Rai's impromptu feast

Story by saaru on SoFurry

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Commission for Knight Shepherd, featuring Rai, his fox-GSD hybrid character.

Rai wanted to watch a little something to fap to, his roommate walks up on him, and, well... they help each other, of course. The twist? Rai has some interesting abilities, even though using said ability wasn't planned at all...

Proofreading and editing done with the help of FA: Neku13 , big thanks to him!

Rai stood up from his chair, moved his monitor towards his bed and started the video. Even though the music and voice acting were lame, he put his earphones on. Removing his underwear and tossing them in a corner of the room, he walked to his bed, sat on it and got comfortable as the familiar movie script began.

Rai was a german shepherd-fox hybrid with a quarter of fox genes, though it didn't show much on his appearance. He was fairly tall, rather well built, and had a typical german shepherd fur pattern: dark brown on his back, ears, hands and feet, light brown on his sides, arms and legs, and a creamy front side. Feeling the arousal start to rise, he brought his hands to his junk to start caressing it: one hand on top of one of his cantaloupe-sized ball, and the other rubbing against the white-furred sheath, already drawing out the first inch of his large tool.

The scenario of the movie wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The reasons why Rai loved it and often came back to it were many. First, the actors were both his type: one was a large muscular red dragon, and the other guy was a german shepherd. The dragon reminded him of his roommate Lance - a giant green dragon - and the dog reminded him of his brother, even though the actor wasn't nearly as well endowed as his sibling. And finally, they were going at it again and again in many kinky positions, showing stamina that rivalled any other pornstar, until the belly of the dog was well inflated.

After the several minutes of introduction, the dog actor was already on his knees to start pleasing the large dragon. Rai encircled his sheath with one hand and begin rocking it up and down, slightly dragging his flesh over his rapidly erecting cock, making his own sheath act as a sort of fleshlight around his dick. A couple inches of the tip of his monument of virility were already out, and not even the whole head had poked out yet. He let go of his balls and brought his second hand on his dick, scooping the large droplet of pre that had begun forming there to spread it all over the cockhead, sending shivers of pleasure through his body. More inches kept rising out of his sheath by the second as he watched the smaller actor deepthroating the dragon's large dick. Every drop of pre that came out of his tip was scooped by his thumb to be then smeared on his dick, and though the flow of liquid was great, the shaft was erecting fast enough that its exposed surface was increasing faster than what the leaking liquid could cover. Already six inches were out, reaching to a thickness similar to that of a 2-liters soda bottle, which made it impossible for the hybrid to encircle with one hand. He let go of his sheath and brought his other hand on the other side of his dick, making his thumbs touch, and the tip of his other fingers intertwine. Moving his hands up and down on his shaft, Rai felt arousal rise fast and thus accelerated his rhythm. Already, his cock had erected past his navel, showing no sign of stopping.

Slowly losing himself to lust, the german shepherd let himself fall backwards on his bed. He could tell by the music and by the noises of the two actors of the film what was the scene playing at every moment, and the images of the dragon facefucking the other male in a rough manner were popping in his mind. Moaning lowly because of his arousal, Rai threw a few glances every now and then at the screen of his computer to refresh his memory of the movie, finding that he sometimes forgot about a few highly erotic details like the dragon grabbing both ears of the canine with one hand and grabbing his jaw with the other to make the facefuck more intense. This scene was one of his favourites from this movie, and it was driving him wild. Already, his cock was nearing full erection, his knot slowly reaching into his sheath and swelling as it pumped with blood.

He closed his eyes and arched his head backwards as he felt the pleasurable tingles of the incoming orgasm make his body tremble with need. As a testament to his near release, his knot was slowly exiting his sheath, bringing the glorious tool to its full size of eighteen inches, reaching all the way up to his top row of abdominals. The knot was so large that it looked like a large cantaloupe, and his dick was so thick that he couldn't wrap a hand around it entirely. Plenty of pre was leaking and dripping onto his fur, beginning to shoot in small jets as his shaft throbbed.

Wanting to throw a glance at the screen to refresh his memory of the movie, Rai opened his eyes. His computer wasn't the first thing he saw however; his gaze fell first upon his roommate, Lance. The giant green dragon was standing in the doorframe to Rai's room and was staring at the hybrid's massive pre-drooling tool. The german shepherd immediately stopped working on his cock and froze from the awkwardness of the situation. Sure, they had seen each other naked, but neither of the two had caught the other in the act like this; and besides, Lance was supposed to be on a date at this moment. Upon looking more closely at the dragon, Rai saw that his roommate had a hand slipped underneath his underwear and was most likely caressing himself. When Lance realized that the hybrid was looking at him, he pulled his hand back and blushed under his scales. Rai found that to be cute, it wasn't often that he saw the nine-foot tall athletic dragon get embarrassed. The canine sat on his bed and took his earbuds off.

