Space Mate

Story by firedrake on SoFurry

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This is a story about a human male and a female bear from space.

This is a story about a human male named Smith brek,which was a small man who

weighed 145 lbs and a mild height of 5'5" with blond hair and blue eyes.Smith worked

at an auto store saleing car parts.Some times he had to go pick up auto's with a tow truck!

Smith went to work on a monday morning and his boss told him to get out to the truck and pick

up an old car that was out in the country and bring it back to the shop.So smith went out to

the truck with the keys and a strong coffee for the morning.Smith went up to the truck to gas

it up and then start the engine so it can warm up and run for a while.

While smith is getting ready to go out and get the car something else is almost ready as well.

On the planet B-69 there is a race of very intellegant anthro female bears who have out mated

the males on there planet so there are probably only a small handful of the males on the planet.

Mindy is an anthro female brown bear about 200 lbs and a height of 5'9" and is one of the explorer's

who are sent to a planet earth to find and capture some male human beings as breeding tool's to

repopulate there planet so they will have more little ones for a new future of there planet.

Mindy got all her items she needed to capture the males to bring them back to her planet to

be used as breeding and to get as much of the seed into as many female's as they can.Mindy

was also hopeing to get a male that maybe she could mate with as well.Mindy was not wearing

any clothes because clothes was not needed and the females had to have there bodies ready if

they see a male so they can grab him down and force mate him if they are strong enough and

fast enough.

Mindy was look at her reflection in the mirror and she saw a very plump breast with a flat

muscled stomach and looking lower she saw a lighter brown bush between her legs and felt it,

her clawed hand rubbed it and incerted it in her warm slit rubbing it until it was very hot.

She thought she needs to be mated very badly and hopes it will be this time.


Mean while smith was thinking while he was filling the truck up how lonely he truely was.

I might go to the bar tonight and see if he cound meet someone special to take home and have

some fun.The truck is totally filled so I guess it is time to go get the car in the country.

Smith get's in and start's on his six hour drive to the country.Smith was wearing his work

cover-alls and hat.

Smith has been driving for a long while so he pulled off the road at a gas station to get

fresh coffee and to go to the bathroom,in the bathroom smith pulls down his cover-alls so

he can take a leak.He looked at his penis and was happy with what he saw..6 inches small to

some but he loved it's looks and loves to feel it every so often.His friend John ovlo said

his was so tiny you could use it as a tooth pick.Smith though never got mad because his was

a great size and shape for him.

Smith rubbed his for a few seconds thinking about the greatest wish in which he was going to

get laid!!Maybe he could get a girl drunk enough that she would want to so he could finally

get laid and maybe they could do it in the dark so she would not see his size.


Mindy got all the capture equipment together and now ready in her space ship and everything is

now ready to go.She is very hopeful to catch a male for her own so she can get laid any time

she wanted.She left her planet to get males and bring them back which is the greatest honor

any bear could get.She new that the servival of her planet was in her paws and was happy to

go and bring alot of males back with her.

Mindy had the space ship go as fast as it could and get there as fast as she can to capture

as many males as she could.She set the auto flying and she just went in so she could have a bath

and smell great for the males.She started the water and got the soap so she could wash herself

and while she was doing that she could feel her pussy and enjoy the feeling wishing it was

a human male who was feeling her and mateing her over and over.She shivered in excitement just

thinking of getting laid by a human male.

She has never had a mate so she has heard human males mate over and over with there mates and

that was the greatest hope she wanted.She has alot of dreams about mateing with a human that

it almost hurts her to wake up and find herself alone and horny with a wet pussy that wants

attation in the worst way.

After hours of flight her ship's computer said that they were about to land on earth.The ship

landed in a wooden forest near a park so she had to make the ship turn invisible so no one

will see it until she is ready to leave.


Smith left the gas station and went to get the car and he finelly got to it and started to

load it up onto the truck to be transported back to the shop.So once he got the car loaded

he got back into the trck and turned around for the six hour's trip back.He drove for an hour

or two and started to get drowsey so he stopped at a gas station for coffee again.

