Heard tale of a fierce dragon who had been kidnapping villagers," A new puppet, a great wyrm that swept in and grabbed villager puppets, "keeping them for weeks, and how the tremendous bellows of her rage echoed through the valley." His fingers danced over the instrument, low thrums making it seem as if the puppet were roaring. "Desperate for help, the villagers beseeched the guild for aide. Hearing of their plight, Vale set forth to climb the mountain where the dragon made its home."

This sounded like the same way the story had begun, but it was completely on a different level. Sulbor's deep voice harmonizing with the instrument. Both flowing with the sometimes colorful puppets to give it an entirely new feel. Kas found himself leaning forward, attention focusing on the screen as the Vale puppet started his trek.

Vale took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. The bull humming happily to himself as he tromped up the mountain path. He wasn't singing any particular tune, just letting his voice raise and fall in time with the sounds of nature about him. His ear twitched against a trimmed horn as he just watched. Smile crossing his lips as a bird flew down to light on a horn.

His traveling companion didn't stay with him long though. Only a little bit of walking before a bellow ripped through the trees. He hummed and angled his head slightly. Ear twitching as he listened. "So vicious..."

The sun rose higher and higher overhead. Vale pressing onward and upwards. Following the trails as it wound until the mountain. Another hour passed before he stopped and looked. Spying a couple boulders and a set of trees that seemed off. Turning, he looked down the trail at the tree line before looking back at the small stand of trees that were tucked against the mountainside. "Don't belong there," he muttered under his breath. Sure enough, checking behind revealed the entrance to a cave. "Knock knock," he called out as he entered.

"Who is there?" a voice called from somewhere deep within the darkness.

Vale tilted his head ever so slightly. Muttered an incantation, and tapped the top of his walking stick. Cool, golden-green light springing forth to illuminate his path, "Mustache."

The word echoed out into the cavern as he ventured deeper. Fur bristling ever so slightly as he moved through the entryway. He could feel eyes on him. The cavern's occupant keeping an eye on him from some hidden vantage. "Mustache?" Scales scraped against stone somewhere deeper within the cavern. "Mustache who?"

A wiry smile formed, "I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later."

"He did not say that," Kas muttered.

Sulbor grumbled, "Do you want me to tell the story?" The wolf sank into his chair, "Hush and allow me to continue."

The druid's response hung in the air for a moment before a snorting sound grated from the darkness. Vale's smile widening a bit as the path opened before him. Two large tunnels splitting off and spiraling. He took a moment to listen at each. Sniffed the air. Ran his hand over the rock before taking the left path. "So, we have a joker in our midst." The voice seemed to come from everyone at once, light, feminine, and a little playful. "Tell me, do you know a dire wolf?"

Another fork, three branches this time. Vale paused, "Why do you ask, Lady?" the staff was spun before allowing it fall. Vale picking it up and following the path it pointed down.

"Well where else would a druid get his clothes?"

It was weak, but Vale snorted out a laugh. Looking over, he saw some carvings along the wall. Some sort of riddle perhaps? He ran his hands over one, "You know, I once traveled with a rogue and he taught me some tricks."

A wary hiss and scales shifted slowly. The sharp scent of dragon reaching his nose, "Did he now?"

Vale hummed and traced his fingers over a carved pastoral scene. "MMm. Well he tried to teach me some tricks." Running his palm over the stone carving, the bull heaved a sigh, "All I feel is a great relief."

Silence then that snorting, growling sound rasped up towards him. Ears perking as he smirked to himself. Venturing ever deeper though the winding tunnels. Another fork, another direction picked at random. "I knew a rogue once as well. Strangely enough, he was a lycanthrope." The unseen voice sighed, "He had a habit of wearing stolen pelts."

Ears perked as Vale looked about, "A lycanthrope who wore stolen pelts? What a unique situation." Spiraling paths lay before him this time. Left again, because he'd once heard that all good adventurers go left. "Pray, tell me what happened?'

One could hear the excitement in her voice, "Oh, well you see. Werewolf wore wolf wares, swore wolf wares were theirs."

That one came on hard and fast enough to draw a guffaw from the bull. "Ah lady, a lovely tongue twister." Rounding a corner, he soon found himself at the dead end of a corridor. "Ah shame, it appears I am lost."

No sooner had he turned than he saw a dragon, calmly laying at the entry to his dead end. Her eyes glowing a rich gold in the light from his staff, "Hello Lost, I am Cidreal."

In the village at the foot of the mountain, the villagers had described the vicious, massive red drake that had been terrorizing them for weeks. Kidnapping people and snarling threats at them, only to grow increasingly cross before casting the villagers out. Always speaking in riddles and rhymes. He'd gotten them to describe the creature to him and had come up with different conclusion.