"Weren't you supposed to be on a date tonight?" asked Rai, who despite having his cock throbbing in front of him, tried to act casual and to not make a big deal out of the whole situation.

"He didn't show up. I waited an hour, I think he flaked on me."

"What a jerk."

"It's alright, I'm not that mad. He looked cute, but his personality wasn't great anyways. Is that 'watchdog on a leash'?" said Lance, pointing at the computer screen.

Rai threw a quick glare at the screen, and then turned back towards Lance to explain, "Almost. It's with the same two actors, but it's an earlier work of theirs."

"Oh, really? I knew the two are married in real life, but I didn't know they shot several movies together." stated Lance. After a little silence, he continued, "you know, because of the no show for my hookup date, I'm sort of... frustrated, do you mind if I join you?"

Rai was startled for a few seconds, but he nodded. He dared throw a glance down and understood what Lance meant by "frustrated"; the bulge in the dragon's pants was enormous, which was especially impressive because his roommate's cock was usually hidden in a genital slit. The massive bulges made by the dragon's balls were always there - they were too big to be internal balls - but the bulge made by the reptile stud's rapidly rising shaft was quickly becoming bigger by the second. Lance, seeing the hybrid's gaze, smiled and squeezed his wide frame through the doorway before closing the door behind him. He turned away from the german shepherd to remove his clothes and sat on the ground, leaning back against the wall next to Rai's bed. Even when he was sitting down like that, he looked huge. The dragon was easily one and a half times as tall - and as large - as Rai, which at first intimidated the dog. The more they got to know each other, however, the more the german shepherd learned how sweet and caring Lance was. They had seen each other naked a couple times already, but Rai tried not to stare down there even though he wanted to. With this occasion, it was the perfect time to have a look to see how much the dragon was packing. Even in that regard the winged lizard was massive, his cock already reaching to a foot in length and with balls that matched Rai's in width.

Rai stood up and went to the computer to remove the wireless plug for his earbuds so Lance could also enjoy the audio. Before doing so, he said "You're even bigger than in my fantasies," and then unplugged the earpods.

"Right back at you!" said Lance, "I knew you were big because I like staring at you, but holy shit. You're the biggest guy I've ever met."

Rai chuckled and, as he was walking back to his bed, said "You should see my brother, he's even bigger than me!"

"Even bigger? Holy shit! Is it a thing in your family?"

Rai let himself fall on his bed and explained, "Not really. Just some dumb pills that we took when we were young."

"Oh?" said Lance, completely shifting his attention from the movie to Rai, "What kind of pills?"

"Basically makes your junk bigger. Though I've heard that the company went bankrupt and the formula was lost, so we can't find it anywhere anymore."

"Oh. That's unfortunate." said the dragon, turning his attention back to the movie.

Rai looked at his roommate and then said "you don't have to stay on the ground, it's probably not very comfortable. Come up here." he added, tapping next to himself on the bed.

Lance grinned and teased "are you making moves on me?"


That surprised the dragon, who cleared his throat and stood up, hunching to not drive his horns through the ceiling. He then sat down on the bed, which creaked and whose mattress lowered several inches from the weight of the titanic reptile, actually somewhat pulling Rai closer to him.

Rai, realizing how close to him the dragon had decided to sit, took the occasion to tease the dragon, "I'm not the only one hitting on someone it seems."

Not replying, Lance instead wrapped his arm around Rai's back and pulled him even closer. He then leaned closer to the hybrid and kissed him, quickly bringing his free hand to Rai's cock. Enjoying the attention, Rai responded by returning the kiss and by bringing both his hands to Lance's fully erect two foot shaft. Gently rubbing each other's dicks, their arousal was slowly rising and their desire for each other increased. Soon, the movie became nothing more than background noise as the two had lost interest for it to better enjoy each other's company.

Lance broke their kiss, without stopping to work on his roommate's dick, and pushed Rai to make him lie down on the bed. With a wide smirk on his face, the dragon held the hybrid down with his large hand while he got on all fours on the bed, positioning himself over Rai, bringing his muzzle in front close to the knotted shaft and his own cock above his roommate's head. The dragon licked his lips and grabbed the german shepherd's shaft to bring its tip to his mouth. He opened wide and brought his tongue under the leaking head, taking a long lap, each half of his forked tongue tickling the sides of Rai's cock. Shivering at the touch, the hybrid took Lance's dick in his hands. Because of the sheer difference in their sizes, he had to aim his head backwards to bring the giant shaft to his lips, and eagerly lapped the drop of pre that had formed on the tip. The large scaled ballsack of the dragon was dangling in front of Rai's eyes, teasing the german shepherd. He secured his mouth around the tip of the reptile's shaft and brought his hands on the cantaloupe sized orbs to begin massaging them and hopefully stimulate them for a bigger load.