Smith left the station and drove for another hour and then all the sudden the truck tire

blew so he stopped by a park and looked at the tire sadly.He just knew that his boss would

be mad because of this and the car will be late to the store.He called his boss on the radio

to tell him what happened and his boss told him to stay there with the truck so nothing

happen's to it or the car but it will take several hours to get someone out there to get

you and the truck.

Smith was not very happy but his boss told him to stay so all he could do was wait until

whoever came and got him.Smith sat in the truck for a while and took a nap because he was

getting very tired and it was very boreing doing nothing.


Meanwhile mindy was watching the park for males,if anyone saw her they would just think

that she was a normal earth bear and would get away from her.The park has a lot of people in

it because it was some kind of festival so lots of males were around.She used a teleportor gun

to send the males to her ship to be transported back home.She shot and teleported over a

hundred male humans back to the ship and was very happy.But someone saw that alot of people

vanished so the police was called and people was looking everywhere so mindy had to hide in

the forest and look like a normal bear until everything clears out which would be a while.

Mindy was a little tired because of the flight and shooting that she wanted to hide a while

so she could rest and get ready for the flight back and be honored.Mindy stold a little food

from the festival because she was a little hungry as well.She ate and slept in a cave in the

forest for a while.

Mindy woke up a few hours later and went to the stream to get a drink and to take a bath.

She considered her job well done and just to transport them back now.She rubbed herself alot

during her bath and was enjoying it alot.


Smith woke up a while later himself and was hungery so he went to the festival that was

closeing down and hope one of the venders was still saleing food so he could eat.He found

a lone vender who was still saleing so he ate and left the park and back to his truck but

all the sudden he heard a stream in the forest just a while off the road and he wanted to get a

bath and cool down because he was tired of waiting.He followed the river for a while and

all the sudden he heard sounds of splashing in the stream.

He walked and hid by a bush to see what was makeing the noise and he saw a bear swimming in

it.He sat there watching the bear for a few and started to really notice her for the first time.

She looked like a normal bear but she had big puffy breast and a lighter brown pussy hairs

which was makeing smith very horny.Smith sat down and a rock fell into the water and startled


Mindy came out of the water real fast thinking that the police was there for her.She looked

around and saw smith standing there looking at her.Smith said hello to her and told her his name,

and asked her what her name was? My name is mindy she says and they talked for a few minutes

to learn about each other.

She was very interested in smith because they were both very horny and no mates at all so she

asked him if he would like to mate with her.Smith has not had it in so long then was very

surprised but said yes..Mindy walked up to smith and let him see her better,smith looked at

her plump breast and looked the light brown nipples and felt them for a few minutes and was

loveing it.Mindy asked him if he would like to suck her nipples and so he licked the nipples

and took one nipple in his mouth and sucked until they were a lite red color and then he

did the same to the other nipple.

Mindy started to take his shirt off and his pants off as well.She was excited and took his

underware off and looked at his penis,it was a little small but she would love to have him as

a mate and screw each other alot.First she looked at his six inches and balls and smelt and licked

his for a few minutes.Smith got the chance to look at hers and felt her pussy fur and felt

her pussy opening and he stuck his tongue in to it and licked for a very long time while she

was laying there moaning on the ground in great pleasure.She was very wet and her body was ready so

she stopped him and had him enter her wet pussy,smith rubbed the tip of his penis into her

opening and started to rub it into her.Slowly inserting and pulling back some to let it get

use to each others.

Smith started to thrust in and out over and over so after a hour of mateing he injected his

seed into her over and over.They satyed the for a very long time and she told him she had

to go back to her planet and she told him why she was here.Smith told her why don't she

take him to her planet as a mate then we both can mate over and over as much as you want.

She was surprised but said she would love to have him as a mate.Smith said that he had something

he had to do first.He went back to his truck and took a pen and paper out and wrote a note

and placed in on the steering wheel and placed the keys in the truck.Smith walked back to the ship

and both mate's spent the six hours in bed the whole trip to his new home with his new mate.


Hours later another tow truck comes to pick up smith and both second tow truck and car.

His boss came out with the second tow truck and see's in with no one in it?? Where is smith??

Then he open's the truck and see's the note on the steering wheel and it say's (I QUIT)

written on it..

Years later smith and mindy brek has eight little ones running around there house and he

thinks back to what he wrote to his boss and laughed..