Scales of a deep, coppery red shone in the light. Intelligent, clever eyes glimmering at him. A smile crossing her features as she angled her head, "Lady Cidreal," he bowed his head slightly, "I am honored and pleased." Leaning into his staff, he smiled, "Few share my bad humor."

Her smile widened, "It is lovely, isn't it?" The dragoness stood and swept a foreclaw, "Allow me to guide you to my lair proper?" She angled her head, Lost Mustache, was it?"

"Vale," he smiled at her. Eyes looking over those lustrous copper scales as they glimmered in the light from his staff. The dragoness' sleek form shimmering as she rose to lead him through the winding, labyrinthine tunnels. His eyes roaming over her body and down her haunch. Getting the barest of glimpse under that swaying tail of hers.

Cidreal rumbled a purr, "Vale, interesting name. It has been a time since I've had such amusing guests." She heaved a mighty sigh, "I thought I might find someone interesting in the village below, but all they did was cower." There was no mistaking the pout in her voice, "If they laughed at my jokes, it was that fearful, maddening titter. Not like your grand, hearty guffaw." Her voice grew a little wistful, "It has been an age since I had such companionship."

A swing of her tail would reveal glistening, swollen folds. Vale's nostrils flaring as the bull drank deep of her scent. Acidic, powerful, with those undertones that would start his heart hammering. Differing species or no, many a male would know that scent. The aroma of a lady in need of a specific type of companionship.

"Beauty like you?" Vale asked just loud enough for her to hear. Eyes locked on the swaying of her tail as it swished back and forth. The sway nearly hypnotic as he allowed himself to fall into the deepest reaches of his natural urges. Calling upon the most powerful of his magics.

She heaved a sigh, a puff of gas slipping from her maw, "It's a shame, I know. Thought I could set up a territory for myself. Spent months tunneling and planning the maze, making it just perfect. Longing for someone to come along and share in laughter."

Her eyes went a little misty as she stared wistfully at the grand entrance to her lair. The tunnel opening to a massive cavern that was light by magical sconces. A natural, stone bridge crossing an underground river before reaching her entertaining chamber. Soft sand piled into carefully sculpted pits to give lounging areas. Cushions, plump and in a range of sizes and shapes, flanked the sandy pit. Seating for creatures smaller than she. "Ah, in time perhaps. Well, soon now that I have someone who can appreciate good humor."

Cidreal was just turning her head talk to her companion when something bumped under her tail. The dragon's purr raising into a more alarmed note as the massive head scraped against her tail ever so slightly before a warm tongue bathed her underside. The surprised noise melting into a throaty purr. Legs trembling as a broad, hot tongue bathed her needy slit.

A tremble raced through her hide as she twisted to look at her companion. The bull was larger, far larger now, and certainly more scaly. His deep, gray pelt had turned into a smoky gray scaled pattern. The male having somehow shifted himself to be a draconic male who was a bit larger than she. A great, powerful hand closing about her hip as he savored the taste of her. Cidreal breathing out a shuddering gasp, hips arching towards him to allow his tongue to dive that much deeper.

The dragoness curled about on herself, feet planted and refusing to move. She was still pretty slinky though and more than capable of turning face his haunch. Nose rubbing over his flank as she brought herself under his belly. Nostrils flaring as she picked up the male's strong scent.

Ducking her head under his body, she was immediately greeted by the sight of his long, ridged member. Pointed tip and ridged underside pulsing in time with his heartbeat. Her purring moan with met by his lowing groan as her tongue teased over his length. Rich, earthy, with a distinct bovine flavor to it. His scent and flavor making her think of an open field mere moments before a spring rain.

"MMm, knock knock," she gasped, clenching about his tongue as it plumbed her depths. Her heat flaring as she managed to take a step towards the sandy pits.

Vale's rumble shook her to the core, "Who's there." He followed, keeping pace with her. Calmly allowing the dragoness to lead him across the bridge and into her main chambers. All while allowing his tongue to plunge so deep into her.

It get getting harder to walk. Her need having been left for some time with no relief other than her own talons. "Ivan."

Ear frills perked, "Ivan who?"

Cidreal leapt away from him. All four paws digging into the soft sand. Wiggling to seat herself before swinging her hips and tail upwards, "Ivanna do something naughty with you."

Vale let out a throaty rumble as he approached. Bulky form swaying with each step. Even at his most frantic, he liked to take his time, and seeing Cidreal squirming as she waited for him was exceptionally pleasing. How her muscles rippled. The way she was kneading the sand as her tail swayed higher. Wings flaring and tucking down, giving him a clear place to lay down along her back. Still, there was no need to rush. He could keep up this form for several hours.

Still, it was rude to keep a lady waiting. So he as he approached, letting her see his bulk and girth. Foreclaws grazing her hips as he moved over. The dragoness uttering a croon up at him, arching to rub her spine off his belly as he brought his weight down. A low groan coming from the female, "You are one heavy fucker."