Lance coiled his long tongue around Rai's cock, licking on it, while he squeezed the base of the cock and the knot with his hand. He then wrapped his mouth around the top half of shaft and closed it, allowing his tongue to reach more surface on the hybrid's cock. As droplets of pre were flowing steadily from the dick into his mouth, Lance began suckling to drink the salty liquid. Rai opened his maw as wide as possible to welcome the shaft inside his mouth and start sucking on it. Both the roommates were really getting into it, increasing the speed and intensity of their ministrations; Rai by sucking harder and by groping the balls faster, and Lance by moving his tongue around the shaft faster and squeezing the knot tighter. Overcome by the intoxicating sensations, Lance began bucking his hips down, shoving a few more inches into Rai's mouth, before pulling backwards and thrusting again, reaching into the depths of the hybrid's throat. So began a steady rhythm of gentle facefucking for the dragon, who was starting to huff loudly as his climax was approaching fast. Rai was also losing himself in pleasure, though he couldn't move much with the huge dragon pinning him down on the bed.

The two kept on sucking each other for a few more moments when finally Lance reached the peak of pleasure. He moaned loudly, his balls slightly clenching as they unleashed their content. Cum flowed through the meaty spire - which was by now deeply lodged into Rai's throat - and was fired directly into the german shepherd's stomach. Blast after blast was shot into him, and because he loved the feeling of getting filled like this, Rai kept on worshipping the dragon's balls while massaging the cock with his tongue to hopefully make the load bigger.

Several blasts of cum later, Rai's belly was well-filled, and the german shepherd was content with his meal. He however wanted to go at it again, so he kept on working on the enormous shaft in his throat. Lance pulled away from the hybrid's cock, licking his lips and bringing his tongue the base of the magnificent tool to lap at it once more. When his forked tongue reached the tip, he scooped the large drop of pre and swallowed it. He kept on tickling and licking the tip, when something weird happened. He knew all too well what he was getting into, though, and it was what he had planned all along. The slit of Rai's shaft had opened and trapped the tip of Lance's tongue inside, starting to slurp on it. Bolts of pleasure ran through the hybrid's spine, sending his mind into overdrive; he was so lost in lust that he didn't even realize about his cock doing that. He just kept on suckling on Lance's dick while his slit was pulling the dragon's tongue inside. Although the dragon knew about Rai's ability, he was still surprised by the sheer force pulling him in. He grinned as the cock's slit yawned open around his maw to take him inside, trapping his nostrils that were immediately overloaded with the hybrid's potent musk. The cock was ravenous, slurping and gulping hungrily, pulling an inch of his muzzle inside with every suckling motion from the shaft. He squinted to look at the dick that was now bulged with his muzzle, and saw its flesh creep closer to his eyes. He closed them, and enjoyed being pulled in, his whole face buried inside a man-eating cock.

Rai was in heaven, though he still didn't register what was happening. He was too busy suckling on the throbbing cock in his throat while massaging the draconic balls that were almost in his face. Meanwhile, his dick was stretching wider open around Lance's horns - which thankfully for him were pointing towards the dragon's back, making the swallowing easy - and slowly starting to creep towards the neck. The shape of his head was outlined in the shaft that was expanding to take the meal inside. Lance's mouth was relentlessly assaulted by the impressive flow of pre coming from the cock that was sucking him in, which he eagerly drank. Because of the immense breadth of the dragon's shoulders, Rai's dick was taking some time to swell and stretch out to take the next part of its meal inside. Lance had his wings wrapped and kept them as close to his back as possible to facilitate the swallowing, and as the ravenous flesh began taking his shoulders in, it also took the tip of his wings easily. Despite the immense pleasure rocking through Rai's body, he found himself unable to cum, driving him to go even harder on his roommate's cock. The enormous dick stretched open wider and grew bigger to take the meal inside, making its prey slide in, and forcing the dragon to put his arms close to his body. Shoulders, then pectorals, then the top row of abdominals; one by one, disappearing inside the ravenous fleshy spire. The outline of his whole upper body was easily recognizable in the shaft thanks to how stretched it was. It was the largest meal it had ever gotten, and though gulping it down was no easy task, it was going well. Lance even helped with sliding down further, pushing himself and wiggling his way inside to get deeper. The outline of his head disappeared as it slid down to the knot, overshadowed by the overly swollen ball of flesh. Soon, the dragon's middle row of abs had disappeared into the hungry cock, and his shoulders were sliding down in the knot area. Lance's snout appeared in an open cavity filled with sloshing cum. Overeager to keep going, he kept wiggling to move deeper, making Rai's scrotum stretch out as the dragon's shoulders were starting to get inside his right testicle. The orb was swelling to welcome the giant body of the dragon, getting comically bigger than the other ball. Drunk on his roommate's rich musk, Lance kept on diving deeper and, as soon as he was able to, began drinking from the lake of cum stored in the overfull orb.

Overcome with pleasure, Lance reached his climax once more. His cock unleashed a second torrent of cum down in Rai's throat, shooting blast after blast that joined the ones from the first orgasm. As more shots of the tasty liquid slid inside his throat, Rai felt the shaft slowly getting pulled out. Wondering if Lance was toying with him, he kept on sucking, expecting the dick to be shoved back down inside his mouth. When the tip of the dragon's cock wasn't lodged in his throat anymore and cum began flowing in his mouth, though, the hybrid opened his eyes to see what was up. He was met with his own gigantic overstreched dick that was starting to swallow the dragon's crotch area, thus pulling the draconic spire away from himself. Lost in his own pleasure, Rai kept on drinking the load shot into him, while trying to stop his dick from eating any more; he didn't want to devour his roommate! Just as he was trying to think of how bizarre it would be for Lance, he felt the dragon wiggle and slide down by pushing himself deeper inside the shaft. As the cock was done sliding around Lance's muscular butt, there were now four large appendages sticking out from his ravenous member: two powerful legs, a wiggly tail, and the still cum-pumping cock that Rai was sucking on. His shaft had gotten so huge to devour its meal that it reached up to eye level with him, which caused his cock to also surround his own muzzle as he was still drinking his roommate's load. With one more slurping motion, Lance's cock was completely pulled away from Rai's mouth, leaving him with a feeling of emptiness. The hybrid let himself fall backwards on the bed and encircled his utterly massive and distended cock with both arms to work on it. It was too late to stop it anyways, so he instead decided to thoroughly enjoy it. The more the dragon slid inside his ball, the more blissful it felt for both of them. Lance's knees slid inside the shaft, which was slowly shrinking down as the thicker parts of the dragon's body were getting into the hybrid's overfull testicle. With a few more suckling motions from the cock, only the feet and the tail of the winged lizard were still outside the massively bulged tool, and his entire upper body was down in Rai's massive cum factory. He was curled up in a ball in the testicle, suckling cum directly from here. The german shepherd's cock finally slurped down the dragon's feet, which left nothing but the lower half of the tail to swallow. Already, his shaft was shrinking back down as it was pulling in the tail. It finally swallowed the last of the dragon, making him disappear from view. Inside his roommate's ball, Lance was jerking off while still drinking more cum, his belly filling and even slightly inflating.

Rai brought his hands on his cock, which had at this point gotten back to its original size of eighteen inches, its tip slightly gaping and leaking pre that splashed down with every bob. The immense stretch that both his cock and his balls had gone through had sent his mind to greater heights of pleasure, so much so that he was completely exhausted. He lay there, on his bed, rubbing his throbbing and pre-drooling cock, while feeling the dragon in his balls pleasure himself. Every movement Lance took made Rai reach a dry mini-orgasm that made him spasm of pleasure. Usually, when he vored someone, he wanted to cum them out right away. But maybe he didn't have to shoot Lance out of his ball so early, maybe he could keep him inside just for a bit and let him wiggle some more. Rai closed his eyes and kept absentmindedly rubbing his cock as the dragon moved every now and then, making the hybrid shiver from pleasure.