His forepaws came down to rest on the sand beside her. The pair shifting until his tip was brushing against her folds. "Maybe," he rumbled, nuzzling his broad muzzle into her neck. "But I am not only willing. I am a bull."

Cidreal's groan was equal parts pain from the pun and pleasure as he pressed into her. Body arching into his as the druid's girth stretched her open. While that pointed tip did aid in spreading her walls, there was only so much that could be done for the immensity of his girth. Cidreal's jaws stretching wide in a call, the dragoness running out of breath. Merely shuddering as her partner continued to plunge into her depths. Every fiber of her being quaking about and under her partner until his base met her entrance.

The pair wiggled and shifted. Sinking into the soft sand a bit more as they got comfortable. Talons digging into the sand as best they could in preparation for that first thrust.

Jaws hung open as spine arched, Cidreal shuddering as his ridges flared. Each one coming free with a wet, heavy pop. Sweet whimpers turning into a bellowing roar as he slammed in. Scaled body crashing off hers. Find sand being kicked up as her pleasured roars echoed out into the cavern and beyond.

Vale's laugh rippled against her neck as he brought a forelimb back to cradle her hip, making it that much easier to build into a proper rutting.

Cidreal's low growl turning questioning, "What's so... UMMF!" she staggered as he drove harder into her. Insides clenching about the cock and milking him. The dragoness' tail whipping against his hip and side. Cidreal putting her entire body into driving back into him. Excitement building ever higher now. Unable to keep from calling out with pleasure as her partner gave her the rutting her body had been craving.

Despite his somewhat stoic exterior, it was getting harder for the druid to keep control. It wasn't the first time he'd used his magic to assume another form for such fun. Skilled as he was, he knew the tells of what his new form was doing. That odd pressure at the base of his cock followed by the harder impacts of her scaled slit against his base told him that a knot was forming. He rolled his head with a low hum, using her question as an opportunity to distract himself. "A thought." Rolling his hips against hers, he increased the force of his thrusts. Smashing that growing knot against her pussy lips, "Villagers thought your roars were angry." Roars which he'd heard the night before setting out and were getting to hear up close and personal now.

Her eyes were rolling back, the dragoness drooling as the male continued to hammer her. Each thrust short and sharp, driving the breath from her lungs with the sheer power behind them. "M... my... errgggmmm, roars?'

Vale drew back and rolled his hips, squaring them up before mashing his body against hers. Cidreal's voice lifting as that knot began to stretch her entrance. Throbbing lips pulsing around him as he stretched her ever wider. Head rolling to look back at him with a deeper, throaty call. Watching as that throbbing, heavy knot stretched her glistening folds. Breath catching in her throat as his hips shifted. Her labia being stretched by one side of the glans. Vale's grinding making her stretch further until that half popped in.

That pop was enough to draw a squeaking grunt from her. Breath coming faster now as he kept rocking his hips. Insides trembling, eagerly waiting for that final plunge. Eyes wide and locked on his base as he pressed tighter to her. Breath being sucked in as he pressed deeper. Aching petals wrapping about his fat bulge. Distending until it was almost painful. Then, with a quick jab, he popped in.

And the dragoness let out another bellow as she peaked around him. Hips quaking and body jumping up and back into his. She could feel him pulsing within her. Those ridges flaring wider as he battered her aching rear with short slams. Making her folds bulge that much more as his knot reached its full size within her, locking them together for who knew how long. And she wasn't about to complain. Least of all when she saw his body tremble, paired with a throaty call over her.

Warmth exploded within her as the shapeshifting druid hit his peak. Grunting as he unloaded his seed into her depths. The dragoness' belly starting to swell within the first few pulses as he gave her a truly impressive load.

Soft lips brushed her neck, "That roar."

Even in the afterglow of her climax, the dragoness laughed. Still panting as she lay, head partially buried in the sand. Form trembling under his as this near stranger gave her what she'd been craving. "Ah," came the pant, "m-might be a problem."

The pair shifted together. Cidreal laying on her side as Vale shifted to curl behind her. Unable to draw too far away without drawing a hiss and jump from her. Her mighty muscles milking every drop from her partner that he was able to give. "So," she panted. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, "Just how risky is what we did?" Rolling more onto her back, both shivered as her tunnel twisted about his knotted girth.

Vale lay his head down and met her eyes with a slight smile. "Druids are called for many tasks." He shifted and brought a large forepaw down to stroke her belly. "Stud services included."

A grin flashed over her maw, "Well, color me impressed." Her talons joined his, roaming further down to feel just how stretched her labia was. "Good thing you wanted to lay down. Would hate to be dragon you around by that knot. Though the hatchlings might be adora-bull."