A couple hours later, Rai awoke from his bliss-filled slumber. The ball in which Lance rested was churning loudly, and his cock was spewing pre all over his torso. His bed was completely drenched with the liquid, but this was the least of Rai's worries; his whole body was burning, and his balls even more so. It was the first time he held someone in his testicle for so long and wondered if it was the source of this heat radiating through his muscles and body. Curious about how Lance was faring in his cum factory, he looked at his package, surprised to see that his right ball had shrunken slightly - the outline of the dragon still very much visible - and his left one had considerably grown. Both orbs audibly churned and clenched, sending a jolt of pleasure that completely overwhelmed Rai, making him arch his back and moan loudly. His cock shot an enormous jet of pre that splashed against his chin with the force of a hose. The heat in his body increased yet again, and every single muscle in him throbbed with power. The crazed hybrid brought both his hands on his shaft, the contact sending bolts of electricity through his whole nervous system. It caused his balls to churn and clench once more, which sent another wave of heat and pleasure through his body. An immense blast of pre flew over his snout and splattered loudly against the wall behind him. In an attempt to maybe understand what was going on, Rai looked down. With one more clenching from his balls, he saw the outline of the dragon shrink and his scrotum getting smoother as a result. The wave of heat that followed after that made his whole body tremble: his muscles ached, his nerves were overwhelmed with new sensations, his fur was tingling. He could have sworn he saw his body swell and grow. As the heat traversed his cock, he gripped on it, which caused the shaft to swell with the huge amount of pre that was travelling through it, forcing him to spread his hands wider around it. A blast of the transparent liquid was fired, splashing against his shoulders; Rai was expecting his dick to shrink back down, but it stayed like this, a couple inches larger and longer than a few seconds ago! Rai just couldn't believe what was happening; he was quite a bit more muscular than a minute ago and his cock now reached to between his nipples, still leaking pre. His balls churned once more, sending another wave of heat and pleasure through his body, making him grow yet again in height, musculature and in cock size. Every time his balls clenched to digest their meal, the outline of Lance was getting fainter. Reaching to heights of pleasure greater than ever, the hybrid stopped trying to make sense of any of it and instead just enjoyed what was happening. Every wave going through him made him grow bigger and shoot an ever bigger load of pre. With one particularly powerful wave of growth, his head bumped against the pre-drenched headboard. The waves of intense heat kept going again and again even though the dragon's outline had long since disappeared in the hybrid's balls; even worse, his balls seemed to grow bigger too, now! They were getting so immense that there wasn't any room for the two of them on the bed, the left one slipped down to the ground, sending a light tremor through the room.

Another wave of growth reached into the german shepherd, making his previously ample pectorals become large - almost as large as Lance's were. With every infusion of heat and pleasure from his balls, his shoulders broadened, his muscles swelled, his cock creeped further up between his pectorals, his balls expanded in width, and his pleasure skyrocketed. He was however unable to bring himself to his release; the orgasm that was building up ever since the digestion had begun just didn't want to come. Intoxicated by the feeling of both the growth and the pleasurable heat going through his body, Rai wrapped his arms around his cock; his left one to rub on top of his massive knot and his right hand to encircle the tip. A wave, more powerful than any other, reached into him, making his muscles bulge, his balls grow yet again, and making his shaft lengthen enough that it poked him in the chin. And then, the tremendous flow of pre was shot yet again, blasting him in the muzzle.

Finally, it was over. The radiating heat was slowing down, and even though his body was still pulsing from both the remnants of the growth and from the sheer pleasure, he was done growing. He was however left with an intense need to reach his release, and tried rubbing his pre-drooling cock to try to bring himself to a climax. Desperate for an orgasm, he leaned, took the tip of his own monument of virility into his maw and began suckling on it ravenously. Rubbing his knot with one hand and running his other arm up and down the fleshy pillar, he tried so hard to reach his release to no avail. Five minutes passed with the german shepherd trying in vain to unleash his orgasm to finally get the relief he craved for, but no matter how much rubbing and suckling, no matter how many liters of his own pre he drank, he just couldn't bring himself to cum again. Ten minutes passed with him trying over and over again, whining from frustration as he felt his orgasm build up still, but never reaching the point of climax.

An hour went by with Rai desperately trying to cum. His belly was well inflated by his own pre, so much so that most of the pre escaping from the tip of his cock was now drooling down on his cheeks and chin. His arms and cock were sore, and he was exhausted. He had however to face it, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it alone. Alone? That was it! Rai let go of his cock and reached for his phone, which was resting on his bedside table and was thankfully mostly spared from the tsunami of pre from the past few hours. Still shivering from exhaustion and pleasure, he wiped the screen clean against a patch of bed sheets that had miraculously stayed dry despite the tidal wave of pre that was unleashed unto his bed. He unlocked the device, dialled a number and waited through the agonizing beeps of the phone.

"Hey, Rai, what's up?" said a voice.

"H-hey, Sky. I... *huff* I need your help..."

"You okay, bro? Should I call the police or an ambulance? You sound really weird."

"N-no, it's... not that." said Rai, who was having trouble focusing on speaking, "I need you to... *huff* to come to my apartment..." his cock spat a jet of pre against his chin again, causing him to grumble. "F-fuck! I-I'm okay, lil bro, r-really, but I need you to help me out with..."

"Don't worry, I heard everything. Gotta tell dad I'll be away for a while and I'll come right away, I gotcha bro."